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The sediment balance in the mouth of the Kiliya Branch was analyzed on the basis of new data on the Danube sediment runoff and its distribution among branches. Through the comparison of variations in the fan volume in the branch mouth with the sediment runoff of this branch it was found that the sediment runoff data were underestimated, because they did not take into account the tractional load. The introduction of an appropriate correction made it possible not only to assess the sediment balance components for the Kiliya Branch mouth, but also to specify average long-term values of sediment runoff of the Danube River proper.  相似文献   

Mikhailova  M. V. 《Water Resources》2003,30(4):370-378
The regularities of the Ebro River delta formation and the impact of hydraulic construction on the river sediment runoff are discussed. As shown, the drastic reduction of the sediment runoff after the construction of two large reservoirs in the lower river reaches in the 1960s slowed down the delta protrusion and intensified the delta coastline washout.  相似文献   

The hydroclimatic conditions of water runoff formation and the hydrography of Parana and Uruguay river basins in the South America are considered. A survey of the recent studies of the hydrological regime of these rivers is given. Observation data are used to evaluate the long-term average values of water runoff and suspended sediment yield in the Parana and Uruguay and their variations along the rivers. Characteristics of many-year runoff variations in the rivers were evaluated. A climate-induced increase was identified in the Parana and Uruguay water runoff, and the corresponding present-day trends in river runoff variations in both rivers were evaluated. The total water runoff and suspended sediment yield of the Parana and Uruguay into La Plata estuary were calculated. Water balance of the drainage basin of La Plata estuary was characterized.  相似文献   

A probabilistic technique is developed for assessing water level in the mouth reach of the Ural River in the course of interaction between the river runoff and irregular rises in the Caspian Sea level (positive setups) at the predicted background sea levels of –26.5 and –26.0 m abs.  相似文献   

Water level variations in the Kiliya Branch of the Danube Delta over the period of 40 years (1958–1997) were analyzed. These level variations were subdivided into three components related to long-term variations of the share of the branch runoff and its redistribution within a year resulting from the Danube flow regulation; subsidence of deltaic deposits; and backup caused by the rising Black Sea level. It was revealed that, during the low-flow period, this backup had propagated to the river mouth at a distance of 160 km.  相似文献   

Pan  Bin  Han  Mei  Wei  Fan  Tian  Li Xin  Liu  Yu Ting  Li  Yunlong  Wang  Min 《Water Resources》2021,48(5):676-689
Water Resources - The characteristics of the runoff and sediment in the Yellow River were analysed and predicted Based on measured data of from 1951 to 2017. Initially, the phase characteristics of...  相似文献   

Morozov  V. N. 《Water Resources》2022,49(5):920-926
Water Resources - The article focuses on the history of researching the hydrometeorological regime in the Danube mouth area. In the middle of the XIX century, the start of the investigations was...  相似文献   

Seasonal and diurnal variations in CH4 concentration in the water of the Don River and Taganrog Bay are examined, and two maximums are recognized in the seasonal variations. The diurnal variations are shown to be affected by the meteorological conditions.  相似文献   

A regional numerical physico-mathematical model of river runoff formation is used to study the possibility to assess long-term variations of water regime characteristics in the Amur R. in the XXI century. Two methods were used to specify climate projections as boundary conditions in the hydrological model: (1) based on the results of calculations with an ensemble of global climate models of CMI5 project, (2) based on data obtained by linear transformation of series of actual meteorological observations with the use of normal annual climate parameters calculated by climate models. The results of numerical experiments were used to analyze the sensitivity of the anomaly of Amur normal annual runoff to changes in the climate normals of air temperature and precipitation. The anomalies of normal annual runoff were shown to respond similarly (within the accuracy of sensitivity coefficient estimates) to changes in the appropriate climate normals, whatever the way of specifying climate projections.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for incorporating possible global changes in the state of the atmosphere, basing on K. Hasselmann’s theory of stochastic climate models, for assessing the significance of forecasts of variations of annual river runoff depth in the XXI century. The data used includes the results of river runoff simulation at warming, obtained using 21 IPCC climate models along with six IPCC scenarios of greenhouse gas emission, and MEI scenario. The significance index of forecasted runoff variations, i.e., the values of runoff depth increments divided by the standard error of forecasts was mapped. To demonstrate the role of the maps of significance index, which have been constructed taking into account forecast uncertainty because of the natural changes in global climate, those maps were compared with the maps of significance index calculated basing on other sources of errors. At large time scales, the uncertainty of runoff forecasts owing to natural changes in global climate plays the main role in assessing the reliability of forecasts in areas where greenhouse effect is strongest. Estimates of the significance index show that statistically significant changes in the annual runoff depth in the extreme northeast of Eurasia can be expected to occur not earlier than the late XXI century. In other RF regions, as well as in the majority of world areas, the forecasted changes in the annual runoff depth are comparable with the standard errors of the respective estimates or are less than they are.  相似文献   

