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利用磷灰石裂变径迹约束脆性断裂活动的时限   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文通过}西隆起区、沂沭断裂带不同性质断裂构造解析,并对其构造带及构造带两侧未变形地层进行野外样品采集、测试、分析的实例总结,认为利用磷灰石裂变径迹低温测年技术,辅助以样品磷灰石裂变径迹冷却史模拟分析,可以直接对地质体不同性质断裂活动的时间进行约束.鉴于磷灰石裂变径迹对低温特殊的敏感性与反映温度区间的局限性,利用该方法约束断裂时限时,需注意包括野外采样等多个环节,需要结合大量的区域地质资料综合分析,必要时要辅助以其他同位素测年手段进行综合约束,以获得断裂活动的可靠信息.  相似文献   

赵孟为 《地球物理学报》1996,39(Z1):237-248
对鄂尔多斯盆地磷灰石裂变径迹资料深入分析表明.最迟23Ma以来盆地发生了一期由于快速抬升剥蚀引起的冷却事件.盆地东部以95m/Ma的速率抬升,造成约2000m的剥蚀量;而盆地西部则以56m/Ma的速率抬升,导致了约1000m的剥蚀量.盆地东、西部的差异抬升剥蚀导致了盆地现今微微西倾的构造面貌.这一抬升剥蚀事件是印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞引起亚洲构造运动形式以挤压为主,转换为中新世以来以地壳增厚为主的结果.K-Ar年龄和镜质体反射率资料分析表明,盆地在170-160Ma(中侏罗末)曾发生一期热事件,使古地温梯度达57℃/km,古热流值达96-109mw/m.  相似文献   

任战利 《地球物理学报》1995,38(03):339-349
本文应用磷灰石裂变径迹法研究了鄂尔多斯盆地的热历史.不同构造单元的磷灰石裂变径迹分析资料表明:在中生代晚期,地温梯度为3.3-4.1℃/100m,大地热流值为81-95mW/m2,高于盆地现今的平均地温梯度(2.80℃/100m)及平均大地热流值(63mW/m2).这次热事件有利于油气的生成、运移及大气田的形成.另外,在20-23Ma前,发生了一期显著的冷却事件.  相似文献   

利用磷灰石裂变径迹法研究鄂尔多斯盆地地热史   总被引:73,自引:4,他引:73       下载免费PDF全文
本文应用磷灰石裂变径迹法研究了鄂尔多斯盆地的热历史.不同构造单元的磷灰石裂变径迹分析资料表明:在中生代晚期,地温梯度为3.3-4.1℃/100m,大地热流值为81-95mW/m2,高于盆地现今的平均地温梯度(2.80℃/100m)及平均大地热流值(63mW/m2).这次热事件有利于油气的生成、运移及大气田的形成.另外,在20-23Ma前,发生了一期显著的冷却事件.  相似文献   

滇西临沧花岗岩基新生代剥蚀冷却的裂变径迹证据   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
为揭示临沧花岗岩基的剥蚀冷却历史,探讨印藏碰撞对滇西的影响,对6块临沧花岗岩基样品进行锆石和磷灰石裂变径迹测定,并利用模拟退火法对其中5块样品的磷灰石裂变径迹数据进行非线性热史反演,估算了不同时期的剥蚀量和抬升量. 结果表明,岩基自印藏陆陆碰撞以来经历了两期冷却事件,早期冷却速率仅5~10 ℃/Ma,晚期冷却速率明显增高,特别是近3 Ma以来的冷却速率达到16~20 ℃/Ma;两期总剥蚀厚度可达3300~3500 m. 分析表明冷却事件与印藏碰撞关系密切,早期冷却是在印藏碰撞影响下,临沧岩基卷入逆冲推覆运动而遭遇抬升、剥蚀的结果;晚期冷却则是上新世以来,特别是3Ma以来岩基经受整体的强烈抬升、剥蚀的结果,该期构造抬升量约为672~1263 m;裂变径迹资料还揭示印藏碰撞先影响南部岩体,随后才波及到岩基中北段.  相似文献   

用裂变径迹法研究断层活动年龄的初步探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
裂变径迹年代测定是研究断层活动年龄的新方法,它基于磷灰石中裂变径迹的退火效应。本文报导了取自郯庐断裂带等地区12个磷灰石和一个榍石的裂变径迹年龄,结果表明,在断裂带中磷灰石裂变径迹的退火效应非常明显,效应随离断层带的距离增加而减弱。结合断层带的活动特点和原岩的年龄,对断层带中磷灰石裂变径迹年龄的解释及今后的研究方向作了探讨  相似文献   

