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We studied changes in thermodynamic parameters of the chromosphere at the initial stage of the two-ribbon solar flare accompanied by a surge that occurred on September 4, 1990. The inhomogeneous semiempirical models of the flare chromosphere and surge are constructed for four observation moments. The spectra were obtained with the ATsU-26 horizontal solar telescope of the Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Terskol Peak). Photometric transections of the spectra passed through two bright kernels of one of the flare ribbons and through the surge. The comparison of the observed profiles of the line Hα in the solar active and quiet-Sun regions reveals the substantial emission in the line wings (up to 1–1.2 nm) with a residual intensity of 0.6–0.77 at the center of the line profiles. Calculations within the two-component models of the chromosphere have shown that this may be the evidence of the existence of the details (unresolved by the telescope and occupying 5–12% of the total area) with a deep heating of the chromosphere layers. A strong asymmetry of the line profiles and the shift with respect to the line profile for the quiet-Sun region are explained by peculiarities of the line-of-sight velocity distribution over the height. It is found that the motion is directed to the observer in the upper chromosphere (10–30 km/s) and from the observer in the lower chromosphere (5–20 km/s) for the larger part of the active region under study. According to the models calculated for the surge, the line-of-sight velocities reach a value of 70 km/s.  相似文献   

Propagation of flare protons in the solar atmosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The velocity dispersion for a large number of solar proton events is analyzed in the energy regime of 10–60 MeV. It is found for all events that the time from the flare to particle maximum t m is well represented by a sum of two components. The first component which is energy independent describes the propagation in the solar atmosphere, the second component describes the propagation in the interplanetary medium giving a velocity dispersion v × t m = const. The additional study of time intensity profiles, onset times, and multispaceprobe observations reveals that the propagation in the solar atmosphere consists of three processes: (1) A rapid transport process in the initial ( 1 h) phase after the event fills up a fast propagation region (FPR), which may extend up to 60° from the flare site and which is tentatively identified with a large unipolar magnetic cell as seen on H synoptic charts, (2) a large-scale drift process which is energy independent with drift velocities v D in the range 1° v D 4°h-1, and simultaneously (3) a diffusion process which yields the general broadening of the intensity time profiles for eastern hemisphere events, which is, however, of less importance than previously assumed.  相似文献   

We report an unusual case of a two-ribbon flare associated with an umbral brightening in a magnetically unipolar region.  相似文献   

Horizontal motion has been studied of the matter along the active region at different heights of the photosphere (115–580 km) in the initial phase of the two-ribbon solar flare on September 4, 1990, near the solar limb, accompanied by the ejection. Photospheric velocities varied in the range −3.5 ... 2.5 km/s. The direction of motion in the photosphere and the chromosphere was mainly toward the observer. Kinematic elements have been discovered in the structure of the horizontal velocity field. Their size reduced as they approached the maximum of the flare from 7–12 to 4–5 Mm, and the velocity amplitude decreased. Throughout the whole investigated active region, vortex motions were observed in the photosphere and chromosphere. Temporal changes in the horizontal velocity field in node areas and in their vicinity were oscillatory in nature and occurred almost simultaneously along the entire height of the photosphere.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the initial phase of chromospheric evaporation during a solar flare observed with instruments on the Solar Maximum Mission on May 21, 1980 at 20:53 UT. Images of the flaring region taken with the Hard X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer in the energy bands from 3.5 to 8 keV and from 16 to 30 keV show that early in the event both the soft and hard X-ray emissions are localized near the footpoints, while they are weaker from the rest of the flaring loop system. This implies that there is no evidence for heating taking place at the top of the loops, but energy is deposited mainly at their base. The spectral analysis of the soft X-ray emission detected with the Bent Crystal Spectrometer evidences an initial phase of the flare, before the impulsive increase in hard X-ray emission, during which most of the thermal plasma at 107 K was moving toward the observer with a mean velocity of about 80 km s-1. At this time the plasma was highly turbulent. In a second phase, in coincidence with the impulsive rise in hard X-ray emission during the major burst, high-velocity (370 km s-1) upward motions were observed. At this time, soft X-rays were still predominantly emitted near the loop footpoints. The energy deposition in the chromosphere by electrons accelerated in the flare region to energies above 25 keV, at the onset of the high-velocity upflows, was of the order of 4 × 1010 erg s-1 cm-2. These observations provide further support for interpreting the plasma upflows as the mechanism responsible for the formation of the soft X-ray flare, identified with chromospheric evaporation. Early in the flare soft X-rays are mainly from evaporating material close to the footpoints, while the magnetically confined coronal region is at lower density. The site where upflows originate is identified with the base of the loop system. Moreover, we can conclude that evaporation occurred in two regimes: an initial slow evaporation, observed as a motion of most of the thermal plasma, followed by a high-speed evaporation lasting as long as the soft X-ray emission of the flare was increasing, that is as long as plasma accumulation was observed in corona.  相似文献   

