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Accuracy of the radial velocities and efficiency of the spectroscopic binary detection with the GAIA radial velocity spectrometer (RVS) is evaluated by employing the observed spectra (Cenarro et al., 2001) and simulated GAIA observations. Evaluation is performed in the magnitude range V =10-17 by applying the cross-correlation method. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Imaging systems based on a narrow-band tunable filter are used to obtain Doppler velocity maps of solar features. These velocity maps are created by taking the difference between the blue- and red-wing intensity images of a chosen spectral line. This method has the inherent assumption that these two images are obtained under identical conditions. With the dynamical nature of the solar features as well as the Earth’s atmosphere, systematic errors can be introduced in such measurements. In this paper, a quantitative estimate of the errors introduced due to variable seeing conditions for ground-based observations is simulated and compared with real observational data for identifying their reliability. It is shown, under such conditions, that there is a strong cross-talk from the total intensity to the velocity estimates. These spurious velocities are larger in magnitude for the umbral regions compared to the penumbra or quiet-Sun regions surrounding the sunspots. The variable seeing can induce spurious velocities up to about 1 km s−1. It is also shown that adaptive optics, in general, helps in minimising this effect.  相似文献   

The large stellar/planetary flux ratio (>106) and small angular separation (0.1 arcsec when observed from 10 parsecs) make it difficult to study Earthlike extrasolar planets. Hybrid coronographs with apodized masks and nulling by Earth based interferometric techniques could reduce the flux ratio by 3 orders of magnitude. Further reduction of starlight is possible with frequency filters. Due to large (upto 30 km/s) differences in radial velocities the specific spectral line for a particular molecule will be Doppler shifted by different amounts depending on from where, the star or the planet, the emission originates. The stellar spectrum itself could be used as a dynamic reference to determine the differential Doppler shift and define the frequency search space for the sought after planetary spectral line. The Differential Radial Velocity Spectrometer (DRVS) could use a heterodyne receiver with steep skirted filters and a laser local oscillator tracking the stellar spectrum. Several planetary spectral line windows should be searched and correlation/code gain techniques used to enhance detection capabilities.  相似文献   

本文利用Virgo星系团天区572个星系的视向速度观测资料,按最大似然原理确定了434个成员星系。平均日心速度1247±37公里每秒,视向速度弥散度752±27公里·每秒。分析表明,尽管室女团是一个有次团结构的近距星系团,仍然可以合理地用正态分布来作为成员星系观测视向速度分布的一级近似。另外,团内不同类型的星系看来有着不同的分布,而晚型星系可能仍然处于内落阶段。  相似文献   

DA白矮星光谱在光学波段主要由巴尔默线主导,谱线比较宽,且谱线轮廓不对称,传统的线心方法确定视向速度非常困难。介绍了一种基于利用白矮星的有效温度(Teff)和表面重力加速度(log g)选择理论模板,通过交叉相关方法确定DA白矮星的APP速度,减去白矮星的引力红移得到白矮星的视向速度。测试发现对于有效温度高于10 000 K且信噪比大于20的DA白矮星的低分辨率光谱(R~2000),精度在10 km/s以内。基于这种方法测量了SDSS DR7的DA白矮星观测样本的视向速度,统计发现在1 000 pc内,视向速度的平均值接近于0。  相似文献   

近年来,尽管对太阳系外行星探测的手段层出不穷,视向速度测量依然是探测太阳系外行星卓有成效的方法。随着探测太阳系外类地行星的呼声日益高涨,大幅度提高视向速度测量精度的任务迫在眉睫。为了提高天文光谱仪的稳定性,人们采用真空或恒温、恒压的仪器工作环境来确保视向速度的测量精度;同时,激光频率梳技术的出现又为天体视向速度测量系统提供了一个高精度的光谱定标源。将激光频率梳技术应用于天体视向速度测量是今后一段时间内的研究重点。  相似文献   

本文利用在考虑团内星系面数密度分布的前提下,以视向速度为判据,按最大似然原理解算团分布参数和成员概率的严格统计方法,对8个Abell星系团进行了成员研究.解算结果表明此方法是合理的、有效的,星系团的速度弥散度分布与动力学模型一致.有迹象表明椭长形的结构在星系团中是一种普遍现象.从这8个团得到了清晰的NA-σc的相关关系,进而推知团的质光比为100~600h,平均350h.  相似文献   

