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中国沉积盆地深层的油气勘探实践不断取得进步,提出了与之密切相关的油气地质基础科学问题,凝练与分析这些问题将为深化我国沉积盆地深层地质研究与油气勘探提供引领。近年来,我国在深层海相碳酸盐岩、砂砾岩、火山岩、变质岩与页岩气等勘探领域中发现了一系列大型油气田,油气勘探发现深度推进到7 000~8 500m,勘探前景良好。但由于沉积盆地深层经历了长期构造演化,温、压场与应力场变化大,地质结构多变,油气成藏过程复杂,深层油气勘探面临着一系列关键地质问题,主要包括:中国大陆的形成演化及其构造-古地理,中国小克拉通地块之上海相盆地的原型及演化,中国沉积盆地的多期改造过程与叠加地质结构,沉积盆地的成因机制与动力学演化,深层烃源岩发育、成烃机制及其演化,深层储集体的形成机制与分布,深层油气成藏机制,多期叠加、改造背景下油气聚集与分布规律,深层页岩气赋存机制与分布规律,过程导向的沉积盆地4D动态模拟。我国沉积盆地深层的油气地质基础研究与实际应用需求相比有较大差距,需要立足于中国大陆实际,在盆地的形成演化过程与油气成藏动力学等方面进行深入探索,期望在活动论构造-古地理、三维构造复原、流体-岩石相互作用与四维动态模拟方面取得实质性进展。  相似文献   

含油气系统在琼东南盆地B构造上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
田华  朱光辉 《地球科学》1998,23(6):600-604
从含油气系统特征出发,结合生烃凹陷的埋藏史、热史及生排烃史,动态地分析了多年来一直被许多学者所关注的琼东南盆地B构造油气运聚与该构造形成演化之间的匹配关系,并分别对上、下两个含油气系统成藏条件进行评价,指出了它们之间存在明显不同特征。其中下含油气系统更为有利,并认为地层异常高压可能成为该构造勘探成功与否的主要风险因素之一。  相似文献   

中国主要含油气盆地油气化探数据库及应用   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
中国油气化探历经几十年,具有丰富的数据资源,建立中国主要含油气盆地油气化探数据库是油气化探信息资源共享,科学管理、宏观决策的基础和依据,作者在文中阐述了中国主要油气化探数据的建立及功能,处理技术成图技术,并对该数据库进行了初步应用研究。  相似文献   

中国近海含油气盆地新构造运动与油气成藏   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
龚再升 《地球科学》2004,29(5):513-517
自中新世末(大约5.2Ma) 至今是中国近海新生代盆地裂后热沉降最活跃的时期, 并伴随着裂后构造再活动.这一期构造运动, 即本文所定义的新构造运动, 调整和控制了各含油气盆地的油气最终成藏和油气田的定型分布.阐述了新构造运动的概念、识别依据、成因机制以及对油气藏形成的控制.在中国近海, 新构造运动的主要表现包括中新统末、上新统与第四系之间及层系内部的不整合、中新世和第四纪沉降、沉积中心的迁移、非常发育的晚期断裂活动及活跃的天然地震等.不同盆地新构造运动的强度、发育机制不同, 其对油气成藏与分布的控制亦不同.以渤海湾盆地渤中坳陷、莺歌海盆地和东海盆地西湖坳陷为例, 系统地论述了中国近海新构造运动对油气藏形成的控制和影响.渤海新构造运动控制了渤中坳陷及其周围油气晚期成藏, 莺歌海盆地底辟活动控制了天然气晚期成藏, 东海西湖坳陷新构造运动部分破坏了油气藏   相似文献   

南美西北部典型含油气盆地构造特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
依据盆地处于造山弧的位置不同,将南美西北部盆地群分为弧前盆地、弧内盆地和弧后盆地三类。同一动力学背景下在不同构造部位形成了三类盆地不同的构造特征。弧前盆地具有地垒-地堑式裂陷盆地特点,发育断块油气藏,是安第斯俯冲增生带之上的近东西向张性盆地;弧内盆地位于强烈挤压隆升的造山带之内,是造山带内局部变形相对较弱的地区,发育叠瓦逆冲断层、双重构造和冲起构造;弧后盆地以逆断层反转构造和低幅度背斜构造为主,断裂系统具有走滑性质,是斜向弱挤压环境下的产物,构造平面上具东西向分带的特点,圈闭类型主要是低幅度背斜和岩性圈闭。  相似文献   

