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王涵  吴林  薛丹  刘雪飞  洪柳  牟利  李小玲 《湿地科学》2020,18(3):266-274
泥炭藓泥炭沼泽多分布于冷湿的寒温带地区;亚热带亚高山地区降水充足,气温相对较低,部分山间洼地也发育有泥炭藓泥炭沼泽,分布在亚热带的泥炭藓泥炭沼泽更为珍稀。2018年4月至2019年5月,对湖北省恩施市太山庙林场泥炭藓泥炭沼泽进行了野外调查,调查结果显示,该区域有22处泥炭藓泥炭沼泽,其泥炭层厚50~110 cm,呈斑块状分布在地势低洼处,总面积为39.59 hm2;在泥炭藓泥炭沼泽中,全年水位在-17.65~-0.34 cm之间波动;在泥炭藓泥炭沼泽中,0~50 cm深度土壤的pH为3.92~4.30,土壤的酸性较强。随着土壤深度的增加,土壤pH和容重增大,土壤含水量、有机碳含量、可溶性有机碳含量、全氮含量和碱解氮含量在减小;0~50 cm深度土壤的有机碳质量比为246.51~283.30 g/kg,可溶性有机碳质量浓度为33.97~77.64 mg/L,全氮质量比为8.19~12.71 g/kg,碱解氮质量比为436.22~741.35 mg/kg;在泥炭藓泥炭沼泽中,共有植物33科42属52种;优势植物主要为杜鹃花科、蔷薇科、禾本科、莎草科的植物;灌木层、草本植物层和苔藓层的植物盖度分别为(75±16)%、(46±18)%和(92±8)%;植物地上总生物量为1.83 kg/m2,灌木层、草本植物层和苔藓层的植物地上生物量分别为(0.42±0.13) kg/m2、(0.032±0.015) kg/m2和(1.38±0.42) kg/m2。  相似文献   

王馨  冉敏  杨运鹏  琚立 《地理科学进展》2022,41(8):1467-1477
近年来,“全新世温度谜题”已经受到全球古气候学者的广泛关注,为了解决这一谜题,需要在全球不同区域进行更多的全新世温度重建。帕米尔高原位于亚洲内陆核心区域,目前有关帕米尔高原全新世气候变化的研究相对较少,且已有的研究主要集中于相对湿度(或降水)变化的研究,而涉及温度变化的成果则相对较少。论文首先研究了表土碳同位素与气候因子之间的相关关系,结果显示帕米尔高原的δ13Corg与温度正相关;进一步在 7 个AMS14C 测年数据的支持之下,基于 175 个泥炭δ13Cα-cellulose分析,重建了帕米尔高原过去约5000 a的温度变化历史。结果发现:帕米尔高原晚全新世以来整体呈现波动升温趋势,约5000~3600 cal a BP阶段处于缓慢降温期;约3600~200 cal a BP 处于波动升温期;驱动机制分析显示,约 3600 cal a BP 之前温度下降主要是夏季太阳辐射下降导致的,约3600 cal a BP之后温度上升是由温室气体辐射强迫增强导致的。  相似文献   

东北地区泥炭表土中植硅体的形态特征   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
张新荣  胡克  王东坡 《地理科学》2007,27(6):831-836
表土沉积物中植硅体组合研究是恢复第四纪古植被、重建第四纪古环境、划分对比地层的基础。对东北地区41个地点的泥炭表土进行植硅体分析,发现东北泥炭表土中植硅体含量丰富,主要可分为哑铃型、鞍型、扇型、帽型、尖型、齿型、棒型、方型、长方型、梯型和其它11种类型。植硅体表面形态特征不一,表面纹饰多为突起或凹坑,其中哑铃型植硅体可细分为2种,扇型、齿型和棒型植硅体各分5种,帽型和尖型植硅体各分3种。  相似文献   

