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海拉尔盆地乌尔逊凹陷南部铜钵庙-南屯组砂岩类型主要以岩屑长石砂岩为主,有少量长石砂岩和长石岩屑砂岩。成岩作用包括压实作用、胶结作用、交代作用、溶解作用等。孔隙度和渗透率随埋深的增加而逐渐减小,在1 500 m左右、1 850~2 050 m、2 300 m左右和2 600~2 800 m出现4个相对高孔隙带。造成相对高孔隙带出现的原因是原生孔隙保存和次生孔隙发育,压实作用、胶结作用较弱和自生粘土矿物包壳、自生石英微晶存在,有利于原生孔隙的保存;有机质热演化、粘土矿物转化过程中,次生孔隙形成。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地满加尔凹陷志留系砂岩为无障壁的潮坪、滨岸及辫状河三角洲沉积的岩屑砂岩和岩屑质石英砂岩,对满北和满东、满南地区志留系砂岩成岩作用序次尤其是碳酸盐胶结的时间、方式和特征、物性的对比研究认为:砂岩中碳酸盐胶结的时间早晚对砂岩孔隙演化具有重要影响,满北地区志留系砂岩发育有大量早期泥晶碳酸盐胶结,显微镜下研究表明这种胶结作用发生在岩石受到充分压实之前,呈基底式胶结,岩石颗粒呈点接触或漂浮状分布于早期碳酸盐胶结物之中,这种胶结作用抑制了岩石后期的压实作用。尽管目前其埋藏达5 000~6 500 m,但其经历的压实作用并不强烈,粒间发育大量早期的碳酸盐胶结物,后来这些胶结物被溶蚀,形成了大量次生孔隙。而在满东和满南地区的志留系砂岩,碳酸盐胶结发生在岩石经过充分压实之后,晚期的碳酸盐胶结物仅分布于岩石经充分压实后的粒间孔隙中,含量较前者低,后期可供溶蚀的碳酸盐比前者少,因而溶蚀形成的次生孔隙有限。因此,尽管满东满南地区志留系埋藏比满北浅(3 700~5 000 m),碳酸盐胶结物含量也低,也发育晚期碳酸盐胶结物的溶蚀,但岩石的压实作用比满北强,物性比满北低差。这主要与碳酸盐胶结的早晚有关,早期碳酸盐胶结对孔隙演化具有明显控制作用,有利于岩石孔隙的保存,为后来的溶蚀形成次生孔隙提供了条件。  相似文献   

通过岩心和薄片观察,利用荧光显微镜、阴极发光显微镜、同位素质谱仪、冷热台等设备,对鄂尔多斯盆地长7油层组强钙质胶结砂岩及其附近含油砂岩开展研究。结果表明:钙质胶结是致密砂岩储层含油非均质性的主要因素,胶结期次主要为一期;簇同位素揭示该期钙质胶结物的形成温度为18~42℃,对应地质时代为中晚三叠世—中侏罗世,为早成岩期产物,推测与盆地早期小规模构造运动相关;相邻的含油砂岩中油气包裹体伴生的同期盐水包裹体的均一化温度为90~120℃,结合盆地模拟揭示油气主要为一期充注,充注期为100~130 Ma,处于早白垩世;长7油层组不含油致密砂岩内钙质胶结物形成时间早于含油砂岩内石油的充注时间。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系延长组砂岩储层分布于印支期不整合面之下, 次生孔隙是最主要的石油储集空间.在大量薄片研究及资料统计的基础上, 从岩石物性、长石溶蚀形成的次生孔隙、高岭石和长石含量纵向变化等证据出发, 认为延长组砂岩储层次生孔隙的形成机制与印支期暴露时间间隔中大气水的溶解作用有关, 而不是埋藏成岩过程中有机酸溶解作用的结果, 同时人们也应对鄂尔多斯盆地延长组碎屑岩储层质量预测模式作必要更改.   相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地盒8段发现并探明了一批目前中国内陆最大的致密砂岩气田(藏),该致密砂岩气田的储层岩性主要为 一套“低长石、低杂基、高成分成熟度”的石英砂岩,储集空间类型以多类型的次生溶蚀孔隙为主。针对盒8段致密砂岩 次生孔隙的成因机理,本文在大量薄片观察、扫描电镜、场发射、CT扫描分析的基础上,开展了高温高压条件下真实岩心 的酸溶模拟实验,实验样品为鄂尔多斯盆地石盒子组绿灰色中粗粒含凝灰质长石石英砂岩、绿灰色中粗粒含凝灰质长石岩 屑砂岩、灰色中粗粒含凝灰质岩屑石英砂岩和灰色中粗粒含凝灰质石英砂岩等4种不同类型的砂岩岩心,采用地层水中普 遍存在的乙酸配置成0.5mol/L的反应介质,选用2mL/min流速,动态溶蚀100h后,不同类型砂岩的次生孔隙显著增加, 物性明显改善,通过对不同岩性实验前后样品的同位扫描、水-岩反应速度、离子浓度等测定分析,发现盒8段致密砂岩储 层次生孔隙的成因主要为凝灰质、长石等铝硅酸矿物和碳酸盐矿物的溶蚀,探讨了实验样品中不同矿物的溶蚀序列,凝灰 质、碳酸盐矿物主要在低温条件下发生溶蚀蚀变,高温条件下主要为长石的溶蚀。揭示凝灰质、碳酸盐岩、长石等矿物溶 蚀、次生孔隙形成、新生矿物的发育机理,结合埋藏史、热史分析,建立了盒8段致密砂岩储层埋藏-成岩-孔隙演化模 式,明确了鄂尔多斯盆地盒8段石英砂岩次生孔隙的成因机理。  相似文献   

