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邱振  王清晨  严德天 《岩石学报》2011,27(10):3141-3155
广西来宾地区中上二叠统广泛发育硅质岩,蓬莱滩剖面和铁桥剖面是本地区中上二叠统出露最好的剖面.本文对蓬莱滩剖面28件硅质岩(分别为中二叠统茅口组3件与上二叠统合山组25件)的主量和稀土元素进行了分析研究,并结合岩石学特征,认为:蓬莱滩剖面合山组硅质岩沉积于受到陆源物质影响的边缘海盆环境,它们的硅质主要来源于硅质生物,为生物成因;而其茅口组硅质岩则沉积于远离陆源物质影响的边缘海盆环境,它们的硅质主要来源于热液,为热液成因.通过与铁桥剖面的热液成因硅质岩的沉积背景对比研究,结果表明:中晚二叠世时期,来宾地区为富硅的边缘海盆环境,而陆源物质输入程度的差异是造成本地区形成不同成因硅质岩的主要因素.  相似文献   

湘黔桂地区中上二叠统硅质岩的地球化学特征及沉积背景   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
邱振  王清晨 《岩石学报》2010,26(12):3612-3628
我国华南地区二叠系广泛发育硅质岩,但其沉积背景,如硅的来源和沉积环境,一直存在较大的争议。在对湘黔桂地区硅质岩进行大量的野外和室内岩石学研究的基础上,本文对研究区内黔桂盆地和湘桂盆地中14个不同产地的81件中上二叠统硅质岩(中二叠统33件、上二叠统48件)的主量和稀土元素进行了研究。中二叠世时期,Al2O3、TiO2、Al2O3/(Al2O3+Fe2O3)、∑REE、Ce/Ce*等整体上偏低,但具有比较一致的区域性差异:黔桂盆地相对偏低(0.09%~0.37%、0.00%~0.01%、0.22~0.47、2.47×10-6~14.59×10-6、0.23~0.69),而湘桂盆地(0.01%~5.73%、0.00%~0.23%、0.02~0.71、7.07×10-6~141.0×10-6、0.24~1.22)相对偏高。晚二叠世时期,Al2O3、TiO2、Al2O3/(Al2O3+Fe2O3)、∑REE、Ce/Ce*等整体上偏高,其中黔桂盆地分别为1.62%~10.67%、0.04%~0.65%、0.41~0.81、23.10×10-6~248.99×10-6、0.46~1.39,而湘桂盆地除来宾和柳州地区(0.00%~1.11%、0.00%~0.15%、0~0.42、0.55×10-6~36.59×10-6、0.27~0.83)偏低外,其他地区偏高(3.78%~21.37%、0.16%~0.91%、0.73~0.83、51.14×10-6~245.4×10-6、0.99~1.10),区域上呈东西两边高,中间低的分布趋势。中二叠统硅质岩自生铁W(Feauthig)百分含量整体偏高,仅少数低于50%。(La/Ce)N比值在黔桂盆地为1.61~5.04,湘桂盆地除来宾(2.63~4.90)外为0.82~1.94。而上二叠统硅质岩的W(Feauthig)除来宾、柳州和巴马地区大于70%外,其余地区的均小于50%。(La/Ce)N比值除来宾(2.42~4.50)外,整体上偏低,为0.69~2.47。研究区中上二叠统硅质岩Eu/Eu*基本没有明显的区域性差异,中二叠世时期,巴马地区一个样品为正异常(1.17),其余均为负异常,而晚二叠世时期,仅来宾和柳州地区显示了Eu/Eu*的正异常,其中柳州为1.07~1.22。结合Fe-Al-Mn、(La/Ce)N-Al2O3/(Al2O3+Fe2O3)、Fe2O3/TiO2-Al2O3/(Al2O3+Fe2O3)组合图解及岩石学研究,上述主量和稀土元素指标变化的结果表明:(1)中二叠统硅质岩的硅的来源相对复杂,黔桂盆地的硅质岩主要为热液,而湘桂盆地以生物来源为主,局部受到热液活动的影响;上二叠统硅质岩的硅的来源相对简单,主要为生物,仅巴马、来宾和柳州地区受到热液活动的影响。(2)中、晚二叠世热液活动范围和强度具有明显差异:中二叠世,研究区内热液活动较为广泛,但相对较弱;而晚二叠世热液活动较为局限却相对较强。(3)中二叠世黔桂盆地形成于远离陆源碎屑的边缘海盆环境,湘桂盆地为受到陆源碎屑影响的边缘海盆环境,而晚二叠世整个研究区的陆源碎屑输入增强,除来宾和柳州地区外,其余地区均为受陆源碎屑影响的边缘海盆环境。这一变化记录了中、晚二叠世时期研究区的构造-古地理变化信息,反映了以峨眉山玄武岩为代表的地幔柱引起的火山热液活动和区域性地壳抬升事件。  相似文献   