The close relation between the mass of the central black hole of galaxy and the stellar velocity dispersion of bulge indicates that it is of especial importance to accurately measure the stellar velocity dispersion for determining the mass of the central black hole of galaxy. A method which uses the spectra of SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) to measure the velocity dispersion and its uncertainty is provided in this paper. Through fitting four different spectral regions which contain remarkable characteristic absorption lines in pixel space, the spectral regions used to accurately measure the stellar velocity dispersion σ are obtained. In this paper, the absorption lines which are mainly contained in these four fitted bands are Ca II K, Mg I b triplet (with wavelengths of 5 167.5, 5 172.7, 5 183.6 Å) and CaT (Ca II triplet with wavelengths of 8 498.0, 8 542.1, 8 662.1 Å). As indicated by the results in different regions, the values of σ obtained by fitting the Mg I b region are small because this region is affected by the emission lines of iron group; the spectral line in the Ca II K line region is easily restricted to the searching algorithm of least square method because its strength is very weak; the stellar velocity dispersions obtained in the combined region of CaT and Ca II K are equivalent to the results given by calculating only the CaT region. This method is used to test a sample of Seyfert galaxies whose redshifts are less than 0.05. It is found that the CaT region is the best spectral region for measuring the stellar velocity dispersion.  相似文献   

The extremely accurate estimates of stellar variability and radial velocity in the Gaia Data Release 3(Gaia DR3)have enabled us to examine the close binarity and radial velocity(RV) of central stars(CSs) of planetary nebulae(PNe). This study is twofold:(1) searching for new close binary CS candidates to better understand how binarity affects the formation and evolution of PNe; and(2) extending the sample size of known RVs of PNe in order to understand their kinematics and the dynamics of the Mil...  相似文献   

We extrapolate solar-wind bulk velocity measurements for different in-ecliptic heliospheric positions by calculating the theoretical time lag between the locations. The solar-wind bulk velocity dataset is obtained from in-situ plasma measurements by STEREO A and B, SOHO, Venus Express, and Mars Express. During their simultaneous measurements between 2007 and 2009 we find typical solar activity minimum conditions. In order to validate our extrapolations of the STEREO A and B data, we compare them with simultaneous in-situ observations from the other spacecraft. This way of cross-calibration we obtain a measure for the goodness of our extrapolations over different heliospheric distances. We find that a reliable solar-wind dataset can be provided in case of a longitudinal separation less than 65 degrees. Moreover, we find that the time lag method assuming constant velocity is a good basis to extrapolate from measurements in Earth orbit to Venus or to Mars. These extrapolations might serve as a good solar-wind input information for planetary studies of magnetospheric and ionospheric processes. We additionally show how the stream-stream interactions in the ecliptic alter the bulk velocity during radial propagation.  相似文献   

The eclipsing binary NN Vir is a short period system showing an EW-type light curve. Photometric observations of NN Vir were done by Gomez–Ferrellad and Garcia–Melendo (1997) at Esteve Duran Observatory. The first spectroscopic observations of this system were obtained by Rucinski and Lu (1999). The radial velocity and light curves analysis was made with the latest version of the Wilson program (1998), and the geometric and physical elements of the system are derived. From the simultaneous solutions of the system, we determined the masses and radii of the components: 1.89 M and 1.65 R for the primary component; 0.93 M and 1.23 R for the secondary component. We estimated effective temperatures of 7030 K for the primary and 6977 K for the secondary component.  相似文献   

Line profiles and radial velocity curves for optical stars in X-ray binaries are calculated taking into account ellipticity of the optical star and X-ray heating effect.  相似文献   

本文发表了食双星RT And的1984—1985年期间的视向速度观测。依据点源模型获得了一组新的分光轨道解。轨道根数分别是:V_(01)=-1.0公里/秒;V_(02)=+5.0公里/秒;K_1=131.4公里/秒;K_2=168.4公里/秒;T_0=HJD2,445,977.0997。q_(sp)=m_2/m_1=0.780。结合文献中的资料,使用Wilson Devinney方法,对视向速度和测光观测作联合求解,得到了该双星的绝对参量:A=3.80R_⊙;R=1.14R_⊙;R=1.05R_⊙;M_1=1.05M_⊙;M_2=0.81M_⊙;L_1=1.78L_⊙;L_2=0.54L_⊙;M_(V_1)=4.14~m;M_(V_2)=5.65~m;距离估算为50pc。主伴星均有主序演化效应。  相似文献   

