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Evaluating the human disturbance on karst areas is a difficult task because of the complexity of these peculiar and unique environments. The human impact on karstic geo-ecosystems is increasingly important and there is an increasing need for multidisciplinary tools to assess the environmental changes in karst areas. Many disciplines, such as biology, geomorphology, hydrology and social-economical sciences are to be considered to sufficiently evaluate the impact on these intrinsically vulnerable areas. This article gives an overview of the evolution of environmental impact on karst areas of the island Sardinia (Italy). For this particular case, the most important impacts in the past 50 years are derived from the following activities, in decreasing importance: (1) mining and quarrying; (2) deforestation, agriculture and grazing; (3) building (widespread urbanisation, isolated homes, etc.) and related infrastructures (roads, sewer systems, aqueducts, waste dumps, etc.); (4) tourism; (5) military activities. To evaluate the present environmental state of these areas the Disturbance Index for Karst environments [Van Beynen and Townsend (Environ Manage 36:101–116)] is applied in a slightly modified version. Instead of considering the indicators of environmental disturbances used in the original method, this slightly modified index evaluates the disturbances causing the deterioration of the environmental attributes. In the Sardinian case study, 27 disturbances have been evaluated, giving rise to the definition of a Disturbance Index ranging between 0 (Pristine) and 1 (highly disturbed). This Disturbance Index simplifies the original KDI method, appears to adequately measure disturbance on Mediterranean karst areas and could be applied with success to other similar regions.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2018,1(1):17-27
On the basis of proposing the existence of a karst carbon cycle and carbon sink at a watershed scale, this paper provides four pieces of evidence for the integration of geology and ecology during the carbon cycle processes in the karst dynamic system, and estimated the karst carbon sink effect using the methods of comparative monitoring of paired watersheds and the carbon stable isotope tracer technique. The results of the soil carbon cycle in Maocun, Guilin, showed that the soil carbon cycle in the karst area, the weathering and dissolution of carbonate rocks under the soil, resulted in a lower soil respiration of 25% in the karst area than in a non-karst area (sandstone and shale), and the carbon isotope results indicated that 13.46% of the heavy carbon of the limestone is involved in the soil carbon cycle. The comparative monitoring results in paired watersheds, suggesting that the HCO3- concentration in a karst spring is 10 times that of a rivulet in a non-karst area, while the concentration of inorganic carbon flux is 23.8 times. With both chemical stoichiometry and carbon stable isotopes, the proportion of carbon in karst springs derived from carbonate rocks was found to be 58.52% and 37.65% respectively. The comparison on carbon exchange and isotopes at the water-gas interface between the granite and carbonate rock basins in the Li River showed that the CO2 emission of the karst water is 10.92 times that of the allogenic water from the non-karst area, while the carbon isotope of HCO3- in karst water is lighter by 8.62‰. However, this does not mean that the karst water body has a larger carbon source effect. On the contrary, it means the karst water body has a greater karst carbon sink effect. When the karst subterranean stream in Zhaidi, Guilin, is exposed at the surface, carbon-rich karst water stimulated the growth of aquatic plants. The values of carbon stable isotopes in the same species of submerged plants gradually becomes heavier and heavier, and the 512 m flow process has a maximum range of 15.46‰. The calculation results showed that 12.52% of inorganic carbon is converted into organic carbon. According to the data that has been published, the global karst carbon sink flux was estimated to be 0.53-0.58 PgC/a, equivalent to 31.18%-34.41% of the global forest carbon sink flux. In the meanwhile, the karst carbon sink flux in China was calculated to be 0.051 PgC/a, accounting for 68% of its forest carbon sink flux.  相似文献   