含油气盆地构造应力场是储层地质力学的重要研究内容,是控制沉积盆地演化和各类地质构造形成及展布、驱动储层内油气运移和聚集的重要因素,其同时也关系到钻井工程设计、油气开采开发方案部署等油气田勘探开发的诸多重要环节。目前,含油气盆地构造应力场的研究手段众多,每种方法均有其局限性,将其全部利用进行研究难以实现,而利用单一方法可能效果有限。文章系统调研了国内外关于含油气盆地构造应力场研究方面的文献,将其常用的研究方法进行了分类与归纳,主要分为现场测试、岩心实验、地球物理探测、数值模拟以及地质构造分析等五类,对每种技术方法及相关进展进行着重分析,并总结了各自的优缺点和适用条件,最后对该研究领域未来的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

论西北含油气盆地构造反转与油气聚集   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石油天然气是关系国民经济、社会发展和国家安全的重要战略资源。2005年我国石油进口量约1.5亿吨,接近自产量,且后备资源紧张。近年油价飙升,使得油气供给形势更为严峻。我国石油总资源量约1069亿吨,天然气总资源量约47.3万亿m^3;最终可采资源量:石油约为135~160亿吨,天然气约为10~15万亿m^3。据估算,西部地区石油资源量为415.9亿吨(占全国的近40%),其中西北地区(包括鄂尔多斯盆地)占99%以上;  相似文献   

含油气盆地构造应力场研究新进展   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
构造应力场是影响油气运移和富集的主要因素之一。一方面,构造应力形成了油气运移的通道与油气富集的圈闭构造;另一方面,不连续状态的瞬间构造应力和连续状态的长期构造应力为油气运移提供了驱动力。分析了构造应力场的研究现状,阐述了构造应力场的研究方法和内容,着重讨论了确定含油气盆地应力场的方法,并探讨了构造应力场与油气运移、富集的关系。  相似文献   

克拉通盆地基底结构特征及油气差异聚集浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
克拉通盆地分布广泛,面积巨大,油气资源潜力和富集程度差异性也很大。把世界主要克拉通盆地按照其基底不均一特性划分为4种类型:裂谷拉张型(北美密歇根和伊利诺斯盆地)、拼接缝合型(中国塔里木和俄罗斯东西伯利亚盆地)、褶皱造山型(北美威利斯顿盆地)和稳定结晶型(澳洲卡奔塔里亚湾盆地等)。在对各类盆地深部基底结构和油气富集规律比较分析的基础上,初步认为发育在活动构造基底(裂谷、褶皱带、缝合线)上的克拉通盆地油气资源远远好于稳定结晶基底上形成的盆地,各类盆地的油气丰度排序为:裂谷型>褶皱型>拼接型>稳定结晶型,不同类型的克拉通盆地油气成藏的主控因素也各有差异。  相似文献   

白国平  秦养珍 《现代地质》2010,24(6):1102-1111
南美洲是世界上的主要油气产区之一,近年来取得了一系列重大勘探突破。2007年以来,桑托斯盆地盐下一系列巨型油气田的发现表明南美洲,特别是被动陆缘盆地深水盐下层系有着巨大的勘探潜力。以获取的最新油气田储量资料为基础,探讨了南美洲的油气资源在不同类型盆地、不同地区和不同层系的分布特征。统计分析表明前陆盆地油气最富集,其次是被动陆缘盆地。南美洲的前陆盆地沿安第斯山展布,南段和北段为新生代前陆盆地,中段为古生代前陆盆地。南段、中段和北段前陆盆地的主要储集层分别为侏罗系-白垩系、石炭系和白垩系-新近系。经历了被动陆缘演化阶段的前陆盆地是南美洲油气最富集的盆地,典型的代表为东委内瑞拉盆地和马拉开波盆地。被动陆缘盆地分布于南美洲大陆的东部沿海区,油气主要聚集于白垩系、古近系和新近系。在被动陆缘盆地中,发育有蒸发岩的盆地油气更为富集,坎波斯盆地和桑托斯盆地是这类盆地的典型代表。  相似文献   

阿尔金断裂带东南缘含油气盆地群的形成演化   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
沿阿尔金断裂带东南侧发育六个中、新生代的含油气盆地,盆地的边缘或盆地内部发育一系列的近东西走向、与阿尔金断裂锐角相交的断裂,该组断裂对盆地的隆坳格局和地层分布具有控制作用,盆地具有箕状结构或不对称结构特点。沿阿尔金断裂带方向,保罗系、白垩系、古近系、新近系的厚度和沉积特征在时空上呈有规律性变化,显示了阿尔金断裂带时、空活动的差异性。根据侏罗纪盆地在阿尔金断裂带两侧的展布特征和柴达木盆地西部发育的鼻状构造及其沉积演化特征,推断阿尔金断裂带中、新生代经历了多期不同方向的走滑运动。  相似文献   

