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The atmospheric and oceanic conditions are examined during different stages of the lifecycle of western North Pacific tropical cyclones (TCs), with the intention to understand how the environment affects the intensity change of TCs in this area. It is found that the intensification usually occurs when the underlying sea surface temperature (SST) is higher than 26℃. TCs usually experience a rapid intensification when the SST is higher than 27.5℃ while lower than 29.5℃. However, TCs decay or only maintain its intensity when the SST is lower than 26℃. The intensifying TCs usually experience a low-to-moderate vertical wind shear (2-10 ms-1 ). The larger the vertical wind shear, the slower the TCs strengthen. In addition, the convective available potential energy (CAPE) is much smaller in the developing stage than in the formation stage of TCs. For the rapidly intensifying TCs, the changes of SST, CAPE, and vertical wind shear are usually small, indicating that the rapid intensification of TCs occurs when the evolution of the environment is relatively slow.  相似文献   

李畅  姜霞  沈新勇 《山东气象》2021,41(4):62-72
利用印度气象局(India Meteorological Department,IMD)、国际气候管理最佳路径档案库(International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship,IBTrACS)提供的1982—2020年阿拉伯海热带气旋路径资料,美国国家环境预报中心(National Centers for Environmental Prediction,NCEP)再分析资料,对近39 a阿拉伯海热带气旋源地和路径特征、活跃区域、频数及气旋累积能量(accumulated cyclone energy,ACE)指数的季节特征和年际变化特征进行分析,并结合环境因素,说明其物理成因。结果表明:阿拉伯海热带气旋多发于10°~25°N,65°~75°E海域,5—6月、9—12月发生频数较高且强度较强,1—4月、7—8月发生频数较低且气旋近中心最大风速均小于35 kn;频数的季节变化主要受控于垂直风切变要素;阿拉伯海热带气旋发生频数和ACE近年有上升趋势,年际变化主要受控于海面温度(sea surface temperature,SST)和850 hPa相对湿度要素。  相似文献   

Boundary-layer wind structure in a landfalling tropical cyclone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, a slab boundary layer model with a constant depth is used to analyze the boundary-layer wind structure in a landfalling tropical cyclone. Asymmetry is found in both the tangential and radial components of horizontal wind in the tropical cyclone boundary layer at landfall. For a steady tropical cyclone on a straight coastline at landfall, the magnitude of the radial component is greater in the offshoreflow side and the tangential component is greater over the sea, slightly offshore, therefore the greater total wind speed occurs in the offshore-flow side over the sea. The budget analysis suggests that: (1) a greater surface friction over land produces a greater inflow and the nonlinear effect advects the maximum inflow downstream, and (2) a smaller surface friction over the sea makes the decrease of the tangential wind component less than that over land. Moreover, the boundary layer wind structures in a tropical cyclone are related to the locations of the tropical cyclone relative to the coastline due to the different surface frictions. During tropical cyclone landfall, the impact of rough terrain on the cyclone increases, so the magnitude of the radial component of wind speed increases in the offshore-flow side and the tangential component outside the radius of maximum wind speed decreases gradually.  相似文献   

现阶段使用的热带气旋潜在生成指数(Genesis Potential Index,GPI)在气候场的空间分布上能很好地拟合热带气旋的生成情况,但在热带气旋的年际变化拟合上效果很差。本研究考虑了相对涡度在热带气旋年际变化拟合上的重要作用,并以此为出发点,尝试改善GPI在西北太平洋地区的拟合效果。基于对1979—2011年美国联合飓风警报中心提供的热带气旋最佳路径数据和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料数据集的研究,将之前GPI中的绝对涡度项替换为修正过的相对涡度项。科氏力项仍然保留;将南海(100°~120°E,5°~25°N)与西北太平洋地区(120°~180°E,5°~40°N)热带气旋生成的差异性也纳入了考量,并在这两个区域分别构建GPI公式,改善了对热带气旋生成的气候分布模拟。除此之外,较之已存的GPI指数,改进后的GPI还很大程度提高了GPI对热带气旋生成年际变化的拟合效果,特别是对弱热带气旋年际变化的拟合效果有了显著提升。  相似文献   

