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青海省是一个矿产资源大省,矿业在国民经济和社会发展中占有非常重要的地位。我省四大支柱产业(石油、电力、盐湖化工、有色金属冶炼)中,有三个是以矿产资源为依托的。青海矿业开发走一条什么样的道路?这是我们要思考的问题,必须立足两点考虑问题:第一,从省情和经济发展的要求出发,青海的矿产资源  相似文献   

金坛市共有矿山企业77家,在促进地方经济发展,解决当地就业的同时,也存在着诸多问题.针对金坛市目前的岩盐矿、石灰岩矿和玄武岩矿的具体情况,分别提出了不同的发展思路,以期实现矿业向规模化、集约化方向发展.  相似文献   

矿业是广西国民经济的支柱产业 ,在西部大开发中 ,必须认清矿业发展面临的形势 ,研究对策 ,才能作出新贡献。  相似文献   

概述了矿业开发与生态环境的关系 ,矿业开发与生态环境一体化的原则和组织 ,国内外现状和发展趋势 ,对河南省矿业生态环境存在问题及其原因进行了综合分析 ,论述了矿业开发与生态环境一体化的准则与前景 ,提出今后工作建议。  相似文献   

菲律宾在上世纪五六十年代曾是东亚及东南亚国家中的佼佼者,但此后因政局不稳、社会动荡,严重影响了经济发展。目前,菲律宾的经济明显落后于周边国家,但近两年的经济增长较快。2002年国内生产总值为771亿美元,比上年增长4.6%。亚洲发展银行最近预测,2004年菲国内生产总值将以4.5%速率的增长。  相似文献   

按照省厅的总体安排,今年10月19日~23日,省矿业经济产业推进组办公室有关人员参加了2014年中国天津国际矿业大会。 此次参会的主要目的有两个:一是全面了解国际矿业经济发展的总体情况,包括国际矿业合作、矿业市场发展、前沿科技学术及矿业管理等方面的最新情况,及时、准确地了解其发展趋势,以期对我省矿业经济发展起到指引、启发和借鉴作用;二是学习观摩大会的组织、筹备、布展、办会等成型经验和模式,作为我省今后主办或参与类似矿业展会的有利借鉴,快速提升我省矿业经济组织布展和宣传推介水平。  相似文献   

龙江县矿产资源丰富,现己探明的就有4大类10多种,其中建筑石材、建筑用砂、石灰岩是我县支柱产业,石灰岩储量1973万吨,居齐市第一,是龙江县的优势矿产。近年来,龙江县国土资源局发挥矿产资源优势,坚持开发与保护并重的方针,  相似文献   

正目前,我国矿业面临新的机遇和挑战,突出问题之一就是国家建设所需的石油、铁矿石、铜矿等有色金属对外依存度都在50%以上,而且呈与日俱增的趋势。要实现矿业对于经济社会发展的支撑作用,关键要理顺矿业管理体制。为此,必须从复杂的现实中正本清源,搞清矿业覆盖范围,明确矿业在三次产业中的归属,同时厘清资源性资产管理与资源  相似文献   

矿业开发的循环经济之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“循环经济”是指在人、自然资源和科学技术的大系统内,在资源投入、企业生产、产品消费及其废弃的全过程中,把传统的依赖资源消耗的经济增长方式,转变为生态型资源循环的经济发展方式。循环经济的核心是要求在资源利用全过程中遵循“3R”原则:减量化(Reduce)原则,在生产的投入端尽可能少地输入资源;再使用(Reuse)原则,最大限度地减少废弃物排放,使废弃物资源化、无害化;再循环(Recycle)原则,实现资源产品再循环,尽可能提高资源产品的循环使用效率。  相似文献   

<正>矿业是关系到国民经济的资源性行业和基础产业,资本密集性是现代矿业的主要特征之一。矿业资本市场是矿业发展的重要推动力,也是矿业资本经营的必由之路。矿业属于高风险、长周期、投资额大的产业,迫切需要资本市场的大力支持,矿业资本市场在上市融资、优化资源配置、提升矿业企业经营管理等方面,发挥着越来越重  相似文献   

简要介绍了金坛盐矿的发展及现状,分析了盐矿在短短几年时间内由年赢利大户变为亏损行业的原因,就盐矿的出路提出了6条建议.  相似文献   

阐述了与我省矿业可持续发展有关的一些战略问题,包括“大矿业”思想内涵和由来,“大资源”理念,生态矿业工程的实施,地矿业在旅游地学、地热地质、农业地质、海洋地质等领域的延伸和拓展。建议开展多目标地质勘查,加强矿业市场建设力度,有针对性地引进省外资源,弥补我省矿产资源的不足。  相似文献   

