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We identify a correlation space involving optical and UV emission-line parameters as well as the soft X-ray spectral index that provides optimal discrimination between all principal classes of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Most of the sources in our three high-quality data samples show a strong intercorrelation with narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLSy1) galaxies and steep-spectrum radio galaxies occupying opposite extrema in the space. NLSy1 sources show a clear continuity with broader line sources, indicating that they are not a disjoint class of AGN as is sometimes suggested. We interpret the principal intercorrelation in the parameter space as being driven by the AGN luminosity-to-black hole mass ratio (L&solm0;M is proportional to the Eddington ratio). Source orientation no doubt also plays an important role, but it is not yet clear whether FWHM Hbeta or C iv lambda1549 line shift is the better indicator. We tentatively identify two radio-quiet populations: an almost pure radio-quiet population A, with FWHM相似文献   

We review recent discoveries of obscured Active Galactic Nuclei at significant redshifts with X-ray observations. Most, if not all, the X-ray luminous galaxies found at faint X-ray fluxes could in fact be obscured AGN, where the obscuring material is also forming stars copiously. Given that AGN of various types appear to dominate the source populations at all X-ray fluxes, we also discuss their clustering properties. Current results imply that the population of X-ray selected AGN is not strongly biased, and therefore X-ray observations can be used to trace the distribution of matter out to redshifts ∼ 2. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

通过搜集了457个活动星系核样本,根据活动星系核的演化实质是指宇宙时标上的变化,讨论了红移量与活动星系核演化的关系,最终证明了活动星系核的演化分为两个序列:(1)从类星体到Seyfert星系之间的演化;(2)平谱射电类星体(FSRQ)—BL Lac天体—射电星系(RG)的演化。  相似文献   

We compiled a sample of 98 radio-quiet active galactic nuclei observed by ASCA, Chandra, XMM-Newton, INTEGRAL and Swift with the aim of testing the formation of hot corona and the magnetic shear stress operating in a disk-corona system. We found a strong correlation between the hard X-ray luminosity, bolometric luminosity L Bol and Eddington luminosity LEdd, in the sense that the fraction f of hard X-ray to the bolometric luminosity is inversely proportional to the Eddington ratio. This correlation favors the shear stress tensor being of the form of trφ∝ Pgas, with which the disk-corona structure is stable.  相似文献   

The overall spectrum of Active Galactic Nuclei is discussed in terms of a wind and shock model. The central object of the active galactic nuclei is the source of a strong supercritical wind. The interaction of the wind with the surrounding medium generates the non-thermal radiation observed in active galactic nuclei. The spectrum predicted by the wind and shock model is compared with the observations of the quasar 3C 273.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between the accretion flows into the accretion disk around the black holes of active galactic nuclei (AGN), and the jets which they produce. A large-scale accretion flow around the nucleus is proposed as the thick dusty toroid structure of the unified model. Physically, this is similar to the Kahn ‘cocoon star’ model. High (super-Eddington) accretion rates into the accretion disk are needed. It is assumed that all black holes produce relativistic jets. However, entrainment of thermal (wind) material into the jet determines the AGN class, radio-loud or radio quiet. The jet interacts with the ambient medium as it expands, generating a cocoon of fast radiative or partially-radiative shocks around it. Such a model can explain both the radio properties and the emission line properties over a wide variety of AGN classes. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Parsec scale jet properties are shortly presented and discussed. Observational data are used to derive constraints on the jet velocity and orientation, the presence of velocity structures, and the connection between the pc and kpc scale. Two peculiar sources with limb-brightened jets: 1144+35 and Mkn 501 are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

We have collected an up-to-date sample of 123 superluminal sources (84 quasars, 27 BL Lac objects and 12 galaxies) and calculated the apparent velocities (βapp) for 224 components in the sources with the A-CDM model. We checked the relationships between their proper motions, redshifts,βapp and 5 GHz flux densities. Our analysis shows that the radio emission is strongly boosted by the Doppler effect. The superluminal motion and the relativistic beaming boosting effect are, to some extent, the same in active galactic nuclei.  相似文献   