全球气候变化问题使岩溶系统碳循环的研究倍受关注,有关微型生物及其碳酸酐酶在岩溶系统碳循环中的作用的认识也在不断深入。文章回顾了微型生物及其碳酸酐酶在碳酸盐岩风化以及碳酸盐岩沉积过程中的作用过程及作用机制,指出未来的研究需结合不同岩溶生态环境,量化微型生物及其碳酸酐酶对岩溶生态系统碳增汇的影响,为深入研究微型生物及其碳酸酐酶对岩溶碳汇的贡献、增加岩溶生态系统碳汇的能力、助力实现碳中和提供参考。  相似文献   

李强 《中国岩溶》2013,32(3):253-257
为认识水利工程建设对岩溶库区温室气体排放的影响,本文对岩溶区水利工程破坏岩溶水体DIC的稳定性、增加温室气体排放以及水利工程建设所带来的水体富营养化问题进行了初步总结.结果表明,水利工程不仅打破了岩溶水体DIC的自身稳定性,加速水体无机CO2逸出过程,导致CaCO3发生沉淀,而且还通过改变岩溶水动力条件、加速温室气体排放等途径来提高岩溶水体的碳储存、转移、形成与分解过程.与此同时作者还建议:(1)尽快开展岩溶水体温室气体排放的定性分析与定量计算工作,并与不同排放源的温室气体释放效应进行对比;(2)温室气体排放的估算须建立在岩溶碳循环研究基础上,从时间和空间尺度上分析影响岩溶水体温室气体排放过程的关键因素,并把岩溶水体温室气体排放纳入整个岩溶生态系统的生命周期中进行考虑.  相似文献   

Authigenic K‐feldspar was investigated in two Albian to Turonian sections in Israel using K‐Ar and Ar‐Ar dating, X‐ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and chemical analysis. Both sections comprise a similar succession of shallow‐marine limestones, dolomites and marls, with some sandstone and shale beds of continental origin. The HCl‐insoluble residue fraction of the studied samples consists of clays, quartz, feldspars, goethite and trace amounts of heavy minerals. Most of the insoluble residues have a relatively high K‐feldspar content that has an adularia habit and is concentrated in the 4–7 µm size fraction. The authigenic origin of the K‐feldspar in the fine silt fraction is indicated by its high content relative to quartz, the uniform and idiomorphic shape of the crystals and its limited size range. Of the fine silt (4–7 or 4–10 µm) separates, 40% have ages that are similar to stratigraphic ages within the analytical and biostratigraphic errors. Ar‐Ar dating of a fine silt fraction with 94% K‐feldspar (4–10 µm, sample GYP 7) yields a plateau age identical to the total gas age and similar to the stratigraphic age. These results indicate that the K‐Ar age is not a mixture between detrital and late diagenetic K‐feldspar ages, but is rather an age of formation within a few million years after deposition. It is suggested that the early formation of the K‐feldspar was associated with dolomitization and was induced by residual brines as part of a reflux process.  相似文献   

In 1995 a sinkhole suddenly formed at Camaiore (Tuscany, Italy), causing destruction or heavy damages to several houses and resulting in the evacuation of many people. To understand the causes, for the formation and evolution of the collapse, surface and underground geologic features were investigated and reconstructed on the basis of geologic and geognostic surveys. The sinkhole area is underlain by thick alluvial deposits that cover a bedrock consisting of the Calcare cavernoso formation. This formation results from hydration and dissolution of Triassic evaporites and has a characteristic spongy and vacuolate texture. The bedrock contains karst cavities, generally filled by breccia and/or alluvial materials. Thus, the sinkhole disaster could be ascribed to deep collapse of a cave in the bedrock, and might be considered a distant effect of ancient karst phenomena in evaporites.  相似文献   

