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《Astronomy& Geophysics》2009,50(1):1.04-1.04
International Year of Astronomy 2009 could be a springboard for all sorts of lasting achievements – not least wider appreciation of the value of dark skies. A first step could be the establishment of a Dark Skies Park in Europe.  相似文献   

An annual and a semiannual variation of the upper air density   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The fluctuation of the acceleration are analysed for several satellites. For the density variations three predominant influences can be distinguished: 1) The varying solar short ultra-violet radiation; 2) The day-night-effect; 3) An annual variation. The latter suggests a significant interaction of the terrestrial upper atmosphere with the interplanetary matter. The annual variation gives some evidence for an interstellar wind due to the solar motion in the local stellar system.  相似文献   

张学民 《地震学报》2021,43(5):656-673
甚低频/低频人工源电波作为一种主动源发射的通讯导航信号,因其长距离波导传播的特性在地-电离层观测及应用中表现出极大的优势.本文总结了二十世纪末以来基于甚低频/低频(VLF/LF)电波观测技术及其数据分析方法、典型震例及统计研究成果、圈层耦合机理等方面的研究进展,并通过探讨其应用成果的快速积累及前兆扰动起源等研究难点,展...  相似文献   

分析地震电磁信息仪器对信号处理和采集中存在的问题,提出基于ARM9的地震电磁信息数据服务器的解决方案,成功实现了对地震电磁信息的高速采集、海量存储和网络传输。文中介绍地震电磁信息数据服务器设计思路及基本构架,对各个模块给出硬件设计,并介绍系统的软件流程。  相似文献   

The variations of the upper atmosphere air density during geomagnetic disturbances have been investigated by many authors. According to the analysis of satellite orbits, in most cases an increase in the air density may be observed when the indexA phas a maximum. Having ionospheric data from stations in Europe, Asia and Australia we might be able to study the global behaviour of the electron density in theF 2 region during such geomagnetic disturbances when an increase of the air density had been observed. In these cases we found, that at the peak of the ionospheric layer, the electron density decreased 0–3 days later than theA pmaximum.  相似文献   

We propose a research agenda for studying six basic questions about the impacts of alternate international invasive species control mechanisms on economic agents in a nation such as the USA. The six questions are as follows. First, when can one justify a trade ban as an effective regulatory policy? Second, what are the properties of control rules that vary by port of entry and whether a shipment is viewed as a routine or as a first-time entry? Third, when should a port manager in the USA use information about the dollar value of the products being transported by ships from two exporting firms and the expected time it takes to inspect ships from these two firms to grant preferential treatment to one or the other firm? Fourth, what are some reasonable measures of the trade related risk from invasive species? Fifth, how useful is strategic trade policy as an invasive species management tool? Finally, when analyzing a biological invasion, is it more appropriate to focus on the likelihood of this event or, instead, on the magnitude of the event?  相似文献   

Air Traffic Control (ATC) towers are among the most vital structures in each airport. Due to inadequate information regarding the seismic design and assessment of these types of structures, practicing engineers may refer to building codes. However, taking into account the special dynamic behavior of ATC towers, instructions and recommendations provided in building codes often do not comply with the required seismic performance levels of ATC towers. In this study, seismic behaviors of three in-service ATC towers with a dual concrete core lateral load resisting system were studied through pushover and incremental dynamic collapse analysis. Seismic design response factors of the reference towers were calculated. It was found that seismic design response factors adopted by the design code did not provide a uniform safety margin for all reference ATC towers. It was also observed that shorter towers have significantly higher response modification factors compared to taller towers. For the studied towers, a structural over-strength factor of 2.4 and a displacement amplification factor of 4 were obtained.  相似文献   

简要回顾了功能设计理论在结构工程中的发展历程,以及基于功能的设计理论提出的背景,发展情况及研究内容。阐述了将功能设计理论引入到水电工程中的必要性,指出了水电工程中应用功能设计方法应首先解决的几个问题,探讨了可能的解决方法。  相似文献   

New aspects on the chemistry of aluminum in soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dissolution kinetics of minerals can be significantly inhibited by re-adsorbed aluminum. As a consequence of neutralization, polynuclear Al species may be formed in soil solutions. While re-acidification leads to decomposition of the polymers, further neutralization induces the formation of aggregates. The complexation of heavy metal ions with dissolved and aggregated Al polymers is illustrated as a potential factor influencing the chemical speciation of heavy metals in soils.  相似文献   

