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Based on a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model, we investigate carbon burning in a thermonuclear type-Ia supernova in the approximation of unsteady convection. The relatively broad range of convective parameters, 1×10?3≤αc≤2×10?3, in which delayed detonation from the edge takes place was found to be preserved only for cases with a low boundary temperature at the presupernova stage, T b (PS) = 6.4 × 106 K, and with a high envelope mass, mex ? 2 × 10?3M. In cases with a more realistic temperature, T b (PS) = 2 × 108 K, which corresponds to helium burning in the shell source, and with a lower mass mex, delayed detonation from the edge takes place only at αc = 2 × 10?3, while at αc = 1 × 10?3, numerous model pulsations occur during t?500 s. Artificial viscosity is shown to give a determining contribution to the increase in entropy in outer model shells, which is caused by the generation of weak shock waves during pulsations. We also show that the entropies calculated by two independent methods are equal.  相似文献   

We investigate the combined effect of neutron and proton superfluidities on the cooling of neutron stars whose cores consist of nucleons and electrons. We consider the singlet state paring of protons and the triplet pairing of neutrons in the cores of neutron stars. The critical superfluid temperatures T c are assumed to depend on the matter density. We study two types of neutron pairing with different components of the total angular momentum of a Cooper pair along the quantization axis (|m J |=0 or 2). Our calculations are compared with the observations of thermal emission from isolated neutron stars. We show that the observations can be interpreted by using two classes of superfluidity models: (1) strong proton superfluidity with a maximum critical temperature in the stellar core T c max ?4×109 K and weak neutron superfluidity of any type (T c max ?2×108 K); (2) strong neutron superfluidity (pairing with m J =0) and weak proton superfluidity. The two types of models reflect an approximate symmetry with respect to an interchange of the critical neutron and proton pairing temperatures.  相似文献   

We present the results of our hydrodynamic calculations of radial pulsations in helium stars with masses 1 MM ≤ 10 M, luminosity-to-mass ratios 1 × 103L/ML/M ≤ 2 × 104L/M, and effective temperatures 2 × 104 K ≤ Teff ≤ 105 K for mass fractions of helium Y=0.98 and heavy elements Z=0.02. We show that the lower boundary of the pulsation-instability region corresponds to L/M ~ 103L/M and that the instability region for L/M ? 5 × 103L/M is bounded by effective temperatures Teff ? 3 × 104 K. As the luminosity rises, the instability boundary moves into the left part of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and radial pulsations can arise in stars with effective temperatures Teff ? 105 K at L/M ? 7 × 103L/M. The velocity amplitude for the outer boundary of the hydrodynamic model increases with L/M and lies within the range 200 ? ΔU ? 700 km s?1 for the models under consideration. The periodic shock waves that accompany radial pulsations cause a significant change of the gas-density distribution in the stellar atmosphere, which is described by a dynamic scale height comparable to the stellar radius. The dynamic instability boundary that corresponds to the separation of the outer stellar atmospheric layers at a superparabolic velocity is roughly determined by a luminosity-to-mass ratio L/M ~ 3 × 104L/M.  相似文献   

We have performed hydrodynamic calculations of the radial pulsations of helium stars with masses 10MM ≤ 50M, luminosity-to-mass ratios 5 × 103L/ML/M ≤ 2.5 × 104L/M, and effective temperatures 2 × 104 K ≤ Teff ≤ 105 K for helium and heavy-element mass fractions of Y=0.98 and Z=0.02, respectively. We show that the high-temperature boundary of the instability region for radial pulsations at L/M ? 104L/M extends to Teff≈105 K. The amplitude of the velocity variations for outer layers is several hundred km s?1, while the brightness variations in the B band of the UBV photometric system are within the range from several hundredths to half a magnitude. At constant luminosity-to-mass ratio, the radial pulsation period is determined only by the effective temperature of the star. In the ranges of luminosity-to-mass ratios 104L/ML/M ≤ 2 × 104L/M and effective temperatures 5 × 104 K ≤ Teff ≤ 9 × 104 K, the periods of the radial modes are within 6 min ?Π?103 min.  相似文献   