刘俊来  张进江  张培震 《地质学报》2022,96(10):3283-3296
一百年以来,中国构造地质学学科发展经历了二十世纪初期萌芽孕育、早期发展和多学派大地构造学说百家争鸣。构造地质学专业委员会的成立和发展,标志着我国构造地质学的教育与研究进入一个新的发展时期。专业委员会长期以“服务国家战略需求、搭建学术交流平台、促进学科前沿发展和开展科学普及”为宗旨,主办、组织召开了系列全国性构造会议和现场研讨会议,搭建全国性和国际性的学术交流平台。我国构造地质学家吸收和借鉴国际先进大地构造和构造地质学理论,以环太平洋洋 陆过渡带、特提斯构造域和古亚洲构造域,特别是青藏高原动力学演化研究为引领,针对地球不同圈层相互作用、互馈机理与动力学,开展板块构造起源与早期地球演化、大陆的生长与再造过程、洋 陆系统演化与深部地球动力学、大陆构造变形与宜居地球系统、活动构造, 对资源 环境 灾害的影响等领域开展了研究工作,取得了丰硕的成果。尤其是在新世纪以来,在青藏高原形成演化、华北克拉通破坏、中亚增生型造山带等多个领域取得具有国际水平的研究成果。在构造地质学发展的新阶段,我国构造地质学学科的发展将强化学科基础,推进原创性、创新性理论探索,深化发展板块构造理论,力争在东亚洋陆构造格局与转变、大陆构造变形与人类宜居的地球系统等方面的理论研究上取得原始创新与突破,参与国际地学发展与竞争并作出贡献。  相似文献   

Deep fluids in a petroliferous basin generally come from the deep crust or mantle beneath the basin basement, and they transport deep substances(gases and aqueous solutions) as well as heat to sedimentary strata through deep faults. These deep fluids not only lead to large-scale accumulations of CO_2, CH_4, H_2, He and other gases, but also significantly impact hydrocarbon generation and accumulation through organic-inorganic interactions. With the development of deep faults and magmatic-volcanic activities in different periods, most Chinese petroliferous basins have experienced strong impacts associated with deep fluid activity. In the Songliao, Bohai Bay, Northern Jiangsu, Sanshui, Yinggehai and Pearl Mouth Basins in China, a series of CO_2 reservoirs have been discovered. The CO_2 content is up to 99%, with δ~(13)C_(CO2) values ranging from-4.1‰ to-0.37‰ and ~3He/~4He ratios of up to 5.5 Ra. The abiogenic hydrocarbon gas reservoirs with commercial reserves, such as the Changde, Wanjinta, Zhaozhou, and Chaoyanggou reservoirs, are mainly distributed in the Xujiaweizi faulted depression of the Songliao Basin. The δ~(13)CCH4 values of the abiogenic alkane gases are generally -30‰ and exhibit an inverse carbon isotope sequence of δ~(13)C_(CH4)δ~(13)C_(C2H6)δ~(13)C_(C3H8)δ~(13)C_(C4H10). According to laboratory experiments, introducing external H_2 can improve the rate of hydrocarbon generation by up to 147% through the kerogen hydrogenation process. During the migration from deep to shallow depth, CO_2 can significantly alter reservoir rocks. In clastic reservoirs, feldspar is easily altered by CO_2-rich fluids, leading to the formation of dawsonite, a typical mineral in high CO_2 partial pressure environments, as well as the creation of secondary porosity. In carbonate reservoirs, CO_2-rich fluids predominately cause dissolution or precipitation of carbonate minerals. The minerals, e.g., calcite and dolomite, show some typical features, such as higher homogenization temperatures than the burial temperature, relatively high concentrations of Fe and Mn, positive Eu anomalies, depletion of 18 O and enrichment of radiogenic ~(87)Sr. Due to CO_2-rich fluids, the development of high-quality carbonate reservoirs is extended to deep strata. For example, the Well TS1 in the northern Tarim Basin revealed a high-quality Cambrian dolomite reservoir with a porosity of 9.1% at 8408 m, and the Well ZS1 C in the central Tarim Basin revealed a large petroleum reserve in a Cambrian dolomite reservoir at ~6900 m. During the upward migration from deep to shallow basin strata, large volumes of supercritical CO_2 may extract petroleum components from hydrocarbon source rocks or deep reservoirs and facilitate their migration to shallow reservoirs, where the petroleum accumulates with the CO_2. Many reservoirs containing both supercritical CO_2 and petroleum have been discovered in the Songliao, Bohaiwan, Northern Jiangsu, Pearl River Mouth and Yinggehai Basins. The components of the petroleum trapped with CO_2 are dominated by low molecular weight saturated hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

