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Kent Mathewson 《Geoforum》2006,37(1):15-30
In his recent book Putting Science in its Place: Geographies of Scientific Knowledge (2004), David Livingstone challenges historians of geography to locate that history in space and places, as well as time. Using the national/cultural space that is Guatemala, this paper plots some of the co-ordinates, contours, and questions that such a geographic history might entail. Particular emphasis is placed on providing a first approximation of the contours the history of geographic research in, and on, Guatemala. The main focus is on the work of self-identified geographers, though many scholars in cognate fields, especially historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists have made important contributions to this history. Clear phases in this history are evident, starting in the late 19th century with the work of the German geographer Karl Sapper. North American geographers came to dominate the record in the post-WWII period. The current phase promises not only a new generation of researchers, but also new directions as well as some continuities with topics and questions with a century-old time-depth. This paper seeks to contribute to the largely inchoate project of producing histories of geography at the regional, national, and continental scales for Latin America.  相似文献   

Identity has become one of the core concepts of political geography. This reflects the wide recognition of a post-structural conception of society and space, as well as the acknowledgement of the political character of identity. The present article focuses on the politics of identity, and discusses the politicized forms of identity as related to the Soviet state building policies and the Estonian spaces of resistance. It will be argued that neither identity nor the political demand in Soviet Estonia can be viewed in isolation from their historical and social contexts. Both Soviet state politics and the Estonian spaces of resistance reflected the prevailing conceptions of past and the contemporary political realities. This article examines those preconceptions of the political and territorial development in Soviet Estonia, and also illustrates the interdependent character of state politics and non-state activism. The first part of the article concentrates on the Soviet state building practices – the use of power, symbols, education – and the second part examines the various forms of non-state activism of Estonians.  相似文献   

Assessment of lightning-related fatality and injury risk in Canada   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article summarizes research completed to assess the risk of lightning-related injuries and fatalities in Canada. Although lightning mortality has declined significantly over the past century, it remains a common meteorological hazard that regularly kills and injures. Based on an analysis of media reports, vital statistics, hospital admission and emergency room visit records, and fire loss data, the authors estimate that on average about 9–10 lightning-related deaths and 92–164 injuries occur each year in Canada. The distribution of casualties reflects current provincial population and cloud-to-ground lightning densities. Consistent with similar studies in other developed nations, most lightning-related fatalities and injuries in Canada occur during the June-August summer season, coincident with peak lightning, and during the Thursday-Saturday period, most likely related to higher rates of participation in outdoor activities. The majority of victims are male, less than 46 years old, and engaged in outdoor recreational activities when injured or killed in a lightning incident. Media reports used in the study were found to underestimate both lightning mortality (36%) and morbidity (20–600%).
Brian MillsEmail:

The housing outcomes of immigrants in Canada vary mainly along ethnicity. However, many other factors including place of birth, length of stay in Canada, labour market outcomes, and discrimination among others also play a role. Although general patterns are observable at broad ethnic group levels, vast intra-group differences exist—with housing outcomes potentially being influenced by specific group behaviours such as transnational (housing) activities. This study investigates the relationship between homeownership in Canada and Ghanaian immigrant transnational housing investment. Logistic regression models are fitted on survey data collected among Ghanaian immigrants resident in the Greater Toronto Area. The results show an association between homeownership status in Canada and transnational housing investment. Interestingly, we found that immigrants with on-going housing projects in Ghana were more likely to own a house in Canada. Theoretically the findings demonstrate the importance of including a transnational perspective in immigrant housing integration research. The findings show that it is possible to simultaneously engage in transnational activities and remain integrated in the society of destination areas. This has wider implications for the transnationalism-integration debate within immigrant receiving nations across the world. Recognition of transnationalism as a possible conduit for enhancing integration in destination societies should result in eschewing alarmist perspectives which have been relied on to formulate anti-immigration policies.  相似文献   

