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Traditionally the Cooper–Jacob equation is used to determine the transmissivity and the storage coefficient for an aquifer using pump test results. This model, however, is a simplified version of the actual subsurface and does not allow for analysis of the uncertainty that comes from a lack of knowledge about the heterogeneity of the environment under investigation. In this paper, a modified fuzzy least-squares regression (MFLSR) method is developed that uses imprecise pump test data to obtain fuzzy intercept and slope values which are then used in the Cooper–Jacob method. Fuzzy membership functions for the transmissivity and the storage coefficient are then calculated using the extension principle. The supports of the fuzzy membership functions incorporate the transmissivity and storage coefficient values that would be obtained using ordinary least-squares regression and the Cooper–Jacob method. The MFLSR coupled with the Cooper–Jacob method allows the analyst to ascertain the uncertainty that is inherent in the estimated parameters obtained using the simplified Cooper–Jacob method and data that are uncertain due to lack of knowledge regarding the heterogeneity of the aquifer.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study was to research the answer to two important questions in flow modeling; i) how to optimally design the cross‐section of an open channel for a given flow, and ii) in the case of selecting the fuzzy method for modeling, how to construct the membership functions (MFs) and fuzzy rules (FRs) such that the system yields the best results. The first question is answered in order to minimize difficulties in excavation and related costs by using the appropriate flow velocity. To provide the best answer researchers use several methods. The second question is answered in order to minimize model error. For this aim, there are many algorithms proposed by researchers in the literature. In this paper, the fuzzy logic method was used for open canal flow modeling. Furthermore, a simple membership function and fuzzy rule generation technique (SMRGT) is introduced, and used for fuzzy modeling. Two fuzzy models, each for different cross‐sectional shape, are presented in this study as an application of SMRGT. The comparison depends on various statistics, mean absolute relative error, and contour maps showed that the fuzzy models were successful in open channel flow modeling and SMRGT is useful for MF (membership function) and FR (fuzzy rule) generation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the uplift of Tibetan plateau started in response to the collision of Indian plate and Eurasian plate. During this process, the crust of Tibetan plateau has been greatly thickened which leads to significant elevations. The elevation gradient is extremely large at the east boundary of Tibetan plateau where Longmenshan fault exists, dropping from 4500 to 500 m within a distance of100 km, while it is more gentle at the south and north sides of Sichuan basin. Such a difference of elevation gradient has been explained with a crustal channel flow model. However, previous crustal flow models consider the thickness of the lower crust as a constant which is highly simplified. Therefore, it is essential to build a more realistic crustal flow model, in which the thickness of the lower crust is variable and dependent on the inflow velocity of crustal materials. Here we build up both analytical and numerical models to study the mechanism and process of the uplift of Tibetan plateau at the eastern boundary.The results of the analytical model show that if the thickness of the lower crust can vary during the uplift process, the lower crustal viscosity of the Sichuan basin needs to be 1022 Pas to fit the observed elevation gradient. Such a viscosity is one-order magnitude larger than the previous results. Numerical model results further show that the state of stresses at the plateau boundary changes during uplift processes. Such a stress state change may cause the formation of different fault types in the Longmenshan fault area during its uplift history.  相似文献   



The water balance dynamics and runoff components of a tropical forested catchment (46?km2) on the southwestern Pacific coast of Nicaragua were studied combining hydrometry, geological characterization and hydrochemical and isotopic tracers (three-component hydrograph separation). The climatic water balance was estimated for 2010/11, 2011/12 and 2012/13 with net values of 811?mm year-1, 782?mm year-1 and –447?mm year-1, respectively. Runoff components were studied at different spatial and temporal scales, demonstrating that different sources and temporal contributions are controlled by dominant landscape elements and antecedent rainfall. In forested sub-catchments, permeable soils, stratigraphy and steep slopes favour subsurface stormflow generation contributing 50% and 53% to total discharge. At catchment scale, landscape elements such as smooth slopes, wide valleys, deeper soils and water table allow groundwater recharge during rainfall events. Groundwater dominates the hydrograph (50% of total discharge) under dry prior conditions. However, low soil infiltration capacity generates a larger surface runoff component (42%) under wet prior conditions which dominates total discharge. Our results show that forested areas are important to reduce surface runoff and thus soil degradation, which is relevant for the design of water management plans.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis Associate editor D. Gerten  相似文献   

太行山是我国最大地壳厚度转变带之一. 本文从地壳厚度转变带动力学不稳定性出发,应用地壳黏-弹性、幂律流体本构关系开展了二维有限元模拟. 结果表明,由于山西高原重力荷载,太行山地壳厚度转变带将发生下地壳黏性流变,下地壳流变将导致盆地区中、下地壳动力学性质脱耦,形成中、下地壳间近水平剪切. 这一剪切是诱发上地壳有效水平挤压应力在地壳厚度转变带不断减小、在盆地内不断增大的主要原因. 经8.6 Ma后,在3 km高原重力作用下,盆地区上地壳可形成约30 MPa近水平挤压. 华北东部盆地北西西-南东东的挤压主要受太行山地壳厚度转变带下地壳流变所造成的动力学制约,与区域板块作用导致的远程应力场可能无直接联系.  相似文献   

