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Geochemical reference materials (RMs) for microbeam techniques are typically characterised by averages and dispersion statistics (e.g., standard deviation, variance) that are calculated for a number of measurements (beam shots). It is proposed that the mapping of RMs will add spatial information that better characterises the grouping and magnitudes of the heterogeneities and provides the information necessary to define a minimum analytical mass. A simple mathematical solution is proposed, which can be easily computed and understood. The analogous notions to sill and range from geostatistics are applied to the minimum analytical mass versus the relative standard deviation. To assess grouping and magnitudes of the heterogeneities, a ‘proximity number’ is computed for each average value ± ‘n’ standard deviations (magnitude). Different chemical anomalies have been simulated to demonstrate the behaviour of the proximity number. To further test the proposed spatial geochemistry concept, sulfide‐ and oxide‐bearing RMs have been selected because many are crippled with nugget effect. They have been mapped with a micro‐XRF apparatus, and results are presented for CHR‐Bkg, CHR‐Pt+, MASS‐1, MASS‐3, WMS‐1 and WMS‐1a. MASS‐1 and MASS‐3 are the most suitable RMs for microbeam techniques. Spatial geochemistry offers a new approach to better characterise reference materials.  相似文献   

Mercury was determined in thirty‐three international stream sediment and soil reference samples (eleven Chinese soils, GSS‐1 to GSS‐11; twelve Chinese stream sediments, GSD‐1A to GSD‐12; four Canadian stream sediments STSD‐1 to STSD‐4; South African stream sediments, SARM‐42, SARM‐46 and SARM‐47; Japanese stream sediments, JSd‐1 to JSd‐3) by direct mercury analyser. Samples were taken in 500 μl quartz boats, placed in an auto sampler and processed (drying time 60 s at 300 °C; decomposition time 120 s at 850 °C; waiting time 45 s). The instrument was calibrated in the low (0‐50 ng) and high ranges (50‐500 ng) with two reference materials GSS‐5 and GXR‐2 (USGS). Using the calibration line, reference samples were analysed for Hg. The results of the determinations agreed with the recommended values of RMs in all cases except JSd‐1. The RSD calculated for the RMs was found to be within 20%. The detection limit was 1 ng g?1.  相似文献   

Iron Isotopic Compositions of Geological Reference Materials and Chondrites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High‐precision iron isotopic compositions for Fe‐bearing geological reference materials and chondrites with a wide range of matrices (e.g., silicates, oxides, organic‐bearing materials) are reported. This comprehensive data set should serve as a reference for iron isotopic studies across a range of geological and biological disciplines for both quality assurance and inter‐laboratory calibration. Where comparison is available, the iron isotopic compositions of most geological reference materials measured in this study were in agreement with previously published data within quoted uncertainties. Recommendations for the reporting of future iron isotopic data and associated uncertainties are also presented. Long‐term repeat analyses of all samples indicate that highly reproducible iron isotopic measurements are now obtainable (± 0.03‰ and ± 0.05‰ for δ56Fe and δ57Fe, respectively).  相似文献   

Isotope dilution (ID) mass spectrometry is a primary method of analysis suited for the accurate and precise measurement of several trace elements in geological matrices. Here we present mass fractions and respective uncertainties for Cr, Cu, Ni, Sn, Sr and Zn in 10 silicate rock reference materials (BCR‐2, BRP‐1, BIR‐1, OU‐6, GSP‐2, GSR‐1, AGV‐1, RGM‐1, RGM‐2 and G‐3) obtained by the double ID technique and measuring the isotope ratios with an inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometer equipped with collision cell. Test portions of the samples were dissolved by validated procedures, and no further matrix separation was applied. Addition of spikes was designed to achieve isotope ratios close to unity to minimise error magnification factors, according to the ID theory. Radiogenic ingrowth of 87Sr from the decay of 87Rb was considered in the calculation of Sr mass fractions. The mean values of our results mostly agree with reference values, considering both uncertainties at the 95% confidence level, and also with ID data published for AGV‐1. Considering all results, the means of the combined uncertainties were < 1% for Sr, approximately 2% for Sn and Cu, 4% for Cr and Ni and almost 6% for Zn.  相似文献   