Evolutionary tracks from the zero age main sequence to the asymptotic giant branch were computed for stars with initial masses 2 M M ZAMS ≤ 5 M and metallicity Z = 0.02. Some models of evolutionary sequences were used as initial conditions for equations of radiation hydrodynamics and turbulent convection describing radial stellar pulsations. The early asymptotic giant branch stars are shown to pulsate in the fundamental mode with periods 30 day ? Π ? 400day. The rate of period change gradually increases as the star evolves but is too small to be detected (Π?/Π < 10?5 yr?1). Pulsation properties of thermally pulsing AGB stars are investigated on time intervals comprising 17 thermal pulses for evolutionary sequences with initial masses M ZAMS = 2 M and 3 M and 6 thermal pulses for M ZAMS = 4 M and 5 M . Stars with initial masses M ZAMS ≤ 3 M pulsate either in the fundamental mode or in the first overtone, whereas more massive red giants (M ZAMS ≥ 4 M ) pulsate in the fundamental mode with periods Π ? 103 day. Most rapid pulsation period change with rate ?0.02 yr?1 ? Π?/Π ? ?0.01 yr?1 occurs during decrease of the surface luminosity after the maximum of the luminosity in the helium shell source. The rate of subsequent increase of the period is Π?/Π ? 5 × 10?3 yr?1.  相似文献   

We used high-resolution echelle spectra with high signal-to-noise ratio to determine with a high degree of accuracy some atmospheric parameters (T eff, log g and [Fe/H]) for 68 non-variable supergiants of types F, G, and K and 26 classical Cepheids in 302 pulsation phases. Very accurate effective temperatures, with errors of only 10–30 K, were determined by the line-depth ratio method. We found that the observed intrinsic color indices (B ? V)0 can be related to these parameters: (B ? V)0 = 57.984? 10.3587(log T eff)2 + 1.67572(log T eff)3 ? 3.356 log g+ 0.321 V t + 0.2615[Fe/H] + 0.8833log g(log T eff). With this empirical relation, the intrinsic colors of individual supergiants and classical Cepheids of spectral types F0-K0 and of luminosity classes I and II can be estimated with an accuracy as high as 0.05 m , which is comparable to the accuracy of the most elaborate photometric procedures. In view of large distances to supergiants, the method we propose here allows a large-scale mapping of interstellar extinction with an accuracy of 0.1–0.2 m in a quite large region of the Galaxy.  相似文献   

Parallaxes with an accuracy better than 10% and proper motions from the Gaia DR1 TGAS catalogue, radial velocities from the Pulkovo Compilation of Radial Velocities (PCRV), accurate Tycho-2 photometry, theoretical PARSEC, MIST, YaPSI, BaSTI isochrones, and the most accurate reddening and interstellar extinction estimates have been used to analyze the kinematics of 9543 thin-disk B-F stars as a function of their dereddened color. The stars under consideration are located on the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram relative to the isochrones with an accuracy of a few hundredths of a magnitude, i.e., at the level of uncertainty in the parallax, photometry, reddening, extinction, and the isochrones themselves. This has allowed us to choose the most plausible reddening and extinction estimates and to conclude that the reddening and extinction were significantly underestimated in some kinematic studies of other authors. Owing to the higher accuracy of TGAS parallaxes than that of Hipparcos ones, the median accuracy of the velocity components U, V, W in this study has improved to 1.7 km s?1, although outside the range ?0.1 m < (B T ? V T )0 < 0.5 m the kinematic characteristics are noticeably biased due to the incompleteness of the sample. We have confirmed the variations in the mean velocity of stars relative to the Sun and the stellar velocity dispersion as a function of their dereddened color known from the Hipparcos data. Given the age estimates for the stars under consideration from the TRILEGAL model and the Geneva–Copenhagen survey, these variations may be considered as variations as a function of the stellar age. A comparison of our results with the results of other studies of the stellar kinematics near the Sun has shown that selection and reddening underestimation explain almost completely the discrepancies between the results. The dispersions and mean velocities from the results of reliable studies fit into a ±2 km s?1 corridor, while the ratios σ V /σ U and σ W /σ U fit into ±0.05. Based on all reliable studies in the range ?0.1 m < (B T ? V T )0 < 0.5m, i.e., for an age from 0.23 to 2.4 Gyr, we have found: W = 7.15 km s?1, \({\sigma _U} = 16.0{e^{1.29({B_T} - {V_T})o}}\), \({\sigma _V} = 10.9{e^{1.11({B_T} - {V_T})o}}\), \({\sigma _W} = 6.8{e^{1.46({B_T} - {V_T})o}}\), the stellar velocity dispersions in km s?1 are proportional to the age in Gyr raised to the power β U = 0.33, β V = 0.285, and β W = 0.37.  相似文献   

