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构建了包括20个功能组的西南黄海生态通道模型(Ecopath Model)。分析结果表明:各功能组营养级的范围在1. 000~4. 509之间,鸟类、鱼类、头足类等主要高营养级生物的营养级范围为3. 417~4. 509。该生态系统的能量流动主要发生在食物网的低营养级部分,在7个系统整合营养级间,能量传递效率沿食物链逐级降低,各营养级生物的消耗量和产出量也急剧减少。从第I营养级到高营养级间的逐级转换效率分别为11. 33%、13. 16%、15. 50%、14. 67%、13. 61%和15. 68%,系统平均转化效率为13. 22%;来源于碎屑的能量转化效率为13. 35%,来自初级生产者的转化效率为13. 14%。在总能流中,直接来自碎屑的占43%,来自初级生产者的占57%,说明系统的能流通道以牧食食物链为主导。混合营养评价显示,系统生产者碎屑与浮游植物对其他多数功能群有积极影响,蟹类、鲽形目、水母、大型底栖和浮游生物中同类竞争的消极影响尤为明显。西南黄海生态系统总初级生产力与总呼吸量比值为2. 541,Finn’s循环指数和Finn’s循环路径长度分别为3. 983、2. 444。通过模型输出的系统生态参数分析,当前西南黄海生态系统仍处于不成熟的、不稳定的阶段。  相似文献   

The marine ecosystem of the Jiaozhou Bay has degraded significantly in fisheries productivity and its ecological roles as spawning and nursery ground for many species of commercial importance has been declining in recent years. A mass-balanced trophic model was developed using Ecopath with Ecosim to evaluate the trophic structure of the Jiaozhou Bay for improving ecosystem management. The model were parameterized based on the fisheries survey data in the Jiaozhou Bay in 2011, including 23 species groups and one detritus group according to their ecological roles. The trophic levels of these ecological groups ranged from 1(primary producers and detritus) to4.3(large demersal fishes). The estimated total system throughput was 12 917.10 t/(km~2·a), with 74.59% and25.41% contribution of the total energy flows from phytoplankton and detritus, respectively. Network analyses showed that the overall transfer efficiency of the ecosystem was 14.4%, and the mean transfer efficiency was 14.5%for grazing food chain and 13.9% for detritus food chain. The system omnivory index(SOI), Finn's cycled index(FCI) and connectance index(CI) were relatively low in this area while the total primary production/total respiration(TPP/TR) was high, indicating an immature and unstable status of the Jiaozhou Bay ecosystem. Mixed trophic impact analysis revealed that the cultured shellfish had substantial negative impacts on most functional groups. This study contributed to ecosystem-level evaluation and management planning of the Jiaozhou Bay ecosystem.  相似文献   

基于2018年海州湾及邻近海域的渔业资源底拖网调查数据,运用Ecopath with Ecosim 6.5 (EwE)软件构建由26个功能群组成的海州湾及邻近海域生态系统Ecopath模型,对现阶段该生态系统的营养结构、营养相互关系和系统总特征等进行分析,旨在为实施基于生态系统的渔业管理提供理论依据。结果表明:海州湾及邻近海域生态系统各功能群的营养级范围为1.00~4.19,其中鱼类营养级范围较广,为3.22~4.19;浮游动物和其他软体动物受初级生产者和捕食者的双重作用,处于重要的营养位置;生态系统总体特征分析显示,该生态系统的总初级生产量与总呼吸量的比值为7.096,总初级生产量与总生物量的比值为56.866,系统的连接指数和系统杂食指数分别为0.429和0.204,说明该生态系统目前处于不成熟、不稳定的状态,容易受外界扰动的影响。本文通过对海州湾及邻近海域生态系统模型进行研究,解析了该海域营养结构和系统发育状况,将为海州湾渔业资源的可持续利用和科学管理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

根据2021年渔业资源调查数据构建了含有23个功能组的舟山海域生态系统Ecopath模型,分析了当前舟山海域生态系统总体特征并估算了褐菖鲉在舟山海域的生态容量。结果表明:舟山海域生态系统营养级范围为1.000 (浮游植物和有机碎屑)~4.277 ( 鳐类),石首鱼科、虾类和 鳐类为舟山海域生态系统中的关键种。碎屑食物链和牧食食物链是舟山海域生态系统主要的食物链。碎屑和浮游植物对食物网的贡献率分别为61.32%和38.69%。始于浮游植物和碎屑的营养传递效率分别是9.34%和10.50%,系统总营养传递效率是9.82%。总初级生产量/总呼吸量为2.26,系统连接指数为0.372,系统杂食性指数为0.222。生态系统总体特征反映了舟山海域生态系统的成熟状态较低,生态系统处于不稳定阶段,容易受到外界环境变化的影响。根据模型估算,当褐菖鲉生物量增加至8.6倍时,褐菖鲉达到生态容量0.007 95 t/km2,此时生态系统仍保持平衡,且生态系统总体特征基本稳定。因此,褐菖鲉在舟山海域尚有较大增殖潜力。  相似文献   

