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Large quantities of leachate-contaminated lateritic soil results from dump yards in the southwest coast of India. These dump yards receive large quantities of municipal solid waste which includes chemical, industrial and biomedical wastes. Large areas of land are currently being used for this purpose. An extensive laboratory testing program was carried out to determine the compaction characteristics and hydraulic conductivity of clean and contaminated lateritic soil. Batch tests were used to study the immediate effect of leachate contamination on the properties of lateritic soil. Contaminated specimens were prepared by mixing the lateritic soil with leachate in the amount of 5%, 10% and 20% by weight to vary the degree of contamination. The results indicated a small reduction in maximum dry density and an increase in hydraulic conductivity due to leachate-contamination. The change induced by chemical reaction in the microstructure of the soil was studied by scanning electron microscope before and after contamination of soil with leachate. The structure of the leachate contaminated soil sample appeared to be aggregated in scanning electron microscope analysis. The aggregated structure increases the effective pore space and thus increases the hydraulic conductivity. Fifty percent increase in hydraulic conductivity was observed for specimens prepared at standard Proctor density and mixed with 20% leachate. Compaction characteristics did not change much with the presence of leachate up to 10%. With 20% leachate the maximum dry density decreased slightly indicating excess leachate in the soil. However the changes are not significant.  相似文献   

击实膨胀土工程变形特征的试验研究   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
以湖南邵阳膨胀土为例,对3种击实膨胀土工程变形特性进行了试验研究。试验结果表明:膨胀土的起始含水率和起始干密度对其膨胀力和膨胀量大小的影响是主要的外部因素;根据膨胀力试验和膨胀量试验的试验数据,拟合出膨胀力曲线和膨胀量曲线的变化规律均为指数关系。同时,还研究了膨胀速度曲线、收缩特性曲线的特征及膨胀和收缩两个过程的相似关系。研究结果为膨胀土路堤的设计及膨胀土地基处理等膨胀土问题提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   

Collapsible soils are problematic by nature. They undergo collapse or sudden settlement or subsidence under a given stress when their water content is increased. Collapse is characterised by collapse potential expressed as ΔH/H x 100, where ΔH is collapse compression. The amount of stress applied and the water content at the time of collapse govern the amount of collapse. In other words, collapse potential depends upon the amount of stress and the water content. Loess and other wind-blown silts are examples of collapsible soils. This paper presents a parametric study on the collapse behaviour of a lateritic soil. Remoulded specimens of a lateritic soil passing through a 425 µm sieve were compacted in 1-D consolidometer or oedometer at a density of 13 kN/m3 for studying collapse under varied initial moisture contents and initial surcharge pressures. Collapse compression of the samples was induced by saturating the specimens with water contents corresponding to 100% degree of saturation. After collapse occurred, the 1-D consolidation tests were continued up to an applied stress of 160 kPa. Collapse behaviour was studied for the applied initial pressures (σi) of 10, 20 and 40 kPa and for the initial water contents (wi) of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. Collapse compression and collapse potential decreased with increasing wi for all σi.  相似文献   

This paper uses a deltaic lateritic soil sample to study the combined influence of total gravel composition and gravelly exclusion on compaction parameters MDD (or maximum dry density) and OMC (or optimum moisture content) derived from standard laboratory compaction tests. In the end, MDD was found to vary polynomially with percentage of gravelly exclusion with improved or higher values as total gravel composition increases. OMC on the other hand was found to decrease continually with increasing gravelly exclusion but independent of the total gravel composition. Also, a model was presented in form of a family of curves to predict actual or field compaction parameters (which is devoid of gravelly exclusion) and their laboratory counterparts. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

粗粒土压实特性及颗粒破碎分形特征试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杜俊  侯克鹏  梁维  彭国诚 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z1):155-161
对多个级配不同含水率的粗粒土进行击实试验,研究粗粒土的压实特性和颗粒破碎分形特征。结果表明,粗粒土最大干密度随级配中粗粒含量的增大而增大,当粗粒含量P5=70%时,最大干密度出现最大值;当P5>70%时,最大干密度又随粗粒含量的增大而减小,粗粒土击实破碎后的粒径分布具有良好的分形特性,破碎分形维数为2.279 0~2.892 2,均大于击实前粗粒土粒度分形维数;相同级配条件下,粗粒土破碎分形维数随含水率的增大而增大,且粗粒含量P5>50%时,增幅显著;粗粒土破碎分形维数D与破碎率Bg存在良好的线性关系,且击实前后粗粒土粒度分形维数差值能客观表征颗粒破碎的程度;粗粒含量和含水率是影响颗粒破碎率的两个重要因素,但相对于含水率而言,粗粒含量对破碎率的影响更加显著。  相似文献   