The evolution of a Population-I star with an initial mass M ZAMS = 60 M has been calculated. At the stage when a red giant turns into an early-type helium star, the vast bulk of the stellar mass is concentrated in a compact core surrounded by an extended envelope that is unstable with respect to radial oscillations. The range of effective temperatures within which the instability arises extends to T eff ? 105 K. For the models corresponding to the Wolf-Rayet evolutionary stage (5 × 104 K ≤ T eff ≤ 1.05 × 105 K), hydrodynamic calculations of self-exciting radial stellar pulsations have been performed. The pulsational instability develops in a time interval comparable to the dynamic timescale. Once the amplitude has ceased to grow, the pulsational motions are nonlinear traveling waves propagating from the core boundary to the stellar surface. The velocity amplitude of the outer layers is 500 km s?1 < ΔU < 103 km s?1, depending on the effective temperature. During the evolution of a helium star, the mean ratio of the maximum expansion velocity of the outer layers to the local escape velocity decreases and lies within the range 0.25 < U max/v esc < 0.6 for the models considered. The nonlinearity of the stellar pulsations is responsible for the increase in the mean radius \(\bar r\) of the Lagrangian layers compared to the equilibrium radius r eq. The effect of the increase in mean radius decreases with rising effective temperature from\(\bar r\)/r ~ 10 at T eff = 7 × 104 K to \(\bar r\)/r ≈ 2 at T eff = 105 K. The radial pulsation periods for the models considered lie within the range 0.1 day ≤ Π ≤ 1.6 day and the amplitude of the bolometric magnitude variations does not exceed 0 . m 2.  相似文献   

The eclipse observations were performed at the Laboratory of Radio Astronomy of the CrAO in Katsiveli with stationary instrumentation of the Solar Patrol at wavelengths of 10.5 and 12.0 cm. The data obtained were used to determine the brightness temperature of the undisturbed Sun at solar activity minimum between 11-year cycles 23 and 24: T d10.5 = (43.7 ± 0.5) × 103 K at 10.5 cm and T d12.0 = (51.8 ± 0.5) × 103 K at 12.0 cm. The radio brightness distribution above the limb group of sunspots NOAA 0866 was calculated. It shows that at both wavelengths the source consisted of a compact bright nucleus about 50 × 103 km in size with temperatures T b10.5 = 0.94 × 106 K and T b12.0 = 2.15 × 106 K located, respectively, at heights h 10.5 = 33.5 × 103 km and h 12.0 = 43.3 × 103 km above the sunspot and an extended halo with a temperature T b = (230–300) × 103 K stretching to a height of 157 × 103 km above the photosphere. The revealed spatial structure of the local source is consistent with the universally accepted assumption that the radiation from the bright part of the source is generated by electrons in the sunspot magnetic fields at the second-third cyclotron frequency harmonics and that the halo is the bremsstrahlung of thermal electrons in the coronal condensation forming an active region. According to the eclipse results, the electron density near the upper boundary of the condensation was N e ≈ 2.3 × 108 cm?3, while the optical depth was τ ≈ 0.1 at an electron temperature T e ≈ 106 K. Thus, the observations of the March 29, 2006 eclipse have allowed the height of the coronal condensation at solar activity minimum to be experimentally determined and the physical parameters of the plasma near its upper boundary to be estimated.  相似文献   