马瑶  李文厚  刘哲  黄海鱼  杨博  许星 《地质通报》2016,35(203):398-405
通过物性分析、铸体薄片、扫描电镜技术、常规高压压汞技术、恒速压汞技术等,对选自鄂尔多斯盆地志靖—安塞地区长9段低渗透砂岩储层样品进行测试分析,获取储层孔隙、喉道的形态、类型、连通程度等信息,确定孔喉大小、分选情况和连通性的定量参数。研究表明,研究层位孔隙类型主要为残余粒间孔、溶孔、微孔。将孔隙组合特征分为4种类型,储层孔隙结构具多样性。样品孔喉结构整体上具有大孔隙、细喉道的特点,微细喉道的发育是造成物性渗透率超低的主要原因。储层孔隙结构的多样性及不均一性是导致储层非均质性的主要原因。  相似文献   

马瑶  李文厚  刘哲  黄海鱼  杨博  许星 《地质通报》2016,35(2-3):398-405
通过物性分析、铸体薄片、扫描电镜技术、常规高压压汞技术、恒速压汞技术等,对选自鄂尔多斯盆地志靖-安塞地区长9段低渗透砂岩储层样品进行测试分析,获取储层孔隙、喉道的形态、类型、连通程度等信息,确定孔喉大小、分选情况和连通性的定量参数。研究表明,研究层位孔隙类型主要为残余粒间孔、溶孔、微孔。将孔隙组合特征分为4种类型,储层孔隙结构具多样性。样品孔喉结构整体上具有大孔隙、细喉道的特点,微细喉道的发育是造成物性渗透率超低的主要原因。储层孔隙结构的多样性及不均一性是导致储层非均质性的主要原因。  相似文献   

本文以XX井为例,通过详细的岩心观察和描述,结合岩石薄片鉴定、扫描电镜观察及粒度分析等方法,对鄂尔多斯盆地西南部工业含铀岩系下白垩统洛河组开展了系统的沉积学研究。在洛河组中共识别出风成沙漠(下段)和洪泛河流(上段)2种沉积相,风成沙漠沉积相又分为沙丘、沙丘间、沙席、旱谷4种亚相,洪泛河流沉积相又分为河床和堤岸2种亚相。洛河组下段砂岩段主要由红色、黄色、灰绿色粗-细砂岩组成,矿物成分以石英为主,佐以少量岩屑(沉积岩屑)和长石(微斜长石、条纹长石),砂粒干净、明亮,含较少胶结物与杂基,成分成熟度较高;以中-细砂为主,粒径范围在2.2~3Φ之间,次棱角-次圆状;粒度概率累积曲线显示以跳跃搬运组分为主体,伴随有少量悬浮搬运组分,粒度分选性好,结构成熟度高。沉积构造广泛发育大型高角度交错层理、平行层理和波状层理等;层内可见呈舌形向上或向下尖灭的垮塌层,具有逆粒序的风成沙波层以及形似暗色条纹的条纹层等特殊风成沉积构造。砂岩颗粒表面具有一系列碟型和新月型撞击坑、麻坑、化学溶蚀与沉淀以及沙漠漆等现象。将洛河组下段砂岩与典型河流相砂岩、风成砂岩进行对比,表明鄂尔多斯盆地西南部洛河组下段含铀砂岩符合典型风...  相似文献   