Karst environments are highly vulnerable to a variety of degradation and pollution problems. Geology (fractured carbonate rocks), morphology (presence of a network of cavities produced by karst processes), and hydrogeology (rapid concentrated flow through fractures and conduits) of karst carbonates strongly favour the movement of contaminants towards the water table. In particular, poor quality of subsurface water can derive from polluting substances flowing at the surface, and/or by direct immission of liquid and solid waste into the water table through the systems of conduits and joints in the rock mass. As a consequence, water quality can deteriorate severely, which implies very high economic and social costs in order to clean the polluted sites and restore the original situation. In some cases, such as when the original karst morphology is changed because of anthropogenic interventions, the variations created in the landscape are not recoverable, and a loss of sites of naturalistic interest has to be registered. High vulnerability of a typical karst region of the Mediterranean area is illustrated in this paper by describing some case studies from Apulia, southern Italy. The Apulia region, where karst processes have had a prominent role in the development of the present landscape, is mostly underlain by intensely karstified limestone. Two cases of pollution due to solid waste into karst cavities (Grave di S. Leonardo in the Gargano Promontory and Grave Pelosello in the Murge plateau), landscape transformation in the Minervino Murge area, and degradation of Gravina Monsignore, a typical karst valley in southeastern Murge, are described in the paper. In two out of four cases, degradation of the sites was discovered thanks to activity from local speleologists, who also acted as promoters for cleaning and safeguarding the polluted sites. These examples underline well the mismanagement of karst territories (in particular, the common practice to dump refuse into sinkholes and caves), the pollution of limestone aquifers, and the effects that such pollution in karst areas might have in terms of the risk to public health.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(1-3):29-40
In the Tertiary Basin of Piedmont (Northern Italy) a 100-150 m thick Messinian sedimentary succession crops out, composed of pre-evaporitic clays, gypsum beds and post-evaporitic lacustrine-marine fine-grained sediments. In the Monferrato area the thickness of the evaporite sequence is highly variable (0-140 m) due to an important erosion surface formed at the end of the evaporite cycle and carved in the gypsum beds. Epigenic caves probably formed during this short intra-Messinian phase of emersion. Cave sediments contain benthonic and planctonic foraminiferal associations ranging in age from Burdigalian to Upper Pliocene. These sediments have probably been deposited in recent times, although it cannot be completely ruled out that they accumulated in caves developed in Upper Messinian times. The formation of the most important caves of this area probably started at the end of the Messinian under epigenic conditions. Possibly, those inherited caves enlarged slowly during the Quaternary in an intrastratal and confined hypogene karst system.  相似文献   

New structural and stratigraphic data for a selected area of the Ligurian Alps are combined in order to assess and discuss the role played by extensional structures in the southernmost segment of the Western Alps during thrusting. Restored cross-sections and field data suggest that the structural style in the external sector of the chain may depend upon the presence of pre-orogenic normal faults ascribed to three extensional events linked to different geodynamic contexts: (i) Permian post-Variscan plate reorganisation, (ii) Mesozoic rifting–drifting phases leading to the opening of the Alpine Tethys, and (iii) Eocenic development of the European foreland basins. During positive inversion in Eocene times, a thin-skinned thrust system developed in this area, followed by a thick-skinned phase. In both situations the inherited extensional structures played fundamental roles: during the thin-skinned phase they conditioned the thrusting sequence, also producing large-scale buckle folds and partial reactivations; during the thick-skinned phase the strain was compartmentalized and partitioned by pre-existing faults.The kinematic model of the external sectors of the Ligurian chain also allows the re-assessment of the Alpine evolution of the front-foreland transition, including: (i) indirect confirmation that in the Eocene the Ligurian Briançonnais and Dauphinois domains were not separated by the Valais-Pyrenean oceanic basin; (ii) that the thin-skinned phase progressively changed into thick-skinned; (iii) the assertion that there were no significant deformations from the Oligocene to the present-day, and the Corsica–Sardinia block rotation only produced a change in orientation of previously formed structures and normal fault system development.  相似文献   

