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Accurate assessment of stage–discharge relationships in open channel flows is important to the design and management of hydraulic structures and engineering. Flow junctions commonly occur at the confluence of natural rivers or streams. The effect of flow junctions on the stage–discharge relationship at mountain river confluences was found by measuring velocity fields and water levels in experimental models. The results show that the backwater and accumulation–separation at flow junctions affect the flow structures and patterns in the channel; also, flow confluences may induce complex flow characteristics of backwater and flow separation at river junctions, indicating potential submerged flooding disasters within the confluence zone. The impacts of flow junctions on the stage–discharge relationship are investigated for two physical confluence models built from river confluence prototype systems in southwest China. The results show that the presence of tributary river inflows tends to increase the water level of the main river. This is important for flood control, flood-risk evaluation and engineering (e.g. hydropower station construction) in mountain rivers. Finally, a comparative quantitative analysis based on flow motion equations is conducted to evaluate the stage–discharge relationship in both uniform and regular confluence systems. The results indicate that more accurate prediction can be made when taking into account the flow non-uniformity induced by flow separation, backwater and distorted bed in the junction region.  相似文献   

Confluences are important locations for river mixing within drainage networks, yet few studies have examined in detail the dynamics of mixing within confluences. This study examines the influence of momentum flux ratio, the scale of the flow (cross‐sectional area) and the density differences between incoming flows on thermal mixing at a small stream confluence. Results reveal that rates and patterns of thermal mixing depend on event‐specific combinations of the three factors. The mixing interface at this confluence is generally distorted towards the mouth of the lateral tributary by strong helical motion associated with curvature of flow from the lateral tributary as it aligns with the downstream channel. As the momentum flux from the lateral tributary increases, mixing is enhanced because helical motion from the curving tributary flow expands over the width of the downstream channel. The cross‐sectional area of the flow is negatively correlated with mixing rates, suggesting that the amount of mixing over a fixed distance downstream of the confluence is inversely related to the scale of the flow. Density differences are not strongly related to rates of mixing. Results confirm that mixing rates within the region of confluent flow interaction can be highly variable among flow events with different incoming flow conditions, but that, in general, length scales of mixing are short, and rates of mixing are high at this small confluence compared with those typically documented at large‐river confluences. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent field and modeling investigations have examined the fluvial dynamics of confluent meander bends where a straight tributary channel enters a meandering river at the apex of a bend with a 90° junction angle. Past work on confluences with asymmetrical and symmetrical planforms has shown that the angle of tributary entry has a strong influence on mutual deflection of confluent flows and the spatial extent of confluence hydrodynamic and morphodynamic features. This paper examines three‐dimensional flow structure and bed morphology for incoming flows with high and low momentum‐flux ratios at two large, natural confluent meander bends that have different tributary entry angles. At the high‐angle (90°) confluent meander bend, mutual deflection of converging flows abruptly turns fluid from the lateral tributary into the downstream channel and flow in the main river is deflected away from the outer bank of the bend by a bar that extends downstream of the junction corner along the inner bank of the tributary. Two counter‐rotating helical cells inherited from upstream flow curvature flank the mixing interface, which overlies a central pool. A large influx of sediment to the confluence from a meander cutoff immediately upstream has produced substantial morphologic change during large, tributary‐dominant discharge events, resulting in displacement of the pool inward and substantial erosion of the point bar in the main channel. In contrast, flow deflection is less pronounced at the low‐angle (36°) confluent meander bend, where the converging flows are nearly parallel to one another upon entering the confluence. A large helical cell imparted from upstream flow curvature in the main river occupies most of the downstream channel for prevailing low momentum‐flux ratio conditions and a weak counter‐rotating cell forms during infrequent tributary‐dominant flow events. Bed morphology remains relatively stable and does not exhibit extensive scour that often occurs at confluences with concordant beds. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Confluences with low discharge and momentum ratios, where narrow steep tributaries with high sediment load join a wide low‐gradient main channel that provides the main discharge, are often observed in high mountain regions such as in the upper‐Rhone river catchment in Switzerland. Few existing studies have examined the hydro‐morphodynamics of this type of river confluence while considering sediment discharge in both confluent channels. This paper presents the evolution of the bed morphology and hydrodynamics as observed in an experimental facility with a movable bed. For that purpose, one experiment was carried out in a laboratory confluence with low discharge and momentum ratios, where constant sediment rates were supplied to both flumes. During the experiment, bed topography and water surface elevations were systematically recorded. When the bed topography reached a steady state (so‐called equilibrium) and the outgoing sediment rate approximated the incoming rate, flow velocity was measured at 12 different points distributed throughout the confluence, and the grain size distribution of the bed surface was analyzed. Typical morphodynamic features of discordant confluences such as a bank‐attached bar and a flow deflection zone are identified in this study. Nevertheless, the presence of a marked scour hole in the discordant confluence and distinct flow regimes for the tributary and main channel, differ from results obtained in previous studies. Strong acceleration of the flow along the outer bank of the main channel is responsible for the scour hole. This erosion is facilitated by the sediment discharge into the confluence from the main channel which inhibits bed armoring in this region. The supercritical flow regime observed in the tributary is the hydrodynamic response to the imposed sediment rate in the tributary. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding flow structures in river confluences has largely been the product of interpretations made from measured flow velocity data. Here, we turn the attention to the investigation of the patterns of both the average and standard deviations of the micro‐topography of the water surface at an asymmetrical natural discordant confluence for different flow conditions. Water surface topography is measured using a total station to survey the position of a reflector mounted on a custom‐built raft. To limit error problems related to changes in the water level, measurements are taken and analysed by cross‐stream transects where five water surface profiles are taken before moving to the next transect. Three‐dimensional numerical simulations of the flow dynamics at the field site are used to examine predicted water surface topography for a steady‐state situation. The patterns are interpreted with respect to flow structure dynamics, visual observations of boils, and bed topography. Results indicate that coherent patterns emerge at the water surface of a discordant bed confluence for different flow conditions. The zone of stagnation and the mixing layer are characterized by super‐elevation, a lateral tilt is present at the edge of the mixing layer, and a zone of super‐elevation is present on the tributary side at the downstream junction corner. The latter seems associated with periodical upwelling and is not present in the numerical simulations that do not take into account instantaneous velocity fluctuations. Planform curvature, topographic steering related to the tributary mouth bar, and turbulent structures associated with the mixing layer all play a key role in the pattern of both the average and standard deviation of the water surface topography at confluences. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A field survey of thirty stream junctions from a small watershed, together with data collected by Miller (1958), allowed us to investigate morphometric adjustments occurring at confluences. The model proposed by Roy and Woldenberg (1986) was slightly modified and used as a tool for morphometric analysis. Two parameters are necessary in order to evaluate the rate of change in channel size at a confluence: the area ratio (channel capacity above the confluence: channel capacity below the confluence) and the discharge ratio (discharge of the minor tributary: discharge of the major tributary). Our data show that total channel capacity tends to decline below most confluences. A reduction in cross-sectional area implies an increase in average flow velocity. This interpretation is consistent with Lyell's observations and with results from recent flume experiments (Best and Reid, 1984).  相似文献   

Although river confluences have received geomorphic attention in recent years it is difficult to upscale these studies, so confluence‐dominated reaches are commonly presumed to be either: (1) braided; or (2) meandering and characterized by laterally migrating channels. If the geomorphology of a confluence zone is to be considered over longer timescales, changes in river style need to be taken into account. This paper uses a combination of remote sensing techniques (LiDAR, GPR, ER), borehole survey and chronometric dating to test this differentiation in the confluence‐zone of a medium‐sized, mixed‐load, temperate river system (Trent, UK), which on the basis of planform evidence appears to conform to the meandering model. However, the analysis of ‘confluence sediment body stratigraphy’ demonstrates that the confluence does not correspond with a simple meander migration model and chronostratigraphic data suggests it has undergone two major transformations. Firstly, from a high‐energy braid‐plain confluence in the Lateglacial (25–13 K yrs cal BP), to a lower‐energy braided confluence in the early to middle Holocene (early Holocene‐2.4 kyr BP), which created a compound terrace. Second, incision into this terrace, creating a single‐channel confluence (2.4–0.5 kyr cal BP) with a high sinuosity south bank tributary (the River Soar). The confluence sediment‐body stratigraphy is characterized by a basal suite of Late Pleistocene gravels bisected by younger channel fills, which grade into the intervening levee and overbank sediments. The best explanation for the confluence sediment body stratigraphy encountered is that frequent switching (soft‐avulsions sensu Edmonds et al., 2011) of the tributary are responsible for the downstream movement of the channel confluence (at an average rate of approximately 0.5 m per year) dissecting and reworking older braid‐plain sediments. The late Holocene evolution of the confluence can be seen as a variant of the incisional‐frequent channel reorganization (avulsion) model with sequential downstream migration of the reattachment point. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A survey of flows was conducted at a river confluence with coarse bed material. Bridges were installed on both tributaries, at the confluence and farther downstream on the receiving stream. At these stations, flow velocities were measured over a dense grid for seven conditions ranging from very low flows to the bankfull stage. Hydraulic geometry relationships established at all four stations revealed that flow is accelerated through the confluence as stage rises. At bankfull discharge, average velocity is 1.6 times higher at the confluence than on either tributary. Flow acceleration occurs at and above intermediate flow stages and is concentrated at the centre of a linear pool located at the confluence. The development of a zone of high shear stress is also associated with the cell of high flow velocity. Flow acceleration is dissipated at the exit of the pool where water surges over boulder ribs. The acceleration is not related to the development of flow separation zones as observed by Best and Reid (1984) for wide junction angles, nor is it explained by the reduction of the friction exerted by the banks. Acceleration is associated with the plan geometry of the confluence, with the lateral slopes which permit water to converge, and with a reduction in grain roughness at the confluence. Owing to the curvature of the tributary and to the acute angle of entry, relative power losses through the confluence decrease with increasing stages.  相似文献   

Numerous morphological changes can occur where two channels of distinct sediment and flow regimes meet, including abrupt shifts in channel slope, cross‐sectional area, planform style, and bed sediment size along the receiving channel. Along the Rio Chama between El Vado and Abiquiu Dams, northern New Mexico, arroyo tributaries intermittently deliver sediment from erodible sandstone and shale canyon walls to the mainstem channel. Much of the tributary activity occurs in flash floods and debris flows during summer thunderstorms, which often load the channel with sand and deposit coarser material at the mainstem confluence. In contrast, mainstem channel flow is dominated by snowmelt runoff. To examine tributary controls, we systematically collected cross‐section elevation and bed sediment data upstream and downstream of 26 tributary confluences along a 17 km reach. Data from 203 cross‐sections were used to build a one‐dimensional hydraulic model for comparing estimated channel parameters at bankfull and low‐flow conditions at these sites As compared to intermediate reaches, confluences primarily impact gradient and bed sediment size, reducing both parameters upstream of confluences and increasing them downstream. Cross‐section area is also slightly elevated above tributary confluences and reduced below. Major shifts in slope and bed sediment size at confluences appear to drive variations in sediment entrainment and transport capacity and the relative storage of sand along the channel bed. The data were analyzed and compared to models of channel organization based on lateral inputs, such as the Network Variance Model and the Sediment Link Concept. At a larger scale, hillslope ? channel coupling increases in the downstream third of the study reach, where the canyon narrows, resulting in steeper slopes and more continuous coarse bed material along the mainstem, and thus, limiting the contrast with tributary confluences. However, channel form and sediment characteristics are highly variable along the study reach, reflecting variations in the size and volume of sediment inputs related to the surface geology in tributary watersheds, morphology of the Rio Chama at the junction (i.e. bends, confinement), and the relative magnitude and location of past depositional events. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River confluences are characterized by a complex mixing zone with three-dimensional (3D) turbulent structures which have been described as both streamwise-oriented structures and Kelvin–Helmholtz (KH) vertical-oriented structures. The latter are visible where there is a turbidity difference between the two tributaries, whereas the former are usually derived from mean velocity measurements or numerical simulations. Few field studies recorded turbulent velocity fluctuations at high frequency to investigate these structures, particularly at medium-sized confluences where logistical constraints make it difficult to use devices such as acoustic doppler velocimeter (ADV). This study uses the ice cover present at the confluence of the Mitis and Neigette Rivers in Quebec (Canada) to obtain long-duration, fixed measurements along the mixing zone. The confluence is also characterized by a marked turbidity difference which allows to investigate the mixing zone dynamics from drone imagery during ice-free conditions. The aim of the study is to characterize and compare the flow structure in the mixing zone at a medium-sized (~40 m) river confluence with and without an ice cover. Detailed 3D turbulent velocity measurements were taken under the ice along the mixing plane with an ADV through eight holes at around 20 positions on the vertical. For ice-free conditions, drone imagery results indicate that large (KH) coherent structures are present, occupying up to 50% of the width of the parent channel. During winter, the ice cover affects velocity profiles by moving the highest velocities towards the centre of the profiles. Large turbulent structures are visible in both the streamwise and lateral velocity components. The strong correlation between these velocity components indicates that KH vortices are the dominating coherent structures in the mixing zone. A spatio-temporal conceptual model is presented to illustrate the main differences on the 3D flow structure at the river confluence with and without the ice cover. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper,the evolutions of flow pattern and sediment transportation at a 90° open-channel confluence with different discharge ratios (q*) of the tributary flow to the total flow were studied.The e...  相似文献   

