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Archaeological sites, the material remnants of our human past, are finite and nonrenewable cultural resources that are under constant threat from environmental forces, development activities, warfare, vandalism, and looting. Site looting is the destructive removal of archaeological objects to supply the art market. Looting is part of an economic system, the antiquities market, that works to supply the demand of collectors for archaeological objects. The destruction of archaeological resources by looters is an international crisis and threatens to obliterate the world’s cultural heritage and our ability to understand past cultures. The scale and intensity of the looting problem can be estimated by studying the extent of site destruction in countries of origin and by investigating the sources of antiquities held by collectors. Finding a solution to the problem of looting will require a focus on the demand side of the market (i.e., collectors) instead of the traditional focus on the supply side (looters, dealers)  相似文献   

重庆市奉节天坑地缝岩溶景观特征及评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
天坑地缝风景名胜区位于重庆市奉节县南部,发育有小寨天坑、天井峡地缝式岩溶峡谷等独特的岩溶景观。多次中外联合探险和地质科学综合调查发现,它们发育在一个流域面积280km^2、落差1600m的岩溶水文地貌系统中,前者深662m,口径626m,容积11900万m^3;后者延续长度6162m,最大深度229m,最小宽度1m。与世界同类型岩溶景观对比分析,得出以下结论:小寨天坑是目前世界上形态典型、规模最大的天坑,天井峡地缝属较为罕见的地缝式岩溶峡谷。它们具有较高的美学观赏价值和科学研究价值,是一种珍贵的岩溶地质遗迹和景观旅游资源,具有稀缺性、典型性、系统性和不可再生性的自然遗产属性,具有进入世界自然遗产的自然条件。  相似文献   

The production and use of fossil fuels and nonrenewable electricity creates many forms of environmental degradation. To reduce degradation, this research suggests an energy strategy based on energy end‐use analysis and regional geography. Energy end‐use analysis and regional geography are used to match renewable energy resources with site‐specific, end‐use needs. Fieldwork conducted within Centre County, Pennsylvania, demonstrates that small‐scale solar, wind, and micro‐hydropower resources could displace a proportion of household electricity use. Such an approach meets energy end‐use needs, while conserving fossil fuels and reducing environmental degradation.  相似文献   

资源型城市生命周期模型研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在评述国内外资源型城市发展研究成果的基础上,指出资源型城市生命周期研究的意义。从资源型城市生命周期根源出发,阐述了在不可再生资源单一开发条件下建立起来的传统生命周期模型特征。通过拓展资源开发领域,将生命周期的研究范围由不可再生资源拓展到地域所有资源范畴,从而构建了资源综合开发条件下的新型生命周期模型,并与传统生命周期模型进行比较。最后,重点论述新型生命周期的阶段特征。  相似文献   

This article examines the Hotelling model of optimal nonrenewable resource extraction in light of empirical evidence that petroleum and minerals prices have been trendless despite resource scarcity. In particular, we examine how endogenous technology-induced shifts in the cost function would have evolved over time if they were to maintain a constant market price for nonrenewable resources. We calibrate our model using empirical data on world oil, and find that, depending on the estimate of the initial stock of reserve, oil reserves will likely be depleted some time between the years 2040 and 2075.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the linkages among energy and mineral resources and economic, social, and environmental sustainability. Nonrenewable resources are shown to be integral components of sustainability, regardless of which paradigmatic definition of the concept is invoked. Potential measures of the degree to which nonrenewable resources contribute to or detract from sustainability are presented. We conclude that a set of such measures should be incorporated in the comprehensive framework of sustainability currently being developed by the Federal government. National scale indicators could be presented within the structure of the seven criteria from the Santiago Declaration, whereas a life cycle or materials flow approach could be used when sustainability of specific resources is at issue.  相似文献   

