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Using chemical analyses and 25° pH measurements of quenched high-temperature waters, we calculate in situ pH and distribution of aqueous species at high temperature. This is accomplished by solving simultaneous mass action equations for complexes and redox equilibria and mass balance equations, on all components, including a H+ equation with as many as 60 terms (depending on water composition). This calculation provides accurate values for the activities of aqueous ions in a given water at high temperature, which are used to calculate an ion activity product (Q) for each of more than 100 minerals. The value of log(Q/K) for each mineral, where K is the equilibrium constant, provides a measure of proximity of the aqueous solution to equilibrium with the mineral. By plotting log Q/Kvs. T for natural waters, it is possible to determine: a) whether the water was in equilibrium with a host rock mineral assemblage, b) probable minerals in the equilibrium assemblage and c) the temperature of equilibrium. In cases where the fluid departs from equilibrium with a host rock assemblage, it is possible to determine whether this may result from boiling or dilution, and an estimate of amount of lost gas or diluting water can be determined.The calculation is illustrated by application to geothermal waters from Iceland, Broadlands, and Sulphur Bank, hot spring waters from Jemez, Yellowstone and Blackfoot Reservoir (Idaho) and fluid inclusions from the Sunnyside Mine, Colorado. It is shown that most geothermal waters approach equilibrium with a subsurface mineral assemblage at a temperature close to measured temperatures and that some hot springs also approach equilibrium with the host rock at temperatures above outlet temperatures but commonly below the Na-K-Ca temperatures. The log Q/K plots show that some discrepancies between Na-K-Ca temperatures on spring waters and actual temperatures result from a failure of alkali feldspars to equilibrate with the fluid and with each other.Calculations on Sulphur Bank fluids show that boiling probably caused cinnabar precipitation near 150°C and that the boiled fluids equilibrated with secondary minerals near 150° even though temperatures up to 185° have been measured at depth. For the fluid inclusions, the measured bubble temperatures are close to those calculated for equilibration of the fluid with the observed sulfide mineral assemblage.New estimates of stability constants for aluminum hydroxide complexes are included at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of water sampled in a 700 m deep underground barite-fluorite mine in the crystalline basement of the Black Forest area (SW Germany) varies systematically with depth and the length of flow paths trough, the fracture porosity of the gneiss matrix. Calcium and sulfate increase as a result of a combined sulfide oxidation and plagioclase alteration reaction. The gneiss contains andesine–plagioclase (An20–An40) and is rich in primary sulfide. As an effect of Ca and SO4 release by the prime water–rock reaction, dissolved oxygen decreases and the waters become more reduced. The waters have Cl/Br mass ratios of about 50, which is very close to that of experimentally leached gneiss powders indicating that the rock matrix is the source of the halogens. The waters are undersaturated with respect to calcite in the upper parts of the mine. With increasing reaction progress, calcite saturation is reached and carbonate forms as a reaction product of the prime reaction that also controls the partial pressure of CO2 to progressively lower values. The chemical evolution of groundwater in fractured basement of the Clara mine suggests that the partial pressure of CO2 is an internally buffered parameter rather than a controlling external variable.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of multivariate statistical analysis to trace hydrochemical evolution in a limestone terrain at Zagros region, Iran. The study area includes a deep confined aquifer, overlaid by an unconfined aquifer. The method involves the use of principal component analysis (PCA) to assess and evaluate the hydrochemical evolution based on chemical and isotope variables of 12 piezometers drilled in both the unconfined and confined aquifers. First PCA on all variables shows that water–rock interaction under different conditions with respect to the atmospheric CO2 is the main process responsible for chemical constituents. As a result, combinations of several ratios such as Ca/TDS, SO4/TDS and Mg/TDS with physico-chemical and isotope variables reveal different hydrochemical evolution trend in the aquifers. Second PCA on the selective samples and variables reveals that displacement of the unconfined samples from dry to wet season follows a refreshing trend towards river samples that is characterized by reducing electrical conductivity and increasing sulphate and tritium contents. However, the refreshing trend cannot be traced in the confined aquifer samples suggesting no recharge from river to the confined aquifer. Third PCA reveals that, chemical composition of water samples in the unconfined aquifer tends to have considerable difference from each other in the end of recharge period. In contrast, the confined aquifer samples have a tendency to show similar chemical composition during recharge period in comparison to end of dry period. This difference is caused by different mechanism of recharge in the unconfined aquifer (through the whole aquifer surface) and the confined aquifer (through the limited recharge area).  相似文献   

