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Global mapping of 410 and 660 km discontinuity topography and transition zone thickness has proven to be a powerful tool for constraining mantle chemistry, dynamics and mineralogy. Numerous seismic and mineral physics studies suggest that the 410 km discontinuity results from the phase change of olivine to wadsleyite and the 660 km discontinuity results from the phase change of ringwoodite to perovskite and magnesiowustite. Underside reflections of the 410 and 660 km discontinuities arrive as precursors to SS . With the recent development of a semi-automated method of determining SS arrivals, we have more than tripled the Flanagan and Shearer (1998a) data set of handpicked SS waveforms. We are able to increase resolution by stacking waveforms in 5° rather than 10° radius bins as well as increasing data coverage significantly in the southern hemisphere. The resulting SS-S410S and SS-S660S times are heavily influenced by upper-mantle velocity structure. We perform a joint inversion for discontinuity topography and velocity heterogeneity as well as performing a simple velocity correction to the precursor differential times and find little difference between the two methods. The 660 km discontinuity topography and transition zone thickness are correlated with velocities in the transition zone whereas the 410 km discontinuity topography is not. In addition, the 410 km discontinuity topography is not correlated with the 660 km discontinuity topography, rather anticorrelated, as expected due to the opposite signs of the Clapeyron slopes of their respective phase changes. These results suggest that, whereas the topography of 660 km discontinuity could be dominated by thermal effects, the topography of the 410 km discontinuity is likely dominated by compositional effects. In addition, unlike previous studies which find less topography on the 410 km discontinuity than on the 660 km discontinuity, our 410 and 660 km topography have similar amplitudes.  相似文献   

The velocity spectrum stacking method is applied to receiver functions from stations ATD and AAE to image P -to- S converted phases originating at the 410 and 660 km discontinuities beneath Afar. A transition zone thickness of 244 ± 19 km is obtained, similar to the global average transition zone thickness. This result suggests that any broad thermal anomaly beneath Afar probably does not extend as far down as the transition zone. However, because of the 19 km uncertainty in the thickness estimate, a small thermal anomaly of ~100–150 K at mantle transition zone depths cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper concerns the calculation and analysis of admittance functions from large and uniform data sets of gravity and topography in four regions of the northern and western Pacific Ocean. The purpose is to separate and describe possible differences in isostatic compensation between several 'type' regions of oceanic crust: a mid-ocean ridge (Juan de Fuca), a mid-plate seamount chain (Hawaiian Ridge), fracture zone topography on old crust (north of Hawaii) and a marginal basin (Philippine Sea). Results suggest that there are significant differences in the degree to which long wavelength topography has been compensated which can be distinguished between regions. These differences are set in the perspective of three simple compensation mechanisms. Two of these consider local Airy models in which raised topography is compensated at depth either by crustal roots or low density mantle. A third considers the effects of an elastic plate of variable thickness supporting crustal variations. Conclusions are that: (a) a thick plate possibly in excess of 30 km supports the Hawaiian Ridge; (b) a much thinner plate of 5 to 15 km existed when the fracture zone topography was formed; (c) the Juan de Fuca Ridge is compensated either regionally by a plate 5 to 10 km thick or locally by sub-crustal low densities at depths of 15 to 20 km; and (d) the Philippine Sea shows no evidence for regional support: ridges are compensated locally by differences in crustal thickness whereas the basins are underlain by density variations at depths comparable to those of the much younger Juan de Fuca Ridge. The major difference between admittance functions for the Philippine Sea and comparably aged regions of the north Pacific Ocean adds further new evidence of possible evolutionary differences between it and normal ocean basins.  相似文献   