为了合理计算山区桥梁支座刚度,针对桥墩高度不相同的特点,考虑上部结构对桥墩顶部的转动约束作用,提出在横桥向可将墩顶视为自由约束,而在纵桥向将墩顶视为定向约束.分别按照地震作用下各墩底剪力和弯矩相等的原则,推导桥梁支座纵、横桥向的刚度设计公式,并给出各桥墩支座的设计方法.为验证方法的正确性,以墩底剪力相等的原则为例,利用...  相似文献   

The Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) launched by NASA in late 1999 has a unique multiangle design, which points nine cameras at fixed angles along the satellite flight track and collects reflected solar radiation simultaneously. This design allows the retrieval of a rich dataset of particle abundance, shape and composition over both land and ocean. Some of its capabilities have not been seen by any currently operating satellite aerosol sensors. Since MISR is sensitive to fine particles, it provides a new data source to study the spatial and temporal characteristics of air quality over large geographical regions. We first briefly introduce the MISR instrument, the retrieval and structure of MISR aerosol data, and then review the applications of MISR aerosol data in various aspects of air quality research since its launch. These include the spatial distributions of particle pollution events such as dust storms, wild fires, and urban pollution. Because of the high quality of MISR aerosol data, they can be used as quantitative indicators of particle pollution levels. We review the current modeling studies of surface level particle concentrations. Next, we introduce research results using MISR’s advanced data such as the plume heights, and particle microphysical properties. In the discussion, we compare MISR research with current MODIS research to the best of our ability as MODIS data have been more extensively explored by the Chinese scientific community. Finally, we summarize the advantages and disadvantages of MISR data related to its applications to the air quality research. Given the highly quantitative measurements and comprehensive aerosol information MISR can provide, we believe that it will provide great values to advance our understanding of the particle air pollution in China. Supported by Harvard-EPA Center on Particle Health Effects (Grant Nos. R-827353 and R-832416), NASA’s Climate and Radiation Research and Analysis Program, the EOS-MISR Instrument Project and the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2006AA06A305).  相似文献   

跨度20 m以上的混凝土楼盖结构装配化方案优选是重要课题,对同一工程,分别采用混凝土井字楼盖、混凝土空腹网架楼盖、钢空腹夹层楼盖及焊接钢管桁架加混凝土板楼盖4种结构方案,分别进行了施工图设计与综合效益比较。结果显示:以焊接钢管桁架作为下部肋梁,上铺钢筋混凝土薄板组成的"吊装焊接钢管桁架加混凝土板楼盖结构"新体系安全性能高,造价低,可用性强,且适用于装配化施工,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

严卫  韩丁  赵现斌  周小珂 《地球物理学报》2012,55(07):2212-2226
为准确评估基于相对湿度廓线法反演云边界高度的有效性,以CloudSat和CALIPSO联合探测结果为基准,对2008年1月至2009年1月COSMIC无线电掩星和探空仪的云底高与云顶高反演结果进行定量对比验证,结果表明:CloudSat、掩星和探空仪检测到高云的比例差异较大,掩星和探空仪云检测效率相近,但云检测质量掩星优于探空仪,云层沿高度的发生概率同样掩星与CloudSat具有更好的一致性;陆地与海洋地区掩星和探空仪云底高反演精度大于云顶高,且反演精度与云层高度有关,二者对不同类型云的边界高度具有不同的反演优势,云底高发生概率掩星和探空仪与CloudSat都有很好的一致性,但云顶高概率掩星与CloudSat的吻合程度更好;CloudSat云边界高度随纬度升高而减小,其与掩星和探空仪的反演偏差同样是低纬大于中高纬,且具有不同的季节分布特点.此外,三者检测的底层云中低云所占比例从冬季到夏季逐渐减小,顶层云中云顶高于10 km的比例从冬季到夏季却逐渐增加.  相似文献   

