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MANDELBROT enunciated the uncertainty of the length of a coastline in his paper“How long is the coast-line of Britain?“ published in “Science“in 1967.The fractal concept was presented for the first time in that paper and has been applied to many fields ever since.According to the fractal theory and conditions of fractal research of coastline,the controls of faults and biologic function on the fractal character of coastline are preliminarily discussed on the basis of GIS in this paper.Finally,some significant conclusions are drawn:1)the faults control the basic trends of coastlines of two study areas;2)the fractal dimension of coastline of Taiwan is smaller than that of Changle-Lufent,because the faults of Taiwan more intensely control the trend and fractal dimension of the coastline;3)the larger the fractal dimension of the faults or the major faults ,the more the controlling effect of them on the trend and fractal dimension of coastline;4)the larger fractal dimension of the coastline of Changle-Lufeng indicates that the biologic function intensely shapes the coastline .In a word ,the controls of faults and biologic function on the fractal character of coastline are discussed with a case study of China in this paper,it can be seen that faults and biologic function both have influence over the trend and fractal dimension of coastline,the fractal mechanism of coastline of two study areas may be so.  相似文献   

Currently domestic researches on urban imago space concentrate in a few cities that lie in the advanced region, such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, etc., but in so far as those cities that lie in the northwest inland region, the research of this aspect is still few. In order to supplement a special example to the urban imago space theory and to validate former theory, this article studied the Lanzhou urban imago space. During the course of researching, authors adopted some investigating methods, such as visiting on the spot, photograph identification method and sketch man identification method etc. Using investigated data, this paper made an elementary research on urban imago space of Lanzhou, which is a typical valley city in the western China. The result of study indicated that the urban imago space of Lanzhou takes Xiguan Cross as its center (Lanzhou involves four districts of Chengguan, Qilihe, Arming and Xigu). In the process of recognition of urban imago space, the Huanghe (Yellow) River and mountains beside the city are the dominant factors and the main nodes of cognition. So the urban imago space of Lanzhou is quite different from that of plain cities. Interviewee did well in the spatial structure map, which was made up of mountainous land, river and main trunk roads, the group structure took profound impression on people.  相似文献   

Urban heat environmental quality(UHEQ) is affected by the interacting of weather condition and underlying surface framework of urban area .In the last two decades,many researchers from domestic and overseas have studied many problems at the aspect of urban heat environment such as urban heat islands ,urban air temperature and their rela-tion with urban land cover,city population,air pollution etc,In the recent years,Hangzhou,acting as a center city of Zhejiang Province in China,its urbanization quantum and quantity have both changed greatly,in particular ,representing as business affairs building,resident real property and all kins of specialty market having arisen in built-up zone,Based on Landsat TM images data in 1991 and 1999,urban underlying surface temperature value and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) were calculated using image interpreting and supervised classification technique by remote sensing software ERDAS image 8.4,The relation model between urban underlying surface temperature (UUST )and urban air temperature was setup according to the certain correlation patten .Reference to the relational standard of assessing human comfort and other meteorology data of Hangzhou City in summer,the spatial distribution characteristic and the spatial varia-tion degree of human comfort of heat environmental quality are estimated and mapped on a middle scale,that is ,in six districts of Hangzhou City .Then the paper reveals the main characteristic of spatial variation from 1991 to 1999.Lastly,the change mechanism is analyzed and discussed from the viewpoint of city planning,construction and environmental protec-tion.  相似文献   

I.INT~IOWFOralOngthe,thesyStemofPermanentresidencempistrationhasdividedChineseampleintOthO8ewith"tirbanresidence"andthOSehaving"rUralresidence".TherationingsyStem,underwhichedibleoilandgrainwasdistributedonlytOthOSewith"urbanresidence"Calds,hasbeendondnant.Bothsystems,beingcentraltorestrictingthegrowthofurbanpopulation,havestagnatedrUral-tirbaningration.Duringthe30yearsbefore1978,thestatedidsPOnsorpopulationmovementsfromrUraltourbanareasbymeansofenrollingnewworkers,butingeneral,thiss…  相似文献   

In the forming of the Dynamic System of Tourism Development(DSTD)in developed regions from the view of supply side,the Dhlphi Method and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) are used to count the weight of each component of the DSTD.It has been found that the attraction subsystem is the most important one of the three subsystems at the first hierarchical level of DSTD,which means that tourist attractions are always the principal factors for regional tourism development,even in developed regions.But it is also noteworthy that the significance of the attraction subsystem is not dominant in the DSTD.At the second hierarchical level,the physical attraction subsystem rand No.1,while the weight of the non-physical attraction subsystem is just a little larger than the weight of the hardware subsystem and that of software subsystem.And the weights of the three components in the medium subsystem are similar.The top 3 factors at the third hierarchical level are scenic spot,location and regional economic impact.The result verifies the conclusions of qualitative analysis,which depends on the market research and the study of historical date,that the most important compo-nent of the DSTD in Foshan is the impact of the developed economy.Knowing the weight of each component of the DSTD can be helpful to make out the most useful force,furthermore to determine the future orientation for regional tourism develop-ment.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONRegional impact of tourism has been a basic content oftourism geographical research (BAO and CHU, 1999).A large number of studies have shown that the develop-ment of tourism industry based on service has profoundpositiveandnegative impacts on…  相似文献   

