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冻融作用是高寒冻土生态环境变化的主要驱动力之一。以大通河源区为研究对象,对冻融作用的类型、成因、分布及其生态环境效应进行分析。结果表明:源区冻融作用发育强烈,主要表现为寒冻风化剥蚀、冻融滑移(包括冻融滑塌和融冻泥流)、冻胀-融沉等作用,对应于源区不同的地形条件和地貌单元。从山顶、山坡到河谷,分别形成山顶寒冻风化剥蚀带;山坡冻融滑移带;山前倾斜平原及河谷平原冻胀-融沉带等几种地貌类型,呈垂直分带规律。各带均存在不同的冻融灾害类型,寒冻风化剥蚀带主要为寒冻剥蚀岩块、碎屑流、崩塌物等;冻融滑移带主要为热融滑塌、冻融坍塌、融冻泥流等;冻胀-融沉带主要为冰椎、冻胀丘、热融洼地、热融沉陷等。同时对其生态环境效应进行分析,指出冻融作用致使高寒草甸严重破坏,荒漠化趋势增强,冻融灾害增多,尤其是冻融滑塌、融冻泥流和冻融沉陷等对高寒冻土环境的危害最大,是近年来大通河源区环境地质条件恶化的主要影响因素之一。  相似文献   

高寒、高海拔地区岩体物理风化导致的不良地质对工程建设影响明显。为了揭示高寒山区岩体在冻融条件下破坏的机理,使岩体冻融破坏防治更有针对性及有效,依托乌鲁木齐-尉犁高速公路建设项目,通过试验手段,探讨了冻胀条件下岩体破坏的原因。冰劈试验揭示了自由水变成冰过程中膨胀力的变化情况及特性,试验显示在围护环境不变的情况下冻胀力或冰劈力可以达33 MPa以上,远大于岩石抗拉强度及裂隙胶结强度,且温度越低,冻胀启动越快,速率越大,冰劈越明显。通过岩体冻胀应变试验揭示了岩体裂隙中自由水膨胀变形性质。岩体冻胀应变主要由裂隙变化引起,裂隙性质不同,冻胀应变特征不同,冻胀应变的趋势及大小受控于裂隙的贯通性、含水情况及胶结强度。由此,总结了岩体在冻胀条件下的破坏机理。该成果对高寒山区岩体的破坏机理的认识具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

青藏高原风火山地区冻土变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于对多年来风火山地区的多年冻土资料,研究了天然地区和路基下的冻土上限变化情况以及多年冻土的融化状态,并定量分析了进入多年冻土内的热状况。结果表明:风火山地区从20世纪70年代到90年代中期冻土上限下降,冻土出现退化现象,从90年代至今冻土趋于稳定;路基近地表地温明显高于对应天然地表下的地温,路基近地表经历的融化期长于对应天然地表,进入多年冻土区的热收支也呈现出吸热明显大于放热的周期性变化,进入多年冻土的热积累暂时以增高地温耗热为主,但随着冻土吸热量的逐年积累、冻土温度的不断升高,本区冻土可能发生强烈融化。  相似文献   

青海省柴达尔-木里地区道路沿线多年冻土分布模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以青海省柴达尔-木里铁路、热水-江仓公路沿线两侧约10 km缓冲区为研究区域,以冻土钻孔实测数据为基础,定量分析和评价了经度、纬度、高程、太阳辐射、坡度、坡向、地面曲率等地形-候因子对沿线区域多年冻土分布的影响,建立了以经度、高程、坡度为自变量、多年冻土发生概率为因变量的Logistic模型.借助于GIS软件和DEM数据,完成了道路沿线区域多年冻土分布概率图的绘制和多年冻土分布概率的特征分析.结果表明,极可能多年冻土(概率值为0.75~1)的分布面积为1983 km2,占整个研究区域面积的65%;可能多年冻土(概率值为0.5~0.75)的分布区面积为192 km2,占研究区域面积的6%;季节冻土(概率值<0.5)的分布区面积为894 km2,占沿线区域面积的29%.  相似文献   

