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A bacterial strain named CH-22 showing phytoplankton-lytic activity against bloom-forming cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa was isolated from Lake Chaohu of Anhui Province, China. The isolated strain was identified as Pseudomonas putida by morphology and homology research based on 16S rDNA. The phytoplankton-lytic activity was confirmed by reduction in cell number and chlorophyll a concentration of M. aeruginosa in an infected culture for a defined period. The initial bacterial and M. aeruginosa densities affected the phytoplankton-lytic activity significantly. When the 15% (150 μL/mL) concentration of bacterial cultures was infected, the highest phytoplankton-lytic activity reached to 98.8% after 7 days. When the initial M. aeruginosa density was less than 3×106 cells/mL, about 90.0% of chlorophyll a was removed. Obvious reduction in phycocyanin concentration in the treated M. aeruginosa suggests that isolated strain may possibly inhibit the synthesis of photosynthetic apparatus. Supernatants of bacterial cultures showed higher phytoplankton-lytic activity, suggesting that phytoplankton-lytic bacterium P. putida indirectly attacked M. aeruginosa cells by secretion of extracellular antialgal substances, which is characterized as anti-heat shock. The isolated P. putida also showed effective phytoplankton-lytic activity against a wide range of phytoplankton. These results suggest that indigenous bacteria isolated from eutrophic lake may be employed to regulate the ecological balance between the phytoplankton and bacteria, and consequently, to reduce the occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms in freshwaters.  相似文献   

Competition between the common toad Bufo bufo (L.) and the green toad Bufo viridisLaurenti was studied in an experimental design. Mixed and single-species groups of 40 larvae were reared in plastic tanks (water volume 411). Growth parameters such as body length, total length, body mass and developmental stage according to Gosner (1960) were measured weekly until metamorphic climax and analyzed by regression analysis. Body condition index was calculated. Tadpoles of B. bufo reached metamorphosis at the same time in mixed and single-species treatments. Larvae and toadlets were insignificantly larger in single-species groups, weighed more and had a higher body condition index than in mixed species designs. In B. viridis the larval period was six days shorter in mixed groups; tadpoles and toadlets were smaller but had a higher body condition index than in the single-species treatment. These results indicate high intraspecific competition in B. viridis and competitive inferiority of B. bufo to B. viridis under the experimental conditions.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of elevated pCO2 in seawater both on the acute mortality and the reproductive properties of the benthic copepod Tigriopus japonicus and gastropod Babylonia japonica with the purpose of accumulating basic data for assessing potential environmental impacts of sub-sea geological storage of anthropogenic CO2 in Japan. Acute tests showed that nauplii of T. japonicus have a high tolerance to elevated pCO2 environments. Full life cycle tests on T. japonicus indicated NOEC = 5800 μatm and LOEC = 37,000 μatm. Adult B. japonica showed remarkable resistance to elevated pCO2 in the acute tests. Embryonic development of B. japonica showed a NOEC = 1500 μatm and LOEC = 5400 μatm. T. japonicus showed high resistance to elevated pCO2 throughout the life cycle and B. japonica are rather sensitive during the veliger stage when they started to form their shells.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to present quantitative data on the population dynamics of Chlorella-bearing ciliates (Stentor, Ophrydium) compared to the total zooplankton community in a deep, oligotrophic North Patagonian lake. Mixotrophic and heterotrophic ciliates, rotifers and microcrustaceans, and important ecological parameters were sampled during a 1-year study. The results showed a low biodiversity with only a few dominant species in every zooplankton group. Three mixotrophic ciliates - Stentor araucanus, S. amethystinus and Ophrydium naumanni - were found. They peaked in summer and autumn with maximum values of 152-313 Ind L−1 (Stentor) and 1880 Ind L−1 (Ophrydium). Their contribution to the total ciliate abundance was 16±17% (annual average). Both Stentor species displayed a distinct vertical zonation during the stratification period with peak depth between 10 and 15 m (metalimnion). The contribution to total zooplankton biomass was 59.4% on an annual average (Stentor: 41%, O. naumanni: 18.4%) and 83% during the stratification period. Both abundance and biomass of mixotrophic ciliates correlated strongly with temperature and to a lesser degree with copepods, rotifers and small cladocerans. According to this study mixotrophic ciliates were by far the dominant zooplankton group in Lake Caburgua. We report for the first time the importance of O. naumanni in a deep Chilean North Patagonian lake.  相似文献   

