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A two-zone model for the analysis of nuclear shell burning on accreting degenerate dwarfs is developed. The model consists of two thin shells in a plane-parallel approximation: an accreted hydrogen zone on the top and a pure helium zone on the bottom, generated by hydrogen burning. The core of the star is isothermal and does not evolve with time. The physical properties (density, temperature, and pressure) of the shells are obtained and an analysis of some correlations between them and the mass accretion rate, the chemical composition of the accreted mass, and the heat flux from core is done. The interaction between both shells is also analyzed.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

We calculate how accretion affects the evolution of carbon-oxygen white dwarfs up to thermonuclear runaway. The influence of internal temperature (including the possibility of solidification) as well as that of other initial conditions (accretion rate, total mass) are taken into account. We examine in some detail the influence of the adopted pycnonuclear reaction rate and of the lattice impurities on the ignition conditions. The consequences of having a completely ordered C-O crystal instead of a disordered one are also analyzed.Paper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

Type Ia supernovae(SNe Ia) play a prominent role in understanding the evolution of the Universe. They are thought to be thermonuclear explosions of mass-accreting carbon-oxygen white dwarfs(CO WDs) in binaries, although the mass donors of the accreting WDs are still not well determined. In this article, I review recent studies on mass-accreting WDs, including H-and He-accreting WDs. I also review currently most studied progenitor models of SNe Ia, i.e., the single-degenerate model(including the WD+MS channel, the WD+RG channel and the WD+He star channel), the doubledegenerate model(including the violent merger scenario) and the sub-Chandrasekhar mass model.Recent progress on these progenitor models is discussed, including the initial parameter space for producing SNe Ia, the binary evolutionary paths to SNe Ia, the progenitor candidates for SNe Ia, the possible surviving companion stars of SNe Ia, some observational constraints, etc. Some other potential progenitor models of SNe Ia are also summarized, including the hybrid CONe WD model, the core-degenerate model, the double WD collision model, the spin-up/spin-down model and the model of WDs near black holes. To date, it seems that two or more progenitor models are needed to explain the observed diversity among SNe Ia.  相似文献   

We investigate the relation between the optical (g-band) and X-ray (0.5–10 keV) luminosities of accreting nonmagnetic white dwarfs. According to the present-day counts of the populations of star systems in our Galaxy, these systems have the highest space density among the close binary systems with white dwarfs. We show that the dependence of the optical luminosity of accreting white dwarfs on their X-ray luminosity forms a fairly narrow one-parameter curve. The typical half-width of this curve does not exceed 0.2–0.3 dex in optical and X-ray luminosities, which is essentially consistent with the amplitude of the aperiodic flux variability for these objects. At X-ray luminosities L x ~ 1032 erg s?1 or lower, the optical g-band luminosity of the accretion flow is shown to be related to its X-ray luminosity by a factor ~2–3. At even lower X-ray luminosities (L x ? 1030 erg s?1), the contribution from the photosphere of the white dwarf begins to dominate in the optical spectrum of the binary system and its optical brightness does not drop below M g ~ 13–14. Using the latter fact, we show that in current and planned X-ray sky surveys, the family of accreting nonmagnetic white dwarfs can be completely identified to the distance determined by the sensitivity of an optical sky survey in this region. For the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) with a limiting sensitivity m g ~ 22.5, this distance is ~400–600 pc.  相似文献   

Type Ia supernovae(SNe Ia)play a key role in measuring cosmological parameters,in which the Phillips relation is adopted.However,the origin of the relation is still unclear.Several parameters are suggested,e.g.the relative content of carbon to oxygen(C/O)and the central density of the white dwarf(WD)at ignition.These parameters are mainly determined by the WD's initial mass and its cooling time,respectively.Using the progenitor model developed by Meng & Yang,we present the distributions of the initial WD mass and the cooling time.We do not find any correlation between these parameters.However,we notice that as the range of the WD's mass decreases,its average value increases with the cooling time.These results could provide a constraint when simulating the SN Ia explosion,i.e.the WDs with a high C/O ratio usually have a lower central density at ignition,while those having the highest central density at ignition generally have a lower C/O ratio.The cooling time is mainly determined by the evolutionary age of secondaries,and the scatter of the cooling time decreases with the evolutionary age.Our results may indicate that WDs with a long cooling time have more uniform properties than those with a short cooling time,which may be helpful to explain why SNe Ia in elliptical galaxies have a more uniform maximum luminosity than those in spiral galaxies.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2002,46(8-10):481-486
In this article we discuss the first simulations of two- and three-dimensional Type Ia supernovae with an improved hydrodynamics code. After describing the various enhancements, the obtained results are compared to those of earlier code versions, observational data and the findings of other researchers in this field.  相似文献   

