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We consider orbital resonances in multiplanet systems. These are expected to arise during or just after formation in a gaseous disc. Disc–planet interaction naturally produces orbital migration and circularization through the action of tidal torques which in turn may lead to an orbital resonance. The mass and angular momentum content of the disc is likely to be comparable to that in the planets so that it is essential to fully incorporate the disc in the analysis.We study the orbital evolution of two planets locked in 2:1 commensurability through migration tidally induced by the disc using both analytic methods and numerical hydrodynamic simulations. The planets are assumed to orbit in an inner cavity containing at most only a small amount of disc material. Results are found to be sensitive to initial surface density profile, planet masses and disc parameters. The evolution may range between attaining and subsequently maintaining a resonance lock with two angles librating to divergent migration with no commensurability formed. In the former case eccentricities increase monotonically with time while the system undergoes inward migration. If the migration is halted by loss of the disc leaving the planets in a final configuration, there is likely to be a low probability of seeing resonant planets at small radii as well as a sensitive dependence on past history.We have also considered a multiplanet system in secular apsidal resonance. We consider the system as being in just one secular normal mode and include the effects of a gaseous disc. It is suggested that a normal mode may be selected by adding in some weak dissipative process in the disc and that it may remain, involving only the planets, when the disc is slowly removed.  相似文献   

The tidal evolution of ten Kepler candidate two-planet systems is investigated by using the general secular perturbation theory, and then a general picture of tidal evolution for these systems is described. Taking the KOI 1239 system as an example, the tidal effect of the system is studied in detail, the results indicate that the dissipative term of the tidal effect causes the attenuation of planets’ orbital eccentricities, and it plays a dominant role in the process of orbital evolution, however, the conservative term of the tidal effect and the relativistic effect may damp the excitation of the eccentricity of the inner planet under the secular perturbation of the outer planet. In addition, the process of tidal evolution is also affected by both the initial eccentricity of the outer planet and the planet's tidal dissipation coeffcient. At the same time, the numerical simulation on the tidal evolution of the KOI 1239 system is also made, and the numerical results are consistent with those of general secular perturbation theory.  相似文献   

There is evidence for the existence of massive planets at orbital radii of several hundred au from their parent stars where the time-scale for planet formation by core accretion is longer than the disc lifetime. These planets could have formed close to their star and then migrated outwards. We consider how the transfer of angular momentum by viscous disc interactions from a massive inner planet could cause significant outward migration of a smaller outer planet. We find that it is in principle possible for planets to migrate to large radii. We note, however, a number of effects which may render the process somewhat problematic.  相似文献   

The significant orbital eccentricities of most giant extrasolar planets may have their origin in the gravitational dynamics of initially unstable multiple planet systems. In this work, we explore the dynamics of two close planets on inclined orbits through both analytical techniques and extensive numerical scattering experiments. We derive a criterion for two equal mass planets on circular inclined orbits to achieve Hill stability, and conclude that significant radial migration and eccentricity pumping of both planets occurs predominantly by 2:1 and 5:3 mean motion resonant interactions. Using Laplace-Lagrange secular theory, we obtain analytical secular solutions for the orbital inclinations and longitudes of ascending nodes, and use those solutions to distinguish between the secular and resonant dynamics which arise in numerical simulations. We also illustrate how encounter maps, typically used to trace the motion of massless particles, may be modified to reproduce the gross instability seen by the numerical integrations. Such a correlation suggests promising future use of such maps to model the dynamics of more coplanar massive planet systems.  相似文献   

We consider sets of natural vectorial orbital elements of the Milankovitch type for perturbed Keplerian motion. These elements are closely related to the two vectorial first integrals of the unperturbed two-body problem; namely, the angular momentum vector and the Laplace–Runge–Lenz vector. After a detailed historical discussion of the origin and development of such elements, nonsingular equations for the time variations of these sets of elements under perturbations are established, both in Lagrangian and Gaussian form. After averaging, a compact, elegant, and symmetrical form of secular Milankovitch-like equations is obtained, which reminds of the structure of canonical systems of equations in Hamiltonian mechanics. As an application of this vectorial formulation, we analyze the motion of an object orbiting about a planet (idealized as a point mass moving in a heliocentric elliptical orbit) and subject to solar radiation pressure acceleration (obeying an inverse-square law). We show that the corresponding secular problem is integrable and we give an explicit closed-form solution.  相似文献   