岩石的组分、结构和颗粒排列,决定了孔隙的发育特征,但从结构-成因角度探讨碎屑颗粒含量及其排列样式对泥页岩孔隙分布影响的研究较少。以黔西北志留系龙马溪组黑色泥页岩为例,基于薄片分析、XRD分析和扫描电镜等分析结果,根据碎屑颗粒排列方式,将泥页岩分为“颗粒分散状”和“纹层状”两种类型,提出泥页岩孔隙结构的概念模型,由此分析碎屑颗粒含量对孔隙发育的影响。对于“颗粒分散状”泥页岩来讲,碎屑颗粒含量低于52.4%时,主要发育黏土矿物微孔隙,孔隙度随颗粒含量的增加而减小;当碎屑颗粒含量达到52.4%时,颗粒间全部为黏土矿物充填,孔隙度最低;当碎屑颗粒含量继续增加时,粒间孔隙大量出现,孔隙度也将迅速增大。对于“纹层状”泥页岩,颗粒含量的增加会导致砂质纹层内的粒间孔隙不断增多,孔隙度也随之增大,逐渐向常规的碎屑岩储层转变。本模型有助于加深对泥页岩、致密砂岩和常规砂岩孔隙发育机理的理解,对非常规储层的预测评价也有重要启示。  相似文献   

利用普通薄片、铸体薄片、物性分析和压汞曲线等资料,对姬塬地区长8油层组储层的微观孔隙结构特征及其成因机理等进行了研究.结果表明沉积物在地质历史时期经历的压实、胶结、溶蚀和破裂等一系列成岩作用对储集岩孔喉特征影响显著,成岩作用的不均一性导致了储层宏观物性和微观孔隙结构的差异.通过视压实率、视胶结率、视溶蚀率和视微孔隙率等参数的计算阐明了压实、胶结、溶蚀等对排驱压力和分选系数等孔隙结构特征参数的定量控制.选取成岩综合系数作为成岩作用强度及其组合的定量表征参数,其与排驱压力、分选系数、储集层品质指数和分形维数等均具良好的统计相关关系,不同的孔隙结构类型具有不同的成岩作用组合特征以及成岩综合系数值,因此成岩综合系数可作为不同孔隙结构类型的定量表征参数.在对影响孔隙结构特征的成岩作用类型和强度组合深入剖析的基础上,通过成岩综合系数可实现储集岩孔隙结构的定性划分和定量评价.  相似文献   

