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Assessing catchment runoff response remains a key research frontier because of limitations in current observational techniques to fully characterize water source areas and transit times in diverse geographical environments. Here, we report a study that combines empirical data with modelling to identify dominant runoff processes in a sparsely monitored humid tropical catchment. The analysis integrated isotope tracers into conceptual rainfall–runoff models of varying complexity (from 5 to 11 calibrated parameters) that are able to simulate discharge and tracer concentrations and track the evolving age of stream water exiting the catchment. The model structures can be seen as competing hypotheses of catchment functioning and were simultaneously calibrated against uncertain streamflow gaugings and a 2‐year daily isotope rainfall–runoff record. Comparison of the models was facilitated using global parameter sensitivity analysis and the resulting effect on calibration. We show that a variety of tested model structures reproduced water and tracer dynamics in stream, but the simpler models failed to adequately reproduce both. The resulting water age distributions of the tested models varied significantly with little similarity between the stream water age and stored water age distributions. The sensitivity analysis revealed that only some of the more complex models (from eight parameters) could be better constrained to infer more plausible water age distributions and catchment storage estimates. These models indicated that the age of water stored in the catchment is generally older compared with the age of water fluxes, with evapotranspiration age being younger compared with streamflow. However, the water age distributions followed a similar temporal behaviour dominated by climatic seasonality. Stream water ages increased during the dry season (greater than 1 year) and decreased with increased streamflow (a few weeks old) during the wet season. We further show that the ratios of the streamwater age to stored water age distribution and the water age distribution of actual evapotranspiration to the stored water age distribution from constrained models could potentially serve as useful hydrological indicators of catchment functioning. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Headwaters are generally assumed to contribute the majority of water to downstream users, but how much water, of what quality and where it is generated are rarely known in the humid tropics. Here, using monthly monitoring in the data scarce (2,370 km2) San Carlos catchment in northeastern Costa Rica, we determined runoff-area relationships linked to geochemical and isotope tracers. We established 46 monitoring sites covering the full range of climatic, land use and geological gradients in the catchment. Regression and cluster analysis revealed unique spatial patterns and hydrologically functional landscape units. These units were used for seasonal and annual Bayesian tracer mixing models to assess spatial water source contributions to the outlet. Generally, the Bayesian mixing analysis showed that the chemical and isotopic imprint at the outlet is throughout the year dominated by the adjacent lowland catchments (68%) with much less tracer influence from the headwaters. However, the headwater catchments contributed the bulk of water and tracers to the outlet during the dry season (>50%) despite covering less than half of the total catchment area. Additionally, flow volumes seemed to be linearly scaled by area maintaining a link between the headwaters and the outlet particularly during high flows of the rainy season. Stable isotopes indicated mean recharge elevations above the mean catchment altitude, which further supports that headwaters were the primary source of downstream water. Our spatially detailed “snap-shot” sampling enabled a viable alternative source of large-scale hydrological process knowledge in the humid tropics with limited data availability.  相似文献   

Hydrological and sediment fluxes were monitored for a 1 yr period in a tropical headwater catchment where a 3 yr old logging road caused substantial Hortonian overland flow (HOF) and intercepted subsurface flow (ISSF). On a 51·5 m road section, ISSF became an increasingly important component of total road runoff, up to more than 90% for large storms. The proportion of ISSF contributed by road cuts along more or less planar slopes compared with ISSF from a zero‐order basin (convergent slopes) truncated by the road declined with increasing rainfall. During the monitored storms that generated ISSF along the road, on average, 28% of sediment export and 79% of runoff from the road section were directly attributable to ISSF. Estimates of total sediment export from the road surface (170 t ha?1 yr?1) and suspended sediment export from the logging‐disturbed catchment (4 t ha?1 yr?1) were exceptionally high despite 3 yr of recovery. ISSF caused not only additional road‐generated sediment export, but also exacerbated HOF‐driven erosion by creating a poor foundation for vegetation recovery on the road surface. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rapidly transforming headwater catchments in the humid tropics provide important resources for drinking water, irrigation, hydropower, and ecosystem connectivity. However, such resources for downstream use remain unstudied. To improve understanding of the behaviour and influence of pristine rainforests on water and tracer fluxes, we adapted the relatively parsimonious, spatially distributed tracer‐aided rainfall–runoff (STARR) model using event‐based stable isotope data for the 3.2‐km2 San Lorencito catchment in Costa Rica. STARR was used to simulate rainforest interception of water and stable isotopes, which showed a significant isotopic enrichment in throughfall compared with gross rainfall. Acceptable concurrent simulations of discharge (Kling–Gupta efficiency [KGE] ~0.8) and stable isotopes in stream water (KGE ~0.6) at high spatial (10 m) and temporal (hourly) resolution indicated a rapidly responding system. Around 90% of average annual streamflow (2,099 mm) was composed of quick, near‐surface runoff components, whereas only ~10% originated from groundwater in deeper layers. Simulated actual evapotranspiration (ET) from interception and soil storage were low (~420 mm/year) due to high relative humidity (average 96%) and cloud cover limiting radiation inputs. Modelling suggested a highly variable groundwater storage (~10 to 500 mm) in this steep, fractured volcanic catchment that sustains dry season baseflows. This groundwater is concentrated in riparian areas as an alluvial–colluvial aquifer connected to the stream. This was supported by rainfall–runoff isotope simulations, showing a “flashy” stream response to rainfall with only a moderate damping effect and a constant isotope signature from deeper groundwater (~400‐mm additional mixing volume) during baseflow. The work serves as a first attempt to apply a spatially distributed tracer‐aided model to a tropical rainforest environment exploring the hydrological functioning of a steep, fractured‐volcanic catchment. We also highlight limitations and propose a roadmap for future data collection and spatially distributed tracer‐aided model development in tropical headwater catchments.  相似文献   

