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Samples were collected f5rom the Selong-Xishan Permian/Triassic boundary strata,Nyalam County in southern Tibet and systematically analyzed for their rare-earth elements(REE) and trace elements such as U,Th,Sr,Ba,Sc,Ta,Hf,Rb,Cs,Co,Ni,Cr,As and others with emphasis put on the distribution patterns of rare-earth elements and the variation of trace element contents along the Permial/Triassic boundary section.On this basis a discussion will be made of the paleo-ocean depositional environment.  相似文献   

The Zhejue Section is an excellent terrestrial permian-Triassic boundary (TPTB) section not only for its convenient accessibility and good outcrop, but also for its abundant fossils. In addition, there are two claystone beds that were formed by events across the Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB) at this section. The claystones provide a bridge for high-resolution correlation between marine and terrestrial PTBs. Another advantage is that the PTB at the Zhejue Section can be correlated with that of littoral and neritic facies by tracing estwards. Synthesized stratigraphic studies, including biostratigraphy, eventostratigraphy )susceptibilities and carbon isotopes across the TPTB, and microspherules found in the boundary claystones) and sequence stratigraphy, are carried out at this section.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe Shaiwa Section is located in the town ofSidazhai, Ziyun County, Guizhou Province, south western China ( Fig. 1 ). This area belongs to theNanpanjiang basin of the Yangtze platform. A greatdeal of work purely on the subdivision of the stratahas been carried out in this region (Guizhou Bureauof Geology and Mineral Resources, 1987). However,studies on recoveries of the paleoenvironments of thisarea are rarely reported. Due to rifting and su…  相似文献   

After the establishment of the global stratotype section and point (GSSP) of the Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB), the definition of the accessory section and point (ASP) of the terrestrial Permian-Triassic boundary (TPTB) is now on the agenda. However, all good TPTB sections so far known have the following shortcoming:(1) the exact TPTB horizon is difficult to define paleontologically with high-resolution, and (2) accurate correlation between marine and terrestrial PTBs in hard to attain. In order to enhance the understanding of the nature of the global life crisis in both the marine and terrestrial environments across the Paleozoic-Mesozoic transition, these shortcomings need to be addressed. In western Guizhou and eastern Yunnan, Southwest China, some fossiliferous PTB sections which include marine, paralic and terrestrial are well-developed, allowing bed-to-bed correlation of the PTB sequences. Fortunately, the marine PTB sequence in this area is almost the same as found at the Meishan Section, where the GSSP of the PTB is located, which may provide a reliable auxiliary marker for high-resolution demarcation of the TPTB. These features fund in estern Guizhou and eastern Yunnan make this area a good place to study the ASP of the TPTB, so we propose to study the ASP of the TPTB in this area.  相似文献   

The chemical compositions of and the contents of CaCO3, free Fe2O3 and REE in the sediments of the Salawusu section have been analyzed to investigate the geochemical features of different sedimentary facies and explore their sedimentary enironmetnts during the Late Pleistocene.The con-tents of CaCO3, free Fe2O3 and ∑REE in lacustrine deposits of the middle part of the section are higher than those in the other parts ,except SiO2 which shows an opposite trend.According to the distribution characteristics of the components mentioned above, the section may be divided into four parts which are equivalent to those divided in terms of lithologic characters and sedimentary facies.More remarkable characteristics were observed with respect to the distribution of CaCO3, free Fe2O3,∑REE and SiO2/Al2O3 and FeO/Fe2O3 ratios, which can be adopted as the geochemical indices for paleoclimate division.From the above, four paleoclimate stages have been distinguished for the deposition process.The first stage ,dated at 0.20-0.15Ma, is characterized by a dry and cold climate,the second stage, ranging from 0.15 to 0.07 Ma ,by a warm and slightly dry climate,the third stage ,about 0.07-0.01Ma ,by a cold and humid climate;and prevailing in the last ten thorsand years is the fourth stage,with the climate changing graduall from warm-humid to warm-dry.  相似文献   