Permian radiolarian biostratigraphy was reexamined in the bedded chert section in Qinzhou area of southeast Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, South China. On the basis of the analyses of characteristic radiolarian composition, six radiolarian zones are recognized, namely, Pseudoalbaillella longtanensis Zone, Pseudoalbaillella globosa Zone, Follicucullus monacanthus Zone, Follicucullus scholasticus Zone, Follicucullus charveti Zone and Neoalbaillella ornithoformis Zone, in ascending order. Correlation of these radiolarian zones with those in Japan is presented. The Neoalbaillella ornithoformis Zone was firstly discovered in Dachongling Section, which may indicate that pelagic chert of the late Permian existed there, according to the co-occurring conodonts.  相似文献   

杨文强  冯庆来  沈上越  Malila  K.  Chonglakmani  C. 《地球科学》2009,34(5):743-751
在泰国北部难河构造带Pha Som变质杂岩中发现保存很好的放射虫硅质岩、玄武岩地层层序.层状硅质岩含放射虫化石Follicucullus porrectus, 地质时代为中二叠世晚期至晚二叠世早期.其硅质岩SiO2含量均在92.5%以上, Al/ (Al+Fe+Mn) 平均比值为0.51, Ce/Ce*比值为1.14, 为大陆边缘型硅质岩.玄武岩具有富集大离子亲石元素与高场强元素以及轻稀土富集等洋岛玄武岩的特点.说明难河构造带中-晚二叠世之交存在洋岛型火山岩和靠近大陆边缘的深海盆地硅质岩, 代表了小洋盆的沉积组合.该构造带闭合时间应在晚二叠世与晚三叠世之间.   相似文献   

邱振  王清晨 《地质科学》2011,46(1):52-67
通过对桂西地区南丹龙王坡11件上二叠统硅质岩样品和平果四塘6件上二叠统硅质岩样品的主量和微量元素分析研究,并结合已发表的崇左东攀部面大隆组的硅质岩地球化学数据,认为桂西地区上二叠统硅质岩为生物成因,形成于受陆源碎屑影响的大陆边缘沉积环境,其沉积水体为氧化条件.研究区内硅质岩的TOC为0.10%~0.19%,平均为0.1...  相似文献   

邱振|  王清晨 《地质科学》2011,46(01):52-67
通过对桂西地区南丹龙王坡11件上二叠统硅质岩样品和平果四塘6件上二叠统硅质岩样品的主量和微量元素分析研究,并结合已发表的崇左东攀剖面大隆组的硅质岩地球化学数据,认为桂西地区上二叠统硅质岩为生物成因,形成于受陆源碎屑影响的大陆边缘沉积环境,其沉积水体为氧化条件。研究区内硅质岩的TOC为0.10%~0.19%,平均为0.15%,与扬子北缘硅质岩(TOC可达18%)相比明显偏低,基本不发育烃源岩。对两地区晚二叠世时期生产力水平和沉积水体的氧化还原条件的对比研究表明,氧化的沉积水体是限制桂西地区上二叠统硅质岩成为烃源岩的主控因素。  相似文献   