The Wadi Watir delta in the Wadi Watir watershed is a tourist area in the arid southeastern part of the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, where development and growth of the community on the delta are constrained by the amount of groundwater that can be withdrawn sustainably. To effectively manage groundwater resources in the Wadi Watir delta, the origin of groundwater recharge, groundwater age, and changes in groundwater chemistry in the watershed needs to be understood. Mineral identification, rock chemistry, water chemistry, and the isotopes of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon in groundwater were used to identify the sources, mixing, and ages of groundwater in the watershed and the chemical evolution of groundwater as it flows from the upland areas in the watershed to the developed areas at the Wadi Watir delta. Groundwater in the Wadi Watir watershed is primarily from recent recharge while groundwater salinity is controlled by mixing of chemically different waters and dissolution of minerals and salts in the aquifers. The El Shiekh Attia and Wadi El Ain areas in the upper Wadi Watir watershed have different recharge sources, either from recharge from other areas or from different storm events. The downgradient Main Channel area receives groundwater flow primarily from the El Shiekh Attia area. Groundwater in the Main Channel area is the primary source of groundwater supplying the aquifers of the Wadi Watir delta.  相似文献   

Origin of salinity of deep groundwater in crystalline rocks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Stober  & Bucher 《地学学报》1999,11(4):181-185
Deep groundwater in fractured crystalline basement has been reported from deep mines and from scientific deep wells. Highly saline brines have been described from several km depth in the continental basement of the Canadian, Fennoscandian and Ukrainian shields and elsewhere in the world. The origin of salinity is unknown and many different possibilities have been presented. We compare the compositional evolution of deep waters in the Black Forest basement, SW Germany, with those of other deep crystalline waters, and use halogen systematics (e.g. Cl/Br ratios) and other parameters of the waters to deduce the origin of their salinity. In the Black Forest the composition of deep thermal waters results from chemical interaction of surface water with the rock matrix (mainly weathering of plagioclase and mica) and from mixing of the reacted water with stagnant saline deep water. Here we show by Na/TDS-and Cl/TDS-investigations, by molality-ratios of the Na and Cl concentrations, and by Cl/Br systematics that these deep saline waters have a marine origin. The Cl/Br ratios in deep crystalline waters are very close to normal marine ratios (Cl/Br = 288 ppm basis). In contrast, Cl/Br ratios of other possible sources of salinity show distinctly different Cl/Br ratios: water derived from dissolved Tertiary halite deposits of the rift valley is in the order of Cl/Br = 2400 and water from dissolved Muschelkalk halite deposits has values of about Cl/Br = 9900. Leaching experiments on crystalline rocks, on the other hand, show that the average Cl/Br ratio of crystalline rocks is far below Cl/Br = 100.  相似文献   