The impacts of forest conversion on runoff generation in the tropics have received much interest, but scientific progress is still hampered by challenging fieldwork conditions and limited knowledge about runoff mechanisms. Here, we assessed the runoff generation, flow paths and water source dynamics of a pristine rainforest catchment in Costa Rica using end member mixing analysis (EMMA) and a Bayesian mixing model (MixSIAR). Geochemical tracer data collected over a 4-week field campaign were combined with tritium data used to assess potential deeper groundwater flow pathways to the perennial stream. The streamflow composition was best captured using three end-members, namely throughfall, shallow (5–15 cm) and deeper (15–50 cm) soil water. We estimated the end-member contributions to the main stream and two tributaries using the two mixing approaches and found good agreement between results obtained from EMMA and MixSIAR. The system was overwhelmingly dominated by near-surface sources, with little evidence for deeper and older groundwater as tritium-derived baseflow mean transit time was between 2.0 and 4.4 years. The shallow soil flow pathway dominated streamflow contributions in the main stream (median 39% and 49% based on EMMA and MixSIAR, respectively), followed by the deeper soil (32% and 31%) and throughfall (25% and 19%). The two tributaries had even greater shallow soil water contributions relative to the main stream (83% and 74% for tributary A and 42% and 63% for tributary B). Tributary B had no detectable deep soil water contribution, reflecting the morphology of the hillslope (steeper slopes, shallower soils and lower vegetation density compared to hillslope A). Despite the short sampling campaign and associated uncertainties, this study allowed to thoroughly assess runoff generation mechanisms in a humid tropical catchment. Our results also provide a first comparison of two increasingly used mixing models and suggest that EMMA and MixSIAR yield comparable estimates of water source partitioning in this tropical, volcanic rainforest environment.  相似文献   


Hydrological data of a drained tropical peat catchment have been analysed through conventional quantitative hydrological approaches to characterize its hydrological behaviours and changes due to continuous drainage for a long period. The results show that the hydrology of the catchment is extremely dynamic and the catchment is flashy in nature. A decreasing trend in peak flow amount and an increasing trend in baseflow amount was observed in the catchment, indicating that continuous drainage has reduced the risk of both flooding and water scarcity in the catchment. Correlation analysis among rainfall, runoff and groundwater table reveals that saturation excess-near surface flow is the dominant mechanism responsible for rapid runoff generation in the catchment. Therefore, any physical alterations or disturbances to the upper part of the peat profile would definitely affect the overall hydrological behaviour of the peat catchment.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor D. Hughes

Citation Katimon, A., Shahid, S., Abd Wahab, A.K., and Ali, M.H., 2013. Hydrological behaviour of a drained agricultural peat catchment in the tropics. Part 1: Rainfall, runoff and water table relationships. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (6), 1297–1309.  相似文献   