西藏羌塘阿木岗群硅质岩段时代归属   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
对阿木岗群硅质岩段与上覆和下伏地层的接触关系,灰岩砾石、灰岩夹层中所发现的生物化石及才玛尔错和绒马硅质岩中放射虫化石资料的对比研究表明,硅质岩段不属于基底地层,其时代相当于三叠纪,大致可与晚三叠世结扎群相对比。  相似文献   

西秦岭中、晚二叠世生物群更替事件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾学鲁  高金汉 《地质学报》2005,79(2):145-149
西秦岭地区中、晚二叠世的生物,在其发展过程中经历了一次动物群的更替事件,表现为中二叠世茅口晚期迭山组底部开始的竺蜓类化石的突然锐减或消失及腕足动物的大量繁盛。茅口中期的热让沟组上部,有Afghanella及丰富的Parafusulina,Chusenella等竺蜓类化石。但上覆的迭山组底部开始,仅有少量Parafusulina,Chusenella及Schwagerina等断续出现。而同时交替出现了以Urushtenia,N eoplicatifera为代表的小型腕足动物群及小型单体四射珊瑚。这一动物群的更替事件受到当时沉积环境变迁和区域构造活动的制约。迭山组底部的沉积环境由开阔台地的浅水环境转入半局限台地较深水滞流环境,导致了竺蜓类的消失和小型腕足动物的兴起。这种沉积相的变化与动物群的更替在层位上是完全吻合的。研究区处于西秦岭晚海西裂陷带两侧的碳酸盐台地或台地边缘,其生物群的更替和沉积相的变化必然受到区域上裂陷活动的影响。根据本区生物地层的研究,可以更为确切地认为,本区二叠纪裂陷活动的时间始于中二叠世茅口期Afghanella schencki时的后期(或N eoschwagerina时的后期) ;约终于晚二叠世长兴期Palaeofusulina时之前。  相似文献   

The Middle Permian to Lower Triassic Buday’ah section, exposed in the Oman Mountains, is the first deep-sea section to be described in the Neotethys. The oceanic sediments were deposited along the southern Tethys margin in the newly formed Hawasina Basin. It is one of the few places where true Tethyan Permian radiolarites are exposed that allow the documentation of CCD evolution through time. The succession begins as oceanic crust pillow basalt with red ammonoid-rich pelagic limestone occurring both above and within inter-pillow cavities; the new occurrence of Clarkina postbitteri hongshuiensis indicates a late Capitanian age for the carbonate. The sharp change to overlying late Capitanian to Changhsingian radiolarite reflects rapid subsidence about 10 Myrs after initial continental breakup that resulted in the formation of the Neotethys Ocean. New conodonts indicate that the Permian-Triassic boundary succession occurs in the first platy lime mudstone beds above a Changhsingian siliceous to calcareous shale unit. The platy lime mudstone beds include an Upper Griesbachian bloom of calcite filled spheres (radiolarians?) that marks a potential world-wide event. New conodonts indicate an early Olenekian age for overlying grey papery limestone that are devoid of both macrofossils and trace fossils indicating that recovery from the Late Permian extinction has not yet progressed within this deep-water environment.δ13Corg, isotope values have not been disturbed and they show a negative shift just below the Permian-Triassic transition and a second one at the parvus zone level above. The Buday’ah succession may represent the most distal and probably deepest Permian and Lower Triassic depositional sequence within the basin.  相似文献   

王成源 《地质通报》2008,27(7):1079-1084
中国已建立的二叠系各阶的 的属带,对中国二叠系生物地层的研究曾起到重要的作用。由于二叠系的 的属带时限都很长,定义不明确和地方性较强,中国二叠系的阶不宜再用 的属带来确定。国际二叠系的主导化石门类是牙形刺, 二叠系的3统9阶都是用牙形刺来确定的, 而不是用 ,更不是用 的属带。进一步研究 类各属内的种一级的谱系演化关系,参照牙形刺带确认 的属种的时限,进行不同相区的对比,是今后二叠纪生物地层研究的重要任务。  相似文献   