It has long remained an open question as to the geometry of the broad line region (BLR) in active galactic nuclei (AGNs). The reverberation mapping technique which mea-sures the response of the broad emission lines to the ionizing continuum, when combined with multiwavelength continuum fitted by sophisticated accretion disks, provides a way of probing the BLR geometry. We analyze a sample of 35 AGNs, which have been monitored by the reverberation mapping campaign. In view of energy budget, the reverberation-based BH masses are found to be in agreement with those obtained by accretion disk models in two thirds of the present sample while the reverberation mapping methods underestimate the BH masses in about one third of objects, as also suggested by Collin et al. in a recent work. We point out that there are obviously two kinds of BLR geometry, which are strongly dependent on the Eddington ratio, and separated by the value LBol/LEdd ~ 0.1. These results prefer a scenario of the disk and wind configuration of the BLR and identify the Eddington ratio as the physical driver regulating the wind in the BLR.  相似文献   

It has long remained an open question as to the geometry of the broad line region (BLR) in active galactic nuclei (AGNs). The reverberation mapping technique which measures the response of the broad emission lines to the ionizing continuum, when combined with multiwavelength continuum fitted by sophisticated accretion disks, provides a way of probing the BLR geometry. We analyze a sample of 35 AGNs, which have been monitored by the reverberation mapping campaign. In view of energy budget, the reverberation-based BH masses are found to be in agreement with those obtained by accretion disk models in two thirds of the present sample while the reverberation mapping methods underestimate the BH masses in about one third of objects, as also suggested by CoUin et al. in a recent work. We point out that there are obviously two kinds of BLR geometry, which are strongly dependent on the Eddington ratio, and separated by the value LBol/LEdd - 0.1. These results prefer a scenario of the disk and wind configuration of the BLR and identify the Eddington ratio as the physical driver regulating the wind in the BLR.  相似文献   

It is well accepted that feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGNs) plays an important role in the coevolution of the supermassive black hole (SMBH) and its host galaxy,but the concrete mechanism of feedback remains unclear.A considerable body of evidence suggests that AGN feedback suppresses star formation in the host galaxy.We assemble a sample of Seyfert 2 galaxies with recent observational data of compact nuclear starbursts and estimate the gas surface density as a function of column density to illuminate the relation between feedback and AGN properties.Although there are some uncertainties,our data still imply the deviation from the star formation law (Kennicutt-Schmidt law).Further,they indicate that:(1) Feedback correlates with the Eddington ratio,rather than with the mass of SMBH,as a result of decreasing star formation efficiency.(2) The SMBH and the torus are probably undergoing coevolution.Conclusions presented here can be refined through future high resolution CO or HCN observations.  相似文献   

Astronomy Letters - We present the results of our identification of eight objects from the preliminary catalogue of X-ray sources detected in the 4–12 keV energy band by the Mikhail Pavlinsky...  相似文献   

It is important to quantify the underestimation of rms photometric errors returned by the commonly used APPHOT algorithm in the IRAF software, in the context of differential photometry of point-like AGN, because of the crucial role it plays in evaluating their variability properties. Published values of the underestimation factor, η, using several different telescopes, lie in the range 1.3–1.75. The present study aims to revisit this question by employing an exceptionally large data set of 262 differential light curves (DLCs) derived from 262 pairs of non-varying stars monitored under our ARIES AGN monitoring program for characterizing the intra-night optical variability (INOV) of prominent AGN classes. The bulk of these data were taken with the 1-m Sampurnanad Telescope (ST). We find η?=?1.54±0.05 which is close to our recently reported value of η?=?1.5. Moreover, this consistency holds at least up to a brightness mismatch of 1.5 mag between the paired stars. From this we infer that a magnitude difference of at least up to 1.5 mag between a point-like AGN and comparison star(s) monitored simultaneously is within the same CCD chip acceptable, as it should not lead to spurious claims of INOV.  相似文献   