副热带高压对登陆台风影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国登陆台风多发于夏季,尤其对于登陆后继续北上深入内陆的热带气旋,逐渐与其所处的中纬度环境场发生相互作用,强度衰减缓慢甚至再次发展,且伴随有台风动力、热力结构的转变(ET过程).同时,夏季多伴有副热带高压的活跃与西伸趋势,然而该系统与台风之间相互作用的物理机制仍不十分清楚,这已成为提高台风预报能力的主要障碍之一.文中选取1997年第11号台风"温妮"为研究个例,通过中尺度模式MM5模拟再现了该台风登陆后经历初期减弱、变性及变性后再次发展的演变过程.采用Davis等提出的片段位涡反演方法,改变模式积分初始时刻台风东部副热带高压强度,通过数值模拟与诊断分析的方法,深入研究不同强度副热带高压系统对台风陆上维持、变性和发展的影响.研究表明,副热带高压强度的加强加快了台风中心的北移速度,冷空气提前下沉入侵台风中心,加快台风的变性,配合暖气团的强迫抬升激发强烈的对流层中高层锋生,台风变性后冉次加强幅度增大.副热带高压强度的改变直接影响台风中心上空高空形势,而后者与台风强度的变化有较好的相关性.  相似文献   

针对热带气旋(tropical cyclone,TC)闪电已有研究,首先从闪电活动分布特征、眼壁闪电爆发对TC强度和路径的指示、外雨带闪电活动与雨带对流结构的关系三个方面进行了总结;其次从动力一微物理方面对TC闪电的形成原因和特征机理进行了梳理;最后提出当前研究中存在的两个关键问题,并对后续研究内容进行了展望。基于地基和空基相结合的综合闪电探测得到的闪电属性特征参量,有望建立一个明确的、具有代表性的闪电活动一TC强度变化关系。利用沿海地区架设的三维闪电定位系统结合地基双偏振霄达,针对登陆台风强对流过程开展的综合观测研究,将有助于推进闪电观测资料在台风中小尺度强对流监测、预警和资料同化中的应用。  相似文献   

利用中国气象局上海台风研究所整编的1949—2019年热带气旋数据,统计分析近71 a影响黑龙江省的热带气旋发生时间、频率、强度、移动路径等特征。结果表明:近71 a影响黑龙江的热带气旋共有77个,平均1.08个·a-1,其中有28 a没有热带气旋影响黑龙江;近10 a是黑龙江受热带气旋影响的活跃期,西北太平洋生成的热带气旋频数与影响黑龙江的频数没有直接相关关系,出现El Ni1o或La Ni1a现象时对影响黑龙江的热带气旋起抑制作用;热带气旋影响黑龙江最早出现在5月,最晚出现在9月,8月出现频率最高,“七下八中下”是每年的活跃阶段;在强度上,影响黑龙江的超强台风居多,但近年趋于减少,更多低级别的热带气旋可维持较长生命史北上产生影响;牡丹江市为黑龙江最易受热带气旋影响的地区;按移动路径可将影响黑龙江的热带气旋分为两类,分别为北上热带气旋和偏东路径热带气旋,其中北上热带气旋又可进一步分为七类,其中经朝鲜半岛东转向出现的频次最多,但对黑龙江影响相对较小;经朝鲜半岛北上和高纬东转向更容易给黑龙江带来严重的风雨影响。  相似文献   