压实红黏土水分传输的毛细效应与数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谈云志  孔令伟  郭爱国  万智 《岩土力学》2010,31(7):2289-2294
当路基处于地下水水源丰富且水位较高的区域时,容易受到地下水的毛细上升侵蚀作用。为治理因水分毛细上升而引起的路基病害,需了解其毛细上升规律。在水平吸渗试验原理的基础上略加改进,自制了一套毛细上升试验装置,进行了三种不同初始干密度试样的试验。结果表明,毛细上升高度与含水率的关系类似于土-水特征曲线;试样的干密度越大,在相同的时间内毛细上升高度越小;水分因毛细效应的扩散能力随初始含水率的变化存在一个最优含水率点。最后,利用有限元方法模拟了水分在不同时刻沿着试样高度的分布规律,并对比分析了试验终了时刻的计算值与实测值,二者之间的分布规律比较一致。  相似文献   

为了研究广吸力范围内红黏土的强度特性,采用经压力板法饱和,对盐溶液蒸汽平衡法吸力平衡后的非饱和桂林红黏土样进行一系列常含水率直剪试验。高吸力时土–水特征曲线不受土体密度的影响,故等含水率试验可以认为是等吸力试验。试验结果表明,随着平衡吸力的增加,非饱和红黏土的抗剪强度与黏聚力均先增大后减小,吸力为7 MPa左右时出现抗剪强度的最大值;当吸力超过7 MPa后内摩擦角基本保持不变,说明高吸力阶段吸力增大引起的强度变化是由黏聚力的变化引起的;吸力超过70 MPa后随着吸力的增加,强度变化较小。最后结合压汞试验的结果,从孔隙大小分布的角度解释了红黏土在广吸力范围内的强度特性。  相似文献   

汪攀峰  丁启朔 《岩土力学》2010,31(6):1797-1802
使用非标准击实仪进行单层击样,获取非标准击实状态下单层击实样的密度与击实功及含水率之间的关系,并进一步以得到的击实样获得其抗剪强度。发现当击实功小到一定程度时,击实密度随含水率的增大而不断增大,两者近似线性变化,无峰值出现。密度峰值对应的含水率与抗剪强度峰值对应的含水率有一个差值,其值在3.4%~5.7%之间。内摩擦角随含水率增大而减小的规律仅适合于一定的击实功。内摩擦角在较小的击实功下有峰值出现,但随着击实功的增大,内摩擦角的变化呈线性而非曲线形式。另外,针对土工室内模型试验的重塑土样制备问题,结合试验数据,给出了试验最优制样参数,并初步提供了评价指标?。  相似文献   

A detailed study was performed to investigate the compressibility and the shear strength of a residual soil in Omdurman, Sudan. The soil resulted from weathering of sandstone and mudstone. The soil is classified as sandy clayey silt (MH-CH) and is generally partially saturated. Consolidation tests were performed to study the compressibility of the soil and UU, CIU and insitu tests (CPT and SPT) were performed to study the shear strength characteristics of the soil. The characteristics of this residual soil can generally be predicted using correlations proposed in the literature for transported soils. The soil is of low to medium compressibility and exhibits slight apparent overconsolidation behavior. The soil dilates during shear and shows no long term effective cohesion. Problems associated with open cuts in this soil are attributed to loss of strength upon saturation.  相似文献   

Strength properties of compacted ash layers depend to a great extent on the moulding conditions. This paper focuses on the effects of compaction energy and degree of saturation on strength characteristics of compacted pond ash. The pond ash sample, collected from the ash pond of Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP), was subjected to compactive energies varying from 357 kJ/m3 to 3488 kJ/m3. The optimum moisture content and maximum dry densities corresponding to different compactive energies were determined by conventional compaction tests. The shear strength parameters, unconfined compressive strengths (UCS) and California bearing ratio (CBR) values of specimens compacted to different dry densities and moisture content were assessed and reported. The effects of compaction energy and degree of saturation on shear strength parameters i.e. unit cohesion (cu) and angle of internal friction (Ф) values and also the UCS values are evaluated and presented herein. The results indicate that the dry density and strength of the compacted pond ash can be suitably modified by controlling the compactive energy and moulding moisture content. The strength achieved in the present study is comparable to the good quality, similar graded conventional earth materials. Hence, it may be safely concluded that pond ash can replace the natural earth materials in geotechnical constructions.  相似文献   