Boundaries can be seen as barriers or as places of contact. It has been suggested that we are “prisoners of borders”, of all kinds of borders (political, religious, social, cultural, linguistic etc.). While this statement appears to be somewhat exaggerated, it holds some truth. Boundaries are elements in spatial organization, and they influence daily life in many ways (not only for people living right along them). The paper addresses the question if we must call ourselves “prisoners” or if we simply have to live with all kinds of borders. Departing from theoretical observations, the paper discusses the various aspects boundaries assume in the European context before looking at a few concrete Swiss examples. They reveal that even regions at a certain distance of the state border will feel its effects (the case of Zurich airport), but the most important benefit can been drawn by people living in the border area itself (through price differences between the two countries, as exemplified by the Swiss-Italian border). There may be asymmetry on state borders, but this asymmetry can also swing around: the advantages often lie on both sides. The paper concludes by pointing to the persistence of the boundary concept. They are a necessity for the organization of space and society, but they are not absolute. There are always holes in these prison walls, and the examples where boundaries were impermeable are probably rare.  相似文献   

Historical processes of state formation and nation building are crucial for an understanding of the geography of religions and churches in Europe. Each country has developed its own model of state-church relations, giving rise to a ‘bewildering variety’ as Grace Davie aptly remarks. The aim of this paper is to bring some order to this variety by developing a framework for the comparative study of church-state relations based on Stein Rokkan’s famous conceptual map and recent extensions of it to Central and Eastern Europe by John Madeley. According to that framework Europe has been divided into three mono-confessional (Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and Eastern Orthodox) blocs and two multi-confessional culture belts from Northwest to Southeast, and from Northeast to Southeast. This historical pattern has been challenged by secularisation, which started with the Enlightenment and the French Revolution (Western Europe) and the Russian Revolution (Eastern Europe until the velvet revolutions of 1989/1991) and then became widespread after the ‘cultural revolutions’ of the 1960s. A second challenge has to do with globalisation and its consequences, such as massive immigration and the rise of immigrant religions, and in general deterritorialisation, which means the disembeddedness of religion from its national territory. A third challenge concerns reterritorialisation at other (supranational, regional, transnational, and local) scales, of which the new territorial order of the European Union seems to be the most important. Finally, this paper serves as an introduction to the case studies on church-state relations in this special issue.  相似文献   

Ashby H.B. Monk 《Geoforum》2008,(6):2009-2018
Canadian Medicare, the government financed national health care system, is seen by many as enhancing both social welfare and competitiveness. If true, this will broaden and further existing conceptions of competitiveness in Canada and beyond. Moreover, it will have important implications for the ongoing debate in the social sciences about institutional convergence and path dependence. The central focus of this paper is to evaluate this claim: Medicare’s impact on competitiveness, evaluated by using investment attraction as a proxy, is determined through reference to detailed case analysis and the insight into investment behavior gained from interviews. This paper concludes that Medicare makes a difference for certain reinvestment decisions but no difference for location and initial investment decisions. Several implications are drawn from this finding: Medicare’s impact on reinvestment decisions may stop certain Canadian firms from investing elsewhere but likely would not attract new investment into Canada from abroad. Industries with high labor costs will extract a disproportionately large benefit from Medicare; so, this type of institution is a source of competitiveness to certain industries if not an overarching source of regional competitiveness for Canada. I conclude that, no matter the size and scope of the competitive benefit, social institutions such as Medicare must be considered when evaluating regional competitiveness, having thus far been ignored by mainstream academic competitiveness theories.  相似文献   

Heat Wave Hazards: An Overview of Heat Wave Impacts in Canada   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Extreme heat events are natural hazards affecting Canada and many other regions of the world. This paper presents an overview of the issues involved in defining heat waves and harmful hot weather events, followed by a spatial and historical overview of heat waves across Canada, and an assessment of heat wave adaptation potential in selected cities. The Prairies, Southern Ontario, and areas in the St. Lawrence River Valley of both Ontario and Quebec demonstrate the highest temperatures and most frequent occurrences of heat waves, with minimal effects in the North, Pacific Coast, and Maritimes. Montreal frequently experiences extreme heat, and based on its low air conditioning rates and older, high-density housing, it demonstrates limited potential for adaptation to heat events. A scientific assessment was done to identify the effects of heat waves on various sectors of Canadian life including agriculture, livestock, fisheries, construction, transportation, utilities, the environment, and human health. Heat stress has been linked to excess human mortality and illness, violent behaviour, drought, forest fires, tornadoes, decreased agricultural and livestock productivity, construction and transportation difficulties, and reduced electrical power supply. Despite limited research on heat waves in Canada, this study demonstrates that the impacts of heat are profound and far-reaching.  相似文献   