Global mapping of upper mantle reflectors from long-period SS precursors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long-period precursors to SS resulting from underside reflections off upper mantle discontinuities ( SdS where d is the discontinuity depth) can be used to map the global distribution and depth of these reflectors. We analyse 5,884 long-period seismograms from the Global Digital Seismograph Network (1976-1987, shallow sources, transverse component) in order to identify SdS arrivals. Corrections for velocity dispersion, topography and crustal thickness at the SS bounce point, and lateral variation in mantle velocity are critical for obtaining accurate estimates of discontinuity depths. The 410 and 660 km discontinuities are observed at average depths of 413 and 653 km, and exhibit large-scale coherent patterns of topography with depth variations up to 40 km. These patterns are roughly correlated with recent tomographic models, with fast anomalies in the transition zone associated with highs in the 410 km discontinuity and lows in the 660 km discontinuity, a result consistent with laboratory measurements of Clapeyron slopes for the appropriate phase changes. The best resolved feature in these maps is a trough in the 660 km discontinuity in the northwest Pacific, which appears to be associated with the subduction zones in this region. Amplitude variations in SdS arrivals are not correlated with discontinuity depths and probably result from focusing and defocusing effects along the ray paths. The SdS arrivals suggest the presence of regional reflectors in the upper mantle above 400 km. However, only the strongest of these features are above probable noise levels due to sampling inadequacies.  相似文献   

We modify the receiver-functions stacking technique known as velocity spectrum stacking (VSS) so as to estimate combinations of velocity model ( VP and VS ) and depth that stack the Ps conversion from upper-mantle discontinuities most coherently. We find that by estimating the differences in the depths to the 660 and 410 km discontinuities using velocities that maximize the stacked amplitudes of P410s and P660s phases we can estimate the thickness of the transition zone more accurately than the depths to either of these discontinuities. We present two examples indicating that the transition zone beneath Obninsk, Russia, is 252±6 km thick and that beneath Pasadena, California, is only 220±6 km thick.  相似文献   

We develop a method for spatio-spectral localization of harmonic data on a sphere and use it to interpret recent high-resolution global estimates of the gravity and topography of Venus in the context of geodynamical models. Our approach applies equally to the simple spatial windowing of harmonic data and to variable-length-scale analyses, which are analogous to a wavelet transform in the Cartesian domain. Using the variable-length-scale approach, we calculate the localized RMS amplitudes of gravity and topography, as well as the spectral admittance between the two fields, as functions of position and wavelength. The observed admittances over 10 per cent of the surface of Venus (highland plateaus and tessera regions) are consistent with isostatic compensation of topography by variations in crustal thickness, while admittances over the remaining 90 per cent of the surface (rises, plains and lowlands) indicate that long-wavelength topography is dominantly the result of vertical convective tractions at the base of the lithosphere. The global average crustal thickness is less than 30 km, but can reach values as large as 40 km beneath tesserae and highland plateaus. We also note that an Earth-like radial viscosity structure cannot be rejected by the gravity and topography data and that, without a mechanical model of the lithosphere, admittance values cannot constrain the thickness of the thermal boundary layer of Venus. Modelling the lithosphere as a thin elastic plate indicates that at the time of formation of relief in highland plateaus and tesserae, the effective elastic plate thickness, Te , was less than 20 km. Estimates of Te at highland rises are consistently less than 30 km. Our inability to find regions with Te > 30 km is inconsistent with predictions made by a class of catastrophic resurfacing models.  相似文献   

Long-period data of the Global Digital Seismograph Network (GDSN) recorded over the three-year period from 1984 to 1986 were studied for the occurrence of S-P and P-S conversions from the upper mantle transition zone that appear as precursors to teleseismic S arrivals. Conversions of this type were identified on a large number of single-station records. Simple stacking of many records enhanced the appearance of converted phases and demonstrated that no major lateral variations in the nature of the transition zone exist between various tectonic regions. S-P and P-S conversions from the 400 km discontinuity were best observed at distances between 70 and 85 while conversions from the 670 km discontinuity showed up best at distances beyond 87. The analysis of published source mechanisms and comparison with synthetic seismograms suggests that the appearance of converted phases is primarily governed by the earthquake radiation pattern. Phases that have undergone S-P conversions beneath the receiver are best observed from dip-slip events that radiate strong SV - and weak P -waves towards the station. P-S conversions beneath the source area, on the other hand, are frequently observed from events that radiate strong P and little SV energy towards the station, and also from some strike-slip events. Comparison of observed with synthetic seismograms suggests that the PREM model of Dziewonski & Anderson (1981) explains most of the observations. Observed S-P and P-S conversions from the 670 km discontinuity, however, often have larger amplitudes than in the synthetics. Constructive interference of converted waves with the P -wave coda, source radiation effects and a velocity contrast across the 670 km discontinuity which is higher than in PREM may all contribute to the discrepancy.  相似文献   

