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陕西传统村落文化遗产景观基因识别   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
文化遗产景观是地域文化的符号表征,文化遗产景观基因则是地域文化代际传承的基本“遗传”单位和文化遗产景观形成的决定性因子。目前文化遗产景观基因研究已成为文化地理学的重要方向之一。通过识别与提取隐藏在文化遗产景观内的文化基因,可反映出地域文化的基本特质。传统村落是最具代表性的地域文化遗产景观,整体上延续和传承了中国优秀的传统文化,并集中体现在传统村落内的文化遗产景观之中,对传统村落进行遗产性景观基因识别研究可揭示地域文化的人文地理性和传统村落的社会文化性。基于地域文化遗产景观基因理念,以陕西省35个代表性传统村落为例,首先从宏观和中观尺度,分析了传统村落遗产性景观的文化环境特征;其次从微观视角,建立了传统村落文化遗产景观基因识别指标体系,综合运用景观基因识别与提取方法,对传统村落文化遗产景观的基因特征进行分析,识别出传统村落的地域文化特质。本文旨在从文化地理学的视角认识和保护传统村落文化遗产景观,为实现传统村落的文化复兴提供科学依据。  相似文献   

近30年冀鲁豫农业村落民宅景观演化过程与机理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在冀鲁豫三省选择3个不同特征的村落作详细案例,结合对其他村落的实地踏查,采用照片对比、平面示意图分析、访谈、问卷调查和统计分析等研究方法,比较分析了近30年来该区域农业村落民宅景观的演化过程和机理。研究发现:30年来冀鲁豫农业村落的民宅景观经历了4个阶段的演化过程。民宅外观形态、样式、建筑材料与技术逐步现代化、去地方化,与泥土和自然的关系逐渐疏离。民宅内部格局的农业生产空间在经历了恢复和重组后逐渐弱化,生活空间的地位则持续提升,并逐步实现按代际、活动和性别的专门化和分隔化。家庭人口学特征是民宅演变代类差异产生的重要动力,家庭经济收入与民宅演变代类之间具有一定的相关性,人口流动对民宅演变代类差异的产生具有较明显作用。  相似文献   

Geographic regions can be defined in many ways, including via physiography, historical development patterns, language, and culture. After broadly surveying different methods of regionalization and their influences on studies of the American West, this article uses a vernacular‐mapping approach to: first, propose distinctive toponyms that are relatively unique to cultures situated in the American Rocky Mountains and Southwest areas; second, map the spatial distributions of these toponyms across the western American landscape; and, third, compare the resulting distributions to the geographies of western businesses that incorporate regional terms into their corporate names. Notably, while the Rocky Mountains and the Southwest are iconic American regions that have captured the imagination for centuries, their cultural geographies are relatively underexplored in the literature. This article makes a modest contribution to this research gap by using geographic information systems (GIS) to map high concentrations of culturally distinctive feature names. The results reveal that the boundaries of vernacular Southwest and Rocky Mountain regions correspond relatively well with boundaries delineated with physiographic characteristics  相似文献   

建筑是体现与传承文化的物质载体,它将一定的社会文化、准则、习俗固化于其形态之中。平遥票号作为晋商建筑的典型代表,其内部空间组构特征体现了一定时期、地域的文化逻辑及生产、生活方式。空间句法作为一种分析空间与其所承载社会逻辑之关系的理论,为深入分析建筑空间形态与组构、功能、内在的文化逻辑提供了新的视角。通过田野调查、访谈及句法软件等分析方法,对不同类型的票号建筑空间分析后发现:平遥票号是晋商建筑的典型代表,其空间的文化逻辑主要通过空间整合度和视觉差异来体现,社会文化也正是通过空间的组构特征来传达;由不同性质建筑改造来的票号反映出不同的空间等级和社会文化,具体体现在整体布局、空间等级、院落布局、对外联系及功能布局等方面。这些发现为理解建筑形式与功能提供了新的思路,为传统建筑票号空间的保护与修复提供了科学依据,同时也可以提高文化遗产地遗产解说系统的科学性。  相似文献   

In this research, we attempt to quantify the factors structuring woody species composition within forest gaps in the interior of Hueston Woods Nature Preserve, Ohio. Our results indicate that composition is related not only to factors commonly cited in other studies, including disturbance history, topographic position, and environmental factors (e.g., gap age, soil pH, slope, and aspect), but also to the proximity of forest edge communities. Partitioning of species variation to environmental factors, spatial factors, and spatially structured environmental factors reinforces the importance of both environment and edge proximity in explaining gap composition. These findings underscore the need for a more complete understanding of the potential impacts of edge effects in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

