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Baranevskoy金-银矿床产于巴尔喀什火山的火山口,该火山坐落在堪察加中部矿区东南部。本文基于矿物学原理和流体包裹体数据分析探讨了Baranevskoy金-银矿床的成矿环境及其物理化学条件。Baranevskoy金-银矿床的围岩为中新世—上新世的安山岩和玄武岩。热液蚀变活动随深度逐渐变化,从而可以进一步划分出最深部的石英带、中部的石英-绢云母(明矾石)-黄铁矿-铁钛氧化物带及其伴生的石英-绢云母-伊利石-黄铁矿矿物组合和浅部的石英-冰长石-水云母-黏土矿物-碳酸盐岩带。成矿早期存在密集浸染的铜矿化,主要矿石矿物有黄铜矿、斑铜矿、砷黝铜矿-黝铜矿,并在Rhzavaya矿脉中存在少量的自然金。其中砷黝铜矿-黝铜矿系列以砷黝铜矿和黝铜矿两个端员作为代表,且以黝铜矿为主。成矿后期产出代表晚期金-银矿化的自然金、黄铁矿、黄铜矿、闪锌矿、方铅矿、碲化物和硫酸盐等标志性矿物。早期铜矿化(第一期)被认为是中硫阶段,紧随其后的为低硫型金-银矿化(第二期和第三期)。金从第一期到第三期都有沉淀。经研究发现,自然金也赋存于变质围岩的岩石裂隙内。早期的自然金相对富银,其中金的摩尔分数为59%~65%,低于后期(第二、第三期)自然金中金的摩尔分数(64%~72%)。流体包裹体显微测温结果显示,位于中部(Central)矿脉的包裹体均一温度为190~280 ℃,Rzhavaya矿脉的包裹体为190~240 ℃,产出自然金的蚀变围岩中石英的包裹体温度为230~310 ℃。包裹体总体表现出低盐度(0.9%~2.4% NaCleq)特征,推测存在大气水的混入。  相似文献   

New data on the mineral composition and the first data on the geochemical composition of ores of the Rogovik gold-silver deposit (Omsukchan ore district, northeastern Russia) have been obtained. Study of the regularities of the spatial distribution of ore mineralization shows that the deposit ores formed in two stages. Epithermal Au-Ag ores of typical poor mineral and elemental compositions were generated at the early volcanic stage. The major minerals are low-fineness native gold, electrum, acanthite, silver sulfosalts, kustelite, and pyrite. The typomorphic elemental composition of ores is as follows: Au, Ag, Sb, As, Se, and Hg. The content of S is low, mostly < 1%. Silver ores of more complex mineral and elemental compositions were produced under the impact of granitoid intrusion at the late volcanoplutonic stage. The major minerals are high-Hg kustelite and native silver, silver sulfosalts and selenides, fahlore, pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite. The typomorphic elemental composition of ores is as follows: Ag, As, Sb, Se, Hg, Pb, Zn, Cu, and B. The content of S is much higher than 1%. The ores also have elevated contents of Mo, Ge, F, and LREE (La, Ce, and Nd). At the volcanoplutonic stage, polychronous Au-Ag ores formed at the sites of the coexistence of silver and epithermal gold-silver mineralization. Their specific feature is a multicomponent composition and a strong variability in chemical composition (both qualitative and quantitative). Along with the above minerals, the ores contain high-Hg gold, hessite, argyrodite, canfieldite, orthite, fluorapatite, and arsenopyrite. At the sites with strongly rejuvenated rocks, the ores are strongly enriched in Au, Ag, Hg, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ge, Se, La, Ce, Nd, S, and F and also contain Te and Bi. The hypothesis is put forward that the late silver ores belong to the Ag-complex-metal association widespread in the Omsukchan ore district. A close relationship between the ores of different types and their zonal spatial distribution have been established. In the central part of the Rogovik deposit, epithermal Au-Ag ores are widespread in the upper horizons, Ag ores are localized in the middle horizons, and rejuvenated polyassociation Au-Ag ores occur at the sites (mostly deep-seated) with ore-bearing structures of different ages.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the largest electrum units precipitated in calcite of the final (“nonproductive”) stage of ore formation. Notably, during examination of the chemical composition of these gold grains, sphalerite and other minerals belonging to the early (“productive”) association have been found. The results of thermo- and cryometric investigations of fluid inclusions in calcite of the Agatovskoe deposit have indicated that in the composition of two-phase fluid solutions of admixtures, NaCl, KCl, and MgCl dominated. This is evidenced by chloride eutectics of the admixture solutions in the temperature interval from −35 to −39°C. The complete homogenization of the fluid admixtures takes place in a narrow temperature interval (from 206 to 213°C) and concentration of salts is 3.7–6.0 mass % in NaCl equivalent. The density of the fluid changes starting from 0.88–0.89 g/cm3. The derived homogenization temperatures correspond to the temperatures of gold deposition, since the pressure during formation of gold veins in the deposit was small.  相似文献   

The carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions in rocks and ores of the Ulutelyak (Bashkortostan) manganese deposit of the Lower Permian (P1kg) are studied. Values of ??13C, ?? (PDB) and ??18O, ?? (SMOW) show the following range: from ?3.8 to 3.3 and from 22.0 to 29.6, respectively, in manganese oxide-carbonate ores; from 2.7 to 4.1 and from 28.8 to 29.7, respectively, in non-ore carbonate-clayey interbeds of the ore member; and from 2.8 to 4.5 and from 29.5 to 30.0, respectively, in the underlying and overlying limestones. Lithological features and isotope data suggest that manganese carbonates were formed at the postsedimentary stage of rock transformation due to metasomatic replacement of the primary cyanobacterial sedimentary carbonates by the elisional manganiferous solutions.  相似文献   

西藏昂仁县罗布真金银矿位于冈底斯成矿带西段,其大地构造位置属于南拉萨微陆块,矿体受北西西的断裂构造控制,呈脉状、透镜状产于始新世帕那组火山岩中。按照矿石工业类型分类,矿石类型可分为角砾岩型、石英脉型和蚀变岩型等三类,主要金银矿石矿物为自然金和碲银矿等。矿区广泛繁育不同特征的热液脉体,通过系统的野外观测以及全面的岩相学研究,依据矿物共生组合、脉体切穿关系及蚀变特征,将热液脉体从早到晚划分为石英-黄铁矿阶段(S1)的石英-黄铁矿大脉、玉髓华石英-金-多金属硫化物阶段(S2)的石英-金属硫化物网脉、石英-碳酸盐矿物阶段(S3)的石英-方解石细脉。罗布真金银矿床热液脉体主要发育气液两相流体包裹体(富液两相包裹体、富气两相包裹体)和含子矿物(碳酸盐矿物)三相流体包裹体。本文在野外地质调查的基础上,对不同成矿阶段的石英脉进行了流体包裹体的岩相学观测、显微测温、成分分析以及H-O同位素测试。S1阶段流体包裹体的形成温度集中在310~330 ℃,盐度(w(NaCleq))集中在5.0%~10.1%,密度介于0.60~0.80 g/cm3;S2阶段流体包裹体的形成温度集中在240~280 ℃,盐度介于3.0%~7.0%,密度介于0.70~0.90 g/cm3;S3阶段流体包裹体的形成温度集中在121~215 ℃,盐度集中在1.0%~5.0%,密度集中在0.85~1.00 g/cm3。拉曼分析表明,罗布真金银矿的流体包裹体成分以H2O为主,并含有少量的CO2、N2、CH4等气体及方解石子晶。各热液脉体石英中流体包裹体的δ${{\text{D}}_{{{\text{H}}_{2}}\text{O},\text{V-SMOW}}}$值的变化范围为-106.1‰~-97.5‰,δ18${{\text{O}}_{{{\text{H}}_{2}}\text{O},\text{V-SMOW}}}$值的变化范围为-7.33‰~-7.13‰,展示其成矿流体主要源自火山岩围岩中的循环地下水,在早阶段还有少量岩浆水的加入。成矿流体在岩浆作用驱动下,沿着断裂从深部封闭体系运移到浅部的开放体系,迅速突破临界状态减压沸腾并产生相分离导致金属硫化物沉淀,形成矿化。随着含矿热液成矿物质及金属硫化物的大量析出,流体温度、盐度迅速降低,金属矿物成矿作用随之结束。罗布真金银矿床的成矿流体为中低温、低盐度、中低密度并含有少量CO2、N2、CH4等气体的流体,具有典型的浅成低温热液矿床成矿流体的特征。  相似文献   