Seismic imaging of the laterally varying D" region beneath the Cocos Plate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We use an axisymmetric, spherical Earth finite difference algorithm to model SH -wave propagation through cross-sections of laterally varying lower mantle models beneath the Cocos Plate derived from recent data analyses. Synthetic seismograms with dominant periods as short as 4 s are computed for several models: (1) a D" reflector 264 km above the core–mantle boundary with laterally varying S -wave velocity increases of 0.9–2.6 per cent, based on localized structures from a 1-D double-array stacking method; (2) an undulating D" reflector with large topography and uniform velocity increase obtained using a 3-D migration method and (3) cross-sections through the 3-D mantle S -wave velocity tomography model TXBW. We apply double-array stacking to assess model predictions of data. Of the models explored, the S -wave tomography model TXBW displays the best overall agreement with data. The undulating reflector produces a double Scd arrival that may be useful in future studies for distinguishing between D" volumetric heterogeneity and D" discontinuity topography. Synthetics for the laterally varying models show waveform variability not observed in 1-D model predictions. It is challenging to predict 3-D structure based on localized 1-D models when lateral structural variations are on the order of a few wavelengths of the energy used, particularly for the grazing geometry of our data. Iterative approaches of computing synthetic seismograms and adjusting model characteristics by considering path integral effects are necessary to accurately model fine-scale D" structure.  相似文献   

Fundamental-mode Rayleigh and Love waves generated by several earthquakes situated along great-circle paths between pairs of seismograph stations have been analysed to obtain coefficients of attenuation, group velocities, phase velocities, and specific quality factors in the period range 18–80s in two regions of the South American continent. One set of paths crosses the shield region which lies on the eastern coast and another set traverses the mountainous region inland. the average attenuation coefficient values are clearly higher in the tectonically active western region throughout the entire period range than in the eastern or shield region.
Inversion of the attenuation data yielded shear wave internal friction ( Q -1β) models as a function of depth in the crust and upper mantle in both regions. A low- Q zone below the lithosphere is prominent in both regions. the results show that substantial variations of Q β occur in the two regions of South America. the Qβ values were found to be inversely related to the heat flow values or to the temperature.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method to invert underside-reflection ( P d P or S d S arrivals) data for lateral depth variations of upper-mantle discontinuities, combining traveltime and amplitude data. The method greatly improves the resolution of small-scale undulations obtained by existing imaging methods and does not suffer from the long-wavelength biases that are likely to be present in currently available models. Existing inversion methods account for the large size of the Fresnel zone of underside reflections, but not for its complexity, arising from the mini-max traveltime nature of PP- and SS -related waves. This neglect results in long-wavelength artefacts from small-scale undulations of the discontinuities, obscuring true long-wavelength depth variations. The inversion method presented in this paper uses a complex-valued sensitivity kernel, derived from the representation of underside reflections through a Kirchhoff integral formulation. The sensitivity kernel accounts for the varying sensitivity of the waveforms to discontinuity structure over the Fresnel zone. The method is applied to a large, synthetic data set. The data set consists of P d P amplitudes and traveltimes. The results show that the new inversion method resolves depth variations on a lateral scale that is smaller than the size of the Fresnel zone of individual underside reflections (but larger than the dominant wavelength), retaining the resolution of large-scale variations. The results presented here suggest that the discontinuity depth variations induced by slab penetration of the 670 discontinuity could be resolved by current broad-band P 670 P data sets.  相似文献   

