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车辆尾气是道路交通二氧化碳(CO2)排放的重要来源,目前的研究主要集中在区域CO2排放清单的计算和分析上,鲜有从微观层面上进行CO2排放的反演分析。采用微观尾气排放模型对出租车行程轨迹的CO2排放量进行定量反演,进而从点、线、面3个粒度对武汉市出租车行程轨迹CO2排放的时空模式进行分析。研究结果表明,利用出租车轨迹可以有效地反演出租车CO2排放量,并发现其在不同日期和时段具有明显的规律性。通过时空聚类技术发现了点粒度下的出租车CO2排放的类簇数目存在一定的时空变化规律,采用数据场模型展示了线粒度下的道路线段出租车CO2排放强度存在明显的时空分布规律,利用时空自相关技术揭示了面粒度下的区域出租车CO2排放量具有较高的时空正相关性。研究成果可以为城市减排措施制定等提供辅助支持。  相似文献   

基于遥感及GIS的精确时空虚拟现实研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文探讨了GIS支持下遥感影像精确时空建模及其虚拟现实的理论和方法。描述了自然景观对象的时空表达、精确时空模型单元的基本关系 ,阐述了基于遥感和GIS的时空模型可视化一般理论 ,及时空数据库支持下真实景观的影像模拟方法 ,最后给出了目前研究存在的若干技术问题  相似文献   

全空间信息系统将现实世界中的实体抽象为多粒度时空对象,并对其进行表达与分析,较传统地理信息系统来说更符合人类的认知。对高铁网络对象的基本特点及现有交通网络建模方法进行了分析,可知目前现有的建模方法难以支持具有动态性、关联性及多粒度特性的高铁网络对象的表达。依据多粒度时空对象建模思想,提出了一种适合高铁交通数据的全面表达与操作的建模方法;并对高铁网络对象化建模方法的优势及建模过程进行了探讨,设计了概念模型和逻辑模型;通过实例对提出的建模方法进行了验证,并采用可视化表达的方法检验高铁网络时空对象数据的有效性。实验结果表明,基于时空对象的建模方法能够较好描述高铁时空实体多维动态特征,能为后续高铁网络时空查询、分析提供支持。  相似文献   

郭云嫣  刘全海  冉慧敏 《测绘科学》2016,41(10):100-105
针对智慧城市时空信息云平台中海量时空数据的管理和可视化问题,该文提出了一种时空索引建立及时空数据可视化方法。时空索引机制将时间、空间与专题属性作为同等重要的维度,兼顾了三者的查询效率,实现对时空数据的快速有效提取。时空数据可视化表达方法提出了时间轴动画、多时态对比、对象状态回溯等可视化方式,实现时空数据的动态交互式表达。该方法在"智慧常州时空信息云平台"项目中进行了实现,证明这种时空数据组织管理方法可较高效地实现数据的检索调度,且具有较强的可操作性;基于此的时空数据可视化方法亦具备较佳的时空对象动态表达效果。  相似文献   

时空插值方法被广泛应用于缺失时空数据集的插值与估计。时空插值是时空建模与分析的一个重要内容,当前该研究关注的热点之一是异质条件下的时空插值与估计问题。因此,本文从时空数据的异质性出发,提出了一种顾及时空异质性的缺失数据时空插值方法。该方法首先对数据集进行时空分区,然后分别在时间和空间按照异质协方差模型计算缺失数据的估计值,进而利用相关系数确定时空权重、融合时间和空间估计值得到缺失数据的最终估计结果。最后通过两组气象数据集进行交叉验证对比分析试验。试验结果表明本文方法对比其他插值方法具有更高的精度和适用性。  相似文献   