世界被动陆缘深水含油气盆地的演化可划分为裂前期、裂谷期以及裂后期(被动陆缘期),裂后期又可划分出热沉降期和漂移期两个亚期.裂谷期发育的裂谷层序和漂移期发育的漂移层序是构成生储盖组合的主要层序.统计发现,盆地的生储盖组合主要有裂谷期生储盖、裂谷期生或混生-漂移期储盖和漂移期生储盖三种组合.三种生储盖组合类型均主要发育海陆...  相似文献   

The formation and evolution of basins in the China continent are closely related to the collages of many blocks and orogenic belts. Based on a large amount of the geological, geophysical, petroleum exploration data and a large number of published research results, the basement constitutions and evolutions of tectonic–sedimentary of sedimentary basins, the main border fault belts and the orogenesis of their peripheries of the basins are analyzed. Especially, the main typical basins in the eight divisions in the continent of China are analyzed in detail, including the Tarim, Ordos, Sichuan, Songliao, Bohai Bay, Junggar, Qiadam and Qiangtang basins. The main five stages of superimposed evolutions processes of basins revealed, which accompanied with the tectonic processes of the Paleo–Asian Ocean, Tethyan and Western Pacific domains. They contained the formations of main Cratons(1850–800 Ma), developments of marine basins(800–386 Ma), developments of Marine–continental transition basins and super mantle plumes(386–252 Ma), amalgamation of China Continent and developments of continental basins(252–205 Ma) and development of the foreland basins in the western and extensional faulted basin in the eastern of China(205–0 Ma). Therefore, large scale marine sedimentary basins existed in the relatively stable continental blocks of the Proterozoic, developed during the Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic, with the property of the intracontinental cratons and peripheral foreland basins, the multistage superimposing and late reformations of basins. The continental basins developed on the weak or preexisting divisional basements, or the remnant and reformed marine basins in the Meso–Cenozoic, are mainly the continental margins, back–arc basins, retroarc foreland basins, intracontinental rifts and pull–apart basins. The styles and intensity deformation containing the faults, folds and the structural architecture of regional unconformities of the basins, responded to the openings, subductions, closures of oceans, the continent–continent collisions and reactivation of orogenies near the basins in different periods. The evolutions of the Tianshan–Mongol–Hinggan, Kunlun–Qilian–Qinling–Dabie–Sulu, Jiangshao–Shiwandashan, Helanshan–Longmengshan, Taihang–Wuling orogenic belts, the Tibet Plateau and the Altun and Tan–Lu Fault belts have importantly influenced on the tectonic–sedimentary developments, mineralization and hydrocarbon reservoir conditions of their adjacent basins in different times. The evolutions of basins also rely on the deep structures of lithosphere and the rheological properties of the mantle. The mosaic and mirroring geological structures of the deep lithosphere reflect the pre–existed divisions and hot mantle upwelling, constrain to the origins and transforms dynamics of the basins. The leading edges of the basin tectonic dynamics will focus on the basin and mountain coupling, reconstruction of the paleotectonic–paleogeography, establishing relationship between the structural deformations of shallow surface to the deep lithosphere or asthenosphere, as well as the restoring proto–basin and depicting residual basin of the Paleozoic basin, the effects of multiple stages of volcanism and paleo–earthquake events in China.  相似文献   