We consider a sample of 412 galaxies with radial velocities V LG < 2500 kms?1 situated in the sky region of RA = 13. m 0–19. m 0, Dec = +10?...+40? between the Local Void and the Supergalactic plane. One hundred and eighty-one of them have individual distance estimates. Peculiar velocities of the galaxies as a function of Supergalactic latitude SGB show signs of Virgocentric infall at SGB < 10? and motion from the Local Void at SGB > 60?. A half of the Hercules–Bootes galaxies belong to 17 groups and 29 pairs, with the richest group around NGC5353. A typical group is characterized by the velocity dispersion of 67 km s?1, the harmonic radius of 182 kpc, the stellar mass of 4.3 × 1010 M and the virialto- stellar mass ratio of 32. The binary galaxies have the mean radial velocity difference of 37 kms?1, the projected separation of 96 kpc, the mean integral stellar mass of 2.6×109M and the mean virial-to-stellar mass ratio of about 8. The total dark-matter-to-stellar mass ratio in the considered sky region amounts to 37 being almost the same as that in the Local Volume.  相似文献   

We have compiled a catalog of 903 candidates for type 1 quasars at redshifts 3 < z < 5.5 selected among the X-ray sources of the “serendipitous” XMM-Newton survey presented in the 3XMMDR4 catalog (the median X-ray flux is ≈5 × 10?15 erg s?1 cm?2 in the 0.5–2 keV energy band) and located at high Galactic latitudes |b| > 20° in Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) fields with a total area of about 300 deg2. Photometric SDSS data as well infrared 2MASS and WISE data were used to select the objects. We selected the point sources from the photometric SDSS catalog with a magnitude error δ mz′ < 0.2 and a color i′ ? z′ < 0.6 (to first eliminate the M-type stars). For the selected sources, we have calculated the dependences χ2(z) for various spectral templates from the library that we compiled for these purposes using the EAZY software. Based on these data, we have rejected the objects whose spectral energy distributions are better described by the templates of stars at z = 0 and obtained a sample of quasars with photometric redshift estimates 2.75 < z phot < 5.5. The selection completeness of known quasars at z spec > 3 in the investigated fields is shown to be about 80%. The normalized median absolute deviation (Δz = |z spec ? z phot|) is σ Δz /(1+z spec) = 0.07, while the outlier fraction is η = 9% when Δz/(1 + z спек.) > 0.2. The number of objects per unit area in our sample exceeds the number of quasars in the spectroscopic SDSS sample at the same redshifts approximately by a factor of 1.5. The subsequent spectroscopic testing of the redshifts of our selected candidates for quasars at 3 < z < 5.5 will allow the purity of this sample to be estimated more accurately.  相似文献   