Annual litter production in alien (Sonneratia apetala) and native (Kandelia obovata) mangrove forests in Shenzhen, China were compared from 1999 to 2010. S. apetala had significantly higher litter production than K. obovata, with mean annual total litter of 18.1 t ha−1 yr−1 and 15.2 t ha−1 yr−1, respectively. The higher litter production in S. apetala forest indicates higher productivity and consequently more nutrient supply to the estuarine ecosystems but may be more invasive due to positive plant-soil feedbacks and nutrient availability to this alien species. Two peaks were recorded in S. apetala (May and October), while only one peak was observed in K. obovata, in early spring (March and April). Leaf and reproductive materials were the main contributors to litter production (>80%) in both forests. These results suggest that the ecological function of S. apetala and its invasive potential can be better understood based on a long-term litter fall analysis.  相似文献   

Uptake of Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis and variations of trypsin amylase activity acid phosphatase and superoxide dismutase in tissue of the scallop Patinopecten yessoensis were detected. The results showed that P. yessoensis accumulated E. faecalis in larger numbers and more rapidly than E. coli, both with the highest concentration in the digestive tract and lowest in hemolymph. Compared to E. coli, all scallops exposed to E. faecalis showed significantly higher trypsin and AMS activity. SOD activity in hemocytes and ACP activity in hemolymph was significantly higher in the treatments with 5 log10CFU/ml E. coli than with E. faecalis. But no significant differences in ACP activity of P. yessoensis exposed to a 3 log10CFU/ml inoculum of both bacteria were recorded. In conclusion, the mass retention of gut microflora in P. yessoensis is positively correlated with digestive enzymes activity and negatively correlated with ACP activity in the hemocyte.  相似文献   

Lactococcosis is prevalent on grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) in Hong Kong aquaculture resulting in serious economic loss. A compound formulation of Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) (modified Huanglian Jiedu decoction (HLJDD)) comprising Rhizoma coptidis, Radix scutellaria, Cortex phellodendri, Fructus gardeniae, Fructus forsythiae and Flos lonicerae japonicae (in a ratio of 3:2:2:3:3:5) were applied as feed supplements to deal with the disease. The Nitroblue tetrazolium activity in blood, bactericidal activity and total immunoglobulin in plasma were significantly enhanced after feeding 1% of this TCM for 28 days. The disease resistances to Lactococcus garvieae in 1% and 2% TCM feeding groups were significantly enhanced. In the in vitro study, the modified HLJDD also activated the plasma bactericidal activities (p < 0.01). Based on this study, 1% modified HLJDD feeding for 28 days may be an optimal dose to prevent L. garvieae infection and could be used in aquaculture industries.  相似文献   