This study aims to develop an improved time series model to overcome difficulties in modeling monthly short term stream flows. The periodic, serial dependent and independent components of the classical time series models are improved separately by information transfer from a surrounding long term gauging station to the considered flow section having short term records. Eventually, an improved model preserving the mathematical model structure of the classical time series model, while improving general and monthly statistics of the monthly stream flows, is derived by using the improved components instead of the short term model components in the time series modeling. The correlative relationships between the current short term and surrounding long term stations are used to improve periodic and serial dependent behaviors of monthly flows. Independent components (residuals) are improved via the parameters defining their theoretical probability distribution. The improved model approach is tested by using 50 year records of Göksu-Himmetli (1801) and Göksu-Gökdere (1805) flow monitoring stations located on the Ceyhan river basin, in south of Turkey. After 50 year records of the station 1801 are separated into five 10 year sub series, their improved and classical time series models are computed and compared with the real long-term (50 year) time series model of this station to reveal efficiencies of the improved models for each subseries (sub terms with 10 year observation). The comparisons are realized based on the model components, model estimates and general/monthly statistics of model estimates. Finally, some evaluations are made on the results compared to the regression method classically applied in the literature.  相似文献   

Consideration of environmental flows in river basin management poses great challenges. Environmental flows are interpreted as the natural or regulated releases of water needed in a river to maintain specified valued features of the river ecosystems. This has never been considered explicitly in water resources management of a river basin. An attempt is, therefore, made here to reflect the perception and implications of environmental flows in water resources management. Assessment approaches are reviewed in the context of flow characteristics of a river system and recommendations are put forward on what is to be done to adopt this new concept in practice.  相似文献   

模糊逻辑理论在矿区勘探与解释中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了模糊逻辑理论及其在矿区勘探与解释中的应用,并给出了相应的计算公式及应用模糊逻辑理论预测某金矿远景区的计算实例。  相似文献   

Finite element modeling on a highly conceptualized 2-D model of fluid flow and heat transport is un-dertaken to simulate the paleo-hydrological system as if the Mount Isa deposits were being formed in the Mount Isa basin, Northern Australia, and to evaluate the potential of buoyancy force in driving ba-sin-scale fluid flow for the formation of sedimentary-exhalative (SEDEX) deposits. Our numerical case studies indicate that buoyancy-driven fluid flow is controlled mainly by the fault penetration depth and i...  相似文献   

Management of open-channel flow systems requires accurate models of flow transfer. This article presents a simple nonlinear model representative of the flow transfer in a river reach. The model is obtained through linearization of a physical model, simplification using the cumulant matching method and analytic identification of a nonlinear model coinciding with the linear model around equilibrium points, corresponding to the hydraulic permanent regimes. The methodology is illustrated on the diffusive wave equation and the Saint-Venant equations. The obtained nonlinear models are compared in simulation to the initial models. The nonlinear model is shown to ensure mass conservation, despite the variable delay element of the model. The proposed model can reproduce the nonlinear behavior of the time-delay with discharge variations. It is well-suited for fast simulations, flow forecasting, and for controller design.  相似文献   

复杂沉积盆地场地对地震动有显著的放大作用,而沉积环境对沉积盆地有重要的影响.简单回顾了目前研究典型场地效应——盆地效应的方法,着重介绍了近年来应用比较广泛的有限差分法、有限元法和多次透射人工边界条件;对三维数值模拟方法研究盆地效应的盆地建模方法和模拟结果进行了回顾和总结;并介绍了以沉积环境为基础的盆地充填过程的数值模拟方法,以及沉积环境对沉积物物理参数影响方面的研究.对今后的研究工作提出了通过缩减3D模型,提高模拟精度;以及在场地效应建模中考虑沉积环境影响等研究思路.  相似文献   

裂谷盆地的构造-热演化模拟是在岩石圈尺度计算裂谷盆地形成演化过程中的热历史和沉降史.拉张模型实现了构造和热的完美结合,在描述裂谷盆地沉降和热流演化方面取得了很大的成功.本文使用二维运动学模型,通过有限元方法,在拉格朗日坐标系下进行拉张背景下的构造热演化模拟,探讨了拉张模型中初始地壳、岩石圈厚度、软流圈对流、模型上边界对构造热演化的影响,以及载水和载沉积物两种情况下盆地侧翼抬升的差异.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel intelligent fuzzy weighted input estimation method which effiviently and robustly estimates the unknown ground motion accelerations. The new input estimation method includes the Kalman Filter (KF) and the recursive least square estimator (RLSE), which is weighted by the fuzzy weighting factor proposed based on the fuzzy logic inference system. By directly synthesizing the Kalman filter with the estimator, this work presents an efficient robust forgetting zone, which is capable of providing a reasonable compromise between the tracking capability and the flexibility against noises. The excellent performace of this inverse method is demonstrated by solving the earthquake-excitation estimation problem, and the proposed algorithm is compared by alternating between the constant and adaptive weighting factors. The results reveal that this method has the properties of better target tracking capability and more effective noise reduction.  相似文献   

