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云南东北部拱王山末次冰期   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 Introduction The Gongwang mountains constitute one of the few high m ountains of irrefutable late Pleistocene glaciation in eastern China. This area is one of the m ost extensively studied Quaternary geologicallocationsin eastern China and the interpret…  相似文献   

According to the glacial landforms and deposits with the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating results, two glacial stages of the last glacial cycle (LGC) and Late Glacial were identified. The Late Glacial stage (Meteorological Station glacier advance) took place about 11 ka (11.3±1.2 ka), and the last glacial maximum (LGM), named Black Wind Mouth glacier advance, occurred at 20 ka (20.0±2.1 ka). Based on the Ohmura’s formula in which there is a relationship between summer (JJA) atmospheric temperature (T) and the annual precipitation (P) at ELA, the present theoretical equilibrium line altitude (ELAt) in Changbai Mountains was 3380±100 m. Six methods of accumulation-area ratio (AAR), maximum elevation of lateral moraines (MELM), toe-to headwall altitude ratios (THAR), the terminal to summit altitudinal (TSAM), the altitude of cirque floor (CF), and the terminal to average elevation of the catchment area (Hofer) were used for calculation of the former ELAs in different stages. These methods provided the ELA for a range of 2250–2383 m with an average value of 2320±20 m during the LGM, which is 200 m higher than the value of previous investigation. The snowlines during the Late Glacial are 2490 m on northern slope, and 2440 m on western slope. The results show that the snowline on northern slope is 50 m higher than that on western slope during the Late Glacial, and the average snowline is 2465m. The ΔELA values were more than 1000 m during the LGM, and about 920 m lower than now during the Late Glacial stage respectively. Compared with Taiwanese and Japanese mountains in East Asia during the LGM, the effect of the uplift on ELA in Changbai Mountains during the glaciations (i.e. 20 m uplift in the LGM and 11 m in the Late Glacial) is not obvious. Foundation: National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40571016 Author: Zhang Wei (1969–), Ph.D and Professor, specialized in Quaternary environment and climate geomorphology.  相似文献   

According to the glacial landforms and deposits with the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating results, two glacial stages of the last glacial cycle (LGC) and Late Glacial were identified. The Late Glacial stage (Meteorological Station glacier advance) took place about 11 ka (11.3±1.2 ka), and the last glacial maximum (LGM), named Black Wind Mouth glacier advance, occurred at 20 ka (20.0±2.1 ka). Based on the Ohmura’s formula in which there is a relationship between summer (JJA) atmospheric temperature (T) and the annual precipitation (P) at ELA, the present theoretical equilibrium line altitude (ELAt) in Changbai Mountains was 3380±100 m. Six methods of accumulation–area ratio (AAR), maximum elevation of lateral moraines (MELM), toe–to headwall altitude ratios (THAR), the terminal to summit altitudinal (TSAM), the altitude of cirque floor (CF), and the terminal to average elevation of the catchment area (Hofer) were used for calculation of the former ELAs in different stages. These methods provided the ELA for a range of 2250–2383 m with an average value of 2320±20 m during the LGM, which is 200 m higher than the value of previous investigation. The snowlines during the Late Glacial are 2490 m on northern slope, and 2440 m on western slope. The results show that the snowline on northern slope is 50 m higher than that on western slope during the Late Glacial, and the average snowline is 2465m. The ELA △ values were more than 1000 m during the LGM, and about 920 m lower than now during the Late Glacial stage respectively. Compared with Taiwanese and Japanese mountains in East Asia during the LGM, the effect of the uplift on ELA in Changbai Mountains during the glaciations (i.e. 20 m uplift in the LGM and 11 m in the Late Glacial) is not obvious.  相似文献   

云南千湖山第四纪冰川发育特点与环境变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
千湖山(4249 m) 是横断山脉中段保存确切第四纪冰川遗迹的山地,受西南季风影响强烈。对于研究青藏高原边缘山地冰川发育与气候和构造之间的耦合关系具有十分重要的科学意义。在千湖山海拔3500 m以上保存着古冰川侵蚀与堆积地貌,冰川发育依托海拔4000~4200 m的夷平面及其支谷地形。冰川形态类型为小型的冰帽以及由冰帽边缘溢流进入山谷的山谷冰川。应用相对地貌法,光释光(OSL) 年代测试,本文确定千湖山地区的冰进系列:末次冰盛期(LGM,22.2±1.9 ka BP)、末次冰期中期(MIS3b,37.3±3.7 ka BP、45.6±4.3 ka BP45.6±4.3 ka BP)、末次冰期早期(MIS4)。千湖山冰川前进规模是MIS3b 阶段大于末次冰盛期,主要原因是末次冰期中期(MIS3b) 时本区气候相对湿润,而在末次冰盛期(MIS2) 时气候条件比较干燥。在总体相似的气候背景下,与横断山其它存在多期次冰川作用的山地相比,千湖山只发育末次冰期的冰川作用,其差异性说明该地区冰川发育主要受山体构造抬升控制。  相似文献   