基于能值理论的农业复合系统评价与案例研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结合1996-2007年资料,运用能值理论,从农业投入产出、生态环境-社会经济系统和农业发展性能3个方面,构建了农业复合系统能值评价指标体系,对塔里木河下游铁干里克绿洲农业复合系统进行了分析和系统敏感性评估。结果表明:①农业系统的能值投入和产出总体上都呈上升趋势,系统能值产出增长速度快于能值投入;②农业发展对自身环境资源的依赖程度有所减小,而对辅助能的依赖逐步增强,且自然环境资源承受的压力不断增大,可持续性差;③铁干里克绿洲农业机械化、现代化步伐逐步加快,农业生产效率得以有效提高,但农业经济发展水平还处于较低水平,属于消费型系统;④系统敏感性分析表明,与可更新环境资源能相比,不可更新工业辅助能的投入对整个农业复合系统的影响较大。  相似文献   

根据86份文献分析了深圳自然与文化遗产的研究进展。自然遗产和混合遗产的研究集中在遗产地规划、遗产资源调查与评价、遗产资源保护与利用、遗产地游客行为4方面,文化遗产的研究集中在遗产资源的基础性研究、遗产保护与利用研究、遗产资源的综述性研究3方面。深圳遗产研究的时空演变特征总体呈现从简单片面到全面深入,且与城市发展历程和需要紧密结合,未来应侧重从深度、方法、对象和学科视角方面进行完善。  相似文献   

中国重要古生物化石及其产地保护浅论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国古生物化石资源丰富且分布较广,目前在化石的保护与利用上还存在着诸多问题,主要体现在以下几个方面:古生物化石流失严重;古生物化石管理机构不健全;保护法规宣传力度不够;对外交流工作不够;其科普教育价值没有充分发挥;公众保护意识较差等。据此提出如下保护策略及措施:加大相关法律宣传力度;正确处理化石产地、旅游与地方经济的关系;科学规划保护区;积极开展科研工作,大力推广地质科普游;建立健全稳定的资金投入保障机制;加强生态环境的保护;有机整合地质资源,增加吸引力。  相似文献   

In recent years, large development and market integration programs have altered the socioeconomic structures and cultural identity of rural communities and ethnic minorities in Southwest China and influenced the management of natural resources. This article analyzes livelihood strategies in the Shuiluo Valley, a remote area of the Sino-Tibetan borderlands. Agricultural activities and the management of natural resources were studied in five villages of Muli Tibetan Autonomous County, Sichuan Province. Characteristic for rural societies in transition, livelihoods were found to be flexible, combining subsistence agriculture, off-farm employment, and the exploitation of both renewable and nonrenewable natural resources. Accessibility of villages did not influence household income and livelihood activities, and poorer households were not found to depend more on natural resources or on income from agriculture than wealthier households. The option of gold prospecting constitutes a major difference compared to more nontimber forest product-based livelihoods in adjacent areas of Southwest China.  相似文献   

There is a civilization at risk. In the middle of West Africa, just south of the Sahara, where the Niger River spills into a vast floodplain (the Middle Niger), an indigenous urban civilization emerged around two thousand years ago. The story of that civilization is just beginning to be uncovered from the thousands of tells (ancient settlement mounds) that litter the Middle Niger, but archaeologists have until recently been loosing the race with the looters who plunder these sites for ancient statues and bronze art. The nation of Mali, and the local community of Jenne at the epicenter of this looting recently invented effective shields for the remains of this civilization, protections against local looters in the employ of a syndicate of wealthy European antiquities dealers. In the person of the new, democratically-elected archaeologist-President, the nation has articulated a vision of Mali’s future linked to the preservation of its past. The government has promulgated effective regulations and education programs, and initiated with the United States the world’s first bilateral import ban between a major “source” and a major “market” nation. This 1993 bilateral accord has become a prototype for many nations. In that same year, Mali established a Cultural Mission at Jenne to reinforce local pride in a local past. This local pride, in only a short period, has turned into a total protection of some 200 sites within a ten-kilometer radius of Jenne. These indigenous actions have, in less than a decade, transformed the nonrenewable archaeological resources of the Jenne region from surely one of the world’s most endangered, to a case study in local and national protection  相似文献   

