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Sudden brightening of FeII and Balmer (H and H) lines of X Oph was observed on 28–29 May, 1986. Equivalent width of FeII and H lines increased by a factor of two and that for H line by a factor of four, during the brigtening phase of the star. This brightening phenomena has been explained in the framework of Coronal Radiative Instability.  相似文献   

The intensity ratios E(H)/E(D3) and E(H)/E(D3) in prominences depend on the total optical thickness in H of the layer. The emission of the He D3 line appears relatively enhanced in thin layers and in outer parts of the prominences.  相似文献   

In this letter, we bring attention to prominences which show different morphology in H and Heii 304 Å, as observed simultaneously by BBSO and EIT on board SOHO. Those two lines have been thought to represent similar chromospheric structures although they are formed at significantly different temperatures. We give two examples representing two kinds of anomaly: (1) prominences showing strong H emissions in the lower part and strong Heii emissions in the upper part, and (2) erupting prominences showing extensive Heii emission, but nothing in H. Our results indicate that a part or the whole of a prominence may be too hot to emit H radiation, possibly due to heating or thermal instability. Please note that these are not just two isolated cases, many other prominences show the similar differences in H and Heii 304 Å.  相似文献   

D3 and H pictures of prominences were obtained with a 21-in. Lyot coronograph and a Fabry-Perot etalon used as a narrow band filter. The monochromatic images of quiescent, quasiquiescent and loop-prominences were studied. The comparison of the isophotes of quiescent and quasi-quiescent prominences in D3 with those in H shows the similarity of the prominence structure at both wavelength, although there is a strong tendency for an increase in the intensity ratio D3/H in the upper region of prominences. It seems that it is due to lower temperature in the upper regions of prominences. Probably, the relaxation processes establishing ionization equilibrium play some role. Measurements of the knot intensities of the loop-prominence show strong variations of the intensity ratio D3/H (more than one order of magnitude).  相似文献   

We have compared the structures seen on X-ray images obtained by a flight of the NIXT sounding rocket payload on July 11, 1991 with near-simultaneous photospheric and chromospheric structures and magnetic fields observed at Big Bear. The X-ray images reflect emission of both Mgx and Fexvi, formed at 1 × 106 K and 3 × 106 K, respectively. The brightest H sources correspond to a dying sub-flare and other active region components, all of which reveal coronal enhancements situated spatially well above the H emission. The largest set of X-ray arches connected plages of opposite polarity in a large bipolar active region. The arches appear to lie in a small range of angle in the meridian plane connecting their footpoints. Sunspots are dark on the surface and in the corona. For the first time we see an emerging flux region in X-rays and find the emission extends twice as high as the H arches. Many features which we believe to correspond to X-ray bright points (XBPs) were observed. Whether by resolution or spectral band, the number detected greatly exceeds that from previous work. All of the brighter XBPs correspond to bipolar H features, while unipolar H bright points are the base of more diffuse comet-like coronal arches, generally vertical. These diverge from individual features by less than 30°, and give a good measure of what the canopies must do. The H data shows that all the H features were present the entire day, so they are not clearly disappearing or reappearing. We find a new class of XBPs which we call satellite points, elements of opposite polarity linked to nearby umbrae by invisible field lines. The satellite points change rapidly in X-ray brightness during the flight. An M1.9 flare occurred four hours after the flight; examination of the pre-flare structures reveals nothing unusual.  相似文献   

We use the polarimetric and intensity measurements of H and HeI D3 lines in solar prominences to derive the true geometrical thickness for several quiescent prominences. The electron densities, derived from the collisional depolarization in H by Bommier et al. (1994), are used to evaluate the thickness from the emission measure. The emission measure was obtained from the theoretical correlation with the H integrated intensity, according to Gouttebroze, Heinzel, and Vial (1993). Theoretical electron densities obtained by latter authors are also compared with those of Bommier et al. (1994) and we find a very good agreement between them. The prominence geometrical thickness exhibits a relatively large range of values from about 100 km up to a few 104 km. The plasma densities vary by almost two orders of magnitude in the observed structures, but the total column mass in the direction perpendicular to the prominence sheet seems to be fairly constant for the set of prominences studied.  相似文献   

A flare surge at the limb was observed in CIII 977 Å by the Harvard OSO 6 spectroheliometer. The kinematic behavior of the surge is the same in CIII and in H. The amount of CIII emission is consistent with a model in which the CIII ions occupy sheaths with thickness 100 km surrounding the cooler H-emitting threads. The mass of the material containing CIII ions is about 10–2 times that emitting H.Now at California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California.  相似文献   

