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吕宋海峡浮标轨迹的拉格朗日拟序结构分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

袁欣  王庆业 《海洋科学》2020,44(3):15-22
利用1993~2017年海表面高度异常数据集,分析研究了西北太平洋季节内变化(20~120d)的整体分布特征,结果表明空间上季节内信号在20°N附近海域(16°~24°N)最强,时间上在6~8月达到一年中的最大值。在吕宋海峡东侧(123.875°E,20.125°N)季节内信号周期(70d)和传播速度(10.7~12.7cm/s)均大于吕宋海峡西侧(119.625°E, 20.125°N)(60 d, 6.5~7.8cm/s)。在大洋内部(123°~140°E, 18°~24°N)存在准90d的周期信号,传播速度约10.3cm/s。传播路径受黑潮的影响发生改变,由沿纬度西传转向向西北方向传播。第一斜压Rossby波理论对海表面高度季节内变化的周期和传播速度具有很好的解释性。  相似文献   

吕宋海峡附近中尺度涡特征的统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用1993年1月到2008年12月16a融合海面高度距平数据,追踪吕宋海峡附近海域(18°~23°N,116°~126°E)中尺度涡的移动轨迹,结果表明:时间分辨率为7d的卫星高度计资料难以观测到中尺度涡从西北太平洋通过吕宋海峡传进南海的过程,但对1994年吕宋海峡中部观测到的一个气旋涡及其附近中尺度涡的运动轨迹进行分析可见,西北太平洋海面高度变化会与吕宋海峡内部海面高度耦合后向南海传播。海面高度距平数据的时间-经度图表明,西北太平洋海面高度变化信号在西传至吕宋海峡附近(121°~122°E)时出现信号不连续。对21°N,116°~140°E断面的海面高度距平数据按周期分别为1~3月、3~6月、330~390d(年信号)进行分段带通滤波,发现不同周期的西北太平洋信号穿过吕宋海峡传入南海受到的阻隔作用、向西传播的速度以及它们所受的强迫机制均不同。  相似文献   

吕宋海峡纬向海流及质量输送   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:24  
分析和计算了吕宋海峡PR21断面最近海洋调查的部分CTD资料和ADCP资料,再一次证明吕宋海峡常年存在纬向流。但对于天气尺度而言,该流型是多变的。根据高分辨率的海洋环流数值模式4a(1992~1996年)海平面高度(SSH)的输出值,运用地转关系估计了吕宋海峡纬向流的月平均值。研究表明;通过海峡流入、流出南海纬向流的深度一般达到500m左右,200m以上流速较大,平均流速为50cm/s,最大时达80cm/s以上。500m以下的纬向地转流流速较小,通常小于10cm/s.由大洋进入海峡的入流位置位于海峡的中部和南部,月平均入流最大值出现在11月,为50cm/s.位于海峡的北部和南部上层海洋的月平均出流,最大流速亦出现在11月,也为50cm/s,这与秋季北赤道流分叉位置最北(15°N),春季分叉位置最南(14°N)有关。上层流入、流出海峡的流量的月平均值分别约为10×106m3/s和5×106m3/s.当东北季风盛行时(从10月到翌年2月),流入海峡的流量远大于流出海峡的流量,两者的差可达8×106m3/s,而在其他季节两者的差仅为3×106m3/s.这说明东北季风盛行时,会有较多的水从南海南?  相似文献   

Eddy Shedding from the Kuroshio Bend at Luzon Strait   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
TOPEX/POSEDIENT-ERS satellite altimeter data along with the mean state from the Parallel Ocean Climate Model result have been used to investigate the variation of Kuroshio intrusion and eddy shedding at Luzon Strait during 1992–2001. The Kuroshio penetrates into the South China Sea and forms a bend. The Kuroshio bend varies with time, periodically shedding anticyclonic eddies. Criteria of eddy shedding are identified: 1) When the shedding event occurs, there are usually two centers of high Sea Surface Height (SSH) together with negative geostrophic vorticity in the Kuroshio Bend (KB) area. 2) Between the two centers of high SSH there usually exists positive geostrophic vorticity. These criteria have been used to determine the eddy shedding times and locations. The most frequent eddy shedding intervals are 70, 80 and 90 days. In both the winter and summer monsoon period, the most frequent locations are 119.5°E and 120°E, which means that the seasonal variation of eddy shedding location is unclear.  相似文献   