The near-surface water cycle in a geologically complex area comprises very different sources including meteoric, metamorphic and magmatic ones. Fluids from these sources can react with sedimentary, magmatic and/or metamorphic rocks at various depths. The current study reports a large number of major, minor and trace element analyses of meteoric, mineral, thermal and mine waters from a geologically well-known and variable area of about 200 × 150 km in SW Germany. The geology of this area comprises a Variscan granitic and gneissic basement overlain in parts by Triassic and Jurassic shales, sandstones and limestones. In both the basement and the sedimentary rocks, hydrothermal mineralization occurs (including Pb, Cu, As, Zn, U, Co and many others) which were mined in former times. Mineral waters, thermal waters and meteoric waters flowing through abandoned mines (mine waters) are distributed throughout the area, although the mine waters concentrate in and around the Schwarzwald.The present analyses show, that the major element composition of a particular water is determined by the type of surrounding rock (e.g., crystalline or sedimentary rocks) and the depth from which the water originates. For waters from crystalline rocks it is the origin of the water that determines whether the sample is Na–Cl dominant (deeper origin) or Ca–HCO3 dominant (shallow origin). In contrast, compositions of waters from sedimentary rocks are determined by the availability of easily soluble minerals like calcite (Ca–HCO3 dominant), halite (Na–Cl dominant) or gypsum (Ca–SO4 dominant). Major element data alone cannot, therefore, be used to trace the origin of a water. However, the combination of major element composition with trace element data can provide further information with respect to flow paths and fluid–rock interaction processes. Accordingly, trace element analyses showed, that:
  • −Ce anomalies can be used as an indicator for the origin of a water. Whereas surface waters have negative or strongly negative Ce anomalies, waters originating from greater depths show no or only weak negative Ce anomalies.
  • −Eu anomalies can be used to differentiate between host rocks. Waters from gneisses display positive Eu anomalies, whereas waters from granites have negative ones. Waters from sedimentary rocks do not display any Eu anomalies.
  • −Rb and Cs can also be indicators for the rock with which the fluid interacted: Rb and Cs correlate positively in most waters with Rb/Cs ratios of ∼2, which suggests that these waters are in equilibrium with the clay minerals in the rocks. Rb/Cs ratios >5 indicate reaction of a water with existing clay minerals, whereas Rb/Cs ratios <2 are probably related to host rock alteration and clay mineral formation.
The chemical compositions of carbonate precipitates from thermal waters indicate that rare earth elements (REEs), Rb and Cs concentrations in the minerals are controlled by the incorporation of clay particles that adsorb these elements.  相似文献   

The Central West Bank aquifer (CWB) is one of the most important resources of fresh groundwater of Palestine. The geology of the area consists mainly of karstic and permeable limestones and dolomites interbedded with argillaceous beds of late Albian–Turonian age. Exploitation of the CWB aquifer, combined with lack of information required to understand the groundwater pattern, represents a challenge for reservoir management. The present work reports hydrogeochemistry, microbiology and environmental isotope data from spring water samples, which were utilized to understand recharge mechanisms, geochemical evolution and renewability of groundwater in CWB aquifer. Besides the major chemical compositions, ionic ratios were used to delineate mineral-solution reactions and weathering processes. Interpretation of chemical data suggests that the chemical evolution of groundwater is primarily controlled by (1) water–rock interactions, involving dissolution of carbonate minerals (calcite and dolomite), and (2) cation exchange processes. The measured equation of the local meteoric water line is δD?=?5.8 δ18O?+?9.9. Stable isotopes show that precipitation is the source of recharge to the groundwater system. The evaporation line has a linear increasing trend from south to north direction in the study area. All analyzed spring waters are suitable for irrigation, but not for drinking purposes. The results from this study can serve as a basis for decision-makers and stakeholders, with the intention to increase the understanding of sustainable management of the CWBs.  相似文献   