考虑饱和度的压实填土抗剪强度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
骆以道 《岩土力学》2011,32(10):3143-3147
压实填土一般为典型的非饱和土,广泛存在于各类工程中,其物理力学性质受填土含水状态的影响。因基质吸力测量困难,非饱和土强度理论难以在压实填土工程中应用。研究含水状态变化对压实土抗剪强度影响的大小,寻找一种简化实用的非饱和压实土抗剪强度确定方法。从非饱和土理论出发,对含水状态影响压实土抗剪强度的机制进行了分析,重新整理并分析了5种压实土的非饱和三轴试验结果,对一些压实土工程资料中的直剪试验强度指标进行了收集和整理。分析表明,基质吸力对压实填土抗剪强度的贡献占有相当大的比例;含水率变化对压实填土抗剪强度的影响是非常显著和不容忽视的。工程资料中压实土饱和度对数值与黏聚力指标有良好的线性相关关系,提出了一个考虑饱和度影响的压实填土抗剪强度简易计算方法。  相似文献   

Depth profiles of in situ-produced cosmogenic nuclides, including 10Be (T1/2=1.5×106 years) and 26Al (T1/20.73×106 years), in the upper few meters of the Earth's crust may be used to study surficial processes, quantifying denudation and burial rates and elucidating mechanisms involved in landform evolution and soil formations. In this paper, we discuss the fundamentals of the method and apply it to two lateritic sequences located in African tropical forests.  相似文献   

文桃  米海珍  杨鹏  应赛  王月礼 《岩土力学》2015,36(7):1945-1952
为了全面地揭示硫酸盐渍土击实性能的变化原因和规律,对不同条件下配制的硫酸盐渍土进行了一系列的轻型击实试验。试验研究表明,含盐量对硫酸盐渍土最大干密度和最优含水率的影响规律并不是单一不变的,它取决于土中硫酸钠的3种状态(硫酸钠溶液、无水硫酸钠和十水硫酸钠)及3种状态间的相对含量。硫酸盐渍土的最大干密度和最优含水率与土中不同状态硫酸钠相对含量间的关系曲线具有反相关性。闷料时间和初始含水率对硫酸盐渍土击实性能的影响与含盐量有关,当含盐量较低(如1.5%)时,其影响甚小;当含盐量较高(如5.0%)时,其影响显著。硫酸盐渍土在由湿到干的过程中会出现“假干现象”。该试验结果对工程中硫酸盐渍土的击实性能和压实度的合理评价都具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

含水率对土工格栅加筋膨胀土结构的运行具有直接影响,而国内外对其作用机制少有研究。为此,采用填土尺寸为600 mm×600 mm×600 mm的大型叠环式剪切仪进行一系列拉拔试验,研究了含水率对土工格栅与膨胀土界面拉拔性状的影响。试验结果表明,含水率对拉拔力与土工格栅位移特征、界面应力变形特征、界面强度参数等具有显著影响。含水率较高,土工格栅发生刚体平动的时间较早,刚体平动时的单宽拉拔力更接近峰值,界面更偏于理想刚塑性特征;含水率较低,界面似黏聚力较大;而含水率对界面似摩擦角的影响不显著。  相似文献   

谈云志  孔令伟  郭爱国  万智  张华 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z1):334-0338
了解压实红黏土的持水性能是预防路基土体开裂和失稳的基础。首先,利用15 bar压力板仪研究了4种干密度压实试样脱湿路径下的土体持水特征曲线。发现持水曲线随着干密度减小,曲线中间部分呈现水平台阶状,且干密度越小水平台阶的长度越长。然后,结合相同干密度试样的孔隙分布特征曲线,从微观结构的角度分析了压实土体不同持水性能的原因。最后,通过数据拟合的方法建立了不同压实度土体的持水特征曲线方程  相似文献   

土体抗剪强度指标的概率分布类型研究   总被引:25,自引:5,他引:20  
土的抗剪强度指标概率分布的类型,影响着风险评价和可靠度分析的结果。通过收集整理的多个水利工程中丰富的长序列的抗剪强度试验资料,在此基础上利用K-S法对土体抗剪强度指标的概率分布类型进行了统计分析,发现一般情况下抗剪强度指标均可以接受正态分布和对数正态分布,而选择对数正态分布能够避免出现物理量为负的现象,在许多情况下这样处理更为合理、简便。  相似文献   

