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In order to examine the applicability of ground‐shaking mapping techniques to a near‐field earthquake, a peak ground velocity map of the 1995 Hyogo‐ken Nanbu, Japan earthquake computed from seismic zoning methods that consider the effects of geological conditions is compared with the actual observed intensity map. When computing the ground‐shaking map, the site amplification at each site is calculated in terms of the average shear‐wave velocity of the ground estimated from the corresponding geomorphological conditions. This map shows a relatively good agreement with the observed intensity map. However, the computations provide smaller values for certain disastrous areas of the earthquake, where the effects on ground motion of a deep, irregular underground structure have been reported. The effect of such structures on site response is examined implementing 2D FEM analyses, thereby being also incorporated into the method. Results considering the effect of the irregular underground structure show better agreement with the observed intensity map. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Previous studies on pounding responses of bridge structures mainly focus on the horizontal pounding between adjacent structures. However, the vertical pounding responses of bridge are rarely studied. The aim of this paper is develop a theoretical approach to investigate the transient behavior of continuous bridge under near‐fault vertical ground motions. The transient behavior of bridge manifests as the earthquake‐induced response wave and pounding‐induced response wave travel throughout bridge. Based on a new continuous model of beam–spring–rod, the theoretical solution of bridge responses involving multiple vertical poundings is derived by the expansion of transient wave functions in a series of eigenfunctions. A new theoretical solving approach of the multiple vertical pounding forces is presented based on the transient internal force on the contact surface of the girder and bearing. The numerical results show that the present method can reasonably capture the propagations of the earthquake‐induced response wave and pounding‐induced response wave. The calculations of pounding force by the present method are convergence of the time‐step size and truncation number of wave modes. As the effect of transient wave is taken into account, the numerical results show several transient phenomena involving the vertical pounding, the high pounding force, the multiple‐pounding phenomenon, the vertical separation of girder from the bearing, the dependence of poundings on earthquake period and the narrow period window of poundings. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
1995年1月17日日本兵库县南部淡路岛发生7.2级地震,这是近70年来日本遭受人员伤亡和财产损失最惨重的一次地震,为国际社会所瞩目。本文据现有资料,从地震预测、地震工程以及抗震救灾体制等方面,对这次地震造成严重灾害的原因作了初步分析。另外,本文就近期日本一系列强震的发生,对我国大陆及沿海地区地震活动可能的影响亦作了简要的讨论。 相似文献
In the most recent seismic codes, the assessment of the seismic response of structures may be carried out by comparing the displacement capacity, provided by nonlinear static analysis, with the displacement demand. In many cases the code approach is based on the N2 method proposed by Fajfar, which evaluates the displacement demand by defining, as an intermediate step, a single degree‐of‐freedom (SDOF) system equivalent to the examined structure. Other codes suggest simpler approaches, which do not require equivalent SDOF systems, but they give slightly different estimation of the seismic displacement demand. The paper points out the differences between the methods and suggests an operative approach that provides the same accuracy as the N2 method without requiring the evaluation of an equivalent SDOF system. A wide parametric investigation allows an accurate comparison of the different methods and demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed operative approach. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
