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In this paper, we present a methodology to construct a sediment budget for meso‐scale catchments. We combine extensive field surveys and expert knowledge of the catchment with a sediment delivery model. The meso‐scale Mediterranean drainage basin of the Dragonja (91 km2), southwest Slovenia, was chosen as case study area. During the field surveys, sheet wash was observed on sloping agricultural fields during numerous rainfall events, which was found to be the main source of sediment. With the sediment yield model WATEM/SEDEM the estimated net erosion on the hillslopes 4·1 t ha–1 y–1 (91% of inputs). The second source, bank erosion (4·2%; 0·25 t ha–1 y–1) was monitored during several years with erosion pins and photogrammetric techniques. The last source, channel incision, was derived from geomorphological mapping and lichenomery and provided 3·8% (0·17 t ha–1 y–1) of the sediment input. The river transports its suspended sediment mainly during high‐flow events (sampled with automated water samplers). About 27% (1·2 t ha–1 y–1) of the sediment delivered to the channel is deposited on floodplains and low terraces downstream (estimated with geomorphological mapping, coring and cesium‐137 measurements). The sediment transported as bedload disintegrates during transport to the outlet due to the softness of the bedrock material. As a result, the river carries no bedload when it reaches the sea. The results imply a build‐up of sediment in the valleys catchment. However, extreme flood events may flush large amounts of sediment stored in the lower parts of the system. Geomorphological evidence exists in the catchment that such high magnitude, low frequency events have happened in the past. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the factors that control rates and extent of soil erosion processes in the 199 ha May Zegzeg catchment near Hagere Selam in the Tigray Highlands (Northern Ethiopia). This catchment, characterized by high elevations (2100–2650 m a.s.l.) and a subhorizontal structural relief, is typical for the Northern Ethiopian Highlands. Soil loss rates due to various erosion processes, as well as sediment yield rates and rates of sediment deposition within the catchment (essentially induced by recent soil conservation activities), were measured using a range of geomorphological methods. The area‐weighted average rate of soil erosion by water in the catchment, measured over four years (1998–2001), is 14·8 t ha?1 y?1, which accounts for 98% of the change in potential energy of the landscape. Considering these soil loss rates by water, 28% is due to gully erosion. Other geomorphic processes, such as tillage erosion and rock fragment displacement by gravity and livestock trampling, are also important, either within certain land units, or for their impact on agricultural productivity. Estimated mean sediment deposition rate within the catchment equals 9·2 t ha?1 y?1. Calculated sediment yield (5·6 t ha?1 y?1) is similar to sediment yield measured in nearby catchments. Seventy‐four percent of total soil loss by sheet and rill erosion is trapped in exclosures and behind stone bunds. The anthropogenic factor is dominant in controlling present‐day erosion processes in the Northern Ethiopian Highlands. Human activities have led to an overall increase in erosion process intensities, but, through targeted interventions, rural society is now well on the way to control and reverse the degradation processes, as can be demonstrated through the sediment budget. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Exceedance of the US Environmental Protection Agency national ambient air quality standard for PM10 (particulate matter ≤10 µm in aerodynamic diameter) within the Columbia Plateau region of the Pacific Northwest US is largely caused by wind erosion of agricultural lands managed in a winter wheat–summer fallow rotation. Land management practices, therefore, are sought that will reduce erosion and PM10 emissions during the summer fallow phase of the rotation. Horizontal soil flux and PM10 concentrations above adjacent field plots (>2 ha), with plots subject to conventional or undercutter tillage during summer fallow, were measured using creep and saltation/suspension collectors and PM10 samplers installed at various heights above the soil surface. After wheat harvest in 2004 and 2005, the plots were either disked (conventional) or undercut with wide sweeps (undercutter) the following spring and then periodically rodweeded prior to sowing wheat in late summer. Soil erosion from the fallow plots was measured during six sampling periods over two years; erosion or PM10 loss was not observed during two periods due to the presence of a crust on the soil surface. For the remaining sampling periods, total surface soil loss from conventional and undercutter tillage ranged from 3 to 40 g m–2 and 1 to 27 g m–2 while PM10 loss from conventional and undercutter tillage ranged from 0·2 to 5·0 g m–2 and 0·1 to 3·3 g m–2, respectively. Undercutter tillage resulted in a 15% to 65% reduction in soil loss and 30% to 70% reduction in PM10 loss as compared with conventional tillage at our field sites. Therefore, based on our results at two sites over two years, undercutter tillage appears to be an effective management practice to reduce dust emissions from agricultural land subject to a winter wheat–summer fallow rotation within the Columbia Plateau. