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A generalized limit equilibrium method for the solution of active earth pressure on a retaining wall
In this paper, a generalized limit equilibrium method of solving the active earth pressure problem behind a retaining wall is proposed. Differing from other limit equilibrium methods, an arbitrary slip surface shape without any assumptions of pre-defined shapes is needed in the current framework, which is verified to find the most probable failure slip surface. Based on the current computational framework, numerical comparisons with experiment, discrete element method and other methods are carried out. In addition, the influences of the inclination of the wall, the soil cohesion, the angle of the internal friction of the soil, the slope inclination of the backfill soil on the critical pressure coefficient of the soil, the point of application of the resultant earth pressure and the shape of the slip surface are also carefully investigated. The results demonstrate that limit equilibrium solution from predefined slip plane assumption, including Coulomb solution, is a special case of current computational framework. It is well illustrated that the current method is feasible to evaluate the characteristics of earth pressure problem. 相似文献
土压力滑楔理论的统一解 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
基于滑楔理论计算土压力的基本原理,运用考虑中间主应力效应的统一强度理论,对传统的土压力公式不能反映土体材料强度的中间主应力效应的公式进行了改进,推导了基于滑楔理论的土压力统一解公式,Coulomb和Rankine土压力公式为其特例.通过变换统一强度参数,可获得一系列的解.在工程运用中可根据土质和工程的实际情况,适当选择统一强度参数和应力状态来确定土压力的大小. 相似文献
The paper presents an improved plane layout for stabilizing piles based on a proposed piecewise function expression for the irregular driving force. Based on the specific morphological characteristics of a highway landslide, the piecewise function is used to calculate the irregular driving force by dividing the landslide into several sub-areas. Furthermore, the reasonable layout range and pile spacing can be obtained based on the piecewise function expression of the irregular driving force and on relevant research results of the plane layout for stabilizing piles. Therefore, an improved plane layout of stabilizing piles is presented in consideration of a piecewise function expression of the irregular driving force. A highway landslide located in eastern Guizhou Province, China, is analyzed as a case study using the proposed method. The results demonstrate that the theory presented in this paper provides improved economic benefits and can reduce the required number of stabilizing piles by 28.6% compared with the conventional plane layout scheme. 相似文献
This paper presents a general solution for active earth pressure acting on a vertical retaining wall with a drainage system along the soil-structure interface. The backfill has a horizontal surface and is composed of cohesionless and fully saturated sand with anisotropic permeability along the vertical and horizontal directions. The extremely unfavourable seepage flow on the back of the retaining wall due to heavy rainfall or other causes will dramatically increase the active earth pressure acting on the retaining walls, increasing the probability of instability. In this paper, an analytical solution to the Laplace differential governing equation is presented for seepage problems considering anisotropic permeability based on Fourier series expansion method. A good correlation is observed between this and the seepage forces along a planar surface generated via finite element analysis. The active earth pressure is calculated using Coulomb’s earth pressure theory based on the calculated pore water pressures. The obtained solutions can be degenerated into Coulomb’s formula when no seepage exists in the backfill. A parametric study on the influence of the degree of anisotropy in seepage flow on the distribution of active earth pressure behind the wall is conducted by varying ratios of permeability coefficients in the vertical and horizontal directions, showing that anisotropic seepage flow has a prominent impact on active earth pressure distribution. Other factors such as effective internal friction angle of soils and soil/wall friction conditions are also considered. 相似文献
为了提高煤层气井破裂压力预测精度,运用断裂力学理论推导裂缝性地层破裂压力计算公式,结合分形岩石力学理论建立裂缝性地层破裂压力解析模型,提出一种实用的破裂压力计算方法.结果表明:在非均匀地应力下,煤岩井壁更易沿最大水平主应力方向起裂,解析模型与传统模型在表达形式上具有统一性和更广泛的适用性.煤岩裂缝具有分形特征,分形效应提高岩石阻碍裂缝扩展的能力,当分形维数越大、相似比越小时破裂压力越大.在不同裂缝状态下,缝长对破裂压力的影响规律不同,当裂缝长度较小时破裂压力随裂缝长度增加而迅速减小;当裂缝长度增加到一定数值后,闭合裂缝破裂压力随缝长增加而增大,开启裂缝破裂压力随缝长增加而减小并趋于定值.郑庄地区5口煤层气井实例计算表明:该计算方法预测的破裂压力误差在10%以内,破裂压力对缝长变化特别敏感,合理确定裂缝长度对准确预测破裂压力尤为重要. 相似文献