This study focuses on a late Cretaceous karst bauxite deposit in the Murge area of the Apulia district, southern Italy. The first analysis of the vertical distributions of a wide range of elements (including REEs and selected trace elements) throughout the deposit was shown in order to identify the processes determining element fractionation during the evolution of the bauxite.The studied karst bauxite deposit exhibits an ooidal texture, is mineralogically homogeneous, and contains higher abundances of boehmite than of hematite, kaolinite, and anatase. The major element composition of the bauxite is dominated by elevated concentrations of SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3, and analyses of element mobility within the bauxite indicate that all elements except for Nb and Ni, and to a lesser extent Cr, are depleted relative to the immobile element Ti. R-mode factor analysis revealed a number of key findings: (i) some low-solubility elements (e.g., Zr, Th, Ti, V, Ga) were concentrated in detrital zircon and monazite (Zr, Th), in anatase (Ti, V), and possibly in boehmite and hematite (Ga) during the later stages of bauxitisation; (ii) Fe and Cr were concentrated during wet conditions, whereas Al and Co accumulated during dry conditions; (iii) distributions of the light REEs (LREEs) and the heavy REEs (HREEs) are controlled by the same processes, suggesting that little LREE/HREE fractionation occurred during bauxite formation; and (iv) the behaviour of cerium is different from that of the other REEs, and highly variable cerium anomalies are observed across the deposit, with three characteristic Ce/Ce* maxima with values of > 2. Parisite was the only authigenic cerium mineral detected during this study. Thus, we propose a three-step model to explain the distribution of Ce: cerianite is dissolved by cerium reduction, is transported by downward-moving meteoric water (per descensum), and finally parisite is precipitated. This cycle was repeated several times in the Apulian karst bauxite in response to Eh decreases under alkaline conditions, promoted by fluctuations in the groundwater level. Finally, we used the value of the Eu anomaly to discuss the parental affinity or protolith of the bauxite. The value of the Eu anomaly (min. Eu/Eu* = 0.76, max. Eu/Eu* = 0.89) indicates that the bauxite was not derived from carbonates, but rather, that the majority of the bauxite was influenced by intermediate to mafic magmatic sources. Eu/Eu* vs Sm/Nd diagram suggests that the parental material for the bauxite was derived from a combination of a distant magmatic source and clastic material derived from a continental margin (northern Africa) to the south.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》1999,12(2):81-96
Within the lower part (Upper Eocene-Oligocene) of the epi-Ligurian succession, outcropping in the Emilian side of the northern Apennines (Enza Valley), duplications by thrust tectonics were recognized through the systematic integration of field geology with calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy. This thrust system, derived from the overthrusting of two thrust-sheets over a footwall, is unconformably overlain by a Rupelian succession. The thrust structure of the Enza Valley, affected by a subsequent wide overturned syncline together vith the unconformable succession, shows a remarkable Lower Oligocene contractional tectonics, previously not recognized in the northern Apennines.The comparison of this thrust system with other outcropping areas of the epi-Ligurian succession makes probable the wide-spread occurrence of the Lower Oligocene tectonics in the uppermost structural levels of the chain (epi-Ligurian domain).In a regional tectonic framework, the Rupelian thrust tectonics affecting the epi-Ligurian succession can be related to the Lower Oligocene closure of the innermost portion of the Subligurian basin (Aveto-Petrignacola Formation) due to the NE-verging overthrusting of the External Ligurian Units. In this context the unconformable succession of the Enza Valley seems correlable with the basal portion of the Subligurian Eratica Sandstone (Rupelian-Chattian) which unconformably overlies a deformed substratum (Mesoalpine Phase).  相似文献   