中下扬子区二叠系露头层序地层研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
按新近国际年代地层划分方案(ICS,2000),下扬子区二叠纪地层自下向上分为3统,9阶和相对应的华南传统6阶划分。二叠系从阿瑟尔阶至长兴阶(44Ma)共划分出14个三级层序,每个三级层序平均时限约为3.14Ma,其中“紫松阶”)相当阿瑟尔+2/3萨克马尔阶)1个(船山组中上部)、“隆林阶、(相当1/3萨克马尔阶+阿丁斯克阶)2个(分别对应船山组上部和梁山组或镇江组)、“栖霞阶”(相当库班甘德阶+1/3罗德阶)3个(栖霞组),“茅口阶”(相当于2/3罗德阶+沃德阶+卡皮丹阶)4个(孤峰组,茅口组,堰桥组,银屏组和武穴组),吴家坪阶2个(龙潭组或吴家坪组),长兴阶2个(长兴组或大隆组);共归并为4个层序组(sequence set)。  相似文献   

The Spanish Central System (SCS) has been subjected to repeated deformation and fluid flow events which have produced both sulphide-bearing and barren vein systems. Although several hydrothermal episodes took place between 300 and 100 Ma, fluid circulation during the Permian was especially important, giving rise to a range of different types of deposits. This study presents a multidisciplinary approach leading to the characterisation of the chemistry and age of the hydrothermal fluids that produced the As–(Ag) mineralised stockwork of Mónica mine (Bustaviejo, Madrid). Fluid inclusion data indicate the presence of two different fluids. An initial ore stage (I) formed from a low- to moderate salinity (3–8 wt.% eq. NaCl) H2O–NaCl–CO2–CH4 fluid, at minimum trapping temperature of 350±15 °C and 0.3 kbar. A second H2O–NaCl fluid is found in three types of fluid inclusions: a high temperature and low salinity type (340±20 °C; 0.8–3.1 wt.% eq. NaCl) also associated to ore stage I, a moderate temperature and very low salinity type (160–255 °C; 0–1.5 wt.% eq. NaCl) represented in ore stage III, and a very low temperature and hypersaline type (60–70 °C; 30–35 wt.% NaCl), unrelated to the mineralising stages and clearly postdating the previous types. 40Ar–39Ar dating on muscovite from the early As–Fe stage (I) has provided an age of 286±4 Ma, synchronous with the late emplacement phases of La Cabrera plutonic massif (288±5 Ma) and with other Permian hydrothermal events like Sn–W skarns and W–(Sn) sulphide veins. δ18O of water in equilibrium with stage I quartz (5.3–7.7‰), δD of water in equilibrium with coexisting muscovite (−16.0‰ to −2.0‰), and sulphide δ34S (1.5–3.6‰) values are compatible with waters that leached metamorphic rocks. The dominant mechanism of the As–(Ag) deposition was mixing and dilution processes between aqueous–carbonic and aqueous fluids for stage I (As–Fe), and nearly isobaric cooling processes for stages II (Zn–Cu–Sn) and III (Pb–Ag). The origin and hydrothermal evolution of As–(Ag) veins is comparable to other hydrothermal Permian events in the Spanish Central System.  相似文献   

Deposits of 10 volcanic events of 6 stages have been discovered by the authors after detailed field and lab studies of the Benxi and Taiyuan Formations in Shandong Province and its adjacent regions. They show certain temporal-spatial distribution characteristics. Volcanic fragments were probably derived from two different volcanic sources north and south of the North China Platform, while the magma of the two volcanic sources was probably derived from the lower crust. A new stratigraphic correlation scheme is put forward for the Benxi and Taiyuan Formations in this region on the basis of previous biostratigraphic work with the regionally widespread volcanic event layers as the marker bed for the isochronous stratigraphic correlation on a super-regional scale and in conjunction with the maximum transgressive event layers.  相似文献   