The relationships and chemical compositions of silver sulfoselenides in the ores of the Rogovik gold-silver deposit (northeastern Russia) were studied to refine the low-temperature region of the Ag2S-Ag2Se phase diagram and identify contradictions between natural and experimental data. Two types of relationships between the phases of the system Ag2S-Ag2Se have been recognized using optical and scanning electron microscopy: (1) Se-acanthite and S-naumannite occur as monomineral microinclusions or fill cracks in the grains or the interstices of other minerals, and acanthite (free of impurities) forms rims on Fe-sphalerite; (2) Se-acanthite forms rims on S-naumannite. Electron probe microanalysis of silver sulfoselenides from the Rogovik ores revealed 0–7.9 wt.% Se in acanthite and 0–3.2 wt.% S in naumannite, which corresponds to the acanthite series Ag2S-Ag2S0.74Se0.26 and naumannite series Ag2S0.28Se0.72-Ag2Se. The composition ranges of the studied acanthite and naumannite series are wider than those of natural silver sulfoselenides from the Guanajuato (Mexico), Silver City (USA), Salida (Indonesia), and other deposits (Ag2S-Ag2S0.85Se0.15 and Ag2S0.12Se0.88-Ag2Se, respectively) but are significantly narrower than the composition ranges of synthetic samples: Ag2S-Ag2S0.4Se0.6 and Ag2S0.3Se0.7-Ag2Se. The presence of intergrowths of two phases of the Ag2S-Ag2Se series in the form of Se-acanthite rims on S-naumannite in the Rogovik ores and the absence of three-phase intergrowths of silver sulfoselenides Ag2S1 -xSex from this and other deposits do not confirm the assumption on the existence of the third solid solution. The results of earlier studies of natural Ag2(S,Se) solid solutions show the existence of two solid solutions (of the acanthite and naumannite series) in the Ag2S-Ag2Se system and confirm the experimental data. It is necessary to carry out a detailed examination of natural silver sulfoselenides falling in the interval from Ag2S0.4Se0.6 to Ag2S0.3Se0.7 in order to identify the limits of two-phase immiscibility.  相似文献   

Gold and silver minerals from the Kupol epithermal deposit, Chukotka, were studied. A schematic sequence of mineral formation has been compiled. Specific mineral assemblages have been revealed in jarosite breccias: with native gold, uytenbogaardtite, fischesserite, acanthite, and native sulfur. We considered a possible mechanism of formation of gold and silver sulfides and selenides in volcanogenic deposits: They might have formed during solfatara and postsolfatara processes with the participation of volcanic gases or their condensates and sublimates as well as liquid sulfur (and selenium) and sulfuric hydrotherms produced under the interaction of volcanic gases with meteoric waters. The specific features of the Kupol deposit confirm the solfatara genesis of Au–Ag sulfides and selenides.  相似文献   

新疆阿尔泰托莫尔特铁(锰)矿床成矿流体研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
托莫尔特铁(锰)矿床赋存于上志留统—下泥盆统康布铁堡组上亚组变质火山-沉积岩系中。矿床的形成经历了火山沉积期、岩浆热液叠加改造期和区域变质期,火山沉积期为铁和锰主要成矿期。火山沉积期石英中流体包裹体类型以气液两相包裹体为主,均一温度集中于170~300℃,峰值为190℃,流体的w(NaCleq)为3.23%~22.71%,密度为0.62~1.09 g/cm3,气相和液相成分表明成矿流体富含Na+、Cl-和H2O,为中-低温、中-低盐度、中-低密度的H2O-NaCl体系。区域变质期石英中以发育含液体CO2包裹体为特征,完全均一温度介于210~523℃,w(NaCleq)为4.80%~11.33%,密度为0.85~1.05 g/cm3,气相和液相成分表明流体富含Na+、Cl-、SO24-、CO2、CH4、C2H6和N2,显示成矿流体为中-高温、中-低盐度、中-低密度的H2O-CO2-CH4-N2-NaCl体系。氢和氧同位素特征表明,火山沉积期成矿流体为海水和岩浆水的混合,区域变质期成矿流体主要为变质水混合深循环的大气降水。  相似文献   