We determine the 3-D shear wave speed variations in the crust and upper mantle in the southeastern borderland of the Tibetan Plateau, SW China, with data from 25 temporary broad-band stations and one permanent station. Interstation Rayleigh wave (phase velocity) dispersion curves were obtained at periods from 10 to 50 s from empirical Green's function (EGF) derived from (ambient noise) interferometry and from 20 to 150 s from traditional two-station (TS) analysis. Here, we use these measurements to construct phase velocity maps (from 10 to 150 s, using the average interstation dispersion from the EGF and TS methods between 20 and 50 s) and estimate from them (with the Neighbourhood Algorithm) the 3-D wave speed variations and their uncertainty. The crust structure, parametrized in three layers, can be well resolved with a horizontal resolution about of 100 km or less. Because of the possible effect of mechanically weak layers on regional deformation, of particular interest is the existence and geometry of low (shear) velocity layers (LVLs). In some regions prominent LVLs occur in the middle crust, in others they may appear in the lower crust. In some cases the lateral transition of shear wave speed coincides with major fault zones. The spatial variation in strength and depth of crustal LVLs suggests that the 3-D geometry of weak layers is complex and that unhindered crustal flow over large regions may not occur. Consideration of such complexity may be the key to a better understanding of relative block motion and patterns of seismicity.  相似文献   

We model the ground motion from an aftershock of the 1995 January 17 Hyogo-ken Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake to investigate basin edge effects on wave propagation in Higashinada ward, downtown Kobe. Point-source finite-difference seismograms calculated using a double-couple solution and a 2-D basin structure are compared with the ground-motion velocity seismograms recorded in a small station array deployed at sites within and outside the heavily damage zone in Higashinada ward. The comparison suggests that in the frequency range 0.1-2 Hz that was analysed, the observed spatial amplitude variation of the aftershock ground motion is attributable mainly to the basin edge effects. We found that the basin edge effect, caused by the superposition of the direct S wave and the basin-edge-diffracted waves, amplified the ground motion in a narrow zone that is offset by about 0.7 km from the basin edge.  相似文献   

The deployment of temporary arrays of broadband seismological stations over dedicated targets is common practice. Measurement of surface wave phase velocity across a small array and its depth-inversion gives us information about the structure below the array which is complementary to the information obtained from body-wave analysis. The question is however: what do we actually measure when the array is much smaller than the wave length, and how does the measured phase velocity relates to the real structure below the array? We quantify this relationship by performing a series of numerical simulations of surface wave propagation in 3-D structures and by measuring the apparent phase velocity across the array on the synthetics. A principal conclusion is that heterogeneities located outside the array can map in a complex way onto the phase velocities measured by the array. In order to minimize this effect, it is necessary to have a large number of events and to average measurements from events well-distributed in backazimuth. A second observation is that the period of the wave has a remarkably small influence on the lateral resolution of the measurement, which is dominantly controlled by the size of the array. We analyse if the artefacts created by heterogeneities can be mistaken for azimuthal variations caused by anisotropy. We also show that if the amplitude of the surface waves can be measured precisely enough, phase velocities can be corrected and the artefacts which occur due to reflections and diffractions in 3-D structures greatly reduced.  相似文献   

