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Allelic variation in a total of 7 microsatellites was examined between elvers of freshwater eels (Anguillajaponica and Anguilla anguilla). The number of alleles at these loci ranged from 8 to 26. A single test of each locus revealed significant deficits of heterozygotes (P〈0.01). Significant departure from expectations of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) was found for all loci within four subpopulations of A. japonica, which opposes the panmixia hypothesis of Schmidt. Also exact tests of population differentiation based on allelic frequency distribution disagree the hypothesis of random distribution of individuals among populations. Population structure among four populations of A. japonica was revealed with FST value of 0.009 8 (P=-0.000 48; 10 000 iteration). Pairwise matrixes of FST and RST showed a significant difference between two distantly related species-A, japonica and A. anguilla. Divergent time of the two species calculated by Goldstein method is over 2 million years. The results may challenge the Schmidt's theory about the distribution of freshwater eels.  相似文献   

在饲料中分别添加3.0×108kg-1(A组)、1.5×108kg-1(B组)、1.0×108kg-1(C组)的嗜酸小球菌,制成3种实验饲料,以不添加嗜酸小球菌(D组)作为对照,饲养日本鳗鲡60d,以研究嗜酸小球菌对日本鳗鲡生长和免疫的影响。测定了增重率、饵料系数、成活率、血清中一氧化氮含量以及人工感染后的死亡率,并通过电镜观察了小肠壁细胞的微绒毛结构。结果表明A、B、C组和对照组的相对增重率分别为42.31%、75.42%、89.65%和40.32%,饲料系数分别为1.93、1.12、0.98和1.58,C组的相对增重率显著高于其他组,饵料系数则显著低于其他组,成活率也显著提高。电镜观察发现C组和B组的鳗鲡小肠细胞微绒毛排列整齐、细而长,吸收面积增大,从而提高了对饲料利用率,D组鳗鲡小肠细胞的微绒毛稀疏、短,排列不均匀。血清中NO的含量A、B、C组分别比对照组提高了23%、42%和73%。C组人工感染后的死亡率显著低于其他组。实验结果表明,在鳗鲡饲料中添加嗜酸小球菌可以显著促进鳗鲡的生长,降低饵料系数,增强其免疫力。  相似文献   

日本鳗鲡是一种具有较高营养价值和经济价值的鱼类 ,其人工繁殖问题还未解决并已成为世界性难题。近代有关鳗鲡繁殖的研究自丹麦学者 Schmidt从 1 90 4年对欧洲鳗鲡的产卵场进行调查开始 ,至今已进行了近一个世纪。虽然获得了许多结果 ,但仍未取得突破性进展 ,鳗鲡生活史还有许多未解之迷 ,研究鳗鲡繁殖生物学的意义不仅在于揭示它的生殖习性 ,填补其生活史的空白 ,也在于尽快摆脱单纯依赖天然苗的现状 ,保护鳗鲡资源 ,并作为其它鱼类人工繁殖的借鉴。1 鳗鲡生活史及产卵场的研究1 .1 鳗鲡的生活史鳗鲡在分类上属硬骨鱼纲 ( Osteichthyes…  相似文献   

Restriction site amplified polymorphism (RSAP) was used, for the first time, to analyze the genetic structure and diversity of four, mainly cultivated, varieties of the brown alga, Saccharina japonica. Eighty-eight samples from varieties "Rongfu", "Fujian", "Ailunwan" and "Shengchanzhong" were used for the genetic analyses. One hundred and ninety-eight bands were obtained using eight combinations of primers. One hundred and ninety-one (96.46%) were polymorphic bands. Nei’s genetic diversity was 0.360, and the coefficient of genetic differentiation was 0.357. No inbreeding-type recession was found in the four brown alga varieties and the results of the "Ailunwan" variety using samples from 2 years showed that the variety was becoming less diverse during the selection inherent in the breeding program. Genetic diversity and cluster analyses results were consistent with these genetic relationships. The results show the RSAP method is suitable for genetic analysis. Continuous inbreeding and selection could reduce the genetic diversity effectively; therefore periodical supervision is required.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and differentiation of the oyster Crassostrea plicatula populations from China’s coast were studied based on seven microsatellite loci. All loci showed high polymorphism for all five C. plicatula populations, with an average number of allele per locus of 19.3–27.9 and an average expected heterozygosity of 0.889–0.952. Significant departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and deficits of heterozygotes were observed over most populations at each locus, which were fully explained by null alleles. Microsatellite analysis revealed significant subdivision in the C. plicatula populations. According to the neighbor-joining tree constructed on the basis of the D A distance, the five populations fell into three regional groups, showing a relatively homogeneous genetic structure in geographically close populations. Assignation tests correctly assigned high percentages of individuals to their original populations and groups, and also confirmed the existence of genetic differentiation among C. plicatula populations. The results obtained in this study will facilitate the formulation of appropriate fisheries management programs, stock identification and conservation of biodiversity for the species.  相似文献   