The characteristics and formation mechanism of calcite cements in the tight sandstone of the Jurassic Lianggaoshan Formation in the northeastern Central Sichuan Basin were analysed using petrographic and isotopic techniques. In the tight sandstone of the Lianggaoshan Formation, cements are mostly calcite and occur as poikilitic, pore-filling, fracture-filling and replacement of clastic particles. Contents of Al, Si, Fe and Mn in the poikilitic calcites are significantly less than that in the dissolution pore-filling and metasomatic calcites. Three stages (early, middle and late) of authigenic calcites correspond to temperature ranges of <60, 60–100 and ≥100?°C, respectively, with most calcite cements formed under lower temperature (<100?°C) conditions. The δ18O values of the early–middle authigenic calcites are in equilibrium with connate water, and the δ18O values of late calcites are depleted in 18O indicating equilibrium at higher temperatures. The early authigenic calcites precipitated in a relatively open system associated with CO2 from bacterial fermentation at an immature to low-mature stage, and a Ca2+- and alkaline-rich environment owing to hydration–hydrolysis and dissolution of silicate minerals during phase A of eodiagenesis. The middle–late authigenic calcites precipitated in a relatively closed system with CO2 from decarboxylation of organic acids and Ca2+ from dissolution of silicate minerals and transformation of clay minerals during phase B of eodiagenesis to mesodiagenesis. Calcite cements mainly occur in the medium and fine sandstones of sand flats and beach bars. Authigenic calcite dissolution is extremely weak, and calcite cementation is pore-space destructive.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地三叠系百口泉组油气勘探潜力巨大,但储集砂体物性较差,非均质性较强,优质储层形成原因尚未明确,成岩相关特征认识模糊,限制了该区油气的勘探开发。基于三叠系百口泉组岩芯观察,结合薄片分析、扫描电镜以及物性分析等资料,分段分岩性对储层成岩作用以及孔隙演化进行了详细分析。结果表明,研究区百口泉组岩石类型以砂砾岩为主,储层按岩性可划分为砂砾共同支撑储层和砂质颗粒支撑储层,储集空间整体以原生粒间孔为主,储层物性较差,属于低孔低渗型。储集层的成岩阶段为中成岩B期。基于定量分析,发现压实作用和胶结作用对储集层物性破坏较大,溶蚀作用增孔能力受控于岩石支撑类型,对砂砾共同支撑的储集层岩石增孔影响较大,对砂质颗粒支撑的储集层岩石增孔影响较差。  相似文献   

This work investigated the pore structure characteristics and reservoir features of the finegrained tight reservoirs in the lower member of the Xinhe Formation(J_2 x_1) in the Xiaohu subsag,Yabulai Basin based on core samples through various techniques. Interbedded silt/fine sandstones and mudstones are developed in the study area. Scanning electron microscopy(SEM) images were used to delineate different types of pores, including primary intergranular pores, secondary intergranular and intragranular pores, organic pores and fractures. The pore types were distinguished by pore size, pore area, location and formation process. The pore radii of the fine-grained rocks range from 1 nm to 1.55μm, mainly concentrated between 5 and 300 nm by low pressure N_2 adsorption and MICP analyses. The pore structure parameters of pore throat size and pore throat sorting coefficient are both positively correlated with porosity, while pore throat sorting coefficient has a negative correlation with permeability. The pore structures of the studied samples are much related to the mineral type and content and grain size, followed by TOC content. In these rocks with relatively low TOC and low maturity, the rigid minerals protect pores with pressure shadow from collapse, and dissolution-related pores contribute a lot to inorganic porosity. In contrast, these rocks with abundant TOC contain a large number of organic pores. The permeability of the fine-grained tight reservoir is mainly dominated by larger pore throats, while a large number of small pores(mostly 0.1 μm) contribute considerably to porosity. These results have deepened our understanding of the interbedded fine-grained tight reservoirs and can be applicable to fine-grained reservoirs in a similar setting.  相似文献   

组构选择性孔隙是塔中地区良里塔格组台地边缘相油气储集层的重要孔隙类型,目前该类型的孔隙在层序地层格架内的分布特征仍不清晰。作者在前人建立的层序地层格架的基础上,通过大量的岩心、薄片、测井及地震资料的分析,在塔中地区良里塔格组台地边缘相识别出7类主要组构选择性孔隙: 粒内溶孔、粒间溶孔、铸模孔、粒间孔、窗格孔、生物体腔孔及格架孔。高频层序中,组构选择性孔隙在90%的礁(丘)滩复合体中上部的大气淡水渗流带—潜流带中成层集中发育,厚度10~40 m,且各类型孔隙纵向上分布特征不同。受研究区湿润的古气候、相对海平面的频繁波动、台地边缘礁滩相较大的沉积速率及较好的初始渗透性等因素控制,组构选择性孔隙的发育具有层位性、旋回性及区块差异性等分布规律。即组构选择性孔隙层主要发育在高位体系域内沉积的良三段—良一段中;纵向上发育5期,主要分布在进积型准层序组6、8及9中,其次是加积型准层序组5、7、10;自东向西,各井区孔隙层数量、厚度及物性均逐步降低,主要孔隙类型由粒内溶孔、铸模孔、粒间溶孔及体腔孔逐渐变为以窗格孔、粒内溶孔及粒间溶孔。  相似文献   