The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative, abbreviated as the Belt and Road Initiative, is a primary development strategy of China’s future international cooperation. Especially, the energy resource cooperation, including oil and gas resources cooperation, is an important part of this initiative. The Belt and Road has undergone complicated geological evolution, and contains abundant mineral resources such as oil, gas, coal, uranium, iron, copper, gold and manganese ore resources. Among these, Africa holds 7.8% of the world’s total proven oil reserves. The oil and gas resources in Africa are relatively concentrated, with an overall low exploration degree and small consumption demand. Nigeria and Libya contain the most abundant oil resources in Africa, accounting for 2.2% and 2.9% of the world’s total reserves, respectively. Nigeria and Algeria hold the richest natural gas resources in Africa, occupying 2.8% and 2.4% of the world’s total reserves, respectively. Africa’s oil and gas resources are mainly concentrated in Egypt, Sultan and Western Sahara regions in the northern Africa, and the Gulf of Guinea, Niger River and Congo River area in the western Africa. The Russia–Central Asia area holds rich petroleum resources in Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The potential oil and gas areas include the West Siberia Basin, East Siberia Basin and sea continental shelf in Russia, the northern and central Caspian Basin in Kazakhstan, the right bank of the Amu-Darya Basin, the East Karakum uplift and the South Caspian Basin in Turkmenistan, and the Amu–Daria Basin, Fergana Basin, Afghan–Tajik Basin and North Ustyurt Basin in Uzbekistan. The Middle East oil and gas resources are mainly distributed in the Zagros foreland basin and Arabian continental margin basin, and the main oil-producing countries include Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq. The Asia Pacific region is a new oil and gas consumption center, with rapid growth of oil and gas demand. In 2012, this region consumed about 33.6% of the world’s total oil consumption and 18.9% of the world’s total natural gas consumption, which has been ranked the world’s largest oil and gas consumption center. The oil and gas resources are concentrated in China, Indosinian, Malaysia, Australia and India. The abundant European proven crude oil reserves are in Norway, Britain and Denmark and also rich natural gas resources in Norway, Holland and Britain. Norway and Britain contain about 77.5% of European proven oil reserves, which accounts for only 0.9% of the world’s proven reserves. The Europe includes main petroliferous basins of the Voring Basin, Anglo–Dutch Basin, Northwest German Basin, Northeast German–Polish Basin and Carpathian Basin. According to the analysis of source rocks, reservoir rocks, cap rocks and traps for the main petroliferous basins, the potential oil and gas prospecting targets in the Belt and Road are mainly the Zagros Basin and Arabic Platform in the Middle East, the East Barents Sea Basin and the East Siberia Basin in Russia–Central Asia, the Niger Delta Basin, East African rift system and the Australia Northwest Shelf. With the development of oil and gas theory and exploration technology, unconventional petroleum resources will play an increasingly important role in oil and gas industry.  相似文献   

磷灰石裂变径迹分析近年来广泛地被用来研究含油气盆地古热定史与古构造史及指导油气勘探,这主要是根据磷灰石裂变径迹退火是时间和温度的函数,而烃的生成与热成熟同是也是和温度的函数,而且磷灰石裂变径迹退火温度范围与石油的生成门限相吻合,退火除受温度、时间影响外、还受化学成分,取向因素控制。AFTA包括裂变径迹年龄分析和裂变径迹长度分析,通过前者可获得退火方面信息,通过后者可获得最大古地温及其随时间的变化及  相似文献   

中国西北部含油气盆地具有四大类型有利油气成藏构造带,包括前陆带、中央隆起带、凹陷背斜带和斜坡构造带。前陆带还可分为前陆隆起带、前陆逆冲断裂带及前陆逆冲前锋带三个亚类。这些构造带控制了油气藏的形成与聚集,构成了在垂向上相互叠置、平面上复合连片,形成不同的复式油气聚集区。前陆带主要分布在塔里木盆地西南缘和北缘、准噶尔盆地西北缘和南缘、吐哈盆地北缘、酒泉盆地南缘以及柴达木盆地北缘;中央隆起带仅在塔里木、准噶尔两个盆地发育;凹陷背斜带的典型实例为塔里木盆地英吉苏凹陷中部的英南构造带,另外还包括塔里木盆地满加尔凹陷哈德逊东河砂岩不整合超覆尖灭带和准噶尔盆地漠区坳陷的莫西断鼻等;斜坡构造带以柴达木盆地红柳泉斜坡构造带为代表,它由地层不整合圈闭和地层超覆圈闭形成复合构造样式。  相似文献   

西北地区侏罗纪含煤盆地的构造性质与构造类型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据盆地基底性质,地层层序结构,沉积组合特征,盆地性质等,将西北地区残余侏罗纪含煤盆地划分为9个盆地类型区,通过对侏罗系火山岩,早燕山期碱性花岗岩类,侏罗纪盆地的伸展构造及正反转构造和侏罗纪的古地温梯度的系统研究,对西北地区早中侏罗世含煤盆地的构造性质进行了讨论,明确提出早中侏罗世西北地区整体处于一种地壳伸展的构造背景,最后讨论了西北地区侏罗纪盆地形成的区域构造背景,并提出西北地区侏罗纪盆地的形成演化受控于中国西部侏罗纪特提斯洋盆的张开与闭合。  相似文献   

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