在不同的光照强度下,测定了铜绿微囊藻、斜生栅藻在不同生长期的藻细胞密度、粒径、叶绿素a浓度、浮游植物吸收系数以及比吸收系数.单因素方差分析表明,在整个培养周期中,光照强度对铜绿微囊藻及斜生栅藻的藻细胞密度、叶绿素a浓度以及440、675 nm处吸收系数均有着显著的影响.两种藻在光照强度为50μmol/(m2.s)条件下,藻细胞密度、叶绿素a浓度及吸收系数值相对最大.相关性分析表明:藻类特征波段440、675 nm吸收系数与叶绿素a浓度、藻细胞密度在不同光照条件下都存在着显著的正相关性,其中叶绿素a浓度与藻类吸收系数存在着幂函数的关系,而线性关系能更好的说明藻细胞密度与吸收系数之间的关系.在不同光照强度及培养时期,藻类比吸收系数在一定的范围内波动,随光强增加比吸收系数呈上升趋势.铜绿微囊藻440、675 nm处比吸收系数与叶绿素a浓度呈显著的负相关关系,而斜生栅藻比吸收系数与叶绿素a浓度之间无显著相关,体现了不同藻类由于色素组成及比例差异其色素包裹效应也各不相同.对不同光照强度下的铜绿微囊藻及斜生栅藻进行400~700 nm波段积分,得到了两者在5、50及100μmol/(m2.s)不同种光强下的平均比吸收系数分别为0.0144、0.0134、0.0160,0.0086、0.0088、0.0105 m2/(mg Chl.a),铜绿微囊藻比吸收系数明显大于斜生栅藻.  相似文献   

Alexandrium catenella (group IV) and Alexandrium tamarense (group III) (Dinophyceae) are two cryptic invasive phytoplankton species belonging to the A. tamarense species complex. Their worldwide spread is favored by the human activities, transportation and climate change. In order to describe their diversity in the Mediterranean Sea and understand their settlements and maintenances in this area, new microsatellite markers were developed based on Thau lagoon (France) samples of A. catenella and A. tamarense strains. In this study twelve new microsatellite markers are proposed. Five of these microsatellite markers show amplifications on A. tamarense and ten on A. catenella. Three of these 12 microsatellite markers allowed amplifications on both cryptic species. Finally, the haplotypic diversity ranged from 0.000 to 0.791 and 0.000 to 0.942 for A. catenella and A. tamarense respectively.  相似文献   

This study compared species identity, microplastics, chemical and microbial contamination between consumption mussels and wild type mussels, collected at Belgian department stores and Belgian groynes and quaysides, respectively. Species identification based on genetic analysis showed a high number of Mytilus (M.) edulis compared to M. galloprovincialis and M. edulis/galloprovincialis hybrid mussels. The number of total microplastics varied from 2.6 to 5.1 fibres/10 g of mussel. A higher prevalence of orange fibres at quaysides is related to fisheries activities. Chemical contamination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorobiphenyls could be related to industrial activities and water turbidity, with maximum concentrations at the quayside of port Zeebrugge. The inverse was noted for Escherichia coli contamination, which was relatively low at Zeebrugge quayside with a total count of 3.9 × 102 CFU/100 g tissue, due to limited agricultural effluents. Results of this complementary analysis stress the importance of integrated monitoring and quality assessment.  相似文献   

The horizontal distribution of bloom-forming Microcystis in a specific lake area and the transport of Microcystis by wind-driven lake currents between Meiliang Bay and the open water of Taihu Lake were measured during continuous field observations from August 21 to 25, 2006. During the observations, the horizontal distributions of Microcystis, represented by Chlorophyll a, showed a clear concentration toward downwind lake areas. According to the lake currents and the Chl a concentrations on the boundary line between the Meiliang Bay and the open water, the transported Chl a was less than 2% of the total weight of Chl a in Meiliang Bay on August 22, 24 and 25. The results suggest that the horizontal distribution of the bloom-forming Microcystis was strongly affected by the wind conditions, and the wind-driven Microcystis accumulation was mainly determined by surface drift; the transport of Microcystis by lake currents was much less important in this large, shallow lake.  相似文献   