拉布拉多是加拿大大西洋成矿域中具地质多样性的最大的成矿省,区域成矿地质条件优越,产有Superior型含铁建造、岩浆硫化物、铂族元素、火山成因块状硫化物、铀、稀有稀土等多种金属矿床。文章介绍了拉布拉多铁、铀、稀有稀土、镍多金属等优势金属矿床的成矿背景、成矿特征、矿床(点)分布、典型矿床地质特征及最新勘探成果,分析了区域地质演化作用与区域内主要金属矿床的时空分布。  相似文献   

张颖慧  MorelliRyan  郭磊  王涛  管烨 《地质通报》2018,37(2-3):314-324
区域地质填图工作向三维地质调查和建模发展是各国地质调查机构关心的热点,为此中国地质调查局与加拿大萨斯喀彻温省地质调查局开展了为期3年的三维地质调查技术交流合作。基于加拿大萨省北部前寒武纪地区的实地填图工作和三维地质建模技术交流,详细介绍了加方从项目部署、资料收集、野外工作、成果表达等进行基岩地质填图的工作方法和在此基础上开展三维地质建模的技术要点。萨省地质调查局以问题和需求为导向开展填图工作,在人员安排、数据管理和软件平台建设方面充分考虑地质填图-三维建模的连贯性,注重信息公开共享以服务社会,相关经验值得学习借鉴。  相似文献   

楚丽霞 《地质与勘探》2016,52(2):385-391
加拿大萨斯喀彻温亚盆地某矿区含钾盐矿层的属性母岩——草原蒸发岩具有良好的连续性,深度通常小于960m。矿石品级相对较高,K_2O舍量在9.26%~58.20%。草原蒸发岩内含有三个钾盐成矿段,分别为耐心湖(Patience Lake)含钾岩段、贝尔平原(Belle Prairie)含钾岩段、埃斯特黑齐(Esterhazy)含钾岩段。根据萨省的地球物理测井资料得出的钾盐厚度和品位数据,以及萨省政府最近发布的评估萨省钾盐资源潜力的资料,作者研究整理了萨省某区的地震、钻孔数据,预测了某区的优先勘探靶区,并对该地区的钾盐矿床地质成因做了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Neil M. Coe   《Geoforum》2000,31(4):391-407
This paper considers the development of a particular cultural industry, the indigenous film and television production sector, in a specific locality, Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada). Vancouver’s film and television industry exhibits a high level of dependency on the location shooting of US funded productions, a relatively mobile form of foreign investment capital. As such, the development of locally developed and funded projects is crucial to the long-term sustainability of the industry. The key facilitators of growth in the indigenous sector are a small group of independent producers that are attempting to develop their own projects within a whole series of constraints apparently operating at the local, national and international levels. At the international level, they are situated within a North American cultural industry where the funding, production, distribution and exhibition of projects is dominated by US multinationals. At the national level, both government funding schemes and broadcaster purchasing patterns favour the larger production companies of central Canada. At the local level, producers have to compete with the demands of US productions for crew, locations and equipment. I frame my analysis within notions of the embeddedness or embodiment of social and economic relations, and suggest that the material realities of processes operating at the three inter-linked scales, are effectively embodied in a small group of individual producers and their inter-personal networks.  相似文献   