Isotopic reference materials are essential to enable reliable and comparable isotope data. In the case of boron only a very limited number of such materials is available, thus preventing adequate quality control of measurement results and validation of analytical procedures. To address this situation a unique set of two boron isotope reference materials (ERM‐AE102a and ‐AE104a) and three offset δ11B reference materials (ERM‐AE120, ‐AE121 and ‐AE122) were produced and certified. The present article describes the production and certification procedure in detail. The isotopic composition of all the materials was adjusted by mixing boron parent solutions enriched in 10B or 11B with a boron parent solution having a natural isotopic composition under full gravimetric control. All parent solutions were analysed for their boron concentration as well as their boron isotopic composition by thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (TIMS) using isotope dilution as the calibration technique. For all five reference materials the isotopic composition obtained on the basis of the gravimetric data agreed very well with the isotopic composition obtained from different TIMS techniques. Stability and homogeneity studies that were performed showed no significant influence on the isotopic composition or on the related uncertainties. The three reference materials ERM‐AE120, ERM‐AE121 and ERM‐AE122 are the first reference materials with natural δ11B values not equal to 0‰. The certified δ11B values are ?20.2‰ for ERM‐AE120, 19.9‰ for ERM‐AE121 and 39.7‰ for ERM‐AE122, each with an expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of 0.6‰. These materials were produced to cover about three‐quarters of the known natural boron isotope variation. The 10B enriched isotope reference materials ERM‐AE102a and ERM‐AE104a were produced for industrial applications utilising 10B for neutron shielding purposes. The certified 10B isotope abundances are 0.29995 for ERM‐AE102a and 0.31488 for ERM‐AE104a with expanded uncertainties (k = 2) of 0.00027 and 0.00028, respectively. Together with the formerly certified ERM‐AE101 and ERM‐AE103 a unique set of four isotope reference materials and three offset δ11B reference materials for boron isotope determination are now available from European Reference Materials.  相似文献   

The double‐spike method with multi‐collector inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry was used to measure the Mo mass fractions and isotopic compositions of a set of geological reference materials including the mineral molybdenite, seawater, coral, as well as igneous and sedimentary rocks. The long‐term reproducibility of the Mo isotopic measurements, based on two‐year analyses of NIST SRM 3134 reference solutions and seawater samples, was ≤ 0.07‰ (two standard deviations, 2s, n = 167) for δ98/95Mo. Accuracy was evaluated by analyses of Atlantic seawater, which yielded a mean δ98/95Mo of 2.03 ± 0.06‰ (2s, n = 30, relative to NIST SRM 3134 = 0‰) and mass fraction of 0.0104 ± 0.0006 μg g?1 (2s, n = 30), which is indistinguishable from seawater samples taken world‐wide and measured in other laboratories. The comprehensive data set presented in this study serves as a reference for quality assurance and interlaboratory comparison of high‐precision Mo mass fractions and isotopic compositions.  相似文献   

We report high‐precision iron isotopic data for twenty‐two commercially available geological reference materials, including silicates, carbonatite, shale, carbonate and clay. Accuracy was checked by analyses of synthetic solutions with known Fe isotopic compositions but different matrices ranging from felsic to ultramafic igneous rocks, high Ca and low Fe limestone, to samples enriched in transition group elements (e.g., Cu, Co and Ni). Analyses over a 2‐year period of these synthetic samples and pure Fe solutions that were processed through the whole chemistry procedure yielded an average δ56Fe value of ?0.001 ± 0.025‰ (2s, n = 74), identical to the expected true value of 0. This demonstrates a long‐term reproducibility and accuracy of < 0.03‰ for determination of 56Fe/54Fe ratios. Reproducibility and accuracy were further confirmed by replicate measurements of the twenty‐two RMs, which yielded results that perfectly match the mean values of published data within quoted uncertainties. New recommended values and associated uncertainties are presented for interlaboratory calibration in the future.  相似文献   