Based on the questionnaire investigation, the authors make a comparative study on local residents‘ perception of tourism impacts in Xidi, Zhouzhuang and Jiuhua Mountain. The result shows that residents of the three places tend to have strong and consistent perception of its positive economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts, but distinctly diverse ones of its negative impacts. Residents in Xidi and Zhouzhuang also have noticeable perception of its negative environmental impacts while those in Jiuhua Mountain have weaker perception of them.The research confirms the fact that residents are more liable to have positive perceptions at the early stage of the life cycle of the tourist places. The authors conclude that there exists a nonlinear relationship between residents‘ perception and tourism development stages, and that tourism socio-cultural impact may appear at an early stage of tourism development instead of being no universal.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the seasonal changes of the tidal flat along the north bank of Hangzhou Bay. Analysis of a one year set of weekly measured tidal flat profiles from Jinhuigang to Caojing shows that the tidal flat on the north bank of Hangzhou Bay accretes during winter and erodes during summer. To identify the characteristic patterns of the tidal flat spatio-temporal variations, Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) is applied on the tidal flat profile data. The results show that most of the variations of the tidal flat profiles can be represented by three eigenfunctions corresponding to the three largest eigenvalues. The first eigenfunction represents the long-term variation of the tidal flat over a year, the second eigenfunction represents the seasonal changes of the tidal flat resulting from the seasonal variations in wave regime, the third eigenfunction indicates sediment exchanges between different parts of the tidal flat associated with the variations of sea level.  相似文献   


With huge area, favorable light, heat and water conditions, rich biological diversity, and a unique ecological system of submarine sand ridges, Jiangsu tidal flat has great significance to its economic development. Based on the geomorphological characteristics, Jiangsu tidal flat is dynamically divided into stable, erosional and accumulative types. In light of resources distribution, evolution rules of Jiangsu tidal flat, existing problems in coastal management, exploitation and utilization, the sustainable development theory is applied to guide the comprehensive exploitation and utilization of tidal flat. Taking different regions with different local conditions in consideration, and in order to make economic development coordinate with local resources and environments, four regional sustainable development models, i.e. (A) Abandoned Huanghe (Yellow) River delta section for salt and aquatic products industries, (B) Sheyang section for reed, aquaculture and rare animal protection, (C) Dafeng and Dongtai section for agricultural comprehensive exploitation, (D) Nantong section for aquaculture and agriculture, are suggested. Meanwhile, the paper takes the guiding ideology of sustainable development to be reflected in modern integrated coastal management and legislation. Supported by Natural Sciences Foundation of Fujian (D 97006) and State Pilot Laboratory of Coast & Island Exploitation, Nanjing University.  相似文献   

Equilibrium coastal profiles: II. Evidence from EOF analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The validity of the concept of coastal equilibrium depends upon a proof of the existence of equilibrium. In addition, the methods of calculating the actual equilibrium profile and the response time are required. This study evaluates equilibrium conditions using evidence from EOF (empirical orthogonal function) analysis of the coastal profile data (bed slopes and associated elevations) obtained from Poole and Christchurch Bays, southern England. The preliminary results show that the largest eigenvalue is much greater than the other eigenvalues and the temporally-related eigenfunction is stationary; this observation implies the existence of equilibrium. Further, the spatially-related eigenfunction associated with the largest eigenvalue is used to calculate the actual beach profile at equilibrium. Although the temporal eigenfunction may fluctuate, it recovers rapidly, indicating that the response time is short. However, further studies are required to determine the response time accurately. Contribution No 3335 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Acodemy of Sciences. Project supported by the SCOPAC (UK) and the CAS (through the “Hundred Talent Programme”, No. A10970203)  相似文献   