X-ray emission associated with solar prominences,sprays and surges   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using H observations made at the Astronomical Observatory of Wroclaw University, and 3.5–5.5 keV X-ray data from the Hard X-ray Imaging Spectrometer on board the Solar Maximum Mission, sites of solar X-ray emission are identified which are associated with active H features, such as prominences, sprays and surges. The X-ray emission is found to be highly localized within the active (H) structures. For example, in the prominences examined, 3.5–5.5 keV X-rays were found only in compact sites near the feet of the prominences. Models predicting that, during the active phase of these structures, the energy release should be evenly distributed along the structure are clearly brought into question. It is argued that these X-ray sites are indicative of the cause of the expulsion and transport of chromospheric material. Models which satisfy these observations are discussed.This work was started during a visit to the High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307, U.S.A. (NCAR is sponsored by the National Science Foundation).  相似文献   

Bright and dark curvilinear structures observed between the two major chromospheric ribbons during the flare of 29 July 1973 on films from the Big Bear Solar Observatory are interpreted as a typical system of coronal loops joining the inner boundaries of the separating flare ribbons. These observations, made through a 0.25 Å H filter, only show small segments of the loops having Doppler shifts within approximately ± 22 km s–1 relative to the filter passband centered at H, H -0.5 Å or H +0.5 Å. However, from our knowledge of the typical behavior of such loop systems observed at the limb in H and at 5303 Å, it has been possible to reconstruct an appoximate model of the probable development of the loops of the 29 July flare as they would have been viewed at the limb relative to the position of a prominence which began to erupt a few minutes before the start of the flare. It is seen that the loops ascended through the space previously occupied by the filament. On the assumption that H fine structures parallel the magnetic field, we can conclude that a dramatic reorientation of the direction of the magnetic field in the corona occurred early in the flare, subsequent to the start of the eruption of the filament and prior to the time that the H loops ascended through the space previously occupied by the filament.  相似文献   

Simultaneous observations of the polarization of radiations H and D3 have been performed in 1979 at Pic du Midi on 60 solar prominences (300 pairs of measurements). For the essential part of the sample, the degree of polarization p(D3) does not depend strongly upon the intensity E(D3); on the contrary p(H) decreases steeply when E(H) goes beyond the brightness which corresponds to (H) = 1 (Figure 4); the deviation of the polarization direction (H) does not show such a strong dependance upon E(H) (Figure 6). A crude estimate of the possible role of multiple scattering in an optically thick prominence is in general agreement with observational data but a detailed comparison will be possible only when a complete theory of the Hanle effect in non optically thin layers will be available.Therefore, H polarization measurements are presently useful mainly when (H) < 1 and, in connexion with D3 measurements (Figure 8), they should make possible to determine the three components of the prominence magnetic vector. Prospects are given for the observation of other lines (H; 10 830 Å) which do not suffer heavy self-absorption effects and would be well-suited to this type of study.  相似文献   

The surface photometry of S254–S257 has been carried out by means of a wide range image processing technique in the reduction system. The photographic plates in the H+[NII] andV-bands are taken with the Schmidt telescope. Especially, we have obtained the calibrated map of theHii region, superposing two or more plates with different exposure times, and removing the star images. Three kinds of calibrated maps of theHii regions are drawn: (1)E-map in the (H+[NII]+continuum) (2)V-map in the continuum atV-band, (3)(E-V)-map in the (H+[NII]) line emission. The intensity profiles across the nebular centers were also obtained. Based on calibrated maps, the morphological structure and mass distribution of S255 and S257 are discussed. The location of observed nebulae on the (m Hm v) diagram, wherem H andm v denote the surface brightness, expressed in the magnitude per square arcmin, is shown together with that of some other nebulae. Some arguements on the age sequence of observedHii regions are presented.  相似文献   

The equivalent widths of the oxygen lines at 7774 and 8446 and of H (and some H) have been measured for 22 early-type, emission-line stars. A strong correlation between H and 8446 intensities has been found, although there is no such correlation between H and 7774. This confirms the probability that Bowen's mechanism is operative (the neutral oxygen 33 D state is overpopulated because the excitation energy of Ly- nearly coincides with that of theOi 1025 line). The possibility of using 8446 and H equivalent widths for a comparison of oxygen to hydrogen abundances in these stars is discussed.  相似文献   

The analysis of solar wind He++ and H+ ion distribution functions, collected over five months by the satellite Prognoz 1, shows that these are in general maxwellian but that often tails appear at higher speeds. The existing relation V-T, the observation of ratios of T/Tp 3.83 and V/Vp 1.035 give evidence of preferential He++ ion heating and acceleration. The criteria for heating by dissipation of hydromagnetic waves proposed by Barnes and Hung (1973) are tested experimentally. Finally, multifluid models are likely to predict certain observations such as dependence of the velocity ratio V/Vp on the solar wind flux.  相似文献   