The water balance dynamics and runoff components of a tropical forested catchment (46?km2) on the southwestern Pacific coast of Nicaragua were studied combining hydrometry, geological characterization and hydrochemical and isotopic tracers (three-component hydrograph separation). The climatic water balance was estimated for 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13 with net values of 811?mm year-1, 782?mm year-1 and –447?mm year-1, respectively. Runoff components were studied at different spatial and temporal scales, demonstrating that different sources and temporal contributions are controlled by dominant landscape elements and antecedent rainfall. In forested sub-catchments, permeable soils, stratigraphy and steep slopes favour subsurface stormflow generation contributing 50% and 53% to total discharge. At catchment scale, landscape elements such as smooth slopes, wide valleys, deeper soils and water table allow groundwater recharge during rainfall events. Groundwater dominates the hydrograph (50% of total discharge) under dry prior conditions. However, low soil infiltration capacity generates a larger surface runoff component (42%) under wet prior conditions which dominates total discharge. Our results show that forested areas are important to reduce surface runoff and thus soil degradation, which is relevant for the design of water management plans.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis Associate editor D. Gerten  相似文献   


Projected warming in equatorial Africa, accompanied by greater evaporation and more frequent heavy precipitation events, may have substantial but uncertain impacts on terrestrial hydrology. Quantitative analyses of climate change impacts on catchment hydrology require high-resolution (<50 km) climate data provided by regional climate models (RCMs). We apply validated precipitation and temperature data from the RCM PRECIS (Providing Regional Climates for Impact Studies) to a semi-distributed soil moisture balance model (SMBM) in order to quantify the impacts of climate change on groundwater recharge and runoff in a medium-sized catchment (2098 km2) in the humid tropics of southwestern Uganda. The SMBM explicitly accounts for changes in soil moisture, and partitions effective precipitation into groundwater recharge and runoff. Under the A2 emissions scenario (2070–2100), climate projections from PRECIS feature not only rises in catchment precipitation and modelled potential evapotranspiration by 14% and 53%, respectively, but also increases in rainfall intensity. We show that the common application of the historical rainfall distribution using delta factors to the SMBM grossly underestimates groundwater recharge (i.e. 55% decrease relative to the baseline period of 1961–1990). By transforming the rainfall distribution to account for changes in rainfall intensity, we project increases in recharge and runoff of 53% and 137%, respectively, relative to the baseline period.  相似文献   

Four techniques for soil erosion assessment were compared over two consecutive seasons for bare-fallow plots and a maize-cowpea sequence in 1985 at IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. The techniques used were: tracer (aluminium paint), nails (16 and 25), the rill method, and the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). Soil loss estimated by these techniques was compared with that determined using the runoff plot technique. There was significantly more soil loss (P < 0·01) in bare-fallow than in plots under maize (Zea mays) or cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). In the first season, soil loss from plots sown to maize was 40·2 Mg ha?1 compared with 153·3 Mg ha?1 from bare-fallow plots. In the second season, bare-fallow plots lost 87·5 Mg ha?1 against 39·4 Mg ha?1 lost from plots growing cowpea. The techniques used for assessing erosion had no influence on the magnitude of soil erosion and did not interfere with the processes of erosion. There was no significant difference (P < 0·05) between soil erosion determined by the nails and the runoff plot technique. Soil loss determined on six plots (three under maize, three bare-fallow) by the rill technique, at the end of the season, was significantly lower (P < 0·05) than that determined by the runoff plot technique. The soil loss estimated by the rill method was 143·2, 108·8 and 121·9 Mg ha?1 for 11, 11, and 8 per cent slopes respectively, in comparison with 201·5, 162·0, and 166·4 Mg ha?1 measured by the runoff plot method. Soil loss measured on three bare-fallow plots on 10 different dates by the rill technique was also significantly lower (P < 0·01) than that measured by the runoff plot. In the first season the USLE significantly underestimated soil loss. On 11, 11, and 8 per cent slopes, respectively, soil loss determined by the USLE was 77, 92, and 63 per cent of that measured by the runoff plot. However, in the second season there was no significant difference between soil loss determined by the USLE and that determined by the conventional runoff plot technique.  相似文献   

In 1995–1998, Han 11 km terrestrial surge of Kuannersuit Glacier, an outlet glacier of the largest ice cap on Disko Island, West Greenland, affected the catchment dramatically. In order to estimate solute fluxes and provenances, bulk meltwaters were sampled at the main subglacial outlet during the initial part of the quiescent phase. The hydrochemistry is significantly influenced by a subglacial basaltic weathering regime with absence of carbonate minerals. The results show that marine and aerosol derived solutes have minimal contribution to the total ion content, whereas sequestration of atmospheric CO2 associated with carbonation of Ca-rich feldspar and reactive volcanic glass is more dominant than previously reported from glacierized catchments. Application of a sampling strategy dividing water samples into four groups to determine the content of dissolved HCO3 and CO32− shows that the cationic equivalent weathering rate range is 683–860 Σmeq+ m−2 a−1 and solute flux ranges between 76 and 98 t km−2 a−1. The crustal denudation rate is estimated to 26 t km−2 a−1, and the transient CO2 drawdown amounts to 8500–13700 kg C km−2 a−1.  相似文献   