We present a revised alkali fusion method for the determination of trace elements in geological samples. Our procedure is based on simple acid digestion of powdered low‐dilution (flux : sample ≈ 2 : 1) glass beads where large sample dilution demanded by high total dissolved solids, a main drawback of conventional alkali fusion, could be circumvented. Three geological reference materials (G‐3 granite, GSP‐2 granodiorite and SGD‐1a gabbro) decomposed by this technique and routine tabletop acid digestion were analysed for thirty trace elements using a quadrupole ICP‐MS. Results by conventional acid digestion distinctly showed poor recoveries of Zr, Hf and rare earth elements due to incomplete dissolution of resistant minerals. On the other hand, results obtained by our method were in reasonable agreement with reference data for most analytes, indicating that refractory minerals were efficiently dissolved and volatile loss was insignificant.  相似文献   

The preparation and characterisation of four chromium ore reference materials are described in this paper. The sample material for GCr‐1, GCr‐3 and GCr‐4 was collected from chromite deposits in Tibet, Qinghai province and Inner Mongolia. GCr‐2 is a composite sample from GCr‐1 and GCr‐4. Sample homogeneity was tested by WD‐XRF and the relative standard deviations were < 1.0%. An F‐test showed that all four materials were homogeneous. Thirteen laboratories involved in the inter‐laboratory programme provided 672 determinations (eighteen oxides and elements). Sixteen components were characterised as certified values, of which Cr2O3 ranged from 17.59 to 57.80% m/m. The contents of FeO and CO2 were taken as reference values.  相似文献   

The interest in variations of barium (Ba) stable isotope amount ratios in low and high temperature environments has increased over the past several years. Characterisation of Ba isotope ratios of widely available reference materials is now required to validate analytical procedures and to allow comparison of data obtained by different laboratories. We present new Ba isotope amount ratio data for twelve geological reference materials with silicate (AGV‐1, G‐2, BHVO‐1, QLO‐1, BIR‐1, JG‐1a, JB‐1a, JR‐1 and JA‐1), carbonate (IAEA‐CO‐9) and sulfate matrices (IAEA‐SO‐5 and IAEA‐SO‐6) relative to NIST SRM 3104a. In addition, two artificially fractionated in‐house reference materials BaBe12 and BaBe27 (δ137/134Ba = ?1.161 ± 0.049‰ and ?0.616 ± 0.050‰, respectively) are used as quality control solutions for the negative δ‐range. Accuracy of our data was assessed by interlaboratory comparison between the University of Bern and the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Data were measured by MC‐ICP‐MS (Bern) and TIMS (USGS) using two different double spikes for mass bias correction (130Ba–135Ba and 132Ba–136Ba, respectively). MC‐ICP‐MS measurements were further tested for isobaric and non‐spectral matrix effects by a number of common matrix elements. The results are in excellent agreement and suggest data accuracy.  相似文献   

This article describes a series of methods developed for the determination of total carbon (CTotal), organic carbon (Corg), hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur. The following elemental analysers were used: LECO model RC‐412 for the determination of organic carbon, total carbon and hydrogen; LECO model CS‐200 for the determination of total carbon and sulfur; LECO model TN‐400 for the determination of nitrogen; and LECO model TruSpec CHNS for the determination of organic carbon, total carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur. Uncertainty and limits of detection and quantification were calculated for each method, as well as the running costs to define the most effective instrument for each material and each analyte. Accuracy was checked by the application of the Sutarno–Steger test. Finally, a compilation of the results obtained in the determination of CTotal, Corg, H, N and S in forty‐nine reference materials is presented.  相似文献   

