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Defining and measuring braiding intensity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geomorphological studies of braided rivers still lack a consistent measurement of the complexity of the braided pattern. Several simple indices have been proposed and two (channel count and total sinuosity) are the most commonly applied. For none of these indices has there been an assessment of the sampling requirements and there has been no systematic study of the equivalence of the indices to each other and their sensitivity to river stage. Resolution of these issues is essential for progress in studies of braided morphology and dynamics at the scale of the channel network. A series of experiments was run using small‐scale physical models of braided rivers in a 3 m ∞ 20 m flume. Sampling criteria for braid indices and their comparability were assessed using constant‐discharge experiments. Sample hydrographs were run to assess the effect of flow variability. Reach lengths of at least 10 times the average wetted width are needed to measure braid indices with precision of the order of 20% of the mean. Inherent variability in channel pattern makes it difficult to achieve greater precision. Channel count indices need a minimum of 10 cross‐sections spaced no further apart than the average wetted width of the river. Several of the braid indices, including total sinuosity, give very similar numerical values but they differ substantially from channel‐count index values. Consequently, functional relationships between channel pattern and, for example, discharge, are sensitive to the choice of braid index. Braid indices are sensitive to river stage and the highest values typically occur below peak flows of a diurnal (melt‐water) hydrograph in pro‐glacial rivers. There is no general relationship with stage that would allow data from rivers at different relative stage to be compared. At present, channel count indices give the best combination of rapid measurement, precision, and range of sources from which measurements can be reliably made. They can also be related directly to bar theory for braided pattern development. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous analyses have identified the active width of braided rivers, the bed area over which bed load flux and short‐term morphological change occurs, as an important element of braiding dynamics and predictions of bed load flux. Here we compare theoretical predictions of active width in gravel‐bed braided rivers with observations from Sunwapta River, and from a generic physical model of gravel braided rivers, to provide general observations of the variation in active width, and to develop an understanding of the causes of variation. Bed topography was surveyed daily along a 150 m reach of the pro‐glacial Sunwapta River for a total of four weeks during summer when flow was above threshold for morphological activity. In the laboratory, detailed digital elevation models (DEMs) were derived from photogrammetric survey at regular intervals during a constant discharge run. From the field and flume observations there is considerable local and circumstantial variation in active width, but also a general trend in average active width with increasing discharge. There is also a clear relationship of active width with active braiding index (number of active branches in the braided channel network), and with dimensionless stream power, which appears to be consistent across the range of data from field and physical models. Thus there is a link between active width and the river morphology and dynamics, and the possibility of a general relationship for estimating active width from channel pattern properties or reach‐scale stream power values, from which approximate bedload flux calculations may be made. The analysis also raises questions about differences between hydraulically‐based numerical model computations of instantaneous active width and observation of time‐integrated morphological active width. Understanding these differences can give insight into the nature of bedload transport in braided rivers and the relationship to morphological processes of braiding. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Middle Reach of the Huai River (MRHR) flows northeast into the Hongzehu Lake. Before entering the Hongzehu Lake, the Huai River has a braided channel which is shallow and wide, and the riverbed has a negative slope. Based on the characteristics of the MRHR, this river reach can be divided into the following sections: a quasi-straight (or mildly curved) section, a bend section, and a braided section. The majority of the MRHR is quasi-straight. In this paper, several parameters are used to assess the geomorphology of the MRHR. Statistical analyses are performed to establish a relationship between the span length "L" and channel width "B" for different channel patterns. The relationship between the meandering length "S" and bankfull channel width "B" is also derived. Results indicate that the bankfull channel width "B", the bankfull cross sectional area "A" and the average flow depth "H" are mainly dependent on the dominant discharge in the channel. A relationship is derived that describes the denendencv of the curvature radius "R" on the dominant discharae "O". water surface slone "J"and the turning angle "α".  相似文献   

