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随着信息技术迅猛发展,信息化浪潮席卷全球,大多数国家尤其是发达国家都以信息化来带动工业化、带动经济领域和管理领域发展,成效显著。党中央和国务院历来都高度重视信息化工作,邓小平同志曾提出开发信息资源,服务四化建设,  相似文献   

开展海洋信息共享,是我国实现海洋经济可持续发展的重要基础。本文就海洋共享数据库的动态查询检索、海洋信息标准化与空间化改造、海洋基础地理底图研制以及海洋信息在海洋基础地理底图上的配准等关键技术展开讨论,探索实现海洋信息共享服务的技术路线。  相似文献   

海洋被誉为生命的摇篮,风雨的故乡,五洲的通道,资源的宝库,它是环境的调节器,是人类可持续发展的重要依托。随着经济发展和科技进步,海洋日益成为人类社会发展的重要空间和资源宝库,在生物、能源、水、金属等资源供给和促进全球环境改善等方面发挥越来越重要的作用,成为人类开发利用的新领域。因此有人曾说,21世纪是海洋世纪。目前,海洋资源开发与可持续利用已成为沿海国家尤其是海洋大国的国家发展战略。  相似文献   

一、我国海洋信息工作面临的挑战 我国海洋信息工作已走过33年的历程,海洋信息工作人员队伍从当初几十人发展到今天千余人,主要分布在国家海洋局、中科院、海洋石油总公司、水产科学研究院、交通部等系统。国家重大海洋决策,如沿海地区开放、南极考察、大洋锰结核开采、全国海洋开发规划、  相似文献   

开发海洋资源,加快海洋经济发展,是我国的一项重要发展战略。贯彻和落实科学发展观就要统筹海洋经济的发展和海洋资源及海洋环境之间的关系,以法律为基础,以行政管理和执法监察为手段,通过科学的决策,协调海洋产业的发展步骤,为综合开发利用海洋、保护海洋,搭建良好的经济发展平台,促进海洋与人类的和谐发展。  相似文献   

阐述我国海洋信息化建设的现状,分析我国海洋信息化建设过程中存在的问题,并对如何发展我国海洋信息化工作进行探讨。  相似文献   

海洋信息化技术的应用对沿海地市科学管海,合理用海有着重大意义。阐述了海洋信息化技术主要应用内容及主要功能。为沿海各省市海洋信息化技术提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

国家海洋局第三海洋研究所积极贯彻刘赐贵局长在全国海洋厅局长会议上的讲话精神,围绕全力推动海洋经济实现又好又快发展的重点任务,增强海洋基础性、前瞻性、战略性和关键性技术研发能力的要求,创新工作思路,努力开创产业技术研发新局面,为促进海洋战略性新兴产业发展,推动海洋经济成为沿海地区新的GDP增长点、新的财税增长点和新的就业增长点做好科技支撑。  相似文献   

海潮 《海洋世界》2004,(3):31-31
河北省唐山市近期制定完成了《唐山市海洋经济发展战略规则》,据悉,该项规则的实施将使唐山海洋经济更加有序地持续健康发展。这是自2003年5月国务院印发《全国海洋经济发展规划纲要》以来,我国第一个沿海城市出台的海洋规则。  相似文献   

近年我国海洋产业增加值率统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭越 《海洋信息》2004,(1):16-18
本文从增加值率的角度比较了我国海洋产业与全国产业的异同,主要就海洋三次产业整体形势、海洋第二产业细类、各海洋产业之间这三方面进行了分析并作了概括性总结。本文重点研究了2001年我国海洋产业增加值率情况,就海洋第二产业细类进行了个别分析,并利用近5年的数据分析了主要海洋产业增加值率的发展趋势。  相似文献   

近十年来中国大陆沿海地区重大海洋灾害分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
伴随中国海洋经济的发展,沿海重大海洋灾害已成为沿海地区可持续发展的重要影响因素。近十年来,中国沿海灾害直接经济损失数十亿元到数百亿元,并造成严重的人员伤亡。台风、温带气旋引起的风暴潮和海浪灾害是造成中国沿海重大海洋灾害的主要致灾因素。初步分析了近十年来重大海洋灾害和厄尔尼诺之间的关系,指出强厄尔尼诺年前后,多发生严重的海洋灾害,加强灾害预报和实施必要的减灾对策,对中国沿海的可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

我国海洋探测技术五十年发展的回顾与展望(三)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在中化地亿共和国成立五十周年之际。本文综述我国海洋探测技术五十年发展的主要成就,展望我国海洋探测高技术的近期发展。本文涉及的海洋探测技术包括:海洋环境自动观测技术,海洋遥感技术,水声技术,水下工程探测技术,海洋地质和地球物理勘探技术。  相似文献   

我国海洋探测技术五十年发展的回顾与展望(二)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
今年是中华人民共和国成立五十周年。本文综述我国海洋探测技术五十年发展的主要成就,展望我国海洋探测高技术的近期发展。本文涉及的海洋探测技术包括:海洋环境自动观测技术、海洋遥感技术、水声技术、水下工程探测技术、海洋地质和地球物理勘探技术。  相似文献   

