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The depth‐integrated momentum and kinetic energy equations contain velocity correlation terms that involve products of local deviations in velocity components about depth‐averaged values. Based on velocity data obtained from North Boulder Creek, Colorado, a simple scaling analysis suggests that certain of these terms, which normally can be neglected in the case of smooth channels, can be significant parts of the momentum and energy balances in steep, rough channels owing to the occurrence of non‐logarithmic velocity profiles. A linearized version of the kinetic energy equation suggests that, for flow accelerations over small‐amplitude bed forms, the energy of the mean motion is spatially partitioned between a form involving the depth‐averaged velocity and a form involving the deviatoric part of the velocity profile; this partitioning is associated with spatial variations in the uniformity of the vertical profile of the streamwise velocity. These points are consistent with published flume measurements involving flow over sand‐roughened dunes, and with published field measurements of flow over a gravel bar. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A wide range of approaches has been adopted for collecting and reporting vertical accretion rates, hence evaluation of results from different catchments, or even from different reaches within the same basin, is difficult as they may not be directly comparable. The present study compares depth‐ and volume‐based estimates of sediment accumulation for well‐dated vertical accretion sequences at Broomhaugh Island in the Tyne basin, northern England. High resolution dating control (based on heavy metal stratigraphy and cartography) coupled with detailed reconstruction of channel geometry allows accumulation rates to be calculated for the last 300–400 years. The results show a marked disparity in the magnitude and pattern of vertical accretion rates between the two approaches. The average annual thickness of sediment increases progressively, with a six‐fold difference between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries. The volume figures are more consistent, with a two‐fold difference between the highest and lowest rates, both of which occurred in the twentieth century. A major control on vertical accretion is found to be changing channel shape and capacity. Enlargement of the channel by 76 per cent since the seventeenth century, associated with channel bed incision, has resulted in fewer overbank flows. Hence floods, with their associated suspended sediment loads, which once inundated the floodplain are now confined within the channel. The reduced areal extent of surfaces available for deposition has resulted in greater annual thickness of sediment accumulated, despite an overall reduction in volume. This study emphasizes that caution is needed when attempting to identify causal linkages between changes in sedimentation rates and catchment land use and/or climatic factors and the geomorphological setting of the site must be taken into account. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparison of different fractional bed‐material load computation methods in sand‐bed channels. These methods include the direct computation by size fraction approach of Einstein, Laursen and Toffaleti; the bed material fraction (BMF) approach using equations of Engelund and Hansen, Ackers and White, Yang, and Karim's modified BMF method; and the transport capacity fraction (TCF) approach using the transport capacity distribution functions of Karim and Kennedy, Li, and Wu and Molinas. Over 150 sets of flume and field data in the sand size range containing a total of 1007 data points are used to evaluate and compare the accuracy of these methods. Statistical analysis and graphical comparison are utilized to demonstrate the performance and variations in different methods. Overall, the Einstein method underpredicts the transport rate for finer sizes and overpredicts for the coarser sizes, while the other methods overestimate the finer fractions and underestimate the coarser fractions. The Wu and Molinas method, which was developed to account for these deficiencies, is shown to significantly improve fractional bed‐material load computations. The Karim and Kennedy method is also found to be applicable. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The hyporheic zone (HZ) has the capability to eliminate and attenuate nutrients and contaminants in riverine systems. Biogeochemical reactions and the potential elimination of contaminants are strongly controlled by the flow paths and dynamics in the HZ. Nevertheless, an easily applicable method for the field determination of flow patterns in the HZ is still lacking. Therefore, a heat pulse technique, which traces the movement of a short heat pulse in the upper part of the HZ and other sand beds, was developed. Five rods are vertically driven into the sediment of the streambed; one rod with a heater as point source located in about 10‐cm sediment depth and four rods with four temperature sensors in 3 cm distance, arranged concentrically with 7 cm diameter around the heating rod. Subsequently, a heat pulse is applied and the resulting breakthrough curves are indicative of flow velocities and flow directions in the streambed. A rough data analysis procedure is also suggested. In addition, laboratory experiments were performed to test the heat pulse technique. These experiments were validated based on coupled numerical modelling of flow and heat transport. First field tests of the method prove that the method is easily applicable under field conditions. These first field tests showed highly complex flow patterns with flow velocities from 1·8 to 4·9 cm min?1 and flow directions from parallel to surface flow to opposite to surface flow. This suggests the need for a robust method to quantify hyporheic flow patterns in situ. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bank erosion rates and processes across a range of spatial scales are poorly understood in most environments, especially in the seasonally wet tropics of northern Australia where sediment yields are among global minima. A total of 177 erosion pins was installed at 45 sites on four sand‐bed streams (Tributaries North and Central, East Tributary and Ngarradj) in the Ngarradj catchment in the Alligator Rivers Region. Bank erosion was measured for up to 3·5 years (start of 1998/99 wet season to end of 2001/02 wet season) at three spatial scales, namely a discontinuous gully (0·6 km2) that was initiated by erosion of a grass swale between 1975 and 1981, a small continuous channel (2·5 km2) on an alluvial fan that was formed by incision of a formerly discontinuous channel between 1964 and 1978, and three medium‐sized, continuous channels (8·5–43·6 km2) with riparian vegetation. The bank erosion measurements during a period of average to above‐average rainfall established that substantial bank erosion occurred during the wet season on the two smaller channels by rapid lateral migration (Tributary Central) and by erosion of gully sidewalls due to a combination of within‐gully flows and overland flow plunging over the sidewalls (Tributary North). Minor bank erosion also occurred during the dry season by faunal activity, by desiccation and loss of cohesion of the sandy bank sediments and by dry flow processes. The larger channels with riparian vegetation (East Tributary and Ngarradj) did not generate significant amounts of sediment by bank erosion. Deposition (i.e. negative pin values) was locally significant at all scales. Bank profile form and channel planform exert a strong control on erosion rates during the wet season but not during the dry season. Copyright © 2006 Commonwealth Government of Australia.  相似文献   

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