The Aptian-Albian 'Scisti a Fucoidi' varicoloured pelagic sediments in central Italy, show a 'couplet' alternation of carbonate-rich/carbonate-poor layers, which are interpreted as the sedimentary expression of precession (frequency 19–23 kyr). Carbonate content, chromatic variation, and planktonic foraminiferal abundance were analysed at a 1-cm spacing for a 10-m interval of the Piobbico core, specifically drilled through this formation. Spectral analysis of these parameters shows a prominent signal equated to the c . 100 kyr cycle of orbital eccentricity at a sedimentation rate of 5 mm kyr−1. The coherency of the spectral response of each parameter suggests that a single mechanism controlled the whole sedimentary record. Detailed study of planktonic foraminiferal distribution of the same section at 1-mm scale resolves the Milankovitch frequencies of 41 kyr and 18 to 23 kyr, equated with the obliquity and precessional cycles. But foraminiferal abundance is not in phase with carbonate content, which was largely controlled by calcareous nannofossils, but peaked at intermediate carbonate values. The proposed model for explaining the discrepancy at the precessional level is that foraminifera thrived at intermediate values of the precession index, when the environment was only moderately fertile but stable, while during highs of the precession index, mixing of the water column increased fertility and caused calcareous nannofossil blooms and restriction of planktonic foraminifera to few and tolerant species. The resulting bimodality of foraminiferal abundance per precessional cycle appears to be recorded in the spectrum by peaks at the 11 and 14 kyr levels. Cross correlation of foraminiferal abundances with the calcium carbonate curve over 1–2 Myr intervals produces discrepant results (apparent phase lags) which we attribute to differences in the response to the fundamental eccentricity cycles.  相似文献   

The caves of the Umbria and Marche regions in central Italy are made up of three-dimensional maze systems that display different general morphologies due to the various geological and structural contexts. At the same time, the internal morphologies of the passages, galleries, and shafts present some similarity, with solutional galleries characterized by cupolas and blind pits, anastamotic passages, roof pendants, and phreatic passages situated at different levels. Some of these caves are still active, as is the case for Frassassi Gorge, Parrano Gorge, and Acquasanta Terme, with galleries that reach the phreatic zone, where there is a rising of highly mineralized water, rich in hydrosulfydric acid, and with erosion of limestone walls and the formation of gypsum. Elsewhere there are fossil caves, such as Monte Cucco and Pozzi della Piana, where large speleothems of gypsum are present 500 m or more above the regional water table. In all of these important karst systems it is possible to recognize basal input points through fracture and intergranular porosity networks at the base of the oxidizing zone in the core of the anticline, where mineralized water rises up from the Triassic evaporitic layers in small hydrogeological circuits. Different underground morphologies can derive from the presence of a water table related to an external stream or from the confined setting of the carbonate rocks, underlying low permeable sedimentary cover, where artesian conditions can occur.  相似文献   

Sardinia is one of the Italian regions with the greatest number of dams per inhabitants, almost 60 for a population of only 1.5 million people. Many of these dam sites are located on non-carbonate rocks along the main rivers of the Island and their waters are used for irrigation, industrial, energy supply, drinking and flood regulation purposes.The Pedra 'e Othoni dam on the Cedrino river (Dorgali, Central-East Sardinia) is located along the threshold of the Palaeozoic basement on the Northern border of the Supramonte karst area, where water is forced to flow out of the system through several resurgences, the most famous of which is the Su Gologone vauclusian spring, used for drinking water supply. The other main outflows of the system, Su Tippari and San Pantaleo springs, are at present almost permanently submerged by the high water level of the Pedra 'e Othoni dam. In the near future water will be supplied also to other communities with a possible increase of water taken from the spring.The dam, originally meant to regulate the flooding of Cedrino river but actually used for all sorts of purposes (electricity supply, drinking water, irrigation of farmlands, industrial uses), has a maximum regulation altitude of 103 m a.s.l., only slightly less than a meter below the Su Gologone spring level (103.7 m), and 4 and 9 m respectively above the submerged Su Tippari and San Pantaleo springs.During floods of the Cedrino river, occurring on average twice a year, also the Su Gologone spring becomes submerged by the muddy waters of the lake for a time ranging between a couple of hours up to several days, making water supply impossible.The analysis of the available meteorological and hydrogeological data relative to the December 2004 flood, one of the severest of the past 100 years, suggests that the reservoir is filled in a few days time. Several flooding scenarios have been reconstructed using digital terrain models, showing that backflooding submerges most of the discharge area of the aquifer, having important repercussions also on the inland underground drainage system. The upstream flood prone areas prevalently comprise agricultural lands with some sparse houses, but also highly frequented tourist facilities. Fortunately flooding occurs outside the tourist season, thus limiting risk to a limited number of local inhabitants. Massive discharge at the dam site, instead, determines a more hazardous situation in the Cedrino coastal plain, where population density in low lying areas is much higher. To avoid flooding hazard upstream the water level in the lake should be regulated, keeping it low in the flood prone seasons, and having it filled from the end of the winter in order to have enough water stocked before the beginning of the summer. Discharge at the dam site, instead, should be done cautiously, preventing severe flooding of the coastal Cedrino plain.  相似文献   