The Kupol epithermal gold-silver deposit-the largest of this type of mineralization in northeastern Russia-is situated in the outer zone of the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt. The results of thermobarogeochemical study of fluid inclusions in quartz from ore veins at the Kupol deposit are compared with the data on the Dvoinoi and Arykvaam deposits. The study of aqueous extracts from fluid inclusions revealed that the chemical compositions of ore-forming fluids at the Dvoinoi and Kupol deposits are similar in most elements. The only substantial difference is that fluids from the Kupol deposit are considerably enriched in sulfate, as is characteristic of the alunite-subtype of epithermal high-sulfidation mineralization. The salinity of aqueous solutions filling inclusions in amethyst and quartz from ore veins at the Kupol and Dvoinoi deposits is two-three times higher than the salinity of fluid inclusions from the barren veins at the Arykvaam occurrence. The data obtained support the hypothesis put forward earlier that fumaroles and solfataras played a part in ore deposition at the Kupol deposit.  相似文献   

TheHuizelarge sizedPb ZndepositinYunnan ProvinceislocatedinthecenteroftheSichuan Yun nan GuizhouPb Zn Agpolymetalmineralizationzone(SYGPb ZnMMD)inwesternYangtzePlateandis oneofthefamousPb Zn GebasesinChina(Wang Jiangzhenetal.,2003;WangXiaochunetal.,2000).Thisdeposit,whichischaracterizedbylarge scale(Pb+Znmetallicreservesarehigherthan5mil liontons),highPb+Zngrade(thePb+Zngradesof mostoresare25%-35%),highabundanceofuseful associatedelements(Ag,Ge,Cd,Ga,etc.)and someimportantbreakt…  相似文献   

江西武山铜矿床是长江中下游多金属成矿带内重要的矽卡岩型矿床之一。文章对该矿床中的流体包裹体进行了详细研究,重点分析了成矿流体的演化过程及其成矿意义。根据野外地质产状和室内岩相学特征,将武山矽卡岩型铜矿床热液成矿过程分为气成-高温热液期和热液期,前者包括矽卡岩阶段和磁铁矿阶段,后者包括石英-硫化物阶段和碳酸盐阶段。其中,石英-硫化物阶段是该铜矿形成的主要阶段,可进一步细分为辉钼矿-石英和黄铁矿-黄铜矿-石英2个阶段。岩相学观察显示,包裹体类型有Ⅰ型含子矿物包裹体(L+V+S)、Ⅱ型气液两相包裹体(L+Ⅴ)和Ⅲ型气相包裹体(Ⅴ)。气成-高温热液期的石榴子石中流体包裹体数量不多,但Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型包裹体都有;而热液期的石英与方解石中流体包裹体数量众多,以Ⅱ型包裹体为主。从早期矽卡岩阶段至碳酸盐阶段,成矿热液经历了从高温(378~518℃)、高盐度[ω(NaCl_(eq))介于17.3%~45.1%)向低温(113~250℃)、低盐度[ω(NaCl_(eq))介于3.4%~11.9%]的持续演化。热液演化过程中发生了流体沸腾作用和岩浆热液与大气降水的混合作用。其中,矽卡岩阶段的水-岩作用、沸腾作用与矽卡岩的形成密切相关,而成矿阶段的沸腾作用与混合作用可能是铜矿床形成的重要机制。H、O同位素研究表明,各成矿阶段的成矿流体以岩浆水为主,但随着成矿作用的进行,大气降水在成矿流体中的体积质量逐渐增大。  相似文献   

贵州省烂泥沟金(汞、锑)矿床有机成矿流体研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
张志坚  张文淮 《矿床地质》1998,17(4):343-354
烂泥沟超大型卡林型多矿床存在有机成矿流体的成矿作用,有机质的来源为含矿地层听海相藻类等。通过有机包裹体的MPV-Ⅲ法,FTIR法及LRM法的研究,证明了成矿流体中有机质主要烦恼同的芳香径和杂原体合物,以液相的、与不水混形式迁移。  相似文献   

新疆忠宝钨矿床成矿流体特征与演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张振杰  吕新彪  陈超 《矿床地质》2011,30(6):1058-1068
文章对忠宝钨矿床矽卡岩和石英脉中白钨矿、石英、透辉石、萤石、方解石等矿物中的流体包裹体进行了研究,明确了成矿流体对其成矿的有利温度、盐度、压力及成矿深度,并佐证了划分的成矿期和成矿阶段,对每个阶段的成矿特征进行了对比,从而确定了流体的演化特征.最终判断忠宝钨矿床的最佳成矿温度区间为250~360℃,盐度w(NaCleq...  相似文献   

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