Starting with the quasi-linear equation of the distribution function of particles in a regular electric field, a combined diffusion coefficient in the momentum space conbining the effects of the regular field and a turbulent field is obtained and a combined mechanism of acceleration by the regular and turbulent fields in the neutral sheet of solar proton flares is proposed. It is shown by calculation that conditions in solar proton flares are such that the charged particles can be effectively accelerated to tens of MeV, even ~1 GeV. It is shown that the combined acceleration by a regular electric field and ion-acoustic turbulence pumps the protons and other heavy ions into ranges of energy where they can be accelerated by Langmuir turbulence. By considering the combined acceleration by Langmuir turbulence and the regular electric field, the observed spectrum of energetic protons and the power-law spectrum of energetic electrons can be reproduced.  相似文献   

A theory of two-ribbon solar flares is presented which identifies the primary energy release site with the tops of the flare loops. The flare loops are formed by magnetic reconnection of a locally opened field configuration produced by the eruption of a pre-flare filament. Such eruptions are commonly observed about 15 min prior to the flare itself. It is proposed that the flare loops represent the primary energy release site even during the earliest phase of the flare, i.e., the flare loops are in fact the flare itself.Based upon the supposition that the energy release at the loop tops is in the form of Joulean dissipation of magnetic energy at the rising reconnection site, a quantitative model of the energy release process is developed based upon an analytic reconnecting magnetic field geometry believed to represent the basic process. Predicted curves of energy density vs time are compared with X-ray observations taken aboard Skylab for the events of 29 July, 13 August, and 21 August in 1973. Considering the crudity of the model, the comparisons appear reasonable. The predicted field strengths necessary to produce the observed energy density curves are also reasonable, being in the range 100–1000 G.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The flare of 12 November 1980, 0250 UT, in Active Region 2779 (NOAA classification) was studied by using X-ray images obtained with the Hard X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer aboard NASA's Solar Maximum Mission. In a ten-minute period, between about 0244 and 0254 UT, some five short-lived impulsive bursts occurred. We found that the so-called hard bursts ( 15 keV) are also detectable in low energy images. During that 10 min period - the impulsive phase - the heat input into the flare and the total number of energetic electrons increased practically exponentially, to reach their maximum values at 0254 UT. At the end of that period, when the thermal energy content of the flare was largest, a burst was observed, for the first time, to spread in a broad southern direction from an initially small area with a speed of about 50 km s–1. We have called this phenomenon a coronal explosion.Fokker Aircraft Industries, Schiphol, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

