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Concentrations of dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC and POC) were documented in 1996–1997 at 4 different trophic state stations in Donghu Lake, a typical shallow eutrophic lake along the Changjiang River's middle reaches. The mean concentrations of DOC were 15.11±3.26, 15.19±4.24, 14.27±3.43, and 13.31±3.30 mg/L in Station I, II, III, and IV, respectively. The DOC concentrations of the studied area were very similar to that in other lakes along the Changjiang River's middle reaches. The POC mean of the whole lake was 5.01 mg/L due to the large amount of organic detritus of both allochthonous and autochthonous origin. Significant linear relationship was found between POC and chlorophyll a at all 4 stations, which presumably reflect that phytoplankton, its exudates and its metabolic products were the main contributors to the POC pool in the water column. The slope of such linear relationship at Station IV was significantly steeper than that at Station I, II and III. In addition, the DOC/POC ratios (mean value: 4.40) indicated that the organic detritus was the most important component of the particulate organic matter; in other works, next to organic detritus, phytoplankton dominated the particulate organic matter in Donghu Lake. Project 39770146, 39430101 supported by NSFC and the State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology, affiliated to the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

基于层次分析法的拉市海高原湿地生态系统健康评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 本文以云南省丽江市拉市海高原湿地生态系统核心区为研究区域,利用区域生态系统功能监测指标和自然环境及人文活动因素指标,对拉市海高原湿地生态系统的健康状况进行空间综合评估分析。首先,根据当前生态系统的状况和高原湿地生态系统的特征,结合湿地保护区开展的系列生态系统功能监测项目及其指标,并充分考虑评估模型的系统性、科学性和实际操作的可行性,构建了拉市海高原湿地生态系统健康评价的指标和指标体系。然后,采用层次分析方法(AHP),融合自然综合指标、人文因素指标在内的生态系统健康综合评价模型,确定6级的生态系统健康评估标准;最后,根据空间评价模型和数据资源,对各个指标权重进行分析计算,得出拉市海高原湿地生态系统的健康状况的空间分布。研究结果表明,拉市海高原湿地的生态系统健康状况良好。按照划定的6级标准,其中,稳定区和较稳定区面积9 358.93hm2,占研究区域总面积的61%,脆弱区和较脆弱区面积为6 058.46hm2,占总面积的39%。整个研究区域内不存在很稳定区和极稳定区,这为高原湿地生态系统的综合管理及发展规划提供了依据。  相似文献   

Implementing conservation actions on-the-ground is not a straightforward process,especially when faced with high scientific uncertainty due to limited available information. This is especially acute in regions of the world that harbor many unique species that have not been well studied,such as the alpine zone of the Hengduan Mountains of Northwest Yunnan (NWY),a global biodiversity hotspot and site of The Nature Conservancy’s Yunnan Great Rivers Project. We conducted a quantitative,but rapid regional-level assessment of the alpine flora across NWY to provide a broad-based understanding of local and regional patterns of the alpine flora,the first large-scale analysis of alpine biodiversity patterns in this region. Multivariate analyses were used to classify the major plant community types and link community patterns to habitat variables. Our analysis indicated that most species had small distributions and/or small population sizes. Strong patterns emerged with higher diversity in the more northern mountains,but beta diversity was high,averaging only 10% among sites. The ordinations indicated that elevation and geographic location were the dominant environ-mental gradients underlying the differences in the species composition among communities. The high beta diversity across the alpine of these mountains implies that conservation strategies ultimately will require the protection of large numbers of species over a large geographical area. However,prioritiza-tion should be given to areas where potential payoffs are greatest. Sites with high species richness also have a greater number of endemic species,and,by focusing efforts on these sites,conservation investments would be maximized by protecting the greatest number of unique species.  相似文献   

INTR0DUCnONErhailake,thesecondlargestlakeintheYUnnanPlateauinS0uthWstChina,islo-catedinDaliDefecthe25035'to25"58'N,looo05't0l(X)o07'E(Fig.l)-The40kInlong3-9kInwidelakeisnaInedafteritsearlikeshape.ItsbasicchimteristicsaregiveninTablel.EtheibeeisampicalriftlakeintheDalibasinwhichdeveloPedalongtheYuaniangHongheThewestsideofthebasinisformedbytheDiancangMountainwhichconsists0frock(PrecaInbrianschistandgneissandMiocenemetaInrphiclimestone).TheseisndcallystillactivemoUntainrangrisab0ut…  相似文献   