A comparison has been made between the hydraulic geometry of sand‐ and gravel‐bed rivers, based on data from alluvial rivers around the world. The results indicate a signi?cant difference in hydraulic geometry among sand‐ and gravel‐bed rivers with different channel patterns. On this basis, some diagrams for discrimination of meandering and braided channel patterns have been established. The relationships between channel width and water discharge, between channel depth and water discharge, between width–depth ratio and water discharge and between channel slope and water discharge can all be used for channel pattern discrimination. The relationship between channel width and channel depth can also be used for channel pattern discrimination. However, the accuracy of these relationships for channel pattern discrimination varies, and the depth–discharge relationship is a better discriminator of pattern type than the classic slope–discharge function. The cause for this difference has been explained qualitatively. To predict the development of channel patterns under different natural conditions, the pattern discriminator should be searched on the basis of independent or at least semi‐independent variables. The relationship between stream power and bed material grain size can be used to discriminate channel patterns, which shows a better result than the discriminator using the slope–discharge relationship. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Morphodynamics in sand‐bed braided rivers are associated with simultaneous evolution of mid‐channel bars and channels on the braidplain. Bifurcations around mid‐channel bars are key elements that divide discharge and sediment. This, in turn, may control the evolution of connected branches, with effects propagating to both upstream and downstream bifurcations. Recent works on bifurcation stability and development hypothesize major roles of secondary flow and gradient advantage. However, this has not been tested for channel networks within a fully developed dynamic braided river. A reason for this is a lack of detailed measurements with sufficient temporal and spatial length, covering multiple bifurcations. Therefore we used a physics‐based numerical model to generate a dataset of bathymetry, flow and sediment transport of an 80 km river reach with self‐formed braid bars and bifurcations. The study shows that bar dissection due to local transverse water surface gradients is the dominant bifurcation initiation mechanism, although conversion of unit bars into compound bars dominates in the initial stage of a braided river. Several bifurcation closure mechanisms are equally important. Furthermore, the study showed that nodal point relations for bifurcations are unable to predict short‐term bifurcation evolution in a braided river. This is explained by occurrence of nonlinear processes and non‐uniformity within the branches, in particular migrating bars and larger‐scale backwater‐effects, which are not included in the nodal point relations. Planform morphology, on the other hand, has predictive capacity: bifurcation angle asymmetry and bar‐tail limb shape are indicators for near‐future bifurcation evolution. Remote sensing data has predictive value, for which we developed a conceptual model for interactions between bars, bifurcations and channels in the network. We conducted a preliminary test of the conceptual model on satellite images of the Brahmaputra. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory experiments demonstrates that riparian vegetation can cause a braided channel to self‐organize to, and maintain, a dynamic, single‐thread channel. The initial condition for the experiments was steady‐state braiding in non‐cohesive sand under uniform discharge. From here, an experiment consisted of repeated cycles alternating a short duration high flow with a long duration low flow, and uniform dispersal of alfalfa seeds over the bed at the end of each high flow. Plants established on freshly deposited bars and areas of braidplain that were unoccupied during low flow. The presence of the plants had the effect of progressively focusing the high flow so that a single dominant channel developed. The single‐thread channel self‐adjusted to carry the high flow. Vegetation also slowed the rate of bank erosion. Matching of deposition along the point bar with erosion along the outer bend enabled the channel to develop sinuosity and migrate laterally while suppressing channel splitting and the creation of new channel width. The experimental channels spontaneously reproduced many of the mechanisms by which natural meandering channels migrate and maintain a single dominant channel, in particular bend growth and channel cutoff. In contrast with the braided system, where channel switching is a nearly continuous process, vegetation maintained a coherent channel until wholesale diversion of flow via cutoff and/or avulsion occurred, by which point the previous channel tended to be highly unfavorable for flow. Thus vegetation discouraged the coexistence of multiple channels. Varying discharge was key to allowing expression of feedbacks between the plants and the flow and promoting the transition from braiding to a single‐thread channel that was then dynamically maintained. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This work investigates wood dynamics in braided streams through physical modelling in a mobile bed laboratory flume, with the specific objective to characterize wood storage and turnover as a function of wood input rate and of wood element type. Three parallel channels (1.7 m wide, 10 m long) filled with uniform sand were used to reproduce braided networks with constant water discharge and sediment feeding. Wood dowels with and without simplified root wads were regularly added at the upstream end of each flume at different input rates, with a 1:2:3 ratio between the three flumes. Temporal evolution of wood deposition patterns and remobilization rates were monitored by a series of vertical images that permitted the recognition of individual logs. Results show that wood tends to disperse in generally small accumulations (< 5 logs), with higher spatial density on top of sediment bars, and is frequently remobilized due to the intense morphological changes. The amount of wood stored in the channel depends on log input rate through a non‐linear relationship, and input rates exceeding approximately 100 logs/hour determine a sharp change in wood dynamics, with higher storage volume and augmented formation of large jams (> 10 elements) that are less prone to remobilization. Presence of root wads seems to play a minor role in wood deposition, but it reduces the average travel distance of logs. Turnover rates of logs were similar in the three flumes, independently of wood input rate and largely resembling the turnover rate of exposed bars. For the simulated conditions, significant effects of wood on bed morphology were not observed, suggesting that interactions with fine sediments and living vegetation are crucial to form large, stable wood jams able to bring about relevant morphological changes. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Digital elevation models of the surface and bed of Midtdalsbreen, Norway are used to calculate subglacial hydraulic potential and infer drainage system structure for a series of subglacial water pressure assumptions ranging from atmospheric to ice overburden. A distributed degree‐day model is used to calculate the spatial distribution of melt on the glacier surface throughout a typical summer, which is accumulated along the various drainage system structures to calculate water fluxes beneath the glacier and exiting the portals for the different water pressure assumptions. In addition, 78 dye‐tracing tests were performed from 33 injection sites and numerous measurements of water discharge were made on the main proglacial streams over several summer melt seasons. Comparison of the calculated drainage system structures and water fluxes with dye tracing results and measured proglacial stream discharges suggests that the temporally and spatially averaged steady‐state water pressures beneath the glacier are ~70% of ice overburden. Analysis of the dye return curves, together with the calculated subglacial water fluxes shows that the main drainage network on the eastern half of the glacier consists of a hydraulically efficient system of broad, low channels (average width/height ratio ≈ 75). The smaller drainage network on the west consists of a hydraulically inefficient distributed system, dominated by channels that are exceptionally broad and very low (average width/height ratio ≈ 350). The even smaller central drainage network also consists of a hydraulically inefficient distributed system, dominated by channels that are very broad and exceptionally low (average width/height ratio ≈ 450). The channels beneath the western and central glacier must be so broad and low that they can essentially be thought of as a linked cavity system. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents flume and field observations of a bank-confined braided river. Morphological features, including plan form configuration, channel width, and main channel migration, were examined by a series of experiments. Repeated measurements of channel morphology, provided a basis to estimate the relationship between noncumulative frequency of bars and bar area. Additional results from the Dajia River, located in Central Western Taiwan, were presented to provide a reference data set for comparing the laboratory and field data. The results indicate that the relationship between bar length and width can be predicted by a simple best-fit power function relating to self-similarity characteristics. The Hurst index by Walsh and Hicks (2002) provides acceptable predictions of the bar length and width observed in the experiments and confirmed by the field investigations. Eexperimental and field results both show that large river width yields a uniform distribution of bar areas with the similar discharge, leading to a large value of exponent (β) in the model. The river width is confirmed to be a critical parameter in the main channel shift. A small increase in channel width likely increased rapidly the shift cycle.  相似文献   

Channel bifurcation is a key element in braided rivers, determining the water and sediment distribution and hence controlling the morphological evolution. Recent theoretical and experimental findings, as well as field observations, showed that bifurcations in gravel‐bed braided rivers are often asymmetrical and highly unstable. In this paper field data are presented on a bifurcation in the Tagliamento River, northeast Italy. The planform configuration of the bifurcation and its temporal evolution was monitored by an automatic digital camera during a series of seven floods with different magnitudes. This remote sensing technique allowed a high temporal resolution (pictures were acquired every hour) that was proved to be essential in a highly dynamic system as the one considered here. Digitized maps of the channels provided information on the location of the bifurcation, the width of the anabranches, the angle between them, along with the occurrence and migration of sediment bars. Data were acquired at two different water levels, giving the possibility to compare low and high flow conditions. The monitored bifurcation is largely unstable and shows sudden changes in the water distribution, mainly driven by the bar migrating in the upstream channel and entering the distributaries. A relationship between width asymmetry and flood magnitude was observed, confirming previous analyses. Moreover, recent theoretical findings were applied, in order to test the possibility to estimate general trends in bifurcation evolution. The analysis pointed out the relevance of a correct assessment of the characteristic temporal scales, as the bifurcation evolves on a timescale similar to that of bar migration and flood duration. Understanding the interactions between these processes is therefore crucial in order to increase the ability to model and predict the morphological evolution of a braided network. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Planimetric change was measured on daily hydrographs over two meltwater seasons using time-lapse images of the proglacial, gravel, braided, Sunwapta River, Canada. Significant planimetric change occurred on 10–15 days per year. Area of planimetric change correlated with peak and total daily meltwater hydrograph discharge. A clear threshold discharge can be identified below which no planform activity occurs, an intermediate range over which change occurs conditionally, and a peak flow range at which significant change always occurs. Field conditions were reproduced in a physical model in a laboratory flume. Photogrammetric DEMs of bed morphology and measurements of bedload output were made for each hydrograph experimental run. The physical model results for planimetric change had a threshold discharge for change, and trend with discharge, similar to the field data. The model data also show that planimetric change correlates strongly with volumes of erosion/deposition measured from successive DEMs, and with bedload transport rate. The relation between planimetric change and topographic change is also apparent from previous cross-section surveys at the field site. The results highlight the planimetric dynamics of braiding rivers in relation to discharge forcing, and the relationship between planimetric change, morphological change, and bedload transport in braided rivers. This also points to the potential use of measurements of planimetric change from time-lapse imagery as a low-cost method for high-frequency monitoring for braiding dynamics and also a surrogate for bedload transport measurement. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Morphological features of braided rivers (bars, channels and pools) experience major changes in area, shape and spatial distribution as a response to (i) the pulsation of discharge during a flood and (ii) the bed evolution induced by floods. In this work, at‐a‐station relationships between water level and planform configuration were investigated on the Tagliamento River, a large gravel‐bed braided river in northeast Italy, over a 2‐year study period comprising three bankfull events and several small‐to‐medium floods. The analysis was performed on two 1‐km‐long reaches, characterized by different riparian vegetation cover. Ground‐based images with an hourly temporal resolution were acquired using software‐controlled, digital cameras. Bars, channels, pools and vegetated patches were manually digitized on more than 100 rectified images. Sequences of constant‐level images spanning the study period were used to quantify the impact of floods on the stability of at‐a‐station relationships and on the turnover rate of water bodies. The analysis shows that wetted area increased almost linearly with water level in both reaches. The average number of branches per cross‐section peaked at intermediate flow levels, increasing from 2 at low flow up to 6–7. The number of branches displayed the largest fluctuations over time, with significant changes produced also by moderate floods. Turnover rates were high in both reaches, with more than 30% of wetted areas at low flow converting into bare gravel in less than 2 months. Vegetation colonization was found to limit the mobility of the low flow channels over time by concentrating the flow in fewer, deeper anabranches. The number of channels per cross‐section was 30–40% less in the vegetated reach and the proportion of low flow water bodies in the same position after 12 months increased from 3% to 14%. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

What hydraulic information can be gained from remotely sensed observations of a river's surface? In this study, we analyze the relationship between river bed undulations and water surfaces for an ungauged reach of the Xingu River, a first‐order tributary of the Amazon river. This braided reach is crosscut more than 10 times by a ENVISAT (ENVironmental SATellite) track that extends over 100 km. Rating curves based on a modeled discharge series and altimetric measurements are used, including the zero‐flow depth Z 0 parameter, which describes river's bathymetry. River widths are determined from JERS (Japanese Earth Ressources Satellite) images. Hydrodynamic laws predict that irregularities in the geometry of a river bed produce spatial and temporal variations in the water level, as well as in its slope. Observation of these changes is a goal of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography satellite mission, which has a final objective of determining river discharge. First, the concept of hydraulic visibility is introduced, and the seasonality of water surface slope is highlighted along with different flow regimes and reach behaviors. Then, we propose a new single‐thread effective hydraulic approach for modeling braided rivers flows, based on the observation scales of current satellite altimetry. The effective hydraulic model is able to reproduce water surface elevations derived by satellite altimetry, and it shows that hydrodynamical signatures are more visible in areas where the river bed morphology varies significantly and for reaches with strong downstream control. The results of this study suggest that longitudinal variations of the slope might be an interesting criteria for the analysis of river segmentation into elementary reaches for the Surface Water Ocean Topography mission that will provide continuous measurements of the water surface elevations, the slopes, and the reach widths.  相似文献   