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil redistribution on arable land significantly affects lateral and vertical soil carbon (C) fluxes (caused by C formation and mineralization) and soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks. Whether this serves as a (C) sink or source to the atmosphere is a controversial issue. In this study, the SPEROS‐C model was modified to analyse erosion induced lateral and vertical soil C fluxes and their effects upon SOC stocks in a small agricultural catchment (4·2 ha). The model was applied for the period between 1950 and 2007 covering 30 years of conventional tillage (1950–1979) followed by 28 years of conservation tillage (1980–2007). In general, modelled and measured SOC stocks are in good agreement for three observed soil layers. The overall balance (1950–2007) of erosion induced lateral and vertical C fluxes results in a C loss of ?4·4 g C m–2 a–1 at our test site. Land management has a significant impact on the erosion induced C fluxes, leading to a predominance of lateral C export under conventional and of vertical C exchange between soil and atmosphere under conservation agriculture. Overall, the application of the soil conservation practices, with enhanced C inputs by cover crops and decreased erosion, significantly reduced the modelled erosion induced C loss of the test site. Increasing C inputs alone, without a reduction of erosion rates, did not result in a reduction of erosion induced C losses. Moreover, our results show that the potential erosion induced C loss is very sensitive to the representation of erosion rates (long‐term steady state versus event driven). A first estimate suggests that C losses are very sensitive to magnitude and frequency of erosion events. If long‐term averages are dominated by large magnitude events modelled erosion induced C losses in the catchment were significantly reduced. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An overall approach to assess the effectiveness of soil conservation measures at catchment scale is the comparison of sediment budgets before and after implementation of a catchment management programme. In the May Zeg‐zeg catchment (187 ha) in Tigray, north Ethiopia, integrated catchment management has been implemented since 2004: stone bunds were built in the whole catchment, vegetation was allowed to re‐grow on steep slopes and other marginal land, stubble grazing abandoned, and check dams built in gullies. Land use and management were mapped and analysed for 2000 and 2006, whereby particular attention was given to the quantification of changes in soil loss due to the abandonment of stubble grazing. Sediment yield was also measured at the catchment's outlet. A combination of decreased soil loss (from 14·3 t ha–1 y–1 in 2000 to 9·0 t ha–1 y–1 in 2006) and increased sediment deposition (from 5·8 to 7·1 t ha–1 y–1) has led to strongly decreased sediment yield (from 8·5 to 1·9 t ha–1 y–1) and sediment delivery ratio (from 0·6 to 0·21). This diachronic comparison of sediment budgets revealed that integrated catchment management is most effective and efficient and is the advisable and desirable way to combat land degradation in Tigray and other tropical mountains. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Measurements of temporal variations in soil detachability under different land uses are badly needed to develop new algorithms or evaluate the existing ones for temporal adjustment of soil detachability in continuous soil erosion models. Few studies have been conducted in the Loess Plateau to quantify temporal variations in detachment rate of runoff under different land uses. The objectives of this study were to investigate the temporal variations of soil detachment rate under different land uses and to further identify the potential factors causing the change in detachment rate in the Loess Plateau. Undisturbed soil samples were collected in the fields of arable land (millet, soybean, corn, and potato), grassland, shrub land, wasteland, and woodland and tested in a laboratory flume under a constant hydraulic condition. The measurements started in mid‐April and ended in early October, 2006. The results showed that soil detachment rate of each land use fluctuated considerably over