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美军凭借强大技术优势,领跑新型无人作战装备发展,其水下无人作战力量建设经验和发展趋势对世界各国海军有着重要启示和借鉴作用.简述了美军水下无人作战力量发展规划,重点从美军水下无人作战能力建设、装备发展以及部队建设3个方面研究了美军水下无人作战力量发展趋势,从装备发展方向、顶层设计思路、军民融合途径、建用结合方法以及人才培...  相似文献   

水下无人系统在降低平台全寿命费用、减少高危作业风险与人员伤亡等方面具有先天优势,使其成为当今世界各国争相研究的热点领域。深入分析了美国水下无人系统的发展战略和现状,研究了我国水下无人系统的实际需求,提出了我国水下无人系统的发展概念和思路。  相似文献   

着眼于我国海军战略转型时期水下作战能力不足的问题及水下无人装备体系化发展需求,分析了美国水下无人装备发展特点。按照装备体系设计方法,从作战任务、能力需求、能力差距、装备需求等方面进行分析研究,提出了一种由“近海、中远海、舰/艇载”等几类装备构成的水下无人攻防装备体系构想。  相似文献   

针对海洋测绘面临的问题,分析了无人时代海洋测绘技术的发展机遇,提出了无人水下智能海洋测绘的新模式,讨论了无人水下智能海洋测绘的技术体系和无人水下智能海洋测绘装备的关键技术,以及无人水下智能海洋测绘的装备产业链,展望了无人水下智能海洋测绘装备的发展趋势及应用前景。  相似文献   

针对无人水下航行器维修保障难度大、成本高的问题,论述了 PHM 技术在无人水下航行器的系统级、分系统级、设备级的应用问题,提出了一套适用于无人水下航行器机载、岸基故障预测与健康管理(PHM) 系统框架结构。分析了其中的关键技术,在此基础上进行了无人水下航行器 PHM 数据流结构设计。最后,以 PHM 技术工程应用为线索,提出了无人水下航行器 PHM 总体集成技术方案。  相似文献   

一九九二年三月十六日到三月十八日,中国大洋矿产资源开发协会在上海交通大学召开专家论证会,对上海交通大学水下工程研究所提出的“6000米深海观察系统”研制方案进行评审。该系统是一个装备水下电视摄像机和水下照相机等观察设备的系缆无人遥控潜水器。上海交大科研人员对国内外潜水器的发展水平作了介绍,提出了一个带有中继器的系缆无人潜水器方案,分析了该项研究的技术难点和介决途径。与会专家认为上海交通大  相似文献   

紧密依据水下无人作战平台的典型使命任务,分析确定了水下无人作战平台作战效能、作战适用性和体系适用性的作战试验指标。依据水下无人作战平台作战试验基本作战过程,构设了水下无人作战平台作战试验任务剖面和水下无人作战平台作战试验检验流程。为水下无人作战平台作战试验分解形成试验科目、运用试验设计形成试验样本和确定作战试验实施流程提供了支撑。  相似文献   

水下无人集群的作战运用与相关技术研究方兴未艾,水下无人集群协同态势生成是水下无人集群作战的基础,是水下无人集群协同决策和协同打击的重要前提。此外,水下无人集群作战效果的评估也需要通过对战场态势的再认知来评价。从水下无人集群的作战使用出发梳理了水下无人集群态势生成的需求,分析了在态势生成过程中态势要素表示、目标识别、态势推理以及群体认知等方面面临的主要困难,最后针对性地提出了技术路线和实现路径,为后续更深入和广泛的研究提供了思路。  相似文献   

为提升水面舰艇编队水下防御能力,构建以水面无人艇为补充的编队水下防御装备体系是未来发展的重要方向。在总结国内外水面无人艇现状及发展趋势的基础上,分析了无人艇的发展必要性,结合水面舰艇编队防御鱼雷攻击的任务需求,开展了水面无人艇作战使用方法研究,并对其对抗效能进行了仿真分析评估。相关研究成果可牵引水面无人艇在水下信息对抗领域的发展与应用。  相似文献   