Based on the study of lithology, sedimentology and paleontology at the Permian-Triassic boundary in Liaotian, Northwestern Jiangxi Province, the sequence stratigraphy and depositional environments across the boundary are reconstructed. The top part of the Upper Permian Changxing Formation is composed of very thick-bedded ligh-colored dolomitic limestone formed in high deposition rate on carbonate ramp,which indacates a transgression systems tract (TST). The Lower Triassic Qinglong Formation shows continuous deposition with the underlying Upper Permian. The lower member of Qinglong Formation consists of calcareous shale, shelly limestome and dolomitic limestone with abundant bivalves (Claraia sp.) and trace fossills (Chondrites). The calcareous shale at the bottom of Lower Triassic indicates a calm deep water environment to form the condensed section (CS). The shelly limestome and dolomitic limeston with shell fossils, intraclast, algal ooide show clean but turbulent environment of carbonate ramp, which produce the deposition of highstand systems tract (TST).  相似文献   

Guizhou is one of the dominating karst regions,where laterite is widespread,in China.Seventy-two laterite samples were taken from twelve laterite sections in the karst areas of Guizhou Province,which are possessed of typical subtropical karst geomphological and ecological environmental features and have evolved completely from dolostones and limestones.In terms of the major,trace and REE deta for thd samples this paper discusses the geochemical characteristics of laterite in the karst areas with an attempt to disclose the geochemical process and evolutionary rule of laterite formation.There have been involved three important pedogenetic geochemical precesses in the formation of laterite in the karst areas:(1)enrichment of silicon and aluminum and depletion of calcium and magnesium;(2)enrichment of iron and manganese;and(3) enrichment of aluminum and depletion of silicon.During the formation and evolution of laterite,obvious enrichment and differentiation of trace elements such as Cu,Pb,Zn,Ni,Co,Cr,Pb,F,Cl,and As can be observed,but for the rare-earth elements,their enrichment is remarkable against a weak differentiation.The REE distribution patterns in the laterite are similar to those of its parental carbonate rocks.  相似文献   

Meishan Section D in Changxing County, Zhejiang Province, China has been selected as the global stratotype of the Permian-Triassic boundary and various studies hav been done at the boundary but the gas chromatographic-mass spectrographic analysis of alkane biomarkers has not been investigated. This paper presents of results of a study of the biomarkers analyzed in a series of samples across the permian-Triassic boundary at both Meishan Section A and Section D. The results show that the overall concentration of alkane biomarkers in the Permian-Triassic boundary strata is high in Bed 26 while it is low in Bed 27. A variety of biomarker parameters demonstrate that the main sources of organic matter in the sediment are algae and bacteria and that the depositional enviroment varied from weakly oxidizing to reducing during the studied interval.  相似文献   

The presence of a single Otoceras species (O.boreale), morphologically very variable, at the base of the Nekuchan Formation in Verkhoyansk, we believe, is to be obvious. Some morphological evidence leaves no doubt that two described morphs of O. boreale are s strictly corresponding sexual dimorphic pair. It is very likely that Kummel‘s idea that Canadian. O. concavum Tozer is an invalid species is truthful, considering the range of variability seen in larger Siberian and Himalayan Otoceras fauna. Just above the upper Tatarian Imtachan Formation, the six stages of ammonoid succession can be recognized within the lower part of the Nekuchan Formation in the Setorym River Section:(a) Otoceras boreale;(b) Otoceras boreale-Tompophiceras pascoei; (c) Otoceras boreale-Tompophiceras pascoei-Aldanoceras;(d)Tompophiceras pascoei-Otoceras boreale-Aldanoceras;(e) Tompophiceras morpheous-T.pascoei-Aldanoceras;(f) Tompophiceras more pheous-T.pascoei-Wordieoceras domokhotovi-Ophiceras transitorium;(g)Tompophiceras morpheous-T.pascoei, corresponding to the Otoceras boreale and Tompophiceras morpheous zones. In spite of the domination of Otocerataceae or Xenodiscaceae in both oif these zones and the presence of some Permian type conodonts in the lower part of the Otoceras boreale Zone, they seem to be early Induan in age on the basis of the following arguments:(1) in contrast to the underlying regressive type sediments of the Upper Tatarian Imtachan Formation, both the Otoceras boreale and the Tompophiceras morpheous zones of the lowermost part of the Nekuchan Formation correspond to the single transgressive cycle;(2)typical early Induan ammonoids (Ophiceras and Wordieoceras) have been recognized in the Tompophiceras morpheous zone; (3) all described ammonoid succession stages (a-g) are characterized by very gradual changes and therefore correspond to the different parts of the single zone or to the different zones of the same stage, but not to the different systems (Permian and Triassic);(4)elsewhere in the Boreal realm (Arctic Canada), the conodont index species for the base of the Triassic, Hindeodus parvus, has been reported from the Otoceras boreale Zone. A new scheme of the phylogeny for the Otocerataceae and its Induan-Olenekian offspring (Araxceratidae-Otoceratidae-Vavilovitidae n.fam.-Proptychitidae-Arctoceratidae) and Xenodiscaceae is offered.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONIn comparison with studies on the geochemistryof the REE and trace elements of the Emeishan Per-mian basalts ,there has been onlyli mited research onthe platinum group elements ( PGE) . Preli minarystudies have been carried out on the PGE geochemis-try of the basalts in the Emeishan area ( QingyingPower Station profile) and Xinjie area (Zhang andLi ,1998) ,andinthe Shuicheng and Weining areasinGuizhou (Li et al .,2003) . There are no PGEanaly-sis data of the basaltsin…  相似文献   