The Late Coniacian, shallow-marine Bad Heart Formation of the Western Canada foreland basin is very unusual in that it contains economically significant ooidal ironstone. Deposition of shallow-water and iron-rich facies appears to have been localized over the crest and flanks of a subtle intrabasinal arch, in part interpreted as a forebulge and partly attributed to reactivation of the long-lived Peace River Arch. The formation comprises two upward-shoaling allomembers, typically 5–10 m thick, that are bounded by regionally mappable ravinement surfaces. The lower unit, allomember 1, grades up from laminated mudstone to bioturbated silty sandstone, which is abruptly overlain by bioturbated ooidal silty sandstone grading into an almost clastic-free ooidal ironstone up to 7 m thick. Ooidal ironstone was concentrated into NW- to SE-trending ridges, kilometres wide and tens of kilometres long. Ironstone formation appears to have been promoted by: (a) drowning of the arch, which progressively curtailed sediment supply; and (b) enhanced reworking over the shallowly submerged arch and over a fault-bounded block that underwent episodic vertical movement of 10–20 m during Bad Heart deposition. Allomember 2 also shoals upwards from mudstone to bioturbated and laminated silty sandstone but lacks ooids, apparently reflecting a rejuvenated supply of detrital sediment from the arch. The marine ravinement surface above allomember 2 is a Skolithos firmground, above which is developed a regional blanket of ooidal sediment. In the east, ooids are dispersed in a bioturbated silty sandstone with abundant evidence of repeated reworking and early siderite and phosphate cements. Westwards, this facies grades, over about 40 km, into almost clastic-free ooidal ironstone about 5 m thick; the lateral facies change may reflect progressive clastic starvation distal to a low-relief source area. The two allomembers are interpreted to reflect eustatic oscillations of about 10 m, superimposed on episodic tectonic warping and block-faulting events. The development of ooidal ironstone immediately above initial marine flooding surfaces indicates a close relationship to marine transgression, reflecting sediment-starved conditions. Ironstone does not appear to be related to either sequence boundaries or maximum flooding surfaces. The Bad Heart Formation is blanketed by marine mudstone deposited in response to major flexural subsidence and rejuvenation of clastic sources in the Cordillera to the SW.  相似文献   

国际上有关冻土地区输电工程建设的成功经验, 对我国类似工程建设及相关问题的研究具有积极的借鉴意义. 重点以加拿大育空地区和美国阿拉斯加地区输电工程为例, 对国外冻土地区输电工程建设相关经验进行系统总结, 涵盖工程建设全过程, 即从工程前期准备到工程设计和建设直至工程建成后的运行维护. 基于此, 从完善工程评估机制、 建立和执行相关工程建设规范与技术标准、 工程建设环境风险控制以及确保工程运营安全等方面, 探讨了国外经验的可借鉴之处.  相似文献   

Adaptation to climate change is widely recognized as a multi-level governance challenge because expected impacts and respective measures cut across governmental levels, sectors and societal domains. The present paper analyses the role of regional adaptation partnerships in Canada and England in the multi-level governance of climate change adaptation. We describe and compare three partnerships per country with regard to their evolution, membership and governing structures, coordination across levels and societal domains, and their adaptation activities and outputs. Although both partnership schemes represent new collaborative approaches, their genesis and governance differ. While the Canadian collaboratives are a government-centred approach that originated and partly operated top-down through a national programme for the period 2009–2012, the English partnerships follow a more pluralistic stakeholder-centred approach that evolved bottom-up already in the early 2000s. Both schemes have in common that they mediate between governmental levels, foster networking between public and private actors, and eventually build adaptive capacities and inform adaptation policies. We conclude that regional adaptation partnerships represent a new governance approach that facilitates climate change adaptation, albeit with limits. Since state actors play(ed) key roles in both partnership schemes, they do not represent a new sphere of authority outside the state. Instead of blurring or destabilizing governmental levels they complement (and perhaps even stabilise) them with multi-level interactions.  相似文献   

Clare Herrick 《Geoforum》2007,38(1):90-102
The inclusion of obesity within public health rests on a proven and accepted biomedical link between body weight and health status. Drawing on the 2005 controversy over annual death rates attributable to obesity in the US, this paper contends that uncertainty as to the causal mechanisms linking body weight and health are undermining the development of effective obesity prevention policies. Consequently, this also weakens the justification of the inclusion of such policies within public health. This work draws on recent interest in ‘critical geographies of public health’ and the continued attention to the recursive relations between people and places in the context of health which may offer a useful theoretical viewpoint from which unpack such aetiological uncertainty. Without an agreed or universal risk from obesity, the paper argues that public health obesity prevention through social marketing should be geographical in outlook. The three examples of 5 a day, Jamie’s School Dinners and Sesame Street’s Cookie Monster are discussed to illustrate the effectiveness of communicating risk in a manner that allows intention to be effectively translated into risk-minimising behaviour within the dictates of locale.  相似文献   