1995年1月17日日本兵库县南部地震概况综述 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
1995年1月17日,强烈的日本兵库县南部地震袭击了日本近畿地方的广大地区,这次灾难性的地震是半个世纪以来在日本发生的规模最大的一次内陆地震,它使日本遭受了一次出乎意料的严重破坏,打破了“日本安全”的神话,将对今后的地震预报和防灾对策研究产生重大的影响,因此,这次地震引起了日本和世界各国的极大关注。本文将对这次地震作一综合介绍。 相似文献
单层砖柱排架厂房是我国中小企业生产用房的主要形式,目前此类结构仍广泛存在于经济欠发达的地区.历次地震震害资料表明,单层砖柱排架厂房在地震中比较容易损坏.本文通过对芦山地震中单层砖柱排架厂房的震害现场调查,总结了单层砖柱排架厂房的震害特征并分析其破坏原因;统计了几次地震中单层砖柱排架厂房的震害资料,给出了修正的未设防单层砖柱排架厂房地震易损性矩阵;最后,采用了逐步回归法,柱顶位移角法及模糊震害指数法分别对单层砖柱排架厂房进行震害预测,并将各种方法的震害预测结果与实际震害情况进行了对比分析.本文研究对认识该类结构的易损性、震害机理和抗震薄弱部位,指导抗震加固有着重要意义. 相似文献
Jalil Shafaei Abdollah Hosseini Mohammad Sadegh Marefat Jason M. Ingham 《地震工程与结构动力学》2017,46(2):291-316
The effectiveness of a rehabilitation method based on joint enlargement using prestressed steel angles to enhance the seismic behavior of damaged external reinforced concrete beam‐column joints was experimentally investigated. Three half‐scale joints having either non‐seismic or seismic reinforcement details were tested both before and after rehabilitation by applying lateral cyclic loading of increasing amplitudes. Two defects were considered for the two non‐seismic units, being the absence of transverse steel hoops and insufficient bond capacity of beam bottom steel reinforcing bars in the joint panel zone. The damaged specimens were rehabilitated by injecting epoxy grout into existing cracks and installing stiffened steel angles at the re‐entrant corners of the beam‐column joint, both above and below the beam, that were mounted and held in place using prestressed high‐tensile strength bars. The test results indicated that the seismic performance of the rehabilitated specimens in terms of strength, stiffness, and ductility was fully recovered and comparable with the performance of the seismically detailed specimen. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Introduction In1564,an Italian man named Jacopo Gastaldi(XIE,1958)presented the first macroseismic intensity scale in the world,which based on the building damage and the ground surface failure after an earthquake.Today the seismic intensity has developed into an indispensable important concept,which applies to seismology and earthquake engineering,however it was just used to de-scribe earthquake damage while the concept of intensity was established.With this concept,seis-mologist can estima… 相似文献
论发震构造特性在潜在震源区参数确定中的应用 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
发震构造特性是潜在震源区划分及其地震年发生率确定的重要依据。潜在震源区除了反映“未来具有发生破坏性地震的地区”的内涵外,还应反映高震级档地震具有相似复发特征的涵义。由于在地震活动性参数统计单元内,有一些具有不同本底地震的活动构造块体,为更好地反映地震活动的空间不均匀性,考虑潜在震源区的三级划分是有必要的。通过分析潜在震源区内高震级档地震的复发特征,计算预测时段内潜在震源区的高震级档地震的发震概率,采用预测时段内概率等效转换获得地震年平均发生率的方法,有助于在中国地震危险性分析框架内考虑潜在震源区的强震复发特性。另外,文中还对潜在震源区内特征地震次级震级档频度不足的特性和发震构造上强震非均匀性在地震危险性分析中的应用问题进行了探讨 相似文献
对东北深震震相特征和地震参数的对比分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
对兰州地震台数字化和模拟记录并行期间,发生在中国东北的2个具有典型深震特征的中强地震,进行了数字与模拟(DK1)记录对比分析,以便快速、准确的速报其地震参数,提高兰州地震台对深震的快速反应能力. 相似文献
城市建构筑物地震损失预测研究 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
本文提出了预测城市建构筑物在不同烈度下地震灾害损失的简易方法。首先分析了影响城市建构筑物抗震能力的3个因素——抗震设防情况、建筑年代和结构类型;然后提出了建构筑物抗震能力指数的概念,并确定了将上述3因素综合成建构筑物抗震能力指数的方法;最后利用“九五”期间所做的大中城市的震害预测结果统计回归出房屋抗震能力指数与地震灾害损失——人员伤亡、经济损失和震后恢复时间的关系。由此可以得到建构筑物在不同烈度下地震灾害损失的简易计算方法。 相似文献
By the theories of potential flow and structural vibration, the formulae for evaluating the ‘wet’ (with water) frequencies and mode shapes of the beam‐supported aqueduct are derived through a simplified fluid‐structure interaction analysis. The time‐history formulae of structural responses to the vertical seismic excitation are obtained. Applying the response‐spectrum principle, the equivalent vertical earthquake load exerted on the beam and the corresponding effects are also derived. Several illustrative examples are conducted. The analytical results show that: (i) The ‘wet’ frequencies of the structure are lower than the corresponding ‘dry’ (without water) frequencies due to the participating water mass, but the ‘wet’ mode shapes are identical to the corresponding ‘dry’ ones. (ii) The water mass plays an important role in the vertical seismic response, which varies with the different geological sites. For the different seismic inputs, the deeper the water is, the greater are the structural responses. (iii) The vertical seismic effects on the beam are generally not too small to be neglected and should be considered in the structural designs of a beam‐supported aqueduct. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