A study of the properties of the cosmic radiation of energy - 10 MeV generated by solar flares is reported. Data from four Pioneer spacecraft in interplanetary orbits, and separated by 180° in heliocentric longitude are employed. Attention is restricted to the properties evident at times in excess of 1 day after the occurrence of the parent flare. The anisotropic character of the radiation; the gradients in heliocentric longitude; the decay time constants; and the energy spectra of the radiation are all studied in detail.It is found that the equilibrium anisotropy assumes a direction - 45° E of the satellite-Sun line at very late times. It is suggested that the anisotropy at such times is parallel to E × B. This observation confirms that convection is the determining process in the escape of the solar cosmic rays from the solar system. It indicates that a positive radial gradient of solar cosmic radiation density has builtup at orbit of Earth some 4 days after a flare. This results in an effective convective velocity of approximately 1/2 the solar wind velocity. Direct measurements indicate the presence of strong gradients in heliocentric longitude even at very late times ( 4 days). These gradients are essentially invariant with respect to time, e-folding angles of n - 30° have been observed at - 10 MeV. The presence of these gradients has a major effect on the temporal variation of the cosmic ray flux during the decay phase of the flare effect. Thus, the observed decay time constant is either increased or decreased relative to the convective value depending on the position of the observer relative to the centroid of the cosmic ray population injected by the flare. The effect of the gradient becomes more pronounced at lower energies, and may even exceed the convective removal rate. The observed decay time constant, the characteristics of the anisotropy, and the gradient in longitude are shown to be inter-related as demanded by theory. It is shown that the exponent of the cosmic ray spectrum is dependent on the location of the observer relative to the centroid of the cosmic ray population injected by the parent flare. At a given point in the frame of reference of the cosmic ray population, the spectral exponent is invariant with time.Now at CSIRO, G.P.O. Box 124, Port Melbourne, Victoria 3207, Australia.On leave from Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India.  相似文献   

A study is made of the relative importance of the various energy loss mechanisms for the long-decay event of 7 September, 1973, using spectral scans in the 400 Å–1335 Å range. This spectral range contains many of the important electron density and temperature diagnostic line ratios for the solar transition zone. We refine earlier analyses of the flare energy budget using more detailed emission measure curves and density diagnostics. We examine the constant pressure assumptions used in both coronal loop models and in the interpretation of observations in terms of flare energetics. We find that much of the upper transition region emission originates in cooling loops. Radiative losses are found to dominate.  相似文献   

We present a report on the strong X5.3 solar flare which occurred on 25 August 2001, producing high-level γ-ray activity, nuclear lines and a dramatic long-duration white-light continuum. The bulk of millimeter radio fluxes reached a peak of ∼100 000 solar flux units at 89.4 GHz, and a few thousands of solar flux units were detected in the submillimeter range during the impulsive phase. In this paper we focus on and discuss (i) the implications inferred from high frequency radio observations during the impulsive phase; (ii) the dynamics of the low corona active region during the impulsive phase. In particular we found that 4–5 × 1036 accelerated (>20 keV) electrons s−1 radiating in a 1000–1100 G region, are needed to explain the millimeter to submillimeter-wave emissions. We present evidence that the magnetic field in the active region was very dynamic, and that strong non-thermal processes were triggered by the appearance of new, compact, low-lying (few thousand kilometers) loop systems, suggesting the acceleration site(s) were also located in the low solar atmosphere.  相似文献   

We propose that when all sources on the solar disc are taken into account, the S component at 10.7 cm wavelength is dominated by thermal free-free (bremsstrahlung) emission. It is not produced only in the vicinity of sunspots; more than 60% of the total flux may be due to a widely-distributed emission associated with the hot complexes of activity. Using a model for the solar atmosphere based upon an assumption of weak (or vertical) magnetic fields, the spectrum of the S-component is calculated and its sensitivity to changes in the model parameters investigated. Variation of the thicknesses of the chromosphere, transition region and mixed zone cause only small changes in the S-component spectrum; there is a much stronger dependence upon the plasma density, particularly at the base of the corona. The behaviour of the S-component at 10.7 cm wavelength is examined in more detail. We find that the largest contribution to the 10.7 cm flux originates in the low corona, that structural changes affect it only slightly, but that it is strongly density-related. This dependence upon few quantities, together with its relative localization in the low corona, contributes to the usefulness of the 10.7 cm flux as an index of solar activity.Summer Student Worker, 1988.  相似文献   

The evolution of the energy distributions of fast flare electrons injected towards the chromosphere are computed by the Monte Carlo method for different depths. Using these distributions, power law bremsstrahlung spectra having spectral indices increasing with photon energies are obtained.  相似文献   