两种泥炭藓种群年龄结构与生长特征的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
付彬  卜兆君  王升忠 《湿地科学》2005,3(3):200-204
2004年8月中旬,在长白山西侧龙岗山脉中部的哈尼泥炭沼泽,应用“固有年际标记”方法,研究了中位泥炭藓(Sphagnum.magellanicum)与疣壁泥炭藓(Sphagnum papillosum)两种群分株数量和生物量的年龄结构、生物量和高度生长规律。结果表明:中位泥炭藓种群共分为4个龄级,分株的数量和生物量的年龄结构均呈稳定型;疣壁泥炭藓种群亦分4个龄级,但分株的年龄结构呈衰退型。两种泥炭藓种群分株每年生长的高度大体上相同,分株高度与龄级间均呈较明显的单调线性关系(p<0.01),两种群虽未出现异速生长现象,但老龄植株的高度、生物量变异程度均小于幼龄株。这与老龄级分株对水、养分及光资源的吸收利用的权衡能力较强有一定关系。  相似文献   

若尔盖高原泥炭地碳收支特征及固碳价值评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于野外实测数据和碳税法对若尔盖高原泥炭地的固碳价值进行了定量评价。结果表明:若尔盖高原泥炭地总体表现为CO_2的汇和CH_4的源,年净固定CO_2的量为2 922 kg CO_2/hm~2,年CH_4排放量约为48 kg CH_4/hm~2,换算成CO_2当量约为1 163 kg CO_2/hm~2。若尔盖高原泥炭地总CO_2的排放量为23 375.6 kg CO_2/hm~2,其中CH_4排放的CO_2当量仅占到了总CO_2排放的5%。将若尔盖高原泥炭地吸收CO_2的正效应减去CH_4排放的负效应,得到若尔盖高原泥炭地的年净固碳量为1759.4 kg CO_2/hm~2,总体表现出较强的碳汇功能。若尔盖高原泥炭地净吸收CO_2的价值为11.50亿元(正效应价值),净排放CH_4的价值为4.58亿元(负效应价值)。将正负效应进行整合,得到整个若尔盖高原泥炭地的总固碳价值为6.92亿元。  相似文献   

对乌鲁木齐市建成区和郊区不同用地类型土壤样品的磁学特征、空间变化规律及初步的环境指示意义进行了研究。结果表明:城市土壤磁性矿物平均含量适中,主要以多畴亚铁磁性矿物主导,同时含有少量不完全反铁磁性矿物。建成区土壤磁性矿物中超顺磁性矿物粒度含量非常少,郊区由超顺和粗磁颗粒共同构成。从磁性参数的空间分布特征来看,磁性矿物含量呈现出工业区、交通密集区以及其他人类活动强烈地区含量高,北部的耕地和其他3个方向的未利用地含量低的变化规律,而且建成区特别是工业区附近存在较多的多畴亚铁磁性矿物和相对较高的不完全反铁磁性矿物。通过对磁性参数空间分布特征的分析,初步得出建成区比受人为因素影响相对较少的郊区土壤磁性强,与建成区工矿企业生产、汽车尾气和其他人为活动产生的粗颗粒亚铁磁性的污染物相关。  相似文献   

由于泥炭化冻土是冻土工程建设中需要解决的重大问题,因此泥炭与冻土的共生关系备受关注。以川西高原0~30 cm深度的泥炭化冻土为研究对象,从泥炭化冻土的形成和泥炭与冻土的共生关系角度,选取控制因素,分析这些因素的控制机制,并将这些因素作为评价指标;采用熵权法、层次分析法和模糊评价方法,制作出川西高原泥炭化冻土分布图;最后,结合前人的相关研究成果对研究结果进行了验证。研究结果表明,采用的研究方法具有可行性;川西高原泥炭化冻土分布具有区域聚集、空间变异性大和受纬度地带性影响大的特点;高泥炭化冻土的面积为0.8×10^(4) km^(2)(约占研究区面积的5%),中泥炭化冻土的面积为7.8×10^(4) km^(2)(约占研究区面积的33%);低泥炭化冻土广泛分布,面积为11.5×10^(4) km^(2)(约占研究区面积的50%);非泥炭化冻土面积为3.0×10^(4) km^(2)(约占研究区面积的12%);多年冻土的泥炭化程度最大;冻土与泥炭的共生作用对冻土工程具有显著影响。  相似文献   