据外刊报道:美国海军新近推出了一种大排水量无人水下航行器的分析研究报告和具体方案。据透露,这种无人水下航行器的排水量可能为5吨左右。是迄今为止美国研制的排水量最大的一种水下航行器。它可在多种平台上部署,包括SSGN导弹潜艇、“弗吉尼亚”级攻击核潜艇和水面舰  相似文献   

原位观测是海洋环境观监测与安全保障的基础手段,对提升海洋环境时空变化规律的认识和数值预报水平起着至关重要的作用。但是实施基于原位观测的海洋环境保障措施存在覆盖范围有限、观测成本高昂,以及非常时期实施困难等问题。随着海洋强国战略的深入推进,未来国家海洋利益空间将不断拓展,海洋环境保障的立体性、复杂性、未知性将不断增强,这对系统化、信息化、智能化的海洋环境保障提出了更高要求。当前有效解决方案之一是通过实施环境适应性保障对有限的原位观测资源布局进行优化设计,最大化海洋环境观测网建设效益。本文系统介绍了美国海军在海洋环境适应性保障建设方面的成果与经验,通过海上试验展现了实施海洋环境适应性保障措施的必要性和优越性,随后梳理了高分辨率海洋水文环境数值模拟技术、海洋水文环境适应性观测敏感区诊断技术、无人移动平台协同组网观测技术及无人移动平台观测资料同化技术等海洋环境适应性保障建设涉及的关键技术及其发展现状,最后总结了我国在海洋环境适应性保障建设方面的研究进展。作为一项复杂的系统工程,海洋环境适应性保障将有助于颠覆传统海洋环境保障模式,牵引我国海洋环境保障装备发展,推动相关研究领域理论和技术进步,对我国海洋环境保障体系建设产生深远影响。  相似文献   

海洋观测已呈现陆、海、空联合组网观测形式,这是海洋观测发展的必然趋势和未来走向。但我国在海洋水下观测能力方面极其薄弱,特别是与国际海洋发达国家相比存在较大差距,本文主要整理了国外水下观测网发展的有关政策、重点项目及技术装备,并对我国面临的海洋发展形势进行了分析,提出了我国海洋水下观测网发展战略建议,供有关管理人员和科研人员参考。  相似文献   

Power systems for undersea observatories combine ideas from terrestrial power systems and switching power supplies with experience from undersea cable systems. Basic system tradeoffs for various design decisions are explored in this paper. First, design questions including whether the power delivery should be alternating or direct current and a parallel or series network are examined. This introduces the question of maximum power delivery capability, which is explored in depth. A separate issue, the negative incremental resistance presented to the delivery system by the use of constant-voltage converters, is examined, and the resulting dynamics explored by simulation  相似文献   

During the construction process of Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Undersea Tunnel, the faults and other unfavorable geological discontinuities were often encountered. To study the water inrush mechanism in the faults, both physical model test and numerical analysis were carried out. The results of crown displacement and hydraulic pressure of the monitoring sections in the physical model and numerical model were analyzed in this paper. It was found that the displacement and hydraulic pressure in the process of tunnel construction are often interacted as both cause and effect, and the lower of hydraulic pressure is often accompanied with the growth of its displacement. The changing of the excavation disturbed zone during the excavation in the undersea tunnel was also studied. The results show that the excavation disturbed zone in fault is larger than that in surrounding rock mass, and the excavation disturbance effects in the filling type fault are both transient and persistent. When the displacement and hydraulic pressure in the undersea tunnel change sharply during excavation, there are relatively slow and continuous change trend of the displacement and hydraulic pressure. For practical purposes, to prevent water inrush in the undersea tunnel, more attentions should also be paid to the undersea tunnel after excavation.  相似文献   