We have examined the evolution of merged low-mass double white dwarfs that become luminous helium stars. We have approximated the merging process by the rapid accretion of matter, consisting mostly of helium, on to a carbon–oxygen (CO) white dwarf. After a certain mass is accumulated, a helium shell flash occurs, the radius and luminosity increase and the star becomes a yellow giant. Mass accretion is stopped artificially when the total mass reaches a pre-determined value. When the mass above the helium-burning shell becomes small enough, the star evolves blueward almost horizontally in the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram. The theoretical models for the merger of a 0.6-M CO white dwarf with a 0.3-M He white dwarf agree very well with the observed locations of extreme helium stars in the  log  T eff–log  g   diagram, with their observed rates of blueward evolution, and with luminosities and masses obtained from their pulsations. Together with predicted merger rates for  CO+He  white dwarf pairs, the evolutionary time-scales are roughly consistent with the observed numbers of extreme helium stars. Predicted surface carbon and oxygen abundances can be consistent with the observed values if carbon and oxygen produced in the helium shell during a previous asymptotic giant branch phase are assumed to exist in the helium zone of the initial CO white dwarfs. These results establish the  CO+He  white dwarf merger as the best, if not only, viable model for the creation of extreme helium stars and, by association, the majority of R Coronae Borealis stars.  相似文献   

Type Ia supernovae(SNe Ia) are thermonuclear explosions of carbon-oxygen white dwarfs(CO WDs), and are believed to be excellent cosmological distance indicators due to their high luminosity and remarkable uniformity. However, there exists a diversity among SNe Ia, and a poor understanding of the diversity hampers the improvement of the accuracy of cosmological distance measurements. The variations of the ratios of carbon to oxygen(C/O) of WDs at explosion are suggested to contribute to the diversity. In the canonical model of SNe Ia, a CO WD accretes matter from its companion and increases its mass till the Chandrasekhar mass limit when the WD explodes. In this work, we studied the C/O ratio for accreting CO WDs. Employing the stellar evolution code MESA, we simulated the accretion of He-rich material onto CO WDs with different initial WD masses and different mass accretion rates. We found that the C/O ratio varies for different cases. The C/O ratio of He-accreting CO WDs at explosion increases with a decreasing initial WD mass or a decreasing accretion rate. The various C/O ratios may, therefore, contribute to the diversity of SNe Ia.  相似文献   

Type Ia supernovae(SNe Ia) are believed to be thermonuclear explosions of carbon oxygen(CO) white dwarfs(WDs) with masses close to the Chandrasekhar mass limit. How a CO WD accretes matter and grows in mass to this limit is not well understood, hindering our understanding of SN Ia explosions and the reliability of using SNe Ia as a cosmological distance indicator. In this work, we employed the stellar evolution code MESA to simulate the accretion process of hydrogen-rich material onto a 1.0 M_⊙CO WD at a high rate(over the Eddington limit) of 4.3 × 10~(-7) M_⊙yr~(-1). The simulation demonstrates the characteristics of the double shell burning on top of the WD, with a hydrogen shell burning on top of a helium burning shell. The results show that helium shell burning is not steady(i.e.it flashes). Flashes from the helium shell are weaker than those in the case of accretion of helium-rich material onto a CO WD. The carbon to oxygen mass ratio resulting from the helium shell burning is higher than what was previously thought. Interestingly, the CO WD growing due to accretion has an outer part containing a small fraction of helium in addition to carbon and oxygen. The flashes become weaker and weaker as the accretion continues.  相似文献   

The single-degenerate (SD) channel for the progenitors of type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) is one of the most popular channels, in which a carbon–oxygen white dwarf (CO WD) accretes hydrogen-rich material from its companion, increases its mass to the Chandrasekhar mass limit, and then explodes as a SN Ia. We show the initial and final parameter space for SNe Ia in a ( $\log P^{\mathrm{i}},M_{2}^{\mathrm{i}}$ ) plane and find that the positions of some famous recurrent novae, as well as a supersoft X-ray source (SSS), RX J0513.9-6951, are well explained by our model. The model can also explain the space velocity and mass of Tycho G, which is now suggested to be the companion star of Tycho’s supernova. Our study indicates that the SSS, V Sge, might be the potential progenitor of supernovae like SN 2002ic if the delayed dynamical-instability model due to Han and Podsiadlowski (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 368:1095, 2006) is appropriate. Following the work of Meng et al. (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 395:2103, 2009a), we found that the SD model (WD+MS) with an optically thick wind can explain the birth rate of supernovae like SN 2006X and reproduce the distribution of the color excess of SNe Ia. The model also predicts that at least 75% of all SNe Ia may show a polarization signal in their spectra.  相似文献   