Bedload pulses in gravel-bed rivers have been widely reported in recent years and attempts have been made to relate them to channel morphology. Bedload transport and channel morphology were measured in a small-scale generic model of braided gravel-bed streams. Two experiments are described in which braided channels developed in a 14 m × 3 m sand tray. Total bedload output from the tray was weighed every 15 minutes. Stream bed geometry was surveyed every four hours. Pulses were observed in the bedload output time series, and were qualitatively related to the channel morphology immediately upstream of the measuring section. The Bagnold (1980) bedload equation generally overpredicts measured bedload transport rates when applied to channels that were in equilibrium or aggrading. Underprediction occurred when applied to degrading channels. Aggradation was associated with channel multiplication and bar deposition. Channel pattern simplification occurred when degradation took place, and bars emerged from the water flow. Development of phases of aggradation and degradation is dependent upon the three-dimensional geometry of the stream beds. Spatial and temporal feedback loops can be identified, enabling links between channel morphology and bedload transport rate to be directly identified.  相似文献   

Bed load transport rate was measured in ten self-formed small-scale gravel braided streams developed in a laboratory flume at several different values of steady discharge and flume gradient. The streams are approximate Froude models of typical prototype braided streams but of no particular river. Slight viscous effects may be present in the models because particle Reynolds numbers are close to 70. Total bed load discharge was measured every fifteen minutes throughout each 60 hour run. In addition, 80 channel cross-sections were measured in each run to establish the average channel geometry. Total bed load transport rate correlates well with total discharge and total stream power, although at a given stream power bed load discharge is greater when braiding is less intense and the width/depth ratio is lower. Analysis using unit stream power and cross-section average bed shear stress reveals that the laboratory data conform to existing empirical bed load transport relationships. However, comparison with field data from gravel-bed rivers shows discrepancies that may be due to differences in bed material size gradation and bed sediment structure. At constant discharge, wide fluctuations in bed load discharge occur with some regularity. Periods range from 2 to 10 hours in the models, which is equivalent to several tens of hours in a prototype. The presence of these long-period fluctuations compounds the problems of field measurement of bed load in braided streams.  相似文献   

The numerical model COUP 2D simulates the hydrological coupling between hillslopes and the river channel during a rainfall event. In order to test the numerical model, a 1:100 scaled laboratory flume which was modified to incorporate lateral hillslope elements, was used to run a series of experiments in which hillslope angle, channel angle, hillslope discharge and channel discharge were the varying parameters. Overall, there were 18 different experimental configurations with three replicates carried out for each condition, leading to a total of 54 experiments. These conditions were then used to parameterize and run COUP 2D. Internal model outputs of flow depth and flow velocity at four cross‐sections in the channel were compared to the measurements made in the physical model for the same parameter conditions. Statistical comparisons of the measured and modelled data were carried out for each experiment and across all experiments, using two goodness‐of‐fit measures—root mean square error and Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient of efficiency—in order to assess the performance of the model over an entire simulation as well as over all the simulations. The main effects on the goodness‐of‐fit measures for flow depth of each experimental variable, as well as the interactions between variables, were evaluated using statistical modelling. The results show that the model captures flow‐depth variations in response to changing channel and hillslope parameters. Statistical modelling suggests that the main effects on model error are cross‐section position, channel angle and channel discharge. Significant interactions also occur between all the channel variables and between the channel variables and hillslope discharge. The results of the testing procedure have significant implications for the consideration of different model components and for the interaction between data‐ and model evaluation. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Complex flow processes at river bifurcations and the influence of the layout of a bifurcation make it difficult to predict sediment distribution over the downstream branches in case bedload transport dominates. In one‐dimensional models we need a nodal point relationship that prescribes the distribution of sediment over the downstream branches. We have identified which factors need to be included in such a relationship for the division of bedload transport at bifurcations. Next, irrotational flow theory for idealized geometries has been used to derive a simple physics‐based nodal point relationship that accounts for the effects of helical flow in the situation that a channel takes off under an angle from a straight main channel. This first step towards a complete nodal point relationship is applicable to bedload