方婷轩  马增岭 《湖泊科学》2018,30(3):732-740
浮游植物间的交互化感作用被认为是自然水体中浮游生物群落演替及优势种转换的主要因素之一.铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)是富营养化湖泊中的常见蓝藻,其产毒品系相较非产毒品系具有较高的竞争优势,其产生的主要次生代谢产物微囊藻毒素-LR(MC-LR)通常被认为是重要的化感物质.但是到目前为止其在水生生态系中的生物学功能尚不明确.为探究并区分MC-LR及其他次生代谢产物对浮游植物的化感效应,本文研究了MC-LR与高浓度普通小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)生长及有效量子产率的剂量—效应关系;比较了能够产生显著抑制效应的MC-LR、能够产生同等浓度MC-LR的产毒品系铜绿微囊藻滤液以及细胞粗提液对小球藻生长及有效量子产率的抑制效应.结果显示,MC-LR能够对小球藻生长及有效量子产率产生抑制作用,并且抑制率随着MC-LR浓度的增加而增大.在用200μg/L及以上浓度的MC-LR感染24 h后,叶绿素a浓度为1500μg/L的小球藻的生长与有效量子产率均比对照组显著降低.能够产生相同浓度MC-LR的产毒品系铜绿微囊藻细胞滤液对其没有产生显著影响,而其细胞粗提液却能够产生更强的抑制效应.与MCLR处理组相比,粗提液处理组小球藻的生长及有效量子产率分别降低了14%和3%.以上结果表明,MC-LR对普通小球藻的化感作用具有剂量依赖性;MC-LR之外的其他次生代谢物也能够产生抑制效应.  相似文献   

管乐  张民  赵兴青 《湖泊科学》2020,32(1):134-143
微囊藻和鱼腥藻是水华蓝藻的两个主要类群,两种藻均可调节自身形态及生理特性来维持快速生长,这也是两个类群蓝藻水华维持的基础.本研究分析了微囊藻(FACHB-905)和鱼腥藻(FACHB-82)生长、形态及叶绿素荧光参数对温度变化的响应,以及生长与特性间的权衡关系.结果显示:该微囊藻细胞直径随温度升高而降低,但是比增长速率维持稳定,表明在高温条件下,其可能通过减小细胞大小的方式维持比增长速率;该鱼腥藻在不同温度下,平均细胞直径和藻丝长度呈现显著变化,高温条件下,其维持较高的比增长速率,但是细胞直径增大,藻丝长度缩短,这可能是其调节自身形态以维持较高比增长速率的方式.该微囊藻和鱼腥藻分别在细胞较大和较小时,藻细胞潜在的光化学效率更高.本研究表明这两种蓝藻可以通过权衡藻细胞形态、生理特性两者与生长速率之间的关系来适应温度的变化以达到自身最佳的生长状态,微囊藻(FACHB-905)通过调节细胞大小和光合活性来维持生长优势,而鱼腥藻(FACHB-82)则通过细胞大小、藻丝长度和光合活性的调节来维持生长优势.本研究的结果有助于提升对于水华蓝藻生长维持机制的认识.  相似文献   

Dissolved aluminium (Al) is generally at low concentrations in neutral freshwater due to its insolubility. However, a fall in pH resulting from acid deposition and mining alters the mobility of Al and so entry to adjacent neutral waters. The present study examines the environmental behaviour, cell-associated surface adsorption/absorption and toxicity of Al at neutral pH to the alga Chlamydomonas gigantea in the presence and absence of the key Al-binding ligand silica. We then examined transfer of Al from C. gigantea to the planktonic crustacean Daphnia pulex. Finally, the effect of Al on the elemental composition (and hence nutritional value) of the two organisms was compared to unexposed controls. C. gigantea increased the amount of Al in the algal culture medium. Binding of Al to extracellular glycoprotein is probably the reason why only one-third of the biosorbed Al was absorbed (accumulated) by C. gigantea. Aluminium concentrations between 50 and 500 μg l−1 reduced growth of C. gigantea at 16 days exposure to the metal. Silica reduced biosorption, accumulation and toxicity of Al by C. gigantea. The concentration of Al in D. pulex fed Al-contaminated C. gigantea for 16 days did not differ from those fed alga grown in the absence of added Al. C. gigantea contaminated with Al contained less sulphur, magnesium, potassium and sodium although only sulphur fell in D. pulex subsequently fed the contaminated alga. Chloride, calcium, iron and silicon were significantly higher in D. pulex.  相似文献   