The geographical distribution of a species is limited by factors such as climate, resources, disturbances and species interactions. Environmental niche models attempt to encapsulate these limits and represent them spatially but do not always incorporate disturbance factors. We constructed MaxEnt models derived from a remotely sensed vegetation classification with, and without, an agricultural modification variable. Including agricultural modification improved model performance and led to more sites with native vegetation and fewer sites with exotic or degraded native vegetation being predicted suitable for A. parapulchella. Analysis of a relatively well-surveyed sub-area indicated that including agricultural modification led to slightly higher omission rates but markedly fewer likely false positives. Expert assessment of the model based on mapped habitat also suggested that including agricultural modification improved predictions. We estimate that agricultural modification has led to the destruction or decline of approximately 30–35% of the most suitable habitat in the sub-area studied and approximately 20–25% of suitable habitat across the entire study area, located in the Australian Capital Territory, Australia. Environmental niche models for a range of species, particularly habitat specialists, are likely to benefit from incorporating agricultural modification. Our findings are therefore relevant to threatened species planning and management, particularly at finer spatial scales.  相似文献   

乔灌木根系对岩土类文物古迹的影响是近年来文物保护工作关注的热点问题,科学监测遗址附近植物根系的空间分布、根径等参数是土遗址风化和机械损害机理研究的任务之一。本文运用探地雷达技术研究了北庭故城遗址周边榆树根系的空间分布特征,探讨了榆树根系对城墙遗址的影响。结果表明:北庭故城4个探测点榆树根系信号所体现的根径信息与树龄吻合,探测区域树木根径范围50~400 mm,多数在100~250 mm。树龄是影响地下根径及空间分布的关键因素。综合考虑树龄、根径比例、大根径走向、树木与遗址位置关系等因素,认为榆树根系对北庭城墙的威胁等级为Ⅲ号探测点(外城南墙中段)>Ⅳ号探测点(外城西墙北段中)>Ⅰ号探测点(外城西墙北段南)>Ⅱ号探测点(外城西北角)。探地雷达技术能够在不损害土遗址本体的前期下,实现对遗址及其周边树木根系的无损监测,在开展植物根系对文物本体安全影响的科学评估中具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

以湖南省龙山县惹巴拉村寨为例,采用文本分析法与深度访谈法,基于社区增权视角,优化文化遗产地治理路径。结果发现:1)文化遗产地社区失权体现在经济失权、心理失权、社会失权及政治失权4个方面。2)文化遗产地通过权力合作、权力共有及权力激励等社区赋权方式再分配资源、权益及资本。3)权力共有路径下,强化政策透明度和社区话语权,有助于社区主体参与治理;权力合作路径下,扩充资源分配渠道、强化主体合作关系,有助于社区治理渠道扩展;权力激励路径下,规范治理主体、治理对象及监管方式,有助于社区治理政策细化。文章借助“社区增权”理论,将旅游引发的“社区失权”改进为“社区增权”,补充完善文化遗产地治理研究,可为其他少数民族文化遗产地的治理提供参考。  相似文献   

洱海渔业资源与渔业发展模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
费骥慧  唐涛  邵晓阳 《湿地科学》2011,9(3):277-283
洱海是云南省主要的水产基地之一.于2009年8月和11月,对洱海进行了鱼类资源调查,渔获物中有鱼类23种,隶属于6目9科,其中,子陵栉(鱼叚)虎鱼(Ctenogobius giurinus)、波氏栉(鱼叚)虎鱼(Ctenogobius cliffordpopei)、麦穗鱼(Pseudorasbora parva)等小型...  相似文献   