A Bayesian Geostatistical Approach to evaluate unknown upstream flow hydrographs in multiple reach systems is implemented. The methodology was, firstly, tested through three synthetic examples of river confluences, that differ in the available data, boundary conditions and number of the estimated inflow time series. Input discharge hydrographs were routed downstream by means of the widely known HEC-RAS river analysis system to obtain the downstream stage hydrographs used as known observations for the reverse procedure. In almost all cases, the observed water levels were corrupted with random errors to highlight the reliability of the methodology in preventing instabilities and overfitting. Then the procedure was applied to the real case study of the Parma–Baganza river confluence located at the city of Parma (Italy) to assess the tributary Baganza River inflow hydrograph (supposed completely ungauged) using water level data collected downstream on the main reach. The results show that the methodology properly reproduces the unknown inflows even in presence of errors affecting the downstream water levels. The practical applicability of the proposed approach is also demonstrated in complex river systems.  相似文献   

The large confluence between the Yangtze River and the outflow channel of Poyang Lake is receiving attention due to its importance in flood control and ecological protection in the Yangtze River basin. There is a large floodplain along the outflow channel of Poyang Lake, which is submerged during high flow and dry during low flow. The effects of the submergence of this floodplain on sediment and morphological characteristics at this large confluence have not been known. Hence, a field investigation was done in March 2019 (relatively high flow, Survey 3) to complement the previous field studies done in August (high flow, Survey 1) and December 2018 (low flow, Survey 2) to identify the temporal variations of sediment and morphological characteristics considering the submergence of this large floodplain. The predominant sediment transport modes were wash load for Poyang Lake and confluence particles and mixed bedload/suspended load for the Yangtze River particles. The sediment transport processes were largely affected by both the secondary flows and the water density contrast between the tributaries with a lock-exchange sediment rich, denser flow moving across the inclined mixing interface in Surveys 1 and 2. The sediment flux across the mixing interface was weakened in Survey 3 when the density contrast was very small. The stagnation zone near the confluence apex had a low sediment concentration and played a role in preventing the sediment flux exchange between the two flows, and its size, and, thus, its importance as a barrier to sediment mixing were related to the submergence of the floodplain. The bed morphology with the local scour holes at the confluence was largely affected by the large-size helical cells, and this kind of effect was weakened as the secondary flows got restricted in Survey 3. The current results expand the database and knowledge on the sediment transport and morphological features of large river confluences.  相似文献   

Measurements of the primary and secondary velocity components were máde in two, active, braided river anabranch confluences with a simple Y-shaped plan form, in the gravelly Sunwapta River (D50 of approximately 30 mm). Flow velocity was measured at regularly-spaced intervals using a bidirectional electromagnetic current meter and the measured downstream and cross-stream velocities were converted to primary and secondary velocities to yield the secondary circulation. The primary (downstream) velocity field shows two high velocity streams from the two tributaries which merge (and, in some cases, accelerate) into a single high velocity core over the thalweg. Primary flow velocity declines as the flow expands and diverges at the downstream end of the confluence. The secondary circulation is dominated by two helical cells, back-to-back, plunging over the thalweg and diverging at the bed. This is the first confirmation of this flow structure in confluences, based on field measurements. The strength of the secondary cells declines downstream through each confluence, and laterally away from the thalweg area in cross-section. There is also a tendency for one cell, from the larger of the tributaries, to override the other. The secondary and primary flow structure and strength differs slightly between the two confluences and this is reflected in differences in scour hole form.  相似文献   

This paper is a discussion of Rhoads and Kenworthy (1998) ‘Time-averaged flow structure in the central region of a stream confluence’ Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 23 , 171–191, that focuses upon the methods used to identify secondary circulation in river channel confluences. It argues that the Rozovskii method that Rhoads and Kenworthy use to rotate their field data to allow identification of secondary circulation cells is flawed, and can result in misleading conclusions about the nature of flow processes in confluences. It recommends that there is a re-emphasis upon helical as opposed to secondary circulation, and that recent developments in both field monitoring and numerical modelling may help significantly in this respect. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Confluence–diffluence units are key elements within many river networks, having a major impact upon the routing of flow and sediment, and hence upon channel change. Although much progress has been made in understanding river confluences, and increasing attention is being paid to bifurcations and the important role of bifurcation asymmetry, most studies have been conducted in laboratory flumes or within small rivers with width:depth (aspect) ratios less than 50. This paper presents results of a field‐based study that details the bed morphology and 3D flow structure within a very large confluence–diffluence in the Río Paraná, Argentina, with a width:depth ratio of approximately 200. Flow within the confluence–diffluence is dominated largely by the bed roughness, in the form of sand dunes; coherent, channel‐scale, secondary flow cells, that have been identified as important aspects of the flow field within smaller channels, and assumed to be present within large rivers, are generally absent in this reach. This finding has profound implications for flow mixing rates, sediment transport rates and pathways, and thus the interpretation of confluence–diffluence morphology and sedimentology. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous process-oriented field studies of stream confluences have focused mainly on fluvial dynamics at or immediately downstream of the location where the confluent flows enter the downstream channel. This study examines in detail the spatial evolution of the time-averaged downstream velocity, cross-stream velocity, and temperature fields between the junction apex, where the flows initially meet, and the entrance to the downstream channel. A well-defined, vertically oriented mixing interface exists within this portion of the confluence, suggesting that lateral mixing of the incoming flows is limited. The downstream velocity field near the junction apex is characterized by two high-velocity cores separated by an intervening region of low-velocity or recirculating fluid. In the downstream direction, the high-velocity cores move inwards towards the mixing interface and high-velocity fluid progressively extends downwards into a zone of scour, resulting in an increase in flow velocity in the centre of the confluence. The cross-stream velocity field is dominated by flow convergence, but also includes a component associated with a consistent pattern of secondary circulation. This pattern is characterized by two surface-convergent helical cells, one on each side of the mixing interface. The helical cells appear to be the mechanism by which high-momentum fluid near the surface is advected downwards into the zone of scour. For transport-ineffective flows, the dimensions and intensities of the cells are controlled by the momentum ratio of the confluent streams and by the extant bed morphology within the confluence. Although the flow structure of formative events was not measured directly in this study, documented patterns of erosion and deposition within the central region of the confluence suggest that these events are dynamically similar to the measured flows, except for the fact that formative flows are not constrained by, but can reshape, the bed morphology. The results of this investigation are consistent with and augment previous findings on time-averaged flow structure in the downstream portion of the confluence. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rivers and streams are unstable environments in which estimation of energetic costs and benefits of habitat utilization are the daunting exercise. Empirical models of food consumption may be used to estimate energetic benefits based on abiotic and biotic conditions in patches of habitat. We performed thirty daily surveys of fish stomach contents to estimate the consumption rates for juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in a river. The data were used to assess whether variations of daily consumption rates existed within the river, and to develop empirical models that could predict fish consumption rates using abiotic and biotic conditions as independent variables. Daily consumption rates based on stomach content surveys in the field (range: 0.15–1.49 g dry/(100 g wet day)) varied significantly depending on habitat patch (500–1000 m2), summer period, and sampling year. Variables such as water temperature, numerical density of salmon, water depth and moon phase explained 83–93% of the variations in daily food consumption rates. Daily consumption rates tended to increase with water temperature and depth, and were also higher near a full moon. However, they tended to decrease with the numerical density of salmon. Our work suggests that empirical models based on independent variables that are relatively simple to estimate in the field may be developed to predict fish consumption rates in different habitat patches in a river.  相似文献   

Saltwater intrusion is a serious issue in estuarine deltas all over the world due to rapid urban sprawl and water shortage. Therefore, detecting the major flow paths or locations at risk of saltwater intrusion in estuarine ecosystems is important for mitigating saltwater intrusion. In this paper, we introduce a centrality index, the betweenness centrality (BC), to address this problem. Using the BC as the weighted attribute of the river network, we identify the critical confluences for saltwater intrusion and detect the preferential flow paths for saltwater intrusion through the least‐cost‐path algorithm from a graph theory approach. Moreover, we analyse the responses of the BC values of confluences calculated in the river network to salinity. Our results show that the major flow paths and critical confluences for saltwater intrusion in a deltaic river network can be represented by the least cost paths and the BC values of confluences, respectively. In addition, a significant positive correlation between the BC values of confluences and salinity is determined in the Pearl River Delta. Changes in the salinity can produce significant variation in the BC values of confluences. Therefore, freshwater can be diverted into these major flow paths and critical confluences to improve river network management under saltwater intrusion. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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