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To preliminarily study N2O emissions and the importance of environmental parameters on N2O flux from subtropical agroecosystem in China,N2O flux measurements were made at three cultivated agricultural lands in Guizhou Province,southwestern China.Based on the test and validation of daily N2O flux and its several associated variables between DNDC model and field measurements,DNDC model has been employed to estimate total N2O emissions from entire agricultural lands and its spatial distribution at county scale in Guizhou in 1995,and to assess the contributions of cropping practices on N2O emissions.  相似文献   

A theoretical solution framework to the nonlinear stochastic partial differential equations (SPDE) of the kinematic wave and diffusion wave models of overland flows under stochastic inflows/outflows, stochastic surface roughness field and stochastic state of flows was obtained. This development was realized by means of an eigenfunction representation of the time-space overland flow depths, and by transforming the problem into the phase space. By using Van Kampen's lemma and the cumulant expansion theory of Kubo-Van Kampen-Fox, the deterministic partial differential equation (PDE) for the evolutionary probability density function (pdf) of overland flow depths was finally obtained. Once this deterministic PDE is solved for the time-varying pdf of overland flow depths, then the time-space varying pdf of overland flow depths can be obtained by a transformation given in the text. In this solution framework it is possible to incorporate the stochastic dynamic behavior of the parameters and of the forcing functions of the overland flow process. For example, not only the individual rainfall duration and fluctuating rain intensity characteristics but also the sequential behavior of rainfall patterns is incorporated into the evolutionary probability density function of overland flow depths.  相似文献   

In this study, we have checked the location and focal depth of the Yecheng earthquake (m b = 6.0, maximum intensity VII) of February 14, 1980. The result shows that this is an intermediate event with a focal depth of 90 km. The microepicenter is located at 36. 4°N, 76, 9°E, while the macroepicenter is at 37.3°N, 76.9°E, 90 km to the north of the microepicenter. This is the first destructive intermediate event in China which led to a damage as severe as of intensity VII. The focal mechanism of the event is determined to be of thrust type. Combined with the analysis of seismological and geological data in surrounding area, the possible relation between the event and plate movement has been discussed. The result in this paper indicates that in some particular place, the destructive effect of intermediate event should be considered in seismic hazard assessment. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,14, 137–143, 1992.  相似文献   

Early Yanshanian magmatic suites predominate absolutely in the Nanling granite belt. They consist mainly of monzogranite and K-feldspar granite. There occur associations of early Yanshanian A-type granitoids (176 Ma-178 Ma) and bimodal volcanic rocks (158 Ma-179 Ma) in southern Jiangxi and southwestern Fujian in the eastern sector of the granite belt and early Yanshanian basalts (177 Ma-178 Ma) in southern Hunan in the central sector of the belt. Both the acid end-member rhyolite in the bimodal volcanic rock association and A-type granitoids in southern Jiangxi have the geochemical characteristics of intraplate granitic rocks and the basic end-member basalt of the association is intraplate tholeiite, while the basaltic rocks in southern Hunan include not only intraplate tholeiite but also intraplate alkali basalt. Therefore the early Yanshanian magmatic suites in the Nanling region are undoubtedly typical post-orogenic rock associations. Post-orogenic suites mark the end of a post-collision or late orogenic event and the initiation of Pangaea break-up, indicating that a new orogenic Wilson cycle is about to start. Therefore it may be considered that the early Yanshanian geodynamic settings in the Nanling region should be related to post-orogenic continental break-up after the Indosinian orogeny and the break-up did not begin in the Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Following Airy and Pratt principles, five kinds of local-compensation models are analysed and a rapid 3-D gravity formula is utilized to calculate isostatic anomalies for 66 models with different parameters. It is noted that isostatic gravity maps appear nearly identical in their main patterns and features. The optimum compensation model in North China is one of modified Airy models in which the different density distribution in the surface, upper crust and lower crust is taken into account and the standard crustal thickness is about 50km. The position of the complete compensation interface is located in the upper mantle. The North China platform as a whole is under sub-isostatic equilibrium status with an isostatic anomaly of about 18·10−5 m/s2 on an average. The distribution of isostatic gravity anomaly shows an obvious blockwise pattern. Most positive anomaly areas occur over the eastern part, the Jiao-Liao Block, Mt. Yan block and northern margin of the Hebei-Shandong block, whereas a negative area occurs in the Shanxi graben. The comparison of models indicates that the Moho discontinuity is not suitable to be taken as a compensation interface, and the compensation effects in Airy model are better than that in Pratt model, which is consistent with the feature of dominant layered structure and less lateral inhomogeneity in crust. Some results about composite compensation, the basic characteristics of isostatic anomaly and deep stucture will be published later in the second part of this paper. Wang Bowen took part in some work in this paper.  相似文献   