Drip water, collected above three actively forming stalagmites, has been analyzed and the results discussed using a calcite saturation index versus equilibrium carbon dioxide partial pressure theoretical relationship. Percolating water appears to have been originated from a parent solution in equilibrium with a carbon dioxide rich gas phase having a minimum concentration varying between 15,000 ppmv and 26,000 ppmv while large part of the variability recorded in the cave can be explained by different stage of degassing. Similarly, analyses performed at several cave pools confirm that drip water rapidly achieves equilibrium with the cave atmosphere after impact on the stalagmite apex, while oversaturation is retained longer. Using these boundary conditions, the changes in inorganic carbon concentration in the percolating water have been calculated and converted into fluxes using an average effective infiltration flow estimated from the annual water balance.The predicted flux of carbon dioxide degassing from drip water is in the range of 0.03–0.06 μmol m−2 s−1. This flux has been found to be one of the major sources of carbon dioxide in the cave atmosphere during low ventilation periods.  相似文献   

This study dealt with the distribution characteristics of soil organic carbon (SOC) and the variation of stable carbon isotopic composition (δ^13C values) with depth in six soil profiles, including two soil types and three vegetation forms in the karst areas of Southwest China. The δ^13C values of plant-dominant species, leaf litter and soils were measured using the sealed-tube high-temperature combustion method. Soil organic carbon contents of the limestone soil profiles are all above 11.4 g/kg, with the highest value of 71.1 g/kg in the surface soil. However, the contents vary between 2.9 g/kg and 46.0 g/kg in three yellow soil profiles. The difference between the maximum and minimum δ^13C values of soil organic matter (SOM) changes from 2.2‰ to 2.9‰ for the three yellow soil profiles. But it changes from 0.8‰ to 1.6‰ for the limestone soil profiles. The contrast research indicated that there existed significant difference in vertical pattems of organic carbon and δ^13C values of SOM between yellow soil and limestone soil. This difference may reflect site-specific factors, such as soil type, vegetation form, soil pH value, and clay content, etc., which control the contents of different organic components comprising SOM and soil carbon turnover rates in the profiles. The vertical variation patterns of stable carbon isotope in SOM have a distinct regional character in the karst areas.  相似文献   

The Fuscaldo assemblages show that in metabasites suitable for the production of glaucophane at higher pressures, amphibole poor(er) in Gl-molecule + albite + Al-rich chlorite is formed at lower pressure. Blue amphibole formed together with albite, chlorite and a Ca-silicate appears to have a fixed content of the Gl-molecule and of Ca2+, apart from the Fe2+/ R2+ ratio, which varies with host rock chemistry. The constant Gl-content indicates attainment of equilibrium, and is a function of T and especially P, so it may be used as a geobarometer. Glaucophane generally forms at the cost of albite+chlorite. In a P-T diagram the reaction is probably situated somewhat below the reaction albitejadeite+quartz, and has a smaller slope than the latter. The concomitant high-pressure character of glaucophane justifies reintroduction of Eskola's glaucophane-schist facies, of which glaucophane is critical.  相似文献   