The hydrogeochemistry of saline-meteoric water interface zones in sedimentary basins is important in constraining the fluid migration history, chemical evolution of basinal brines, and physical stability of saline formation waters during episodes of freshwater recharge. This is especially germane for interior cratonic basins, such as the Michigan and Illinois basins. Although there are large differences in formation water salinity and hydrostratigraphy in these basins, both are relatively quiescent tectonically and have experienced repeated cycles of glaciation during the Pleistocene. Exploration for unconventional microbial gas deposits, which began in the upper Devonian-age Antrim Shale at the northern margin of the Michigan Basin, has recently extended into the age-equivalent New Albany Shale of the neighboring Illinois Basin, providing access to heretofore unavailable fluid samples. These reveal an extensive regional recharge system that has profoundly changed the salinity structure and induced significant biogeochemical modification of formation water elemental and isotope geochemistry.New-formation water and gas samples were obtained from Devonian-Mississippian strata in the Illinois Basin. These included exploration wells in the New Albany Shale, an organic-rich black shale of upper Devonian age, and formation waters from over- and underlying regional aquifer systems (Siluro-Devonian and Mississippian age). The hydrostratigraphic relations of major aquifers and aquitards along the eastern margin of the Illinois Basin critically influenced fluid migration into the New Albany Shale. The New Albany Shale formation water chemistry indicates significant invasion of meteoric water, with δD values as low as −46.05‰, into the shale. The carbon stable isotope system (δ13C values as high as 29.4‰), coupled with δ18O, δD, and alkalinity of formation waters (alkalinity ≤24.08 meq/kg), identifies the presence of microbial gas associated with meteoric recharge. Regional geochemical patterns identify the underlying Siluro-Devonian carbonate aquifer system as the major conduit for freshwater recharge into the fractured New Albany Shale reservoirs. Recharge from overlying Mississippian carbonates is only significant in the southernmost portion of the basin margin where carbonates directly overlie the New Albany Shale.Recharge of dilute waters (Cl <1000 mM) into the Siluro-Devonian section has suppressed formation water salinity to depths as great as 1 km across the entire eastern Illinois Basin margin. Taken together with salinity and stable isotope patterns in age-equivalent Michigan Basin formation waters, they suggest a regional impact of recharge of δ18O- and δD-depleted fluids related to Pleistocene glaciation. Devonian black shales at both basin margins have been affected by recharge and produced significant volumes of microbial methane. This recharge is also manifested in different salinity gradients in the two basins because of their large differences in original formation water salinity. Given the relatively quiet tectonic history and subdued current topography in the midcontinent region, it is likely that repeated cycles of glacial meltwater invasion across this region have induced a strong disequilibrium pattern in fluid salinity and produced a unique class of unconventional shale-hosted gas deposits.  相似文献   

高温流体的化学组成及同位素特征是深部环境信息的重要载体.本文基于锂同位素地球化学方法系统分析了川西现代热泉地热流体的水化学特征、水岩反应过程、补给来源、水岩反应温度及循环深度.研究结果显示,茶洛热泉水化学相类型为HCO3-Na型,与地表水和冷地下水的HCO3-Ca型存在明显区别.利用锂同位素温标估算茶洛热泉的水岩反应体...  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(1):67-84
In this study, the chemical evolution of high Cl Chardon mine groundwaters is modelled as a mixing between an oxidising recharge and an old marine component on which the water–rock interaction is superimposed. Chemical and isotopic similarities with saline Carnmenellis mine groundwaters are emphasised and a general comparison with other brines is discussed.The cation content of deep granitic groundwaters is indicative of the water–rock interaction. In the case of Chardon and Carnmenellis groundwaters, the high Na/Cl ratio can still be related to the contribution of a brine of sedimentary origin to the water salinity. The differences in the hydrochemistry related to their geological context only appears at the trace metals level. On the contrary, brines in plutonic rocks which exhibit a low Na/Cl ratio represent groundwaters having a residence time in the host rock, long enough to equilibrate with secondary aluminosilicates. In that case, the brine origin is difficult to assess if only based on the water cation content.  相似文献   

Hydrologic hydrochemical investigations were conducted to determine the long-term fate of hazardous chemical waste disposed in the Texas Gulf Coast Tertiary formations by deep-well injection. The study focused on the hydrostatic section of the Frio Formation because it is the host of a very large volume of injected waste and because large data bases of formation pressures and water chemistry are available.Three hydrologic regimes exist within the Frio Formation: a shallow fresh to moderately saline water section in the upper 3,000–4,000 ft (914–1,219 m); an underlying 4,000- to 5,000-ft-thick (1,219- to 1,524-m) section with moderate to high salinities: and a deeper overpressured section with moderate to high salinities. The upper two sections are normally pressured and reflect either freshwater or brine hydrostatic pressure gradients. Geopressured conditions are encountered as shallow as 6,000 ft (1,829 m). The complexity of the hydrologic environment is enhanced due to extensive depressurization in the 4,000- to 8,000-ft-depth (1,219- to 2,438-m) interval, which presumably results from the estimated production of over 10 billion barrels (208 × 106 m3) of oil equivalent and associated brines from the Frio in the past 50 yr. Because of the higher fluid density and general depressurization in the brine hydrostatic section, upward migration of these brines to shallow fresh groundwaters should not occur. Depressured oil and gas fields, however, may become sinks for the injected chemical wastes.Water samples appear to be in approximate oxygen isotopic equilibrium with the rock matrix, suggesting that active recharge of the Frio by continental waters is not occurring. In the northern Texas Gulf Coast region salt dome dissolution is a prime process controlling water chemistry. In the central and southern Frio Formation, brines from the deeper geopressured section may be leaking into the hydrostatic section. The lack of organic acids and the alteration of Frio oils from samples collected from depths shallower than approximately 7,000 ft (2,133 m) suggest microbial degradation of organic material. This has useful implications for degradation of injected chemical wastes and needs to be investigated further.  相似文献   


