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The recharge sources and groundwater age in the Songnen Plain, Northeast China, were confirmed using environmental isotopes. The isotopic signatures of the unconfined aquifers in the southeast elevated plain and the north and west piedmont, cluster along local meteoric water lines (LMWLs) with a slope of about 5. The signature of source water was obtained by the intersection of these LMWLs with the regional meteoric water line (RMWL). This finding provides evidence that the recharge water for these areas originate from the Changbai Mountains and the Low and High Hingan Mountains, respectively. Groundwater in the unconfined aquifer in the low plain yields a LMWL with a slope of 4.4; its nitrate concentration indicates the admixture of irrigation return flow. The δ-values of the unconfined aquifer in the east elevated plain plot along the RMWL, reflecting recharge by local precipitation. The mean residence time of groundwater in these aquifers is less than 50?years. However, the 14C age of the groundwater in the confined Quaternary aquifer ranges from modern to 19,500?years, and in the Tertiary confined aquifer from 3,100 to 24,900?years. Modern groundwater is mainly recharged to the Quaternary confined aquifer on the piedmont by local precipitation and lateral subsurface flow.  相似文献   

利用稳定同位素识别黑河流域地上水的补给来源   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文利用稳定同位素(2H和18O)及水化学方法识别黑河流域地下水的补给来源,估算黑河水与地下水的转化数量.研究结果表明,黑河流域地下水的主要补给来自山区出山河流,山前戈壁带是地下水快速补给区,中下游盆地地下水补给来源为引河灌溉和河流侧渗.黑河干流出山河水在张掖以上河段约4.4×108 m3/a渗漏补给地下水,约占出山迳流量的27%.张掖一正义峡河段道地下水向河道平均排泄量为11.4×108 m3/a,占该段河流迳流量的69%.研究成果不仅对黑河流域地下水的开发管理有着重要意义,对我国西北类似的内陆盆地地下水的开发管理有着借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Groundwater potential map is important for environmental assessment and water resources management. In this work, a groundwater recharge potential map was established for the watershed of Oued Djelfa Hadjia in Algeria, based on new multiparameters hybrid model. The model has hydroclimatic parameters, geological settings, slope factor, and stream network density factor as inputs. The groundwater recharge estimated by the model range from 0.71 to 14 mm. The model allows delineation of potential area of recharge. The total water abstraction in Djelfa city is about of 14 hm3; however, the calculated groundwater recharge is about 3 mm/year (min 0.71 mm and max 14 mm), which correspond to an average recharge volume of 3.9 hm3 which mean that the aquifer is under over exploitation.  相似文献   

The content of heavy metals and arsenic in sediments of karst streams in southern Missouri was investigated for its potential use as an indicator of pollution. A three-step sequential extraction procedure was utilized for this purpose. The amount of trace elements bound to each extraction phase gives insight of its availability and geochemical dependence. These results were complemented with analyses of correlation and spatial variability. Although sediments collected in this study remained below EPAs critical value guidelines, concentration in the mobile phases and higher normalized Mn values successfully identified sites with concentrations higher than background levels. Correlation among elements was poor in most cases; among the trace metals only Cu and Zn correlated while Pb correlated with Ca, Al, Mn and Fe. Spatial variability analysis confirmed that natural variation among adjacent sediment samples is a common occurrence. The urban spring Ward Branch showed the highest levels of Cr, Zn, Pb and As.  相似文献   

Sousan Spring emerges from the Keyno Anticline, Zagros Mountains (Iran), and the mean annual discharge is ~24 m3/s. Geological and hydrochemical evaluations suggest that the spring recharge is from the limestone Ilam-Sarvak Formation (Cretaceous) but the Mafaroon Fault, a major thrust feature, influences the regional groundwater flow path by juxtaposing other strata. Geological, geochemical, stable isotope and water balance studies were employed to interpret this behavior. Using the isotope data, the sources and elevations of the recharge area were found. Temporal variations of the isotopic data were compared with variations of electrical conductivity (EC). Unexpectedly, high EC was associated with a relative increase of discharge and depletion of δ18O. Several hypotheses were investigated and approximate water balance studies employed for validation. It was found that an elongated catchment on the Keyno Anticline plus a lesser catchment on a pair of parallel anticlines recharge the aquifer. While the long groundwater flow path along the Keyno Anticline plus guidance by Mafaroon Fault and the adjacent Garou shaly strata lead to increased EC in the Sousan Spring at the end of the dry season, a flow pulse from two adjoining anticlines (Mahalbakh and Shirgoon) arrives at the same time to increase the discharge and deplete the δ18O signal. Apparently the spring did not experience true base flow conditions during the recorded hydrological year. Although the spring response to specific precipitation events was similar to typical karst aquifers, standard interpretation of recession curves and related coefficients will not be practical at Sousan.  相似文献   