The energy budget and regulating factors were investigated over an estuarine wetland during one year of continuous measurement in 2006.The results show that the seasonal changes of the energy fluxes and Bowen ratio(β) were greatly affected by incoming shortwave radiation and canopy growth.During the non-growing season and early-growing season, sensible heat(H) dominated the energy flux, and β could reach a maximum of 2.5, while during most of the growing season, latent heat dominated the energy flux and β fluctuated from 0.4 to 1.0.The energy budget ratio in growing season was about 0.76, and the value would be higher if heat exchange during tidal flooding was in-cluded.During tidal flooding days, β was slightly higher than that at exposure days in most cases.Vegetation cover seems exert little effect on energy partitioning except in March when the standing dead grass intercepted the incoming radiation that might reach the soil surface and reduce the turbulence between soil and atmosphere, thus suppressing the evaporation from the soil though the soil mositure was high at that time.  相似文献   

Based on the δ13C and δ18O fluctuation of lacustrine carbonate, CaCO3 content and sporo-pollen data, a palaeoclimatic history of Bosten Lake during the Holocene has been outlined, several stages of climatic changes are divided, and the following result es are obtained: (1) Palaeoclimatic changes revealed by carbonate isotope around Bosten Lake are basically identical with that revealed by other geological records in Xinjiang. Environmental changes presented apparent Westlies Style model: during cold period, relative humidity increased, δ18O, δ13C and CaCO3 appeared low; but in warm periods, the dry regime aggravated. (2) The temperature reflected by δ18O exist evident features being increase in the late period during the Holocene. Together with the δ13C, pollen and CaCO3 analyses, several cold and warm phases which are of broad regional significance can be identified. The warm peaks occurred at about 11.0 ka B.P., 9.4 ka B.P., 7.5 ka B.P., 5.0 ka B.P., 3.0 ka B.P. and 2.0 ka B.P.; the cold peaks at 11.5 ka B.P., 10.5 ka B.P., 8.8 ka B.P., 5.5 ka B.P., 3.3 ka B.P., 2.2 ka B.P. and 1.5 ka B.P.. (3) Several climatic events with the nature of “abrupt climatic changes” are revealed in the periods of 11.0 ka B.P. −10.5 ka B.P., 9.4 ka B.P. −8.8 ka B.P., 5.5 ka B.P. −5.0 ka B.P. and 2.0 ka B.P. −1.5 ka B.P.. (4) The results show that carbonate isotopic record of lacustrine sediment in arid area is very sensitive to climatic changes, and may be play a very important role in understanding the features and mechanism of palaeoclimatic changes.  相似文献   


Since 1949, great changes have taken place in the amount and distribution of China's urban population. From the analysis on the change in total urban population, it can be learnt that urbanization progress can be controlled mainly by social-economic development and government policy through influencing the migratory growth of urban population and the number of organic cities. In the period 1949-1990, the states of megalopolises had gone up; medium-sized cities had decreased. It is estimated that the total urban population of China will still increase at a rapid speed in the coming 10 years; there will not be great changes in grade system of urban scale; and urban population may shows a tendency to move to coastal area.  相似文献   

The relationship between body size and stable isotopic signatures of the omnivorous Redfin Culter(C ultrichthys erythropterus),commonly found in East Lake Taihu,was investigated. Previous analyses of C. erythropterus stomach contents have shown that this species undergoes a diet switch from being predominantly zooplanktivorous to piscivorous during its life history. This was confirmed by stable carbon isotopic signature(δ 13 C) in this study,in which δ 13 C was positively correlated with both standard length and weight. The importance of littoral-benthic resources in supporting C. erythropterus during its lifespan was also demonstrated using a two-source mixing model,the results of which showed a significant increasing trend in the contribution of littoral-benthic energy. However,the stable nitrogen isotopic signature(δ 15N) exhibited an unusual pattern compared with previous studies. The δ 15 N of C. erythropterus showed no relationship with body size,even though dietary changes were observed. This indicated that δ 15 N alone cannot fully reflect a diet shift in a species and possible variability in isotopic signatures over its life history. This should be considered when using stable isotopic signatures to investigate intra-specific variations and the timing of life-history events,such as estimating the trophic positions of fish species.  相似文献   