今年是中华人民共和国成立五十周年。本文综述我国海洋探测技术五十年发展的主要成就,展望我国海洋探测高技术的近期发展。本文涉及的海洋探测技术包括:海洋环境自动观测技术、海洋遥感技术、水声技术、水下工程探测技术、海洋地质和地球物理勘探技术。  相似文献   

记者:今年是我们海监队伍十周年的"大喜年",能否请您谈谈,您对海监队伍这十年所取得的发展有什么感受?  相似文献   

国际性“深海钻探计划”是在 1 968— 1 983年利用美国的“格洛玛·挑战者”号完成的 ,共计 96个航次 ,打了 50 0多个钻孔。 1 985年起用了调查船“乔德治·决心者”号 ,并实施“大洋钻探计划”,至今已完成 90多个航次 ,包括“深海钻探计划”前后共打了 1 2 0 0多个钻孔。在 2 0 0 1— 2 0 0 2年计划研究以下内容 :地球气候的变化 ;海平面升降的原因和后果 ;沉积物、气液以及细菌活动的过程 ;地球深处的生物界 ;进入地球深处及来自地球深部的热流和物质流 ;岩石圈中的形变及其与地震的联系。这些考察将在太平洋中部和西部进行。其中第 1 97…  相似文献   

The marine diamond deposits of southern Africa owe their existence to fluvial transport down the Orange River to the South Atlantic. On the coast, they were moved, sorted and concentrated by high-energy sea and wind conditions to create a veneer of diamondiferous gravels on the sea floor. Large scale, offshore production by De Beers Marine commenced in 1989 in Namibian waters. The company now acts as a contractor for Namdeb, a corporation owned jointly with the Namibian governments. Some junior public companies also produce diamonds by large-scale mechanized means and conduct extensive exploration programs. Two important developments have occurred recently. Firstly, equipment for the recovery of diamonds from the seabed has been successfully borrowed from other industries. Large drills from onshore civil engineering have been modified for marine sampling and mining. Remotely controlled, seabed-mounted, excavational systems have assumed a major role. The new systems allow both evaluation sampling and subsequent mining to be undertaken by similar or the same equipment, making the results compatible. They permit highly selective extraction and enhanced recovery of the gravels from irregular bedrock in water approaching 200 m deep. But none is universally applicable offshore, each being the preferred system under different conditions. Secondly, the total output of sea diamonds from Namibian waters has increased to 0.8 million carats annually and now exceeds that from all the country's onshore sources. An industry has become established. Corporate and individual perseverence, government encouragement, new technology, shareholders' risk finance, and De Beers' diamond marketing have all played a role in the success. Future diamond production may increase as companies meet the challenge of working lower grade, higher volume deposits, which will require new approaches to the mining process. With a decrease in the physical risk of marine mining, the most variable inputs in operational planning and production forecasting are recovered grade and throughout rate, together with equipment availability. The importance of reliable grade estimation from sufficient sampling density is widely perceived, but the greatest performance risk can involve the predicted excavation rate and 'mineability' of the seabed sediments. Published reserve statements would benefit from a requirement to specify the planned mining method, the consequent cutoff grade to be employed, and whether or not test mining has been undertaken.  相似文献   

The marine diamond deposits of southern Africa owe their existence to fluvial transport down the Orange River to the South Atlantic. On the coast, they were moved, sorted and concentrated by high-energy sea and wind conditions to create a veneer of diamondiferous gravels on the sea floor. Large scale, offshore production by De Beers Marine commenced in 1989 in Namibian waters. The company now acts as a contractor for Namdeb, a corporation owned jointly with the Namibian governments. Some junior public companies also produce diamonds by large-scale mechanized means and conduct extensive exploration programs. Two important developments have occurred recently. Firstly, equipment for the recovery of diamonds from the seabed has been successfully borrowed from other industries. Large drills from onshore civil engineering have been modified for marine sampling and mining. Remotely controlled, seabed-mounted, excavational systems have assumed a major role. The new systems allow both evaluation sampling and subsequent mining to be undertaken by similar or the same equipment, making the results compatible. They permit highly selective extraction and enhanced recovery of the gravels from irregular bedrock in water approaching 200 m deep. But none is universally applicable offshore, each being the preferred system under different conditions. Secondly, the total output of sea diamonds from Namibian waters has increased to 0.8 million carats annually and now exceeds that from all the country's onshore sources. An industry has become established. Corporate and individual perseverence, government encouragement, new technology, shareholders' risk finance, and De Beers' diamond marketing have all played a role in the success. Future diamond production may increase as companies meet the challenge of working lower grade, higher volume deposits, which will require new approaches to the mining process. With a decrease in the physical risk of marine mining, the most variable inputs in operational planning and production forecasting are recovered grade and throughout rate, together with equipment availability. The importance of reliable grade estimation from sufficient sampling density is widely perceived, but the greatest performance risk can involve the predicted excavation rate and ''mineability'' of the seabed sediments. Published reserve statements would benefit from a requirement to specify the planned mining method, the consequent cutoff grade to be employed, and whether or not test mining has been undertaken.  相似文献   

海洋标准化工作设想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
做好“十五”期间海洋标准化工作,迎接海洋世纪的到来,本文主要从海洋标准化制定、海洋标准化的贯彻、实施与监督、海洋标准的复审和修订、海洋标准信息、海洋标准化研究和海洋标准化管理等六个方面提出了海洋标准化工作设想。  相似文献   

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