On the basis of the latest version of a U.S. Navy generalized digital environment model(GDEM-V3.0) and World Ocean Atlas(WOA13), the hydraulic theory is revisited and applied to the Luzon Strait, providing a fresh look at the deepwater overflow there. The result reveals that:(1) the persistent density difference between two sides of the Luzon Strait sustains an all year round deepwater overflow from the western Pacific to the South China Sea(SCS);(2) the seasonal variability of the deepwater overflow is influenced not only by changes in the density difference between two sides of the Luzon Strait, but also by changes in its upstream layer thickness;(3) the deepwater overflow in the Luzon Strait shows a weak semiannual variability;(4) the seasonal mean circulation pattern in the SCS deep basin does not synchronously respond to the seasonality of the deepwater overflow in the Luzon Strait.Moreover, the deepwater overflow reaches its seasonal maximum in December(based on GDEM-V3.0) or in fall(October–December, based on the WOA13), accompanied by the lowest temperature of the year on the Pacific side of the Luzon Strait. The seasonal variability of the deepwater overflow is consistent with the existing longest(3.5 a) continuous observation along the major deepwater passage of the Luzon Strait.  相似文献   

黑潮在流经吕宋海峡时呈现各种时间尺度的流态变化。本文基于高分辨率的区域海洋环流模式(ROMS)输出数据,分析了黑潮主流轴在吕宋海峡附近的变化特征和可能原因。研究结果表明,黑潮流轴在该区域具有明显的年际、季节和季节内变化,其中季节内变化最为强烈;在年际和季节时间尺度上,黑潮流轴在表层主要受局地风驱动的艾克曼漂流的影响,而在次表层则主要由黑潮本身的惯性决定;在季节内时间尺度上,黑潮流轴的变化主要受制于涡旋与黑潮的相互作用。  相似文献   

A method of quantifying the penetration of the Kuroshio into the Luzon Strait is improved with simulated salinity. The new method is applied in an area bounded by 0.6 correlation coefficient contour to the point of 20 N, 118 E which is determined by EOF analysis. The results suggest that the method is suitable for indicating Kuroshio’s intrusion into the South China Sea quantitatively. As an indicator, the Kuroshio penetrating the Luzon index (KLI) reveals obvious annual cycle and weak bimodality. For annual periods, indexes on the surface and subsurface which point the same events have totally opposite signs due to the winter burst of surface westward current. On long-term period, the surface and subsurface indexes have consistent signs. A subsurface index on 150 m avoiding high frequency signals from the surface can be used for indicating long-term Kuroshio intrusion variation. An anti-phase pattern in wavelet coherence map between KLI and Japan large meander index shows that the Luzon Strait is a "smoother" reducing the variability of the Kuroshio transport changes on long-term periods.  相似文献   

Several characteristics of water exchange in the Luzon Strait   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1IntroductionTheLuzonChannelissituatedonthewest-ernsideofthenorthernPacificandbetweenTaiwanandLuzonIslands.ItisthemainpassageofthePacificwaterenteringtheSCS.Therearenumerousdifferent-sizedislandsformingmanynarrowwaterpassagesinthischannel,sotheLuzonChannelisthegeneralnameofthesepas-sages(includingBabuyan,BalintangandBashiChannels,etc.).Customarily,theLuzonStraitiscalledtheBashiChannel.Itswidthis386kmandhasameandepthof1400m. Toagreatextent,thehydro-meteorologi-calconditionso…  相似文献   

