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大香格里拉旅游业发展竞合关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滇川藏三省区的相关地州市围绕"香格里拉"的归属、核心、主导等议题之争近20年,《中国香格里拉生态旅游区总体规划(2007—2020)》的出台和实施也已经过去了5年,携手合作、共同发展成为各方的共识。简要回顾大香格里拉生态旅游区的竞争状况,剖析内耗式竞争的弊端,论证区域合作是促进大香格里拉旅游业可持续发展的必由之路,提出具有现实性和可操作性的合作途径,为推动"香格里拉"成为世界级的精品旅游胜地提供理论依据和实践参考。  相似文献   

根据86份文献分析了深圳自然与文化遗产的研究进展。自然遗产和混合遗产的研究集中在遗产地规划、遗产资源调查与评价、遗产资源保护与利用、遗产地游客行为4方面,文化遗产的研究集中在遗产资源的基础性研究、遗产保护与利用研究、遗产资源的综述性研究3方面。深圳遗产研究的时空演变特征总体呈现从简单片面到全面深入,且与城市发展历程和需要紧密结合,未来应侧重从深度、方法、对象和学科视角方面进行完善。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(5):609-640
This article examines how neighborhood racial diversity shaped segregation in Chicago from 1980 to 2000, utilizing data from the 1980, 1990, and 2000 United States censuses. Three questions framed this research project. First, how racially diverse were Chicago neighborhoods? Second, which neighborhood factors were associated with racial diversity? And third, how has the change in neighborhood racial diversity changed patterns of segregation in Chicago? The Theil entropy score and the Theil H index were used to create racial diversity scores for each census tract and global segregation scores, respectively. Evidence is presented that supports the thesis that racial diversity in census tracts increased, which fostered a decline in overall segregation. However, new patterns of segregation are emerging between the Latino and black populations that are creating new spatial divisions within the city and suburbs.  相似文献   

The Kimberley coast in Australia's far north-west is the traditional country and home of a number of Indigenous groups and hosts some of the country's richest cultural heritage, most spectacular rock art, scenery and wildlife, making it an attractive tourism destination. A growing expedition cruise industry provides the main means of visitor access to remote coastal sites and offers excursions to shore-based attractions in what are mostly Aboriginal Reserve lands. In light of concerns about environmental and cultural site impacts resulting from increasing visitor numbers, this study examined biophysical site impacts along access trails to shore-based attractions and used qualitative methods to ascertain cultural impacts. The synthesis of the findings highlights that cultural concerns arising from visitor access without having sought traditional owner consent for such access, combined with a lack of traditional owner involvement in the planning, management or running of visitor activities, overshadow currently low environmental impacts of onshore expedition cruise activities. To overcome the continuing impasse regarding the issue of unsanctioned visitor access, the Kimberley urgently needs a coordinated approach by key stakeholders and the traditional owners which recognises and acknowledges the historical context. Such a process would facilitate tourism activities to become culturally sustainable.  相似文献   

极端干旱区天然植被耗水规律试验研究   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
采用自动控制仪器对极端干旱地区不同植被的单株和群落的蒸散发进行了长期的试验研究。结果表明:胡杨在生长期内单位叶面积上月蒸腾量8月最大,10月最小,蒸腾量呈单峰型,在4—5月树干单位面积液流通量为0.13~0.15 L·cm-2·d-1,6月为0.294 L·cm-2·d-1。在晴朗无云的条件下,柽柳灌丛蒸散速率变化呈单峰型,在生长季节日蒸腾量为63.48 L,平均日蒸腾量为0.349 L。梭梭日蒸腾量与土壤含水量有密切的关系,在生长期总蒸腾量为344.66 L。骆驼刺、苦豆子和胖姑娘蒸腾量月变化具有共性,各月和年蒸腾量的总量骆驼刺最大,苦豆子居中,胖姑娘最小。最后推算额济纳三角洲全年植物蒸散发总量为2.43亿m3。该定量数据的测定为确定区域层面上的需水量和区域生态需水计算奠定基础。  相似文献   

黄土高原丘陵沟壑区植被恢复重建后的物种多样性研究   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
黄土高原丘陵沟壑区是我国物种多样性研究相对较薄弱的地区。目前关于该区植被恢复重建后的物种多样性研究尚未见报道。研究该区植被恢复重建后的物种多样性对退化生态系统的植被恢复重建具有重要的指导意义。本文选取6个物种多样性指数对纸坊沟流域主要的天然及人工群落物种多样性进行了研究,研究发现:天然灌木林物种多样性最高,均匀度最大,人工乔木林和天然草本的物种多样性及均匀度接近,人工灌木林的多样性和均匀度最小。人工林纯林(包括纯乔木林、纯灌木林及单一乔灌混交林)具有很强的抵抗其它乔灌物种入侵和定居的能力,对林下草本也有很强的控制能力。因此,要建造一个具有较高物种多样性的群落,在建造初期就要选择多物种混交,并注意初值密度。  相似文献   

Focus groups conducted in two urban areas in New Zealand explored perceptions of natural hazards and disaster preparedness. The groups were structured by socio-economic status, gender, age, and cultural background. Participants were generally aware of likely major hazard events but few maintained emergency kits or had prepared emergency plans. People held an optimistic attitude, believing they could cope with disaster. Differences amongst the groups included the inability of lower socio-economic groups to afford emergency kits or insurance and evidence of strong supportive networking among Maori and Samoan groups.  相似文献   

运用产业结构相似系数,对环渤海地区五省份的文化产业结构进行静态和动态分析,明确环渤海地区文化产业结构是否趋同以及趋同的程度,在此基础上,进一步利用偏离-份额法对环渤海地区的产业结构趋同是否合意进行判定。结果表明:环渤海地区五省份存在不同程度的文化产业结构趋同,以全国为基准,河北的产业结构相似系数较低,北京最高,表明北京与全国的文化产业结构最为相似。从文化产业结构趋同合意性来看,山东的经济增长份额、结构偏离份额、竞争偏离份额均表现为正值,因此,山东的文化产业结构为合意性趋同,而北京、天津、辽宁、河北的文化产业结构为非合意性趋同。  相似文献   

田桂泉  王子文 《中国沙漠》2011,31(5):1181-1188
通过标本采集和群落调查,探明科尔沁沙地松树山地区有苔藓植物76种(包括变种和亚种),可归为苔类(9种)和藓类(67种)两个大的类群,隶属于21科、41属;可划分为7种区系地理成分,以北温带成分、世界广布种和东亚成分为主要区系成分, 分别有48种、12种和8种。石缝土层、岩面、树干小生境苔藓植物群落丰富,少数物种局限分布在一种小生境中,多数物种同时分布在两种以上小生境中。维管植物群落共有地面生苔藓植物39种,优势种有双色真藓(Bryum dichotomum)、土生对齿藓(Didymodon vinealis)、小疣冠苔(Mannia triandra)、西伯利亚疣冠苔(Mannia sibirica)、褶叶青藓(Brachythecium salebrosum)。随着水分条件改善,地面苔藓植物群落优势种构成发生有规律地变化,顶蒴藓类→顶蒴藓类+叶状体苔类→叶状体苔类+顶蒴藓类→侧蒴藓类+叶状体苔类+顶蒴藓类。认识群落随水分条件变化的特征对从更大尺度上认识苔藓植物结皮层形成和维持有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

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