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Observed rainfall is used for runoff modeling in flood forecasting where possible, however in cases where the response time of the watershed is too short for flood warning activities, a deterministic quantitative precipitation forecast (QPF) can be used. This is based on a limited-area meteorological model and can provide a forecasting horizon in the order of six hours or less. This study applies the results of a previously developed QPF based on a 1D cloud model using hourly NOAA-AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) and GMS (Geostationary Meteorological Satellite) datasets. Rainfall intensity values in the range of 3–12 mm/hr were extracted from these datasets based on the relation between cloud top temperature (CTT), cloud reflectance (CTR) and cloud height (CTH) using defined thresholds. The QPF, prepared for the rainstorm event of 27 September to 8 October 2000 was tested for rainfall runoff on the Langat River Basin, Malaysia, using a suitable NAM rainfall-runoff model. The response of the basin both to the rainfall-runoff simulation using the QPF estimate and the recorded observed rainfall is compared here, based on their corresponding discharge hydrographs. The comparison of the QPF and recorded rainfall showed R2 = 0.9028 for the entire basin. The runoff hydrograph for the recorded rainfall in the Kajang sub-catchment showed R2 = 0.9263 between the observed and the simulated, while that of the QPF rainfall was R2 = 0.819. This similarity in runoff suggests there is a high level of accuracy shown in the improved QPF, and that significant improvement of flood forecasting can be achieved through ‘Nowcasting’, thus increasing the response time for flood early warnings.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to use a knowledge-driven expert-based geographical information system (GIS) model coupling with remote-sensing-derived parameters for groundwater potential mapping in an area of the Upper Langat Basin, Malaysia. In this study, nine groundwater storage controlling parameters that affect groundwater occurrences are derived from remotely sensed imagery, available maps, and associated databases. Those parameters are: lithology, slope, lineament, land use, soil, rainfall, drainage density, elevation, and geomorphology. Then the parameter layers were integrated and modeled using a knowledge-driven GIS of weighted linear combination. The weightage and score for each parameter and their classes are based on the Malaysian groundwater expert opinion survey. The predicted groundwater potential map was classified into four distinct zones based on the classification scheme designed by Department of Minerals and Geoscience Malaysia (JMG). The results showed that about 17% of the study area falls under low-potential zone, with 66% on moderate-potential zone, 15% with high-potential zone, and only 0.45% falls under very-high-potential zone. The results obtained in this study were validated with the groundwater borehole wells data compiled by the JMG and showed 76% of prediction accuracy. In addition statistical analysis indicated that hard rock dominant of the study area is controlled by secondary porosity such as distance from lineament and density of lineament. There are high correlations between area percentage of predicted groundwater potential zones and groundwater well yield. Results obtained from this study can be useful for future planning of groundwater exploration, planning and development by related agencies in Malaysia which provide a rapid method and reduce cost as well as less time consuming. The results may be also transferable to other areas of similar hydrological characteristics.  相似文献   