基于Ecopath模型的七连屿礁栖性生物的生态承载力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态承载力评估是开展生物资源增殖放流, 维持珊瑚礁生态系统健康的基础和前提。本文基于2019年渔业资源和生态环境的综合调查数据, 构建了七连屿珊瑚礁海域生态系统的生态通道(Ecopath)模型, 分析和探讨了相关功能组增殖放流的生态承载力。结果显示, 七连屿珊瑚礁海域生态系统各功能群营养级范围为1.00~3.81; 生态系统的总能量转化效率为13.45%; 生态系统以牧食食物链占据主导地位, 直接来源于初级生产者的能流占比为57%。系统总初级生产量/总呼吸量为2.54; 总初级生产量/总生物量为19.07; 系统连接指数和系统杂食性指数分别为0.36和0.22, 表明当前七连屿珊瑚礁海域生态系统的成熟度和稳定性偏低, 系统对于外界的干扰抵抗能力较弱。在未改变七连屿珊瑚礁生态系统结构和功能的前提下, 各功能组中珊瑚、双壳类和植食性鱼类的生态承载力分别为25.09~53.77t•km-2、2.55~39.95t•km-2和4.89~17.94t•km-2, 因此仍具有较大的增殖空间。珊瑚礁鱼类群落的最大生态承载力同珊瑚礁无脊椎动物群落的增殖密切相关, 在未来的珊瑚礁渔业管理中应从生态系统整体结构的角度综合考虑增殖放流的方法设计。  相似文献   

食物网结构特征和能量流动的研究,对于维持海洋生态系统结构和功能的稳定具有重要意义,有助于深入理解海洋生态系统的复杂过程。本研究基于2019−2021年在江苏近海北部海域开展的季节性渔业资源底拖网调查数据,通过构建基于蒙特卡罗马尔科夫链算法的逆线性模型(Linear Inverse Models using a Monte Carlo Method Coupled with Markov Chain, LIM-MCMC),结合生态网络分析(Ecological Network Analysis,ENA)的方法,分析了该海域生态系统状态和食物网能量流动特征,旨在为江苏近海北部海域食物网营养动力学研究提供参考依据。结果表明,该海域生态系统共包含299条能量流动路径,能量流动分布整体呈典型的金字塔结构,各功能群呼吸消耗和流入有机碎屑的能量保持同步性。通过与其他海域比较发现,江苏近海北部海域生态系统的连接指数(Connectance,C)和系统杂食指数(System Omnivory Index,SOI)分别为0.40和0.22,处于较高水平,表明该生态系统不同营养级间的营养联系较为紧密,食物网结构相对复杂,能够在较大程度上抵御外界扰动。总初级生产力/总呼吸(Total Primary Production/Total Respiration,TPP/TR)和Finn’s循环指数(Finn’s Cycling Index,FCI)分别为1.05和5.76%,表明该生态系统对能量利用效率较高。此外,约束效率(Constraint Efficiency,CE)、发展程度(Extent of Development,AC)、协同效应指数(Synergism Index,b/c)和主导间接效应(Dominance Indirect Effects,i/d)也表明该生态系统具有较高的系统发展程度、再生潜力和系统发展空间。本研究将有助于为江苏近海北部海域生态系统的修复和渔业资源的可持续利用提供理论基础,为实施基于生态系统的渔业管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

本文根据2004年长江口及其邻近海域生态调查数据,运用生态通道模型(Ecopath模型)构建生态系统能流网络,分析本区域生态系统营养结构及功能,并与1985—1986年研究数据进行对比,解析两个时期生态系统营养结构与功能的差异。研究结果显示,2004年长江口及其邻近海域生态系统营养级范围为1~4.34,相较于1985—1986年研究结果,底层无脊椎动物食性鱼类和头足类的营养级变动较大。牧食食物链占据主导地位,浮游植物在浮游动物和水母的能量来源中所占比例均在60%以上;碎屑食物链所占能流比为44%。系统总能流为6342.081 t·km–2·a–1。渔获物平均营养级下降,生态营养效率平均值较高,但是碎屑和浮游植物的生态营养效率却明显下降,碎屑趋于累积。生态系统统计量整体显示,长江口及邻近海域生态系统成熟度降低。  相似文献   