As a very important component of a coastal system,tidal flats come to be a focus of the studies on land-ocean interaction in the coastal zone because those areas are subjected to intense human activities and are highly sensitive to the global change.The Quanzhou Bay,located along the middle part of Fujian coast of China,covers about 136.4km2,and the area of coastal wetland in the entire bay from intertidal to subtidal with 6m of water depth accounts for 96% of the total area.Seven short cores were collected and divided in situ with the interval of 5cm on the coastal wetlands of Quanzhou Bay on April 19,2006.The sediment samples were scattered and the grain sizes were measured by using Mastersizer 2000.Human beings' activities on tidal flat have disturbed the vertical distribution of sediments in stratigraphic sequence and accelerated the sedimentation rates.Grain size analysis results show that the grain size diameters increase and sediment becomes worse sorted towards the sea under the strong human disturbance;Spartina alterniflora can play a role of trapping the fine sediment;but near the bank,the sediment becomes coarse and there are two peak values on frequency curve influenced by the sandpile.The trough formed by human activities along the coastline changes the transport path of water and suspended sediment.The sediments are transported through the trough and deposit in it during the flood;the ebb flow is retarded by the flow output through the adjacent trough,and the deposited sediment can not be re-suspended;then,the sedimentation rate increases.In situ observation show that the sedimentation rate is about 8-10cm/yr.  相似文献   

It is well known that acid-volatile sulfide (AVS) plays an important role in influencing the toxicity of divalent cationic metals within anoxic sediments. In studying sediment core samples collected from tidal flats within the Jiaozhou Bay, China, we found that the AVS concentration gradually increases with depth and decreases from high tidal flat to low tidal flat areas. We evaluated the chemical activity and bioavailability of heavy metals in the tidal flat based on the molar ratio of simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) and AVS. The value of SEM/AVS is generally less than 1 in this area except for the surface layer, which suggests that the heavy metals only have chemical activity in the surface layer. SEM is most highly concentrated at the boundary of the redox layer SEM have similar depth distributions throughout the tidal flat. The aeration of low tidal flat sediment indicates that SEM gradually move to deeper sites via interstitial water.  相似文献   

Based on surveyed data from seven coastal sections and the collected data of wind, sea level, tide, nearshore suspended sediment concentration and river flux from adjacent stations, this paper deals with regressive correlation between monthly average flat elevation and monthly average figures of the influential factors. All sections except one which is located within the river mouth showed negative correlation between flat elevation and sea level and between flat elevation and tidal range, with correlation coefficients being −0.53 – −0.91 (−0.77 on the average) in the former condition and −0.56 – −0.97 (−0.80 on the average) under the latter. Each of the sections with available suspended sediment concentration (SSC) data shows a positive correlation between flat elevation and SSC, with correlative coefficients being 0.35 – 0.97 (0.66 on the average). Only two sections (one in the Changjiang River Estuary and the other in the Hangzhou Bay) which are similar to beaches in sediment grain-size and slope gradient showed a negative correlation between flat elevation and onshore wind frequency and between flat elevation and average wind velocity, with correlative coefficients being respectively −0.57 and −0.69 (−0.63 on the average) in the former situation and −0.61 and −0.75 (−0.68 on the average) in the latter. Other sections did not show uniform relationship between flat elevation and wind conditions. Due to local marine factors the nearshore SSC in the studied area is negatively correlated with the Changjiang River sediment flux (r=−0.78), which results in false negative correlation between flat elevation and river sediment flux. The paper also gives sediment dynamic and morphodynamic explanation for the above correlations. Sea level rise results in the spread of breaker zone from subtidal area to intertidal area and then increases the intertidal water energy. The larger the tidal range, the stronger the tide currents and the easier for the flat to be eroded. The higher the SSC of flood water, the easier for the sediment to deposit down. Because of correlations among the influential factors, it is difficult to give the prime one which dominates the erosion and accretion processes in tidal flats.  相似文献   


The standing stock and primary production of benthic microalgae on tidal flats were measured seasonally at 3 transects (Puqing, Dahengchuang and Puqi) in Yueqing Bay during 2002 2003. The results showed that the integral chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration in tidal flat mud exhibited a seasonal variation with the order of magnitude: winter (14.0 4.2 mg m-2) > spring (13.0 6.3 mg m-2) > autumn (7.7 5.9 mg m-2) > summer (4.6 3.2 mg m-2). The primary production showed an order of magnitude: spring (270.5 224.9 mgC m-2 d-1)>winter (238.7 225.5 mgC m-2 d-1)>autumn (214.1 56.2 mgC m-2 d-1)>summer (71.6 44.6 mgC m-2 d-1). Both chlorophyll a and primary production showed maximum values in the surface layer of sediment, and decreased rapidly with increasing depth due to sun light limitation. The results of variance analysis indicated that seasonal variation and tidal flat condition affected Chl a greatly, but had no significant effect on primary production. The annual primary production of benthic microalgae on tidal flats in Yueqing Bay was estimated at 16143 tons carbon, which is sufficient to support 1.02×105 tons shellfish production. The environmental factors affecting chlorophyll and primary production on the tidal flats in Yueqing Bay were discussed. By comparing with other bays on China’s coast, it was observed that Yueqing Bay is a region with high benthic microalgae standing crop and primary production, which may be related to the type of its sediment.  相似文献   

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