By wind tunnel experiment, we studied the deflation rates of 8 different clastic sediments in the arid regions of China, discussed the sources of aeolian sand and their influence on the development of sand dunes and formation of sand deserts from the view of dynamics of wind erosion. The average deflation rates of 8 typical clastic sediments in the arid regions of China can be arranged in the order of lacustrine sand > alluvial sand > weathered sandstone and shale > pluvial sediments > fluvioglacial sand > weathered granite > slope deposit > glacial sediments. The deflation rates exhibited strong positive correlations with the erodible particle (0.063–2mm) content and sorting features. In contrast, the deflation rates had obvious negative correlations with the contents of silt clay (<0.063 mm) and gravel (>2 mm). According to the deflation rates, the 8 typical clastic sediments can be divided into four categories: (1) lacustrine and alluvial sand, which are readily prone to wind erosion, assumed to be the main source of aeolian sand; (2) weathered sandstone and shale, pluvial sediments and fluvioglacial sand with considerable deflation rates, might be the secondary source of aeolian sand; (3) weathered granite and slope deposit having the lower deflation rates, could supply a little aeolian sand; and (4) glacial sediments with a strong anti-erodibility, could hardly offer any aeolian sand. In addition to the strong wind conditions, the exposure of extensive lacustrine sand induced by the desiccation of inland lake basin, as well as the pre-sorting of clastic sediments by flowing water should be the key factors influencing the development of sand deserts in China. The possible reason the sand deserts in China being mostly distributed around the inland lake basins and along riverbanks could be better understood through sand source analysis.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The sand deserts in China are the product of long-term wind erosion from clastic sediments and remodified by wind in the arid environments (Wu, 1987; Gao et al., 1993). The origin of aeolian sand is an elementary issue in studying morpholog…  相似文献   

Mineral magnetic measurements of six 210Pb-dated surface cores from different basins of Lake Baikal, Siberia, show temporal records controlled by a range of internal and external processes. With the exception of sediments on the Academician Ridge, there is clear evidence for widespread reductive diagenesis effects on the ferrimagnetic component coupled with neo-formation of paramagnetic iron minerals. Greigite formation, bacterial magnetosome accumulation and turbidite layers may affect the properties of some sediment levels. Concentrations of canted antiferromagnetic minerals (eg. haematite) appear to increase from the 19th century onwards. These minerals are less affected by dissolution processes and probably represent detrital minerals delivered by catchment fluvial processes. The magnetic evidence for recent atmospheric pollution by fossil-fuel combustion processes is weak in all the cores, and supports the findings from studies of spherical carbonaceous particles (SCPs) and heavy metals that pollution is largely restricted to the southern basin. Correlations between recent sediments based on magnetic data may be insecure over long distances or between basins.  相似文献   

选取干旱区准噶尔盆地南缘梭梭和柽柳两类典型荒漠植被区的4种不同地表类型(冠层下、枯枝落叶层、地衣结皮覆盖区、裸地),对其从6~10月份的土壤微生物量碳季节变化进行动态监测,并在此基础上进行了土壤微生物量碳与各影响因子之间关系的分析,旨在揭示干旱区土壤微生物量碳季节动态变化特征及其主要影响因子。结果表明:两类典型荒漠植被区的土壤微生物量碳均呈现明显的季节变化,但变化趋势并不一致。其中梭梭植被区4种地表类型下的土壤微生物量碳均在8月达到峰值;柽柳植被区冠层下土壤微生物量碳也在8月份达到最大值,但其他3种地表类型下的土壤微生物量碳却在8月降到最低值。通过土壤微生物量碳的影响因子分析表明两类不同植被区土壤微生物量碳与有机碳、全氮均为(P<0.05)正相关,此外,梭梭植被区与土壤湿度存在正相关,而柽柳植被区则与土壤总含盐量呈显著负相关,表明两类荒漠植被区土壤微生物对影响因子的响应并不完全相同。  相似文献   