根据青藏铁路沿线26个行政单元自然灾害的历史记录,对沿线的洪水、山洪、地震、雪灾、风灾以及滑坡、泥石流和崩塌等自然灾害进行量化分析,通过自然灾害灾种、频次的统计和聚类分析将青藏铁路沿线划分为6个自然灾害组合分区,其中,拉萨河谷路段主要以洪水、滑坡灾害为主;羌塘高原路段主要以雪灾、风灾为主,青南高原路段以雪灾、地震灾害为主;柴达木盆地路段以风灾、地震等灾害为主;青海湖盆地路段以洪水、雪灾为主;湟水谷地路段以洪水、山洪、滑坡灾害为主。拉萨河谷路段和湟水谷地路段的自然灾害类型组合具有相似性。  相似文献   

川西北高原地貌垂直地带性明显:现在流水地貌带海拔高度<3800m;冰缘地貌带为38004200m;冰川地貌带>4200m;相应的主导地貌过程分别是流水侵蚀、冻融侵蚀和冰川侵蚀。川西北高原是大面积构造隆升背景下冻融侵蚀形成的夷平地貌,花岗岩和石灰岩等结晶岩抗寒冻风化能力强,三叠系砂板岩,抗寒冻风化能力差,前者可以形成冰川发育的高山,后者为融冻地貌等发育的丘状起伏的高原面。南水北调西线一期工程主要位于流水地貌带与冰缘地貌带的交界地带,滑坡、崩塌、融冻土流是工程沿线的主要斜坡灾害,规模多为中小型。工程沿线地区泥石流沟数量多、规模小,但流水地貌带内的部分沟谷可能有大型泥石流发生。融冻土流是该区河流泥沙的主要来源,侵蚀产沙对水库淤积的影响应引起重视。冰缘地貌和流水地貌的交错带部位,地貌过程对气候变化的响应相当敏感。  相似文献   

以多重风险评估方法为基础,运用自然灾害风险研究的理论和风险评估模型,结合青藏铁路沿线历史灾害数据、地图数据、气象数据以及实地调查数据等,建立了滑坡、泥石流灾害历史致险性和潜在致险性的分析方法,构建了以2014年青藏铁路沿线数据为基础的物理暴露、应灾能力和脆弱性分析指标体系。通过对相关24项指标体系综合分析计算,得出青藏铁路沿线滑坡、泥石流灾害综合风险图。结果显示:青藏铁路沿线滑坡、泥石流灾害高危险区有5个区段,西格段西宁-湟源路段、关角山隧道附近以及格拉段的拉萨河谷路段滑坡、泥石流灾害风险最高;当雄-羊八井、安多-那曲路段以及唐古拉山-温泉路段属于中等风险;青藏铁路全线较低风险的路段有3段,分别是青海湖盆地的海晏-天峻路段、柴达木盆地的锡铁山-南山口路段、青南高原的昆仑山口-清水河路段,说明格拉段自然灾害风险大于西格段,西格段滑坡和泥石流分布比较集中,威胁路段较短,而格拉段滑坡和泥石流分布较为分散,威胁线路较长,其风险高于西格段。总体来看,青藏铁路沿线滑坡、泥石流集中分布在山区路段,高原面、盆地、宽谷路段线程长、区域广,绝大多数路段基本没有滑坡、泥石流等灾害威胁。从分析过程和结果来看,笔者认为青藏铁路沿线滑坡、泥石流灾害的致险性与风险的分析结果能较好的吻合,说明在青藏铁路沿线滑坡、泥石流风险评估的结果中,致险性占主导因素。从总体分布情况来看,地势平坦的地方均处于低风险区,说明沿线地形因素是滑坡、泥石流灾害的关键要素之一。  相似文献   