Some townships in Xuan Wei County, Yunnan Province, have one of the highest lung cancer mortality rates in China and the epidemic disease in the area has generally been attributed to the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) released from domestic coal burning. However, the cancer-causing culprit is not settled as Tian [Tian, L., 2005. Coal Combustion Emissions and Lung Cancer in Xuan Wei, China. Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Berkeley.] found nanometer quartz in these coals, soot emissions, and lung cancer tissues. We have conducted mineralogical and geochemical studies of the coals from Xuan Wei for the purpose of shedding light on the minerals which may be related to the epidemic lung cancer. In this paper, abundances, modes of occurrence, and origins of minerals and elements in the coals from two mines in Xuan Wei have been studied using optical microscope, low-temperature ashing, X-ray diffraction analysis, scanning electron microscope equipped with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer, and inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The minerals in the coals are mainly composed of quartz, chamosite, kaolinite, and calcite. The particle size of quartz is rather small, mostly less than 20 μm and it is of authigenic origin. Chamosite occurs mainly as cell-fillings. The occurrence of quartz and chamosite indicates that they were derived from the hydrothermal fluids. Epigenetic calcite is derived from calcic fluids. Kaolinite is derived mainly from sediment source region of Kangdian Oldland to the west of coal basin. The composition of Xuan Wei coal is high in SiO2, Fe2O3, TiO2, CaO, MnO, V, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn. The high SiO2 content is attributed to quartz, and the Fe2O3 content to chamosite. The high Mn and low Mg contents in the coal indicate the inputs of hydrothermal fluids. CaO occurs mainly in epigenetic calcite. Elements Ti, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and rare earth elements were derived from the basaltic rocks at sediment source region.  相似文献   

热液环境在碳酸盐岩成岩作用中十分重要,MVT铅锌矿床和热液白云岩储层都与之有关。四川盆地西部中二叠统栖霞组普遍发育厘米级大小的晶洞,其充填物主要为晶体粗大的非平直晶面鞍形白云石,这些鞍形白云石经历了广泛的溶解作用,次生方解石充填于鞍形白云石溶解空间及其晶间孔隙中。本文在碳酸盐岩岩石学特征研究的基础上,测试了晶洞充填物的碳氧同位素组成、元素构成和包裹体均一化温度,结合川西中二叠统埋藏历史和二叠纪以来的非地热增温热事件,研究了晶洞充填物中鞍形白云石的沉淀与溶解流体,以及充填于鞍形白云石溶解空间和晶间孔隙中次生方解石的沉淀流体。研究表明:在作为晶洞充填物的碳酸盐矿物中,鞍形白云石和沉淀于白云石晶间、晶内的次生方解石具有显著不同的氧同位素组成和包裹体均一化温度,前者δ18O值-5.94‰~-4.35‰,包裹体均一化温度主要为110~210℃,后者δ18O值-10.34‰~-8.75‰,包裹体均一化温度主要为70~110℃,据此反演的鞍形白云石沉淀流体的δ18O值为+4‰~+14‰(SMOW),方解石相应值为-4‰~+5‰(SMOW),显示白云石是在高盐度和高温流体中沉淀的,方解石是在相对低盐度和低温流体中沉淀的;晶洞充填物的碳同位素分析表明,鞍形白云石和沉淀于白云石晶间和晶内的次生方解石的δ13C值大致分布在0.7‰~2.6‰的范围内,显著低于同期海水的δ13C值,两种碳酸盐矿物中的碳具有同期海水和深部CO2混合碳源的特征;中二叠世末东吴运动期间峨眉山玄武岩喷发时岩浆活动的热效应导致了当时处于浅埋藏环境的栖霞组地层中鞍形白云石的沉淀,而热事件后流体温度和盐度的同时降低则使得鞍形白云石溶解,同时伴随方解石沉淀在鞍形白云石溶解后的孔隙和晶间孔隙中。  相似文献   