The remote Himalayan region of Kinnaur in northwestern India is known for its carved wooden homes with decorative features. Relatively recent environmental policies have prompted limitations on wood collection. This, coupled with an increase in access to modern building materials, has resulted in dramatic changes in vernacular housing styles. Landscape analysis and interviews reveal that house form, building methods, and construction materials are all changing. However, decorative features are among the last remaining characteristics of the traditional house. This paper argues that small‐scale architectural features are a significant part of an enduring vernacular landscape and allow a region to preserve traditional styles and identity, while also moving forward as a modernizing society.  相似文献   

杨希  马航  张力智  宋科 《地理研究》2021,40(4):958-976
客家是一支在一定时期内处于流迁状态的民系。在其迁徙过程中,宗族组织化的群体自身的文化惯性对撞地理环境与社会环境的差异,使客家民系对于生存空间关系的处理呈现多样的态度。为厘清广东主要客居地内不同传统客家村居形态之间的关联性及其发展脉络,本研究从类型学角度,分别在微观建筑形态与中观聚落格局两个层面,依据关键空间属性来划分空间形制的基本类型,并整理比较建筑类型与聚落类型的地理分布。而后,从历史地理学角度挖掘客家民系在广东省内的流迁历程,并顺沿多条流迁动线分别探讨不同建筑类型、不同聚落类型之间的承袭、交融与分异关系,进而得出以下结论:① 在“建筑”与“聚落”两个尺度层面上的空间营造活动中,建筑形制决策倾向于依附民系内生文化,聚落模式决策倾向于呼应局域地区的社会经济与自然环境;② 在沿迁徙路径的时空推移过程中,主要建筑类型沿主干河流由上游向中下游传播承袭,韩江水系和东江水系之间的支线水陆途径促进了建筑类型在规模、围合防卫程度、聚合组织形式等方面的渐变过渡;③ 相对于客家文化核心区,“广府-客家”“福姥-客家”文化锋面上客家建筑“中轴”对空间组织的主导力发生急剧弱化,意味着宗族组织出现扁平化的变化态势,主要表现为该地带宗族“房系”发达度下降,以及宗祠的经济文化凝聚力衰退;④ 从空间概念的历时性承袭与发展视角来看,空间形态控制性基因应为明确的“属性”化因子,而非具象化要素,聚居空间的基因分析,应当分别基于“人”“地”的不同线索,探索不同尺度人居空间形态的控制因子。  相似文献   

随着新农村建设的推进,农村社区宜居性研究越发重要。本研究基于马斯洛需求层次理论,构建农村社区主客观宜居性评价指标体系,通过对延庆县大榆树镇进行问卷调查,采用层次分析、多元回归等统计方法进行主客观宜居性及二者差异评价。研究结果表明:1)大榆树镇社区宜居性主客观总体评价一般且较一致,社区建设水平层次仍较低,主观满意度各村差异较大;2)自来水稳定性、污水排放处理等生理层面需求,以及治安状况所体现的安全层面需求与主观满意度关联性最强;3)年龄差异与宜居性满意度评价显著相关,老年人较关注生态环境、道路交通等生理层面需求,年轻人则更关注社交、尊重和自我实现层面需求。  相似文献   


In this research, we attempt to quantify the factors structuring woody species composition within forest gaps in the interior of Hueston Woods Nature Preserve, Ohio. Our results indicate that composition is related not only to factors commonly cited in other studies, including disturbance history, topographic position, and environmental factors (e.g., gap age, soil pH, slope, and aspect), but also to the proximity of forest edge communities. Partitioning of species variation to environmental factors, spatial factors, and spatially structured environmental factors reinforces the importance of both environment and edge proximity in explaining gap composition. These findings underscore the need for a more complete understanding of the potential impacts of edge effects in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