The earth pressure acting on retaining walls due to creep and consolidation is under limited equilibrium conditions (limited displacement).Linear elastic consti... 相似文献
Finite element analysis on impact of foundation treatment in bridgehead transition section upon bridge piles

In order to decrease relative settlement, foundation treatment plays an extremely important role in bridgehead transition section, especially, the situation of building the bridge piles firstly, and th... 相似文献
Dianqi PAN Zupei ZHANG Diancai PAN Yong CHEN Maosen TAN 《东北亚地学研究》2006,9(2):194-196
The pressure grouting pile of driven tube can improve the load bearing capacity of the single pile from the mechanism of pressure grouting pile of driven tube.On the basis of analyzing the mechanism,the authors designed the machines and tools of pressure grouting,determined the operating manufacture and technology parameter on the pressure grouting secondly.The result shows that the pressure grouting pile of driven tube not only changes the pile type but also reduce the length of the pile and its engineering cost,it enhances the load bearing capacity of single pile an the same time. 相似文献
The pressure grouting pile of driven tube can improve the load bearing capacity of the single pile from the mechanism of pressure grouting pile of driven tube. On the basis of analyzing the mechanism, the authors designed the machines and tools of pressure grouting, determined the operating manufacture and technology parameter on the pressure grouting secondly. The result shows that the pressure grouting pile of driven tube not only changes the pile type but also reduce the length of the pile and its engineering cost, it enhances the load bearing capacity of single pile an the same time. 相似文献
Improvement of pseudo-static method for slope stability analysis 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
traditional In this paper, two drawbacks pseudo-static method (vertical of the slice method) in the slope stability evaluation have been studied. First, the sliding mass is divided into vertical slices according to this method, which is irrational to some extent in the seismic design of slope. Second, only peak ground acceleration (PGA) is considered, and the effects of shaking frequency and duration on slope stability are neglected. And then, based on the theory of elastic wave and the summarized geological model, this paper put forwards an improved method of pseudo-method by using the theory of elastic wave and Hilbert-Huang transform. The improved pseudostatic method gives reasonable considerations to the time-frequency effects of seismic wave and its rationality has been verified by the shaking table test. This method can evaluate the safety of a slope, the happening time and the scale of landslides. At the same time, this method also can improve the high accuracy of the evaluation of the safety of the slope. 相似文献
This paper is concerned with the stability analysis of reinforced slopes. A new approach based on the limit equilibrium principle is proposed to evaluate the stability of the reinforced slopes. The effect of reinforcement is modeled as an equivalent restoring force acting the bottom of the slice and added into the general limit equilibrium (GLE) method. The equations of force and moment equilibrium of the slice are derived and corresponding iterative solution methods are provided. The new method can satisfy both the force and the moment equilibrium and be applicable to the critical failure surface of arbitrary form. Furthermore, the results predicted by the proposed method are compared with the calculation examples of other researchers and the centrifuge model test results to validate its correctness and effectiveness. 相似文献
基于Fisher判别分析法的岩溶塌陷预测 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了更准确地预测岩溶塌陷,基于Fisher判别分析法,首先选择内聚力、内摩擦角、覆盖层厚度、覆盖层厚度减高水位埋深、覆盖层厚度减低水位埋深5个最主要的影响因素作为判别因子;接着以桂林市20组岩溶塌陷案例为学习样本进行计算,建立相应的Fisher线性判别函数;然后利用回代估计法对上述20组样本的预测结果进行逐一检验,其正确率为100%;随后将上述预测结果与前人运用逐步判别、神经网络判别等方法得到的结果进行比较分析,认为Fisher判别分析法具有不需进行模型和参数的选择以及不受人为因素的影响等优点;最后将建立的Fisher线性判别函数用于另外的10组实际案例进行预测分析,预测结果与实际情况完全吻合。结果表明:用Fisher判别分析法进行岩溶塌陷预测,简易方便,正确率高,实用性好;该方法是岩溶塌陷预测的一种新方法。 相似文献
Wenjuan ZHANG Li CHEN Ning QU Hai' an LIANG 《东北亚地学研究》2006,9(2):239-241