Electrical imaging of the groundwater aquifer at Banting,Selangor, Malaysia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A geophysical study was carried out in the Banting area of Malaysia to delineate groundwater aquifer and marine clay layer of the alluvial Quaternary deposits of Beruas and Gula Formations. The Beruas Formation is formed by peat and clayey materials as well as silt and sands, whereas the Gula Formation consists of clay, silt, sand and gravels. Both Formations were deposited on top of the Carboniferous shale of the Kenny Hill Formation. A 2-D geoelectrical resistivity technique was used. Resistivity measurement was carried out using an ABEM SAS 4000 Terrameter. The 2-D resistivity data of subsurface material for each survey line was calculated through inverse modelling and then compared with borehole data. The resistivity images of all the subsurface material below the survey lines show similar pattern of continuous structure of layering or layers with some lenses with resistivity ranging from 0.1 to 50 Ωm. The upper layer shows resistivity values ranging from 0.1 to 10 Ωm, representing a clay horizon with a thickness up to 45 m. The second layer with depth varies from 45 to 70 m below surface and has resistivity values ranging from 10 to 30 Ωm. Borehole data indicate coarse sand with some gravels for this layer, which is also the groundwater aquifer in the study area. The lowermost layer at a depth of 70 m below ground level shows resistivity values ranging from 30–50 Ωm and can be correlated with metasedimentary rocks consisting of shale and metaquartzite.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton patchiness, as expressed by community composition and size distribution, during the rainy season in the Langat River estuary (Malaysia) is described. Four sites in the estuary were sampled on two different occasions. The sampling area covered a stretch of the river from upstream to downstream of aquaculture activities (shrimp farms). Water samples from a shrimp farm outlet were also analyzed for nutrient and phytoplankton content. Differences in community structure between stations were found by means of multivariate procedures. Genera composition and total biomass were related to environmental factors, revealing salinity, light, and nutrients as important explaining factors. Elevated phytoplankton biomass and total phosphorus concentration, as well as lower inorganic nitrogen: phosphorus ratios, were found downstream of the shrimp farming activities. The size distribution spectrum of the phytoplankton population downstream of the shrimp farms was significantly different from that at the other stations but not different than that found in the sampled effluent from the shrimp farms, where phytoplankton biomass was also high. Twenty-two of the 24 recorded genera from the shrimp farm outlet were also found downstream of the farming activities. A number of different environmental factors potentially alter conditions for phytoplankton in the lower reaches of the estuary as compared to the upper regions. A cause and effect relationship explaining the differences noted between the upper and lower reaches of the estuary cannot be established. This study suggests that nutrient enrichment from the shrimp farming activities is of a magnitude that may contribute to the phytoplankton community changes observed in the lower reaches of the estuary.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to evaluate the landslide hazards at Selangor area, Malaysia, using Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing. Landslide locations of the study area were identified from aerial photograph interpretation and field survey. Topographical maps, geological data, and satellite images were collected, processed, and constructed into a spatial database in a GIS platform. The factors chosen that influence landslide occurrence were: slope, aspect, curvature, distance from drainage, lithology, distance from lineaments, land cover, vegetation index, and precipitation distribution. Landslide hazardous areas were analyzed and mapped using the landslide-occurrence factors by frequency ratio and logistic regression models. The results of the analysis were verified using the landslide location data and compared with probability model. The comparison results showed that the frequency ratio model (accuracy is 93.04%) is better in prediction than logistic regression (accuracy is 90.34%) model.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the hydrochemistry variation and its quality status in Langat River, based on the chemistry of major ions, metal concentrations and suitability for drinking purposes. Water samples were collected from 30 different stations to assess their hydrochemical characteristics. The physico-chemical parameters selected were temperature, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), salinity, dissolved oxygen , pH, redox potential, HCO3, Cl, SO4, NO3, Ca, Na, K, Mg, 27Al, 138Ba, 9Be, 111Cd, 59Co, 63Cu, 52Cr, 57Fe, 55Mn, 60Ni, 208Pb, 80Se and 66Zn to investigate the variation of the constituents in the river water. Most of the parameters comply with the Drinking Water Quality Standard of the World Health Organization and the Malaysian National Standard for Drinking Water Quality by the Malaysia Ministry of Health except for EC, TDS, Cl, HCO3, SO4, Na, Mg, Al, Fe and Se. The results show that the Langat River is unsuitable for drinking purposes directly without treatment.  相似文献   

Groundwater suitability for agriculture in an island with limited recharge area may easily be influenced by seawater intrusion. The aim of this study was to investigate seawater intrusion to the suitability of the groundwater for oil palm cultivation at the ex-promontory land of Carey Island in Malaysia. This is the first study that used the integrated method of geo-electrical resistivity and hydro-geochemical methods to investigate seawater intrusion to the suitability of groundwater for oil palm cultivation at two different land cover condition. The relationship between earth resistivity, total dissolved solids and earth conductivity was derived with crop suitability classification according to salinity, used to identify water types and also oil palm tolerance to salinity. Results from the contour conductivity maps show that area facing severe coastal erosion and area still intact with mangrove forest exhibits unsuitable groundwater condition for oil palm at the unconfined aquifer thickness of 15 and 31 m, respectively. Based on local sea-level rise prediction and Ghyben–Herzberg assumption (sharp interface), the condition in the study area, especially in severe erosion area, by the twenty-first century will no longer be suitable for oil palm plantation. The application of geo-electrical method combined with geochemical data, aided with the information on environmental history and oil palm physiography, has demonstrated that the integration of techniques is an effective tool in defining the status of agricultural suitability affected by salinity at the coastal aquifer area.  相似文献   