By using the method of separating rapid and slow subsystem, we obtain an analytical solution for a stable three-dimensional motion of a circumbinary planet around a binary star. We show that the motion of the planet is more complicated than it was obtained for this situation analytically by Farago and Laskar (2010). Namely, in addition to the precession of the orbital plane of the planet around the angular momentum of the binary (found by Farago and Laskar (2010)), there is simultaneously the precession of the orbital plane of the planet within the orbital plane. We show that the frequency of this additional precession is different from the frequency of the precession of the orbital plane around the angular momentum of the binary. We demonstrate that this problem is mathematically equivalent both to the problem of the motion of a satellite around an oblate planet and to the problem of a hydrogen Rydberg atom in the field of a high-frequency linearly-polarized laser radiation, thus discovering yet another connection between astrophysics and atomic physics. We point out that all of the above physical systems have a higher than geometrical symmetry, which is a counterintuitive result. In particular, it is manifested by the fact that, while the elliptical orbit of the circumbinary planet (around a binary star) or of the satellite (around an oblate planet) or of the Rydberg electron (in the laser field) undergoes simultaneously two types of the precession, the shape of the orbit does not change. The fact that a system, consisting of a circumbinary planet around a binary star, possesses the hidden symmetry should be of a general physical interest. Our analytical results could be used for benchmarking future simulations.  相似文献   

We investigate the secular dynamics of three-body circumbinary systems under the effect of tides. We use the octupolar non-restricted approximation for the orbital interactions, general relativity corrections, the quadrupolar approximation for the spins, and the viscous linear model for tides. We derive the averaged equations of motion in a simplified vectorial formalism, which is suitable to model the long-term evolution of a wide variety of circumbinary systems in very eccentric and inclined orbits. In particular, this vectorial approach can be used to derive constraints for tidal migration, capture in Cassini states, and stellar spin–orbit misalignment. We show that circumbinary planets with initial arbitrary orbital inclination can become coplanar through a secular resonance between the precession of the orbit and the precession of the spin of one of the stars. We also show that circumbinary systems for which the pericenter of the inner orbit is initially in libration present chaotic motion for the spins and for the eccentricity of the outer orbit. Because our model is valid for the non-restricted problem, it can also be applied to any three-body hierarchical system such as star–planet–satellite systems and triple stellar systems.  相似文献   

Most transiting planets orbit very close to their parent star, causing strong tidal forces between the two bodies. Tidal interaction can modify the dynamics of the system through orbital alignment, circularization, synchronization and orbital decay by exchange of angular moment. Evidence for tidal circularization in close-in giant planet is well known. Here, we review the evidence for excess rotation of the parent stars due to the pull of tidal forces towards spin-orbit synchronization. We find suggestive empirical evidence for such a process in the present sample of transiting planetary systems. The corresponding angular momentum exchange would imply that some planets have spiralled towards their star by substantial amounts since the dissipation of the protoplanetary disc. We suggest that this could quantitatively account for the observed mass–period relation of close-in gas giants. We discuss how this scenario can be further tested and point out some consequences for theoretical studies of tidal interactions and for the detection and confirmation of transiting planets from radial velocity and photometric surveys.  相似文献   

We study systems of close orbiting planets evolving under the influence of tidal circularization. It is supposed that a commensurability forms through the action of disk induced migration and orbital circularization. After the system enters an inner cavity or the disk disperses the evolution continues under the influence of tides due to the central star which induce orbital circularization. We derive approximate analytic models that describe the evolution away from a general first order resonance that results from tidal circularization in a two planet system and which can be shown to be a direct consequence of the conservation of energy and angular momentum. We consider the situation when the system is initially very close to resonance and also when the system is between resonances. We also perform numerical simulations which confirm these models and then apply them to two and four planet systems chosen to have parameters related to the GJ 581 and HD 10180 systems. We also estimate the tidal dissipation rates through effective quality factors that could result in evolution to observed period ratios within the lifetimes of the systems. Thus the survival of, or degree of departure from, close commensurabilities in observed systems may be indicative of the effectiveness of tidal disipation, a feature which in turn may be related to the internal structure of the planets involved.  相似文献   

In publications presenting analytical results on the non-coplanar motion of a circumbinary planet it was shown that the unperturbed elliptical orbit of the planet undergoes simultaneously two kinds of the precession: the precession of the orbital plane and the precession of the orbit in its own plane. It is also well-known that there is also the relativistic precession of the planetary orbit in its own plane. In the present paper we study a combined effect of the all of the above precessions. For the general case, where the planetary orbit is not coplanar with the stars orbits, we analyzed the dependence of the critical inclination angle ic, at which the precession of the planetary orbit in its own plane vanishes, on the angular momentum L of the planet. We showed that the larger the angular momentum, the smaller the critical inclination angle becomes. We presented the analytical result for ic(L) and calculated the value of L, for which the critical inclination value becomes zero. For the particular case, where the planetary orbit is not coplanar with the stars orbits, we demonstrated analytically that at a certain value of the angular momentum of the planet, the elliptical orbit of the planet would become stationary: no precession. In other words, at this value of the angular momentum, the relativistic precession of the planetary orbit and its precession, caused by the fact that the planet revolves around a binary (rather than single) star, cancel each other out. This is a counterintuitive result.  相似文献   