Over exploitation for agricultural activities and consumption has depleted the groundwater resources of drought-prone northeast Mexico. Major ion concentrations along with δ18OH2O, δ2HH2O and d-excess values of shallow groundwater from the Cieneguilla Basin (near Tula) located at a distance of ∼200 km from coast of the Gulf of Mexico helped to contribute new data about drought vulnerability in this region through identification of the moisture source and groundwater recharge zone. Different degrees of rock-water interaction through gypsum, anhydrite and halite dissolutions and minor silicate weathering controlled the hydrochemistry. Stable isotopes yielded a least square regression and slope similar to the local as well as global meteoric water lines, indicating minimal effect of evaporation during the recharge as well as in the subsoil. Isotopic fractionations along with a digital elevation model demarcated the recharge zones at north and east of the basin, with altitudinal difference of ≥1000 m, and indicated that the recharge occurred through warm season moisture sourced from the Gulf of Mexico. Less frequent landfalling of tropical storms caused by warmer sea surface temperature, however, has reduced this rainfall over the last few decades. If the trend of global warming continues unabated, the depleted groundwater resources would trigger reduction in agricultural activities in this drought-prone region and lead to enhanced socio-economic challenges.  相似文献   

水化学—稳定同位素技术在岩溶水文地质研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水化学—稳定同位素技术在岩溶水系统分析中得到了广泛的应用,尤其是在指示岩溶水文地球化学过程、识别岩溶水补给循环途径、溶质溯源及岩溶水污染监测防控等方面显示了独特的优势,产生了丰富的成果。本文着重阐述了环境稳定同位素δD、δ18O、87Sr/86Sr的工作原理,及水化学—稳定同位素技术在岩溶水文地质研究中的应用。此外,论文还以娘子关泉域和北京西山岩溶水系统为例,介绍了运用水化学—稳定同位素技术分析岩溶水系统补给的思路和方法,展望了该技术在岩溶水文地质和岩溶生态环境领域中的应用前景。  相似文献   

Assessing the groundwater recharge potential zone and differentiation of the spring catchment area are extremely important to effective management of groundwater systems and protection of water quality. The study area is located in the Saldoran karstic region, western Iran. It is characterized by a high rate of precipitation and recharge via highly permeable fractured karstic formations. Pire-Ghar, Sarabe-Babaheydar and Baghe-rostam are three major karstic springs which drain the Saldoran anticline. The mean discharge rate and electrical conductivity values for these springs were 3, 1.9 and 0.98 m3/s, and 475, 438 and 347 μS/cm, respectively. Geology, hydrogeology and geographical information system (GIS) methods were used to define the catchment areas of the major karstic springs and to map recharge zones in the Saldoran anticline. Seven major influencing factors on groundwater recharge rates (lithology, slope value and aspect, drainage, precipitation, fracture density and karstic domains) were integrated using GIS. Geology maps and field verification were used to determine the weights of factors. The final map was produced to reveal major zones of recharge potential. More than 80 % of the study area is terrain that has a recharge rate of 55–70 % (average 63 %). Evaluating the water budget of Saldoran Mountain showed that the total volume of karst water emerging from the Saldoran karst springs is equal to the total annual recharge on the anticline. Therefore, based on the geological and hydrogeological investigations, the catchment area of the mentioned karst springs includes the whole Saldoran anticline.  相似文献   