The direct correlation between NASA MODIS aerosol optical depth (AOD) products and the air pollution index (API) in Beijing was found relatively low based on the long-term comparison analysis. The correlation improved to some extent after taking account of the seasonal variation of scale height and the vertical distribution of aerosols. The correlation coefficient further improved significantly after considering the influencing factor of Relative Humidity (RH). This study concluded that satellite remote-sensing could serve as an efficient tool for monitoring the spatial distribution of particulate pollutants on the ground-level, as long as corrections have been made in the two aforementioned processes. Taking advantage of the MODIS information, we analyzed a pollution episode occurring in October 2004 in Beijing. It indicated that satellite remote-sensing could describe the formation process of the ground-level pollution episode in detail, and showed that regional transport and the topography were crucial factors to air quality in Beijing. The annual averaged distribution in the urban area of Beijing and its surroundings could be also obtained from the high-resolution retrieval results, implicating that high-resolution satellite remote-sensing might be potential in monitoring the source distribution of particulate pollutants.  相似文献   

为准确评估基于相对湿度廓线法反演云边界高度的有效性,以CloudSat和CALIPSO联合探测结果为基准,对2008年1月至2009年1月COSMIC无线电掩星和探空仪的云底高与云顶高反演结果进行定量对比验证,结果表明:CloudSat、掩星和探空仪检测到高云的比例差异较大,掩星和探空仪云检测效率相近,但云检测质量掩星优于探空仪,云层沿高度的发生概率同样掩星与CloudSat具有更好的一致性;陆地与海洋地区掩星和探空仪云底高反演精度大于云顶高,且反演精度与云层高度有关,二者对不同类型云的边界高度具有不同的反演优势,云底高发生概率掩星和探空仪与CloudSat都有很好的一致性,但云顶高概率掩星与CloudSat的吻合程度更好;CloudSat云边界高度随纬度升高而减小,其与掩星和探空仪的反演偏差同样是低纬大于中高纬,且具有不同的季节分布特点.此外,三者检测的底层云中低云所占比例从冬季到夏季逐渐减小,顶层云中云顶高于10 km的比例从冬季到夏季却逐渐增加.  相似文献   

地震带来的影响和危害引起了国际社会的共同关注,工程中的抗震设计越来越得到高度重视。本文就欧洲抗震设计规范Eurocode 8的内容进行了简要介绍,并专门针对Eurocode 8中岩土抗震设计部分从场地类型,地震反应谱,抗震设计基本原则和要求等方面与我国的抗震设计规范(GB 50011-2001)进行了阐述和对比,希望能增加读者对欧洲抗震设计规范的了解,同时为我国的岩土抗震设计简要提供参考和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection is a process of fundamental importance for the dynamics of the Earth’s plasma sheet. In this context, the development of thin current sheets in the near-Earth plasma sheet is a topic of special interest because they could be a possible cause of microscopic fluctuations acting as collective non-idealness from a macroscopic point of view. Simulations of the near-Earth plasma sheet including boundary perturbations due to localized inflow through the northern (or southern) plasma sheet boundary show developing thin current sheets in the near-Earth plasma sheet about 8–10 RE tailwards of the Earth. This location is largely independent from the localization of the perturbation. The second part of the paper deals with the problem of the macroscopic non-ideal consequences of microscopic fluctuations. A new model is presented that allows the quantitative calculation of macroscopic non-idealness without considering details of microscopic instabilities or turbulence. This model is only based on the assumption of a strongly fluctuating, mixing dynamics on microscopic scales in phase space. The result of this approach is an expression for anomalous non-idealness formally similar to the Krook resistivity but now describing the macroscopic consequences of collective microscopic fluctuations, not of collisions.  相似文献   

给出了由近震和远震数据确定的海南地幔柱上地幔高分辨率层析成像结果。远震到时数据是由海南岛和雷州半岛9个固定地震台站记录的地震波形中精确提取的。我们的结果显示,在海南热点下方从地表到250km深度,地壳中存在高达-5%而在地幔仅-2%的明显低速异常。海南地幔柱被成像为西北-东南向倾斜的、直径约80km的连续低速柱状异常体。由于较密集数据覆盖和精细模型参数化,我们的结果相对于先前的局部和全球层析成像研究有了明显的改进。海南地幔柱的这种倾斜可以用数值模拟的结果来解释。地幔柱在上地幔中的倾斜可能与海洋板块的俯冲有关,特别是与菲律宾海板块和欧亚板块的挤压有关。但最可能的是,这种倾斜是地幔柱在下地幔扭曲后靠浮力上浮至上地幔形成的。  相似文献   

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