Study on the carbonate content and oxygen isotope of a sediment section in Dabusu Lake revealed that this region has experienced several cold-wet and warm-dry climatic cycles since 15400 a BP. It was about 6740 a BP when the climate in the region reached a relatively stable warm stage, so that the lake water was gradually condensed and finally a saline lake was formed.  相似文献   

The Little Ice Age began in the early 15 the century and ended in 16 the century in the northwest region of China. In the Northern Hemisphere, the age of the Little Ice Age postponed form north to south, form west to east, and moist region to drought. Judged by the data the Little Ice Age of the Northwest China is later than the eastern China and Europe. The climate of the Little Ice Age in northwest China was cold-wet. In northwest China, as compared with the Little Ice Age, the recently annual temperature have raised about 1-1.3℃, the precipitation have reduced 50-78 mm, the evaporation have increased 7%, the glacier area have reduced about 21-46%, and the runoff have reduced about 14% in the river which the meltwater supply proportion is less than 10%. To sum up, since the Little Ice Age the warm-dry tendency of climatic variation is quite obviously in northwest China. If it goes on like this, its influence will be more severe to the river which meltwater proportion is more than 50%.  相似文献   

The typical regions of the Taihu Lake Basin,China,were selected to analyze the variation characteristics of river-lake networks under intensive human activities.The characteristics of the fractal dimension of river networks and lakes for different periods were investigated and the influences of river system evolution on water level changes were further explored through the comparison of their fractal characters.The results are as follows:1) River network development of the study area is becoming more monotonous and more simple;the number of lakes is reducing significantly,and the water surface ratio has dropped significantly since the 1980s.2) The box dimension of the river networks in all the cities of the study area decreased slowly from the 1960s to the 1980s,while the decrease was significant from the 1980s to the 2000s.The variations of lake correlation dimension are similar to those of the river network box dimensions.This is unfavorable for the storage capacity of the river networks and lakes.3) The Hurst exponents of water levels were all between 0.5 and 1.0 from the 1960s to the 1980s,while decreased in the 2000s,indicating the decline in persistence and increase in the complexity of water level series.The paper draws a conclusion that the relationship between the fractal dimension of river-lake networks and the Hurst exponents of the water level series can reveal the impacts of river system changes on flood disasters to some extent:the disappearance of river networks and lakes will increase the possibility of flood occurrence.  相似文献   

A fundamental element of sustainable development is that humans live within nature's biological capacity. Quantifying this, however, remains a significant challenge for which there are many emerging tools. The concept of the Ecological Footprint is one such accounting tool for comprehensive assessment of the status of sustainable development, based on integration of resource consumption and land capacity, reflecting the human impact on the environment. A region's development is defined as unsustainable when the Ecological Footprint surpasses the biological capacity. In this paper, the Ecological Footprint concept Was applied in assessing the development of Yunnan Province, China in a period between 1988 and 2006. The results showed that the Ecological Footprint per capita in Yunnan rose from 0.854 gha in 1988 to 2.11 gha in 2006. Ecological deficit, defined as when the human demand on the land surpasses the regions biological productive capacity, emerged in 1991 and quickly increased from 0.02 gha in 1991 to 1.05 gha in 2006. The increase in the ecological deficit is primarily a result of the rapid increase in population and consumption level. To achieve sustainable development in Yunnan, production and consumption rates need to be modified.  相似文献   

Understanding regional environmental heterogeneity(EH) and biodiversity relationships(heterogeneity-diversity relationships: HDRs) is the first step toward coupling environmental variables with biodiversity surrogates into regional systematic conservation planning. However, there is no universal method for determining regional HDRs that considers various environmental variables and biodiversity in different regions. This study selected 32 nature reserves as natural areas in Yunnan, China, to exa...  相似文献   

Phytoplanktonic desmids community in Donghu Lake, Wuhan,China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 INTRODUCTION Donghu Lake (30o33′N, 114o23′E) is a shallow medium sized freshwater lake in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China and about 5 kilometers away from the Changjiang (Yangtze) River. Before the 1960s, the water surface area was about 27.8 km2. The lake water was clear and the pH ranged from 6 to 7. The shallow area of the lake abounded with macrophytes. The phytoplanktonic and peripheral desmids were very abundant also in this lake. In the late 1960s, Donghu Lake with tota…  相似文献   