In our previous paper (hereafter, paper I) we presented analytical results on the non-planar motion of a planet around a binary star for the cases of the circular orbits of the components of the binary. We found that the orbital plane of the planet (the plane containing the “unperturbed” elliptical orbit of the planet), in addition to precessing about the angular momentum of the binary, undergoes simultaneously the precession within the orbital plane. We demonstrated that the analytically calculated frequency of this additional precession is not the same as the frequency of the precession of the orbital plane about the angular momentum of the binary, though the frequencies of both precessions are of the same order of magnitude. In the present paper we extend the analytical results from paper I by relaxing the assumption that the binary is circular – by allowing for a relatively small eccentricity ε of the stars orbits in the binary. We obtain an additional, ε-dependent term in the effective potential for the motion of the planet. By analytical calculations we demonstrate that in the particular case of the planar geometry (where the planetary orbit is in the plane of the stars orbits), it leads to an additional contribution to the frequency of the precession of the planetary orbit. We show that this additional, ε-dependent contribution to the precession frequency of the planetary orbit can reach the same order of magnitude as the primary, ε-independent contribution to the precession frequency. Besides, we also obtain analytical results for another type of the non-planar configuration corresponding to the linear oscillatory motion of the planet along the axis of the symmetry of the circular orbits of the stars. We show that as the absolute value of the energy increases, the period of the oscillations decreases.  相似文献   

Gravity-gradient perturbations of the attitude motion of a tumbling tri-axial satellite are investigated. The satellite center of mass is considered to be in an elliptical orbit about a spherical planet and to be tumbling at a frequency much greater than orbital rate. In determining the unperturbed (free) motion of the satellite, a canonical form for the solution of the torque-free motion of a rigid body is obtained. By casting the gravity-gradient perturbing torque in terms of a perturbing Hamiltonian, the long-term changes in the rotational motion are derived. In particular, far from resonance, there are no long-period changes in the magnitude of the rotational angular momentum and rotational energy, and the rotational angular momentum vector precesses abound the orbital angular momentum vector.At resonance, a low-order commensurability exists between the polhode frequency and tumbling frequency. Near resonance, there may be small long-period fluctuations in the rotational energy and angular momentum magnitude. Moreover, the precession of the rotational angular momentum vector about the orbital angular momentum vector now contains substantial long-period contributions superimposed on the non-resonant precession rate. By averaging certain long-period elliptic functions, the mean value near resonance for the precession of the rotational angular momentum vector is obtained in terms of initial conditions.  相似文献   

