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河流作为对构造-气候相互作用最为敏感的地貌单元,记录了丰富的水系演化、构造变形以及气候变化信息。目前基于数学推导与物理模型相结合的水力侵蚀方程,将构造抬升与基岩河道水力侵蚀作用相结合,使得通过河流纵剖面形态提取基岩隆升速率的时空分布特征成为可能。现有研究与应用主要包括:1)利用方程的稳态形式获取水系陡峭系数(坡度-面积对数分布图,Chi-plot),并以此探讨构造隆升速率高低及空间分布特征;2)构建河流裂点的溯源迁移模型,定量获取裂点迁移速率;3)利用方程的线性非稳态形式,获取区域基岩隆升历史;4)获取不同流域水系河段x值,判别分水岭的迁移方向。对于方程的非线性非稳态形式,在求解及应用等方面都存在一定的不足,这也将是水力侵蚀模型今后亟需解决的关键问题。文章在简单回顾现有青藏高原基岩河道研究成果的基础上,提出开展不同时间、不同空间尺度青藏高原基岩河道相关研究的迫切性。 相似文献
通用土壤流失方程的研究进展及其改进方法 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
通用土壤流失方程是水力土壤侵蚀领域应用广泛的模型之一,由美国科学家Wischmeier和Smith在1965年首次提出。该方程较为全面地考虑了土壤侵蚀的影响因素,其形式为6个土壤侵蚀影响因子的乘积: 相似文献
基于ASTER GDEM数据,提取了青藏高原东缘龙门山地区12条基岩河道纵剖面,通过河流纵剖面形态的数学函数拟合、坡度-面积双对数函数关系以及基岩水力侵蚀模型的分析,探讨了龙门山北、中、南段不同河流水系地貌对其晚第四纪构造隆升运动的响应过程。研究表明:1)龙门山地区的河流纵剖面拟合形态中段多为对数型、指数型,南段多为指数型、直线型,北段均为对数型,表明了龙门山中段和南段的河流受构造运动的控制作用强烈,隆升较快,而北段隆升相对较慢。2)河流水力侵蚀模型中段多呈直线型和上凸型,南段均为上凸型,北段则呈直线型,表明了龙门山地区的河流水系地貌具有由SW向NE逐渐从前均衡状态向均衡状态转换的特征,指示了其构造隆升速率也由SW向NE逐渐递减。3)河流地貌的参数值表明了龙门山北段的河流地貌处于均衡状态,而龙门山中、南段的河流地貌则受构造隆升运动的影响较强;反映了青藏高原东缘向东扩展的时空格局。
青藏高原是我国乃至世界高海拔多年冻土区的典型代表。伴随着青藏铁路的建成通车,西藏自治区迎来了新一轮经济发展,迫切需要新建高速公路、输变电线路、输油气管道工程等。这些拟建工程与已建的青藏公路、青藏铁路、格拉输油管道、兰西拉光缆等工程均聚集于宽度不足10km范围内的青藏工程走廊。在这狭长的冻土工程走廊内,已修建或拟建的各种冻土构筑物相互影响,多因素耦合叠加,加速区域内的冻土退化,而冻土融化必将影响到工程的稳定性和生态环境退化。再加上全球气候变化的影响,其变化程度更加剧烈。面对国家需求,国家重点基础研究发展项目"青藏高原重大冻土工程的基础研究"于2012年4月正式启动。该项目旨在揭示气候变化与人类工程活动加剧背景下冻土变化及灾害时空演化规律,建立冻土工程稳定性和服役性能评价体系,提出冻土工程灾害防治理论与控制对策,为冻土构筑物群灾害应急预案和重大冻土工程建设提供科学决策依据。 相似文献
CUI Junwen LI Pengwu LI Li Institute of Geology Chinese Acacemy of Geological Sciences Beijing China 《Continental Dynamics》2001,(2)
1. IntroductionWith its very thick continental crust (70 kmthick on average, a double norma1 thickness of thecrust), dramatic uplift since the late of thePleistocene (now with an average elevation of 4500-5000 m) and sustained and strong tectonicdeformation, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has been oneof the frontier subjects of international geoscienceresearch. With the advent of the 2lst century theQinghai-Tibet Plateau is renowned as a fieldlaboratory of the program of continental dynamics.Peo… 相似文献
青藏高原的金属矿产资源 总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11
青藏高原正在实施1∶25万区域地质调查,截止2003年底已完成40余个图幅,对区域地质构造、地层古生物、岩浆岩、火山岩、变质岩和矿产资源等进行了全面的调查,发现了许多新的矿产地。我们受中国地质调查局有关领导及《地质通报》编辑部的委托,特对青藏高原的金属矿产资源进行初步评点。1铬铁矿犤1犦目前仅发现4处小型铬铁矿矿床,分别为:曲松县罗布莎铬铁矿,储量为391.8×104t,Cr2O352.63%,Cr2O3/FeO为4.35;曲松县香卡山铬铁矿,储量为43.2×104t,Cr2O351.53%,Cr2O3/FeO为4.15;那曲县依拉山铬铁矿,储量为21×104t,Cr2O332.66%,Cr2O3/FeO… 相似文献
《China Geology》2021,4(1):147-177
The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (also referred to as the Plateau) has long received much attention from the community of geoscience due to its unique geographical location and rich mineral resources. This paper reviews the aeromagnetic surveys in the Plateau in the past 60 years and summarizes relevant research achievements, which mainly include the followings. (1) The boundaries between the Plateau and its surrounding regions have been clarified. In detail, its western boundary is restricted by West Kunlun-Altyn Tagh arc-shaped magnetic anomaly zone forming due to the arc-shaped connection of the Altyn Tagh and Kangxiwa faults and its eastern boundary consists of the boundaries among different magnetic fields along the Longnan (Wudu)-Kangding Fault. Meanwhile, the fault on the northern margin of the Northern Qilian Mountains serves as its northern boundary. (2) The Plateau is mainly composed of four orogens that were stitched together, namely East Kunlun-Qilian, Hoh-Xil-Songpan, Chamdo-Southwestern Sanjiang (Nujiang, Lancang, and Jinsha rivers in southeastern China), and Gangdese-Himalaya orogens. (3) The basement of the Plateau is dominated by weakly magnetic Proterozoic metamorphic rocks and lacks strongly magnetic Archean crystalline basement of stable continents such as the Tarim and Sichuan blocks. Therefore, it exhibits the characteristics of unstable orogenic basement. (4) The Yarlung-Zangbo suture zone forming due to continent-continent collisions since the Cenozoic shows double aeromagnetic anomaly zones. Therefore, it can be inferred that the Yarlung-Zangbo suture zone formed from the Indian Plate subducting towards and colliding with