Sensitivity of the warm core of tropical cyclones to solar radiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To investigate the impacts of solar radiation on tropical cyclone (TC) warm-core structure (i.e., the magnitude and height), a pair of idealized simulations are conducted by specifying different strengths of solar shortwave radiation. It is found that the TC warm core is highly sensitive to the shortwave radiative effect. For the nighttime storm, a tendency for a more intense warm core is found, with an elevated height compared to its daytime counterpart. As pointed out by previous studies, the radiative cooling during nighttime destabilizes the local and large-scale environment and thus promotes deep moist convection, which enhances the TC's intensity. Due to the different inertial stabilities, the diabatic heating in the eyewall will force different secondary circulations. For a strong TC with a deeper vertical structure, this promotes a thin upper-level inflow layer. This inflow carries the lower stratospheric air with high potential temperature and descends adiabatically in the eye, resulting in significant upper-level warming. The Sawyer-Eliassen diagnosis further confirms that the height of the maximum temperature anomaly is likely attributable to the balance among the forced secondary circulations.  相似文献   

Influences of Tropical Cyclones on China During 1965-2004   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) and China Meteorological Administration (CMA) tropical cyclone track datasets, variations in frequency and intensity of the affecting-China tropical cyclones (ACTCs) are studied for the period of 1965-2004. First, the differences between the two tropical cyclone datasets are examined. The annual frequencies of tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific basin are reasonably consistent to each other, while the intensity records are less reliable. The annual numbers of ACTCs based on different datasets are close to each other with similar interdecadal and interannual variations. However, the maximum intensity and the annual frequency of ACTCs for strong categories show great dependence on datasets. Tropical cyclone impacts on China show the same variations as the annual number of ACTCs and also show dependence on datasets. Differences in tropical cyclone impacts on China are mainly caused by datasets used. The annual frequency of ACTCs, especially the length of lifetime of ones that make landfall, and the intensity estimates all have effects on the value of impacts on China.  相似文献   


利用客观分离方法及其改进方案提取得到热带气旋(TC)降水量,统计1965—2013年TC衰减成为热带低压后24 h内发生暴雨的个例,研究其气候变化特征,并进行天气学分型。结果表明:广西东部、广东、福建南部是TC衰减后24 h内产生区域性暴雨(简称WTCR24)量的主要分布区;49 a来WTCR24频次具有缓慢减少的趋势,且WTCR24频次与TC频次具有较好的相关性;北部高压坝、鞍型场、并入高空槽3类环流型中,TC是否越过副热带高压脊线、副热带高压是否减弱是降水预报的转折点;较弱的TC何时并入较强的TC环流,是双台风型WTCR24发生的关键。


High-frequency oscillations, with periods of about 2 hours, are first identified by applying wavelet analysis to observed minutely wind speeds around the eye and eyewall of tropical cyclones(TCs). Analysis of a model simulation of Typhoon Hagupit(2008) shows that the oscillations also occur in the TC intensity, vertical motion, convergence activity and air density around the eyewall. Sequences of oscillations in these variables follow a certain order.  相似文献   

Forecasts of the intensity and quantitative precipitation of tropical cyclones(TCs) are generally inaccurate, because the strength and structure of a TC show a complicated spatiotemporal pattern and are affected by various factors. Among these, asymmetric convection plays an important role. This study investigates the asymmetric distribution of convection in TCs over the western North Pacific during the period 2005–2012, based on data obtained from the Feng Yun 2(FY2)geostationary satellite. The asymmetric distributions of the incidence, intensity and morphology of convections are analyzed.Results show that the PDFs of the convection occurrence curve to the azimuth are sinusoidal. The rear-left quadrant relative to TC motion shows the highest occurrence rate of convection, while the front-right quadrant has the lowest. In terms of intensity, weak convections are favored in the front-left of a TC at large distances, whereas strong convections are more likely to appear to the rear-right of a TC within a 300 km range. More than 70% of all MCSs examined here are elongated systems, and meso-β enlongated convective systems(MβECSs) are the most dominant type observed in the outer region of a TC. Smaller MCSs tend to be more concentrated near the center of a TC. While semi-circular MCSs [MβCCSs, MCCs(mesoscale convective complexes)] show a high incidence rate to the rear of a TC, elongated MCSs [MβECSs, PECSs(persistent elongated convective systems)] are more likely to appear in the rear-right quadrant of a TC within a range of 400 km.  相似文献   