滇西保山地块中-晚二叠世地层划分、对比的现状和问题   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
金小赤  黄浩  沈阳  王义昭 《地球学报》2008,29(5):533-541
保山地块中-晚二叠世沉积由于上部镁质碳酸盐的大量出现和相应的低化石含量以及历史和人为原因,在地层单元划分和时代认定方面,仍处于相对粗放的状态,存在较多的不确定性.根据当初填制1:20万地质图时所建岩组的情况,涉及中-晚二叠世地层的组在保山地块北部自下而上有丙麻组、大凹子组和河湾街组,南部有永德组、沙子坡组和河湾街组,西南部有曼罩组和沙子坡组.当时填图工作的如下不足给中晚二叠世地层的对比和划分留下了隐患:①未能对北部的河湾街组下部二叠纪有孔虫进行认真研究,而根据一些瓣鳃动物化石将该组时代定为中三叠世;②在南部所建的永德组,既包括下部的红色杂色碎屑岩又包括上部的泥质灰岩;③把在某一层段所见化石的时代看成足整个岩组的时代,忽视了岩组的厚度及其相应时代跨度的大小,特别是那些以前尚未发现化石的部分.通过对区调资料的研读和野外观察,我们现在所理解的岩组对比情况是,西南部的曼里组、南部水德组下部的红色、杂色碎屑岩段和北部的丙麻组相当;西南部的沙子坡组相当于南部的永德组上部的灰岩段和沙子坡组、也相当于北部的大凹子组加上河湾街组的大部("破灰岩");南部的河湾街组大致相当于北部保山幅和泸水幅中河湾街组的顶部灰岩、白云质灰岩段(有时亦称上段,常出露不全或缺失)甚至还有上覆人水塘组的一部分.  相似文献   

东昆仑-阿尼玛卿地区早二叠世的沉积古地理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
东昆仑-阿尼玛卿地区早二叠世古海洋自北而南可分为东昆仑半局限海、托索湖-花石峡礁岛链和阿尼玛卿洋三部分。托索湖-花石峡礁带的主体由块状的礁相灰岩和生物碎屑灰岩所组成 ;东昆仑南坡半局限海中以短轴型的礁岛或碳酸盐建隆及相对较深的岛间盆地相沉积为特征 ;阿尼玛卿洋中则主要以深海软泥及放射虫硅质岩沉积为主, 同时也点缀一些碳酸盐建隆高地。东昆仑南坡半局限海中的礁岛及碳酸盐建隆在分布上缺乏明显的规律性, 但该区生物礁较发育。阿尼玛卿洋中碳酸盐建隆的规模小、分布零星、生物礁相对不发育, 但这些碳酸盐建隆在面上多呈断续的串珠状分布, 具有较明显的规律性。东昆仑南坡半局限海中的岛间盆地相主体以中薄层灰岩夹黑.  相似文献   

在层序地层研究成果基础上,以沉积体系域和相关界面为编图单元,采用体系域压缩法和瞬时编图法,编制了西南地区二叠纪层序古地理图,全面系统地阐述了该区二叠纪层序古地理演化特征。与传统的岩相古地理图相比,层序古地理图具有动态、精确、等时和实用等优点。  相似文献   

The sedimentary-tectonic status of Permian-Triassic boundary is examined in Gondwana stratigraphy of Peninsular India based on lithofacies characters, palaeoslope, and depositional models. The Late Permians represent meandering streams which flowed from southeast to northwest, except in Damodar basin where palaeoslope was from east to west. In Satpura, and Pranhita-Godavari basins, the Early Triassics record braided stream facies models. The palaeoslope remains northwesterly during Early Triassic sedimentation.Integrated evidence suggests that the Permian-Triassic boundary in Peninsular Gondwana stratigraphy of India is marked by tectonic discordance, and uplifts in the provenance.  相似文献   

在广西钦州地区小董镇大虫岭层状硅质岩剖面中,发现在乐平统底界附近,稀土元素地球化学Ce/ Ce*值的高异常带、稀土元素分布模式中Ce正异常层段(背景为负异常)以及岩性特征的明显变化段,与放射虫动物群的突然变化层位相吻合。这一研究结果说明,前乐平世海洋动物灾变事件在本剖面中有很好的响应。这一事件发生的原因是由于瓜德鲁普世末期全球性海退引起的,事件持续的时间较长,相当于卡匹敦期的晚期。  相似文献   

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