This study presents an experimental procedure to fabricate high‐purity silica glass containing a selected element at a specified mass fraction. The procedure was used to prepare glasses doped with trace‐level mass fractions of Ti with the goal of improving analytical confidence when measuring trace elements in quartz. Systematic tests were performed to determine the ideal conditions and procedures for doping nanoporous silica gel with the highest efficiency of dopant recovery. Silica gel was cleaned in concentrated HCl, immersed in a non‐polar doping medium at a controlled pH and doped with precise quantities of ICP‐MS standard solution. Using liquids composed of longer chain molecules as the doping medium diminishes recovery, suggesting that large molecules could obstruct nanopores to inhibit capillary uptake of the dopant. A control experiment using crystalline quartz reinforced the effectiveness of nanoporous silica gel for doping with trace‐level precision. Layered aggregates of silica gel doped with different Ti mass fractions were hot‐pressed to create multi‐layered reference materials that were analysed with multiple techniques at a variety of spatial scales. Analyses at the intra‐grain scale (cathodoluminescence scanning electron microscopy, electron probe microanalysis), at the single grain scale (SIMS), at the sample layer scale (EPMA, laser ablation‐ICP‐MS) and at the bulk scale (ICP‐OES) demonstrated acceptable homogeneity at sample volumes characteristic of most microanalysis techniques and show that nanoporous silica gel holds promise as a highly retentive doping substrate for preparing reference materials for laser‐, electron‐ and ion‐beam microanalysis.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of total sulfur in geological materials by inductively coupled plasma‐optical emission spectrometry (ICP‐OES) is described. We show that good results were obtained using this method even for sample types with very low (< 20 μg g?1) sulfur concentration (e.g., peridotite). Sulfur was determined in fifteen geological reference materials with different sulfur contents. For reference materials with certified sulfur contents, the ICP‐OES method gave results in excellent agreement with certified values, and uncertainties better than 4% RSD. ICP‐OES results for sulfur in other reference materials yielded RSDs better than 10%, where S concentrations were > 100 μg g?1 (except for diabase W‐2a, 16% RSD). Reference materials with lower sulfur contents (< 40 μg g?1) showed much higher RSDs (17–18%). Except for RMs with certified values for sulfur, most data obtained by the combustion infrared detection method generally showed higher concentrations than those measured by ICP‐OES and a better RSD (≤ 8% for all materials except DTS‐2b).  相似文献   

A HF‐free sample preparation method was used to purify silicon in twelve geological RMs. Silicon isotope compositions were determined using a Neptune instrument multi‐collector‐ICP‐MS in high‐resolution mode, which allowed separation of the silicon isotope plateaus from their interferences. A 1 μg g‐1 Mg spike was added to each sample and standard solution for online mass bias drift correction. δ30Si and δ29Si values are expressed in per mil (‰), relative to the NIST SRM 8546 (NBS‐28) international isotopic RM. The total variation of δ30Si in the geological reference samples analysed in this study ranged from ‐0.13‰ to ‐0.29‰. Comparison with δ29Si values shows that these isotopic fractionations were mass dependent. IRMM‐17 yielded a δ30Si value of ‐1.41 ± 0.07‰ (2s, n = 12) in agreement with previous data. The long‐term reproducibility for natural samples obtained on BHVO‐2 yielded δ30Si = ‐0.27 ± 0.08‰ (2s, n = 42) on a 12 month time scale. An in‐house Si reference sample was produced to check for the long‐term reproducibility of a mono‐elemental sample solution; this yielded a comparable uncertainty of ± 0.07‰ (2s, n = 24) over 5 months.  相似文献   