We study orbital evolution of multi-planet systems with masses in the terrestrial planet regime induced through tidal interaction with a protoplanetary disk assuming that this is the dominant mechanism for producing orbital migration and circularization. We develop a simple analytic model for a system that maintains consecutive pairs in resonance while undergoing orbital circularization and migration. This model enables migration times for each planet to be estimated once planet masses, circularization times and the migration time for the innermost planet are specified. We applied it to a system with the current architecture of Kepler 444 adopting a simple protoplanetary disk model and planet masses that yield migration times inversely proportional to the planet mass, as expected if they result from torques due to tidal interaction with the protoplanetary disk. Furthermore the evolution time for the system as a whole is comparable to current protoplanetary disk lifetimes. In addition we have performed a number of numerical simulations with input data obtained from this model. These indicate that although the analytic model is inexact, relatively small corrections to the estimated migration rates yield systems for which period ratios vary by a minimal extent. Because of relatively large deviations from exact resonance in the observed system of up to 2 %, the migration times obtained in this way indicate only weak convergent migration such that a system for which the planets did not interact would contract by only \({\sim }1\,\%\) although undergoing significant inward migration as a whole. We have also performed additional simulations to investigate conditions under which the system could undergo significant convergent migration before reaching its final state. These indicate that migration times have to be significantly shorter and resonances between planet pairs significantly closer during such an evolutionary phase. Relative migration rates would then have to decrease allowing period ratios to increase to become more distant from resonances as the system approached its final state in the inner regions of the protoplanetary disk.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》1999,43(6-7):481-486
The orbital periods of binaries are known to great accuracy, their changes produce an easily detectable cumulative effect and many systems have been observed for more than a century. In tidally locked late-type binaries the orbital period changes are often related to structural or evolutionary changes. The study of the orbital period secular evolution can therefore provide information on phenomena taking place on timescales very short when compared to the typical stellar evolutionary scales, but still much longer than the human lifetime. This paper focuses on the dynamical evolution due to magnetic braking in late-type close binaries and on the detectability of angular momentum transfer among the stellar layers.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the exchange of global mean angular momentum between an atmosphere and its underlying planet by a simple model. The model parameterizes four processes that are responsible for zonal mean momentum budget in the atmospheric boundary layer for a rotating planet: (i) meridional circulation that redistributes the relative angular momentum, (ii) horizontal diffusion that smoothes the prograde and retrograde winds, (iii) frictional drag that exchanges atmospheric angular momentum with the underlying planet, and (iv) internal redistribution of the zonal mean momentum by wave drag. It is shown that under a steady-state or a long-term average condition, the global relative angular momentum in the boundary layer vanishes unless there exists a preferred frictional drag for either the prograde or the retrograde zonal wind. We further show quantitatively that one cannot have either a predominant steady prograde or retrograde wind in the boundary layer of a planetary atmosphere. The parameter dependencies of the global relative angular momentum and the strength of the atmospheric circulation in the boundary layer are derived explicitly and used to explain the observational differences between the atmospheres of Earth and Venus.  相似文献   

The variations of the orbital periods of two nearly neglected W UMa-type eclipsing binaries, EK Comae Berenices and UX Eridani, are presented through a detailed analysis of the OC diagrams. It is found that the orbital period of EK Com is decreasing and the period of UX Eridani is increasing, and several sudden jumps have occurred in the orbital periods of both binaries. We analyze the mechanism(s), which might underlie the changes of the orbital periods of both systems, and obtain some new results. The long-term decrease of the orbital period of EK Comae Berenices might be caused by the decrease of the orbital angular momentum due to a magnetic stellar wind (MSW) or by mass transfer from the more massive to the less massive component. The secular increase in the orbital period of UX Eridani might be caused by mass transfer from the less massive to the more massive star. The possible mechanisms, which underlie the sudden changes in the orbital periods of the close binary systems are as the followings: (1) the variations of the structure due to the variation of the magnetic field; (2) the rapid mass exchange between the close binaries and their circumstellar matter. Finally, the evolutionary status of the systems EK Comae Berenices and UX Eridani is discussed.  相似文献   

An analytical treatment of the evolutionary dynamics of a three-body planetary system subject to dynamical friction with an interplanetary medium is presented. The analysis presented here is in connection with the results of numerical integrations of such systems recently published by Haghighipour. Using the method of partial averaging near a resonance, the dynamics of a restricted, circular, planar three-body system, with the inner body more massive, is studied and the time variation of quantities such as the orbital angular momentum and the eccentricity of the outer planet, which were previously obtained from numerical integrations, is analytically verified.  相似文献   

The secular stellar mass loss causes an amplification of the orbital separation in fragile, common proper motion, binary systems with separations of the order of 1000 A.U. In these systems, companions evolve as two independent coeval stars as they experience negligible mutual tidal interactions or mass transfer. We present models for how post-main sequence mass-loss statistically distorts the frequency distribution of separations in fragile binaries. These models demonstrate the expected increase in orbital separation resulting from stellar mass-loss, as well as a perturbation of associated orbital parameters. Comparisons between our models and observations resulting from the Luyten survey of wide visual binaries, specifically those containing MS and white-dwarf pairs, demonstrate a good agreement between the calculated and the observed angular separation distribution functions.  相似文献   

We investigate the secular dynamics of a planetary system composed of the parent star and two massive planets in mutually inclined orbits. The dynamics are investigated in wide ranges of semimajor axes ratios (0.1–0.667) and planetary masses ratios (0.25–2), as well as in the whole permitted ranges of the energy and total angular momentum. The secular model is constructed by semi-analytic averaging of the three-body system. We focus on equilibria of the secular Hamiltonian (periodic solutions of the full system) and we analyze their stability. We attempt to classify families of these solutions in terms of the angular momentum integral. We identified new equilibria, yet unknown in the literature. Our results are general and may be applied to a wide class of three-body systems, including configurations with a star and brown dwarfs and substellar objects. We also describe some technical aspects of the seminumerical averaging. The HD 12661 planetary system is investigated as an example configuration.  相似文献   

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