Mikhailov  V. N. 《Water Resources》2004,31(4):351-356
Specific features of the water balance of river deltas located in different geographic zones are discussed. Variations in the mean long-term water runoff in river deltas are estimated. As revealed, the river water runoff increases in the deltas located in subarctic, subequatorial, and equatorial regions, where precipitation exceeds evaporation, while the river water runoff decreases in deltas located in the temperate zone, subtropics, and tropics, where evaporation exceeds precipitation. It is noted that increase in water runoff is typical of the river deltas of the world as a whole.  相似文献   

防止河道泥沙淤积的最小生态环境需水量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘凌  董增川  崔广柏 《湖泊科学》2003,15(4):313-318
水土流失问题是生态系统面临的重要问题. 对于多沙河道来说,必须维持一定的生态环境需水量用于输沙,以保证河道生态平衡. 本文以多沙河流为研究对象,以输沙动力学理论为基础,分析了河流输沙能力和水流挟沙能力,在此基础上提出了河道在不冲不淤的临界状态下河流最小流量的计算方法,此为防止河道泥沙淤积的最小生态环境需水量. 通过实际算例,本文还说明了所提出的计算方法的应用,以期为多沙河道水资源合理配置及生态平衡维护提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Analysis of Long-Term Variations in the Volga Annual Runoff   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ismaiylov  G. Kh.  Fedorov  V. M. 《Water Resources》2001,28(5):469-477
The stability of sample estimates of statistical parameters was analyzed for segments of the initial time series of annual runoff volumes of the Volga River at Volgograd for 1881/1882–1994/1995. The segments of series considered in this study differ in the extent of anthropogenic impact on the runoff and the type of atmospheric circulation and correspond to characteristic periods in the Caspian Sea level variations. The conclusion is made that there are statistically significant variations in the annual runoff of the Volga, caused by both natural–climatic and anthropogenic variations in the hydrological cycle.  相似文献   

Water Resources - The results of studies of water bodies in the Amur R. basin in 2011–2017 have been used to characterize the space and time variations of the concentrations of dissolved...  相似文献   

The paper considers the major geographic features of the modern Huang He delta, which ranks among the most rapidly varying in the world. The structure of the hydrographic network and the combination of the natural and anthropogenic geosystems of the delta are characterized. The major external riverine and marine, as well as local anthropogenic factors that have affected the development of the Huang He delta in the recent half century are identified. The regularities of the jump-like development of the Huang He delta in the XIX–early XXI centuries are considered. Special attention is paid to the development of the delta after the artificial redistribution of flow in its boundaries in 1996. Satellite images and methods of their interpretation improved by the authors were used. The trends in Huang He delta development are shown to have changed since the last quarter of the XX century under the effect of an abrupt decrease in river sediment load and the growing impact of marine factors. The active progradation of the delta into the sea slowed down significantly, accompanied by erosion and retreat in many segments of its coastline. Huang He delta was used to establish the conditions of changes in the development trends of other deltas under the effect of changes in the climate and economic activity.  相似文献   