黄河源区多年冻土温度及厚度研究新进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用新布设的冻土孔及原有冻土资料,分析黄河源区冻土温度和厚度的空间分布。源区实测多年冻土年均地温最低为-1.81℃,冻土最厚74 m,均位于巴颜喀拉山北坡的查拉坪。214国道(K445-K604段)沿线多为高温多年冻土(年均地温>-1℃),但巴山北坡海拔4 520 m、布青山海拔4 300 m以上,年均地温低于-0.5℃。巴山北坡海拔4 610 m、布青山海拔4 420 m以上,年均地温低于-1℃。巴山北坡海拔每升高100 m,年均地温减少0.47~0.75℃,冻土厚度增加16~25 m;纬度向北增加1°,年均地温减少0.85℃,冻土厚度增加20~30 m。  相似文献   

新藏公路(新疆境内)沿线道路病害   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
杨坤  马东涛  崔鹏 《山地学报》2002,20(1):53-58
新藏公路(新疆境内)地处昆仑山中、西段,沿线道路病害类型多样,有泥石流、滑坡、水毁、崩塌、雪害、涎流冰、翻浆、冻土等,严重威胁和破坏交通。由于所处地域自然环境条件特殊,病害频频发生,随着全球气候变暖,冰川退缩,病害将愈演愈烈。本文在实地调查的基础上,分析了研究区病害发育现状、分布规律、成因以及发展趋势,提出了进一步工作的建议。  相似文献   

大小兴安岭多年冻土的主导成因及分布模式   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大小兴安岭海拔高度由北向南增高对纬度偏低带来的温升具有相对补偿功能,从而使冻土分区界线大大南凸。大兴安岭山地为一个连续的整体,不宜仅将南部视为山地多年冻土,而将中、北部划为高纬多年冻土。多年冻土南界应在黄岗梁山南麓通过。小兴安岭的多年冻土南界应在呼兰河源中山的南麓通过。大兴安岭北端断续多年冻土区应将伊勒呼里山平均海拔1000 m的中山部分包括在内;岛状融区多年冻土区南伸至阿尔山附近终结;小兴安岭南端汤旺河与呼兰河的河源区存在岛状融区多年冻土闭合圈。  相似文献   

青康公司(国道214线)沿线的多年冻土   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
青康公路沿线多年冻土主要分布于河卡南山,鄂拉山,巴颜喀拉山地及花石峡至至多间的低山区丘陵区,呈断续分布,总长共330km。其分布特征主要受海拔高度控制,但又具有纬度地带性,局地因素同时也起作用。公路沿线冻土退化和冻土环境变化的迹象明显。  相似文献   

青藏高原西部区域多年冻土分布模拟及其下限估算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
南卓铜  黄培培  赵林 《地理学报》2013,68(3):318-327
准确评估青藏高原西部多年冻土的空间分布及多年冻土下限深度情况对该区地下水资源利用、生态环境保护有重要意义.本文依托科技基础性工作专项“青藏高原多年冻土本底调查”在该区及周边取得的冻土调查资料,利用遥感数据和扩展地面冻结数模型模拟了该区多年冻土的空间分布,调查区的模拟验证表明该方法有较高的精度.在此基础上,根据有限的地温实测资料建立了地温与位置、高程、坡向和太阳辐射的关系,并根据地温-下限关系估算了该区多年冻土下限深度的分布情况.研究表明,该区有多年冻土约占36.9%,季节冻土占57.5%,多年冻土主要分布在34°N~36.5°N范围的喀喇昆仑、西昆仑一带,季节冻土主要分布在塔里木盆地和34°N以南地区.阿里高原及以南是岛状多年冻土分布区域,其多年冻土分布面积少于此前出版的冻土图所绘制的.青藏高原西部区域的多年冻土下限深度整体表现为由东南-西北逐渐加深.  相似文献   

In high mountainous areas, the development and distribution of alpine permafrost is greatly affected by macro- and micro-topographic factors. The effects of latitude, altitude, slope, and aspect on the distribution of permafrost were studied to understand the distribution patterns of permafrost in Wenquan on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Cluster and correlation analysis were performed based on 30 m Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) data and field data obtained using geophysical exploration and borehole drilling methods. A Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline model (MARS) was developed to simulate permafrost spatial distribution over the studied area. A validation was followed by comparing to 201 geophysical exploration sites, as well as by comparing to two other models, i.e., a binary logistic regression model and the Mean Annual Ground Temperature model (MAGT). The MARS model provides a better simulation than the other two models. Besides the control effect of elevation on permafrost distribution, the MARS model also takes into account the impact of direct solar radiation on permafrost distribution.  相似文献   