Soil erosion, a serious environmental problem, is a global challenge. Once a portion of a fertile soil is lost, it is very difficult to replace it, and this leads to decrease in crop production, damage to drainage networks, and siltation of dams and reservoirs. Human practices like intensive agriculture, overgrazing, and deforestation have intensified the rate of soil erosion all over the world. The Jhelum basin which forms the north-western part of the complex mountain system Himalayas is not only highly vulnerable to natural hazards like earthquakes, landslides, and floods but is also highly susceptible to soil erosion. There is an immediate need to device strategies to reduce adverse impacts of soil erosion and to conserve natural resources like soil, water, and forests by means of proper watershed management programs in the Himalayan region. The present study is carried out for eight upper watersheds of Jhelum basin, an area which are facing serious issues like boulder extraction, deforestation, and unplanned urbanization. The present work demonstrates the use of morphometry, land use, and slope coupled with the multicriteria analytical (MCA) framework to estimate the soil erosion susceptibility of these watersheds using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System techniques. The present study revealed that out of eight upper watersheds, Arapal, Lidder, and Bringi fall in high priority and need immediate attention and measures to reduce soil erosion in the area. Sandran, Rembiara, and Romshii fall in medium priority. Kuthar and Vishav fall in the low-priority category and are least susceptible to soil erosion.  相似文献   

[研究目的]由于人类活动的影响,地下水硝酸盐(NO3-)污染越来越严重.[研究方法]利用水化学和硝酸盐氮氧同位素(δ15NNO3与δ18ONO3)研究云南昭通盆地地下水NO3-来源与转化过程,用SIAR模型定量计算泉水和民井中不同NO3?来源的比例.[研究结果]结果表明:(1)研究区钻孔水水质良好,但19%的泉水NO3...  相似文献   

Hydrochemical and environmental isotope methods were used to characterize the groundwater quality in ten wells belonging to the Euphrates alluvial aquifer in Syria, with the aim to assess the origin and dynamic of groundwater salinization in this system. The Euphrates River (ER) water along its entire course in Syria is rather fresh (TDS < 0.5 g/L), and thus, it is suitable for drinking and irrigation purposes. Groundwater salinity progressively increases from north to south, changing from almost freshwater (TDS < 0.6 g/L), with a Ca–Mg and HCO3 type near the Syrian–Turkish border to brackish water (1 < TDS < 3 g/L), with a Ca–Mg or Na–Ca–Mg and SO4–HCO3 type in the vicinity of Al-Raqqa, and hence it can safely be used for irrigation. Downstream Deir-Ezzor the groundwater quality becomes fairly saline to very saline (3 < TDS < 29 g/L), with a Na–Cl type, and therefore it has an absolute hazard (SAR > 5) for irrigation uses. This pattern of chemical evolution, which is also clearly reflected in the variations of groundwater ionic ratios, completely agrees with the thermodynamic simulation results obtained by an experimental evaporation essay of a water sample taken from the ER near Deir-Ezzor. Stable isotopes permit the distinction between three main evaporation processes: under high, intermediate and low humidity conditions. Radioisotopes (3H and 14C) indicate the recent age and renewability of groundwater in this aquifer and confirm that its origin is entirely belonged to the ER water, either by direct bilateral interconnection or by vertical infiltration of the irrigation water totally taken from the ER. Relationships between major ions and δ18O values of the groundwater allow to differentiate between two main enrichment processes: either evaporation only or evaporation plus dissolution, that can explain altogether the development of groundwater salinity in such a dry area.  相似文献   

Yushugou River basin of East Tianshan Mountains receives water from melting glaciers. In recent years, the glaciers retreated strongly due to global warming which intensified the water cycle in the river basin. For this reason, the relation of water bodies based on hydrochemistry and isotope in the summer flood was carried out. Hydrochemistry research showed that there was frequent hydraulic interaction between river water and groundwater. Studying the isotopes and \(\hbox {Cl}^{-}\) of river water, glacier meltwater, groundwater and precipitation, indicated that Yushugou River was recharged by the glacier meltwater, groundwater and precipitation during the summer flood period. The analysis result based on the three-component mixing model showed that Yushugou River was recharged by 54.9% of glacier meltwater, 37.6% of the run-off came from groundwater, while less than 8% was contributed by precipitation. The study suggests that the role of glacier meltwater and groundwater, especially glacier meltwater, should be specially concerned in water resource protection and reasonable utilization, and the injection of glacier meltwater is the main reason for run-off variation in this alpine basin during the summer flood period.  相似文献   

Huang  Xiangui  Ping  Jianhua  Leng  Wei  Yu  Yan  Zhang  Min  Zhu  Yaqiang 《Hydrogeology Journal》2021,29(6):2149-2170