This article presents new boron concentrations for nine geochemical reference materials (GS‐N, FK‐N, GL‐O, BX‐N, DT‐N, AN‐G, GH, Mica‐Fe, Mica‐Mg). After extraction by a modified pyrohydrolysis technique, boron concentrations were measured by ICP‐MS. The blank levels for the whole procedure were 0.091 ± 0.020 ng ml?1 or 14 ± 5 ng of boron in total. The method was first validated by measuring nine reference materials with known boron concentrations. The determined boron concentrations are all within the range of recommended or published values, which means that the yields were 100%, and show precisions below 10% for samples containing over 2 μg g?1 of boron.  相似文献   

Trace elements from samples of bauxite deposits can provide useful information relevant to the exploration of the ore‐forming process. Sample digestion is a fundamental and critical stage in the process of geochemical analysis, which enables the acquisition of accurate trace element data by ICP‐MS. However, the conventional bomb digestion method with HF/HNO3 results in a significant loss of rare earth elements (REEs) due to the formation of insoluble AlF3 precipitates during the digestion of bauxite samples. In this study, the digestion capability of the following methods was investigated: (a) ‘Mg‐addition’ bomb digestion, (b) NH4HF2 open vessel digestion and (c) NH4F open vessel digestion. ‘Mg‐addition’ bomb digestion can effectively suppress the formation of AlF3 and simultaneously ensure the complete decomposition of resistant minerals in bauxite samples. The addition of MgO to the bauxite samples resulted in (Mg + Ca)/Al ratios ≥ 1. However, adding a large amount of MgO leads to significant blank contamination for some transition elements (V, Cr, Ni and Zn). The NH4HF2 or NH4F open vessel digestion methods can also completely digest resistant minerals in bauxite samples in a short period of time (5 hr). Unlike conventional bomb digestion with HF/HNO3, the white precipitates and the semi‐transparent gels present in the NH4HF2 and NH4F digestion methods could be efficiently dissolved by evaporation with HClO4. Based on these three optimised digestion methods, thirty‐seven trace elements including REEs in ten bauxite reference materials (RMs) were determined by ICP‐MS. The data obtained showed excellent inter‐method reproducibility (agreement within 5% for REEs). The relative standard deviation (% RSD) for most elements was < 6%. The concentrations of trace elements in the ten bauxite RMs showed agreement with the limited certified (Li, V, Cr, Cu, Zn, Ga, Sr, Zr and Pb) and information values (Co, Ba, Ce and Hf) available. New trace element data for the ten RMs are provided, some of which for the first time.  相似文献   

A comprehensive method for the precise determination of Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt and Pd concentrations as well as Os isotopic compositions in geological samples is presented. Samples were digested by the Carius tube method, and the Os was extracted by conventional CCl4 method. The Re, Ir, Ru, Pt and Pd were first subgroup separated from the matrix elements into Re‐Ru, Ir‐Pt and Pd by a 2‐ml anion exchange column. Subsequently, the Re‐Ru was further purified by a secondary 0.25 ml anion exchange column or by microdistillation of Ru using CrO3‐H2SO4 as an oxidant followed by a secondary 0.25 ml anion exchange separation of Re. The Pd and Ir‐Pt were further successively purified by an Eichrom‐LN column to completely remove Zr and Hf, respectively. Rhenium, Ir, Ru, Pt and Pd were individually measured by multi‐collector inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (MC‐ICP‐MS), except for Ru after microdistillation purification was analysed by negative‐thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (N‐TIMS). The analytical results for peridotite reference material WPR‐1 agree well with the previously published data. Finally, several mafic rock reference materials including TDB‐1, WGB‐1, BHVO‐2, BCR‐2, BIR‐1a and DNC‐1a were analysed for Re‐Os isotopes and platinum‐group element concentrations to test their suitability for certification.  相似文献   