选择川北江油滚柴坡和广元上寺、杨家湾二叠系—三叠系界线剖面为研究对象,利用中子活化法分析了粘土岩样品中稀土元素的组成。通过对稀土元素丰度、标准配分模式和特征参数的比较研究,探讨了稀土元素地球化学与自然环境突变的关系。结果表明,各剖面的δEu、δCe、ΣLREE/ΣHREE-ΣREE、Eu/ΣREE-ΣLREE/ΣHREE、球粒陨石标准化曲线图解和La-Th-Sc三元图解一致反映了界线事件的存在及界线时期稀土元素的地球化学特征与环境突变的关系。同时,通过对3条剖面稀土元素地球化学特征与标准剖面的对比研究,认为P/T(二叠系/三叠系)界线事件时期环境不仅受中酸性火山作用的影响,还可能受(碱性)基性—超基性或地外溅射物的影响。研究结果为从元素地球化学的角度探讨这一重要地质时期的灾变事件提供了新的资料。  相似文献   

簸箕田金矿位于灰家堡背斜东头倾覆端,是灰家堡卡林型金矿田重要的组成部分。金矿床具有低温成矿特征,出现硅化、白云石化、黄铁矿化等围岩蚀变和特征的Au-As-Hg元素组合。成矿期方解石具有MREE富集和正Eu异常特点,显示矿热液是一种MREE相对富集以及具有正Eu异常的还原性流体,来源于深部或至少经历过对富含斜长石源区的水-岩反应。成矿期方解石的δ~(13)C为-6‰~-0.1‰,成矿期后方解石的δ~(13)C为0.2‰~3.2‰,显示成矿期碳来源于地幔碳和地层碳的混合,成矿期后碳主要来自于地层。矿床硫同位素变化于0.73‰~5.86‰,组成均一化较高,具有接近幔源硫的特征,反映了成矿物质可能主要来自于深源岩浆。总之我们推测成矿物质主要来源于深部,在燕山期区域构造作用下沿深大断裂上涌,当成矿流体运移至背斜核部时,由于成矿条件的聚变,金被快速富集沉淀,形成簸箕田金矿床。  相似文献   

A supergene REE deposit closely interrelated with the weathering of the Emeishan basalt formation was produced in the Xuanwei formation, the overlying stratum of the late Permian Emeishan basalt formation in West Guizhou, China. The host strata consist primarily of offwhite kaolinite clay rock and/or grayish black carbonaceous shale. Mineralogical analyses reveal that kaolinites are the major minerals in REE ores with small amounts of smectite, illite, boehmite, hornblende, pyrophyllite, calcite, dolomite and/or iron-bearing minerals, with a certain proportion of feldspar, quartz crystal debris and noncrystal debris. Geochemical analyses reveal high enrichment of trace elements like Cu, Nb, Ta, Zr and Hf. The host strata feature considerable lithological variability, close interrelation of the REE grade with the lithology and uneven spatial distribution of the REE ores, which are mostly found in Lufang, Maojiaping and Zhangsigou profiles of Weining County and can be as thick as 20 m. Of the five stratigraphic profiles, 48% have their whole-rock ∑REE higher than 1000 ppm. The REE in this framework consists primarily of ion adsorbed phases and REE-rich residual independent mineral phases. Comprehensive analyses suggest that the source may not only include the Emeishan basalt, but the intermediate acid volcanic rocks evolved from the Emeishan basalt in the later periods; the hydrothermal alteration subsequently imposed on the host strata might have boosted the mineralization of the rare earth. The preliminary genetic model should have been: the denudation product from the weathering of the parent rock was migrated to the sea-continental margin at the continent side carrying huge quantities of REE with it and was preserved by the quick marine transgression. The host strata consist primarily of kaolinite clay rock and/or carbonaceous shale, which are so far believed to be a sedimentary type REE deposit closely interrelated with weathering effect.  相似文献   