中国第四纪冰川作用与深海氧同位素阶段的对比和厘定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着冰期(阶)与间冰期(阶)旋回的不断细化,第四纪冰期系列与深海氧同位素阶段(MIS)对比之间所反映的问题开始逐步显现。通过中国第四纪冰期与MIS阶段对比,结合分析气候旋回与构造运动对地貌演化的控制作用,研究表明:①冰期(阶)或者间冰期(阶)发生的时段应尽可能对应于MIS的偶数或奇数阶段,有助于MIS框架下新的冰期(阶)的发现;②中更新世以来,中国第四纪冰期-间冰期旋回可能受控于100 ka轨道偏心率变化的气候大背景,昆仑冰期-倒数第二次冰期的冰川规模总体上与全球冰量变化一致。然而,末次冰期早、中期的冰川规模却与MIS所记录的全球冰量变化不尽一致,强烈显示气候与构造环境对冰川作用的影响;③目前在中国第四纪冰期划分方案中,存在着冰期系列由时间和地点双重命名的现象,建议用大理冰期、古乡冰期分别代替末次冰期和倒数第二次冰期。  相似文献   

陕西黄土高原晚更新世环境变化   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
赵景波  黄春长 《地理科学》1999,19(6):565-569
岐山剖面孢粉分析表明,黄土高原东南部晚更新世植被与气候变化可分为7个阶段和13个小阶段。其中末次冰期的3个冷干阶段和2个温湿阶段被分别命名为秦家寨,岐山,坡头冰阶和尚家坡,杨家湾间冰阶。冰阶的植被以温带森林草原为主,间冰阶的植被以落叶阔叶林为主。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖湖滨地区广泛分布着晚第四纪风沙沉积序列。在星子县沙岭沙山进行野外调查后选择蓼花剖面开展工作,测试了地质时代和粒度,对粒度结果使用端元分析模型进行研究,探讨该区域末次冰期中晚期的气候变化规律。结果显示:该剖面由湖相-古土壤-沙丘砂等沉积相叠覆堆积组成,形成于末次冰期中晚期(48.8—17.1 ka)。端元分析模型将粒度数据分解出3个不同的粒度端元,不同端元组分在垂向上呈峰谷交替的旋回变化,EM1代表粉砂端元组分,峰值对应湖相和古土壤发育时期;EM2和EM3代表中砂—粗砂端元组分,峰值对应沙丘砂发育期,这些峰谷交替变化的规律指示了末次冰期的季风演变以及气候波动变化,万年尺度上表现为LH10 (48.8—39.9 ka)和LH3~LH5 (28.1—17.1 ka)的冬季风强盛期,分别对应深海氧同位素的MIS3b和MIS2阶段。LH6~LH9 (39.9—28.1 ka)为温暖的夏季风时期,对应深海氧同位素的MIS3a阶段。这些变化与YZ洞石笋氧同位素以及格陵兰冰心有良好的对应,与全球气候变化基本一致。  相似文献   

晚更新世时期 ,燕山西部山区是一种激烈动荡的地貌水文条件 ,东部山区较稳定 ,发育了河湖相沉积。孢粉分析和哺乳动物化石都表明当时是一种以草原为主的森林草原或苔原景观。其中 ,2 10 0 0aBP .之前的古气候为寒冷稍湿时期 ,2 10 0 0~ 170 0 0aBP .为极度寒冷时期 ,170 0 0~ 12 0 0 0aBP .为气温回升时期 ,12 0 0 0~ 10 0 0 0aBP .为气候动荡、发生逆转时期  相似文献   

The south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay is one of the typical salt-water intrusion areas in China, the occurrence and development of which was closely related with the palaeoenvironment evolution. Systematic analyses of pollen, foraminifera and grain size composition based on ^14C and luminescence dating from two sediment cores were performed for the purpose of understanding the salt-water intrusion in the coastal plain of Laizhou Bay from the perspective of environmental evolution since late Pleistocene. It could be classified into seven evolution stages since 120 kaBP: 120-85 kaBP was a transition period from cold to warm; 85-76 kaBP was a period with warm and wet climate having swamp lakes developed in the lower reaches of the Weihe River, south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay; 76-50 kaBP was characterized by grassland vegetation and coarse sediments in terrestrial environment, which was the early stage of Dali Ice-Age; 50-24 kaBP was a period with alternate sea deposition in the south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay; 24-10 kaBP was the late stage of Dali Ice-Age with coldest period of Quaternary, the south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay was dry grassland and loess deposition environment; 10-4 kaBP was another warm and wet climate period, sea level was high and regressed at 4 kaBP; and has been the modern sedimentary environment since 4 kaBP. Among the three warm stages, including 85-76 kaBP, 50-24 kaBP and 10-4 kaBP, corresponded to late Yangkou, Guangrao and Kenli seawater transgression respectively. The duration of the latter one in south coastal plain of Laizhou Bay was longer than that in west coast of Bohai Sea and east coast of Laizhou Bay. The three periods of seawater transgression formed the foundation of salt-water intrusion in this area.  相似文献   