Structural features of the typical continental paleorift in Panxi area are revealed by seismic tomography. (1) In the profile along the minor axis of Panxi paleorift, we found alternating high and low-velocity strips existing at different depths in the crust, presenting itself as a “sandwich” structure. The existence of these high and low-velocity anomaly strips is related to the basal lithology in the rift area. (2) An addition layer with velocity values of 7.1-7.5 km/s and 7.8 km/s exists from the base of lower crust to uppermost mantle and its thickness is about 20 km. Some study results indicate that the addition layer results from the invasion of mantle material. (3) A lens-shaped high-velocity body surrounded by relatively low-velocity material is observed at depths of 110-160 km between Huaping and Huidong in the axis of the paleorift. This is the first time to discover it in the upper mantle of the paleorift. Based on the results of geology, petrology and geochemistry, we infer that the formation of the addition layer and the lens-shaped high-velocity body in the upper mantle are related to the deep geodynamic process of generation, development and termination of the rift. On the one hand, the upwelling of asthenosphere mantle caused partial melting, and then the basaltic magma from the partial melted material further resulted in underplating and formed the crustal addition layer. On the other hand, the high-density content of mineral facies was increased in the residual melted mass of intensely depleted upper mantle, formed by basalt withdrawing. The solid-melt medium in the depleted upper mantle was mainly an accumulation of garnet and peridotite because the heating effect of lithosphere was relatively weakened in the later riftogenesis, so that a lens-shaped high-density and high-velocity zone was produced in the upper mantle. The results indicate that the energy and material exchange between asthenosphere and lithosphere and remarkable underplating would have an important effect on the material state and propagation of seismic wave in the lower crust, crust-mantle interface, asthenosphere and lithosphere. This process possibly is an important mechanism on the growth of continental crust and the evolution of deep mantle.  相似文献   

The Sr isotopic systematics in the weathering profiles of biotite granite and granite porphyry in southern Jiangxi Province were investigated. The results showed that during the chemical weathering of granites, remarked fractionation occurred between Rb and Sr. During the early stages of chemical weathering of granites, the released Sr/Si and Sr/Ca ratios are larger than those of the parent rocks, and the leaching rate of Sr is higher than those of Si, Ca, K, Rb, etc. Dynamic variations in relative weathering rates of the main Sr-contributing minerals led to fluctuation with time in87Sr/86Sr ratios of inherent and released Sr in the weathering crust of granite. Successive weathering of biotite, plagioclase and K-feldspar made87Sr/86Sr ratios in the weathering residues show such a fluctuation trend as to decrease first, increase, and then decrease again till they maintain stable. This work further indicates that when Sr isotopes are used to trace biogeochemical processes on both the catchment and global scales, one must seriously take account of the preferential release of Sr from dissolving solid phase and the fluctuation of87Sr/86Sr ratios caused by the variations of relative weathering rates of Sr-contributing minerals.  相似文献   

Shaly sands reservoir is one of the most distributive types of the oil(gas)-bearing reservoirs discovered in China, and low resistivity oil(gas)-bearing reservoirs are mostly shaly sands reservoirs. Therefore, shaly sands reservoir conductive model is the key to evaluate low resistivity oil(gas)-bearing reservoirs using logging information. Some defects were found when we studied the clay distribution type conductive model, dual-water conductive model, conductive rock matrix model, etc. Some models could not distinguish the conductive path and nature of microporosity water and clay water and some models did not consider the clay distribution type and the mount of clay volume. So, we utilize the merits,overcome the defects of the above models, and put forward a new shaly sands conductive model—dual water clay matrix conductive model (DWCMCM) in which dual water is the free water and the microporosity water in shaly sands and the clay matrix(wet clay) is the clay grain containing water. DWCMCM is presented here, the advantages of which can tell the nature and conductive path from different water (microporosity water and free-water), in consideration of the clay distribution type and the mount of clay volume in shaly sands. So, the results of logging interpretation in the oil(gas)-bearing reservoirs in the north of Tarim Basin area, China with DWCMCM are better than those interpreted by the above models.  相似文献   