Water Flows Toward Power: Socioecological Degradation of Lake Urmia,Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Water is an invaluable resource, and equitable access to it is a fundamental human right. Disenfranchised groups often lose access to water resources because their interests are not well represented by decision makers. Excluding these groups from resource management policy often results in myopic decisions that contribute to further ecosystem damage. We describe the ecological degradation of Lake Urmia in Iran, which has recently experienced increased salinity and declining water quantity. The lake is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and Ramsar site, and supports unique biodiversity in the region. The lake's decline is driven by the destruction of Zagros forests and the government's water policies, which diverted water to more politically connected agricultural land users, increasing social inequity and prompting more deforestation. The most straightforward restoration solution is to discontinue the diversions and allow critical inflows to recharge Lake Urmia, preserving the lake and wetlands for migratory birds, tourists, and local communities.  相似文献   

如何协调干旱区生态环境保护与绿洲农业生态化发展之间的关系,避免绿洲系统的荒漠化,是实现绿洲人地系统可持续发展过程中亟待解决的关键问题。本文以伊宁县为例,利用能值分析和相图理论,深入分析了温带干旱区绿洲农业生产系统的时序演化状况与发展趋势,进而提出了相应的调控措施。研究结论如下:(1)1989–2008年,伊宁县绿洲农业生态系统的能值总投入和总产出均呈持续增长趋势。(2)基于能值指标的可持续性分析表明,目前伊宁县农业生产系统仍处于可持续发展的状态,但可持续发展指数ESI呈现出波动下降的趋势;(3)基于相图理论的可持续线情景分析表明,F导向模式和N导向模式均有其局限性,在伊宁县农业生产系统今后的发展中,应采取R导向模式。即保持系统中当地不可更新资源利用比率的基本稳定,使得经济反馈能值的使用比率和本地不可更新资源的使用比率同步减少,籍此提高当地可更新资源对农产品生产的贡献率,保证系统的可持续发展。  相似文献   

社区视角下的农业文化遗产保护与旅游发展(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业文化遗产中蕴含的丰富生物多样性和文化多样性是在当地社区的传统生活中不经意间保留下来的。这些生物多样性和文化多样性同时也是很好的旅游资源,通过旅游发展既能维持当地居民的生计,同时也可以有效保护农业文化遗产。本文以全球重要农业文化遗产——贵州从江县稻鱼鸭复合系统为例,讨论了农业文化遗产保护与旅游发展中的社区参与问题。构建了基于社区的农业文化遗产保护及旅游发展的概念模型,其核心观点为农业文化遗产在保护和社区适应方面是一个动态的过程。模型中的6个主要因子分别为:农业文化遗产社区、传统农业系统、生物多样性、文化多样性、可持续旅游发展、社区生计和社区文化身份。几个因子之间的作用是互相影响的,因此支持了农业文化遗产的保护以及农业文化遗产地的旅游发展。  相似文献   

中国北方旱地农业研究进展与思考   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
北方旱地农业是指沿昆仑山 -秦岭 -淮河一线以北的依靠天然降水补充灌溉农业的地区 ,可分为干旱、半干旱偏旱、半干旱、半湿润偏旱和半湿润五个子区。从农业资源利用现状与生产实践看 ,北方旱地农业发展潜力巨大 ,增产潜力远没有得到发挥。随着国家对食物安全、生态安全、经济安全的重视 ,旱地农业研究必然提上议事日程。本文从国内外旱地农业研究现状入手 ,对旱地农业的战略地位、国内外研究现状、发展潜力进行了深入分析 ,提出了我国北方旱地农业发展的若干策略  相似文献   

广州近,现代史迹旅游资源开发探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
陈文君 《热带地理》1996,16(2):183-190
近、现代史迹是广州历史文化名城重要的组成部分降主要标志,具有很高的旅游开发利用价值。本文阐明了近、现代史迹旅游资源在广州历史文化名城的突出地位,提出高起点,系列化重点开发干史迹专题景区,构建广州“近,现代史迹旅游中心”,把广州旅游业推向一个新的台阶,将广州建成“亚太地区国际旅游城市。  相似文献   

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