本研究根据2006—2007年在北部湾北部(107?51′04″~109o56′07″E;19?44′12″~21?27′46″N)我国领海一侧海域进行的4个季度的生物调查数据,运用Ecopath with Ecosim模型构建起北部湾北部生态系统食物网结构,并对该海域生态系统中的关键种进行了探索性筛选。研究结果表明北部湾北部生态系统的有效营养级范围在1.00~4.03之间,其中营养级最高的是软骨鱼类。以碎屑、浮游植物及细菌为起点,整个生态系统包括三条食物链。各功能组之间的混合营养效应值范围在–1.09到0.54之间,其中61.60%的功能组彼此间存在竞争关系,反映出北部湾北部生态系统中生物类群间存在较为复杂的竞争关系,除碎屑外各功能组自身内部存在捕食和生存空间的竞争压力。北部湾北部浮游动物中的关键物种是肥胖软箭虫(Flaccisagitta enflata),并且其也为整个生态系统中的关键种;鱼类中的关键种为二长棘鲷(Paerargyrops edita),其关键度指数排在整个生态系统的第4位;另外浮游植物在整个生态系统中也具有很高的关键度,其关键度排在整个生态系统中的第三位。本研究对该海域关键种的筛选对北部湾北部海域的营养动力学研究和渔业生产活动具有一定的理论研究和实践意义。  相似文献   

海域承载力是海洋资源利用协调发展的重要指标,本研究旨在根据胶州湾海域资源特征,基于DPSIR模型构建海域承载力评价指标体系,运用熵值法评价2000—2020年胶州湾海域承载力,并运用耦合协调度模型分析胶州湾海域承载力子系统内部的耦合协调度。结果表明,2000—2020年胶州湾海域承载力和耦合协调度变化幅度范围分别为0.70~0.95和0.73~0.85。研究结论如下:1)2000—2020年胶州湾海域承载力处于强可载、近满载状态,总体呈降低趋势;2)在压力层中的对海洋资源的需求是影响海域承载力的主要因素,而GDP (Gross Domestic Product)增长率、海洋渔船数和海洋渔船功率、人均滩涂面积和人均用海面积、主要海洋产业增加值年增长率、人工增殖放流则分别是影响驱动力层、压力层、状态层、影响层、响应层的主要因素;3)2000—2020年间胶州湾海域承载力整体耦合协调度总体呈“初级协调至良好协调”态势。  相似文献   

饵料生物在海洋生态系统中处于承上启下的关键地位,为准确评估东海中南部海域饵料生物的营养关系,基于2018年11月和2019年4月两个航次调查中收集的饵料生物的碳氮稳定同位素数据,对其营养生态位的季节变动特征及种间竞争关系进行了研究。结果表明:该海域饵料生物的碳氮稳定同位素比值跨度较大,海域整体食源多样性水平较高,营养结构较稳定;饵料生物δ13C和δ15N值存在明显的季节差异,春季饵料生物的营养级显著低于秋季;浮游动物的营养生态位在两个季节间未发生明显的偏移,但其他饵料生物的生态位的位置和重叠度发生了一定变化,这或许与饵料生物摄食选择的季节差异有关;鱼类、虾类和头足类的营养生态位在不同采样时期分别表现出不同的重叠和分化特征,证明了不同饵料生物对食物选择的差异性。相关研究结果可为类似海域生物营养生态位的研究提供参考,也可为东海海域渔业资源的可持续开发利用和生态环境的保护提供科学资料。  相似文献   

This article examines technical aspects of the maritime boundary dispute between Bangladesh and Myanmar (the ‘Bay of Bengal case’). This dispute was the first maritime delimitation determined by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS). The 2012 decision was also the first time that a maritime boundary for the seabed and subsoil of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and the extended continental shelf (ECS) was determined by international adjudication. This was also therefore the first time that detailed technical quantification of seabed areas within the EEZ and ECS was needed for achieving an equitable division of these maritime zones in an international forum. Following review of the principles of maritime delimitation on which the ITLOS reached its determination, this article analyzes the legal status and delimitation effect of St. Martin's Island. Concerning the question of whether the legal regimes of the EEZ and continental shelf should be treated differently in a single delimitation line, although the ITLOS determined that the legal regimes should not be distinguished in the present case, a different approach is proposed for future cases. The article identifies how quantitative modelling can be used to achieve an equitable boundary and proposes a model to adjust provisional equidistance lines in accordance with the complex geophysical rules prescribed for the outer limits of the ECS in Article 76 of the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention (LOSC).  相似文献   