The flare of 11 November, 1980, 1725 UT occurred in a magnetically complex region. It was preceded by some ten minutes by a gradual flare originating over the magnetic inversion line, close to a small sunspot. This seems to have triggered the main flare (at 70 000 km distance) which originated between a large sunspot and the inversion line. The main flare started at 172320 UT with a slight enhancement of hard X-rays (E > 30 keV) accompanied by the formation of a dark loop between two H bright ribbons. In 3–8 keV X-rays a southward expansion started at the same time, with - 500 km s –1. At the same time a surge-like expansion started. It was observable slightly later in H, with southward velocities of 200 km s–1. The dark H loop dissolved at 1724 UT at which time several impulsive phenomena started such as a complex of hard X-ray bursts localized in a small area. At the end of the impulsive phase at 172540 UT, a coronal explosion occurred directed southward with an initial expansion velocity of 1800 km s–1, decreasing in 40 s to 500 km s–1.Now at Fokker Aircraft Industries, Schiphol, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

An observation carried out with a balloon-borne detector of an additional flux of secondary X-rays (E 30 keV) at large depths in the atmosphere is described. This excess is attributed to the emission of very hard X-rays during the solar flare of August 7, 1972. The propagation in the atmosphere of the secondary photons resulting from their electromagnetic interactions in the air is computed by utilizing the Monte Carlo method. The computations agree with the observed flux when a very hard solar X-ray spectrum is assumed.  相似文献   

Series of white light heliograms and oft- and on-band H filtergrams have been obtained, with an average spatial resolution of 1, to study the flare active McMath region 15403 on 11 July, 1978. A great number of accurate heliographic positions were determined for the umbrae, the white light flare patches and several bright H flare knots, as well as along the principal zero filament and an arch prominence. Using the measured heliographic coordinates of these objects their motions could be analyzed in some detail. The velocities of several different objects could be deduced from the coordinates. Since the heliocentric angle of the region was about 45°, the variation in apparent heliographic coordinates also enabled some variations in heights to be determined.It is pointed out that the flare when fully developed, consisted almost entirely of loops. The zero filament which was activated prior to the flare ran between two umbrae of common penumbra and opposite polarity, one belonging to an old, the other to a new spot group. The white light flare developed on both sides of the filament where it passed between these two umbrae; it was also the place where the flare started. Observational evidence appears to indicate that the erupted filament re-formed from below.An indication has been found that there was a link between the motion of some umbrae and the major flare occurrence.  相似文献   

Wavelet transform methods, including the continuous wavelet transform, cross-wavelet transform and wavelet coherence, have been proposed to investigate the phase synchrony of the monthly mean flare indices in the time interval 1966 January–2007 December in the solar northern and southern hemispheres, respectively. The Schwabe cycle is the only period of statistical significance, and its mean value is 10.7 yr for the monthly mean flare indices in the northern hemisphere but slightly smaller, 10.1 yr, in the southern hemisphere – this should lead to phase asynchrony between the two. Both the cross-wavelet transform and wavelet coherence analyses show asynchronous behaviour with strong phase mixing in the high-frequency components of hemispheric flare activity, and strong synchronous behaviour with coherent phase angles in the low-frequency components, corresponding to the period-scales around the Schwabe cycle. The northern flare activity should lead the southern for the low-frequency components.  相似文献   

We give a summary of the morphology of the two-ribbon flare of 1981 May 13. One striking feature is that the Ha flare began at about 0338' UT and the double-ribbon structure was formed about 0346, before the impulsive phase of the radio 3 cm burst at 04 11 UT. The 3 cm radio burst flux beginning at 03 33 UT showed only slow, stepwise increases lasting half an hour until the impulsive phase and this type of increase is usually regarded to be a typical thermal process. Each step in the radio flux corresponded to a variation in the Ha flare, showing that the radio and Hα emissions during this period came from the same thermal source. In this paper, we explain this behaviour in terms of Hyder's model: we think that the magnetic trough supporting the solar prominence rose for some reason, causing the prominence matter (the dark filaments) to fall along the magnetic lines and to hit the chromosphere and trigger off the flare. We give rough estimates of the energy density, the height of prominence and the infall matter at the different radio increments. We also give a qualitative explanation for the appearances of the single-peak structure in the radio burst at 0411 and the covering of the sunspot shortly after at 04 13 and propose several possible mechanisms.  相似文献   

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