We report the crustal structure for two locations in Iraq estimated by joint inversion of P -wave receiver functions (RFs) and surface (Rayleigh) wave group velocity dispersion. RFs were computed from teleseismic recordings at two temporary broad-band seismic stations located in Mosul (MSL) in the Zagros Fold Belt and Baghdad (BHD) in the Mesopotamian Foredeep. Group velocity dispersion curves at the sites were derived from continental-scale tomography. The inversion results show that the crustal thicknesses are 39 km at MSL and 43 km at BHD. We observe a strong Ps Moho at BHD consistent with a sharp Moho discontinuity. However, at MSL we observe a weak Ps Moho suggesting a transitional Moho where crustal thickening is likely to be occurring in the deep crust. Both sites reveal low velocity surface layers consistent with sedimentary thickness of about 3 km at station MSL and 7 km at BHD and agreeing well with the previous reports. Ignoring the sediments, the crystalline crustal velocities and thicknesses are remarkably similar at both stations. The similarity of crustal structure suggests that the crust of the northeastern proto-Arabian Platform was uniform before subsidence and deposition of the sediments in the Cenozoic. If crystalline crustal structure is uniform across the northern Arabian Platform then crustal thickness variations in the Zagros Fold Belt and Thrust Zone should reveal the history of deformation and crustal shortening in the Arabian–Eurasian collision zone and not reflect pre-existing crustal thickness variations in the Arabian Plate.  相似文献   

Several years of broad-band teleseismic data from the GRSN stations have been analysed for crustal structure using P -to- S converted waves at the crustal discontinuities. An inversion technique was developed which applies the Thomson-Haskell formalism for plane waves without slowness integration. The main phases observed are Moho conversions, their multiples in the crust, and conversions at the base of the sediments. The crustal thickness derived from these data is in good agreement with results from other studies. For the Gräfenberg stations, we have made a more detailed comparison of our model with a previously published model obtained from refraction seismic experiments. The refraction seismic model contains boundaries with strong velocity contrasts and a significant low-velocity zone, resulting in teleseismic waveforms that are too complicated as compared to the observed simple waveforms. The comparison suggests that a significant low-velocity zone is not required and that internal crustal boundaries are rather smooth.  相似文献   

A series of three‐dimensional models has been constructed for the structure of the crust and upper mantle over a large region spanning the NE Atlantic passive margin. These incorporate isostatic and flexural principles, together with gravity modelling and integration with seismic interpretations. An initial isostatic model was based on known bathymetric/topographic variations, an estimate of the thickness and density of the sedimentary cover, and upper mantle densities based on thermal modelling. The thickness of the crystalline crust in this model was adjusted to equalise the load at a compensation depth lying below the zone of lateral mantle density variations. Flexural backstripping was used to derive alternative models which tested the effect of varying the strength of the lithosphere during sediment loading. The models were analysed by comparing calculated and observed gravity fields and by calibrating the predicted geometries against independent (primarily seismic) evidence. Further models were generated in which the thickness of the sedimentary layer and the crystalline crust were modified in order to improve the fit to observed gravity anomalies. The potential effects of igneous underplating and variable upper mantle depletion were explored by a series of sensitivity trials. The results provide a new regional lithospheric framework for the margin and a means of setting more detailed, local investigations in their regional context. The flexural modelling suggests lateral variations in the strength of the lithosphere, with much of the margin being relatively weak but areas such as the Porcupine Basin and parts of the Rockall Basin having greater strength. Observed differences between the model Moho and seismic Moho along the continental margin can be interpreted in terms of underplating. A Moho discrepancy to the northwest of Scotland is ascribed to uplift caused by a region of upper mantle with anomalously low density, which may be associated with depletion or with a temperature anomaly.  相似文献   