吕宋海峡附近海域水团分布及季节变化特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用2003年2月至2009年4月期间在吕宋海峡附近海域由Argo剖面浮标观测的温、盐度资料,对该海域的水团分布及季节变化特征进行了探讨.结果表明,在120.5°-122.75°E、19°-23°N范围内,水团特征介于南海水和北太平洋水之间,而19°N以南区域的水交换并不显著.北太平洋热带水(NPTW)和北太平洋中层水(NPIW)通过吕宋海峡入侵南海的趋势在夏季较弱.秋季,NPTW入侵南海的趋势增强,而到了冬季,受东北季风控制,北太平洋水的入侵程度最强,然而并无NPIW进入南海的迹象.值得指出的是,整年没有发现明显的NPIW进入南海,而南海中层水可以通过海峡流入太平洋,其强度在秋、冬季节达到最大.  相似文献   

吕宋海峡海洋环流的基本特征   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
根据对高分辨率的并行海洋气候模式输出的较长时间序列的海面高度(SSH)场的分析,推断在吕宋海峡附近海区常年存在吕宋海峡黑潮流套,该流套出现于吕宋海峡的中部和北部,表现为一个舌状的SSH的高值中心自海峡东部的太平洋向西扩展到南海北部,大致到达110°E的位置,但其位置、形状、强度等表现季节变化,年际变化和季节内时间尺度变化的特征。在吕宋海峡东侧的大洋上,经常出现位置和范围时有变化的反气旋涡,与之对应,在SSH的月平均经向和纬向剖面上,吕宋海峡东侧的大洋上有永久存在的SSH高值中心。另外在1995年1~7月期间有一次完整的黑潮流环脱离黑潮主体并在南海北部向西南方向移动的过程。  相似文献   

吕宋海峡输送年际变异数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用MITgcm数值模式1980—2001年的常规模拟输出数据,研究了吕宋海峡22年平均的体积、热量和盐量输送随深度的变化,并利用小波变换分别分析了吕宋海峡3个层次(0—145、145—915、915—1 837m)体积和热量输送的年际变化,主要结果如下。(1)在吕宋海峡1 837m层以下,仍有一定数量的西北太平洋海水(体积和盐)西向输送到南海;(2)915—1 615m层的年际体积输送的变化趋势与上两个层次(0—145m、145—915m)类似,但是在某些ENSO时期(如1985、1987、1991—1995年),其年际变化与145—915m层年际变化的位相相反;(3)吕宋海峡年际体积(热量)输送的小波谱图较明显地反映出ENSO现象对吕宋海峡不同层次的输送均产生一定影响。145—915m层次的吕宋海峡年际体积输送与ENSO现象相关性显著。  相似文献   

Numerical study of baroclinic tides in Luzon Strait   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
The spatial and temporal variations of baroclinic tides in the Luzon Strait (LS) are investigated using a three-dimensional tide model driven by four principal constituents, O1, K1, M2 and S2, individually or together with seasonal mean summer or winter stratifications as the initial field. Barotropic tides propagate predominantly westward from the Pacific Ocean, impinge on two prominent north-south running submarine ridges in LS, and generate strong baroclinic tides propagating into both the South China Sea (SCS) and the Pacific Ocean. Strong baroclinic tides, ∼19 GW for diurnal tides and ∼11 GW for semidiurnal tides, are excited on both the east ridge (70%) and the west ridge (30%). The barotropic to baroclinic energy conversion rate reaches 30% for diurnal tides and ∼20% for semidiurnal tides. Diurnal (O1 and K1) and semidiurnal (M2) baroclinic tides have a comparable depth-integrated energy flux 10–20 kW m−1 emanating from the LS into the SCS and the Pacific basin. The spring-neap averaged, meridionally integrated baroclinic tidal energy flux is ∼7 GW into the SCS and ∼6 GW into the Pacific Ocean, representing one of the strongest baroclinic tidal energy flux regimes in the World Ocean. About 18 GW of baroclinic tidal energy, ∼50% of that generated in the LS, is lost locally, which is more than five times that estimated in the vicinity of the Hawaiian ridge. The strong westward-propagating semidiurnal baroclinic tidal energy flux is likely the energy source for the large-amplitude nonlinear internal waves found in the SCS. The baroclinic tidal energy generation, energy fluxes, and energy dissipation rates in the spring tide are about five times those in the neap tide; while there is no significant seasonal variation of energetics, but the propagation speed of baroclinic tide is about 10% faster in summer than in winter. Within the LS, the average turbulence kinetic energy dissipation rate is O(10−7) W kg− 1 and the turbulence diffusivity is O(10−3) m2s−1, a factor of 100 greater than those in the typical open ocean. This strong turbulence mixing induced by the baroclinic tidal energy dissipation exists in the main path of the Kuroshio and is important in mixing the Pacific Ocean, Kuroshio, and the SCS waters.  相似文献   