The potential sources of recharge of both water and solutes to the Quaternary aquifer in the area between Ismailia and El Kassara canals in northeastern Egypt include seepage from the irrigation canals and conduits, return flow after irrigation in the cultivated fields, local precipitation, and the upward flow of groundwater from the underlying Miocene aquifer system. Water isotopes, solute concentrations, and sulfate isotopes were used to investigate the geochemical sources, reactions, and the impacts of the hydraulic connections among recharge sources. The obtained results indicate a minimal influence of the underlying Miocene aquifer as a water and solute source while old and new contributions from the irrigation canals represent the main sources of recharge. The chemical reactions responsible for the chemical constituents and salinity in the aquifer include silicate weathering, evaporite dissolution, and carbonate precipitation. Most of groundwater samples appear to lie at/or close to equilibrium with montmorillonite, kaolinite, and illite where clay minerals are quite common in the local soils of the Quaternary aquifer.


The major element chemistry of Icelandic geothermal waters is predictable provided two parameters are known. This follows from an attainment of, or a close approach to, an overall chemical equilibrium in the geothermal systems at temperatures as low as 50°C. It is considered that the geothermal system composition, temperature and kinetic factors determine which alteration minerals form. The system composition is not so much fixed by rock composition as by the rate of leaching of the various constituents from the fresh rock and the composition of inflowing water. The water chemistry is determined by the system composition and the external variables acting on the system. They include temperature and the mobility of chloride. Pressure, which theoretically should be regarded as an external variable, has insignificant effect on water compositions in the range (1–200 bars) occurring in the geothermal systems.  相似文献   

Unplanned and unsustainable extraction has created stress on groundwater resources in many parts of India. The stress symptoms are more pronounced in hard rock areas, where the aquifer potentials are comparatively low. Present research targeted an area of 3000 km2 in the interstream region between the Kharun and Seonath rivers, which is one such region in Central India. In spite of being a water-stressed area, so far, little is understood about processes of recharge, amount of recharge and processes controlling chemical quality, which are key inputs for groundwater management in the area. This study presents an appraisal of recharge mechanism, recharge rate and prevailing water–rock interactions in the study area. Stable isotope composition of groundwater when compared to that of rainfall indicates monsoon rainfall as the primary source of groundwater recharge. Winter rains, which are characteristically enriched in heavier isotopes, do not contribute notably to groundwater recharge. Recharge is rapid with minor or no evaporative enrichment before recharge. Further, analysis of stable isotopes show that ‘macropore recharge’ is dominant in limestone or calcareous shale, covering more than 70% of the study area. Also apparent is the vertical connectivity amongst the aquifers. However, active intermixing of surface water and groundwater is not a predominant process. Annual groundwater recharge from rainfall, as derived from chloride mass balance, is 105.26 million cubic metre. Groundwater is predominantly of bicarbonate type, irrespective of its hydrostratigraphic (lithology) setting. Dissolution of carbonates and gypsum (occurring as veins), weathering of feldspar and ion exchange of clay minerals are amongst the most likely processes controlling the regional groundwater chemistry.  相似文献   