The investigation of the distributions of number densities, radial velocities and morphological types in the Hydra I cluster led us to the conclusion that this cluster possesses dominant substructures. This result is in agreement with former conclusions of different authors that substructures are a typical phenomenon for a high percentage of all clusters of galaxies. The galaxies inside the radius 60 from the cluster centre giv ea mean cluster redshift 3332±102 km/s and a velocity dispersion 679 ± 87 km/s.  相似文献   

The radial velocities of the star BM Ori are determined from spectra obtained by the HST and IUE satellites, as well as from spectra obtained with the BTA telescope. An analysis of this data shows that the radial velocities of the main star and its satellite experience an irregular positive shift by 20-30 km/s. This fact can only be interpreted in terms of the presence of yet another star in the binary system. The new observations have made it possible to significantly improve the accuracy of the spectroscopic elements of the orbit of the close binary system and to estimate the orbital characteristics of the third body. The preliminary values of the elements are: Ep=JD2444744, P=1302d, =11km/s, e=0.92, K=20km/s, and =1.6rad.  相似文献   

Complete UBV light curves of the W Ursae Majoris binary V839 Ophobtained in the year 2000 are presented. The available spectroscopic data of V839 Oph is new and we used the first radial velocity data of this system obtained by Rucinski and Lu (1999)for analysis. The radial velocity and light curves analysis was made with the latest version of Wilson programme (1998) and the geometric and physical elements of the system are derived. By searching the simultaneous solutions of the system we have determined the masses and radii of the components: 1.61M and 1.49402R for the primary component; 0.50M and 0.90147R for the secondary component. We estimate deffective temperatures of 6650±18 (K) for the primary and6554±15 (K) for the secondary component. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this study complete BV light curves of the W Ursae Majoris binary V1073 Cygni obtained in 2005 are presented. We have used the spectroscopic data of V1073 Cyg obtained by Ahn et al. (1992) for analysis. The analysis of radial velocity and light curves was made with Wilson} program (1998) and the geometric and physical elements} of the system were derived. By searching the simultaneous} solutions of the system, we have determined the masses and radii of the components: 1.64M, 2.275R for the primary component and 0.55M, 1.397R for the secondary component respectively. The effective temperature of 6494 ± 53 K for the secondary component was also estimated.  相似文献   

A systematic redshift of high ionization resonance emission lines relative to the intercombination lines was found by Friedjung et al. (1883, A & A 126, 4071983) in the UV spectra of a number of symbiotic binaries. The interpretation was not then clear. We present a study of archival IUE and GHRS/HST spectra of the symbiotic binary CI Cyg. The shift varies during the orbital cycle which can be understood in terms of the presence of strong circum-binary line absorption formed in an outer expanding region.  相似文献   

The Solar Dynamics Observatory/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (SDO/HMI) filtergrams, taken at six wavelengths around the Fe i 6173.3 Å line, contain information about the line-of-sight velocity over a range of heights in the solar atmosphere. Multi-height velocity inferences from these observations can be exploited to study wave motions and energy transport in the atmosphere. Using realistic convection-simulation datasets provided by the STAGGER and MURaM codes, we generate synthetic filtergrams and explore several methods for estimating Dopplergrams. We investigate at which height each synthetic Dopplergram correlates most strongly with the vertical velocity in the model atmospheres. On the basis of the investigation, we propose two Dopplergrams other than the standard HMI-algorithm Dopplergram produced from HMI filtergrams: a line-center Dopplergram and an average-wing Dopplergram. These two Dopplergrams correlate most strongly with vertical velocities at the heights of 30?–?40 km above (line center) and 30?–?40 km below (average wing) the effective height of the HMI-algorithm Dopplergram. Therefore, we can obtain velocity information from two layers separated by about a half of a scale height in the atmosphere, at best. The phase shifts between these multi-height Dopplergrams from observational data as well as those from the simulated data are also consistent with the height-difference estimates in the frequency range above the photospheric acoustic-cutoff frequency.  相似文献   

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