为了考察潮汐混合效应对吕宋海峡附近海域环流场的影响,本文使用ROMS区域海洋模式,通过无潮实验与有潮实验的对比分析指出,潮汐混合作用可以影响121°E断面上的水交换和120d平均的纬向流速分布;在模拟时段内加入潮汐后,模拟结果中台湾岛西南的反气旋涡强度大幅减弱,贴近黑潮东侧的涡旋强度明显强于无潮实验,证明潮汐作用可以引起吕宋海峡海洋环流场较大的改变,特别对黑潮以"跨隙"路径通过吕宋海峡有贡献。  相似文献   

沈华 《海洋学研究》2014,32(1):11-18
利用WOD09和Argo剖面资料,结合SODA、OFES、GPCP和WHOI等资料分析了吕宋海峡西侧海域混合层盐度1984—2010年间的长期变化趋势和年代际变化特征,并利用混合层盐度平衡方程探讨了其变化机理。研究结果表明:(1)吕宋海峡西侧海域的盐度整体上呈现下降趋势,线性趋势为-0.020/a;(2)以1999年为界,吕宋海峡西侧海域的盐度在1999年之前为正距平,最大正距平值可达0.14,平均值为0.05,在1999年之后为负距平,最大负距平值为-0.22,平均值为-0.06;(3)影响该海域混合层盐度的长期变化趋势和年代际变化的主要因素为平流作用,特别是黑潮入侵的变化。  相似文献   

水团对吕宋海峡浮游植物群落结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2008年8月18日至9月19日在吕宋海峡3个断面获得的0~200 m层浮游植物数据,探讨了群落结构及其与不同理化性质水团的关系。本研究共鉴定浮游植物4门61属169种(包括变种、变型和未定种),其中甲藻和硅藻物种数基本相当,各占所有物种数的50%左右;另记录了金藻门3属3种;蓝藻门1种。海区优势种为卡氏前沟藻Amphisdinium carterae、锥状施克里普藻Scrippsiella trochiodea、角毛藻Chaetoceros sp.和原甲藻Prorocentrum sp.。丰度范围是(0.08~9.48)×106个/m3,平均为1.448×106个/m3。甲藻占总细胞丰度的74.68%;硅藻占24.96%。在水平方向,B断面和C5站浮游植物丰度较高,甲藻主要分布于远离陆地的海峡中部,而硅藻主要分布于台湾岛和吕宋岛附近;浮游植物垂直分布主要在水体的0~50 m层。聚类分析并结合水文数据表明浮游植物基本可划分为3个类群,分别受南海水、黑潮水和混合水的影响。南海水与黑潮水交汇的锋面区域,具有较周围区域更高的物种数、水柱平均丰度及硅甲藻丰度比,体现出强烈的锋面效应。  相似文献   