Landslide is one kind of geologic hazards that often happens all over the world.It brings huge losses to human life and property;therefore,it is very important to research it.This study focused in combination between single and regional landslide,traditional slope stability analysis method and reliability analysis method.Meanwhile,methods of prediction of slopes and reliability analysis were discussed. 相似文献
Landslide is one kind of geologic hazards that often happens all over the world. It brings huge losses to human life and property; therefore, it is very important to research it. This study focused in combination between single and regional landslide, traditional slope stability analysis method and reliability analysis method. Meanwhile, methods of prediction of slopes and reliability analysis were discussed. 相似文献
1 INTRODUCTION Argo floats are instruments that move freely with the ocean current at fixed parking depths and cycle from a profiling depth to the sea surface at regular time intervals. While rising to the surface, these autonomous floats take profiles of… 相似文献
Machine learning method has been widely used in various geotechnical engineering risk analysis in recent years. However, the overfitting problem often occurs due to the small number of samples obtained in history. This paper proposes the FuzzySVM(support vector machine) geotechnical engineering risk analysis method based on the Bayesian network. The proposed method utilizes the fuzzy set theory to build a Bayesian network to reflect prior knowledge, and utilizes the SVM to build a Bayesian network to reflect historical samples. Then a Bayesian network for evaluation is built in Bayesian estimation method by combining prior knowledge with historical samples. Taking seismic damage evaluation of slopes as an example, the steps of the method are stated in detail. The proposed method is used to evaluate the seismic damage of 96 slopes along roads in the area affected by the Wenchuan earthquake. The evaluation results show that the method can solve the overfitting problem, which often occurs if the machine learning methods are used to evaluate risk of geotechnical engineering, and the performance of the method is much better than that of the previous machine learning methods. Moreover,the proposed method can also effectively evaluate various geotechnical engineering risks in the absence of some influencing factors. 相似文献
A new identification method for five species of oysters in genus Crassostrea from China based on high-resolution melting analysis 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The high phenotypic plasticity in the shell of oysters presents a challenge during taxonomic and phylogenetie studies of these economically important bivalves. However, because DNA can exhibit marked differences among morphologically similar species, DNA barcoding offers a potential means for oyster identification. We analyzed the complete sequences of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) of five common Crassostrea species in China (including Hong Kong oyster C. hongkongensis, Jinjiang oyster C. ariakensis, Portuguese oyster C. angulata, Kumamoto oyster C. sikamea, and Pacific oyster C. gigas) and screened for distinct fragments. Using these distinct fragments on a high-resolution melting analysis platform, we developed an identification method that does not rely on species-specific PCR or fragment length polymorphism and is efficient, reliable, and easy to visualize. Using a single pair of primers (Oyster- COI-1), we were able to successfully distinguish among the five oyster species. This new method provides a simple and powerful tool for the identification of oyster species. 相似文献
DONG Sheng ) * LI Fengli ) JIAO Guiying ) ) College of Engineering Ocean University of China Qingdao P.R.China) Construction of Commission of Qingdao Municipal Government Qingdao P.R.China 《中国海洋大学学报(英文版)》2003,2(1):106-111
1 Introduction Thestormsurgeduetoamovingmeteorologicalde pressioncausesabnormalchangesofseasurfaceeleva tion ,includingthenegativesurgeelevations .Hydro logicfrequencyanalysisofnegativesurgeelevationsplaysanimportantroleinmarinestructuredesignanddisasterprevention .Thedeterminationofthedesignparameterswillgreatlyaffecttheplanningofnaviga tion .Variousstudieshavecontributedvaluablefind ingstothistopic (e.g.CarterandChallenor ,1981;IsaacsonandMacKenzie ,1981;Muir ,1986 ;Goda ,1988;Vledder … 相似文献