于金星  庞云 《海洋测绘》2013,33(5):78-81
孟加拉湾划界案是国际海洋法法庭审理的第一起海洋划界案。法庭对盂加拉国与缅甸的领海、专属经济区及大陆架的划界纠纷进行了裁决。分析研究了该案中法庭对这种大陆架案件的管辖权、当事国双方对这一区域的权利主张以及法庭划界采用的法律与划界的方法(等距离/相关情况方法)。  相似文献   

Vertical distributions of phytoplankton biomass, compositions and size structure were investigated during the spring-intermonsoon (April 22 to 30) of 2010 along transact 10°N of the Bay of Bengal, northern Indian Ocean. Surface phytoplankton biomass (Chl a) was (0.065§0.009) μg/L, being greater than 80% of which was contributed by pico-phytoplankton (<3 μm). The Chl a concen- tration vertically increased to the maximal values at deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) layer that shoaled eastwards from 75 to 40 m. The Chl a biomass at DCM layer generally varied between 0.2 and 0.4 μg/L, reaching the maximum of 0.56 μg/L with micro-phytoplankton cells (>20 μm) accounting for 58% and nano- (3-20 μm) or pico-cells for 15% and 27%, respectively. In particular, the cells concentration coupling well with phosphate level was observed at middle layer (75-100 m) of 87° to 89°E, dominated by micro-cells diatoms (e.g., Chaetoceros atlanticus v. neapolitana, Chaetoceros femur and Pseudonitzschia sp.) and cyanobacteria (i.e., Trichodesmium hildebrandtii), with the cells concentration reached as high as 4.0×104 and 4.3×104 cells/L. At the rest of the trans- act however, dino°agellates (e.g., Amphisdinium carterae and Prorocentrum sp.) were the dominant species, with the cells concentration varying from 0.3×103 to 6.8×103 cells/L. Our results also in- dicate that the regulation of large cells (micro-, nano-) on phytoplankton biomass merely occurred at DCM layer of the Bay.  相似文献   

在冬季,孟加拉湾北部存在显著的季节性逆温现象。利用Argo浮标和锚碇浮标资料,分析了冬季孟加拉湾逆温现象的观测特征和维持机制。结果表明,系统性的逆温现象主要局限于15°N以北的区域,它最早于11月份出现在恒河、伊洛瓦底江和戈达瓦里河的河口区域。逆温的强度及分布区域在1月份达到最大,随后从西南部逐步退化,3月逆温现象基本消失。冬季的逆温层位于障碍层之中,厚度在35 m左右,最大海温位于40~60 m深度,整层满足静力稳定条件。对混合层温度和盐度的诊断表明,逆温的出现主要与冬季风导致的强烈海表热量损失有关,低盐水的平流过程也对逆温现象有一定的维持作用。  相似文献   

季页  杨洋  梁湘三 《海洋学报》2022,44(9):23-37
基于一套涡分辨模式数据,本文利用一种新的泛函工具—多尺度子空间变换—将孟加拉湾(BOB)海域的环流系统分解到背景流(>96 d)、中尺度(24~96 d)和高频尺度(<24 d)3个子空间,并用正则传输理论探讨了3个尺度子空间之间内在的非线性相互作用。结果表明,BOB西北部边界和斯里兰卡岛东部是BOB海域多尺度相互作用最显著的区域,中部则较弱。前两个区域的背景流大多正压、斜压不稳定,动能和有效位能正则传输主要表现为正向级串;后者则以逆尺度动能级串为主。具体来说,在BOB西北部与斯里兰卡东部,中尺度涡动能(EKE)主要来源于正压能量路径(即背景流动能向EKE传输),其次来源于斜压能量路径(即背景流有效位能向中尺度有效位能传输,并进一步转换为EKE)。通过这两个能量路径得到的EKE向更高频的扰动传输能量,起到了耗散中尺度涡的作用。不同于此二者,BOB中部海域的EKE和高频尺度动能主要通过斜压路径获得,随后通过逆尺度级串将动能返还给背景流。苏门答腊岛的西北部也是中尺度和高频尺度扰动较强的海域,正压能量路径和斜压能量路径均是该海域扰动能的来源,但以斜压能量路径为主。  相似文献   

Unusual temperature variations at subsurface depths were noticed while making continuous observations (for 13 h) on temperature, salinity and currents at a point in the vicinity of river Krishna in the western Bay of Bengal. Sharp temperature oscillations recorded at four different levels between 14 and 20·1 m had an average periodicity of about 1·6 h. Similar periodicities were also observed in the case of flow components. Computed Brunt-Vaisälä frequency, vertical shear and Richardson number showed remote possibilities of vertical mixing occurring in this area. These oscillations showed features of internal waves propagating with a speed of about 13·3 cm s−1 and wavelengths between 0·8 and 1·3 km and apparently generated as a result of flood current passing over a submarine obstacle in the presence of stratification.  相似文献   