Langat River drains a tropical watershed in the southwest of the Malaysian Peninsula. The watershed is heavily urbanized in its downstream portion. Water samples were collected from May 2010 to December 2011, at three localities along the main stem river, 1 location at its Semenyih tributary and from an upstream groundwater source. Concentration and δ13C data of riverine DIC and DOC indicate the dominance of C3 plant-derived material as the primary source of carbon, with δ13CDIC values enriched in 13C relative to that of the C3 source. This enrichment is likely due to CO2 outgassing, as calculated concentrations of riverine CO2 are significantly higher than ambient atmospheric values, with methanogenic activity a theoretically possible contributing factor, particularly at the upstream location. The Langat River therefore acts as a net source of CO2, with a total sub-basin flux of 19.7 × 103 t C year?1. This is comparable to the sum of riverine DOC, DIC and POC loss rates from the sub-basin, calculated as 24.5 × 103 t C year?1, and highlights the significance of CO2 evasion from water bodies to the atmosphere for balancing the budget of the terrestrial carbon cycle. The DIC and DOC concentration and δ13C data also suggests that in the more urbanized downriver areas, much of the organic carbon input may be anthropogenicaly derived due to ubiquity of sewage treatment plants and landfill sites. Such human-induced perturbations to riverine carbon cycling should be taken into account in future studies of urbanized watersheds.  相似文献   

With the increasing exposure of populations and economy to natural hazards, the spatio-temporal characteristics of extreme rainfall remain a key subject of study. Based on annual maximum rainfall (AM) and peaks over threshold rainfall series at 30 meteorological stations during 1960–2011 in the Huai River Basin (HRB), spatio-temporal characteristics of extreme rainfall are analyzed through regional frequency analysis method using L-moments. The accuracy and uncertainty analysis of quantile estimations are also carried out, and the regional and at-site frequency analyses are compared. Results indicate the following: (1) During 1960–2011, AM precipitation at 20 stations in the HRB shows an increasing trend, while at the other 10 stations, it shows a decreasing trend. And both the increased and decreased trends are not significant. (2) The HRB can be categorized into three homogeneous regions via cluster analysis. For both at-site and regional frequency analyses, the root mean square error values increase with the increase in return periods. The estimations are reliable enough for the return periods of less than 100 years. The quantile estimates of large return period from regional frequency analysis are more accurate and have smaller uncertainty than those from at-site frequency analysis. (3) Extreme precipitation in the HRB concentrates in the upstream of the Huai River and YiShuSi water system in the east of the HRB. Generally, the area with extreme precipitation, especially the upper reaches of the Huai River and Yimeng Mountain areas, also has large standard variations of extreme precipitation, which will increase the risk of natural hazards.  相似文献   

This investigation presents the temporal and spatial distribution of heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Hg, and Zn), in water and in sediments of Port Klang, Malaysia. Water and sediment samples were collected from 21 stations at 3-month intervals, and contamination factor $ (C_{\text{f}} ) $ and contamination degree $ (C_{\text{d}} ) $ were calculated to estimate the contamination status at the sampling stations. Cluster analysis was used to classify the stations based on the contamination sources. Results show that concentrations of As, Cd, Hg, and Pb in sediment and As, Cd, Hg, Pb, Cr, and Zn in water were significantly higher than the background values at which these metals are considered hazardous. The main sources of heavy metal contamination in Port Klang were industrial wastewater and port activities.  相似文献   

The amount and distribution of precipitation play crucial roles in the occurrence of drought in the Weihe River Basin (WRB), China. Using the precipitation data (1960–2010) of 21 meteorological stations, the spatial and temporal characteristics of short-, medium-, and long-term droughts on 3-, 6-, and 12-month time scales, respectively, were examined using the theory of runs and the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). The trends of the drought characteristics were analyzed by a modified Mann-Kendall (MMK) test method. Furthermore, comparative analysis of the SPI at different time scales was conducted. The results showed that (1) the main drought type was moderate drought, which occurred frequently in July and October; (2) the drought intensity and frequency were highest in the 1990s, and the drought severity and drought duration in the northwest was more serious than that in the east; (3) an increasing trend of short droughts appeared mainly in the spring and fall; an increasing trend of medium droughts mainly occurred in the 1990s and that of long-term droughts were mainly presented in the northwest region of the WRB; (4) SPI-3 can better reflect precipitation in the current month, SPI-6 has an advantage in characterizing drought persistence, and SPI-12 performs well in capturing extraordinary droughts; and (5) it was also observed that there is a strong relation between the precipitation distribution and drought zones in the basin, and the drought conditions changed continuously with the seasons depending upon the amount and spatial distribution of precipitation .  相似文献   