贵州桐梓松坎剖面中、下三叠统发育齐全,化石丰富,出露良好,是研究上扬子地区海相地层的理想剖面之一。根据地层划分与对比,将其分为下三叠统夜郎组、茅草铺组和中三叠统关岭组。该剖面以碳酸盐岩和碎屑岩为主,其中碳酸盐岩占67%,在夜郞组、茅草铺组和关岭组均有分布;碎屑岩占24%,主要分布于夜郎组。研究表明,松坎剖面中、下三叠统是一套多旋回沉积,其中夜郎组包括2个海进海退旋回,属于潮坪、开阔台地和浅滩沉积环境;茅草铺组包括3个海进海退旋回,属于开阔台地和局限台地沉积环境;关岭组总体上为海退沉积,属于局限台地和潮坪沉积环境。在沉积环境分析的基础上,建立了松坎剖面中、下三叠统的沉积模式,即潮坪-局限台地-浅滩-开阔台地沉积模式。  相似文献   

湖南省锰矿资源丰富,类型多样,沉积型锰矿是最重要的类型,主要沉积成锰期集中在早南华世大塘坡期、中奥陶世烟溪期及晚二叠世孤峰期.通过对三个主要成锰期代表性锰矿石电子探针分析显示,三个主要成锰期所成锰矿床,矿石组分类似,组成矿石的锰矿物主要为锰的碳酸盐,包括菱锰矿、钙菱锰矿、镁菱锰矿、锰白云石、锰方解石等.三个主要成锰期代表性锰矿石及地层稀土元素地球化学标准化参数与配分模式显示,各成矿期含锰地层与锰矿石之间无显著差异,暗示了它们是相似的沉积环境下形成的产物,为正常沉积与热水沉积的复合.一方面,各成矿期岩、矿石稀土元素总量中等偏高,表现为正常沉积物的稀土元素特征.另一方面,在北美页岩标准化配分曲线上,呈现出水平或重稀土相对富集的左倾配分曲线,Ce的负异常,又是典型热水沉积成因呈现出的稀土元素地球化学特征.δCe异常特征,指示了成锰作用处于波动的缺氧还原/氧化沉积环境.  相似文献   

通过对贵州务川大竹园铝土矿床的研究,发现矿床中伴生镓的含量普遍超过了工业综合利用的最低指标。Ga在含铝岩系中均有不同程度的分布,Ga与TiO2、Cr、Zr、Sn呈中等正相关关系,说明Ga可能赋存于含TiO2、Cr、Zr、Sn的矿物中;Ga与Al2 O3呈弱正相关关系,说明Ga可能以类质同象的形式存在于Al的化合物中。Sr/Ba=1.09~19.69>1,表明铝土矿形成于海相沉积环境;Th/U =1.72~12.31,表明铝土矿可能风化作用不彻底;Ga/Al=0.45~1.84,表明成矿介质酸碱度的变化幅度较小。从含矿岩系矿物组合中含黄铁矿、高岭石等矿物可以推断介质为酸性的可能性较大;稀土元素(rare earth element,REE)球粒陨石标准化分布曲线向右倾斜,轻稀土元素(LREE)富集,重稀土元素(HREE)亏损,δCe显示为弱正异常,Ce/Ce!=1.17~10.17>1,表明铝土矿形成于富氧的沉积环境,δEu显示为负异常,进一步表明成矿是以氧化环境为主。综合分析认为大竹园铝土矿床形成于以海相沉积作用为主的富氧的沉积环境。  相似文献   