In this paper the effect of a delayed onset of glaciation in the Barents Sea on glacial isostatic adjustment is investigated. The model calculations solve the sea-level equation governing the total mass redistributions associated with the last glaciation cycle on a spherically symmetric, linear, Maxwell viscoelastic earth for two different scenarios for the growth phase of the Barents Sea ice sheet. In the first ice model a linear growing history is used for the Barents Sea ice sheet, which closely relates its development to the build-up of other major Late Pleistocene ice sheets. In the second ice model the accumulation of the Barents Sea ice sheet is restricted to the last 6 ka prior to the last glacial maximum.
The calculations predict relative sea levels, present-day radial velocities, and gravity anomalies for the area formerly covered by the Weichselian ice sheet. The results show that observed relative sea levels in the Barents Sea are appropriate for distinguishing between the different glaciation histories. In particular, present-day observables such as the free-air gravity anomaly over the Barents Sea, and the present-day radial velocities are sensitive to changes in the glaciation history on this scale.
A palaeobathymetry derived from relative sea-level predictions before the last glacial maximum based on the second ice model essentially agrees with a palaeobathymetry derived by Lambeck (1995). The additional emerged areas provide centres for the build-up of an ice sheet and thus support the theory of Hald, Danielsen & Lorentzen (1990) and Mangerud et al. (1992) that the Barents Sea was an essentially marine environment shortly before the last glacial maximum.  相似文献   

华北地区晚全新世初期环境变化分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
华北地区在3000-2500aBP的晚全新世初期,曾发生过一次环境变化。其主要表现有:气候变凉、变干;植被衰退;降水减少且时、空分配不;河流以暴涨暴落的洪水为主,改道频繁;山地强烈切割,形成第一级阶地;平原快速堆积,造陆作用增强;大部分湖沼洼地被埋没;海岸线后退。因而使得动物迁徙或灭绝,人类活动向第一级阶地、泛滥平原及演海平原延伸。地质历史进入了晚全新世。该变化既具有渐变性质,又具有突变特征。该文分析其变化的原因、机理及中、晚全新世的时代划分。  相似文献   

黄土高原晚更新世的植被与气候环境   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
李秉成  孙建中 《地理研究》2004,23(5):641-648
通过对黄土高原上陕西洛川、富县省等黄土剖面的地质调查、采样和孢粉分析 ,在曾被人们认为孢粉贫乏的黄土中分析出了大量孢粉 ,作出了黄土地层的孢粉浓度图式。结合其他地区数个剖面上孢粉组合的变化 ,阐明了晚更新世的植被与气候在时间上演变与空间上分布的规律 ,证明了各地植被在时间上的演变韵律十分相似 ,说明它们同受全球气候变化的控制 ;但在同一时期各地植被不尽相同 ,则是局部自然环境差异所致。  相似文献   

对长江中游地区定山-太平断面上砂山砂与下风向5个黄土剖面黄土进行了详细的粒度分析,并与其他地区黄土进行对比。结果表明:(1)粒度象和粒度参数特点显示赣北定山-太平断面砂山下风向的黄土状土为风积成土;(2)定山-太平断面的砂山砂-砂山淤泥-黄土粒度特征的渐变过渡,指示了其沉积上的渐变过渡关系。结合区域各沉积相的年代序列认为,末次间冰期以来,长江河谷、漫滩等松散碎屑物在冬季风分选下,粗颗粒物质以砂山形式在其下风向不远处沉积,而剥离出的细颗粒物质则被颠扬到较远的下风向以黄土的形式堆积,从而在区域上形成一个以砂山砂和黄土为主的风沙-风尘沉积体系。  相似文献   

A total of 156 glacial cirques located on two different areas in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain) were identified and measured in order to continue and expand the study of these large‐scale erosional forms in European mountains. Environmental variables that may explain cirque distribution (altitude, aspect and lithology), and their most important morphometric features (area, length (L), width (W), headwall height (H), and L/W, L/H and W/H indices), are analysed. Statistical analysis has been applied as indicators of contrast (ANOVA) and association (correlation and regression). Conglomerate analysis (CLUSTER) has been used to discriminate cirque groups based on their morphometric variables. Results show that cirques occur at lower altitudes in the Upper Sil River basin area than in the Montaña Central area due to a lower former equilibrium line altitude (ELA) position. In the Upper Sil River basin, environmental variables appear to have had a strong influence on the location and size of cirques: the largest cirques are located in quartzite rocks at elevations above 2000 m and face N or NE. In Montaña Central, the influence of these factors was more limited as a consequence of higher geological structure control. Cirque sizes generally are modest compared with cirques present in other mountain ranges globally, most likely due to shorter glacial occupancy in the Cantabrian Mountains.  相似文献   