吕宋海峡内波吸引子的三维数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Internal waves propagate along wave beams that are inclined with respect to the horizontal plane. It is conjectured that the internal waves generated in the Luzon Strait may be confined between the double ridges in the strait and concentrate to a closed trajectory, the so-called internal wave attractor, due to the reflection of wave beams from the lateral boundaries, sea surface and bottom. This work carried out two experiments using a three dimensional non-hydrostatic general circulation model, MITgcm, to investigate the possibility that the ridges in the Luzon Strait allows for internal wave attractors. Baroclinic current in both of the experiments demonstrate the forming of ring-like patterns in some section around 20° and 21°N, indicating that the development of the internal wave attractors are allowed in the Luzon Strait. The different resolutions and initial conditions in the two experiments also reveal that the internal-wave-attractor phenomenon is robust in this region.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional isopycnic-coordinate internal tidal model is employed to investigate the generation,propagation, vertical structure and energy conversion of M2 internal tides in the Luzon Strait(LS) with mooring observations. Simulated results, especially the tidal current amplitudes, agree well with observations,demonstrating the reasonability and accuracy of the model. Results indicate that M2 internal tides mainly propagate into three directions horizontally, i.e., eastward towards the western Pacific Ocean, westward towards the Dongsha Island and southwestward towards the South China Sea Basin. In the horizontal direction, tidal current amplitudes decrease as distance increases away from the LS; in the vertical direction, they show an obvious decreasing tendency with depth. Between the double ridges of the LS, a clockwise gyre of M2 baroclinic energy flux appears, which is caused by reflections of M2 internal tides at supercritical topographies, and resonance of M2 internal tides happens along 19.5° and 21.5°N due to the heights and separation distance of the double ridges. The total energy conversion in the LS is about 14.20 GW.  相似文献   

The Luzon Strait is the main impact pathway of the Kuroshio on the circulation in South China Sea (SCS). Based on the analysis of the 1997–2007 altimeter data and 2005–2006 output data from a high resolution global HYCOM model, the total Luzon Strait Transport (LST) has remarkable subseasonal oscillations with a typical period of 90 to 120 days, and an average value of 1.9 Sv into SCS. Further spectrum analysis shows that the temporal variability of the LST at different depth is remarkable different. In the upper layer (0–300 m), westward inflow has significant seasonal and subseasonal variability. In the bottom layer (below 1 200 m), eastward outflow exhibits remarkable seasonal variability, while subseasonal variability is also clear. In the intermediate layer, the westward inflow is slightly bigger than the eastward outflow, and both of them have obvious seasonal and subseasonal variability. Because the seasonal variation of westward inflow and eastward outflow is opposite, the total transport of intermediate layer exhibits significant 50–150 days variation, without obvious seasonal signals. The westward Rossby waves with a period of 90 to 120 days in the Western Pacific have very clear correlationship with the Luzon Strait Transport, this indicates that the interaction between these westward Rossby waves and Kuroshio might be the possible mechanism of the subseasonal variation of the LST.  相似文献   

On generation source sites of internal waves in the Luzon Strait   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This effort aims to determine the generation source sites in the Luzon Strait for energetic, long-crest, transbasin internal waves (IW) observed in the northern South China Sea (NSCS). The roles of islands distributed on eastern side of the strait, Kuroshio, submarine ridges, shoaling thennocline, and strait configuration played in the IW generation are examined using the cruise data analysis, satellite data interpretation, and dynamical analysis. The islands and channels on eastern side of the strait are excluded from a list of possible IW source sites owing to their unmatched horizontal dimensions to the scale of IW crest line length, and the relative low Reynolds number. The Kuroshio has a potential to be a radiator for the long-crest IW disturbances, meanwhile, the Kurosbio west (east) wing absorbs the eastward (westward) propagating IW disturbance. Namely, the Kuroshio blockades the outside west-east propagating IW disturbances. The 3-D configuration of the Luzon Strait is characterized by a sudden, more than one order widening of the cross-section areas at the outlets on both sides, providing a favorable condition for IW type initial disturbance formation. In the Luzon Strait, the thermocline is featured by a westward shoaling all the year around, providing the dynamical conditions for the amplitude growth (declination) to the westward (eastward) propagating IW type disturbance. Thus, the west slope of western submarine ridge at the western outlet of the Luzon Strait is a high possibility source sites for energetic, long-crest, transbasin IWs in the NSCS. The interpretation results of satellite SAR images during a 13 a period from 1995 to 2007 provide the convincing evidence for the conclusions.  相似文献   

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