Permafrost occupies 25% of the terrestrial surface of the Northern Hemisphere, but approximately 70% of Russia. Thus, it is not surprising that Russian researchers pioneered its scientific investigation. The first written accounts of perennially frozen ground in Russia appeared in the 17th century during a time of exploration and settlement of remote areas of Siberia. Nineteenth century investigations emphasized mapping, measuring, and describing permafrost and its thermal regime, primarily for reasons of scientific interest. About the turn of the 20th century, construction of the Trans-Siberian Railroad and other issues related to the large migration of people to Siberia instigated a trend toward more applied investigations. In his 1927 book on permafrost research, Sumgin subdivided the history of Russian permafrost studies into three periods, designated the initial accumulation of facts, the academic period, and the utilitarian period. Although these periods are not separated by precise temporal bounds, it remains a useful scheme for presenting this overview of the history of Russian permafrost studies emphasizing the 19th and early 20th centuries. Developments in geothermal observations, permafrost modeling and mapping, ground-ice investigations, and the organization of observational networks remain important research topics because of their relationships to climate change in the Arctic.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes an analysis of consequences of railway subgrade construction and maintenance solutions in northern areas of the Russian Far East. An idea of the natural long-term stabilization of the subgrade-base geotechnical system is presented. Proposals to improve the decision-making of construction and engineering solutions are formulated.  相似文献   

Permafrost studies first developed as part of the science of geocryology in Russia in the early part of the 20th century. Periglacial geomorphology emerged in the 1950s as a branch of a European-dominated climatic geomorphology. Since then, periglacial geomorphology in North America has become increasingly concerned with permafrost-related process studies and is now viewed by some as a branch of geocryology. The recent development of North American cryostratigraphy allows inferences to be made regarding paleoenvironmental conditions while traditional Pleistocene-oriented periglacial geomorphology has been largely replaced by Quaternary science. The danger exists that North American periglacial geomorphology will cease to be a recognizable sub-branch of geomorphology.  相似文献   

Permafrost in China includes high latitude permafrost in northeastern China, alpine permafrost in northwestern China and high plateau permafrost on the Tibetan Plateau. The high altitude permafrost is about 92% of the total permafrost area in China. The south boundary or lower limit of the seasonally frozen ground is defined in accordance with the 0 oC isothermal line of mean air temperature in January, which is roughly corresponding to the line extending from the Qinling Mountains to the Huaihe River in the east and to the southeast boundary of the Tibetan Plateau in the west. Seasonal frozen ground occurs in large parts of the territory in northern China, including Northeast, North, Northwest China and the Tibetan Plateau except for permafrost regions, and accounting for about 55% of the land area of China. The southern limit of short-term frozen ground generally swings south and north along the 25o northern latitude line, occurring in the wet and warm subtropic monsoon climatic zone. Its area is less than 20% of the land area of China.  相似文献   

中国冻土研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Permafrost in China includes high latitude permafrost in northeastern China, alpine permafrost in northwestern China and high plateau permafrost on the Tibetan Plateau. The high altitude permafrost is about 92% of the total permafrost area in China. The south boundary or lower limit of the seasonally frozen ground is defined in accordance with the 0 ℃ isothermal line of mean air temperature in January, which is roughly corresponding to the line extending from the Qinling Mountains to the Huaihe River in the east and to the southeast boundary of the Tibetan Plateau in the west. Seasonal frozen ground occurs in large parts of the territory in northern China, including Northeast, North, Northwest China and the Tibetan Plateau except for permafrost regions, and accounting for about 55% of the land area of China. The southern limit of short-term frozen ground generally swings south and north along the 25° northern latitude line, occurring in the wet and warm subtropic monsoon climatic zone. Its area is less than 20% of the land area of China.  相似文献   

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