We determined concentrations of 23 trace elements (TEs), and stable carbon and nitrogen isotope (δ13C and δ15N) signatures in barramundi (Lates calcarifer) specimens collected along the coast of Vietnam in the Northern (NCZ), Central (CCZ) and Southern (SCZ) zones in the period 2007–2010. A combination of δ13C and δ15N signatures provided insight into ontogenetic shifts in barramundi foraging choices. There were clear zone-dependent differences in Mn, As, Sr and Tl concentrations; levels of Tl were highest in the NCZ, As in the CCZ, and Mn and Sr in the SCZ. Lowest concentrations of Rb occurred in the NCZ, Bi was lowest in the CCZ, and Cd and Cs were lowest in the SCZ. δ15N values significantly increased with increasing Zn, Se, Sn and Cs. Concentrations of TEs in barramundi from Vietnam were below worldwide guidelines for human consumption.  相似文献   

孙昕  何飞飞  李鹏飞  汤加刚 《湖泊科学》2018,30(5):1309-1318
利用自行研制的光生物反应器,以水库中典型的铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa)和斜生栅藻(Scenedesmus obliquus)为研究对象,研究了两种藻类在光照强度周期性波动条件下的抑制特性.结果表明,相对恒定时平均光照强度6100 lx而言,在光照强度周期性波动条件下,在培养至24天时,铜绿微囊藻生物量降低14%、颜色稍黄,斜生栅藻生物量降低24%、藻体严重泛黄;铜绿微囊藻的叶绿素a和类胡萝卜素含量分别降低12.7%和55.5%,斜生栅藻的叶绿素a和类胡萝卜素含量分别降低78%和74%;模拟内波的周期性波动光强下,两种藻的光合作用参数Fv/Fm、YⅡ和ETR下降,热耗散量NPQ增高,且光合作用受到抑制,生长代谢能力减弱,这为内波控藻提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

孟艳艳  王芳  梁霞  李建宏 《湖泊科学》2015,27(6):1115-1123
为研究附生细菌对蓝藻水华细胞微环境的影响,从微囊藻水华中分离出34株藻附生细菌,研究其产酶能力.对氮代谢相关的酶活性测定结果显示:其中13株菌具有蛋白酶活性,5株菌具有较强的氨氮脱除能力,1株菌具有强烈的硝酸还原酶活性;4株菌具有较高的碱性磷酸酶活性;11株菌具有产脂酶的活性.通过菌和藻共同培养的方法,观察菌对微囊藻生长的影响,结果显示,有11株菌表现出较明显的促藻生长作用,占总筛选菌株总数的32%;有3株菌表现出较显著的抑制藻生长的作用,占总筛选菌株总数的9.9%.附生菌产酶能力与生长相关性的分析显示,促进微囊藻生长的附生菌都具有蛋白酶或脂酶活性.  相似文献   

In Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland stocks of Ostrea edulis collapsed in the 1890s and the species was rarely recorded again until 1998 when the wild stock was estimated to be 100,000. The stock increased to 1.2 million in 2003 but declined to 650,000 by 2005. In 2007 the stock exceeded 1 million. The initial recovery of wild stocks is attributed to the combined effects of spawning commercial O. edulis stocks of and larval retention due to local hydrography. The stock decline between 2003 and 2005 is attributed to unregulated harvesting. Significant differences in abundances between sites over this period may be explained by the exploitation of more-readily accessible sites initially and of less accessible sites later. Oysters at sites where there was minimal exploitation probably contributed to widespread recruitment in 2007. Sustainable management of recovering native oyster stocks in Strangford Lough and elsewhere and will be impossible without appropriate legislation and enforcement.  相似文献   

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