阳洁  刘启亮  冯天琪  邓敏 《测绘学报》2023,(10):1760-1771
时空数据插值是时空数据分析的一项基础性任务,其核心问题在于建模时空自相关结构。当时空数据非平稳、分布稀疏时,现有方法难以准确建模时空自相关结构,直接影响了插值的精度与可靠性。本文基于空间域复合变量理论,采用几何学与统计学相结合的策略对时空自相关结构进行建模,提出了一种基于杨赤中滤波的时空数据插值方法。该方法首先耦合杨赤中滤波与时空积和模型,建立定量描述时空自相关结构的时空基本变化函数;然后,基于时空基本变化函数,构建满足最优线性无偏估计准则的时空数据插值模型。采用模拟数据、2000—2009年我国大陆区域年平均气温与2014年5月—2015年4月北京市日均PM2.5浓度时空数据集进行试验验证,结果表明:本文方法的时空插值精度明显优于当前的3种代表性时空插值方法,且不需要时空平稳性假设,可以更好地适应分布稀疏的时空数据集。  相似文献   

分析了当前海洋温度场数据在数据和模型共享与应用方面存在的不足,结合Web Service技术,提出在分布式网络环境下将海洋温度数据与应用模型封装为web服务的方式,实现多源海洋温度场数据时空过程可视化应用的方法。并基于该方法构建了"多源海洋温度数据动态集成与远程可视化系统平台"。通过该平台的构建,为用户提供海洋温度数据的透明的Web应用,实现了基于网络对多源海洋温度场数据的集成与交互式时空过程可视化表达。  相似文献   

一种局部多项式时空地理加权回归方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于加权最小二乘估计的时空地理加权回归方法,在随机项方差相同且最小的假设条件下估计回归参数和拟合值,由于没有考虑时空分析中异方差影响而导致估计结果存在一定偏差。局部多项式估计是一种消除异方差影响的非参数估计方法。本文在局部多项式估计原理基础上,提出了局部多项式时空地理加权回归方法。它是采用三元一阶泰勒级数展开式重构时空回归系数和自变量矩阵,进而建立满足高斯-马尔可夫独立同分布假定要求的新模型,利用新模型回归系数估计值、拟合值以及新模型与原模型的关系,可得到原模型回归系数估计值和拟合值。本文采用模拟数据和真实数据进行试验,以GTWR与局部线性地理加权回归作为对比方法,从方法适用性、整体估计效果、回归系数估计偏差和拟合优度、整体估计偏差等方面分析了LPGTWR方法性能,有效证明了LPGTWR方法能消除异方差影响提升估计精度。  相似文献   

基于地理格网的复杂路线车辆通行时间估算方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
车辆通行时间隐含了特定时隙的交通状况,准确地汁算该时间在交通监测和路径规划中具有重要意义。现有研究通常利用车辆历史轨迹佔算一定距离内选定路径的通行时间,然而当路径距离较长时,限于很难找到完整穿越指定路径的历史轨迹而无法对其通行时间进行准确估计;此外,海量历史轨迹在估计路径通行时间时会产生巨大的数据管理和计算压力因此,本文引入地理格网,首先构建统一的时空索引,将路网及其历史轨迹分别划分为-系列落在地理格网单;(Cell)中的路段模式及轨迹段;然肩利用一系列频繁共享轨迹在Cell中的停留时间计算车辆在当前路段模式的通行时间;最肩通过一组防史时段相似路径模式的通行时间估算较长路线的车辆通行时间通过对北京市10000辆出租车一周的轨迹数据进行试验,验证了本文方法在处理海量历史轨迹数据上的有效性,以及在估算较氏路径上车辆通行时间的优越性。  相似文献   

在时空数据模型的基础上引入时空量化的思想,将对象进行空间和时间的多粒度形式化表达,同时结合面向对象和基态修正模型的设计理念,提出了一种基于多粒度的时空数据概念模型和逻辑模型的构建方法,实现对时空数据分层多粒度的组织与管理。  相似文献   