The H observations of a selected sample of bright Be stars are presented. The available infrared observations at K band (2.2 m) of these stars have been used to find the infrared excess emission. The analysis of the combined data show thatL H, the luminosity of the H emission line, is proportional toL IR, the luminosity of the infrared excess emission. The linear correlation betweenL IR andL H shows that both the infrared excess and the H line originate in a common region. It is also detected that the infrared excess emission is produced throughout the whole envelope whereas the H is emitted in some defined region of the circumstellar (CS) envelope.  相似文献   

We find that the profile changes observed for the UV emission lines L,Civ 1549, and MgIII 2798, in the Seyfert 1 galaxy Fairall 9 occur mainly near the line centre for L andCiv and in the wings for MgIII. These results indicate that the broad line region (BLR) has a complex structure, possibly with non-spherical components.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

The location of H filaments is compared with maps of the photospheric line of sight velocity V and the magnetic field H . It is found that (1) H filaments are associated with regions of ¦V ¦ 300m s–1, (2) always both positive as well as negative velocities are present under H structures, (3) stable (long lasting) portion of filaments frequently occur at the position of H = 0 as well as V = 0 lines, (4) this association remains valid for the longitudes less than 50° from central meridian.  相似文献   

A one-zone model for the late time SN II energized by the radioactive decay56Ni–56Co–56Fe is presented. The model succeeds in reproducing for the late time evolution of H and [Oi] 6300 emission lines in SN1970g for the reasonable set of parameters: mass of ejecta 4M , boundary velocityv 0=4000 km s–1 and amount of56NiM Ni=0.02M . However, a one-zone model does not account for the late time continuum. In the case of SN1980k the radioactive model fits H and [Oi] 6300 emissions att250 day satisfactory but fails at very late time, e.g.,t=670 day when the predicted value of the ratioL(H)/L(6300) is two orders of magnitude smaller than the observed one. We suggest that the strong H emission in SN1980k on the 670th day is due to the interaction of the supernova envelope with the pre-SN wind. The radioactive model for the late time SN II predicts strong Mgii 2800 line and detectable Hei 10830 line in emission and absorption.  相似文献   

We consider the effect that coherent motion has on the observed brightness of moving clouds above the photosphere. We find that steady state clouds (constant N e and T e ) that are moving perpendicular to the line of sight will appear brighter in H for speeds between 8 and 100 km/sec and dimmer for speeds greater than 135 km/sec. The brightening and dimming are due to apparent Doppler shifts of the respective H absorption and the Lyman- emission profiles seen by the absorption profile of the moving cloud.We apply this analysis, along with optical depth and geometrical considerations, to the observed brightness variations of the 1 March 1969 limb eruptive prominence. We find that all of the observed brightening and dimming can be explained by the motions, and that no significant change in the prominence N e or T e was necessary during the observed H event. This conclusion is significant in interpreting an X-ray burst that began as the prominence velocity increased abruptly at the time of maximum H intensity. The thermal X-ray peak occurred 150 sec later when the prominence had become faint again. There was no associated flare that was visible in H. We discuss the relative brightness of H and D 3 in a specific moving prominence knot.We note that the observed range of limb speeds (30–150 km/sec) may be due to the combined H Doppler brightening and Lyman- dimming effects. We also discuss generally the H brightness of disk surges (bright and dark) and flares, and sprays and puffs that occur at or near the limb.Now at the Dept. of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Colorado, and High Altitude Observatory (NCAR) Boulder, Colo., U.S.A.  相似文献   

A synthesis of the centimetric and millimetric observations of the prominences on the disk is performed using the published radio maps as well as original observations. It is shown that the size of the radio depressions associated with large quiescent H filaments is similar to the H size. A spectrum of the brightness temperature of the radio filaments between 3.5 mm and 6 cm- is derived.  相似文献   

Full disk, He I 10 830 Å solar spectroheliograms have been generated using the Haleakala Stokes polarimeter-spectrometer. The spectroheliograms, with spatial resolution of 10 × 16 arc sec and wavelength bandpass of 0.53 Å, were developed for the detection of coronal holes, and have been compared with nearly simultaneous H and Ca K flltergrams.Areas of reduced helium absorption have been noted in the neighborhood of filaments and neutral zones in the longitudinal solar magnetic field. The existence of these helium lanes is discussed in terms of their relationship to H filament channels or to the coronal cavities which surround prominences.  相似文献   

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