1 Introduction “Tourism is advanced by businesses and governments alike as a development mechanism which can lift people out of poverty and make them equal partners in society. But regardless of how altruistic this claim may sound, it is doubtful whether those who are intended to benefit— at least according to the rhetoric—have gained nearly as much as those promoting tourism through corporate globalization… The tourism sector is tied closely to the globalizing force which pursues profit o…  相似文献   

The common problems on tourism of developing countries have often been researched by west researchers until now, which can be concluded into special words: “two sectors”, “enclave construction”, “government’s interference”, “developing scale”, and “the industrial role of tourism” etc. In fact all the researches were done from the areas with the patronage of foreign visitors, how is the situation of domestic tourism was ignored in some points. In this paper, another developing model compared with the one with foreign visitors was presented to the readers on the case studies of countryside spas in China. Through this research, one aspect of Chinese real leisure life can be understood to some extent, and the implying that for bigger developing countries the domestic tourism can match the effect of international tourism should not be ignored at least to China. As the developing of economy, domestic tourism will finally unite with international one together, and the common problems will disappear step by step, therefore domestic tourism and international tourism of developing countries should be researched equally since now. Biography: WANG Yan-ping (1962–), male, a native of Heilongjiang Province, is a doctorate student of Chiba University of Japan. His research insterest is environmental impact assessment.  相似文献   

针对南京市地热资源的开采现状,对地热资源科学管理、科学开发、科学利用等3个方面提出构想,以充分发挥南京市地热的资源优势.  相似文献   

Rural tourism in China,has undergone a rapid development in the last three decades.It is an emerging and effective catalyst that promotes industrial restructuring,agricultural development and the upgrading of rural areas.However,there remains little understanding about the core issues of rural tourism in China:the exact connotation,the principles,the development models and the future directions.This review paper identifies the key issues based on literature analysis,national statistics and press reports to form a general picture of the past,the current and the future prospects of China’s rural tourism.The paper firstly addresses the definition,content and principles of rural tourism,and then provides an overview and brief evaluation of the progress and the current development models in China.Finally,based on the analysis of the experiences and problems,the authors sum up with five pathways of the future development of China’s rural tourism from the perspective of rural tourism resources,product,market and promotion.  相似文献   

连云港市地学旅游资源开发利用初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
连云港市现辖赣榆、东海、灌云、灌南4县和新浦、连云、海州3区,拥有1个国家级经济技术开发区和1个国家级风景名胜区,总面积7444km^2.人口465万。经过多年建设,进入新世纪的连云港已逐步呈现出特色海滨城市、现代港口城市、沿海开放城市、新兴工业城市和重点旅游城市的崭新面貌。  相似文献   

Sustainable tourism,as an integral part of sustainable development,emerged as a logical outcome of preventing the uncontrolled and excessive use of tourism resources and attractions.This study analyzes whether mountain tourism development in Serbia can be sustainable and feasible in the long term.Given the heterogeneity of mountains in Serbia in terms of tourism development,the subject of this research is the achieved level of sustainable tourism development in mountains in the most developed and most visited region in Serbia-sumadija and Western Serbia:Zlatibor,Kopaonik,Tara,Zlatar,Mokra Gora and Go?.The sustainable tourism development level was analyzed by using five groups of the EU’s comparative indicators:economic,social,cultural,environmental and tourist satisfaction indicators.The results showed that the development of tourism in the examined mountains is not fully aligned with sustainable development.The tourist satisfaction indicator has the most acceptable values,which is a good basis for further harmonization of tourism development on the principles of sustainability.Economic indicators,especially the ratio of overnight stays and accommodation capacities,show the most unacceptable values,which indicate the need for implementing changes in the process of tourism development in the coming period.The analysis of sustainable tourism in mountain areas in sumadija and the Western Serbia undoubtfully points out that it is necessary to significantly change the current tourism product portfolio,which implies harmonizing mountain tourism development with global trends.Certainly,a comparative analysis that looks at the degree of sustainability of mountain tourism in some countries of the Alpine region,such as Switzerland,Austria and Slovenia,contributes to this.The more intensive development of tourism throughout the year would significantly improve indicators of sustainable tourism in all analyzed mountain areas of Sumadija and Western Serbia.This would improve the value of economic indicators,which are marked as the most unsustainable.The development of tourism in the summer season,especially recreational and adventure tourism,would improve the social and cultural component of sustainable tourism.Environmental dimension of sustainable tourism would be enhanced by the development of ecotourism.By connecting spatially close mountains(Zlatibor,Zlatar,Tara and Mokra Gora)into a unique and integrated tourism destination,synergistic effects would be achieved resulting in international recognition and making the region of?umadija and Western Serbia competitive on the European market.  相似文献   

在分析洪泽县成功勘查开发芒硝矿的基础上,论述了苏北5市怎样将资源优势转化为经济优势,加快苏北矿业经济发展的基本思路;在基本思路的基础上,提出了7个方面的具体对策.  相似文献   

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