In this study, a high‐precision method for the determination of Sm and Nd concentrations and Nd isotopic composition in highly depleted ultramafic rocks without a preconcentration step is presented. The samples were first digested using the conventional HF + HNO3 + HClO4 method, followed by the complete digestion of chromite in the samples using HClO4 at 190–200 °C and then complete dissolution of fluoride formed during the HF decomposition step using H3BO3. These steps ensured the complete digestion of the ultramafic rocks. The rare earth elements (REEs) were separated from the sample matrix using conventional cation‐exchange chromatography; subsequently, Sm and Nd were separated using the LN columns. Neodymium isotopes were determined as NdO+, whereas Sm isotopes were measured as Sm+, both with very high sensitivity using single W filaments with TaF5 as an ion emitter. Several highly depleted ultramafic rock reference materials including USGS DTS‐1, DTS‐2, DTS‐2b, PCC‐1 and GSJ JP‐1, which contain extremely low amounts of Sm and Nd (down to sub ng g?1 level), were analysed, and high‐precision Sm and Nd concentration and Nd isotope data were obtained. This is the first report of the Sm‐Nd isotopic compositions of these ultramafic rock reference materials except for PCC‐1.  相似文献   

Geological reference materials (RMs) with variable compositions and NIST SRM 612 were analysed by isotope dilution mass spectrometry for bulk rock concentrations of chalcogen elements (sulfur, selenium and tellurium), rhenium and platinum‐group elements (PGEs: Ru, Pd, Os, Ir and Pt), including the isotope amount ratios of 187Os/188Os. All concentrations were obtained from the same aliquot after HCl‐HNO3 digestion in a high pressure asher at 320 °C. Concentrations were determined after chemical separation by negative TIMS, ICP‐MS and hydride generation ICP‐MS (Se, Te). As in previous studies, concentrations of the PGEs in most RMs were found to be highly variable, which may be ascribed to sample heterogeneity at the < 1 g level. In contrast, S, Se and Te displayed good precision (RSD < 5%) in most RMs, suggesting that part of the PGE budget is controlled by different phases, compared with the chalcogen budget. The method may minimise losses of volatile chalcogens during the closed‐system digestion and indicates the different extent of heterogeneity of chalcogens, Re and PGEs in the same sample aliquot. OKUM, SCo‐1, MRG‐1, DR‐N and MAG‐1 are useful RMs for the chalcogens. NIST SRM 612 displays homogenous distribution of S, Se, Te, Pt and Pd in 30 mg aliquots, in contrast with micro‐scale heterogeneity of Se, Pd and Pt.  相似文献   

Here we describe high‐precision molybdenum isotopic composition measurements of geological reference materials, performed using multi‐collector inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (MC‐ICP‐MS). Purification of Mo for isotopic measurements was achieved by ion exchange chromatography using Bio‐Rad AG® 1‐X8 anion exchange resin. Instrumental mass bias was corrected using 100Mo‐97Mo double spiking techniques. The precision under intermediate measurement conditions (eighteen measurement sessions over 20 months) in terms of δ98/95Mo was 0.10‰ (2s). The measurement output was approximately four times more efficient than previous techniques, with no compromise in precision. The Mo isotopic compositions of seven geochemical reference materials, seawater (IAPSO), manganese nodules (NOD‐P‐1 and NOD‐A‐1), copper‐molybdenum ore (HV‐2), basalt (BCR‐2) and shale (SGR‐1b and SCo‐1), were measured. δ98/95Mo values were obtained for IAPSO (2.25 ± 0.09‰), NOD‐P‐1 (?0.66 ± 0.05‰), NOD‐A‐1 (?0.48 ± 0.05‰), HV‐2 (?0.23 ± 0.10‰), BCR‐2 (0.21 ± 0.07‰), SCo‐1 (?0.24 ± 0.06‰) and SGR‐1b (0.63 ± 0.02‰) by calculating δ98/95Mo relative to NIST SRM 3134 (0.25‰, 2s). The molybdenum isotopic compositions of IAPSO, NOD‐A‐1 and NOD‐P‐1 obtained in this study are within error of the compositions reported previously. Molybdenum isotopic compositions for BCR‐2, SCo‐1 and SGR‐1b are reported for the first time.  相似文献   

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