Trace element study in Tisa River and Danube alluvial sediment in Serbia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The contaminated sediment serves as a long-term source of toxic elements,since that mobility and transport in the environment of these elements are strongly influenced to associated solid phase.In this study,the modified Tessier sequential extraction procedure was applied for the fractionation of Cd,As,Hg,Cu,Zn,Cr,Pb,Ni and V in the sediments(Tisa River and canal sediments - Danube alluvial formation),to obtain an overall classification of trace element pollution in these areas through its spatial distribution.Investigations of this region are important due to the widespread occurrence of metal mining activities throughout the Tisa and Danube drainage basins and possibilities of contamination with toxic elements at studies localities.Five steps of the sequential extraction procedure partitioned elements into CH3COONH4 extractable(F1),NH2OH·HC carbonate extractable and easily reducible(F2), H2C2O4/(NH42C2O4 moderately reducible(F3),H2O2-HNO3 organic extractable(F4),and HCl acid soluble residue (F5).Analyses of the extracts were performed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry.To indicate the degree of risk of toxic elements,risk assessment code and contamination factor have been used.The results of partitioning study indicate that more easily mobilized forms(metals in adsorbed/exchangeable/carbonate forms or bound to amorphous Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides and Fe and Mn oxides) were predominant for copper,zinc,cadmium and lead,which can be used as indicators for input from anthropogenic source.In contrast,the largest amount of chromium and nickel were associated with the inert fraction,which reduced their solubility and rendered them immobile under natural conditions and indicative of natural origins.Most of remaining portion of metals was bound to ferromanganese oxides fraction.It is concluded that sequential extraction results proved useful to distinguish between anthropogenic and geochemical sources of elements in the sediments.  相似文献   

Water Resources - The runoff of glacial melt water into the river system of the Volga and farther into the Caspian Sea is evaluated for the epoch of the last glaciation. Melt water entered the...  相似文献   

The hydrologic regime of the Tiber River basin in central Italy has been impacted considerably in the last decades by intensive anthropic activities, and hydraulic works in particular (e.g. hydropower reservoirs, land use modification). In the Tiber River the wash load, in particular, plays an important role in sediment transport, and the knowledge of this hydrological variable is very important for the evaluation of medium-long-term dynamic of shoreline, and the evaluation of reservoir landfill. The Ripetta flow gauge, located in downtown Rome, has been continuously monitoring the daily discharge for decades, while daily sediment load measurements are available only for short terms.In this research, the yearly sediment rate is simulated using a simple stochastic model based on the evaluation of sediment rating curves. The sediment rating curve, i.e. the average relation between discharge and suspended sediment concentration for a specific location, is estimated using a power law model. The fitting curve, obtained by regression analysis, lacks the physical characterization of the phenomenon, often represented by the empirical evidences of erosion severity and the erosional power of river. Model results provide useful insights on the impact of recent hydraulic works on the sediment transport regime.  相似文献   

Sediment balances in the Blue Nile River Basin   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Rapid population growth in the upper Blue Nile basin has led to fast land-use changes from natural forest to agricultural land.This resulted in speeding up the soil erosion process in the highlands and increasing sedimentation further downstream in reservoirs and irrigation canals.At present,several dams are planned across the Blue Nile River in Ethiopia and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is currently under construction near the border with Sudan.This will be the largest hydroelectric power plant in Africa.The objective of this paper is to quantify the river flows and sediment loads along the Blue Nile River network.The Soil and Water Assessment Tool was used to estimate the water flows from un-gauged sub-basins.To assess model performance,the estimated sediment loads were compared to the measured ones at selected locations.For the gauged sub-basins,water flows and sediment loads were derived from the available flow and sediment data.To fill in knowledge gaps,this study included a field survey in which new data on suspended solids and flow discharge were collected along the Blue Nile and on a number of tributaries.The comparison between the results of this study and previous estimates of the sediment load of the Blue Nile River at El Deim,near the Ethiopian Sudanese border,show that the sediment budgets have the right order of magnitude,although some uncertainties remain.This gives confidence in the results of this study providing the first sediment balance of the entire Blue Nile catchment at the sub-basin scale.  相似文献   

ECOMAG software complex was adapted to simulate river runoff in the Amur basin using data from global databases (relief, soils, landscapes). The results of model calibration and verification were used to give a statistical estimate of the efficiency of river runoff calculation over a long period based on standard data of meteorological and water management monitoring. The results of calculations using the developed runoff formation model were used in the space and time analysis of the formation conditions of 2013 flood in the Amur basin.  相似文献   

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