皖南黄山岩体一系列构造隆升事件是由古太平洋板块与欧亚板块碰撞引发驱动的.相应的低温热年代学研究能够更好地揭示隆升机制和区域构造演化.黄山岩体南部7个锆石裂变径迹(ZFT)样品的x2检验结果显示,单颗粒年龄值分布广泛,不符合泊松单一年龄群分布特征.通过二项式峰值拟合法,4个典型ZFT样品的单颗粒年龄共区分出三个主要的年龄...  相似文献   

河砂岩屑热年代学被广泛应用于揭示造山带和流域范围内热演化历史.由于受到地貌特征、剥蚀速率的空间分布、年龄与高程关系等多种因素的影响,河砂岩屑热年代学年龄所代表的意义存在多解性.本文提出了一种利用地貌形态特征和实测河砂热年代学数据模拟流域热史的计算模型.该模型首先利用DEM数据计算流域高程分布特征,通过数据中各象元对应的坡度角大小定量计算剥蚀速率的空间分布,以确定不同高程区域对河砂岩屑样品组分的贡献量.然后根据区域地质特征建立多种可能的热史年龄-高程关系,并模拟计算出与设定的年龄-高程关系相对应的河砂年龄概率分布曲线.最后,通过对模拟河砂年龄概率分布曲线与实测分布曲线的匹配度进行卡方检验,选取最可能形成实测河砂年龄分布的年龄-高程关系,即代表了流域真实的热史演化.通过河砂岩屑磷灰石裂变径迹方法将该模型应用于藏东南地区察隅河两条支流桑曲和贡日嘎布曲流域,模拟计算结果表明两个地区的热史演化均具有多阶段的特征,桑曲流域在38~7 Ma之间均匀冷却,对应的剥露速率约为0.14 km/Ma,7 Ma以来剥露速率加快,达到1.62 km/Ma;贡日嘎布曲的热史年龄记录比桑曲新,18~14 Ma的隆升速率为0.32 km/Ma,14~8 Ma比较稳定;8 Ma以来隆升速率逐渐加快,8~5 Ma对应的隆升速率为0.21 km/Ma,5~3 Ma为0.43 km/Ma,3~1.1 Ma为0.83 km/Ma.桑曲的模拟计算结果与前人利用该区域基岩年龄数据所揭示的热史演化特征及剥露速率基本吻合,表明该方法可以准确模拟河砂岩屑年龄所代表的流域热史特征.因此,在地形险峻或者冰川覆盖而无法获取基岩样品的野外地区,可以通过采集河砂样品替代基岩剖面模拟地质体热史特征.  相似文献   

热演化历史的研究对于盆地分析和油气勘探具有重要意义.北黄海盆地是中国近海海域油气勘探程度较低的盆地之一,迄今未见专门的热演化研究报道.笔者利用北黄海盆地中生代砂岩的磷灰石裂变径迹分析结果,结合地质条件约束,模拟获得了中生代以来盆地的热演化史.结果表明,北黄海盆地经历了两次增温和两次冷却的热演化过程,并在100—80 Ma时盆地的热历史出现明显变化,表明在晚白垩世北黄海盆地发生过一次较大的构造-热事件.磷灰石裂变径迹分析所表明的北黄海盆地的热历史与盆地原型演化阶段相对应,而这种热历史和盆地的演化过程与区域构造背景相关.磷灰石裂变径迹所揭示的热演化史对于深化认识北黄海盆地的地质演化过程和油气勘探潜力具有重要意义.  相似文献   

青藏高原东部边界扩展过程的磷灰石裂变径迹热历史制约   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
运用裂变径迹年代学方法对藏东甘孜-理塘、龙门山逆冲断裂带及甘孜、理塘走滑断裂上主要花岗岩体样品中的磷灰石进行分析, 取得了测试样品的表观年龄. 并且运用模拟退火法对所有样品进行了热历史模拟, 获得了样品的热演化史, 从而对甘孜-理塘、龙门山逆冲断裂带的活动历史进行分析和解释. 前期活动主要反映在甘孜-理塘逆冲断裂带上, 为中新世早期20~16 Ma; 后期活动主要发生在龙门山断裂带上, 为~5 Ma以来. 裂变径迹结果指示青藏高原的东部边界是分步向外扩展的, 即上部地壳通过走滑断裂及与之相联的逆冲断裂联合作用, 在中新世形成甘孜-理塘边界, 在5 Ma迁移到龙门山边界. 藏东不同阶段的变形被内部的逆冲断裂所吸收, 不存在数百公里级的长距离走滑挤出构造事件.  相似文献   