近35 a来新疆干旱区湖泊变化及原因分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
朱刚  高会军  曾光 《干旱区地理》2015,38(1):103-110
应用“3S”技术,以流域为单元,对新疆干旱区1975-2010年近35 a来湖泊的变化进行了研究。研究结果表明:湖泊总体呈数量多、规模小的特点,以天然湖泊为主,湖泊分布面积最大的流域为准噶尔内流区、分布数量最多的流域为塔里木内流区;35 a来湖泊的变化呈1975-2000年数量与面积增大、2000-2010年数量与面积减少的特征;天然湖泊与人工湖泊变化差异显著,天然湖泊数量与面积均呈先增加后减少的变化特征,而人工湖泊数量及面积均呈持续增加的变化特征;1975-2000年各流域湖泊面积均增大,2000-2010年除伊犁河内流区外,各流域湖泊面积均大幅度减小;影响新疆干旱区湖泊变化的主要气候因素是降水与气温,人类活动是流域间湖泊变化幅度与变化趋势差异的主要影响因素,也是影响天然湖泊与人工湖泊变化趋势差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

Based on the daily maximum temperature data covering the period 1961-2005, temporal and spatial characteristics and their changing in mean annual and monthly high temperature days (HTDs) and the mean daily maximum temperature (MDMT) during annual and monthly HTDs in East China were studied. The results show that the mean annual HTDs were 15.1 and the MDMT during annual HTDs was 36.3℃ in the past 45 years. Both the mean annual HTDs and the MDMT during annual HTDs were negative anomaly in the1980s and positive anomaly in the other periods of time, oscillating with a cycle of about 12-15 years. The mean annual HTDs were more in the southern part, but less in the northern part of East China. The MDMT during annual HTDs was higher in Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangxi provinces in the central and western parts of East China. The high temperature process (HTP) was more in the southwestern part, but less in northeastern part of East China. Both the HTDs and the numbers of HTP were at most in July, and the MDMT during monthly HTDs was also the highest in July. In the first 5 years of the 21st century, the mean annual HTDs and the MDMT during annual HTDs increased at most of the stations, both the mean monthly HTDs and the MDMT during monthly HTDs were positive anomalies from April to October, the number of each type of HTP generally was at most and the MDMT in each type of HTP was also the highest.  相似文献   

Using210Pb-dating of peat cores, corroborated by pollen and acid-insoluble ash approaches, rates of vertical height growth, dry mass accumulation, and organic matter accumulation were determined for fiveSphagnum-dominated peatland sites (one in Minnesota, one in Pennsylvania, one on the Maryland/West Virginia border, two in West Virginia), spanning a mean annual temperature range of 4.5 °C and differing in total annual precipitation by a factor of almost 2. Site differences in rates of vertical height growth and dry mass accumulation were documented, but both within-core and between-site differences in bulk density and ash concentrations of peat confound efforts to relate vertical height growth and dry mass accumulation to net organic matter accumulation. Taking bulk densities and ash concentrations into account, rates of net organic matter accumulation over the past 150–200 years were strikingly similar at four of the five sites, an unexpected result given the general trend that with decreasing latitude, peat deposits become older, thinner, and more highly decomposed. More comprehensive studies are needed in which net organic matter accumulation is determined at several locations within a single peatland, at several peatlands within a particular geographic/climatic region, and at peatland sites in different geographic/climatic regions. If additional studies confirm that recent (past 200 years) net organic matter accumulation is relatively insensitive to broad-scale regional climatic differences, boreal and subarctic peatlands may continue to function as a net sink for atmospheric CO2 and a net source of atmospheric CH4 with no change in rates of net organic matter accumulation, even under predicted scenarios of global climate change.This publication is the third paper in a series of papers presented at the session on Past Climatic Change and the Development of Peatlands at the ASLO and SWS Meetings in Edmonton, Canada, May 30–June 3, 1993. Dr P. Kuhry and Dr S. C. Zoltai are serving as Guest Editors.  相似文献   

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