The application of dendrochronological techniques to shrubs found in arctic and alpine plant communities is opening previously untapped regions to the exploration of plant‐climate ecological relationships and climate reconstruction. In this pilot study, we present growth (1963–2004), reproduction (1963–2004), and stable carbon isotope ratio (1975–2004) chronologies for Cassiope mertensiana from a subalpine site in Mount Rainier National Park, Washington, USA. Based on simple linear correlation analysis, positive correlations characterize plant growth and previous year mean maximum temperature in April and June, suggesting the influence of temperature on snowpack and, in turn, on growing season length, plant and soil insulation, and nutrient and moisture availability. Plant growth and reproduction are significantly correlated with current year July mean maximum temperature and total precipitation, indicating the importance of a warm and extended growing season for optimal plant development. Using step‐wise multiple linear regression analysis, we developed a preliminary calibration model for July mean maximum temperature (R = 0.63), extending over the 1974–2004 time period. This archive has the potential to elucidate multi‐scale, spatially‐explicit, ecological and climatic information for alpine ecosystems situated along a north‐south transect from the southern Yukon to the Pacific Northwest of the United States.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):188-196
This article provides a history of efforts to map vernacular regions as context for offering readers a way of using business directories in order to construct a GIS-based map of vernacular regions. With Michigan as a case study, the article discusses regional-naming conventions, boundaries, and inclusions and omissions of areas from regional labels in order to offer educators ideas that can enhance classroom content on regions. This article concludes by providing suggestions for classroom activities collecting, analyzing, and discussing vernacular region patterns and processes in accordance with National Geography Standard Five at the eighth-grade level.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In the nineteenth century, local‐scale roads in central Kentucky were built subject to local knowledge and cultural tradition but within the context of legal authority and folk‐ or science‐based engineering precepts. This study demonstrates how legal and engineering standards‐though conceived as transcendent and objective‐were in fact contingent on the region's physical attributes as well as its cultural traditions and character. Thus local road alignment and construction have been influenced by and contingent on local knowledge, dialogue, and debate since frontier times.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Landscape interpretation, or “reading” the landscape, is one of cultural geography's standard practices. Relatively little attention, however, has been paid to reading landscapes transformed by insurgency movements or civil wars. Those landscapes can tell us a great deal about past and present political and social relationships as well as continuing power struggles. Guatemala presents a complicated postwar landscape “text” in which the struggle for power continues by many means and media, including how the war is portrayed on memorials, and in which the Catholic Church and the military/state are the two main competing powers. This essay explores some of the images and the text presented in Guatemala's postconflict landscape through contrasting landmarks and memorials associated with the country's thirty‐six‐year‐long civil war that formally ended in 1996.  相似文献   


The poor performance of Pacific students at university is a concern for every level of society. Conventional models of teaching, learning and assessment have overlooked the cultural background of students, yet the effects of this oversight have been disastrous, alienating and disempowering. Studies of and developments in education in the Pacific and elsewhere offer opportunities to rethink the methods of teaching, learning and assessment of Pacific students in ways that are congruent with their home culture. Informed by the principle of so’a lau pule (the Samoan concept of consensus through consultation and conversation) and ethnographic research methods, this study describes an attempt to rethink ways of teaching, learning and assessing student performance in a third-year course on Resource Conservation and Management in the School of Geography, Earth Science and Environment at the University of the South Pacific. Introduced in 2007, the Student Innovative Contribution to Knowledge (SICK) allows students to participate in key decisions concerning teaching, learning and assessment. SICK is grounded in the principles of inclusiveness and participation. It takes account of the skills and abilities of Pacific students and is aligned with the philosophical basis of Pacific cultures. One hundred and fifty-eight students took part in this study over a 5-year period. Analysis was based on students’ written reviews of the semester’s work, in-depth conversation with individual students and the end-of-the-course evaluation. The findings show that, while students embrace the need for non-conventional forms of teaching, learning and assessment, the most frequently cited responses for non-participation are poor time management and varying perceptions of what is considered an innovative assessment. This study shows that understanding the cultural background of students is critical to creating culturally inclusive learning environments.  相似文献   

陈霄 《热带地理》2014,34(1):58-65
随着全球流动的迅速加快,移动性理论成为解释全球化与地方化冲突的一个有用视角。在第三世界不断蔓延的酒吧消费空间可以看作是移动性的一个重要表征。然而游客带来了旅游目的地变迁,以及西方游客在第三世界国家创立文化飞地的移动性研究结论却无法解释酒吧在中国的古镇不仅成为重要的休闲场所,而且成为了古镇文化的重要组成部分的现象。文章以湖南凤凰古镇为例,运用观察、访谈等定性研究方法探讨酒吧是如何与古镇的地方性相结合的。得出结论如下:1)酒吧起初完全是由游客生产,游客消费的空间是游客在古镇中创造出来的文化飞地;2)由于游客的某些文化行为(绘画、音乐、阅读等)使得古镇叠加了现代文化的地方性,从而与同是现代文化的酒吧相得益彰;3)随着大众游客、组团游客的不断增多,原来的游客关注凤凰古城展现传统文化的习惯已经被打破,组团游客更多地只是对古城匆匆一瞥,更关心的是听觉、嗅觉等身体感觉以及喝醉的放纵感;4)由于漫步的停步与放纵同时汇聚于酒吧,使得游客透过酒吧更好地将身体安放在古镇中,这使得酒吧融入进了古镇中的地方性。综上所述,人与地方的连接是复杂的过程,带有文化与身体2种属性,因为有身体属性的存在,游客对于旅游目的地并不仅仅是审美需求,而酒吧则是在双重属性下连接人与古镇的重要中介。  相似文献   