the Eurasian Plate twice. (5) A huge negative aeromagnetic anomaly in nearly SN trending has been discovered in the middle part of the Plateau, indicating a giant deep thermal-tectonic zone. (6) A dual-layer magnetic structure has been revealed in the Plateau. It consists of shallow magnetic anomaly zones in nearly EW and NW trending and deep magnetic anomaly zones in nearly SN trending. They overlap vertically and cross horizontally, showing the flyover-type geological structure of the Plateau. (7) A group of NW-trending faults occur in eastern Tibet, which is intersected rather than connected by the nearly EW trending that develop in middle-west Tibet. (8) As for the central uplift zone that occurs through the Qiangtang Basin, its metamorphic basement tends to gradually descend from west to east, showing the form of steps. The Qiangtang Basin is divided into the northern and southern part by the central uplift zone in it. The basement in the Qiangtang Basin is deep in the north and west and shallow in the south and west. The basement in the northern Qiangtang Basin is deep and relatively stable and thus is more favorable for the generation and preservation of oil and gas. Up to now, 19 favorable tectonic regions of oil and gas have been determined in the Qiangtang Basin. (9) A total of 21 prospecting areas of mineral resources have been delineated and thousands of ore-bearing (or mineralization) anomalies have been discovered. Additionally, the formation and uplift mechanism of the Plateau are briefly discussed in this paper.©2021 China Geology Editorial Office. 相似文献
The China Geological Survey carried out 1:250000 regional geological surveys of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from 1999 to 2005.With a total investment of 300 million yuan,more than 1000 geologists were involved annually to conduct mapping at a grid of one line to every four km along the Kunlun Mts-Altyn Shan-Tanggula Shan,Kokoxili-Qiangtang,Gangdese,Yalun Zangbu River,and finally to the Himalayan ranges.The extensive mapping culminated in a total of 112maps covering an area of 152 square kilometers.Based on this success,the China Geological Survey launched another program,the "Integration and Comprehensive Study of Basic Geological Survey Result(s) in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau".The program lasted from 2006 to 2010 and has yielded copious research results,making big strides in upgrading our understanding of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.The achievements are manifold. 相似文献
青藏高原作为“亚洲水塔”对气候变化极为敏感,研究气候变化下青藏高原多年冻土退化对蒸散发的影响有助于理解多年冻土地区水文过程对气候变化的响应情况。基于Budyko-Fu假设,构建了考虑多年冻土活动层厚度变化的水热耦合模型,建立了符合青藏高原多年冻土区的模型参数化方案,通过设置情景假设探讨了多年冻土退化对蒸散发的影响。模拟结果表明:1982—2018年青藏高原多年冻土区平均年蒸散发为275.6 mm,空间分布由东南向西北递减;研究区年蒸散发整体上以3.57 mm/a的速率上升。多年冻土活动层加深会引起蒸散发的增大,忽略冻土退化因素将导致约2.2%的蒸散发低估。冻土退化对蒸散发的影响呈现显著的空间异质性,土壤有效含水量和植被覆盖度越低的地区,蒸散发对冻土退化的响应越敏感。 相似文献
青藏高原的隆升机制和隆升历史,需多学科参与.其研究思想和研究方法有几点值得思考:①磨拉石与高原(地面)隆升有没有必然的关系;②生物尤其是古植物对青藏高原隆升最具灵敏性,能够指示青藏高原多阶段隆升的一系列信息,应该是今后研究的重点;③不可忽视加大对高原腹地的沉积盆地研究;④多学科的相互交叉、相互渗透已成为研究青藏高原隆升的必然趋势,并以青藏高原北缘新生代生物、沉积学、岩石学成果为例.这些研究不仅可以极大丰富青藏高原隆升的内容,而且可以相互验证,提供更多相关联的直接证据. 相似文献
《Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part A: Solid Earth and Geodesy》2000,25(4):381-386
Due to its high elevation and high seismicity the Qinghai-Tibet plateau takes a primary position on the earth surface. The inaccessibility of the region makes geophysical studies difficult. Active seismic sounding is available along essentially one line crossing the eastern part of the plateau. In such a situation gravity is a powerful method to obtain information on the crustal structure. We apply an inversion of the gravity field throughout the entire plateau. The inversion is limited to the long-wavelength band of the field, which has been shown by spectral analysis to be generated at lower crustal levels. The field is inverted in terms of the oscillation of a boundary layer with strong density contrast. This boundary is identified with the crust-mantle discontinuity (Moho). A map of the 3D oscillations of the Moho is presented and the properties discussed along 4 profiles cutting the plateau longitudinally and transversally. 相似文献