The inverse tomography method has been used to study the P - and S -waves velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle underneath Iran. The method, based on the principle of source–receiver reciprocity, allows for tomographic studies of regions with sparse distribution of seismic stations if the region has sufficient seismicity. The arrival times of body waves from earthquakes in the study area as reported in the ISC catalogue (1964–1996) at all available epicentral distances are used for calculation of residual arrival times. Prior to inversion we have relocated hypocentres based on a 1-D spherical earth's model taking into account variable crustal thickness and surface topography. During the inversion seismic sources are further relocated simultaneously with the calculation of velocity perturbations. With a series of synthetic tests we demonstrate the power of the algorithm and the data to reconstruct introduced anomalies using the ray paths of the real data set and taking into account the measurement errors and outliers. The velocity anomalies show that the crust and upper mantle beneath the Iranian Plateau comprises a low velocity domain between the Arabian Plate and the Caspian Block. This is in agreement with global tomographic models, and also tectonic models, in which active Iranian plateau is trapped between the stable Turan plate in the north and the Arabian shield in the south. Our results show clear evidence of the mainly aseismic subduction of the oceanic crust of the Oman Sea underneath the Iranian Plateau. However, along the Zagros suture zone, the subduction pattern is more complex than at Makran where the collision of the two plates is highly seismic.  相似文献   

A spectral method is employed to study the response to surface loads of a Maxwell earth including lateral viscosity variations. In particular, we focus on the effects of lithospheric cratons on the long-wavelength time-dependent displacement field for simple earth models. The viscosity contrast of the craton with respect to the surrounding mantle is kept fixed, whereas its thickness is allowed to vary. We show that the long-wavelength vertical displacement is not greatly affected by the presence of a lithospheric craton, while the tangential displacement is severely modified for the case of a homogeneous mantle. With increasing harmonic degree and thickness of the craton, the load-deformation coefficients deviate from those pertaining to a homogeneous mantle with a viscosity of 1021 Pa s. These deviations are particularly enhanced on timescales larger than a few hundred years. These findings indicate that the interpretation of the viscosity structure of the mantle inferred from postglacial rebound signatures based on radially stratified models is affected by the presence of lateral viscosity variations.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper explores the middle ground between complex thermally-coupled viscous flow models and simple corner flow models of island arc environments. The calculation retains the density-driven nature of convection and relaxes the geometrical constraints of corner flow, yet still provides semianalytical solutions for velocity and stress. A novel aspect of the procedure is its allowance for a coupled elastic lithosphere on top of a Newtonian viscous mantle. Initially, simple box-like density drivers illustrate how vertical and horizontal forces are transmitted through the mantle and how the lithosphere responds by trench formation. The flexural strength of the lithosphere spatially broadens the surface topography and gravity anomalies relative to the functional form of the vertical flow stresses applied to the plate base. I find that drivers in the form of inclined subducting slabs cannot induce self-driven parallel flow; however, the necessary flow can be provided by supplying a basal drag of 1–5 MPa to the mantle from the oceanic lithosphere. These basal drag forces create regional lithospheric stress and they should be quantifiable through seismic observations of the neutral surface. The existence of a shallow elevated phase transition is suggested in two slab models of 300 km length where a maximum excess density of 0.2 g cm−3 was needed to generate an acceptable mantle flow. A North New Hebrides subduction model which satisfies flow requirements and reproduces general features of topography and gravity contains a high shear stress zone (75 MPa) around the upper slab surface to a depth of 150 km and a deviatoric tensional stress in the back arc to a depth of 70 km. The lithospheric stress state of this model suggests that slab detachment is possible through whole plate fracture.  相似文献   

A large data set of amplitude measurements of minor and major arc Rayleigh waves in the period range 73–171 s is collected. By comparing these amplitudes with the amplitudes of synthetic waveforms calculated by mode summation, maps of lateral variations in the apparent attenuation structure of the Earth are constructed. An existing formalism for predicting the effects of focusing is employed to calculate amplitude perturbations for the same data set. These perturbations are used to construct 'pseudo‐attenuation' maps and these results are compared with the apparent attenuation maps calculated from the data. It is shown that variations in Rayleigh wave amplitude perturbations in the Earth are dominated by attenuation at long wavelengths (below about degree 8) and by elastic structure at shorter wavelengths. It is also shown that the linear approximation for focusing is successful at predicting Rayleigh wave amplitudes using existing phase velocity maps. These results indicate that future attempts to model the velocity structure of the Earth would be assisted by incorporating amplitude data and by jointly inverting for Q structure.  相似文献   

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