Previous work showed that some tropical cyclones(TCs) in the western Pacific Ocean undergo sudden track reversal, and the onset, maintenance and decay of blocking highs(BHs) coexisted with 19 of the studied TCs with sudden track reversal.In these cases, the phase relations between the BH, the continental high(CH), the subtropical high(SH) and the suddenly reversed TCs could be classified into types A, B, C and D. Types C and D were the focal point of this follow-up study, in which Typhoon Pabuk(2007) and Lupit(2009) were employed to conduct numerical simulations.The results showed that the reversed tracks of Pabuk(2007) and Lupit(2009) could have been affected by the BH,particularly in terms of the turning location and the trend of movement after turning. Specifically, the two main features for Pabuk(2007) in the BH perturbations were the deflection of its turning point and a distinct anticlockwise rotation. Lupit(2009) deviated to the southwest and finally made landfall in the Philippines, or experienced further eastward movement,in the perturbed BH. The impact mechanisms can be attributed to the change in the vorticity field transported from the BH, leading to an intensity variation of midlatitude systems. BHs may have a positive feedback effect on the strength of the westerly trough(TR), as indicated by a weakened and strengthened TR corresponding to negative and positive BH perturbations, respectively.  相似文献   

重点围绕登陆热带气旋(LTC)降水预报研究进行了回顾和总结,指出针对LTC降水有三类预报技术:动力模式、统计方法和动力-统计结合的预报方法。以数值天气预报(NWP)模式为代表的预报技术对LTC降水的预报能力仍然非常有限。改进NWP模式预报误差的途径主要有两条:一是发展NWP模式;二是发展动力-统计结合的方法。分析表明,动力-统计相似预报是一项很有潜力的技术;针对现有研究中的不足,开展LTC降水动力-统计相似预报研究,探索减小数值模式LTC降水预报误差的有效方法,将是一个充满希望的研究领域和方向。  相似文献   

A relocation procedure to initialize tropical cyclones was developed to improve the representation of the initial conditions and the track forecast for Panasonic Weather Solutions Tropical Operational Forecasts. This scheme separates the vortex perturbation and environment field from the first guess, then relocates the initial vortex perturbations to Lhe observed position by merging them with the environment field. The relationships of wind vector components with stream function and velocity potential are used for separating the vortex disturbance from first guess. For the separation of scalars, a low-pass Barnes filter is employed. The irregular-shaped relocation area corresponding to the specific initial conditions is determined by mapping the edge of the vortex radius in 36 directions.Then, the non-vortex perturbations in the relocation area are removed by a two-pass Barnes filter to retain the vortex perturbations, while the variable fields outside the perimeter of the modified vortex are kept ide.ntical to the original first guess. The potential impacts of this scheme on track forecasts were examined for three hurricane cases in the 2011-12 hurricane season. The experimental results demonstrate that the initialization scheme is able to effectively separate the vortex field from the environment field and maintain a relatively balanced and accurate relocated first guess. As the initial track error is reduced, the following track forecasts are considerably improved. The 72-h average track forecast error was redu,~ed by 32.6% for the cold-start cases, and by 38.4% when using the full-cycling data assimilation because of the accumulatedL improvements from the initialization scheme.  相似文献   

This study investigated the simulations of three months of seasonal tropical cyclone (TC) activity over the western North Pacific using the Advanced Research WRF Model. In the control experiment (CTL), the TC frequency was considerably overestimated. Additionally, the tracks of some TCs tended to have larger radii of curvature and were shifted eastward. The large-scale environments of westerly monsoon flows and subtropical Pacific highs were unreasonably simulated. The overestimated frequency of TC formation was attributed to a strengthened westerly wind field in the southern quadrants of the TC center. In comparison with the experiment with the spectral nudging method, the strengthened wind speed was mainly modulated by large-scale flow that was greater than approximately 1000 km in the model domain. The spurious formation and undesirable tracks of TCs in the CTL were considerably improved by reproducing realistic large-scale atmospheric monsoon circulation with substantial adjustment between large-scale flow in the model domain and large-scale boundary forcing modified by the spectral nudging method. The realistic monsoon circulation took a vital role in simulating realistic TCs. It revealed that, in the downscaling from large-scale fields for regional climate simulations, scale interaction between model-generated regional features and forced large-scale fields should be considered, and spectral nudging is a desirable method in the downscaling method.  相似文献   