time. Distinctive temporal variation in detachment rate was found throughout the summer growing season of measurement in each land use. The maximum detachment rates of different land uses varied from 0·019 to 0·490 kg m–2 s–1 and the minimum detachment rates ranged from 0·004 to 0·092 kg m–2 s–1. Statistical analysis using a paired‐samples t‐test indicated that variations in soil detachment rate differed significantly at the 0·05 level between land uses in most cases. The major factors responsible for the temporal variation of soil detachment were tillage operations (such as planting, ploughing, weeding, harvesting), soil consolidation, and root growth. The influence of tillage operations on soil detachment depended on the degree of soil disturbance caused by the operations. The consolidation of the topsoil over time after tillage was reflected by increases in soil bulk density and soil cohesion. As soil bulk density and cohesion increased, detachment rate decreased. The impact of root density was inconclusive in this study. Further studies are needed to quantify the effects of root density on temporal variations of soil detachment. This work provides useful information for developing temporal adjustments to soil detachment rate in continuous soil erosion models in the Loess Plateau. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediments produced from eroding cultivated land can cause on‐site and off‐site effects that cause considerable economic and social impacts. Despite the importance of soil conservation practices (SCP) for the control of soil erosion and improvements in soil hydrological functions, limited information is available regarding the effects of SCP on sediment yield (SY) at the catchment scale. This study aimed to investigate the long‐term relationships between SY and land use, soil management, and rainfall in a small catchment. To determine the effects of anthropogenic and climatic factors on SY, rainfall, streamflow, and suspended sediment concentration were monitored at 10‐min intervals for 14 years (2002–2016), and the land use and soil management changes were surveyed annually. Using a statistical procedure to separate the SY effects of climate, land use, and soil management, we observed pronounced temporal effects of land use and soil management changes on SY. During the first 2 years (2002–2004), the land was predominantly cultivated with tobacco under a traditional tillage system (no cover crops and ploughed soil) using animal traction. In that period, the SY reached approximately 400 t·km?2·year?1. From 2005 to 2009, a soil conservation programme introduced conservation tillage and winter cover crops in the catchment area, which lowered the SY to 50 t·km?2·year?1. In the final period (2010–2016), the SCP were partially abandoned by farmers, and reforested areas increased, resulting in an SY of 150 t·km?2·year?1. This study also discusses the factors associated with the failure to continue using SCP, including structural support and farmer attitudes.  相似文献   

Landscapes evolve in response to external forces, such as tectonics and climate, that influence surface processes of erosion and weathering. Internal feedbacks between erosion and weathering also play an integral role in regulating the landscapes response. Our understanding of these internal and external feedbacks is limited to a handful of field‐based studies, only a few of which have explicitly examined saprolite weathering. Here, we report rates of erosion and weathering in saprolite and soil to quantify how climate influences denudation, by focusing on an elevation transect in the western Sierra Nevada Mountains, California. We use an adapted mass balance approach and couple soil‐production rates from the cosmogenic radionuclide (CRN) 10Be with zirconium concentrations in rock, saprolite and soil. Our approach includes deep saprolite weathering and suggests that previous studies may have underestimated denudation rates across similar landscapes. Along the studied climate gradient, chemical weathering rates peak at middle elevations (1200–2000 m), averaging 112·3 ± 9·7 t km–2 y–1 compared to high and low elevation sites (46·8 ± 5·2 t km?2 y?1). Measured weathering rates follow similar patterns with climate as those of predicted silica fluxes, modeled using an Arrhenius temperature relationship and a linear relationship between flux and precipitation. Furthermore, chemical weathering and erosion are tightly correlated across our sites, and physical erosion rates increase with both saprolite weathering rates and intensity. Unexpectedly, saprolite and soil weathering intensities are inversely related, such that more weathered saprolites are overlain by weakly weathered soils. These data quantify exciting links between climate, weathering and erosion, and together suggest that climate controls chemical weathering via temperature and moisture control on chemical reaction rates. Our results also suggest that saprolite weathering reduces bedrock coherence, leading to faster rates of soil transport that, in turn, decrease material residence times in the soil column and limit soil weathering. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The magnitude of soil erosion and sediment load reduction efficiency of check dams under extreme rainstorms is a long-standing concern. The current paper aims to use check dams to deduce the amount of soil erosion under extreme rainstorms in a watershed and to identify the difference in sediment interception efficiency of different types of check dams. Based on the sediment deposition at 12 check dams with 100% sediment interception efficiency and sub-catchment clustering by taking 12 dam-controlled catchments as clustering criteria, the amount of soil erosion resulting from an extreme rainstorm event on July 26, 2017 (named “7·26” extreme rainstorm) was estimated in the Chabagou watershed in the hill and gully region of the Loess Plateau. The differences in the sediment interception efficiency among the check dams in the watershed were analyzed according to field observations at 17 check dams. The results show that the average erosion intensity under the “7–26” extreme rainstorm was approximately 2.03 × 104 t/km2, which was 5 times that in the second largest erosive rainfall in 2017 (4.15 × 103 t/km2) and 11–384 times that for storms in 2018 (0.53 × 102 t/km2 - 1.81 × 103 t/km2). Under the “7–26” extreme rainstorm, the amount of soil erosion in the Chabagou watershed above the Caoping hydrological station was 4.20 × 106 t. The sediment interception efficiency of the check dams with drainage canals (including the destroyed check dams) and with drainage culverts was 6.48 and 39.49%, respectively. The total actual sediment amount trapped by the check dams was 1.11 × 106 t, accounting for 26.36% of the total amount of soil erosion. In contrast, 3.09 × 106 t of sediment were input to the downstream channel, and the sediment deposition in the channel was 2.23 × 106 t, accounting for 53.15% of the total amount of soil erosion. The amount of sediment transport at the hydrological station was 8.60 × 105 t. The Sediment Delivery Ratio (SDR) under the “7·26” extreme rainstorm was 0.21. The results indicated that the amount of soil erosion was huge, and the sediment interception efficiency of the check dams was greatly reduced under extreme rainstorms. It is necessary to strengthen the management and construction technology standards of check dams to improve the sediment interception efficiency and flood safety in the watershed.  相似文献   

Reliable quantitative data on the extent and rates of soil erosion are needed to understand the global significance of soil‐erosion induced carbon exchange and to underpin the development of science‐based mitigation strategies, but large uncertainties remain. Existing estimates of agricultural soil and soil organic carbon (SOC) erosion are very divergent and span two orders of magnitude. The main objective of this study was to test the assumptions underlying existing assessments and to reduce the uncertainty associated with global estimates of agricultural soil and SOC erosion. We parameterized a simplified erosion model driven by coarse global databases using an empirical database that covers the conterminous USA. The good agreement between our model results and empirical estimates indicate that the approach presented here captures the essence of agricultural erosion at the scales of continents and that it may be used to predict the significance of erosion for the global carbon cycle and its impact on soil functions. We obtained a global soil erosion rate of 10.5 Mg ha‐1 y‐1 for cropland and 1.7 Mg ha‐1 y‐1 for pastures. This corresponds to SOC erosion rates of 193 kg C ha‐1 y‐1 for cropland and 40.4 kg C ha‐1 y‐1 for eroding pastures and results in a global flux of 20.5 (±10.3) Pg y‐1 of soil and 403.5 (±201.8) Tg C y‐1. Although it is difficult to accurately assess the uncertainty associated with our estimates of global agricultural erosion, mainly due to the lack of model testing in (sub‐)tropical regions, our estimates are significantly lower than former assessments based on the extrapolation of plot experiments or global application of erosion models. Our approach has the potential to quantify the rate and spatial signature of the erosion‐induced disturbance at continental and global scales: by linking our model with a global soil profile database, we estimated soil profile modifications induced by agriculture. This showed that erosion‐induced changes in topsoil SOC content are significant at a global scale (an average SOC loss of 22% in 50 years) and agricultural soils should therefore be considered as dynamic systems that can change rapidly. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite the high risk of erosion in olive orchards located in mountainous areas in Spain, little research has been carried out to account for the complexity and interaction of the natural processes of runoff and soil erosion on the catchment scale or small catchment scale. In this study, a microcatchment of 6·7 ha in a mountainous area under no‐tillage farming with bare soil was set up to record runoff and sediment. Soil erosion and runoff patterns were monitored over a two‐year period. Totally, 22 events were observed. The data were analysed, and then used to calibrate the AnnAGNPS model, which allowed us to complete the data period and describe the hydrological and erosive behaviour on a monthly and annual basis. A high variability in catchment responses was observed, due to differences in the storms and to the effect of the surface soil moisture content. Maximum intensities of 10 and 30 min determined the final runoff values while the total sediment loads were dependent on the rainfall depth. The impact of management on the reduction of porosity can explain the relationship between runoff and intensity in the microcatchment. However, the impact of the spatial scale meant that the transport of sediment required substantial rainfall depths to ensure a continuous flow from the hillslopes. The results of the calibration (>0·60 and >0·75) on the event and monthly scale confirmed the applicability of AnnAGNPS to predict runoff and erosion in the microcatchment. The predicted average runoff coefficient was 3·3% for the study period and the total average sediment loads, 1·3 Mg/ha/yr. Despite these low values, the model simulation showed that much larger runoff coefficients and soil losses can be expected for periods with several consecutive years in which the annual rainfall depth was over 500 mm. The use of cover is recommended to prevent the high levels of erosion associated with these conditions. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite widespread bench‐terracing, stream sediment yields from agricultural hillsides in upland West Java remain high. We studied the causes of this lack of effect by combining measurements at different spatial scales using an erosion process model. Event runoff and sediment yield from two 4‐ha terraced hillside subcatchments were measured and field surveys of land use, bench‐terrace geometry and storage of sediment in the drainage network were conducted for two consecutive years. Runoff was 3·0–3·9% of rainfall and sediment yield was 11–30 t ha−1 yr−1 for different years, subcatchments and calculation techniques. Sediment storage changes in the subcatchment drainage network were less than 2 t ha−1, whereas an additional 0·3–1·5 t ha−1 was stored in the gully between the subcatchment flumes and the main stream. This suggests mean annual sediment delivery ratios of 86–125%, or 80–104% if this additional storage is included. The Terrace Erosion and Sediment Transport (TEST) model developed and validated for the studied environment was parameterized using erosion plot studies, land use surveys and digital terrain analysis to simulate runoff and sediment generation on the terraced hillsides. This resulted in over‐estimates of runoff and under‐estimates of runoff sediment concentration. Relatively poor model performance was attributed to sample bias in the six erosion plots used for model calibration and unaccounted covariance between important terrain attributes such as slope, infiltration capacity, soil conservation works and vegetation cover. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A portable field wind tunnel was used to assess the sediment flux rates of loam and sand textured soils in the Mallee region of southeastern Australia. Three levels of crust disturbance (nil, moderate and severe) simulating stock trampling were investigated. The results demonstrated the importance of cryptogamic crusts in binding the soil surface and providing roughness after the soil was moderately disturbed. On the loamy soil, the crust helped maintain sediment flux rates below the erosion control target to 5 g m−1 s−1 for a 65 km h−1 wind measured at 10 m height. Once the crust was severely disturbed, sediment fluxes increased to 1·6 times the erosion target. On the sandy soil, even with no crust disturbance the sediment flux was 1·6 times the erosion control target. Disturbing the crust increased sediment fluxes to a maximum of 6·7 times the erosion control target. Removal of the crust also decreased the threshold wind velocity that resulted in an increase to the risk of erosion from <5 per cent to 20 per cent. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rill erosion is a serious concern in the hilly region of China with purple soil, and maize is extensively cultivated in this region. Evaluations of the dynamic mechanisms of rill erosion in sloping farmland areas are particularly important during the maize growing season to determine whether rill erosion can occur. A new ridge tillage (RT) system was designed using local agricultural methods in China. Twelve artificial rainfall experiments were conducted in three 1 × 2 m experimental plots with a slope of 15°, which is a typical slope in the study area. The rainfall intensities were designated as 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 mm min?1. The rainfall experiments were performed in the field to determine the characteristics of run‐off and sediment transport related to rill erosion processes during different stages of maize growth and to analyse how hydraulic parameters and the sediment yield of the rill erosion process are related. The results showed that rill flow patterns were mainly classified as subcritical transition flow during all the growth stages of maize. The effects of hydrodynamic parameters on the sediment yield were ordered as follows: Reynolds number > stream power > Froude number > shear stress. The total sediment yield varied by stage as follows: seedling stage > jointing stage > mature stage > tasseling stage. The sediment yield and run‐off rate exhibited a linear relationship that was well described at the hillslope scale. To initiate soil loss in sloping farmland areas with purple soil during the maize growing season, the critical hydrodynamic shear stress and stream power must be at least 46.505 Pa and 1.541 N m?1 s?1, respectively.  相似文献   

Most studies on runoff and soil loss from olive orchards were performed on plots, despite the fact that measurements that examine a range of erosive processes on different scales are essential to evaluate the suitability of the use and soil management of this type of land. The main environmental limitations of much of the land used for olive orchards in the Mediterranean are the steep slopes and the shallow soil depth – and this was the case in the study area. Soil erosion and runoff over two hydrological years (2005–2006 and 2006–2007) were monitored in an olive orchard microcatchment of 6·1 ha under no‐tillage with spontaneous grass in order to evaluate its hydrological and erosive behaviour. Moreover, soil parameters such as organic matter (%OM), bulk density (BD) and hydraulic saturated conductivity (Ks) were also examined in the microcatchment to describe management effects on hydrological balance and on erosive processes. In the study period, the results showed runoff coefficients of 6·0% in the first year and 0·9% in the second. The differences respond to the impact of two or three yearly maximum events which were decisive in the annual balances. On the event scale, although maximum rainfall intensity values had a big influence on peak flows and runoff, its importance on mean sediment concentrations and sediment discharges was difficult to interpret due to the likely control of grass cover on volume runoff and on soil protection. In the case of annual soil erosion, they were measured as 1·0 Mg ha?1 yr?1 and 0·3 Mg ha?1 yr?1. Both are lower than the tolerance values evaluated in Andalusia (Spain). These results support the implementation of no‐tillage with spontaneous grass cover for sloping land, although the reduced infiltration conditions determined by Ks in the first horizon suggest grass should be allowed to grow not only in spring but also in autumn. In addition, specific measurements to control gullies, which have formed in the terraced area in the catchment, should be included since it is expected that they could be the main sources of sediments. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite growing interest in soil erosion on agricultural land, relatively little attention has been paid to the influence of erosion processes on the pattern of contemporary landform evolution. This in part reflects the problems associated with up-scaling the results of short-term process studies to temporal and spatial scales relevant to the study of landform evolution. This paper presents a new approach to examining the influence of erosion processes on landform evolution on agricultural land which employs: caesium-137 (137Cs) measurements to provide medium-term (c. 40 years) estimates of rates of landform change; experimental data and a topographic-based model to simulate soil redistribution by tillage; a mass-balance model of 137Cs redistribution to separate the water erosion and tillage components of the 137Cs ‘signatures’; and field observations of water erosion for validation. This approach is used to examine the relative importance of water erosion and tillage processes for contemporary landform evolution at contrasting sites near Leuven, in Belgium, and near Yanan, in Shaanxi Province, China. This application of the approach provides good agreement between the