We consider stars with radial velocities, proper motions, and distance estimates from the RAVE4 catalogue. Based on a sample of more than 145 000 stars at distances r < 0.5 kpc, we have found the following kinematic parameters: \({\left( {U,{\kern 1pt} V,{\kern 1pt} W} \right)_ \odot }\) = (9.12, 20.80, 7.66) ± (0.10, 0.10, 0.08) km s?1, Ω0 = 28.71 ± 0.63 km s?1 kpc?1, and Ω0 = ?4.28 ± 0.11 km s?1 kpc?2. This gives the linear rotation velocity V 0 = 230 ± 12 km s?1 (for the adopted R 0 = 8.0 ± 0.4 kpc) and the Oort constants A = 17.12 ± 0.45 km s?1 kpc?1 and B = ?11.60 ± 0.77 km s?1 kpc?1. The 2D velocity distributions in the UV, UW, and VW planes have been constructed using a local sample, r < 0.25 kpc, consisting of ~47 000 stars. A difference of the UV velocity distribution from the previously known ones constructed from a smaller amount of data has been revealed. It lies in the fact that our distribution has an extremely enhanced branch near the Wolf 630 peak. A previously unknown peak at (U, V) = (?96, ?10) km s?1 and a separate new feature in the Wolf 630 stream, with the coordinates of its center being (U, V) = (30, ?40) km s?1, have been detected.  相似文献   

Based on the Gaia DR1 TGAS parallaxes and photometry from the Tycho-2, Gaia, 2MASS, andWISE catalogues, we have produced a sample of ~100 000 clump red giants within ~800 pc of the Sun. The systematic variations of the mode of their absolute magnitude as a function of the distance, magnitude, and other parameters have been analyzed. We show that these variations reach 0.7 mag and cannot be explained by variations in the interstellar extinction or intrinsic properties of stars and by selection. The only explanation seems to be a systematic error of the Gaia DR1 TGAS parallax dependent on the square of the observed distance in kpc: 0.18R 2 mas. Allowance for this error reduces significantly the systematic dependences of the absolute magnitude mode on all parameters. This error reaches 0.1 mas within 800 pc of the Sun and allows an upper limit for the accuracy of the TGAS parallaxes to be estimated as 0.2 mas. A careful allowance for such errors is needed to use clump red giants as “standard candles.” This eliminates all discrepancies between the theoretical and empirical estimates of the characteristics of these stars and allows us to obtain the first estimates of the modes of their absolute magnitudes from the Gaia parallaxes: mode(M H ) = ?1.49 m ± 0.04 m , mode(M Ks ) = ?1.63 m ± 0.03 m , mode(M W1) = ?1.67 m ± 0.05 m mode(M W2) = ?1.67 m ± 0.05 m , mode(M W3) = ?1.66 m ± 0.02 m , mode(M W4) = ?1.73 m ± 0.03 m , as well as the corresponding estimates of their de-reddened colors.  相似文献   

In the framework of the MOdified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND), the internal dynamics of a gravitating system s embedded in a larger one S is affected by the external background field E of S even if it is constant and uniform, thus implying a violation of the Strong Equivalence Principle: it is the so-called External Field Effect (EFE). In the case of the solar system, E would be A cen≈10?10 m?s?2 because of its motion through the Milky Way: it is orders of magnitude smaller than the main Newtonian monopole terms for the planets. We address here the following questions in a purely phenomenological manner: are the Sun’s planets affected by an EFE as large as 10?10 m?s?2? Can it be assumed that its effect is negligible for them because of its relatively small size? Does E induce vanishing net orbital effects because of its constancy over typical solar system’s planetary orbital periods? It turns out that a constant and uniform acceleration, treated perturbatively, does induce non-vanishing long-period orbital effects on the longitude of the pericenter ? of a test particle. In the case of the inner planets of the solar system and with E≈10?10 m?s?2, they are 4–6 orders of magnitude larger than the present-day upper bounds on the non-standard perihelion precessions \(\Delta\dot{\varpi}\) recently obtained with by E.V. Pitjeva with the EPM ephemerides in the Solar System Barycentric frame. The upper limits on the components of E are E x ≤1×10?15 m?s?2, E y ≤2×10?16 m?s?2, E z ≤3×10?14 m?s?2. This result is in agreement with the violation of the Strong Equivalence Principle by MOND. Our analysis also holds for any other exotic modification of the current laws of gravity yielding a constant and uniform extra-acceleration. If and when other corrections \(\Delta\dot{\varpi}\) to the usual perihelion precessions will be independently estimated with different ephemerides it will be possible to repeat such a test.  相似文献   