Impacts of irrigation with treated wastewater effluents on soils and groundwater aquifer in the vicinity of Sidi Abid Region (Tunisia) are evaluated. The groundwater aquifer was monitored by several piezometers, where monthly water levels were registered and groundwater salinity was evaluated. This resulted in characterizing the spatial and temporal evolution of the hydrochemical and hydrodynamic properties of the aquifer, showing thereby the impact of artificial recharge. Piezometric maps for pre-recharge and post-recharge situations were developed and a comparison study of both piezometric situations was considered. The piezometric evolution map showed a generalized rise of the piezometric level in the vicinity of the irrigation zone. The extent of recharge was shown to increase with time as the groundwater level increase, which was localized in the vicinity of the irrigation area, reached more extended zones. Several groundwater samples were withdrawn from wells and piezometers and analyzed. Examining the corresponding physical and chemical parameters showed an increase in the concentrations of nutrients (28 mg/l for NO3 and 3.97 mg/l for NH4) in the groundwater aquifer below the irrigation zone, which confirms again the infiltration of treated wastewater effluents. The evolution of soil salinity was examined through chemical analysis of soil samples. Electric conductivities of soils were generally shown to be less than 4 mS/cm while the irrigation water has an electric conductivity that may reach 6.63 mS/cm. This might be explained by the phenomenon of dilution and the capacity of soils to evacuate salts downward.  相似文献   

A field study was undertaken on the Florida Bay side of Fiesta Key, Florida, to identify the chemical characteristics of a previously unexplored offshore groundwater system and to define the critical parameters affecting groundwater movement and interaction with sediment pore fluids and bedrock. Emphasis was placed on the upper 2 meters of bedrock, where groundwater recharge and discharge potentials are maximized, along a 100 meter transect extending from the island margin. Bedrock cores were used to describe Pleistocene depositional textures, and were sampled at discrete depths to determine the extent of water-rock interaction. Piezometers installed into each core hole were used to monitor surface and ground water tide levels, and for the systematic collection of water samples for a large suite of chemical determinations.Aqueous chemical data indicate that these groundwaters are marine in origin, anoxic, and moderately hypersaline (S = 36–40). Exchange of bedrock pore fluids with overlying Bay waters is restricted by a layer of Holocene sediment and a discontinuous soilstone crust formed at the modern bedrock surface. Groundwater chemistry near the sediment/bedrock interface is marked by elevated concentrations of total alkalinity and Ca2+, and by significant Mg2+ depletion. These waters likely acquired their unusual chemistry by mixing between deeper groundwaters and overlying, early diagenetically altered, sediment porewaters. High alkalinity and calcium concentrations presumably result from the combination of the effects of aerobic metabolism, carbonate dissolution, and sulfate reduction. Mg-depletion most likely resulted from the precipitation of Mg-calcite. These unusual chemistries disappear by 2 m depth in the groundwater system, where Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations are similar to those expected for seawater under slightly hypersaline conditions.The Pleistocene bedrock contains low Mg, Sr, F, and P concentrations relative to the overlying unconsolidated Holocene carbonate sediments. This is consistent with the diagenetic recrystallization processes that the bedrock has undergone. Hydraulic conditions favor the net recharge of Florida Bay seawater to the groundwater system, but there are insufficient tide data to identify cyclical water exchange rates or groundwater flow patterns.  相似文献   

The water resources of the Essaouira coastal basin (west of Marrakesh) are characteristic of a semi-arid climate and are severely impacted by the climate in terms of quantity and quality. Considering the importance of the Essaouira aquifer in the groundwater supply of a vast region (nearly 1,200 km2), a research study was conducted in order to better understand groundwater evolution in this aquifer system. It is a coastal aquifer located on the Atlantic coastline, southern Morocco, and salinization problems have been reported. Covering the Palaeozoic bedrock, the sedimentary series range from the Triassic to the Quaternary. Besides the possibility of seawater intrusion problems, the geological structures delineate a syncline bordered by the Tidzi diapir (of Triassic age) outcropping to the east and south. This is a recharge area for the aquifer, whereas the main groundwater flow direction is from SE to NW towards the Atlantic Ocean. In spite of the occurrence of calcareous and dolomitic levels, all waters in the Essaouira basin are of the Na–Cl-type. Based on a range of experimental methodologies, combined with PCA and geochemical modelling, it was possible to identify the mineralization processes occurring in the groundwater system, and the importance of the water–rock interaction in the water chemistry. Scenarios were tested using a simple mass balance model through the PHREEQC programme. The reaction path was assumed to be such that waters observed at shallow depths evolved to more mineralized waters. An important contribution of water–rock interaction in groundwater mineralization was found, corroborating the influence of preferential recharge from the Tidzi diapir in the water’s signature. Anthropogenic contamination was also identified and could lead to serious problems with groundwater degradation in the near future, in a country with scarce water resources.  相似文献   