The Qaidam Basin, one of China’s most prolific petroliferous basins, is located in the northeastern corner of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Using analytical data from cores, thin-sections and seismic data, and combined with the previous sequence stratigraphy research results, research on the reservoir characteristics was undertaken. The main controlling factors of reservoir quality in the sequence stratigraphy framework in the Lenghu area are discussed. The Lower Jurassic includes lowstand system tract (LST) and transitional systems tract (TST); the highstand systems tract are missing owing to tectonic uplift. The Lower Jurassic sandstones are composed of moderately to poorly sorted, subrounded sandstone representing several representative environments, including fan-delta and lacustrine facies. The main types of the Lower Jurassic sandstones are mostly feldspathic litharenite and lithic sandstone. The pore types of the Lower Jurassic sandstones are mainly secondary dissolution pores with few fracture types. The Lower Jurassic sandstones have experienced strong compaction that resulted in the loss of primary porosity. Carbonate cementation of the LST sandstones is greater than in the TST sandstones. Dissolution, which has an important role in reservoir development, is mainly caused by acidic fluids from the matured source rocks in the LST and meteoric water ingression from the top sequence boundary in the TST. Distributary channel sandstones adjacent to coal and mudstones are favourable reservoirs with turbidite sandstones adjacent to the sequence boundary less favourable reservoirs.  相似文献   

Deeply buried Lower Cretaceous Bashijiqike sandstones are important gas exploration targets in the Kelasu thrust belt, Kuqa Depression of Tarim Basin in China. The sandstones are characterized by low porosity, low permeability and strong microscopic heterogeneity due to diagenesis during their geologic history. Mineralogical, petrographic, and geochemical analyses combined with high‐pressure mercury injection analysis have been used to investigate the diagenesis, diagenetic minerals, and their impact on reservoir quality. This article addresses the controls exerted by depositional parameters and diagenetic modifications on pore‐network characteristics (porosity, pore types, sizes, shapes, and distribution), with the aim to unravel the formation mechanisms of this complex pore structures, and to improve the characterization and classification evaluation for the Bashijiqike sandstone reservoirs. The Bashijiqike sandstones are dominated by lithic arkoses and feldspathic litharenite. The pore system consists of intergranular macropores, intergranular micropores, and intragranular pores. Framework grains are generally heavily compacted. Authigenic quartz, authigenic feldspar, clay minerals and carbonates are the major pore‐filling constituents. The pore structure is characterized by small pore radius and poor interconnectivity. Entry pressure reflects the microscopic pore network and macroscopic reservoir property characteristics. Pore structure characteristics are linked to the depositional parameters, type and degree of diagenesis. Clays do not control reservoir pore networks alone, and pores and pore throats are wider in coarser grained sandstones. Entry pressure decreases with the content of the rigid quartz. Compaction and cementation continue to decrease the pore‐throat size, while dissolution enlarges pores and pore‐throats radius. Considerable amounts of microporosity associated with clay minerals and altered grains contribute to the high entry pressure. Comprehensive Coefficient of Diagenesis (CCD), which considers the integrative effect of diagenesis, shows strong statistical correlations with entry pressure. CCD is an integrative modulus of diagenesis and physical property, and generally the higher the values are, the better the pore structure. It is suitable for quantitatively characterizing pore structure in tight gas sandstones. The results of this work can help assess pore‐network characteristics like the Bashijiqike sandstones which had experienced strong diagenetic modifications during their geological history.  相似文献   