Based on data from the Two-Micrometer All-Sky Survey (2MASS), we analyzed the infrared properties of 451 Local-Volume galaxies at distances D ≤ 10 Mpc. We determined the K-band luminosity function of the galaxies in the range of absolute magnitudes from ?25m to ?11m. The local luminosity density within 8 Mpc is 6.8 × 108L Mpc?3, a factor of 1.5 ± 0.1 higher than the global mean K-band luminosity density. We determined the ratios of the virial mass to the K-band luminosity for nearby groups and clusters of galaxies. In the luminosity range from 5 × 1010 to 2 × 1013L, the dependence log(M/LK) ∝ (0.27 ± 0.03) log LK with a dispersion of ~0.1 comparable to the measurement errors of the masses and luminosities of the systems of galaxies holds for the groups and clusters of galaxies. The ensemble-averaged ratio, 〈M/LK〉 ? (20–25) M/L, was found to be much smaller than the expected global ratio, (80–90)M/L, in the standard model with Ωm = 0.27. This discrepancy can be eliminated if the bulk of the dark matter in the Universe is not associated with galaxies and their systems.  相似文献   

Open star clusters from the MWSC (Milky Way Star Clusters) catalogue have been used to determine the Galactic rotation parameters. The circular rotation velocity of the solar neighborhood around the Galactic center has been found from data on more than 2000 clusters of various ages to be V 0 = 236 ± 6 km s?1 for the adopted Galactocentric distance of the Sun R 0 = 8.3 ± 0.2 kpc. The derived angular velocity parameters are Ω 0 = 28.48 ± 0.36 km s?1 kpc?1, Ω0 = ?3.50 ± 0.08 km s?1 kpc?2, and Ω0 = 0.331 ± 0.037 km s?1 kpc?3. The influence of the spiral density wave has been detected only in the sample of clusters younger than 50 Myr. For these clusters the amplitudes of the tangential and radial velocity perturbations are f θ = 5.6 ± 1.6 km s?1 and f R = 7.7 ± 1.4 km s?1, respectively; the perturbation wavelengths are λ θ = 2.6 ± 0.5 kpc (i θ = ?11? ± 2?) and λ R = 2.1 ± 0.5 kpc (i R = ?9? ± 2?) for the adopted four-armed model (m = 4). The Sun’s phase in the spiral density wave is (χ)θ = ?62? ± 9? and (χ)R = ?85? ± 10? from the residual tangential and radial velocities, respectively.  相似文献   

Based on a self-consistent solution of the equations of gas dynamics, kinetics of hydrogen atomic level populations, and radiative transfer, we analyze the structure of a shock wave that propagates in a partially ionized hydrogen gas. We consider the radiative transfer at the frequencies of spectral lines by taking into account the effects of a moving medium in the observer's frame of reference. The flux in Balmer lines is shown to be formed behind the shock discontinuity at the initial hydrogen recombination stage. The Doppler shift of the emission-line profile is approximately one and a half times smaller than the gas flow velocity in the Balmer emission region, because the radiation field of the shock wave is anisotropic. At Mach numbers M1?10 and unperturbed gas densities σ1=10?10 g cm?3, the Doppler shift is approximately one third of the shock velocity U1. The FWHM of the emission-line profile δ ? is related to the shock velocity by δ ? k ? U1, where k ? = 1, 0.6, and 0.65 for the Hα, Hβ, and Hγ lines, respectively.  相似文献   