The increasing number of large individual-based spatiotemporal datasets in various research fields has challenged the GIS community to develop analysis tools that can efficiently help researchers explore the datasets in order to uncover useful information. Rooted in Hägerstrand's time geography, this study presents a generalized space-time path (GSTP) approach to facilitating visualization and exploration of spatiotemporal changes among individuals in a large dataset. The fundamental idea of this approach is to derive a small number of representative space-time paths (i.e. GSTPs) from the raw dataset by identifying spatial cluster centers of observed individuals at different time periods and connecting them according to their temporal sequence. A space-time GIS environment is developed to implement the GSTP concept. Different methods of handling temporal data aggregation and the creation of GSTPs are discussed in this article. Using a large individual-based migration history dataset, this study successfully develops an operational space-time GIS prototype in ESRI's ArcScene and ArcMap to provide a proof-of-concept study of this approach. This space-time GIS system demonstrates that the proposed GSTP approach can provide a useful exploratory analysis and geovisualization environment to help researchers effectively search for hidden patterns and trends in such datasets.  相似文献   

一种基于时空拥挤度的应急疏散路径优化方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
提出时空拥挤度的概念来描述时间与空间维上的移动对象的拥挤程度,并以此提出一种基于拥挤度的应急疏散路径优化方法,该方法能够为大型公共场所的人员疏散提供从建筑物内部经由路网离开危险区域的一个完整疏散路径方案。分析在疏散路径分配的过程中以最短路径为基础的疏散路径分配方案的拥堵情形,然后以缓解拥堵、减少疏散总时间为目标,设计疏散路径分配方案的优化方法。试验结果表明优化后的方案能够减轻整个疏散方案的拥堵程度,同时能够为每个疏散个体提供一条相对合理的疏散路径。  相似文献   


Routing and navigation services for leisure activities are conditioned by special needs and trade-offs. The advent of online communities and large crowdsourced datasets offers opportunities to improve the adoption of a user’s perspective in these suggested paths. This paper focuses on achieving two goals. First, the presented methodology analyses a dataset of 190,610 historical GPS traces to gain insights into the appreciation or attractiveness of each edge in a real-world network for a specific leisure activity (i.e. road cycling). Second, as literature on these leisure activities is still sparse, we want to create a thorough understanding of the activities at hand for future work. An appreciation model is proposed and the spread of this score is analyzed in shortest-path alternatives of popular routing engines for this activity. This analysis successfully discriminates these shortest paths based on the scoring value and three morphological parameters of the path. However, the robustness of the model should be improved to ensure the viability of the proposed approach in future work. More specifically, further research on the local optimality of the route choices will be imperative.  相似文献   

针对障碍环境中路径规划存在的运算效率低、最短路径遗失问题,根据凸包边界在构建空间网络模型过程中具有快速高效的特点,结合路径与障碍物的相对位置关系,提出了一种基于双侧凸包扩张模型的路径快速规划算法.该算法在对凸包边界算法进行改进的基础上,提取左右侧关联障碍物的凸包边界作为网络模型,利用最短路径算法搜寻目标路径,并在Arc...  相似文献   

针对复杂环境下单(双)机TF/TA2飞行路径规划问题,提出了满足飞机可飞性和可操作性的人工免疫算法飞行航线规划方法;设计了综合3D威胁信息的惩罚函数(亲和力函数);构建了包含动态、静态威胁及不可飞区域的综合威胁模型。据此,设计了不同威胁度环境下的单、双飞行航线,并将人工免疫算法规划的航线与遗传算法进行比较。结果表明,在简单威胁环境下,遗传算法规划时间短、路径较长;在复杂环境下,遗传算法的单机规划失败率极高(大于95%),双机规划失败。人工免疫算法能够为单(双)机规划出一条最优及多条待选飞行航线。  相似文献   