derived water erosion rates and field observations, and hitherto unobtainable insights into medium-term patterns and rates of contemporary landform evolution. At Huldenberg in Belgium, despite rill incision of slope concavities and ephemeral gully incision of the valley floor, contemporary landform evolution is dominated by infilling of slope and valley concavities (rates >0.5 mm a−1) and gradual lowering of slope angles as a result of tillage. In contrast, at Ansai (near Yanan) the slope is characterized by increase in slope angle over most of the length, recession of the steepest section at a rate >5 mm a−1 and by increasing planform curvature. At this site, contemporary landform evolution is dominated by water erosion. The constraints on the approach are examined, with particular attention being given to limitations on extrapolation of the results and to the sensitivity of the models to parameter variation. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changes in land use are common in Mediterranean areas and are reported as having produced changes in the intensity of soil erosion. Dehesas are rangelands with a disperse tree cover, widespread in the south-western part of the Iberian Peninsula and similar ecosystems are also common in other areas with a Mediterranean climate. The aim of the present study is to analyse temporal and spatial variations of soil erosion rates estimated along three hillsides, located in two farms (Buitrera and Parapuños) in southwest Spain. To understand the temporal variation, soil erosion rates were studied in light of land use-management changes that took place during the last few centuries. Results indicate very low erosion rates prior to the 18th century in both farms. In Buitrera, a first increase of soil loss rates was identified during the period 1831-1897, amounting to 7.4 t ha-1 y-1. A further increase took place during the 20th century, reaching a mean erosion rate of 29.1 t ha-1 y-1. In Parapuños, data points to a significant increase from 1881 onwards, with an estimated mean erosion rate of 18.5 t ha-1 y-1. Those increases were presumably connected with an intensification of land use, such as cultivation and excessive livestock populations. Regarding spatial variation, the bare surface and the erosive power of run-off along the hillsides accounts for 76% of the soil erosion rates dispersion. At a local scale, the variability of erosion rates could not be explained, because of (i) uncertainty related to the micromorphology of the past soil surface and (ii) the role of tillage erosion in the past. However, the results obtained offer valuable data on the temporal and spatial variation of erosion rates in dehesas at the hillslope scale and a similar approach could be used for other rangelands with a disperse tree cover. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The overarching objective of this research was to provide an improved understanding of the role of land use and associated management practices on long‐term water‐driven soil erosion in small agricultural watersheds by coupling the established, physically based, distributed parameter Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model with long‐term hydrologic, land use and soil data. A key step towards achieving this objective was the development of a detailed methodology for model calibration using physical ranges of key governing parameters such as effective hydraulic conductivity, critical hydraulic shear stress and rill/inter‐rill erodibilities. The physical ranges for these governing parameters were obtained based on in situ observations within the South Amana Sub‐Watershed (SASW) (~26 km2) of the Clear Creek, IA watershed where detailed documentation of the different land uses was available for a period of nearly 100 years. A quasi validation of the calibrated model was conducted through long‐term field estimates of water and sediment discharge at the outlet of SASW and also by comparing the results with data reported in the literature for other Iowa watersheds exhibiting similar biogeochemical properties. Once WEPP was verified, ‘thought experiments’ were conducted to test our hypothesis that land use and associated management practices may be the major control of long‐term erosion in small agricultural watersheds such as SASW. Those experiments were performed using the dominant 2‐year crop rotations in the SASW, namely, fall till corn–no till bean (FTC‐NTB), no till bean–spring till corn (NTB‐STC) and no till corn–fall till bean (NTC‐FTB), which comprised approximately 90% of the total acreage in SASW. Results of this study showed that for all crop rotations, a strong correspondence existed between soil erosion rates and high‐magnitude precipitation events during the period of mid‐April and late July, as expected. The magnitude of this correspondence, however, was strongly