巴丹吉林沙漠是研究亚洲内陆干旱化等古环境问题的重要窗口。以沙漠东南缘巴润宝日陶勒盖剖面为研究对象,通过详细的薄片矿物学、X射线衍射半定量及粒度等方法指标,综合分析沉积物的结构成熟度和成分成熟度等矿物学特征,恢复该地区在晚更新世沉积环境变化。结果表明:(1) 66.8 ka之前沉积的矿物碎屑分选性好、磨圆较好,稳定矿物含量高;66.8 ka之后,矿物分选性差、磨圆差,稳定矿物含量均下降,粘土矿物增加。(2) 66.8 ka之前沉积物以中砂为主,66.8 ka之后以细砂为主。研究表明巴丹吉林沙漠东南缘66.8 ka前后存在一次沉积环境突变,由风沙沉积转变为湖相沉积,可能代表了一次典型的东亚夏季风增强事件,推测与低纬西太平洋温度升高相关。对于巴丹吉林沙漠东南缘沉积物矿物学的相关认知有助于理解沙漠中沉积环境的转换过程及其驱动因子,并为重建沙漠千年尺度的古环境与古气候演变提供数据参考。  相似文献   

河流阶地和活动断层是研究区域构造运动的良好证据。分析了敦煌雅丹地貌区的活动断层和河流阶地的特征与性质,并取样测定活动断层形成时间,进而通过区域对比确定研究区晚更新世以来的构造运动特征和性质。研究区晚更新世以来受区域构造运动影响强烈,特别是阿尔金构造系和北山构造系的次级构造对研究区影响明显。距今约10万年以来,研究区共发生过3次明显的间歇性构造抬升活动:Ⅰ期发生于距今约10万年前,强度最弱;Ⅱ期发生于距今约7万年前,最为强烈;Ⅲ期发生在距今4万年前。  相似文献   

Wisconsin's Central Sand Plain east of the Wisconsin River is composed of eolian sand forming high-relief dunes surrounded by sand sheets and scattered low-relief dunes. To establish a maximum age for dune formation, three samples for optical dating were taken from glacial Lake Wisconsin lacustrine sediment that underlies eolian sand. These age estimates range from 19.3 to 13.6ka. Age estimates taken from within or at the base of the dunes range from 14.0 to 10.6ka. Samples taken from < 2m of the ground surface were slightly younger, indicating dunes were stabilized between 11.8 and 5.5ka. The younger ages near the surface of some dunes were most likely the result of pedoturbation or localized problems with applying the optical dating method. The majority of the optical age estimates from dunes (18 of 21) indicated that most of the dunes were active between 14 and 10ka and that most dune activity ended by 10ka. These ages suggest that localized activity on dune crests may have occurred in the Holocene but would have been limited to < 1m of sand accumulation. The timing of dune activity and the lack of any significant Holocene reactivation suggest that dune activation in this setting cannot be attributed solely to changes in aridity. Instead, we attribute dune formation to changes in sediment availability from either sand inputs from the Wisconsin River or the melting of permafrost.  相似文献   

曾方明  薛红盼 《中国沙漠》2021,41(6):262-264
为研究青藏高原东北部晚第四纪黄土-古土壤的物质来源及记录的环境变化过程,于2012—2016年在研究区较大的空间范围内采集了黄土、古土壤、风成砂等样品,并于2013年9月在青海湖东岸的种羊场(ZYC)、2019年8月在青海湖北岸的刚察县(GC)和热水村(RS)采集了黄土-古土壤剖面样品。经过标准的XRF测试,得到青藏高原东北部晚第四纪黄土-古土壤元素组成数据集。该数据集包括:(1)青藏高原东北部小于75 μm组分的黄土-古土壤元素组成数据(ELE_NETP_LP);(2)ZYC剖面的黄土-古土壤元素组成数据(ELE_NETP_ZYC);(3)GC剖面的黄土-古土壤元素组成数据(ELE_NETP_GC);(4)RS剖面的黄土-古土壤元素组成数据(ELE_NETP_RS)。数据集存储为.xlsx格式。该数据集可为青藏高原东北部黄土-古土壤的物质来源及记录的环境变化过程提供数据支撑。本数据集的相关研究成果发表在《中国沙漠》2020年第40卷第6期,《Quaternary International》2021年第580卷和《沉积学报》2021年第39卷第5期。  相似文献   

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