邱路阳  刘毓氚  李大勇 《岩土力学》2007,28(10):2161-2166
结合发生于京福高速公路南平段土地洋大桥邻近的高填方残积土路堤滑塌灾害,着重分析了高填方残积土路堤滑塌与降雨的关系。对强降雨入渗导致高填方残积土路堤滑塌机理进行了相关参数分析,结果表明,渗流主要分布在靠近原地面处,此处容易形成软弱滑动面,造成滑塌。还探讨了引起滑塌的其他潜在因素如高填方路堤填土的土质特性、压实度以及湿化变形等,并提出了整治方案,为高填方路堤的填筑设计、控制施工质量提供了依据。  相似文献   

压实度与级配对路基重塑黏土土-水特征曲线的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对重庆路基黏土采用压力膜仪量测了不同压实度重塑土样脱湿过程的土-水特征曲线(SWCCs)、采用体积压力板仪量测了不同压实度、不同级配重塑土样脱-吸湿过程的土-水特征曲线。试验结果表明:(1)压实度超过90%以后,不同压实度的SWCCs在其直线段范围相互靠近,即在路基土基质吸力平常变化范围的SWCCs逐渐趋于稳定;(2)随着压实度的增大,脱-吸湿循环滞回圈逐渐上移,曲线由陡变缓。表明随着压实度的增大,土体的储水系数逐渐减小,土中的水分更不易吸入和排出,对路基的稳定有利;(3)相同含水率下,大约以压实度85%为界,压实度小于85%的黏土样和大于85%的黏土样的基质吸力基本上不随压实度(干密度)的变化而变化;(4)相同压实度和含水率状态下,粗粒含量多的土吸力更小,SWCCs的滞回圈更小,即干湿循环的影响更小。因此,粗粒土较细粒土更适合用作路堤填料  相似文献   

The consolidation characteristics of an unsaturated compacted soil   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The compacted soils are extensively employed as mineral liners or a sealing system, constructed under municipal solid waste and other containment hazardous materials to prevent or minimize the leakage of pollutant liquids and gases into ground water and sublayers. This article presents a detailed experimental study on settlement characteristics, which are required for the construction of a sealing system. For the experimental study where a compacted unsaturated soil taken from Adana in Turkey has been used, a special equipped consolidation cell has been designed and constructed. The matric suction adopted as independent stress-state variables has been controlled by using the axis translation technique. The consolidation tests have been performed under constant matric suction. Furthermore, the pressure plate tests for various net vertical stresses have been conducted. The test results have indicated that the settlement characteristics of a compacted soil as mineral liners and covers are highly affected by matric suction. The water retention capacity of mineral liners, an important factor for hydraulic conductivity, also changes with the vertical load. The compressibility decreases as the matric suction increases. It has been observed that there exists an exponential relationship between the compressive indexes (C t, D t) and matric suction.  相似文献   

张茹  陈群  何昌荣  费文平 《岩土力学》2008,29(Z1):79-84
土石坝震害将导致严重后果,目前国内外修筑于地震区的土石坝在抗震设计时都进行了动力分析。室内动力试验提供土石料可靠的动强度和动力参数是土石坝地震动力分析准确性的关键。水牛家心墙土石坝坝高100多米,大坝设防烈度9度,采用动三轴仪,对其坝基②层细砂砾料和心墙防渗土料进行大量的动力特性试验研究,分析两种土料的动模量阻尼特性,并简述其影响因素。分析试验结果有:使用一个试样完成三个不同的围压力?3c或固结比Kc,与《土工试验规程》推荐方法相比,大大减小了试验和分析工作量, 且有相当的规律性和准确程度;动模量阻尼比的主要影响因素是动应变幅、围压力、固结主应力比、孔隙比等。动应变水平影响动模量阻尼成倍增减,动模量随围压力?3c增减而增减,阻尼比D随?3c的升高而略有减小,动模量和阻尼比随固结比Kc增减而增减,Kc从1到2可使心墙土料的Edmax增加60%左右;土类不同,模量阻尼也不尽相同。水牛家心墙料的动模量较高,阻尼比较小,不易产生动力破坏。  相似文献   

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