The aphid Hyalopterus pruni migrates to its secondary host Common Reed in late spring and early summer. Reed fields are known to be more heavily infested at the edges compared to the centre, as the migrants are attracted to the colour of the reed. There is also evidence that reeds growing at wet sites are more heavily infested than at dry sites. This paper shows that both proceses interact in determining the distribution of aphids in different habitats.The observations were carried out in the vast reed field of the Zuidelijk Flevoland polder (The Netherlands) during a number of years after its reclamation in 1968. In the period of migration flying aphids were caught with sticky traps situated in and around the reed field. The distribution of aphids on the reed was determined at different times during the season along transects through the centre of the polder. The existence early in the season (June) of a higher infestation at the edges than in the centre of the field was confirmed. The density of winged aphids in this early period was higher in wet than in dry habitats, which may have been a result of a preference of the settling migrants for reed standing in water. Later in the season (August) the dry habitat still had a relatively low infestation in the centre, but at the wet sites the infestation was high everywhere. This could be attributed to the much quicker population growth that was found in the wet habitat and subsequent short range movement of newly born winged aphids.  相似文献   

In this paper, the coefficients of Parkinson vectora, b and the in-phase partA r, Br and quadrature-phase partA i, Bi of transter functions are calculated by using two kinds of data processing methods, respectively. The results of both methods are close to each other. All these six parameters above are low in value, showing that the electric structure in Heze area is rather uniform. It seems that the anomalous changes appeared in both results, and the values of parameters decrease before and after Heze earthquake. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 113–120, 1991.  相似文献   

Nitrogen and carbohydrate utilization in Phragmites australis rhizomes was investigated under natural conditions at 10 sites in 5 lakes in Upper Bavaria over a period of two years. Nitrate and ammonium of surface and interstitial water was determined. The results indicate that conditions of habitat and environment, such as climate and fluctuation of water level, lead to different adaptations of reed. These parameters had an effect on the storage of nitrogen and carbohydrate. The reed stands exposed to high water level during spring and summer have a high carbohydrate content in the rhizomes. A positive correlation was shown between the aboveground biomass and the content of storaged carbohydrates during the vegetation period. No relationship could be demonstrated between the nitrogen availability of the habitats and the type of storage of carbohydrates and nitrogen. The nitrogen content in the rhizomes can be used as an indicator of the ability of reed stands to produce new secondary shoots after shoot loss. The differently established reed genotypes are not able to compensate short-term environmental changes, such as growing leisure problems and higher shoot loss by the increasing appearance of waterfowl, from their reserve storage.  相似文献   

The history of natural fire and its relationship to climate during the last three glacial-interglacial cycles in the Southern coast areas of China and the northern continental shelf of the South China Sea (SCS) are discussed based on the statistic study of charcoal particles and associated pollen data from ODP 1144 Site (20° 3′N, 117° 25’E, 2037 m in water depth). According to the results of the charcoal and pollen study, the sediments from the upper 225 m are divided into 8 zones (C1–C8), which might be correlated with the Marine Isotope Stage 1–8 (MIS1-8) respectively. Our study indicates that during the last glacial period (MIS2, 4), the influx of charcoal particle was much higher than that from the interglacial period, suggesting strong occurrence of natural fire and dry climate. During MIS 6 and MIS 8 (C6, C8), although the influx of fine charcoal particles was quite high, the influx of the coarse and medium charcoal particle were much low, which might be due to the smaller source area of fire probably resulting from the limited exposure of the continental shelf before MIS5. During the interglacial period (MIS1, 5, 7), the influxes of charcoal particles were much lower, implying dropping of intensity of the natural fire and then a humid climate. Another reason is that the continental shelf was submerged into the sea during the interglacial periods, and the source areas of fire were reduced then. Although the influx of the fine charcoal particles was much lower during MIS3, the influx of the coarse and medium charcoal particles were almost equal to those of MIS4 (C4), which suggests that the intensity of the natural fire remained quite high and the climate was considerably dry during that period.  相似文献   

The structure, function and dynamics of reed-belts from three ‘Bornhoeved-Lakes’ was investigated by using methods from vegetation science and molecular biology. Between 1992 and 1994 the morphometry and production of Phragmites was measured at twelve locations, differing in sedimentology and hydrochemistry. The development and production of the plants, as well as the nutrient uptake and relocation, were similar throughout the years within each of the twelve plots. Differences in stand-structure and amounts of nutrients occurred between the habitats. Nitrogen content in the plant material varied between 5 and 30 g N m−2 and phosphorus between 0.3 and 1.2 g PO4-P m−2.80 natural reed habitats were measured for Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs) in order to identify the genetic diversity of Phragmites within the lakes. A cluster analysis exhibited groups with high, as well as groups with low genetic similarity. Even if genetically similar, the habitats were not necessarily directly neighboured at the shoreline. A discriminance analysis showed 40% correspondence of the genetic groups with their phenotype and habitat parameters.  相似文献   

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