affected by the crop rotation characteristics, such as canopy/residue cover provided by the crop, and the type and associated timing of tillage. Tillage type (i.e. primary and secondary tillages) affected the roughness of the soil surface and resulted in increases of the rill/inter‐rill erodibilities up to 35% and 300%, respectively. Particularly, the NTC‐FTB crop rotation, being the most intense land use in terms of tillage operations, caused the highest average annual erosion rate within the SASW, yielding quadrupled erosion rates comparatively to NTB‐STC. The impacts of tillage operation were further exacerbated by the timing of the operations in relation to precipitation events. Timing of operations affected the ‘life‐time’ of residue cover and as a result, the degree of protection that residue cover offers against the water action on the soil surface. In the case of NTC‐FTB crop rotation, dense corn residue stayed on the ground for only 40 days, whereas for the other two rotations, corn residue provided a protective layer for nearly 7 months, lessening thus the degree of soil erosion. The cumulative effects of tillage type and timing in conjunction with canopy/residue cover led to the conclusion that land management practices can significantly amplify or deamplify the impact of precipitation on long‐term soil erosion in small agricultural watersheds. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Winter wheat–summer fallow is the conventional cropping system employed on >1·5 million ha within the Columbia Plateau of eastern Washington and northern Oregon. Wind erosion contributes to poor air quality in the region, yet little is known concerning the magnitude of soil and PM10 (particulate matter of ≤10 µm in aerodynamic diameter) loss from agricultural lands. Therefore, loss of soil and PM10 was assessed from a silt loam in eastern Washington during 2003 and 2004. Field sites were maintained in fallow using conventional tillage practices in 2003 (9 ha field) and 2004 (16 ha field) and instrumented to assess horizontal soil flux and PM10 concentrations at the windward and leeward positions in the field during high‐wind events. Soil flux was measured using creep and airborne sediment collectors while PM10 concentrations were measured using high‐volume PM10 samplers. Aggregate size distribution of parent soil and eroded sediment was characterized by rotary and sonic sieving. Six high‐wind events occurred over the two year period, with soil loss ranging from 43 kg ha?1 for the 12–22 September 2003 event to 2320 kg ha?1 for the 27–29 October 2003 event. Suspension‐sized particulates (<100 µm in diameter) comprised ≥90 per cent of the eroded sediment, indicating that direct suspension may be an important process by which the silt loam eroded. The corresponding loss of PM10 for these two events ranged from 5 to 210 kg ha?1. Loss of PM10 comprised 9–12 per cent of the total soil loss for the six events. This study suggests that the relatively small loss of PM10 from eroding agricultural fields maintained in summer fallow can affect air quality in the Columbia Plateau. Therefore, alternative tillage practices or cropping systems are needed for minimizing PM10 emissions and improving air quality in the region. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil erosion models are essential tools for the successful implementation of effective and adapted soil conservation measures on agricultural land. Therefore, models are needed that predict sediment delivery and quality, give a good spatial representation of erosion and deposition and allow us to account for various soil conservation measures. Here, we evaluate how well a modified version of the spatially distributed multi‐class sediment transport model (MCST) simulates the effectiveness of control measures for different event sizes. We use 8 year runoff and sediment delivery data from two small agricultural watersheds (0·7 and 3·7 ha) under optimized soil conservation. The modified MCST model successfully simulates surface runoff and sediment delivery from both watersheds; one of which was dominated by sheet and the other was partly affected by rill erosion. Moreover, first results of modelling enrichment of clay in sediment delivery are promising, showing the potential of MCST to model sediment enrichment and nutrient transport. In general, our results and those of an earlier modelling exercise in the Belgian Loess Belt indicate the potential of the MCST model to evaluate soil erosion and deposition under different agricultural land uses. As the model explicitly takes into account the dominant effects of soil‐conservation agriculture, it should be successfully applicable for soil‐conservation planning/evaluation in other environments. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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