As a kind of transportation mode for crossing channels,undersea tunnel has incomparable advantages for its directness,convenience,fastness,insusceptibility to weather conditions,and smaller influences on environments.In recent years,with the development of undersea tunnel construction,the design and construction technologies have been greatly enhanced.The first undersea tunnel in China has just been built.Waterproofing is the key technique of undersea tunneling.A new concept of waterproofing scheme of grouting,sealing,draining and divided sections was adopted in the construction of the tunnel based on the researches,the in-situ geological features,the astuteness of the current technology,and the cost of construction.The structural details of the sealing and draining system are introduced to illustrate the salient features of the new waterproofing technique.It is hoped that experiences described in the paper can offer guidance for the construction of the extensive undersea tunnels in the coming years.  相似文献   

The necessity and the preliminary tentative plan for the construction of the undersea tunnel across Taiwan Strait are expounded in this atricle. The strait undersea tunnels, which have been built and investigated in the world, and their engineering characteristics and construction methods have been introduced herein briefly. Taiwan has been a part of China since ancient times and the people between the mainland and Taiwan are kindred compatriots in the extended family of the Chinese multinational country. For a long time, the people between southeast of China and Taiwan have had frequent communication in economy and culture. With the progress of times and the need of development, it has been put forward to build a safe and reliable undersea tunnel that is not affected by the environment across Taiwan Strait, and one which is also a magnificent project for the China in the long-term. Whether by using a bridge or an undersea tunnel or both across the strait is a problem worthy of further research. According to such conditions as the weather of Taiwan Strait, depth of water, undersea terrain, possibility of engineering and hydrological geology under the sea, as well as the possibility of Taiwan Strait as a main shipping passage from south to north of China and the experience of existing passage across strait in the world, the primary analysis shows that the scheme of an undersea tunnel should be considered. Therefore the concept of the undersea tunnel engineering across Taiwan Strait is introduced in detail here.  相似文献   

The necessity and the preliminary tentative plan for the construction of the undersea tunnel across Taiwan Strait are expounded in this atricle. The strait undersea tunnels, which have been built and investigated in the world, and their engineering characteristics and construction methods have been introduced herein briefly.?Taiwan has been a part of China since ancient times and the people between the mainland and Taiwan are kindred compatriots in the extended family of the Chinese multinational country. For a long time, the people between southeast of China and Taiwan have had frequent communication in economy and culture. With the progress of times and the need of development, it has been put forward to build a safe and reliable undersea tunnel that is not affected by the environment across Taiwan Strait, and one which is also a magnificent project for the China in the long-term.?Whether by using a bridge or an undersea tunnel or both across the strait is a problem worthy of further research. According to such conditions as the weather of Taiwan Strait, depth of water, undersea terrain, possibility of engineering and hydrological geology under the sea, as well as the possibility of Taiwan Strait as a main shipping passage from south to north of China and the experience of existing passage across strait in the world, the primary analysis shows that the scheme of an undersea tunnel should be considered. Therefore the concept of the undersea tunnel engineering across Taiwan Strait is introduced in detail here.  相似文献   

从海底探测发展角度介绍了海底地名的起源,以及海底探测技术的发展所带来的海底地名研究的发展.对海底地名研究的对象及研究方向做了总结,并在此基础上分析了海底地名研究目前面临的主要问题,展望了海底地名的发展方向,并对海底地名专题图的研发提出了思路.  相似文献   

环肋圆柱壳是深海无人系统广泛采用的一种耐压结构形式,保障其结构安全是系统研制过程中非常重要的一环。针对环肋圆柱壳的结构特征推导了组合结构重量关系式和结构参数简化估算方法,并以一种超长型深海无人系统耐压结构为例,围绕大长径比环肋圆柱壳的结构形式、设计计算、仿真分析、模型验证等开展研究。研究表明提出的大长径比环肋圆柱壳结构设计参数简化估算方法具有较好的适应性。相关计算和分析结果可以为该型深海无人系统结构设计提供技术支撑,也可以为其他类似耐压结构设计提供参考。  相似文献   

针对目前我国仿真系统中环境建模存在的不足,从美军研发了15年的联合分析仿真系统着手,研究了系统中地理环境数据的类型、结构、分辨率等内容及其特征,并与其他系统进行了对比分析,提出了对我国仿真系统建设中环境建模的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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