transport situations if the flow is clearly curved and if there is no pronounced bed topography. The relationship has been tested against data from a unique set of laboratory measurements, numerical data and data from a scale model of the Rhine bifurcation at Pannerden in the Netherlands. We find that the derived model yields a reasonable prediction of the sediment division over the downstream branches, and yields better predictions than the Wang et al. model for the situation considered. Considering the relative complexity and limited accuracy of the nodal point relationship for the effect of helical flow alone, however, we conclude thatderiving a practical physics‐based 1‐D relationship including all relevant processes is not feasible. We therefore recommend 2‐D or 3‐D modelling for all cases in general where morphological evolution depends on the division of bedload transport at bifurcations. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Parameters in a generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution are specified as a function of covariates using a conditional density network (CDN), which is a probabilistic extension of the multilayer perceptron neural network. If the covariate is time or is dependent on time, then the GEV‐CDN model can be used to perform nonlinear, nonstationary GEV analysis of hydrological or climatological time series. Owing to the flexibility of the neural network architecture, the model is capable of representing a wide range of nonstationary relationships. Model parameters are estimated by generalized maximum likelihood, an approach that is tailored to the estimation of GEV parameters from geophysical time series. Model complexity is identified using the Bayesian information criterion and the Akaike information criterion with small sample size correction. Monte Carlo simulations are used to validate GEV‐CDN performance on four simple synthetic problems. The model is then demonstrated on precipitation data from southern California, a series that exhibits nonstationarity due to interannual/interdecadal climatic variability. Copyright © 2009 Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stream network morphometrics have been used frequently in environmental applications and are embedded in several hydrological models. This is because channel network geometry partly controls the runoff response of a basin. Network indices are often measured from channels that are mapped from digital elevation models (DEMs) using automated procedures. Simulations were used in this paper to study the influence of elevation error on the reliability of estimates of several common morphometrics, including stream order, the bifurcation, length, area and slope ratios, stream magnitude, network diameter, the flood magnitude and timing parameters of the geomorphological instantaneous unit hydrograph (GIUH) and the network width function. DEMs of three UK basins, ranging from high to low relief, were used for the analyses. The findings showed that moderate elevation error (RMSE of 1·8 m) can result in significant uncertainty in DEM‐mapped network morphometrics and that this uncertainty can be expressed in complex ways. For example, estimates of the bifurcation, length and area ratios and the flood magnitude and timing parameters of the GIUH each displayed multimodal frequency distributions, i.e. two or more estimated values were highly likely. Furthermore, these preferential estimates were wide ranging relative to the ranges typically observed for these indices. The wide‐ranging estimates of the two GIUH parameters represented significant uncertainty in the shape of the unit hydrograph. Stream magnitude, network diameter and the network width function were found to be highly sensitive to elevation error because of the difficulty in mapping low‐magnitude links. Uncertainties in the width function were found to increase with distance from outlet, implying that hydrological models that use network width contain greater uncertainty in the shape of the falling limb of the hydrograph. In light of these findings, care should be exercised when interpreting the results of analyses based on DEM‐mapped stream networks. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lengthy records of river discharge are necessary to comprehensively assess the long‐term connection between synoptic climate forcings and nival‐regime systems in British Columbia. A regional multispecies network of tree‐ring width and ring density chronologies was built for west central British Columbia with the intention of dendrohydrologically extending short runoff records in this area. Extended records of July–August mean discharge anomalies for the Skeena and Atnarko Rivers were reconstructed back to ad 1660. Low flow events represented during the late 1600s, early 1700s and late 1800s lie beyond those experienced during the recent instrumental period for these basins. The documentation of extreme events of this magnitude necessitates consideration when planning for future water resources in this region. Supplementary dendroclimatic reconstructions of the winter Pacific North American (PNA) pressure anomaly pattern and records of mean summer temperature and end‐of‐winter snow water equivalent were also constructed. These ancillary climate records provide insight into the long‐term climate drivers of annual discharge dynamics within these nival basins. Correlation and wavelet analyses confirm the persistent relationship of synoptic climate regimes described by the Southern Oscillation Index, NINO 3.4, Pacific Decadal Oscillation and PNA indices on runoff in west central British Columbia. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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