The current study presents the application of selected chemometric techniques—hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA)—to evaluate the spatial variation of the water chemistry and to classify the pollution sources in the Langat River. The HCA rendered the sampling stations into two clusters (group 1 and group 2) and identified the vulnerable stations that are under threat. Group1 (LY 1 to LY 14) is associated with seawater intrusion, while group 2 (LY 15 to LY 30) is associated with agricultural and industrial pollution. PCA analysis was applied to the water datasets for group 1 resulting in four components, which explained 85 % of the total variance while group 2 extracted six components, explaining 88 % of the variance. The components obtained from PCA indicated that seawater intrusion, agricultural and industrial pollution, and geological weathering were potential sources of pollution to the study area. This study demonstrated the usefulness of the chemometric techniques on the interpretation of large complex datasets for the effective management of water resources.  相似文献   

An intensive investigation of the spatial and temporal variations of δD and δ 18O in precipitation was conducted during 2002–2004 in six sites in the Heihe River Basin, Northwestern China. The δD and δ 18O values for 301 precipitation samples ranged from +59 to −254 and +6.5 to −33.4‰, respectively. The relationship between δD and δ 18O defines a well-constrained line given by dD = 7.82d18\textO + 7.63 \delta D = 7.82\delta {}^{18}{\text{O}} + 7.63 , which is nearly identical to the meteoric water line in the Northern China. This wide range indicates that stable isotopes in precipitation were primarily controlled by different condensation mechanisms as a function of air temperature and varying sources of moisture. The results of backward trajectory of each precipitation day at Xishui show that the moisture of the precipitation in cold season (October–March) mainly originated from the west while the moisture source was more complicated in warm season (April–September). The simulation of seasonal δ 18O variation shows that the stable isotope composition of precipitation tended to a clear sine-wave seasonal variation. The spatial variation of δ 18O shows that the weighted average δ 18O values decreases with the increasing altitude of sampling sites. The great difference of air temperature which led to the differences of condensation mechanisms and local recycled continental moisture may have influence upon the isotopic composition of rain events in different sites.  相似文献   

随着全球变暖,极端天气事件逐渐增加,影响着社会经济发展,揭示区域极端降水时空变化对防洪减灾具有重要意义。基于1960—2019年的逐日降水,通过MK趋势检验、小波分析、重标极差以及克里金插值方法,从强度、频率和持续性三方面分析里下河地区的极端降水指数,并进一步探究其未来趋势变化。结果表明:(1)里下河地区多年平均降水为1017.25 mm,呈不显著增加趋势;空间分布差异明显,总体呈自西北向东南逐渐增加的分布。(2)研究区内各站点极端降水指数变化不同,总体而言,极端降水强度、频率均呈现增加趋势,持续性呈减少趋势。(3)极端降水指数变化过程中存在3类尺度的周期性变化,在整个时间尺度上存在3个偏多中心和2个偏少中心。(4)除R10mm和R20mm未来变化趋势与过去趋势相反且呈弱持续性,其他极端降水指数未来变化趋势与过去相一致,且过去总体趋势对未来趋势的影响时间长度在9~16年左右。研究结果为里下河地区科学合理应对气象灾害、合理配置水资源提供依据。  相似文献   

东江流域降水场时空分布特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘德地  陈晓宏 《水文》2008,28(2):82-87
选取东江流域57个测站的45年月降水资料,采用经验正交函数(EOF)分解的方法,对东江流域降水场的时空分布进行了研究.结果表明:东江流域冬季降水场在全流域上具有大尺度特征,而夏季降水场局部性较为明显;降水空间分布特征随时间变化而改变,其中以夏季变化最大,冬季变化最小;东江流域降水空间分布的年际变化中只有秋季存在显著周期.  相似文献   