Granites sampled from Garzê-Litang thrust, Longmen Shan thrust, Garzê and Litang strike-slip faults in the eastern Tibetan Plateau have been analyzed with apatite fission track thermochronological method in this study. The measured fission track apparent ages, combined with the simulated annealing mod- eling of the thermal history, have been used to reconstruct the thermal evolutionary histories of the samples and interpret the active history of the thrusts and faults in these areas. Thermal history mod- eling shows that earlier tectonic cooling occurred in the Garzê-Litang thrust in Miocene (~20―16 Ma) whereas the later cooling occurred mainly in the Longmen Shan thrust since ~5 Ma. Our study sug- gests that the margin of eastern Tibetan Plateau was extended by stages: through strike-slip faults deformations and related thrusts, the upper crust formed the Garzê-Litang margin in the Miocene epoch and then moved to the Longmen Shan margin since ~5 Ma. During this process, the deformations of different phases in the eastern Tibetan Plateau were absorbed by the thrusts within them and conse- quently the tectonic events of long-distance slip and extrusion up to hundreds of kilometers have not been found.  相似文献   

伸展正断层下盘的冷却历史记录了主要伸展变形的时间及幅度.太白山位于秦岭北缘,作为伸展正断层的下盘,其新生代伸展隆升冷却历史有助于我们更好地理解渭河盆地的伸展变形时间及其幅度.本文利用磷灰石裂变径迹分析方法对太白山的冷却历史进行了研究.来自太白山总计17个样品的磷灰石裂变径迹数据及热历史模拟揭示出山体经历了始于约48 Ma的小幅度快速抬升冷却阶段,和始于约9.6 Ma的大幅度快速抬升冷却阶段;分别对应平行于秦岭北缘山脉的两阶段伸展变形.始于约48 Ma的伸展变形可能是印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞作用在大陆内部的远场响应,而始于约9.6 Ma的快速伸展变形可能与青藏高原在该时期快速隆升和对外扩展有关.  相似文献   

Abstract Apatite and zircon fission track ages from Ryoke Belt basement in northeast Kyushu show late Cretaceous, middle to late Eocene, middle Miocene and Quaternary groupings. The basement cooled through 240 ± 25°C, the closure temperature for fission tracks in zircon, mainly during the interval 74-90 Ma as a result of uplift and denudation, the pattern being uniform across northeast Kyushu. In combination with published K-Ar ages and the Turonian-Santonian age of sedimentation in the Onogawa Basin, active suturing along the Median Tectonic Line from 100-80 Ma, at least, is inferred. Ryoke Belt rocks along the northern margin of Hohi volcanic zone (HVZ) cooled rapidly through ∼100°C to less than 50°C during the middle Eocene to Oligocene, associated with 2.5-3.5 km of denudation. The timing of this cooling follows peak heating in the Eocene-Oligocene part (Murotohanto subbelt) of the Shimanto Belt in Muroto Peninsula (Shikoku) inferred previously, and coincides with the 43 Ma change in convergence direction of the Pacific-Eurasian plate and the demise of the Kula-Pacific spreading centre. Ryoke Belt rocks along the southern margin of HVZ have weighted mean apatite fission track ages of 15.3 ± 3.1 Ma. These reset ages are attributed to an increase in geothermal gradient in the middle Miocene combined with rapid denudation and uplift of at least 1.4 km. These ages indicate that heating of the overriding plate associated with the middle Miocene start of subduction of hot Shikoku Basin lithosphere extended into the Ryoke Belt in northeast Kyushu. Pleistocene apatite fission track ages from Ryoke Belt granites at depth in the centre of HVZ are due to modern annealing in a geothermal environment.  相似文献   

Accurate pressure–temperature–time (P–T–t) paths of rocks from sedimentation through maximum burial to exhumation are needed to determine the processes and mechanisms that form high‐pressure and low‐temperature type metamorphic rocks. Here, we present a new method combining laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) U–Pb with fission track (FT) dates for detrital zircons from two psammitic rock samples collected from the Harushinai unit of the Kamuikotan metamorphic rocks. The concordant zircon U–Pb ages for these samples vary markedly, from 1980 to 95 Ma, with the youngest age clusters in both samples yielding Albian‐Cenomanian weighted mean ages of 100.8 ± 1.1 and 99.3 ± 1.0 Ma (2σ uncertainties). The zircon U–Pb ages were not reset by high‐P/T type metamorphism, because there is no indication of overgrowth within the zircons with igneous oscillatory zoning. Therefore, these weighted mean ages are indicative of the maximum age of deposition of protolithic material. By comparison, the zircon FT data yield a pooled age of ca. 90 Ma, which is almost the same as the weighted mean age of the youngest U–Pb age cluster. This indicates that the zircon FT ages were reset at ca. 90 Ma while still at their source, but have not been reset since. This conclusion is supported by recorded temperature conditions of less than about 300 °C (the closure temperature of zircon FTs), as estimated from microstructures in the deformed detrital quartz grains in psammitic rocks, and no shortening of fission track lengths in the zircon. Combining these new data with previously reported white mica K–Ar ages indicates that the Harushinai unit was deposited after ca. 100 Ma, and underwent burial to its maximum depth before being subjected to a localized thermal overprint during exhumation at ca. 58 Ma.  相似文献   

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