There is a dearth of knowledge on the runoff processes of eucalypt woodland communities in the semi-arid tropics of Australia. The work was undertaken on a 100 m transect of a 0·8 degree hillslope typical of the ‘smooth plainlands’ of central-north Queensland. This paper introduces a new experimental design for measuring overland flow in such areas by way of a cascade system of unbounded runoff plots which allow the inputs and outputs between troughs to be calculated. Most storms generate overland flow. Time to overland flow ranges between 1 and 18 min where rain intensities are above 10mm hr−1 and when the average detention storage of 3·6 mm is exceeded. The bare soil surfaces within the scattered grass understory control the runoff generation process through the temporal variability of field saturated hydraulic conductivity. The study demonstrated that overland flow is mainly redistributed over the freely-draining oxic soil. Some areas export more overland flow than they gain from upslope (runoff), others gain more overland flow than they export (runon). Over the study period only 2 per cent of total rain is transferred out of this 100 m transect as overland flow due to the short duration of storms, the relatively high soil permeability, and the low slope angle. The remainder adds to the large soil water store or deep drainage. The variability of runoff–runon over these ‘smooth plainlands’ highlights how results from bounded plots would be misleading in such areas.  相似文献   

Hydrologic models have increasingly been used in forest hydrology to overcome the limitations of paired watershed experiments, where vegetative recovery and natural variability obscure the inferences and conclusions that can be drawn from such studies. Models are also plagued by uncertainty, however, and parameter equifinality is a common concern. Physically‐based, spatially‐distributed hydrologic models must therefore be tested with high‐quality experimental data describing a multitude of concurrent internal catchment processes under a range of hydrologic regimes. This study takes a novel approach by not only examining the ability of a pre‐calibrated model to realistically simulate watershed outlet flows over a four year period, but a multitude of spatially‐extensive, internal catchment process observations not previously evaluated, including: continuous groundwater dynamics, instantaneous stream and road network flows, and accumulation and melt period spatial snow distributions. Many hydrologic model evaluations are only on the comparison of predicted and observed discharge at a catchment outlet and remain in the ‘infant stage’ in terms of model testing. This study, on the other hand, tests the internal spatial predictions of a distributed model with a range of field observations over a wide range of hydroclimatic conditions. Nash‐Sutcliffe model efficiency was improved over prior evaluations due to continuing efforts in improving the quality of meteorological data collection. Road and stream network flows were generally well simulated for a range of hydrologic conditions, and snowpack spatial distributions were well simulated for one of two years examined. The spatial variability of groundwater dynamics was effectively simulated, except at locations where strong stream–groundwater interactions exist. Model simulations overall were quite successful in realistically simulating the spatiotemporal variability of internal catchment processes in the watershed, but the premature onset of simulated snowmelt for one of the simulation years has prompted further work in model development. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The profile characteristics and the temporal dynamics of soil moisture variation were studied at 26 locations in Da Nangou catchment (3.5 km2) in the loess area of China. Soil moisture measurements were performed biweekly at five depths in the soil profile (0–5, 10–15, 20–25, 40–45 and 70–75 cm) from May to October 1998 using Delta-T theta probe. Soil moisture profile type and temporal variation type and their relationship to topography and land use were identified by detrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA) and correlation analysis. The profile distribution of time-averaged soil moisture content can be classified into three types i.e. decreasing-type, waving-type and increasing-type. The profile features of soil moisture (e.g. profile gradient and profile variability) are influenced by different environmental factors. The profile type of soil moisture is only attributed to land use while profile gradient and profile variability of soil moisture is mainly related to land use and topography (e.g. landform type and slope). The temporal dynamics of layer-averaged soil moisture content is grouped into three types including three-peak type, synchro-four-peak type and lagged-four-peak type. These types are controlled by topography rather than by land use. The temporal dynamic type of soil moisture shows significant correlation with relative elevation, slope, aspect, while temporal variance displays significant relation with slope shape. The mean soil moisture is related to both the profile and dynamics features of soil moisture and is controlled by both land use and topography (e.g. aspect, position, slope and relative elevation). The spatial variability of soil moisture across landscape varies with both soil depths and temporal evolution.  相似文献   