Mangrove areas are important to the ecosystem. One of its crucial functions is as a sink of pollutants, especially metal ions. However, the accumulation of metals in mangrove sediment can generate negative impacts on plant growth, microbial activity, and soil fertility. Apart from that, the severity of the impact is highly influenced by the type of metal found in the sediment and the quality of sediment itself. One of the metals that have adverse effects on the environment is mercury. The objectives of this study are to determine the concentration and distribution of mercury and to assess the enrichment of mercury in Port Klang mangrove sediment by using geoaccumulation index and enrichment factor. Sediment samples were collected from 30 sampling points that cover Langat River and Klang River estuaries, Lumut Straits, Pulau Klang, and Pulau Indah. During sampling, water parameters such as pH, salinity, electrical conductivity, and total dissolved solids were measured in situ, whereas the total mercury in sediment samples was determined at the laboratory using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. In this study, mercury was found to be concentrated along Lumut Strait especially in the mixing zone near the confluence of Langat River and at the jetty to Pulau Ketam. The geoaccumulation index and enrichment factor (calculated using logarithmized data of the reference element) found that three stations were enriched with mercury. In addition, geoaccumulation index was also observed to be more objective compared to enrichment factor whose results were influenced by the concentration of reference element used.  相似文献   

Flooding is one of the most destructive natural hazards that cause damage to both life and property every year, and therefore the development of flood model to determine inundation area in watersheds is important for decision makers. In recent years, data mining approaches such as artificial neural network (ANN) techniques are being increasingly used for flood modeling. Previously, this ANN method was frequently used for hydrological and flood modeling by taking rainfall as input and runoff data as output, usually without taking into consideration of other flood causative factors. The specific objective of this study is to develop a flood model using various flood causative factors using ANN techniques and geographic information system (GIS) to modeling and simulate flood-prone areas in the southern part of Peninsular Malaysia. The ANN model for this study was developed in MATLAB using seven flood causative factors. Relevant thematic layers (including rainfall, slope, elevation, flow accumulation, soil, land use, and geology) are generated using GIS, remote sensing data, and field surveys. In the context of objective weight assignments, the ANN is used to directly produce water levels and then the flood map is constructed in GIS. To measure the performance of the model, four criteria performances, including a coefficient of determination (R 2), the sum squared error, the mean square error, and the root mean square error are used. The verification results showed satisfactory agreement between the predicted and the real hydrological records. The results of this study could be used to help local and national government plan for the future and develop appropriate (to the local environmental conditions) new infrastructure to protect the lives and property of the people of Johor.  相似文献   

Groundwater accounts for about half of the water use for irrigation in India.The fluctuation pattern of the groundwater level is examined by observing rainfall replenishment and monitoring wells.The southern part of Rajasthan has experienced abrupt changes in rainfall and has been highly dependent on groundwater over decades.This study presents the impact of over-dependence on groundwater usage for irrigation and other purposes,spatially and temporally.Hence,the objective of this study is to examine the groundwater level trend by using statistical analysis and geospatial technique.Rainfall factor was also studied in groundwater level fluctuation during 2009-2019.To analyze the influence of each well during recharge or withdrawal of groundwater,thiessien polygonswere generated from them.In the Jakham River basin,75 wells have been identified for water level trend study using the Mann-Kendall statistical test.The statistics of trend analysis show that 15%wells are experiencing water level decline in pre-monsoon,while very low percentage of wells have such trend during post-monsoon season.The average rate of water level decline is 0.245 m/a in pre-monsoon and 0.05 m/a in post-monsoon.The aquifer recharge potential is also decreasing by year.it is expected that such type of studies will help the policy makers to adopt advanced management practices to ensure sustainable groundwater resource management.  相似文献   

Based on the daily precipitation data of 38 weather stations in the Huai River Basin from 1961 to 2010, this study used SPI index, P-III curve to determine the flood/drought years, under what situations for droughts and floods easily happen, and to analyze the evolution law of flood and drought during inter-annual and intra-annual based on the characteristic of monthly precipitation. The results showed that: (1) annual rainfall of the Huai River Basin presented decreasing trend, maximum rainfall appeared from June to August, and multi-year average precipitation increased gradually from north to south; (2) the variation of monthly precipitation during flood years was more severe than other typical years, and precipitation in drought years showed nearly 50 % decline compared with normal years; (3) high rainfall of flood years was mainly caused by the increase in rainfall in flood season, and the strategy of flood control and drought relief was “short-term flood prevention and long-term drought relief”; (4) while precipitation of most months in drought year was reduced, the relevant strategies “annual basin-wide of long-term drought prevention” should be carried out; (5) combination events of floods and droughts occurred frequently. Persistent drought dominated in spring and summer while droughts and floods that happened alternately were mainly in summer and autumn.  相似文献   

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