Studies on groundwater recharge are essential for sustainable exploitation of groundwater resources, especially in areas of extensive groundwater exploitation such as the Anyanghe River alluvial fan (ARAF) in the North China Plain (NCP). However, the recharge sources and processes and the contribution of each recharge flow component remain unclear. This study used hydrochemistry, stable isotopes, and tritium to investigate sources and underlying processes of groundwater recharge, along with the steady flow Mixing Cell Model (MCMsf) to quantify the proportion of each source flow for the shallow confined groundwater system in the medial fan. The results showed that groundwater mainly originates from precipitation occurring on the eastern Taihang Mountain area with average elevation estimated at 700–1,000 m above sea level during the East Asia summer monsoon period since 1952. Recharge mechanisms are: (1) river water seepage for the unconfined aquifers of the proximal and medial fan; (2) lateral flow for the confined aquifers of the medial and distal fan; and (3) precipitation infiltration for the phreatic water system. The MCMsf simulation showed that the shallow confined groundwater system in the central zone of the medial fan mainly recharged by the lateral flow from the proximal fan, a constant and considerable recharge flow from the southwestern and southern hills, and river water seepage in the medial fan; the lateral recharge flow from the Zhanghe alluvial aquifer was insignificant by comparison. The results of this study can act as a valuable reference for sustainable groundwater management in the ARAF.


Solutes in saline groundwater (total dissolved solids up to 37 000 mg/L) in the Lake Cooper region in the southern margin of the Riverine Province of the Murray Basin are derived by evapotranspiration of rainfall with minor silicate, carbonate and halite dissolution. The distribution of hydraulic heads, salinity, percentage modern carbon (pmc) contents, and Cl/Br ratios imply that the groundwater system is complex with vertical flow superimposed on lateral flow away from the basin margins. Similarities in major ion composition, stable (O, H, and C) isotope, and 87Sr/86Sr ratios between groundwater from the shallower Shepparton Formation and the deeper Calivil – Renmark aquifer also imply that these aquifers are hydraulically interconnected. Groundwater in the deeper Calivil – Renmark aquifer in the Lake Cooper region has residence times of up to 25 000 years, implying that pre-land-clearing recharge rates were <1 mm/y. As in other regions of the Murray Basin, the low recharge rates account for the occurrence of high-salinity groundwater. Shallow (<20 m) groundwater yields exclusively modern 14C ages and shows a greater influence of evaporation over transpiration. Both these observations reflect the rise of the regional water-table following land clearing over the last 200 years and a subsequent increase in recharge to 10 – 20 mm/y. The rise of the regional water-table also has increased vertical and horizontal hydraulic gradients that may ultimately lead to the export of salt from the Lake Cooper embayment into the adjacent fresher groundwater resources.  相似文献   

济南岩溶泉域地下水资源丰富,对供水及维持"泉城"特色均具有重要意义。基于1959—2011年济南泉域地下水位、降水、气温观测及NINO3.4 SSTA、SOI、AO与NPI监测资料,采用小波分析方法对泉域地下水位、降水、气温与大尺度气象模式间的遥相关关系进行了分析。结果表明,上述长时间序列监测数据之间存在遥相关,并因各气象模式周期性的差异使遥相关具有不同的时频域特征。泉域地下水位、降水、气温与NINO3.4 SSTA的遥相关主要为1~7a周期尺度;与SOI主要为6~13a及2~6a周期尺度;与AO主要为14~19a及1~8a周期尺度;与NPI为1a、14~19a及6~10a周期尺度。研究有助于从长时间尺度上,了解岩溶泉域地下水资源变化机制,为完善岩溶水资源管理提供依据。  相似文献   

The long term recharge in Gobi Desert from Hexi Corridor to Inner Mongolia Plateau was estimated to be 1 mm year−1 by using the chloride mass balance method from one unsaturated zone profile, which shows that no effective modern recharge is taking place. A good rainfall database from Zhangye provides definition of the stable isotopic composition of modern rainfall. The signature of groundwater from the late Pleistocene differs markedly from that of the Holocene, shown clearly by the compositions of −10.5‰ δ18O as compared with values of −7‰ at the present day. It is apparent that the groundwaters in the Minqin Basin, Ejina Basin and feeding the lake system of the Badain Jaran are part of a regional flow network related to a wetter past climate as source of recharge. The recharge source in the past and to a limited extent in the more arid conditions of the present day included the foothills of the mountains of the Tibetan Plateau. The tritium age determinations accurate to the year are impossible and of no meaning to groundwater studies. A tritium value in the groundwater means multiple recharge ages in this region.  相似文献   