加拿大拉布拉多地槽DSO型铁矿床成矿规律及找矿方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王炯辉  余宇星 《地学前缘》2015,22(2):187-199
DSO(Direct Shipping Ore)型铁矿床即直运型铁矿床,指加拿大拉布拉多地槽区Fe品位大于50%(w(SiO2)18%)的赤铁矿矿床,因其矿石品位高、经济效益突出而备受关注。对该地区DSO矿床区域成矿背景、典型矿床研究表明:(1)DSO矿体均赋存于苏克曼组含铁建造中;(2)DSO矿体的产出位置主要受构造控制,构造为热液流体的运移提供了通道,也为矿质的重结晶及沉淀提供了空间;(3)软质DSO成因属深部热液-表生改造型,硬质DSO成因则属热液型。根据DSO的成矿特点,可将拉布拉多地槽DSO找矿靶区分为谢弗维尔软质DSO找矿靶区、铁矿湖-阿提卡玛根软质DSO找矿靶区和阿斯特雷—索耶湖硬质DSO找矿靶区。找矿实践中,应通过地质填图、物探等方法对拉布拉多地槽中部地区的岩性和构造进行控制,重点关注NW向大断裂与次级断裂、次级褶皱、玄武岩与含铁建造岩性转换面的叠加处和地球物理低磁高重区。综合地质和地球物理方法优选靶区进行槽探、钻探相结合的快速验证,可有效提高找矿效率,实现拉布拉多地槽区DSO找矿工作的快速突破。  相似文献   

Detailed petroleum system analysis allows the direction and extent of hydrocarbon flow to be assessed. In most parts of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, the major pulse of hydrocarbon generation and migration occurred as a result of the Laramide Orogeny in Late Cretaceous–Early Tertiary time. The distribution and chemistry of oils provide a detailed picture of fluid flow at this time with oil migration up to hundreds of kilometres observed. Hydrocarbon generation and migration mostly ceased once uplift of the basin commenced during Eocene time. As the basin evolved so did the hydrodynamic regime reflecting changes in topography, glaciation and other factors. This indicates possible problems with using present day hydrogeology to determine oil migration pathways although hydrogeology can help explain petroleum alteration.  相似文献   

Changes in nitrate concentration in groundwater from wells in Prince Edward Island, Canada were investigated over time using two datasets. Temporal trends in groundwater nitrate concentrations were assessed annually during 1981–1996 (1,299 observations), and both seasonally and monthly during 1988–1991 (1,868 observations). Data were analysed using linear mixed models with random effects and correlation structures. The average nitrate concentration in the monthly dataset was 3.99 mg/L as NO3–N, with January, May, and November concentrations being higher (p?=?0.018). A seasonal effect was present when season was combined with land use type in an interaction term (p?=?0.004). Wells located in agricultural areas had greater nitrate concentrations than urban areas, which in turn, had greater values than low human-impact areas. Row-cropped areas had higher groundwater nitrate concentrations in the summer, whereas manure storage areas were higher in the spring and autumn. Nitrate in groundwater in areas with low human impact and with centralized sewage disposal infrastructure remained relatively low and stable throughout the seasons. There was no significant annual trend (p?=?0.954), but for individual sites, 9.6% significantly increased in nitrate concentration over time, and 6.6% significantly decreased over time.  相似文献   

An Assessment of Changes in Winter Cold and Warm Spells over Canada   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Shabbar  Amir  Bonsal  Barrie 《Natural Hazards》2003,29(2):173-188
The recent Third Assessment Report (TAR) of the Intergovernmental Panel onClimate Change (IPCC) indicated that observed 20th century changes in severalclimatic extremes are qualitatively consistent with those expected due to increasedgreenhouse gases. However, a lack of adequate data and analyses make conclusiveevidence of changing extremes somewhat difficult, particularly, in a global sense.In Canada, extreme temperature events, especially those during winter, can havemany adverse environmental and economic impacts. In light of the aforementionedIPCC report, the main focus of this analysis is to examine observed trends andvariability in the frequency, duration, and intensity of winter (Jan–Feb–Mar) cold and warm spells over Canada during the second half of the 20th century.Cold spell trends display substantial spatial variability across the country. From1950–1998, western Canada has experienced decreases in the frequency, duration, and intensity of cold spells, while in the east, distinct increases in the frequency and duration have occurred. These increases are likely associated with morefrequent occurrences of the positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)during the last several decades. With regard to winter warm spells, significantincreases in both the frequency and duration of these episodes were observedacross most of Canada. One exception was found in the extreme northeasternregions, where warm spells are becoming shorter and less frequent. The resultsof this study are discussed within the context of climate warming expectations.  相似文献   

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