We investigate the variation of the fraction of galaxies with suppressed star formation (MK < ?21 . m 5) and early-type galaxies (fracE) of the “red sequence” along the projected radius in six galaxy clusters:Coma (A1656), A1139, and A1314 in the Leo supercluster region (z ≈ 0.037) and A2040, A2052, A2107 in the Hercules supercluster region (z ≈ 0.036). According to SDSS (DR10) data, fracE is the highest in the central regions of galaxy clusters and it is, on the average, equal to 0.62 ± 0.03, whereas in the 2–3R/R200c interval and beyond the Rsp ≈ 0.95 ± 0.04 R200m radius that we inferred from the observed profile fracE is minimal and equal to 0.25 ± 0.02. This value coincides with the estimate fracE = 0.24 ± 0.01 that we inferred for field galaxies located between the Hercules and Leo superclusters at the same redshifts. We show that the fraction of galaxies with suppressed star formation decreases continuously with cluster radius from 0.87 ± 0.02 in central regions down to 0.43 ± 0.03 in the 2–3 R/R200c interval and beyond Rsp, but remains, on the average, higher than 26% than the corresponding fraction for field objects. This decrease is especially conspicuous in the galaxy mass interval log M* [M] = 9.5–10. We found that galaxies with ongoing star formation have average clustercentric distances 1.5–2.5 R/R200c and that their radial-velocity dispersions are higher than those of galaxies with suppressed star formation.  相似文献   

The X-ray luminosity function of distant (3 < z < 5.1) type 1 quasars has been measured. A sample of distant high-luminosity (1045 erg s?1LX,2?10 < 7.5×1045 erg s?1 in the 2–10 keV energy band) quasars from the catalog by Khorunzhev et al. (2016) compiled from the data of the 3XMM-DR4 catalog of the XMM-Newton serendipitous survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) has been used. This sample consists of 101 sources. Most of them (90) have spectroscopic redshifts zspec ? 3; the remaining ones are quasar candidates with photometric redshift estimates zphot ? 3. The spectroscopic redshifts of eight sources have been measured with the BTA and AZT-33IK telescopes. Owing to the record sky coverage area (?250 sq. deg at X-ray fluxes ~10?14 erg s?1 cm?2 in the 0.5–2 keVband) from which the sample was drawn, we have managed to obtain reliable estimates of the space density of distant X-ray quasars with luminosities LX,2?10 > 2×1045 erg s?1 for the first time. Their comoving space density remains constant as the redshift increases from z = 3 to 5 to within a factor of 2. The power-law slope of the X-ray luminosity function of distant quasars at its bright end (above the break) has been reliably constrained for the first time. The range of possible slopes for the quasar luminosity and density evolution model is γ2 = 2.72 ?0.12 +0.19 ± 0.21, where initially the lower and upper boundaries of γ2 with the remaining uncertainty in the detection completeness of X-ray sources in SDSS and subsequently the statistical error of the slope are specified.  相似文献   

We consider the modulation of nonthermal gyrosynchrotron emission from solar flares by the ballooning and radial oscillations of coronal loops. The damping mechanisms for fast magnetoacoustic modes are analyzed. We suggest a method for diagnosing the plasma of flare loops that allows their main parameters to be estimated from peculiarities of the microwave pulsations. Based on observational data obtained with the Nobeyama Radioheliograph (17 GHz) and using a technique developed for the event of May 8, 1998, we determined the particle density n≈3.7×1010 cm?3, the temperature T≈4×107 K, and the magnetic field strength B≈220 G in the region of flare energy release. A wavelet analysis for the solar flare of August 28, 1999, has revealed two main types of microwave oscillations with periods P1≈7, 14 s and P2≈2.4 s, which we attribute to the ballooning and radial oscillations of compact and extended flare loops, respectively. An analysis of the time profile for microwave emission shows evidence of coronal loop interaction. We determined flare plasma parameters for the compact (T≈5.3×107 K, n≈4.8≈1010 cm?3, B≈280 G) and extended (T≈2.1≈107 K, n≈1.2≈1010 cm?3, B≈160 G) loops. The results of the soft X-ray observations are consistent with the adopted model.  相似文献   

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