Visual methodologies have great potential to offer insight into children's culture and how it shapes childhood. We explore children's culture of play in an urban, low‐income neighborhood using photographs as a means of encouraging participatory research with elementary school students. Focus group interviews were conducted to validate children's perspectives on play, and all data were analyzed inductively using open coding to develop categories and emergent themes. Findings suggest that adults often define the physical boundaries of play, but children were largely able to determine the nature of their activities. Children's culture of play in this study highlighted issues of power and privilege, while concurrently emphasizing the socio‐spatial nature of childhood.  相似文献   

平遥古城民居之门的形态变迁及其家的观念表征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陶伟  蒋伟  何新 《地理研究》2014,33(12):2418-2426
新旧文化地理学者对物质空间与文化观念的关系有着不同的理解,是引发人文地理学文化转向的主要动力,而“文化超机体”的概念正是其争论的焦点。民居及其空间构成记载着城市历史,传递着城市记忆,是形成中国城镇历史特征的文化空间主体。通过解读平遥古城民居大门的文化属性,探究其文化过程发现:一方面,“家”作为文化超机体概念借由大门这一特定空间符号不同程度地留存于民居当中;另一方面,不同民居大门本身的文化特征,通过空间过程的追溯得以呈现。将文化的空间分析与空间的文化研究融入到微观形态分析的范式中,是对文化地理学超机体概念的批判性继承做出的呼应。  相似文献   

全新世以来浙江地区史前文化对环境变化的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对浙江地区史前文化的时空分布进行比较研究, 发现4000 cal. a BP前本区史前文化遗址在空间上不断扩大, 较为显著的扩大曾发生过两次, 一次发生在马家浜-河姆渡文化时期, 另一次发生在良渚文化时期;同时以河流谷地为通道, 史前文化从西向东不断向沿海扩展。4000 cal. a BP后, 以马桥文化为代表的各史前文化地域明显收缩, 东向沿海扩散的趋势终止, 同时伴随有南北两种不同模式的生产方式和经济形态转变。浙江地区史前文化分布与全新世海面波动有显著的关系, 尤其是杭州湾两岸的史前文化遗址分布与海面变化的关系最密切, 7000 cal. a BP 以来的低海面-海退成陆过程为史前居民提供了广阔的陆地生存空间。浙江地区史前文化变迁与环境变化在时相上具有一致性, 对比天目山千亩田泥炭和东海内陆架泥质沉积的环境演变记录表明, 4000 cal. a BP前浙江地区史前文化的东向地域扩展是在全新世气候适宜期背景下进行的, 是农业文明和海洋文明共同作用下的扩展和延伸;而4000cal. a BP后史前文化的地域收缩是在气候干冷和沿海海洋环境恶化的背景下发生的。以上初步证明浙江地区史前文化的发展、扩张和收缩与环境变化呈显著的正相关, 而气候环境变化正是引起上述这种变化以及生产方式和经济形态变化的深层次原因。因此, 气候环境成为浙江史前文化变迁的重要影响因子, 其对文化的分布、传播、扩展和演变等都产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

旅游文化是一种重要的旅游资源,是旅游区实现可持续发展的源泉。位于粤北连南瑶族自治县的南岗排是一个具有上千年历史的排瑶村落,至今仍保存着大量的明代与清代遗留下来的文物古迹。对于南岗排的旅游开发,应当积极发掘其丰富的旅游文化资源,并通过精心设计形成旅游产品。南岗排旅游区应以“排瑶村寨风情博物苑”为主题,重点发掘其排瑶民俗文化、宗教文化与历史文化。从文化氛围营造、专项文化开发、文化形象宣传3个方面对南岗排旅游区的文化资源开发做了探讨。  相似文献   

At the turn of the twentieth century, when tigers were already becoming extinct in Singapore, a living specimen was discovered under the Billiard Room of the Raffles Hotel. This paper attempts to discuss the significance of the tiger in relation to an architectural space – the Billiard Room of a Southeast Asian colonial hotel – by examining how its anecdotal forms – as propaganda, fact, myth and satire – have influenced perceptions of this space across different milieu. It argues that the tiger anecdote, while ontologically remote from the physical materiality of that building, has inevitably become inseparable from its architectural epistemology. Under these terms, it is impossible to talk about the architecture of the Billiard Room without incurring discussion about the factual, fictional and propagandistic aspects of the animal anecdote. As a subtext to these narratives, the location of the hotel in a tropical clime is key. Amidst the civil calm of the genteel Billiard Room, it is the tiger, which ably performs, or re‐enacts, the risk of the tropics. Yet, what is unusual about this tiger is that a reading of its anecdotal forms ultimately transgresses the stereotypes associated with colonialism, indigenous culture, tropical living and wildlife, and subsequently, these too affect interpretations of the architectural space. Drawing on original archival and historical material, the paper contributes to a theoretical and historical understanding of why the tiger under the Billiard Room at the Raffles' continues to be a spatially compelling idea.  相似文献   

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