A relationship between discharge, flow velocity and flow area in rills is established using data from four field and laboratory studies. The proposed relationship is shown to predict successfully flow velocities measured in six other studies. Although slopes range from 0.035 to 0.45 and soil materials range from stony sands over silt loams to vertisols, mean flow velocity can be well predicted from discharge alone. Thus, there is no important influence of slope and/or soil material characteristics on flow velocities in rills. The proposed relationship may be used to improve performance of deterministic flow routing models when applied to rilled catchments. Furthermore, it allows the calculation of unit stream power, which has been shown to be related to the transporting capacity of overland flow, in terms of slope and discharge.  相似文献   


日本海弧后系统几乎保留了完整的大陆-海洋弧后系统, 这为研究完整的大陆-海洋弧后系统提供了一个难得的机会.本文基于拉张模型, 对日本海盆地的5条OBS(ocean bottom seismographs)剖面进行构造-热演化模拟研究, 揭示盆地不同地区拉张强度及热演化的时空差异性.研究结果表明: 日本海弧后扩张时期总的拉张系数介于1.71~3.59, 其中北部的日本盆地拉张系数较大, 而东南部的大和盆地拉张系数相对较小.盆地基底热流只经历过一次热流高峰, 且达到峰值的时期有所不同.盆地东南部达到热流峰值(101~118 mW·m-2)时期较早(约18.2~17.6Ma), 盆地北部达到热流峰值(123~137 mW·m-2)的时期较晚(约13.8~12.5Ma).日本海弧后扩张可能是由于俯冲板块脱水导致其上覆岩石圈处于湿而热的状态, 使其强度明显弱于周围岩石圈进而促使弧后扩张的开始.太平洋板块与菲律宾海板块两者共同作用可能是造成日本海晚渐新世以来南北演化差异的动力学机制.


综合地球物理解释与盆地模拟系统研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以板块大地构造理论为指导,将沉积盆地看作一个地球动力学系统,建立综合地球物理解释与动态模拟工作站.应用重磁、电法及地震与测井资料对盆地进行整体性综合研究,探讨其形成演化历史,并根据不同勘探阶段提供的地质、地球物理和地球化学资料,对盆地的沉降史、热史、生烃史和运聚史进行动态模拟.用此系统研究了东海陆架盆地的地球物理场特征,对其沉降史、热史进行了模拟;探讨了东海盆地油气远景.  相似文献   

以板块大地构造理论为指导,将沉积盆地看作一个地球动力学系统,建立综合地球物理解释与动态模拟工作站.应用重磁、电法及地震与测井资料对盆地进行整体性综合研究,探讨其形成演化历史,并根据不同勘探阶段提供的地质、地球物理和地球化学资料,对盆地的沉降史、热史、生烃史和运聚史进行动态模拟.用此系统研究了东海陆架盆地的地球物理场特征,对其沉降史、热史进行了模拟;探讨了东海盆地油气远景.  相似文献   

Utilizing the rainfall intensity, and slope data, a fuzzy logic algorithm was developed to estimate sediment loads from bare soil surfaces. Considering slope and rainfall as input variables, the variables were fuzzified into fuzzy subsets. The fuzzy subsets of the variables were considered to have triangular membership functions. The relations among rainfall intensity, slope, and sediment transport were represented by a set of fuzzy rules. The fuzzy rules relating input variables to the output variable of sediment discharge were laid out in the IF-THEN format. The commonly used weighted average method was employed for the defuzzification procedure.The sediment load predicted by the fuzzy model was in satisfactory agreement with the measured sediment load data. Predicting the mean sediment loads from experimental runs, the performance of the fuzzy model was compared with that of the artificial neural networks (ANNs) and the physics-based models. The results of showed revealed that the fuzzy model performed better under very high rainfall intensities over different slopes and over very steep slopes under different rainfall intensities. This is closely related to the selection of the shape and frequency of the fuzzy membership functions in the fuzzy model.  相似文献   

Withdrawal of water from a river into a canal involves the construction of a barrage or a dam across the river depending on whether the river is perennial or not. The design of the reservoir upstream of the dam and of the canal requires consideration of the sediment load carried by the river in case the river is sediment-laden. The basic equations concerning morphological changes in such rivers are discussed with particular reference to computation of reservoir sedimentation. The hydraulics of lined canals carrying wash load is examined from the point of view of limiting transport capacity and changes in frictional resistance. Lastly, the methods of design of sediment extraction devices like settling basins and vortex chambers are presented.  相似文献   

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