本文研究了Blazar天体的辐射性质,提出一种新的喷流模型,即具有幂律分布的极端相对论电子团从中心核注入喷流等离子体中,它在一定的注入速度下,不仅能在喷流等离子体中激发等离子体湍动,产生电磁波的相干辐射,而且能产生强的同步辐射。利用等离子体的弱湍理论,我们研究了极端相对论电子团在喷流等离子体中的辐射过程,并详细研究了它在解释Blazar天体辐射特性中的应用,本文认为,Blazar天体的不稳定辐射与极端相对论电子团的无规注入、喷流等离子体的物理环境瞬息变化有关。Blazar中快速变化的辐射偏振角摆动。产生于相对论电子团在湍动等离子体中的同步辐射过程。另外,X选和射电选的BLLac天体之间的区别取决于喷流等离子体的运动状态和物理环境。  相似文献   

The X‐ray spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are complex and vary rapidly in time as seen in recent observations. Magnetic flares above the accretion disk can account for the extreme variability of AGN. They also explain the observed iron Kα fluorescence lines. We present radiative transfer modeling of the X‐ray reflection due to emission from magnetic flares close to the marginally stable orbit. The hard X‐ray primary radiation coming from the flare source illuminates the accretion disk. A Compton reflection/reprocessed component coming from the disk surface is computed for different emission directions. We assume that the density structure remains adjusted to the hydrostatic equilibrium without external illumination because the flare duration is only a quarter‐orbit. The model takes into account the variations of the incident radiation across the hot spot underneath the flare source. The integrated spectrum seen by a distant observer is computed for flares at different orbital phases close to the marginally stable orbit of a Schwarzschild black hole and of a maximally rotating Kerr black hole. The calculations include relativistic and Doppler corrections of the spectra using a ray tracing technique. We explore the practical possibilities to map out the azimuthal irradiation pattern of the inner accretion disks and conclude that the next generation of X‐ray satellites should reveal this structure from iron Kα line profiles and X‐ray lightcurves. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

An explanation of the magnetic fields of the universe, the central mass concentration of galaxies, the massive black hole of every galaxy, and the AGN phenomena has been an elusive goal. We suggest here the outlines of such a theoretical understanding and point out where the physical understanding is missing. We believe there is an imperative to the sequence of mass flow and hence energy flow in the collapse of a galactic mass starting from the first non-linearity appearing in structure formation following decoupling. This first non-linearity of a two to one density fluctuation, the Lyman-α clouds, ultimately leads to the emission spectra of the phenomenon of AGN, quasars, blazars etc. The over-arching physical principle is the various mechanisms for the transport of angular momentum. We believe we have now understood the new physics of two of these mechanisms that have previously been illusive and as a consequence they impose strong constraints on the initial conditions of the mechanisms for the subsequent emission of the gravitational binding energy. The new phenomena described here are: 1) the Rossby vortex mechanism of the accretion disk viscosity, and 2) the mechanism of the α - Ω dynamo in the accretion disk. The Rossby vortex mechanism leads to a prediction of the black hole mass and rate of energy release and the α - Ω dynamo leads to the generation of the magnetic flux of the galaxy (and the far greater magnetic flux of clusters) and separately explains the primary flux of energy emission as force-free magnetic energy density. This magnetic flux and magnetic energy density separately are the necessary consequence of the saturation of a dynamo created by the accretion disk with a gain greater than unity. The predicted form of the emission of both the flux and the magnetic energy density is a force-free magnetic helix extending axially from the disk a distance depending upon its winding number and radius of its flux surfaces, a distance of Mpc's. This Poynting flux of magnetic energy would be invisible unless the currents bounding the magnetic field are dissipated. By definition of force-free, these currents are parallel to the field and throughout its volume. Therefore the dissipation must be throughout the volume as opposed to the conventional reconnection which takes place only at surface layers. This radically different interpretation of reconnection is supported by the observation of "interruption" events in fusion tokamak experiments. Here, and presumably in the galactic case as well, the parallel currents and their dissipation is mediated by run-away, high energy electrons and ions. It is then natural to seek an explanation for the emission spectrum of the dynamo-produced Poynting flux in the same synchrotron emission associated with the dissipation of these run-away currents. We propose the radically different view that these ultra high energy, run-away electrons directly produce the emission spectra as compared to the published models that assume an acceleration of bulk matter to a γ ∼ 10 and then reconvert this kinetic energy by shock heating into a highly relativistic plasma, γ ∼ 106. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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