Salento, the southern portion of Apulia region (SE Italy), is a narrow and elongated peninsula in carbonate rocks, with prevailing low coastlines, locally interrupted by high rock cliffs. The long stretches of low coasts are marked by typical karst landforms consisting of collapse sinkholes. As observed in many other karst coastal settings worldwide, development of sinkholes may be particularly severe along the coasts, where both natural and anthropogenic processes contribute to accelerate the dissolution of carbonate rocks and subsidence processes, even influencing the coastline evolution. Following a previous study, where the main features of sinkholes at Torre Castiglione (Taranto province) were investigated and described, and a preliminary susceptibility map produced, at the light of updated data and elaborations in the present paper we perform a detailed morphometric analysis on the sample of identified sinkholes. The main morphometric parameters generally used for sinkhole characterization have been considered in this study: shape of the sinkhole, azimuth and length of maximum and minimum axes, depth, elongation ratio, and distance from the shorelines. Each of them is described, both as individual parameter and in conjunction with the others, in the attempt to identify the main factors controlling development of sinkholes in the area, and their evolution as well. With regard to this latter aspect, beside simple morphometry of the sample of sinkholes at Torre Castiglione, we also focused our attention on the likely relationships existing between distribution and shape of the sinkholes and the tectonic discontinuities. To investigate the matter, a three-stage analysis has been carried out in this study by means of: field measurements of the fractures bounding the sinkholes, field measurement of the long axes azimuth of the elongated sinkholes, comparison of the previously described sets with the strikes of the main regional geological structures. The obtained results show, in addition to the coincidence of the main regional discontinuity systems with the major axis of elongated sinkholes, a clear control exerted by development and evolution of the sinkholes on the formation of coastal inlets and bays. Eventually, the approach here presented may be applied in other karst coastal sinkhole-prone areas, to gain new knowledge on the genesis and evolution of coastal sinkholes, and to properly evaluate the hazard they pose to the anthropogenic environment.  相似文献   

The Variscan nappe stack of SE Sardinia originated as a result of several stages of nappe imbrication during the Lower Carboniferous phases of the Variscan orogeny. The crustal shortening caused regional SSW-and W-directed thrusting, greenschist facies metamorphism and open-to-isoclinal polyphase folding. The final stage of shortening produced large-scale antiforms and synforms.
Post-collisional deformation resulted in inversion of earlier thrusts as normal faults, development of low-angle normal faults, and refolding of earlier foliation and thrust planes by asymmetric folds with subhorizontal axial planes. Facing directions of these latest folds are directed horizontally outward from the hinge zones of main antiforms, suggesting that they cannot be regarded as parasitic folds of the latest thickening phase, but instead are the consequence of vertical shortening during gravitational collapse of dome-like km-scale antiforms, leading to denudation of antiformal culminations.  相似文献   

Systematic variability in metal concentrations is recorded in near-surface (1 m deep) Late Quaternary sediments of Po coastal plain, across the boundary between alluvial deposits of Apenninic provenance and a formerly active, now abandoned, delta lobe of the Po River. In the latter area, high Cr and Ni concentrations, exceeding the national standard limits, are attributed to sediment provenance from ultramafic source rocks of Po catchment basin, and not to anthropogenic impact. Spatial distribution of carbonate-related elements, such as Ca and Sr, displays consistent differences between the two areas, confirming a primary control of provenance domains on sediment composition. Accurate facies characterization of near-surface sediments, coupled with detailed information on sediment dispersal patterns, enable a reliable interpretation of the spatial variability of major elements and trace metals in the study area. Particularly, detailed reconstructions of source area composition and changes in flow directions through historical times allow precise correlation of apparently anomalous geochemical patterns with distinctive depositional events, such as shifts in channel course, crevasse splay formation and beach-ridge evolution. The findings of unusually high, natural (provenance-controlled) heavy metal concentrations in pre-industrial near-surface levels highlight the contribution of a sedimentological approach to a reliable interpretation of geochemical data. This should be taken into account when determining background values versus anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

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