Understanding runoff generation processes is important for flood prediction, water management, erosion control, water quality, contaminant transport and the evaluation of impacts of land use change. However, little process research has been carried out in southern Chile. In particular the young volcanic ash soils, which are typical for this area, are not well understood in their hydrologic behaviour. To establish a ‘reference study’ which can then be used for comparison with other (disturbed) sites, this study focuses on the investigation of runoff generation processes in an undisturbed, forested catchment in the Chilean Andes. The paper reports on an investigation of these processes with different tracer methods at different spatial scales. Hydrograph separation with environmental isotopes and geochemical constituents was used on the catchment scale. Thermal energy was used as a tracer to investigate groundwater–surface water interactions at the local stream reach scale and dye tracers were used to study infiltration and percolation characteristics at the plot scale. It was found that pre‐event water dominates the storm hydrograph. In the lower reaches, however, water usually exfiltrates from the stream into the adjacent aquifer. The dye tracer experiments showed that while preferential vertical flow dominates under forest, water infiltrates as a straight horizontal front in the bare volcanic ashes (no vegetation) on the catchment rim. Subsurface flow patterns in the forest differ significantly from summer to winter. All three approaches used in this study suggest an important shift in dominant processes from dry to wet season. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydraulic connectivity on hillslopes and the existence of preferred soil moisture states in a catchment have important controls on runoff generation. In this study we investigate the relationships between soil moisture patterns, lateral hillslope flow, and streamflow generation in a semi‐arid, snowmelt‐driven catchment. We identify five soil moisture conditions that occur during a year and present a conceptual model based on field studies and computer simulations of how streamflow is generated with respect to the soil moisture conditions. The five soil moisture conditions are (1) a summer dry period, (2) a transitional fall wetting period, (3) a winter wet, low‐flux period, (4) a spring wet, high‐flux period, and (5) a transitional late‐spring drying period. Transitions between the periods are driven by changes in the water balance between rain, snow, snowmelt and evapotranspiration. Low rates of water input to the soil during the winter allow dry soil regions to persist at the soil–bedrock interface, which act as barriers to lateral flow. Once the dry‐soil flow barriers are wetted, whole‐slope hydraulic connectivity is established, lateral flow can occur, and upland soils are in direct connection with the near‐stream soil moisture. This whole‐slope connectivity can alter near‐stream hydraulics and modify the delivery of water, pressure, and solutes to the stream. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A network of 30 standalone snow monitoring stations was used to investigate the snow cover distribution, snowmelt dynamics, and runoff generation during two rain‐on‐snow (ROS) events in a 40 km2 montane catchment in the Black Forest region of southwestern Germany. A multiple linear regression analysis using elevation, aspect, and land cover as predictors for the snow water equivalent (SWE) distribution within the catchment was applied on an hourly basis for two significant ROS flood events that occurred in December 2012. The available snowmelt water, liquid precipitation, as well as the total retention storage of the snow cover were considered in order to estimate the amount of water potentially available for the runoff generation. The study provides a spatially and temporally distributed picture of how the two observed ROS floods developed in the catchment. It became evident that the retention capacity of the snow cover is a crucial mechanism during ROS. It took several hours before water was released from the snowpack during the first ROS event, while retention storage was exceeded within 1 h from the start of the second event. Elevation was the most important terrain feature. South‐facing terrain contributed more water for runoff than north‐facing slopes, and only slightly more runoff was generated at open compared to forested areas. The results highlight the importance of snowmelt together with liquid precipitation for the generation of flood runoff during ROS and the large temporal and spatial variability of the relevant processes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Des mesures hydrométriques classiques et l'imagerie 2-D de résistivité électrique (IRE) détaillée ont été combinées avec le prélèvement de traceurs pour identifier les processus hydrologiques en jeu dans un bassin versant semi-aride de la province Cap-Oriental, en Afrique du Sud. L'étude des événements de précipitation et d'écoulement a souligné la forte relation qui existe entre les précipitations et les caractéristiques de la génération des écoulements. L'observation du potentiel hydrique du sol ainsi que du niveau d'eau souterraine a mis en évidence le développement d'une nappe perchée dans le sol. Ces résultats sont confirmés par des séparations d'hydrogrammes à base de traceurs et illustrent le rôle important des écoulements souterrains superficiels. L'étude par IRE a permis de mieux connaître la structure du sous-sol. Finalement, l'étude par IRE, combinée avec des mesures obtenues par réflectométrie en domaine temporel (TDR), a permis d'extrapoler à des mesures sélectives de teneur en eau. Pour récapituler, l'utilisation et la combinaison de différentes méthodes de terrain ont mené au développement d'un modèle conceptuel du fonctionnement hydrologique de ce bassin versant. Le rôle dominant des mécanismes de subsurface a été démontré.  相似文献   

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