近年来,国内学者强调对于复杂和超限结构需进行中震性能设计,即在小震弹性设计后进行中震下的承载力复核及调整,然而中震设计能否提高结构整体抗震性能仍存在争议。为探究中震设计与小震设计方法的差异,本文依据现行规范,以设防烈度、结构高度和场地类别为变化参数,建立了48个典型RC剪力墙模型,并分别以“小震”、“高规中震”、“广东高规中震”和“关键构件中震”进行截面设计,之后进行罕遇地震作用下的弹塑性分析及增量动力分析计算。在对比了不同设计方法的钢筋用量、结构与构件性能表现及结构抗倒塌能力储备的差异后认为,现行中震设计方法存在诸多弊端,包括会导致结构用钢量的显著增大,结构延性的降低,及结构安全度的降低等;采用关键构件中震设计方法则能较好地提高结构整体抗震性能,更符合抗震设计概念。因此,建议对RC剪力墙结构仅针对关键构件进行中震性能设计,以提高重要结构的安全性。 相似文献
Real‐time substructuring is a method of dynamically testing a structure without experimentally testing a physical model of the entire system. Instead the structure can be split into two linked parts, the region of particular interest, which is tested experimentally, and the remainder which is tested numerically. A transfer system, such as a hydraulic actuator or a shaking table, is used to impose the displacements at the interface between the two parts on the experimental substructure. The corresponding force imposed by the substructure on the transfer system is fed back to the numerical model. Control of the transfer system is critical to the accuracy of the substructuring process. A study of two controllers used in conjunction with the University of Bristol shaking table is presented here. A proof‐of‐concept one degree‐of‐freedom mass–spring–damper system is substructured such that a portion of the mass forms the experimental substructure and the remainder of the mass plus the spring and the damper is modelled numerically. Firstly a linear controller is designed and tested. Following this an adaptive substructuring strategy is considered, based on the minimal control synthesis algorithm. The deleterious effect of oil‐column resonance common to shaking tables is examined and reduced through the use of filters. The controlled response of the experimental specimen is compared for the two control strategies. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) leads to curves expressed in terms of structural response versus intensity, commonly known as the IDA curves. It is known that implementation of IDA usually involves significant computational effort and most often significant scaling of the original records to various intensity levels. Employing as the performance variable the critical demand to capacity ratio (DCR) throughout the structure, which is equal to unity at the onset of the limit state, facilitates the identification of the intensity values at the onset of a desired limit state and hence the implementation of the IDA procedure. Employing the structural response to un‐scaled records and the corresponding regression‐based response predictions (a.k.a., the “Cloud Analysis”) helps in identifying the range of intensity values corresponding to demand to capacity ratio values in the vicinity of unity. The Cloud to IDA procedure for structural fragility assessment is proposed on the premise of exploiting the Cloud Analysis results to obtain the IDA curves both with minimum number of analyses and minimum amount of scaling. The transverse frame of a shear‐critical 7‐story older RC building in Van Nuys, CA, which is modeled in Opensees with fiber‐section considering the flexural‐shear‐axial interactions and the bar slip, is employed as a case study. It is demonstrated, by comparing the results to IDA and other state of the art non‐linear dynamic procedures based on no scaling or spectral‐shape‐compatible scaling, that the Cloud to IDA procedure leads to reliable results in terms of structural fragility and risk for the prescribed limit state. 相似文献