We consider the behavior of matter in the accretion column that emerges under accretion in binary systems near the surface of a white dwarf. The plasma heated in a standing shock wave near the white dwarf surface efficiently radiates in the X-ray energy band. We suggest a method for estimating post-shock plasma parameters, such as the density, temperature, and height of the hot zone, from the power spectrum of its X-ray luminosity variability. The method is based on the fact that the flux variability amplitude for the hot region at various Fourier frequencies depends significantly on its cooling time, which is determined by the parameters of the hot zone in the accretion column. This allows the density and temperature of the hot matter to be estimated. We show that the characteristic cooling time can be efficiently determined from the break frequency in the power spectrum of the X-ray flux variability for accreting white dwarfs. The currently available X-ray instruments do not allow such measurements to be made because of an insufficient collecting area, but this will most likely become possible with new-generation large-area X-ray spectrometers.  相似文献   

The temperatures, radii, and masses of 81 He-rich white dwarfs are calculated from photometric data. It is shown that, on the average, they are less massive than DA white dwarfs: 70% of He-rich white dwarfs have masses<0.55M . Space density and birth-rate for different mass groups of H-rich and He-rich white dwarfs are obtained. Birth-rate is 1×10?12 pc?3 yr?1 and 1.5×10?12pc?3yr?1 for He-rich and H-rich white dwarfs, respectively. The mean mass of nascent white dwarfs is about 0.55M . It is shown thatV Tand its dispersion σ are correlated with the mass of white dwars, and from this progenitors' masses — of different mass groups of white dwarfs are estimated.  相似文献   

The method of multigroup radiation hydrodynamics is used to compute light curves for thermonuclear supernovae. Opacities are computed by taking into account spectral lines and expansion. UBVI fluxes are predicted. Our computed times of brightness rise to a maximum in B and V have been found to agree with observations better than those of other authors. The validity of our results is justified physically. The nuclear burning regime is shown to affect significantly the slope of the light curve in B and, to a slightly lesser extent, in V. If the prevailing burning regime during supernova explosions changed with age of the Universe, then the conclusion about a positive cosmological constant Λ drawn from observations of Type Ia supernovae may prove to be wrong.  相似文献   

A carbon-oxygen white dwarf may explode in a Type Ia supernova by accreting matter from its companion via either Roche lobe overflow or from winds, but there exists a critical accretion rate of the progenitor system for the explosion. We study the relation between the critical accretion rate and the metallicity via an AGB star approach. The result indicates that the critical accretion rate depends not only on the hydrogen mass fraction and the white dwarf mass, but also on the metallicity. The effect of the metallicity is smaller than that of the white dwarf mass. We show that it is reasonable to use the model with stellar mass 1.6 M⊙for real white dwarfs.  相似文献   

Near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy are obtained for a heterogeneous sample of nearby white dwarfs with possible excess flux as identified primarily in the Two Micron All Sky Survey. Among the sample of 43 stars are a number of white dwarfs that are either metal-rich, magnetic or binary suspects. With a few notable exceptions in four (or possibly five) distinct categories, the newly obtained JHK photometric data fail to corroborate the putative excesses, with  〈 K IRTF− K 2MASS〉=+0.31  mag. Where available, Galaxy Evolution Explorer photometric data are used to better constrain the overall spectral energy distribution of the white dwarfs, enabling any excess near-infrared flux to stand out more readily against the expected stellar photosphere.
With superior data, a near-infrared photometric excess is confirmed at three metal-rich white dwarfs and ruled out at nine others. Several new binaries are confirmed or suggested; five white dwarf–red dwarf pairs and five double degenerates. Four apparently single magnetic white dwarfs – two DA and two DQp – display modest to strong near-infrared excess (relative to non-magnetic models), which may be better described as two effective temperatures owing to a redistribution of energy in highly magnetic or peculiar atmospheres.  相似文献   

The influence of radiation on the electron velocity distribution in a hot nonrelativistic plasma localized near the surface of magnetic white dwarfs is investigated. The part played by the plasma in the formation of cyclotron features in the optical spectrum of these stars is studied. The region of parameters where the transverse temperature of plasma is defined by the brightness temperature of extraordinary radiation at the gyrofrequency is found. When escaping from the plasma in a homogeneous magnetic field, this component forms a cyclotron line in absorption. The ordinary radiation at the gyrofrequency and both modes at higher cyclotron harmonics are in emission or absorption depending on the magnetic field strength and hot plasma density. Possible interpretation of the observed spectral features of magnetic white dwarfs in terms of the developed theory is discussed.  相似文献   

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