基于1993—2017年从卫星高度计资料中识别出来的中尺度涡轨迹数据集,对冬、夏季孟加拉湾涡旋的源地和性质进行了研究。研究表明孟加拉湾西部、安达曼海和孟加拉湾通往赤道的出口处的中尺度涡旋活动呈现显著的季节性差异。安达曼海在冬、夏季从北往南中尺度涡旋分别以"反气旋涡-气旋涡-反气旋涡"和"气旋涡-反气旋涡-气旋涡"的格局分布。不同源区涡旋的季节性生长过程有明显差异。孟加拉湾西部的涡旋在夏季生长迅速但消散缓慢,斯里兰卡冷涡生长缓慢但消散迅速。不同源区涡旋半径和振幅大小有不同的特征。孟加拉湾西部,无论冬、夏季,反气旋涡的振幅、半径都比气旋涡大;夏季季风漂流区,气旋涡半径比反气旋涡小但是振幅比反气旋涡大;安达曼海内无论冬、夏季都是最北侧聚集区涡旋的半径和振幅最大。孟加拉湾内生命史为30~40 d的涡旋数量最多,生命史在100 d以上的涡旋主要分布在孟加拉湾西部。  相似文献   

Analysis of the multi-channel seismic reflection, magnetic and bathymetric data collected along a transect, 1110 km long parallel to 13° N latitude across the Bay of Bengal was made. The transect is from the continental shelf off Madras to the continental slope off Andaman Island in water depths of 525 m to 3350 m and across the Western Basin (bounded by foot of the continental slope of Madras and 85° E Ridge), the 85° E Ridge, the Central Basin (between the 85° E Ridge and the Ninetyeast Ridge), the Ninetyeast Ridge and the Sunda Arc. The study revealed eight seismic sequences, H1 to H8 of parallel continuous to discontinuous reflectors. Considering especially depth to the horizons, nature of reflection and on comparison with the published seismic reflection results of Currayet al. (1982), the early Eocene (P) and Miocene (M) unconformities and the base of the Quaternary sediments (Q) are identified on the seismic section. Marked changes in velocities also occur at their boundaries.In the Western Basin the acoustic basement deepening landward is inferred as a crystalline basement overlain by about 6.7 km of sediment. In the Central Basin possibly thicker sediments than in the Western Basin are estimated. The sediments in the Sunda Arc area are relatively thick and appears to have no distinct horizons. But the entire sedimentary section appears to be consisting of folded and possibly faulted layers.The comparatively broader wavelength magnetic anomalies of the Central Basin also indicate deeper depth of their origin. Very prominent double humped feature of the 85° E Ridge and broad basement swell of the Ninetyeast Ridge are buried under about 2.8 km thick sediments except over the prominent basement high near 92° E longitude. The positive structural relief of the buried 85° E Ridge in the area is reflected in magnetic signature of about 450 nT amplitude. Flexural bulge of the 85° E Ridge and subsidence of the Ninetyeast Ridge about 24 cm my–1 rate since early Eocene period have been inferred from the seismic sequence analysis.  相似文献   

Site U1446 (19°50’N, 85°44’E, at water depth 1 430 m) was drilled during Expedition 353 (Indian monsoon rainfall) of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP). It is located in the Mahanadi offshore basin, on the northern Bay of Bengal. Sedimentation rates and contents of biocarbonates are high at this relatively shallow site. Using a micropaleontological approach, we examined planktonic and benthic foraminifera in the upper around 40 m of this site, spanning the last around 190 ka. A striking feature of the foraminiferal record is the occurrence of strong but varying dissolution although the site is located well above the modern lysocline. Such strong dissolution has never been reported in this area. We estimated the flux of foraminifera and quantified the ratio of benthic foraminifera over total foraminifera (benthic/total foraminifera) along with the foraminifer fragmentation index in order to characterize past changes in this above-lysocline dissolution. This study reveals a clear glacial-interglacial contrast, with a stronger dissolution during marine isotope stages (MISs) 1 and 5 than during MISs 2–4 and 6. Such a difference in preservation is likely to have a strong impact on geochemical proxies measured on foraminifera. Our new observations call for an in-depth study of the causes of such above-lysocline dissolution in the region, and an evaluation of its impact on the foraminifera-based proxies used for paleoenvironmental reconstruction.  相似文献   

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