The Cambrian Gezhongwu Formation in Southwest China is the lowest Cambrian phosphorite unit. The Formation belongs to the Meishucun stage with small shelly fossils. Rare-earth element (REE)data from the Gezhongwu phosphorites of Zhijin documented the depositional conditions. The total REE concentrations are high in the Gezhongwu phosphorites, which are especially rich in yttrium. The PAASnormalized REE patterns of the Gezhongwu phosphorites are characterized by negative Ce anomalies and slight enrichment of MREE, as being hat-shaped. The hat-shaped patterns suggest that the REE originated from depositional environments rather than from subsequent diagenesis. The negative Ce anomalies indicate that the depositional environments are oxic. The positive Eu anomaly, the high total REE and the hatshaped REE pattern revealed contributions from the normal marine environment mixed with hydrothermal water to the REE budget of the Gezhongwu phosphorites.  相似文献   

贵州金鼎山下寒武统黑色岩系的有机地球化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对贵州遵义金鼎山下寒武统牛蹄塘组黑色岩系的氯仿沥青“A”及族组分做了成分检测,并进行了岩石氯仿抽提物中饱和烃气相色谱分析。结果表明,黑色岩系属生油岩,且为腐泥型和混合型生油岩,以腐泥型为主;黑色岩系有机质丰度高,有机质主要来源于海生低等菌、藻类生物;黑色岩系姥姣烷与植烷比值、岩性和生物特征指示其形成于一种缺氧还原沉积环境。  相似文献   

赣南新元古代变质岩稀土矿物及其地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
近年来赣南地区首次报道了变质岩离子吸附型稀土矿床的发现,为离子吸附型稀土的找矿提供了新思路。赣南地区新元古代变质岩大面积分布,风化壳也广泛发育。文章对30件稀土元素含量(300×10~(-6))高的变质岩矿物样品进行了详细的电子探针分析,旨在查明赣南新元古代不同类型变质岩中的稀土矿物种类及特征,探讨其成因、对全岩稀土元素含量的贡献以及离子吸附型稀土元素的成矿潜力。研究表明,区域上变质岩可大致分为6类,分别是变质凝灰岩类、板岩类、千枚岩类、片岩类、变砂岩类和变粒岩类,不同类型变质岩的稀土矿物组合不同,除了普遍存在的、难风化的独居石、磷钇矿和锆石外,部分岩性中出现易风化的褐帘石、含稀土元素绿泥石和含稀土元素金红石,及表生的水磷酸盐和磷铝酸盐等矿物。这些富稀土矿物贡献了全岩中大部分稀土元素,且部分矿物成因与后期流体作用相关,为成矿提供了良好的条件。文章总结分析认为,赣南地区广泛分布的变质岩中,片岩类、变砂岩类和变质凝灰岩类均具有相对易风化的稀土矿物组合,尤其变质凝灰岩类和变砂岩类,能为离子吸附型稀土成矿提供充足的物质来源,具有可观的离子吸附型稀土成矿潜力。  相似文献   

郑全锋  丁奕  曹长群 《岩石学报》2013,29(10):3637-3648
本文对湖南慈利江垭剖面二叠系-三叠系界线层序(大隆组顶部9.4m和大冶组底部7.5m)进行了详细的沉积微相分析,划分出八种微相类型,并结合露头和光面上的沉积特征,对每种微相的成因和沉积环境进行了分析和讨论。在此基础上,研究了界线附近的沉积环境和相对海平面变化。大隆组顶部层序沉积于相对海平面持续上升阶段,随着相对海平面的上升,沉积环境逐渐由盆地边缘向盆地内部迁移。在大隆组最顶部,相对海平面有一快速的大幅度下降,沉积环境由深水盆地突然转变为浅水台地。之后自大冶组底部向上,相对海平面又逐渐上升,沉积盆地依次经历了滞流盆地、半循环盆地和循环盆地的转换;在距离大冶组底部约7m处,相对海平面开始下降,气候变得极为干燥,沉积盆地转变为蒸发盆地。值得指出的是,大隆组-大冶组界线处的快速海退面正好对应于二叠纪末生物灭绝面,从而表明大海退很可能是造成二叠纪末生物大灭绝的重要原因。  相似文献   

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