2006年7—9月西北太平洋热带气旋季节活动的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用NCEP(National Centers for Environmental Prediction)提供的1°×1°的FNL(final)资料和中尺度WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式,研究了热带气旋(tropical cyclone,简记TC)动力季节预报的可能性,通过在27km的粗网格中运用张弛逼近(Nudging)技术,对2006年7-9月西北太平洋TC活动进行了92d的连续数值积分。与观测结果比较表明,WRF模式不仅较好地模拟了MJO(Madden-Julian oscillation)和准双周振荡的活动情况,而且模拟的TC频数、移动路径和强度都与实际观测结果比较接近。在嵌套的9km网格中,不仅模拟出眼墙、暖心等TC结构的主要特征和TC的西行盛行路径及登陆活动情况,而且所模拟的生成过程包括早期研究中提出的TC生成过程中的两次快速发展的过程。模拟的TC初始涡旋主要出现在季风槽中,伴随准双周振荡活动,它的第一次发展在初始涡旋中心形成强烈的对流区;经过一段时间的减弱后,在有利的大尺度形势下,涡旋中心湿水汽层迅速增厚,导致气旋的第二次强烈发展。  相似文献   

热带气旋(TC)快速增强(RI)对我国影响大且预报难度较大,在常规观测资料稀少的海洋上,卫星探测技术的发展,提供了更多的RI TC内部结构变化的有效信息,能够帮助人们进一步认识TC强度的变化规律.文中总结了静止轨道及极地轨道卫星上搭载的可见/红外扫描仪、微波成像仪、降水测量雷达、风场测量仪器、闪电成像仪和云雷达资料在TC RI中的应用以及存在的问题,指出发展小卫星星座及静止轨道微波探测,加强RI TC内部的降水、云微物理和风场等重要信息的时间演变分析,并结合数值模拟进一步研究TC RI的物理机制将是未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

王科  吴立广 《气象科学》2019,39(3):285-294
本文利用中尺度WRF模式,通过构造3个位于不同高度上强度相同的初始涡旋暖心中心(分别称为Low试验、Mid试验和High试验),认识暖心垂直结构对热带气旋发展的影响。理想数值试验发现,在积分6 h后在Low试验和Mid试验中最大风速半径开始收缩,眼墙内对流发展,高层暖心发展明显比High试验强,强度增加明显快于High试验,达到快速增强的标准。进一步诊断发现,暖心偏低的试验中初始CAPE值较大,低层风垂直切变较强,有利于眼墙内对流发展,非绝热加热在高层暖心形成过程中起重要作用,最大风速半径收缩比High试验快,热带气旋强度快速增加。本研究清楚表明,数值预报模式中构造初始涡旋的暖心高度对模拟热带气旋的强度发展有重要影响。  相似文献   

Unusual sea surface temperature (SST) warming occurred over the Yellow Sea (YS) in December 2004. To identify the causes of the abnormal SST warming, we conducted an analysis on atmospheric circulation anomalies induced by tropical cyclones (TCs) and their impacts on upper ocean characteristics using multiple datasets. With the analysis of various datasets, we explored a new aspect of the relationship between TC activity and SST. The results show that there is a significant link between TC activity over the Northwest Pacific (NWP) and SST in the YS. The integrated effect of consecutive TCs activity induces a large-scale atmospheric cyclonic circulation anomaly over the NWP and consequently anomalous easterly winds over the YS and East China Sea. The mechanism of the unusually warm SST in the YS can be explained by considering TCs acting as an important source of Ekman heat transport that results in substantial intrusion of relatively warm surface water into the YS interior. Furthermore, TC-related circulation anomalies contribute to the retention of the resulting warm SST anomalies in the entire YS.  相似文献   

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