By studying the county-level census data of 1990 and 2000, we analyzed the spatial and temporal changes in the floating population in China between 1990 and 2000. The results of the analysis revealed the following characteris- tics. First, the spatial distribution of the migrants (referred to as 'floaters' in this paper) became increasingly concentrated in the cities during the 1990s. Second, the number of floaters increased rapidly during this period, and the area in which the floaters settled expanded quickly into four population explosion belts: the coast, the Changjiang River Delta, the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway and national border belts. Third, the number of inter-province floaters increased rapidly and exceeded that of intra-province floaters in the 1990s. In addition, to obtain a quantitative relationship between the number of floaters and 10 socio-economic variables by using statistical methods and also to find the chiefly important pulling factors of the migration destination, the authors selected approximately 100 cities with the largest population of floaters. Consequently, we found that four factors-GDP, passenger trips per 10,000 persons, per capita GDP and foreign direct investment-could provide an explanation for 83.7% of the number of floaters in 2000. The GDP showed the highest correlation with the number of floaters, suggesting that a highly developed economy is the most important factor that attracts floaters. Furthermore, a fairly close relationship between the number of floaters and the GDP was also found in 2000 for all the counties.  相似文献   

Phosphorus speciation in sediments of Lake Hongfeng, China   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study was conducted to evaluate the distribution characteristics of phosphorus and its species in 14 sediments samples collected from Lake Hongfeng based on sequential extraction. Lake Hongfeng, a major drinking-water source for Guiyang City in southwestern China, is one of the largest artificial reservoirs located in a typical karstic area of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. The results of this study indicate that the average percentages of DP, Al-P, Fe-P, Ca-P and OP in the lake sediments were 0.52, 6.59,...  相似文献   


The importance of phytoplankton cell death is being increasingly recognized,however,there are still no published reports on this in Xiamen Bay.In this study,the proportion of dead phytoplankton cells associated with environmental factors was assessed at a station in Xiamen Bay from December2012 to December 2013,using a cell digestion assay,which is an effective method to analyze dead/living cells in complex natural phytoplankton communities.The percentages of dead cells(%DC) in the total phytoplankton in summer(16%±6%) were lower than those in winter(27%±16%).Six groups of phytoplankton(G1-G6) were categorized by flow cytometry.These phytoplankton communities with diverse seasonal variations in%DC had different responses to environmental constraints.The main factors affecting mortality were temperature and salinity,while nutrient concentration showed little influence on phytoplankton death.Additionally,our results provide evidence that chlorophyll a concentrations had an inverse relationship with total phytoplankton%DC and viable cell abundance was more meaningful than total cells to explain variations in environmental parameters(such as Chl a).Moreover,the lowest mean%DC in total phytoplankton was 16%±6%at our sample site,which is in a subtropical area with high water temperatures,full solar radiation,and rich nutrients.This indicates that phytoplankton cell death is a process that cannot be ignored.In summary,phytoplankton cell death is important in understanding the dynamics of phytoplankton communities and the functioning of subtropical ecosystems.  相似文献   

D. maculates is a kind of specialized Schizothoracinae fish has been locally listed as a protected animal in Xinjiang Province,China. Ili River located in north of Tianshan Mountain and Tarim River located in north of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau were two main distribution areas of this fish. To investigate the genetic diversity and genetic structure of D. maculates,four populations from Tarim River system and two populations from Ili River system were collected in this study. A 570-bp sequence of the control region was obtained for 105 specimens. Twenty-four haplotypes were detected from six populations,only Kunes River population and Kashi River population shared haplotypes with each other. For all the populations examined,the haplotype diversity(h) was 0.904 8±0.012 6,nucleotide diversity(π) was 0.027 9±0.013 9,and the average number of pairwise nucleotide differences(k) was 15.878 3±7.139 1. The analysis of molecular variance(AMOVA) showed that 86.31% of the total genetic variation was apportioned among populations,and the variation within sampled populations was 13.69%. Genetic differences among sampled populations were highly significant. F st statistical test indicated that all populations were significantly divergent from each other(P 0.01). The largest F st value was between Yurungkash River population and Muzat River population,while the smallest F st value was between Kunes River population and Kashi River population. NJ phylogenetic tree of D-loop haplotypes revealed two main clades. The neutrality test and mismatch distribution analysis suggested that the fish had went through a recent population expansion. The uplift of Tianshan Mountain and movement of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau might contribute to the wide genetic divergence of D. maculates in northwest China.  相似文献   

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