Dolostones in the Cambrian Longwangmiao Formation have become one of the most significant gas exploration domains in China. Over a trillion cubic meters of gas reservoirs have been discovered in the Gaoshiti-Moxi area; however, the origins and distribution of the dolostone reservoirs are not well understood. This work discussed the geology and geochemistry of the dolostone reservoirs in the Longwangmiao Formation to determine their origin and distribution. Two understandings are acquired: firstly, a carbonate ramp provided excellent conditions for grain beach deposition, while the presence of a hypersaline lake was favorable for the contemporaneous dolomitization of grain beach deposits. Petrographic and geochemical evidence further confirm that the Longwangmiao dolostone was formed during the contemporaneous stage. Secondly, the reservoir characteristics indicate that the grain beach sediments provide material basis for the development of the Longwangmiao dolostone reservoirs. Reservoir dissolution simulation experiments show that the porosity of the reservoirs was formed by dissolution during contemporaneous and burial stages. The dissolution pores formed during the contemporaneous stage were controlled by sequence interfaces. The large scale dissolution vugs formed during the burial stage subsequently spread along the pre-existing porosity and fracture zones. This study therefore identified that the development of grain dolostone reservoirs in a shallow water ramp under arid climatic conditions generally met the following conditions: (1) reefal beach deposits lay a foundation for reservoir development; (2) superficial conditions are an important determining factor for reservoir porosity; and (3) burial conditions provide environment for porosity preservation and modification.  相似文献   

通过白云岩化鲕粒灰岩与0.1 mol/L乙酸的旋转盘溶解动力学实验,研究了深埋藏中有机质热演化过程中伴生的有机酸对鲕粒灰岩储层的改造作用机理.结果显示,白云岩化鲕粒灰岩溶解反应的速率在3.26×10-7~6.66×10-7 mol/(cm2·s)之间,并且溶蚀速率随温度和转速的增加而增大.反应前后样品表面的扫描电子显微...  相似文献   

单芝波 《地质科学》2019,54(2):472-490
松辽盆地钱家店地区姚家组砂岩矿物、地球化学成分与源区岩石性质和沉积构造环境密切相关。岩相学观察和矿物化学分析表明,所研究的岩石主要碎屑矿物由石英、岩屑和长石组成,含少量的黄铁矿、炭屑和重矿物等矿物。地球化学特征上,这些岩石普遍具有高SiO2含量(68.4%~79.61%)、相对高的K2O/Na2O比值(1.83~2.03)和较低的Fe2O3T+MgO含量(1.48%~4.22%),稀土元素标准化配分曲线呈现轻稀土富集,重稀土平坦和弱Eu、Ce负异常特征。较低的CIA(57~63)和PIA(60~71)指数、A-CN-K以及AK-C-N分布模式还说明源区经历了相对较弱的风化作用。Zr/Sc和Th/Sc比值共同表明姚家组的碎屑组成不具备沉积再旋回的特征,说明其为近源沉积,具有较差的分选性。砂岩物源区组成判别图研究表明,姚家组砂岩的物源区主要出露长英质岩浆岩。砂岩形成构造环境判别图解及特征指数分析表明,姚家组主要形成于被动大陆边缘沉积环境。  相似文献   

Due to the lack of reliable sedimentary provenance data,the geological setting and its provenance of the southwestern margin of Ordos Basin in Late Ordovician is uncertain. In this paper,the sandstone of Upper Ordovician Pingliang Formation in Duanjiaxia profile of Longxian area is selected for a systematic study. Using the methods including the comprehensive analysis on the measured geological profile,analysis of microscopic thin section and trace elements,the following results are obtained: (1)the thin section analysis shows that the sandstone is well sorted but poorly rounded. Clastic grains are dominated by quartz,while the rock fragments are mainly composed of polycrystalline quartz,carbonate sand debris,and a little matrix,which means that the turbidite sandstone has been reworked by obvious traction of deep-water;(2)Rare Earth Element(REE)distribution model shows that the sandstone is rich in LREE and is short of HREE and has the negative Eu-anomaly,indicating that the provenance may derive from the intermediate and acid rock in the upper crust;(3)the provenance discrimination diagrams show that the sandstone of the Pingliang Formation is a mixture of sedimentary rock and granite,while the magmatic component is dominated by intermediate and acid rock;(4)Geochemical data of the sandstone suggests that the geological setting significantly belong to continental island arc and passive continental settings. The study area in Longxian during the Late Ordovician period was located in the back arc basin. At that time,the southwestern margin of the North China Craton with the full trench-arc-basin system was changed from the passive continental margin into the active continental margin.  相似文献   

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