During late February to mid-March, 1991, when mature N. japonica swarmed in the sea surface off Jimo County, Qingdao, seawater containing numerous early embryos was pumped into a nearby 2.7 ha. muddy-sand shrimp pond, where the embryos continued to develop. 800000 Penaeus chinensis seedlings were introduced into the pond on May 30, 1991. Monthly benthic samplings were carried out to determine the population dynamics and production of N. japonica in this atypical environ -ment.The density of N. japonica varied from 0 to 20400 ind./m2. The predation of P. chinensis was considered to be responsible for the mass mortality of N. japonica in June through July, when the worms were 2.2-3.3cm in length and lived in the top 2-4cm sediment. From August to September of 1991, the hottest period in the site, there was no substantial mortality of N. japonica as reported in earlier literature. This was explained by the deeper burrowing of the' worms that protected them from predation by shrimps.Monthly biomass ranged f  相似文献   

The retinal structure and visual acuity in Japanese flounderParalichthys olivaceus at different stages of development were examined by light microscopy. The resolving power of the retina, the visual axis and the best visual field were estimated based on the distribution of cone cells in the retina. The visual system of the larvae appears poorly developed at hatching. The larvae with total length (TL) of less than 10 mm, have single cones only and the eyes were well pigmented. At 10–11 mm TL, most single cones fused to form double cones, with the single and double cones forming a mosaic pattern. From larvae to early juvenile the retina stretches, the cones increase in diameter and rods increase in number. Based on the highest density of the cones in the ventro-temporal region, the visual axis was orientated upforward. The resolving power of the retina in 40–530 mm TL Japanese flounder was found to range from 25.1 to 11.5 min. The results indicated continual improvements in the visual system of the growing fish towards higher resolving power, visual acuity and sensitivity. Project 39970578 supported by the NSFC, and also supported by the Ministry of Education Foundation for University Key Teachers.  相似文献   

Saccharina japonica is a common macroalga in sublittoral communities of cold seawater environments,and consequently may have highly effi cient ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase(Rubisco)activity for carbon assimilation.In our study,we cloned the full-length Rubisco gene from S.japonica(SJ-rbc).It contained an open reading frame for a large subunit gene(SJ-rbcL)of 1 467 bp,a small subunit gene(SJ-rbcS)of 420 bp,and a SJ-rbcL /S intergenic spacer of 269 bp.The deduced peptides of SJ-rbcL and SJ-rbcS were 488 and 139 amino acids with theoretical molecular weights and isoelectric points of 53.97 kDa,5.81 and 15.84 kDa,4.71,respectively.After induction with 1 mmol/L isopropyl-β-Dthiogalactopyranoside for 5 h and purifi cation by Ni 2+ affi nity chromatography,electrophoresis and western blot detection demonstrated successful expression of the 55 kDa SJ-rbcL protein.Real-time quantitative PCR showed that the mRNA levels of SJ-rbcL in gametophytes increased when transferred into normal growth conditions and exhibited diurnal variations: increased expression during the day but suppressed expression at night.This observation implied that Rubisco played a role in normal gametophytic growth and development.In juvenile sporophytes,mRNA levels of SJ-rbcL,carbonic anhydrase,Calvin-BensonBassham cycle-related enzyme,and chloroplast light-harvesting protein were remarkably increased under continuous light irradiance.Similarly,expression of these genes was up-regulated under blue light irradiance at 350 μmol/(m 2·s).Our results indicate that long-term white light and short-term blue light irradiance enhances juvenile sporophytic growth by synergistic effects of various photosynthetic elements.  相似文献   

The genetic variation and differentiation of the razor clam Sinonovacula constricts distributed along the coast of China were studied through amplified fragment length polymorphism(AFLP)analysis. Six primer combinations generated 193 fragments. The He values varied from 0. 322 to 0. 463 and the percentage of polymorphic loci ranged from 74. 1% to 98. 4%, which indicates a high level of genetic diversity. Cluster analysis by Nei's pairwise distance grouped all specimens by geographical origins. AMOVA consistently showed that genetic variation among populations was 8. 71%, and most of the variation came from the genetic variation within populations(91.29%). Genetic differentiation among the six populations was moderate; pairwise FST ranged from 0. 0282 to0. 1480, which indicated that S. Constricts populations along the coast of China are genetically connected. Among all the six populations, the Beihai population is the mostly differentiated from the others, suggesting that Hainan Island and Leizhou Peninsula act as barriers to gene flow. All populations abide isolation by distance model as indicated by Mantel test, except for ZS(Zhoushan)and YQ(Yueqing)populations. Information obtained in this study will provide guidelines for conservation and fishery management of this species in the future.  相似文献   

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