The present work was conducted in the Sinai Peninsula (1) to identify the recharge and flow characteristics and to evaluate the continuity of the Lower Cretaceous Nubian Sandstone aquifer; and (2) to provide information for the aquifer's rational appraisal. Isotopic and hydrochemical compositions combined with the geological and hydrogeological settings were used for this purpose. A considerable depletion in isotopic content (oxygen-18 and deuterium) and low d-excess values exist in the studied groundwater, reflecting the contribution of old meteoric water that recharged the aquifer in pluvial times. Modern recharge also occurs from precipitation that falls on the aquifer outcrops. The wide scatter of the data points around the two meteoric lines, the global meteoric water line (GMWL) and Mediterranean meteoric water line (MMWL), in the δ18O–δD diagram indicates considerable variation in recharge conditions (amount, altitude, temperature, air masses, distances from catchment, overland flow, etc.). The isotopic composition in the El-Bruk area is minimum (18O=–9.53‰), very close to the average value of the Western Desert Nubian Sandstone (18O=–10‰), where the local structural and lithologic conditions retard groundwater flow and the main bulk of water becomes noncyclic. The continuity of the aquifer in northern and central Sinai is evidenced by the isotopic similarity between samples taken from above and below the central Sinai Ragabet El-Naam fault, the distribution of potentiometric head, and hydrogeological cross sections. The combination of isotopic composition in terms of 18O and chemical composition in terms of TDS and salt contents is the basis for separating the studied groundwater into groups that reflect the recharge sources and isotopic and chemical modifications during flow. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

研究地下水动态是认识地下水资源的有效手段。根据1956-2013年济南岩溶泉域大气降水及地下水水位动态监测资料,采用小波分析法、Mann-Kendall趋势检验、突变检验法研究了58个水文年泉水位对大气降水的响应,可以看出:(1)大气降水和泉水位呈现出多尺度的变化特征,长时间尺度上两者的变化周期基本相同,变化周期为16年和12年,说明大气降水对泉水位有直接影响;(2)在1956—2013年,济南泉域地下水水位具有0.65 m·(10a)-1的年际显著下降趋势,但降水具有12.65 mm·(10a)-1的不显著上升趋势,说明在人为因素影响下泉水动态的影响因素的权重发生了变化;(3)大气降水在1999年发生突变,1999年之后年降水为增加趋势;而地下水水位突变年份为1967年,1967年以后水位持续降低,2004年以后水位快速上升,泉水位未来趋势应与降水保持一致,呈上升趋势,说明大气降水并非泉水动态的唯一影响因素;(4)通过建立不同时段的多元回归模型,表明近58年来地下水水位的主要影响因素由大气降水到人工开采之间的转换,同时验证了小波分析和Mann-Kendall法研究地下水动态的适宜性和可靠性,也为济南市的保泉提供了参考依据。   相似文献   

Artificial recharge plays a pivotal role in the sustainable management of groundwater resources. This study proposes a methodology to delineate artificial recharge zones as well as to identify favorable artificial recharge sites using integrated remote sensing (RS), geographical information system (GIS) and multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) techniques for augmenting groundwater resources in the West Medinipur district of West Bengal, India, which has been facing water shortage problems for the past few years. The thematic layers considered in this study are: geomorphology, geology, drainage density, slope and aquifer transmissivity, which were prepared using IRS-1D imagery and conventional data. Different themes and their corresponding features were assigned proper weights based on their relative contribution to groundwater recharge in the area, and normalized weights were computed using the Saaty’s analytic hierarchy process (AHP). These thematic layers were then integrated in the GIS environment to delineate artificial recharge zones in the study area. The artificial recharge map thus obtained divided the study area into three zones, viz., ‘suitable,’ ‘moderately suitable’ and ‘unsuitable’ according to their suitability for artificial groundwater recharge. It was found that about 46% of the study area falls under ‘suitable’ zone, whereas 43% falls under the ‘moderately suitable’ zone. The western portion of the study area was found to be unsuitable for artificial recharge. The artificial recharge zone map of the study area was found to be in agreement with the map of mean groundwater depths over the area. Furthermore, forty possible sites for artificial recharge were also identified using RS and GIS techniques. Based on the available field information, check dams are suggested as promising artificial recharge structures. The results of this study could be used to formulate an efficient groundwater management plan for the study area so as to ensure sustainable utilization of scarce groundwater resources.  相似文献   

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