In Togo, the hydrogeology of the sedimentary coastal aquifers along the Gulf of Guinea has been studied for the last three decades to define the recharge processes and the origin and evolution of the salinity. Isotope hydrology and fluid geochemistry suggest that the current recharge of all aquifers, both confined and unconfined, occurs through the crystalline basement and the Plio-Quaternary deposits. Two main groundwater mineralization processes are observed: the first one, in recharge areas, is due to farming, village and city life and concerns unconfined aquifers (crystalline basement, Continental Terminal and Quaternary sediments); the second one is a mixing process between recent freshwater and fossil saline water still present in the deep confined aquifers inland, several kilometers away from the coast. Brackish water was trapped in low-permeability lenses of confined aquifers (Eo-Palaeocene and Maastrichtian) during the Quaternary, in periods of low recharge, notably during the last glacial maximum (LGM), and has not yet been flushed out. Hydrodynamic simulations indicate that, at that time, the aquifers experienced a maximum seawater intrusion as far as 20–22 km inland, depending on the palaeo-recharge value at the outcrops.  相似文献   

The mass of pore water present in the rock matrix of a crystalline rock mass is significant and its influence on fracture groundwater and future deep repositories needs to be understood. Yet, the rock matrix has a hydraulic transmissivity generally well below 10−10 m2 s−1 inhibiting sampling of pore water by conventional sampling techniques. Various innovative techniques for the chemical and isotopic characterisation of pore water in crystalline rocks are applied and evaluated. Direct sampling of pore water was facilitated by collecting seepage water in a specially designed borehole located at a depth of 420 m in the Äspö underground research laboratory (Äspö HRL), Sweden, over a period of 7.5 a. During the entire time span, seepage waters collected from different sampling sections showed constant, but individual chemical and isotopic compositions. Compositional differences compared to nearby fracture groundwaters indicate that the collected waters originated from the low-permeability rock mass without mutual influence via more conductive microfractures within the metre scale. They are interpreted as representing pore water in a transient state of diffusive interaction with different types of old palaeowaters which have periodically characterised the fracture network at the Äspö HRL over geological times (thousands to hundreds of thousands of years).  相似文献   

The Kangan Aquifer (KA) is located below a gas reservoir in the crest of the Kangan Anticline, southwest of Iran. This aquifer is composed of Permo-Triassic limestone, dolomite, sandstone, anhydrite and shale. It is characterized by a total dissolved solid of about 332,000 mg/L and Na–Ca–Cl-type water. A previous study showed that the source of the KA waters is evaporated seawater. Chemical evolution of the KA is the main objective of this study. The major, minor and trace element concentrations of the KA waters were measured. The chemical evolution of KA waters occurred by three different processes: evaporation of seawater, water–rock and water–gas interactions. Due to the seawater evaporation process, the concentration of all ions in the KA waters increased up to saturation levels. In comparison to the evaporated seawater, the higher concentrations of Ca, Li, Sr, I, Mn and B and lower concentrations of Mg, SO4 and Na and no changes in concentrations of Cl and K ions are observed in the KA waters. Based on the chemical evolution after seawater evaporation, the KA waters are classified into four groups: (1) no evolution (Cl, K ions), (2) water–rock interaction (Na, Ca, Mg, Li and Sr ions), (3) water–gas interaction (SO4 and I ions) and (4) both water–rock and water–gas interactions (Mn and B ions). The chemical evolution processes of the KA waters include dolomitization, precipitation, ion exchange and recrystallization in water–rock interaction. Bacterial reduction and diagenesis of organic material in water–gas interaction also occur. A new type of chart, Caexcess versus Mgdeficit, is proposed to evaluate the dolomitization process.  相似文献   

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