Singrauli Coalfield spreading over an area of about 300 sq km along Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh border in the central part of India, is witnessing rapid industrialisation due to a large number of open pit coal mining projects and Super Thermal Power Station (STPS). Large scale mining activities along with operation of STPS have generated a great deal of environmental stress not only on the landuse pattern but also on various ecosystems in this region. An integrated remote sensing study was conducted to assess the impact of industrialisation on landuse pattern in the area under reference. The multispectral, multi-temporal data (1975, 1986 & 1991) of LANDSAT MSS and TM duly supplemented with ground truth were studied for generation of multidate landuse maps. Data base for landuse for the years 1975, 1986 and 1991 was created using PAMAP GIS for landuse analysis and change detection for optimal utilisation, planning and management of land resources. The study has revealed that the areas under built-up land, mining and fly ash pond have increased substantially from 1975 to 1991. Loss in forest cover and agricultural land has occurred due to rapid industrialisation in this region. It has been observed from the comparison of 1986 and 1991 data that the wasteland generated due to deforestation for initiating coal mining projects has gradually been reclaimed under operation “Green Gold” launched by Northern Coalfields Ltd. Further the wastelands have been effectively utilised for establishing the STPS, townships as well as other infrastructures in this area.  相似文献   

The problem of finding the least-cost path from a source point to a destination point can be dealt with by routing across a continuous surface or routing along a discrete network. The solutions within these two contexts are linked to the use of a raster- or a vector-based least-cost path algorithm. This study presents a technique which integrates raster- and vector-based least-cost path algorithms for determining the least-cost path across a continuous raster surface with discrete vector networks. The technique incorporates ancillary vector data sets that are required to examine the travel cost at each link, connections between nodes, and the representation of intersecting links in the discrete vector network into raster-based least-cost path analysis. The integrated technique presented here is applicable to all-terrain vehicle navigation where a continuous raster surface and discrete vector networks need to be considered simultaneously in order to find least-cost paths. This paper describes the concept behind, and details of, the integrated technique. Applications of the technique with synthetic and real-world data sets are also presented. They provide proof that the technique is effective in finding least-cost paths across a continuous raster surface with discrete vector networks.  相似文献   

Surface supply relationships between glaciers and lakes are needed to analyze and understand hydrological processes at regional and global scales. However, these supply relationships still cannot be extracted efficiently by existing methods. This paper proposes an automatic and efficient approach to extracting surface supply relationships between glaciers and lakes based on meltwater flow paths. The approach includes two stages: (1) identifying direct connections between objects (i.e. glaciers and lakes) based on flow direction derived from digital terrain analysis on a gridded digital elevation model (DEM) and (2) deriving all (or user-specified) kinds of surface supply relationships based on graph search. All computation-intensive steps in this approach have been parallelized; and all steps in the proposed approach have been integrated as an automatic program. Results for the Tibetan Plateau show that given outline data for glaciers and lakes and the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission DEM, the proposed approach can automatically derive diverse surface supply relationships under user-specified restrictions on the attributes of the supply route. The parallelization in the approach effectively improves the computing efficiency. The proposed approach could also be applied to developing a detailed fundamental dataset of supply relationships between glaciers and lakes for other region or period.  相似文献   

张正  唐娉  李宏益  冯峥 《遥感学报》2016,20(2):184-196
大数据技术中的一个难点是如何统筹多源异构的数据。在多源数据协同定量遥感产品生产系统中,不同传感器数据的协同使用为生产系统的各个环节都带来了许多的问题,例如异构数据文件的统一表示和调度,繁杂生产流程的统一抽象等。领域驱动设计是一种应对软件核心复杂性的设计方式。领域驱动是指在设计过程中经过不断的迭代,逐渐提炼出一套灵活优雅的领域模型。领域模型专注于分析问题领域本身,发掘重要的业务领域概念,并建立业务领域概念之间的关系。本文在不断实践的基础上提出了一组较成熟的领域模型,该模型用一种统一的方式解决了多源数据协同生产系统中各方面的问题,并显著地降低了系统集成的难度和工作量,且为新数据源的加入预留了灵活性。  相似文献   

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